on, and Sabon. He r type designer in t e new gothic font t ment and legibility arly twenty centur and Paul Renner p and differentNineteenth font that Twenty Century arrangement, and s ily. They were bas ut they recreated Typography II
aramond, Granjon also one of leader They provided the has good arrangem However, in the ea Erik Spiekermann vided the totally d good propotion, a shape of font fami the roman font, bu 1
n, and Sabon. He w r type designer in t e new gothic font t ment and legibility arly twenty centur and Paul Renner p different font that arrangement, and ily. They were bas ut they recreated 2
re ry, the centu h t ners n e ig ete e des p y In nin t the miliar n and are fa Jenso le o d Nic icole nd. N name o ramo a G e er wh esign Cland d e p n a ty ic Tex Goth Jenso “ e e h t ed th uced struct n introd o c on se . Jens on ba tura” eface p y t n ma . hape first ro und s o r e r of mo
y r u ent
C h 19t
on’s s n e J , death basis of s i h r e te ed th ng af o m l r o n f e e “Ev s hav e c a f t.” type habe ting p l a prin new
tury, y cen twent in r, ped ve evelo Howe ner d ig s e shape ace d metric typef o e g nd more lean a e of c in b om days, with c these In . e licat aces typef comp these d e s aper, ill u ter, p we st r pos u o nd o int ion, a t, fash n e of m tise ir style adver n the e v t. e ite istinc webs very d e r a aces typef
1 4
he s. sing t eface ere u w y e typ e h t Th d e at art to cre s the press nt wa e m e mov ve to ey ha Their hat th t nd t f a r ent a and c urem s a e peeir m the ty use th duce o r p ated to ey cre hand lly, th ia c e anted p Es they w e face. s u eca of ace b t kind tyepf feren if d ting e duc e prin to pro ed th s u y . s. The book book d the reate the c d o e t creat press y e h t s e it mean t mak That es tha p y t f no desig out. print ld cou
y t i c i l imp
ct perfe d the e t a r eleb se and c r who store signe g e d was in t e typ n. He g prin Sabo french lishin d u r n e p a h ’s t , rely ano r to c anjon as Ita is the cutte d, Gr d n store h n o c d o is n m h d ara e pu aram create blishe n as G sed th nde G , they w u t la f o e a C n h r He pu . k H c iod. and ok wit eface ently is per n typ s curr of art he bo h t t e t c n e a in c e f roma r u type igne ovem prod d the e des ss to The m g pre er typ create ond. d in m t a a in r le Ga e pr ne of called trol th also o o con eface t p s y t s e e th g pr ated printin letter ly t s mo aces tyepf their
2 5
I t
19th century Nicole Jenson Printing press Created type Greek gothic Art and craft In nineteenth and twenty century, there are a lot of hisotrical events Black letter
happened to culture in this period. Espeically, there are huge
Designed. different between typefaces and design during this centuries. In nineteeth century, they did not have a computer to work on design.We are living in twenty-one century and many of our culture has been changed. As the social has been changed, the design of typeface has been changed too. It is a very related how people changed the society, culture and technology as the typography.
6 1
In nineteenth cent the type designer Because it is most insignificant to think about it. Otherwise, the early twenty century, they revivaled the original works from 19th century’s work. They are based on on the original Garamond’s and Jenson’s. Most of them are trying to follow the Bahaous’s idea of the art of work and they related within the modern art. Erik Spiekermann was one of the twenty century typeface designer who also related into the modernism movement culture. His typeface Meta is one of the best modern the typeface that the designer still used this typeface today. He also related into the lettingpress and the printing press. They are based on the letter press too.
aramond, Granjon also one of leader 7 2
as century, Nicol In the twenty d on am ar G e Cland Jenson and man effect on Ro were mostly ly from al tu were ac period. They face pe ty a ey were rome and th pe ty e th created designer who e book. had also to publish th font too. They ned personal ow d . Most an nt fo italic typeface ed the geek eir own new th They produc as l el w word or as t faces for importan eir own type manly it used at published th th nt types fo e italic based these , they had th “Garamond , ys sa it , of geek book u, ry Tilley’s theo Fontaineblea ccording on Librarian at ’s ng Ki e th , quotation. A elo Vergecio writing of Ang ri Estienne.” on the hand ld pupil, Hen -o ar ye nte s at of hi most as well as th enty century, The early tw in enced with designer influ me of them so modern, but e d to follow th were not trie peithin their ty modern art w e a provided th faces. This er have t no do le peop design that . mass media to follow the
N R E D O M 8 1
ry 20th Centu
about cant to think most insignifi is it e us ca Be ey ty century, th the early twen h it. Otherwise, et te ks from nine original wor e th d le va vi re e sed on on th k. They are ba century’s wor ces. fa pe Jenson’s ty amond’s and ar G al in ig wor er were follo ntury, design ce ty en tw In early sm and the moderni ement called ov m e th g in are trying to . Most of them sm ni er od post-m work of the art of haous’s idea ik follow the Ba odern art. Er within the m d te la re ey and th ntury the twenty ce n was one of Spiekerman ted into the who also rela er gn si de ce typefa lture. movement cu modernism
E R U T L CU 9 2
shape of font fami They were based o However, in the early twenty century, Erik Spiekermann and Paul Renner provided the different font that has good propotion, arrangement, and simple shape of font family. They were based on the roman font, but they recreated Most of them are trying to follow the Bahaous’s idea of the art of work and they related within the modern art. Erik Spiekermann was one of the twenty century typeface designer who also related into the modernism movement culture. His typeface Meta is one of the best modern the typeface that the designer still used this typeface today. He also related into the lettingpress and the printing press. They are based on the letter press too.
of more open and shape. He created 10 1
ily. on the Nineteenth Century Developed the Movement Effect in Printing press Established new Computer
We have been created the design in variety of social network. As the social has been changed, the design of typeface has been changed too. It related how
Geometric shape
the people changed the society, culture and technology as the typography changed too. Typography is the one of element that flow the time within. It has been changed in a good way to provide different materials. We still have not forget basis idea of renaissance of greek font family. It is matter that
d round d the
11 2
cenwenty t d n th a trical eteen f hiso o t lo In nin are a e in here cultur tury, t ed to n e p there s hap ically, event e p s E . een eriod t betw this p feren if d e uring g ign d are hu d des n a h s ace eteet typef In nin . s a ie r entu t have this c id no d y n. e desig ry, th rk on centu o w o one uter t d was comp amon r a r who G e e esign Cland d e c a ress. typef tter p of the the le h it w d create
y r u ent
C e c a h f t e Ty p 20
tury, ny cen nty ce twent in r, d twe ped e n v lo a e al e h v w t r Ho een isot ic er de ninet t of h esign ape lo In d h a s e c e in ic r a a etr lture typef here geom to cu nd tury, t more ened lean a p c p f a o here e sh ally, t ys, event ombin speic se da E e . n h with c d t erio . In etwee s this p licate rent b eface e p f y if t comp d ing ge these n dur are hu aper, used desig l p il d r, t n s e a t s we eeth aces ur po ninet typef , and into o ies. In r shion a u f t , ave a n t e en of not h this c tisem y did ir style e e h h t sign. adver t , on de ntury even ct. e k e r c in it t o s is w b we y cen er to very d twent mput s are o d e c c n a a f al th type isotric eteen t of h lo In nin a are ure in here o cult tury, t ned t e p re p s ha y, the event eicall p s E . eriod t. this p feren ge dif u h e r a
12 1
t r A n r e d Mo
de mo ed th ll a a c t s’s ide men ahaou move B e e h t h t s ow n wa owing to foll rman re foll trying pieke er we S e n r rnism ik a ig r s mode them art. E ry, de e f n u h o r t t e t n s o d e mo . Mo at de d int nty c in the relate ace th h ernism ly twe f r o it d e a ls o w p e a y m t In ostlated ern who ting s prin and p igner t mod hey re and t e des gpres e bes c h k to ernism in t a r t f t f o e o w he le tarted y typ one art of into t they s entur eta is c d I, e y M r t of the t a e n la c twe o re efa rld W f the is typ He als er Wo one o ure. H oday. n. Aft lt t r u e e c d c t o a pef men the m this ty move t has l used e tha il c t a s f r e typ war. signe after e the ltures e mad u h c t l a a th isotric the h follow
13 2
There are familiar he type designers However, in the early twenty century, Erik Spiekermann and Paul Renner provided the totally different font that has good propotion, arrangement, and simple shape of font family. They were based on the roman font, but they recreated Most of them are trying to follow the Bahaous’s idea of the art of work and they related within the modern art. Erik Spiekermann was one of the twenty century typeface designer who also related into the modernism movement culture. His typeface Meta is one of the best modern the typeface that the designer still used this typeface today. He also related into the lettingpress and the printing press.
Nicole created the re of type with his 14 1
e s
Modern Greek culture Good proportion Arrangement Simple shape New Gothic Font Book published
Because it is most insignificant to think about it. Otherwise, the early twenty century, they revivaled the original works from nineteeth century’s work. They
Modernism are based on on the original Garamond’s and Jenson’s typefaces. In the early twenty century, designers were following the movement called the modernism and the post-modernism. Most of them are trying to follow the Bahaous’s idea of the art of work and they related within the modern art. Also, Erik Spiekermann was one of the twenty century typeface designer who also related into the modernism movement culture.
15 2
Colophon Designer Project Course Faculty Typeface Photography
David Choi Typographer Timeline Book Typography 2 Francheska Guerrero Clarendon and Avenir http://industridesignsnyc.com/blog/the-printing-press/ http://ilovetypography.com/2008/03/21/extreme-type-terminology/ http://www.the-house-of-literature.co.uk/ http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosya:Logo_20th_century_fox.jpg http://ilovetypography.com/2008/06/20/a-brief-history-of-type-part-5/ http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2011/07/interview-with-designer-and-typographer-erik-spiekermann/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Jenson http://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/ http://www.techfortroopsproject.org/ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hoe’s_one_cylinder_printing_press
16 1
Works Cited
Meggs, Philip B., Purvis, Alston W. History of Graphic Design. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2006. Jenson, Nicolas, ca. 1420-1480. The last will and testament of the late Nicolas Jenson, printer, who departed this life at the city of Venice in the month of September, A.D. 1480. [Chicago, Ludlow typograph co., 1928] 15 p. 30 cm Tilley, Arthur (1900). “Humanism under Francis I”. The English Historical Review 15 (59): 456–478. Erik Spiekermann, E. M. Ginger: Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, Adobe Press, 2002. Burke, Christopher. Paul Renner: the art of typography. London: Hyphen Press, 1998. Jaspert, W. Pincus, W. Turner Berry and A.F. Johnson. The Encyclopædia of Type Faces. Blandford Press Lts.: 1953, 1983.
17 2
Garamond, Granjo also one of leader They provided the has good arrangem However, in the ea Erik Spiekermann vided the totally d good propotion, a shape of font fami the roman font, bu 1