The pyramid myth v2

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Multi Level Marketing (MLM) The Pyramid myth and other misunderstandings

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Is MLM or Network marketing a Scam?


By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Short answer .. If MLM or Network Marketing is a pyramid scam, 67 million people worldwide, would be in prison ‌.

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Long answer! Network marketing and Multi Level compensation plans were declared legal ways of compensation over 50 years ago:

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Direct Selling Organisation (DSA)

•67 million Direct Sellers •95% has a MLM compensation plan •$110 billion revenue worldwide

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Direct Selling Supporters • Bill Clinton - Former USA President • Tony Blair – Former UK Prime Minister • Michael Gorbatsjov – Former USSR President

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

DSA Facts & Figures • USA is the largest market, 15 million distributors, $30 billion revenue Country




United States


$30 billion




$20 billion




$10 billion


South Korea


$9 billion




$9 billion




$4 billion


United Kingdom


$4 billion


By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Misunderstanding: “Only the top make money” • There are numerous examples of distributors who make

money earlier…


then people who joined

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Why? If it would be not possible to earn more then your up-line, nobody would join an opportunity‌.

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

An other way to explain this misunderstanding If you introduce a “Top Earner” you could make a small fortune.. The “Top Earner” will earn more, but you can receive a % over his or her earnings.

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Misunderstanding: “You have to be broke to start” • Some people are broke, however people from all walk of life join Direct Selling • Millionaires, Actors, Doctors, business men, stay home moms and many others..

• The start up costs are often between $25- $500, a small Ted start Nuyten - The investmentByto a Netherlands great - www.businessforhome

Fact: The average Top Earner Income

The average Top Earner make approx. $ 25.000 a month / $ 300,000 a year. There are over 5,600 people who make a full time year income ($60.000+) with Direct Selling Source:

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Fact: Newbies often introduce Top Earners The majority of Top Earners are introduced by rookies. People with no experience in direct selling!

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

Where is the money coming from? 

 

The majority of the revenue in Direct Selling (80%+) is coming from customer orders. People who only want the product. It’s obvious that a customer will not be rewarded as a networker. Customer revenue is put into a “networkers pool” and is rewarded to networkers who build up an Direct Selling organization.

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

A few MLM Celibrities‌. AC Milan, Boston Red Sox, Phoenix Suns, Inter Milan, and many more endorse MLM products

By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome


By Ted Nuyten - The Netherlands - www.businessforhome

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