Hayward Pool Heaters Hayward pool heaters are manufactured by Hayward Pool Products, a division of Hayward Industries, Inc., who have been manufacturing pool equipment for over 80 years. They are now one of the big players in the pool equipment market and sell a wide range of items including, in addition to pool heaters, pool pumps, filters, auto cleaners and lighting. Their long experience has enabled them to sell products that match the requirements of pool owners. Their range of pool heaters is as follows: Hayward pool heaters for In ground pools The Universal H Series - A range of heaters powered by either natural gas or propane. Models are available with input specified at 150k BTU up to 400k BTU. Energy efficiency is rated at 84% and NOx emmission levels are low, enabling these heaters to meet all local standards including those of Texas and California. This is a major selling point of these heaters. These heaters feature electronic ignition and a digital LED control panel, they are designed for ease of installation as connections can be made on either side. H Series Millivolt - Again a range of heaters powered by either natural gas or propane. The available power levels range from 150 - 250k BTU/hr with the Hayward H250 being the most popular. Their energy efficiency is 81% and there is no claim as to low NOx. Millivolt heaters have a pilot light for ignition and to generate a small amount of electricity for the controls. The advantage of millivolt heaters is that there is no need for an electrical connection so they are more flexible as regards location. Which is the best choice? - Well you would go for the Universal H Series unless getting electricity to the heater is a problem. In this case the H Series Millivolt provides a good alternative. Lower powered above ground pool heaters Above Ground H Series - Here we have a 100k BTU gas heater (no other power level options) for use with either propane or natural gas. Electronic ignition is powered by a standard plugin electrical connection. Flexibility in locating the heater is provided by the "induced draft" system which avoids any problems caused by wind. The heater is 81% energy efficient. Hayward Heat Pump - A series of heat pumps with power levels ranging from 50k BTU to 125k BTU. Heat pumps are very efficient and environmentally friendly because they do not generate heat, they transfer it from the surrounding air to the pool water. As a result the energy output (heat) is greater than the energy input (electricity - 30amp supply required). This makes them economical to run but they are more expensive to buy than an equivalent gas heater. The 50k BTU/hr model is suitable for pools up to 13k gallons.
Which is the best choice? - This is not as easy a decision as with in-ground pools.. The gas heater will be cheaper to buy but cost more to run. If you buy the recommended model for your pool size a gas heater will provide faster heating. If you are going to heat the pool constantly during the season then a heat pump will be best. However if you are only going to heat it occasionally then a gas heater will be the better buy. Generally you are well advised to go for a higher capacity heater than you need. If you match you requirements correctly any of the Hayward pool heaters should extend your swimming season for many years to come.