Above Ground Pool Heaters Above ground pools are very different from in-ground pools as they are elevated and therefore have different characteristics. Large above ground pools are not very practical and therefore they tend to be significantly smaller than in ground pools. If someone wants a large pool it is far more practical to build an in ground pool. So if you want to extend the swimming season of an above ground pool the requirements for a pool heater are different. When looking for a heater for an above ground pool there are a number of options. One type of pool heater that is preferred for above ground pools is the electric pool heater. These are cheaper than gas heaters and not as difficult to install. However, they are not cheap to run as they use a significant amount of electricity which is more expensive than gas. Gas heaters made for above ground pools (such as the Hayward H100) are lower powered than those for in-ground pools (such as the Raypak 2100). This is fine because with a smaller above ground pool they have less work to do, given the smaller amount of water, and this has the benefit of making them cheaper. Another alternative for an above ground pool heater is the solar pool heater. It is generaly agreed that the solar panels need to cover the same area as the surface of the pool to be heated. Since most above ground swimming pools are not that big, you don’t need to have a very large space for the solar panels. However, solar heating systems are costly, still need electricity to pump the water to the solar panels and performance depends on the weather. As a result gas or electric heaters are more popular. Today a good energy efficient way to heat a pool is to use an electric heat pump (like the Hayward Heat Pump). Heat Pumps are cheap to run because they do not actually generate heat they transfer it from the surrounding air to the water. When using a pool heater you can greatly increase its efficiency, and reduce your costs, by using a pool cover when the pool is not being used. Pool covers insulate the pool and minimise evaporation so limiting heat loss. As a result the pool heater will not use as much energy to keep the pool temperature steady. In conclusion, you need to keep these considerations in mind if you plan to buy a pool heater for your above ground pool so that you can keep the cost as low as possible without compromising performance.