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Bring a tradition into your home. Select an Oriental rug from the finest collection ever at the Hecht Company. Experience for yourself rugs of unequalled quality and value . Of lasting beauty. Created by the same skills and dedication that have been part of a tradition for hundreds of years .. A tradition that Is a superb investment. Year after year.
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Cover: For this formal shot, Mrs Alireza. wife of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. selected a gown by Lonvin Make up artist Anna Martin of Flashback highlighted Huguette $OLUH]D V naturally dramatic eyes with soft black liner and "kajal." a type of
eveshodow used for centuries by Middle Eastem women "Rouge Red" blush and sheer cranberry lip gloss complete her portrait-perfect face Photo by Fred Ward / Black Star.
Lasting Begance .. silk and fabric floral arrangements. large or small. for all occasions. Custom designed in a container or basket from my unique coUection. ~ or in your own treasured vase also unusual wardrobe accessory flcMers.
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s.-iLA_ Vol. 2 No. 10 March 1977
POSTINGS / 6 Gardner BlDke's lowdown on Jeanne Dixon, high priestess of prognostication ANNABELL'S DOSSIER FILE/ 9 Annabel/ tells what's at Maison Blanche and other important Washington houses. WASHINGTON PEOPLE/ 10 The Baroness Stackelberg on how partygoing Washington survived the "Ice Age. " ALL THAT GLITTERS / 14 Dorothv Marks reports on how and why the lifestyle of Saudi Arabian Ambassador and Mrs. Alireza outshines traditional concepts of opulence ART AS INVESTMENT / 23 Viola Drath asks: Will Washington bankers PDNH loans for works of art? WASHINGTON'S RUSSIAN NOBlLITV/ 26 Some titled Russians share memories of the Motherland with Raisa Scriablne. INTERMEZZ0/ 31 Candace Johnson profiles Washingtonians' part-time passion for music making. POTOMAC CHIC/ 35 Melody Gi/sey. Sonia "Jinx" Cutts and Claudia Rayford model fashions and show just how beautiful"civic commitment" can be THE NEW VOU/ 45 Emily Wilkens trumpets natural foods as the au nature/ way to diet. DON'T BEBLUE/ 49 Well-known Washington neighbors share their secrets for banishing the blues ALONG PARTY LINES/ 51 A "Hollywood" weekend. on "Affair of the Heart " and a visitor from Mexico kept Washington warm during the deep freeze. EDUCATED PALATE/ 58 Bette Ackerman discovers dining opportunities a stone's throw away Ln Alexandria HAL'S HUNCHES / 61 Hal Gould ventures that Charles Kirbo 's nome will soon be a household word REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ' 65 BOOKS / 68 "How To Open A Swiss Bank Account" by Charles Kelder and "Laughing Lost, Alger Hiss" by Tony Hlss
(202) 232-2424. By appc:rintmenl
UU!11?15 UO!Un
Da•1d A
Associate Editor/ Suzanne Wille A;slsfant to the Edttor/ Ltoe Klrsletn Con1J1butlng Edlton Bette Ackerman, Adrienne Anttl<'.\, Viola Drat h. Cissy Ftnky , Hal Gould. Candace Johnson. Nell Leoon. Dorothy Marks. Garnett Stackelberg. Emily Wilk.mi Design Consultant/Andrew &m!ileln PhOiographs/ John Whlltnlln
Advert1sing Ouector/T Bany Davis Account E>.ecutiv~/Jon Adler, Miclwle Parad~ Asslstant to the Publt.•l"~r/Helene Woodhams Edttonal AssiStant/ Cindy D Druss ComptroUer/ John BQ= Public RelatiOns.' &tty Burke ProductiOn /mser Wallaa Adverttstng Productlon/Oiano Boaa Tre;uurm Alb.>n Stem
111., We~htngton Dossier Is pubbshed by DemographiC's, ln.: Advertlstng and ~duonal olftc~ located at 3301 NewMextcoAvenue, N W WMhlngton. DC 20016lel 1202!362·5894 SubscriptiOns SIO 001)4<r year in US $12 00 In C.n<1da, Laton America and SJ>o'tn $14 OOtnothn foreign cou11tri<!S Subsatptiol1 Office P 0 BQx 17&0. AnnapOlis Md 21404 261 1386 Controfted nn:ulallon postage patd ac B~luvtll~. Md 20705 Copyrtght I CJ77 Ovmogr<~phlcs Inc
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Get the real story behind the story. Learn the truth about prominent personalities. Write Gardner Blake. 'fbe Washington Dossier, 3301 New Mexico Ave., NW, Washington, D .C . 20016. you~ full name will be used unletS otherwise requested. Volume of mall received makes personal replies Impossible.
Q .Rumor has It that t>uer since Elsa Maxwell made a pro fcss1on out of gluing part1es most other famous hostesses have followed suit. that they don't spend 1he1r own money on { rhe b1g ones h Al/1son LaLond one o/ these? Isn't she gomg to be out SOCially nou thor the Carte~ are In the White House? • E._ L C A . McLean Va Allison LaLand
to his Cabinet. I belreue Barbaro Watson held the hrghesr government post eoer accorded a black woman Whatever happened lo her'~ L Wilson, Washington , DC A. Miss Watson . a Democrat, was
appoint11d Assistant Secretary of Stahl, In charge of security and consular affairs. by Lyndon Johnson Nixon left her In that post for several years. until Passport Office chief Frances Knight objected Some say it was because Miss Watson Is too capable. others insist 11 was because she is black Carter has given her back her old job. and political savants antldpate that she will ultimately move Into h1s Cabinet
A . MISs LaL21nd has always pa1d for her own pames (she cons1ders them an art form), even the ones she tossed personally at the Washington Hilton Hotel during her last years as public relations dlrector there. When you CM produce 30 ambassadorr. as guests at a private aHatr, you are "in" socially tn Washington regardler.s of who occupieS the White Hous11 Mis~ LaLand gre\.\ up m Atlanta Ga h<~s a couple of Certer • connecuons " ilnd recently joined the Women's National Democratic Club
Greg Schneiders accumulated a lot of bad debts. has publicly called Catholicism a force. lived out of wedlock wfth Marie Hartneu for fiue years ·• and then married her In All Souls Unitarian Church, where all of those leftist coalition movements hold their meetings Why would Carter want such an immoral, finane~al/y IrresponSible agnostic 1n his odminlstratJon? .. Undo Dawson Washington. D C
Q . Until Jrmmv Corter appornted Pot Hams
6 100S51tR
Jeanne Drxon
Chuck Colson
Q . Seeress Jeanne Dixon gets a lot of publicity in weekly newspapers such as 'fhe National Enquirer. but I neuer see her mentioned In the local gossip columns How come? Hasn't she been lying about her persona/life? ·· H R M , Washington. D C A. A "prophetess" is usually persona non grata in her own land, espedally when she
A . As the Prestdent's personal aide and constant companion throughout the campaign. Schneiders faithfully kept Caner mformed on the maneuvers of ~The Boys" who were worlung for him Schneiders has passed the perceptive scrutiny of Carter's most trusted advis(>r. Charles Kirbo and whatever el~ may be said for or against Schneiders he Is an honest man The President apparently pl21ce!. a high prionty on that quality
may not please evangelicals because of ItS scriptural distortions. but 11 is the biggest ba~ office success ever produced at 20t Century·Fo>t Studios, according to Robert l Munger who originated lt . He claimS th~: he, too, has been "born again," and ~ adh1U11 closl!ly to thl! story of ColsOn 5 conversion to Chrtstlanlty.
Barbara Watson and
House Speaker Tip O'Ner/
Q . Many religiOus people are unhappy with ~The Omen ·• So why 1s Watergate consp~rator Charles Colson going to let the same producers make a mou1e of hu book, Born Again? Does he figure he will ger nch on 1t? L F Steele. Alexandria Va A. Since his conviction, Colson's only source of income has been hls lectures, with most of the proceeds turned over to the Prison Fellowship Foundation to help rehabthtate prisoners He Intends to do the same wtth whatever money he earns from the new film whlch should be ample 'The Omen"
errs so regularly with her prophecies. In 1973, Dixon resee1rcher Daniel St. Albin Greene published findJngs that: she Is 14 years older than her passport states; she wa~ married to a man named Zuercher for 1 years before she married realtor James L. Dixon (a contradiction to her widely publicized vows of chestity if she couldn't have him for a husband) : her name originally was lydia Pinckert. When Adele Reicher successfully sue~ her for royalties to the book My L1fe on Prophecies which she had ghost-written for the seeress Mlss Reicher's lawyer, Hubert M Schlosberg, charged that Mrs D1xon obviously "cannot know the difference between right and wrong .. in person~~! affatrs " "She has tried to use God as she has tried to use people .. for her own financial gains That Is the only thing that means anything to Jeanne Dixon." he told the cou rt
Why ypu're about to read every }Vord in this ad, incJ.l!digg the
Ill the 12th Earagraph aDout
people areot reaOing every -wo In your ads e
F_act: Most ads don't get read. The write them know it. The u~le is-so do the mass of oonsumers 1vho !gnore them. And if you want to be COnvmced of that, consider lhese statistics: The Daniel Slarl'h organization did a rfadership study ofthe Washi,lgton Post~~ay 14, 1975. Pm1 ciftheir data disclo.~cd (S'f!Jhe allf!rage ad in that issu1' was rear/ ~enoes that
Okay. let'.s talk ~bout why people probably ¥en t ~e.ading your_ ads. Tizcy :e txmng as hell. Either they have no~ng_to ~y. or they bury your mes..o;;age 1n gtmmtcks, or they try to say too mucJ:l. . Lets take them one at the time.
\• ;And like people, they come in Poor, !•ledsocre, and Strong. in fact. in a non· lnddustrial city like Washington. where big a . budgets are scarce. the slate of the art IS tn a pretty bad state. . lf you think we're harsh on our oom· Petttors. you're right. We're also harsh on ourselves.
I 1) lf you really have nothing to say. no "unique selling proposition", you're in a lot more trouble then your agency can heIp you with. Keep your money. (2) Millions of dollars fritter through the air in the form of "borrowed interest". A shocking photo. a ~arish border, a meaningless deooration to get attention. lt presumes that nothing is Inherently interesting about your message. and therefore drags it in through the back door. And you get attention. all right. Until they get the message.
VtllOf the copy or IYlflrt>) bycmly of1111!11 Ond 1:!% of womcu. Now the truth is that advertising ~encies are responsible for what you get.
T~e Of!IY real way l~ see positive results ss wtth hard-working advertismg. Where someone has to do some hard homework (this ad didn't gel wntten m 15 minutes): and write convincing O)py that goes for the jugular. There are simply not lhat many agencie~ with the talent. the drive, and the nerve to do that. We're one of them. And before you remind us about the low price of conver· sa~on, give us a chance to show you twu things. Our case histories. And our product. T\', radio, and print. ------------THE ONES THAT WIN AND THE ONES THAT DON'T
BELlS FLE Hill biggtes still squealing over lack of expertise of Carter's Hill men bunch of amateurs Is the most heard retort Big SIT\Iggle ao; pundits see It Is Carter's ~lancing act between morality and reality. ~ e the Hussein CIA caper After all, a •nend i~ a friend Is a friend Tongsun Park bought townhouse In London .Joan ~ennedy spending most of time out of 1._ ashington decorating new apartment in ueantown New SecDef Harold Brown hkes Chinese dumplings. has been scounng town for them BOOKS Senator Muskie drew Amy Carter as dinner companion at recent White House dinnet for Trudeaus. He made her eat her 5Pinach but had to set a good example. He hates spmach. Kids who read at the table get ~~.<hacked in the fanny in most houses Bob Schieffer got an Andy Hardy book for his 40th from his producer at a )Urpr~e party Was made to read it at dinner .. probably start a whole new trend ..big spate of Washington fiction rolling off presses from ITla)or publlshero;. The Sa fire book got over a million No Washington fiction has hit best seller hsts Agnew made tt on the bottom of the last with his monstrosity Gloria Stelnem wnting book on movement and hving 1n Potomac 5·days a week . Enough already' REAL ESTATE Netghbor~ worried about what may happen t~ Rockefeller's Foxhall Road pad after It s ~old rumor is that tl might be a de\IPiopment of sorts which Is not what neighbors want...Gerrnans bought more Property on Foxhall to expand Property was part of underground railway dunng War Between The States .still flack over Purchase of Firenze House by Italians PEOPLING· Chevy Chase and Jack Nicholson to 11\!lke movie In D.C Elliot Richardson t.enously considering runmng for Governor of Massachusel1s Bill Simon signed up With Ron Reagan's agent for lectures and radio :.tuff Kissinger . who ~omellmes wcss unavailable to certain diplomats, sent them all personal stgned notes with his Pnvate number he'll now be accessible f"erybody'~ got to make a hvtng Rosa· Ynn Ca n er's called thl! Iron Magnoha'
around town these days. tough on inside. soft on outslde new Post gossip columnist Nancy Collins sniffmg around for the past month Post staffers call her "Tight Hips" But Sally likes her and if Sally hke:. her Ben does. too . Star staffers nervous over Union negotiations. the Guild may take tough line. which could mean fireworks .. Murdoch sniffing around Clay Felker toying with Washington Idea new hot society portrait artist is Doyle Chappell .. Or . Linn's diet standing room only in Washington The Walter Hodges putting up four tennis courts In their new Jamaica place . Senator Barry Goldwater looks terrific. seems to have recovered well from hip <;urgery OPINIONS Most new movies sttnk Rocky and Network excluded Carter's State Dinners are boring Home cooktng at Donna Shor and Weaver ·Meanes' big bash was delicious . Pat Mitch e ll . new Panorama host. pretty New Washington subway great. Amtrak broke down again recently in Baltimore passengers were confused What's wrong wrth that ratlroad? William Raspbe rry amcle on Washingtonian a cheap shot.. Jack Limpert, now on leave a great editor Billy Carter drinks too much . Twihght's Last Gleaming two day marathon preview left everyone wondenng why ldl Amln a dangerous tdlot Local hoStesses all asking Mrs. Abe Fortas for her recipe for stuffed "wanton" v..htch was featured on the menu at Lord and 1 aylor's recent T H I S beneflt Would you care for a shce of Freudtan shp. dear., U:r. Taylor said to be accepting the Chairman<1h1p of the Wolftrap gala .. should help husband John m his pollllcal quest. which is her milin motivation these day~ will do wonder~ for ,John With his fundralsing chores !>dme with Lynda Bird Robb and husband Chuck when the pohttcal diSease stnkes. It bttes deep oddball fact Is that the Robbs ltved next door 10 Alger Htc;c;ln Georgetown whPn Chuck was bom according to Tony Hlsc.' tome small world new book by Rudy M<~xa and Marion Clark Public Trust Private Lust or viCe·versa t) more garbage for the tittllallon gang hung up on sex din tn 0 C or'' 11 A C 1 000
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By BARONESS GARNEIT STACKELBERG HAGERSTOWN ALMANAC WARNED US IT WOULD B·E A COLD WINTER· Like Eliza In Unde Tom's Cabin, guests were tripping over !iheets of ice to get to the Leo Daly resldelr'ICe at a recent party for out·of·towners. Tall Smith Bagley , w1 th his gractous Southern manners, helped pilot several of the women guests across the glassy surface . Hazel E11ans , National Democratic Commltteewo•man from Florld11, the Lorne Greenes , the Frank lkards ond Richard Swig , president of the Fairmont Hotels were in the group 11dmlrlng the Daly's unusu1al eight-foot-tall ceremonial drum. which stands in their sitting room They found it m New Hebrides SOUTHERN COMFORT. GRITS. HAM. AND RED EYE GRAVY Turkish Amfbassador and Mrs . Mellh Eseobel had their first sample of Southern cooking and Dixie music The occasion was the Marlon Smoaks' black tie dinner for the Lucien 1NhlttJes , their houseguests from Sea Island, Georgia , and Cabin Bluff Lodge The latter ts the favonte hunting and fishing place of President Carter and there's a wild turkey trophy on the wall which the Pre:;ldent shot to prove it
RESPITE FROM DEEP FREEZE: Just over two air hours away from our de"P freeze . the temperature was 73 degrees at Henr y K . Bagley's jewel of a house ill Palm Beach. Mr. Bagley is the gentle-spoken father of Smith Bagley The ~un wao; streammg down and hU91? Jclldlnier~s of flowers bloomed in th•· sw1mmmg pool area wi1h its bath house of Wedgewood blue The dignified Mr BagleV and h1s talomtt>d Russian-born wlfe, Anya gav... a ~;up"rb luncheon for a group of Amba~sadors who had flown down for tht' Rt?d Cro!JS Ball 1!stabl1shed 19 years ago bV the laiP grande dame Mal'}Orie Merfl Wl'ath~r Post The cha1rmanshlp has noW lx>1.m taken over by Mrs . Harold Whitmore . thl? Listenne hetress frorn Greenw1ch and Palm Beach She spend~ a round $2~ 000 l!ach year to make the Bail a <.ucce!>Sful fund ra iser. Among th< diplomatic couples who Oew down for tht' festivities were tht:> James Shens of NallonAhst Chma the Horacio Vicloso· Sotos of the Domm1can Republic, th<' Abd e lhadl Boutalebs of Morocco and lhl' Joa o Hall Themidos of Portugal Al'>o allendmg were the Ali He ddas of Tum~itJ Ambassador and Mrs . Lloyd White of New Zealand. and O .A .S · Secretary General Alejandro Orflla
YOU NEEDED SKATES IN FRONT OF McCRACKEN'S EMBASSY-LIKE RESIDENCE But since W ashingtonlans will do almost anything for a fine buffet on a snowy night. a good crowd of dlplomats and friends of Ne II McCracken and her mother. Chick. trekked up icy Benton Place to meet Ann Udal, their houseguest hom Bath and London. England . The guests Included Pakistani Ambas· sador Sahabzada and Begum Yaqub Khan . who were talkmg wtth Dominican Ambassador and Mrs . Horac lo Vlcloso-Sot o aboutthe•r upcoming tnp to Palm Beach for the Red Cross Ball Former TV personality Lisa Sergio was there telhng prominent lawyer and former 1mm1grarion rnan Marlo Noto about the Th~ lucie-n Whlttl~es of Se-a fslond. Georg•o frigid night she spent at the Lmcoln u.~re Fronde ond Morlan Smook's gueru of Memonal g<?tlmg the prayer service ho11or at a rcc~nt pony Amo11g thou 011 hone/ to orqamzed for the morning of the Inaugural malt~ a Georg1on connection were Loul&lano frlgtd night she spent at the Lincoln Represe ntatloe Lindy Boggs , Turkl•h Ambo.uador Mellh E&enbel and the Memorie~l getting the pre~yer service Smoak's daughter Mary Frances In her GWTW orqanized for the morning of the Inaugural. dre~s
THE POUSH CONNECTION: Turkish Ambassador and Mrs . Mellh Esenbel gave the first of what promises to be a long series of dinners for the new head of the House International Relations Committee, the Honorable Clement J. Zablocki, who is of Polish extraction . In his after dinner speech, the Congressman said, "The Polish Ambassador wanted to give us the first party, but I told him our long·time friends , the Esenbels, had beat him to it." MADAMA BUTTERFLY A TRIUMPH: The radiantly lovely Japanese soprano. Yasuko Hayashi, performed magni· flcently against the stunning Oriental setting created by Ming Cho Lee at the KennedY Center And Ermanno Mauro was a sensitive and good looking Plnkerlon. all in all an inspiring evening embellished with many Oriental refinements. The mood continued at the reception that followed at the Japan Inn, with guests consuming tempura and Japanese plum wine. Amon9 the opera buffs enjoying it all that evening were G e rman Ambassador and Mrs. Berndt von Staden , Greek Ambas· sador and Mrs . Menelas AleX· a ndrakls . Mauritanian Ambassador and Mrs . Mohamed Nasslm Koch· man and Sen ator Hubert HumphreY who was in his usual ebullient mood . Other fans in attendance Included Renee Kraft. Lillian Glberga and Gerson Nord · linger who said the Washington Opera Society was hoping to get more corporate support in order to be able to put on four operas next year.
Silhouette Boutique, the ultra fashion in Washington for the European taste. has opened a second store. Silhouette Couture.
Silhouette Couture,
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SPRINGTIME INAUGURALS? The bone-chilling weather of lnaugual time prompted one of the guests at the big reception hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Trlstanl at the Womens' Congressional Club to propose that Inaugurals, like Queen Elizabeth's birthday, be moved up to June The reception. which honored the Resident Commission er of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Mrs .Baltasar Corrada , was hosted by Mr. Tristan!, who is Administrator of the Economic Development Administration In Puerto Rico. and his wife, Gloria, daughter of the late Senator Chavez. Senator Richard Stone volunteered that we might more efficiently run Inaugurals if a small secretariat were to be set up . by Congress. "Why should newly-appointed inexperienced people of either political party," Stone observed, "conduct the greatest show on earth without the guidelines of those who have run previously successful Inaugurations?" STEALING AWAY NOT SO SILENTLY INTO THE NIGHT Saeed Ghobash , the normally circum· spect former Ambassador from the United Arab Emll'ates. really made conversational
history of sorts at the round of parties commemorating his leavetaking from Washington . Recently appointed the U.A.E.'s Minister of Planning. Saeed is now third from the top In the pecking order of that government. Included among those individuals and countries to fete him were Andrea a nd Leo DaJy and the embassies of Egypt and Tunisia. In farewell words that betrayed his soft spot for Washington. Ghobash said, "In the past I go to parties to say goodbye to my friends returning to their countries. Now I must say goodbye " Among those to enjoy Saeed's last Washington go-round as a host were Steve Martindale. Ke n Crosby . AI and Regina Grasselli , Iranian Ambas· Sador Ardes hir Zah e di and Pakistani Ambassa dor Sahabzada Yaqub l<han . Nor did the dashing Ghobash overlook Washington's most glamorous resources whose numbers included P a ge lee Hufty , Tandy Dic kinson and Susan Go ldwater
lf you own (or wnukl like to own) a Maserati, it's obvious that you no longer think strictly in terms of urilirnrian value. It is also obvious rhar you me a likely candidate for Royal Ages, the fifteen year oiJ scorch. You see, Royal A~es is a pmduct of the Hnuse of) usterini & Bruoks, spirit merchants for mLm~ than 200 years and holder of the Royal Warrant for nine successive n:igns. So you may be sure that every Jrinl in every lx-mle wi ll he a superb expenence. Scotch at its optimum. Of course it costs somewhat
CHILE MOVES TO CHILUER CLIMES: If all goes as planned. the home of Chile's new ambassador to Switzerland will always brirn with Washington visttors Those were lhe sentiments expressed at Jack and Cand y Sommerville's farewell party for Ambassad o r and Mrs . Manuel Trucco whose new post city is Geneva. l'he Sommerville home looked like a Veritable garden that evening and Candy explained that. "surrounding myself with flowers Is the most effective way I know to reverse a downward trend of the blahs." Among those who relished the good food of Luck's Caterers. the good conversation. and remembered good limes with the Ambassador and his wife were Mr. and Mrs . Taz Shephard . the C .D . Wards. the William Malllards , the Ford Kalils . Bob Waldron and Judy Lewis . who looked particularly fetching with a little flower tied around her neck
MARK EVANS AUSTAD SAYS ITS TLME TO BUY ICE BREAKERS· Pttr. and Mrs . Ca rl Shipley gave a dinner In their antique-filled Watergate apartment ln honor of Ma rk Austad our Ambassador to Finland (Mrs. Austad had taken ofi for Arizona to get warm.) Among the guests were Charles Steadman . Mrs. Robert E. Lee IV, the Pttarlon Smoaks . Teamsters Union head Frank Fitzsimmons . the Gale Sui· hvans , and the Mike Murrays . Mr. Murray is a Carter man and just back from Japan. where he had arranged VIce· Pres ident Walte r Mondale's visit. Ambassador Austad told lhe assemblage that since America has not yet been able to build a workable ice breaker, we should import some from Anland to have on hand for emergencies ''It would be better than having our economy come to a near standstill wllh the resulting unemployment."
more than r\vdve year llld scorch. But if you arc nor wtlling r,) settle for the commonrlace. we nffer you a scotch without pt!cr. Fitteen year old Royal Age~.
15 year old Royal Ages Scotch for a royal taste.
c.r.,.•....... *'7}
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OOSSlt.R 13
Saudi Arabian Ambassa1dor and Mrs. Ali Abdullah Alireza's Private Kingdom
By DOROTHY MARKS 0 Ambassador All Abdullah Alireza of Saudi Arabia, a soft-spoken man of Infinite dignity. thinks of Washington as a "'frantic Plt~ce."
Huguette, his Lebanese-born wife, easily one of the town's best-dressed women, finds It "very exhausting." And Monica Edwards, her chic 27-year-old daughter, who has spent most of her life abroad. calls our town "mce but not wildly exciting.'' This Is the Ambassador's first Embassy His older bro ther, Mohammed. has served <~s Ambassador to France and Is now back in Jidda running the family business. The Ambassador only smiles at the suggestion h~ too might like to return to hls old job as Managing Director of the House of Alireza. "lnshallah'' -- as the Arabs say •· "If God Wills it." More to the point, of course, Is whether Saudi Arabia's King KhaUd wishes it. Serving his King has been a hablt with Ambassador Alireza ever since the late King Ibn Saud plucked him out of the University of California a t Berkeley in 1945 to assist the
(l.,ftl Surely one o/thc most dosdy kmt trios on
Lmbas~.v Row the Aliretas
the tog /me of a
JOke m the rect>ptlon hall of thetr embaMv tP~11tence Weanng Soudl national drC's~ and gold Jt>u•to/ry /rom her st!'p/athcr'> counuv. Monico
l.oJward\ lr I prOUI'\ how gracrfullv a wr,terncr tun b.. a»lrliflotl'd lrllo rhr &udilltobfan culture-
Saudi delegation at the San Francisco Conference which established the United Nations. After that heady experience, young Ali never returned to the University. Reserved as are most Arabs In talking about family matters. the Ambassador speaks freely about his family's busmess interests "The House of Allreza Is the oldest established business in my country •· 136 years old this year." When Saudi was still a warring mix of Bedouin tribesmen and impoverished fishing and pearl diving enclaves, the Alirezas were already accustomed to traveling abroad on business and vacations. In the eorly days they dealt in foodstuffs and goods Imported from India. ''Today," the Ambassc1dor says with a sweeping gesture, "We handle just about According to his wife, everything " "evl!rythlng" Includes Industrial items. tankers. Insurance companies and, to her delight, representing jeweler Harry Winston In Saudi Arabia. The House of Alireza even built and endowed Its own school long before the government l!mbarked on a program of mass education. Over luncheon at their handsome French-style residence at 2941 Mass· achusetts Avenue, the Alirezas and Monica elaborate on how dlfferent their Washington lifestyll! !c; from that in Jidda Mrs Alireza
explains, "For our first seven month~ here w'! lived m a suite at the Madison I had to hatve one room JUst for my clothes and there wc!re never enough closets. The hotel was lovely to us, but after awhile I thought I would go mad ." Then came both good and bad ne"'s
R~!al estate agent Antoinette Hatfield, wife of the Oregon Senator. found a suitab~
residence, the former home of the Irving B~~rgers . The million dollar price tag was, of cdturse, no problem The challenge of fi11ldlng a Chancery. however. was not so ea.sily solved. Protests mounted over the inilended site and the American Pharrna· c~utlcal Association changed its mind about selling Its white marble headquarter$ butildlng. around the corner from the State D~!partment at 2215 Constitution Avenue fo1r a Saudi Chancery As a result, the Ambassador still has his m1:>st precious possession packed away in th1~ Embassy basement It Is a Kaaba. a block velvet hanging lntrlcately worked w1th gqtld and silver embroideries for the sacred shrine at Mecca Only one Is made each ye11r and this one was a gift from the Prince of Mecca. The search is st!U on for a Chancery befitting a country that Sits atop thl~ world's largest oil reserves At the r~dence. wrth th~ help of DOSSIER 1S
See the Continent on· Deskin's Mercedes-Benz European Plan Come in and pick the exact model you want. Then take delivery of your new MercedesBenz in almost any major European city. Deskin will handle all of the details p~per work, in.surance and return ship-' p1ng reservations. Depending on the model you select, you save between $1,100 and $2,500 off the domestic retail price.
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A striking synthe$IS of clasSIC restraint. plasticity and dramatic iorertor features make this new residence at 2330 Callfomill Street among the most desirable In
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French-American decorator Barmache of New York, Mrs. Alireza has finally completed her extensive redecorating which included adding an elegant new dining room to seat 24, on the back of the house overlooking the swimming pool. Each week Angelo Bonita , her florist. comes to arrange the half dozen or more massive arrangements of exotic flowers which greet the visitor In the downstairs slttinQ rooms. A visitor Is Immediately offered cups of Turkish coffee, aromatic tea in tiny glasses. orange JUice and an array of hors d'oeuvres Including tahmia . a Saudi delicacy of ground beans and sesame se~ds. Luncheon is a mouth-watering melange of French and Saudi dishes prepared by the Allreza's Egyptian cook -- not unlike the menu and Impressive service which they enjoy at home In the Jamaly compound at Jidda. There. however the similarities stop. fhe A:.1bassador explains carefully what he means about there being too manY pressures here . "I think you have too much entertaining by diplomats lor other diplomats. Too many mass affairs We should have more time to meet Americans." " At home I work hard and go out a great His stepdaughter deal at night too.'' Interrupts teasingly, ''Does he ever. Once we counted 49 consecutive nights when we had not been home for dinner In J idda." ''The difference being,'' the Ambassador says. "at home I have the option of not golng if I choose." Mrs. Alireza has simply given up trying to adjust to the early-to-rise. early-to-bed schedule of social Washington. "In Jidda, we may be just sitting down to dinner about the time you are saying 'Goodbye' at diplomatic parties here. We play cards. have music, sometimes privat.e film showings and stay up very. very late I get up at noon or 1 o'clock. So I do the same thing here. I come home and go to bed with a book until I can fall asleep at 2 or 3 a.m.'' In Jidda, the Alirezas live in one of sevetl houses In the family compound near scores of family members. A cook and assistant cook prepare all meals from a separate kitchen and food storage building and deliver them to each house. Monica could not remember how many rooms there are in her stepfather's house. "But it is very large We have five huge sitting rooms downstairs ... T here are five servants to care for the three of them. Alabama-born Monica, who could certainly have a career In fashion here If she chose. loves compound living. "One never gets lonely and there is never a dull moment ," she claims. Monica spent ten years at sd1ool in Switzerland. has a degree in "Lettres'' from the Sorbonne and speaks EngUsh. French. Spanish. "pretty good Arabic" and "bits and pieces" of Turkish Would she opt for a career if tt were open to her In Saudi? "Knowing myself I would probably prefer to settle down and have children " In Saudi? "Yes, it's alright. lllke it ..
16 DOS:,ItH
at least one place to live. To mas/ people, tlrit•iug into a rescrued Parking spncr. n•urkingoffstcam in a pril'alr exerrise room, lopping it off u•ilh a set OJ /teo of lrnnis, relaxing u•ilh a sauna and a shml't!r. stopping a I Ill£' loungt! for a drink, and ha ving hors d 'oeunres sen/ups/a i1s from lite rxclusil·e restaurant. means going 011 a jam)' resort z•arotirm. To people at The Regen()' Club, if meaus going home. Besides being the most carefully-built condominium residence in the Washington area. The Regency Club contains the most elaborate racquet and dining club facility this side of Hilton Head. Infrequently, do we have the opportunity to enjoy such an environment. . . Rarely, do we have the opportunity to hve tn one.
Sauna and steam rooms ' Exercise facilities Whirlpool/Men's and Women's locker rooms/ Restaurant-Lounge overlooking indoor courts. THE HOMES: Garage space indoors for each resident/Two doors to most apartments Double thick \\'alls (4 total thicknesses of dry wall) for optimum sound insulation/ Computercontrolled security systems tied to every access and traffic area of both the homes and the racquet club Extra-wide rooms due to construction techniques which amp! if} the building's weight distribution Competition-::;ized pool and cabana complex Social rooms Backgammon and Banquet rooms' Models designed by Bloomingdale's. l, 2, 3 bedroom condominiums. some with dens. $42,500 to $133,000. Duplexes and Penthouses, $10·1,000-$248,000. DIRECTIONS: From The Beltwav, take exit marked "Chain Bridge Rd. North· t Rte.l23)" Iacross from Tyson's Comerl. Go North, take right nn Old Meadow Rd., to Regency Club Gatehouse. Open Daily 11 til6 or by appointment. Phone 821-3450. ~ Exclusive sales by L lv.' Long and Foster. • F
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CHEVY CHASE HOUSE J~Vashington s.fi 1:'il
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nurse on d uty 24 hours every day. Personal service and securi ty are a way ofl ife at Chevy Chase House. ( Itt •\ \ ( h,l\t' JJttll\1' I\ IIIII ttl \\ .1•h111~1"11\ ~1.111d ultl lntdd111~' \\hull 1t.1, IK'I'II tntllpktc ·h lt'llm.Hnl loll 111,111\ ll\111~ . It\ lex ,111'11 01111 ll11n' hltK 1..' lru111 ( hn 1 ( lt.l'l' ( 111lt·. tll'.tt lt.111l..' ''4111'' · I 1'•1.1111.1111' .11111 dt II f.( \II II I ' ' · Primte chauf[ered limou.vint> at )'OUr disposal lh ·ll'l'"'"'"l<'ltl. dw C It•·' 1 ( h.l'<' ll1111-. I h.11tllnll II til 1,1!..1 IIIII I l l \ f\11 l.11111h .111d l1wnd,,., '"'"'II"'"''''"' dl'llll\l \ml 1111 d ,11' \llll d1111 t '"'" to 1:" out l'lll"' llw< hl'\\ I lt.l'ttllll•••••llt ltht.lll. h<'.llll\ p.nl"t .uul h.lllk •t •hop , 111d IIIII ft •lt •\1\1011 ltlllll).\1' Profen·inna l ca re and st>ndce 24 h nurs a day \ Jll•tll ''-lllll.d IIIII'<' 1'-,Jhi,J\\ 1111 dull .11 ( lw11 ( It,,,, l lntt'l'. \ IIIII \\, 1\ !.ill.. \\\ll'll1111 \IIIII .l,lolll 1111'111 I• I tllllll'l tl·d II• cltl' IIIII \I' ' It l11 I ... , tlt.tt \1111111.1\ \llllllllllll ·'"1'1.11111' ttl ,tch Ill' ,Ill\ IIIIII d,J\ Ill 111~111 \ud ·''"''' .111 t'111pi..H ·d I" ( 1... , ' < 11.1\t 11« •11" llu ·n onh dntu' .lit' 111 ,1"1'1 \1111 11111 1~ IIIII 11.1111 tlll' 11111111 IIIJ4. Ill ' \\ ,tl\'1 II lli~lt l.
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Mother and daughter described a typical day at home in Jidda. After a late night. both sleep late. Monica starts the day by tending her rose trees In the garden and checking on her pet gazelles .. down from 15 to three right now -- which are caged In the compound. She may drop in to see one of her cousins, a stepsister or other familY members Sometimes she reads. practices the piano or does needlepoint. If she has gotten up early before II has gotten too hot. she may seek out a cousin for a game of tennis, swim in the pool within the high walls of the compound or take her Yorkshire terrier "Cosino" for a run. Her mother. who always rises late. says her first order of business is to go through the house with the servants to see what is needed and If things are In order. Fortunately, there ls no menu planning to do. Lunch may be at 2:30 or even as late as 4 p.m.. depending on her husband's schedule . Ali Allreza always rests briefiY after lunch in the heat of the afternoon. She rests but does not take a siesta. The womenfolk have frequent tea-and· talk parties In the afternoons with 6 p rn. the accepted time for tea. The men get horne late from the office -- around 8 p .m. or so·· and the evening meal may be at 9 or 9 :30 or later. depending on how many people are involved The women always wear lon9 gowns for the evening meal and are unveiled al home. For formal affairs, the men wear black thobes. mstead of the usual white trdditional Arab thobe. Meals are always served buffet-style and a good thing, too. since Mrs. Alireza says no one ever knows how many people to expect at a party. Arab hospitality being what It Is. And how do two such seemingly liberated, well-travelled women feel about wearing the abaya -- the long black veil covering the face -- when they are home in Saudi? Mrs. Alireza smiles and shrugs. "01 course, I wear It when I go downtown with All or a driver But I can't remember going downtown more than four or five times In my life. I can always send a servant to do errands" Monica, who wears her favorite St. Laurent or Valentino ensembles under her veil. claims she doesn't mind wearing the veil outside. "All the entertaining Is done in homes of families and close friends and we don't normally veU there," she says. The Ambassador, who has been amused by the conversation, notes mildly "The word 'harem' Is derived from an Arabic word meaning sacred. We cherish our women. you know." Apparently. changes are coming to Saudi Arabia too. One sees more unveiled women downtown these days. The wearing of long sleeves seems to satl5fy the religious Mullahs who patrol the souks. A woman can now divorce her husband If he is cruel or mistreats her. However. she may not divorce him simply because he has followl'd the Islamic custom of taking another wtfe, up
B.rerythifl8xou\e been~ lOr is juslerouna the bend. You've worked hard. You deserve something more than just another home in just another development. You deserve River Bend. \\There the land is unspoiled. Where natural homesites overlook an ageless river, a winding canal, a magnificent championship golf course. And where every home compliments the land. Whether it's a traditional split level, a boldly contemporary octagon Riverloft or a Quarterdeck Townhouse. River Bend Plantation. Where people of all ages enjoy a thousand different lifestyles in a truly balanced community. Where golf in the heart of golf country is a year-round pastime. Where tennis knows no season. And where boating, fishing. skiing. sailing, swimming and riding are at your back door. Isn't this everything you've been working for? River Bend Plantation. Lying quietly on the Trent River outside historic New Bern. North Carolina. just around the bend.
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AnotJ1cr IIon cn~ la . .. at \\1Utc FlintFor Gi fts. Whims and Fancic~ ... . , . Hortensia of Foxhall Squn.re wa!> the 1st and It spawned a ll those imaginative ideas that set our customers' gUl-giving apart. We'r e anxious for you to see our 2nd Vel}· Idea at White Flint.
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to the allowable four permitted by Mohammed in the Koran. Saudi even has some women doctors. Perhaps one reason that life does not get claustrophobic for a pretty and gregario~s Amerlcan·bom girl like Monica is that she IS very close to her mother and her stepfather and the three of them are always on the move. "Just for fun," she hos appUed for an internship at Sothebys In London •. like the one Caroline Kennedy completed recently starting next September. She does a lot of visiting with old school chums in London, Paris and elsewhere, and skis at St. Moritz during the season. The family has a summer home In Evlan. outside Geneva, which they use as a base for a month each summer. From there they can Oy off to the Sporting Oub at Monaco or to the Casino at Cannes whenever the spirit moves them. The Alireza family also has a vacation house at Tail In the mountains not far from Jidda where they can escape the 115 to 120 degree temperatures of summer in town. Every Thursday at noon. without fall. the family leaves Jidda for Its weekend house on the Creek, a coral-filled Inlet of the Red Sea where they spend Fridays, the Moslem Holy Day Families not only pray together. they stay together ,on that day. Both Mrs. Allreza and her daughter are Rornan Catholics, but apparently the fact that there are no churches In Saudi Arabia (other than mosques) has not been a problem for thel'l1· It would seem from talking to her that Mrs. Alireza's cup runneth over A few days after our interview, she was scheduled to fly back to Jidda with her family with an overnight stopover In Parts. Both she and Monica had a jam-packed schedule of appointments at St Laurent, Lanvin and Valentino to order their spring and sumrner wardrobes Both were looking forward to haircuts and beauty treatments at Alexandres on the Faubourg. " I expect our rooms will be filled with flowers. Ali always arranges that." said his wife. Is there anything she wants she doesn't yet have'? "Oh. I'd like Ali to have a private jet and · oh yes, a Rolls He says the streets are still too torn up 4!md the trcffic too undisciplined at home for him to buy me the car." Before he rushed off to the office after luncheon, the Ambassador assured us of his country's continued prosperity in the future. "We have recently discovered more oil reserves. you know. Even so, the King Is building two large petro-chem1cal plants. one on the Arabian Gulf and one on the Red Sea. We are developing our mineral resources. Iron ore. nickel, and Un. And. of course, right after World War II we started to work the gold In King Solomon's Mine 70 miles north of Jidda. And we are spending millions on solar energy research After all. we who suffer so much from the rays of the sun should be able to get some good frorn them"
The Representa ti ve. When price isn't the o nly ob ject. The Representative, a high-rise condominium next to tl1e Pe11tngou, overlooking Wnshi11gton, nnd witllin minutes of the Cnpitol. One bedroom homes from tile 111id sixties. Two bedroom homes from the upper sevet~ties. Three bedroom l1omes from 011e huudred and thirty thousand dollars. Yoll are invited to stop by to view our model homes. Or, if yo11 p1'efer; call us for n11 appointme11t, Q20-02bl. Our sales office IS open 10-6 daily.
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The Foundry 1055 Thomas Jefferson St. N W Washmgton, D C 20007 1202) 333- lOf>h
Paradise or Purgatory ,--for Bankers?
Showing Spring
The flood of forums on the acquisition of
art and the many publications that inform
their readers about the great current Investments In paintings and works of SCulpture, usually have one shortcoming: they neglect to tell how to finance our Passion for the object beautiful. We learn about changing collecting Patterns, new artistic directions, and changing tastes. For example: balmy, long despised 19th-century landscapes. replete With contented cows and rosy sunsets, are respectable once more. And nobody need apologize for the slightly heroic Remington bronzes that have graced attics during the Past avant-garde-minded decades. RemIngton's fine detail is appreciated again to the tune of up to $125,000 for a good one. Experts like Peter Wilson , the savvy chairman of London's Sotheby Parke Bernet (who, Incidentally, pronounces the "f') tip us off to splendid bargains In medieval Pottery. Based on the actual buying power of the dollar, Wilson maintains, prices for really good art as weU as fine antiques have ¡â&#x20AC;˘ despite appearances to the contrary .. not dramatically Increased over the last hundred Years. Compared to $50,000 In 1931, Important Renaissance jewelry sold at
$96,000 in 1970 a price which, In effect, represents less money! At $475.000 the companion piece to Marie Antoinette's secretaire. crafted by the famed Rlesener, Is considered to be a bargain by the experts, Inasmuch as that price Is barely equivalent to the sum paJd in 1882 . Obviously. all Is relative In the pricing of obJects d'art. Whlle Gray Boone's "Letter" deals with the rising popularity and prices of African art (a mask from Gabon that sold for $2,000 a few years ago recently Jumped to $40,000) and the decline of the Haitian boom. Milton Esterow's ARTnewsletter focuses on the favorable market for American Western art, paintings, drawings, and bronzes, and the new Interest in Russian icons. New York, the undisputed capital of the art world. is about to dethrone london as the center of the world market for old masters and l!lntiques, already an annual three button dollar business in America! Bankers may not be knowledgeable about art, but they do understand figures. Watching the expanding art market, some of them have taken a new look at art financing for collectors and potential buyers of works of art. To be sure. art financing Is not off to a
and featuring th~ 1 Al bert Lewis , shirt collectioh
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running start. Nevertheless, a handful of bankers around the country are wUiing to talk and engage In loans in this "great unbanked area," as George LeMa Istre. director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, put it. Despite the fresh crop of museums. galleries. collectors. and young art fanciers in our town, Washington's bankers are not among the pioneers In art loans. Chi!lri!lctertstically, John Bacon, who lnrtlated a program of art lending in conjunction with an exhibitions program several years 1190 at the Commonwealth National Bank In Dallas, Texas, Is a collector Meanwhile over 400 loans. mostly to collectors. have been made without a penny's loss. The loans range up to $100,000, and average about $5.000 each Approximately 90 percent were Installment loans at a rate of 11 to 12 percent interest. The criteria Commonwealth developed In evaluating Its art loan applications were to a large degree adopted by other banking Institutions. Good credit standing, appraisal of the coll11teral by auction houses and major galleries. authentication and. most lm· portantly, marketabihty of the work of art ·· (blinkers are wary of non-Income producrn9 assets) - are conditions that have to be met before one banker's precious dime changes hands' Another bank that fearlessly plunged into art frnandng using art as security on a s~tematic basts Is the Amalgamated Trust and Saving~ Bank of Chicago. Its chairman. Martin Gecht. is also a devoted art collector who serves on the board of trustees of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art and the pnnts and drawings committee of the Chicago Art Institute. Gecht has made It a policy to extend credit not only to collectors and dealers, but In a few instances to artists In need of working capital as well. Amalgamated, currently In the process of proposing a program on loans for museum acquisitions, has on occasion purchased and held the work of art Instead of extending credit. In these cases, the collectors were given repurchase options and charged a fee At Amalgamated. polldng of the collateral ·· a painting or sculpture can be removed . swrtched or copied with comparative ease Is regarded as one of the major obstacles In the extension of credit So before you dash down to your friendly banker to ask credit for that diylne painting at your favorite gallery, be prepared to reassure the reluctant money lender on a number of Items Next to the problem of precise valuation In times of a Wildly fluctuating market a contnbuhng factor in the relative tUiquidity of marketing collectibles, and the questton of the Vi!lhdlly of the borrower's title. nothing is scarier to the banker than the prospect of a forgery He will never fo rget William Bode's remark "Rembrandt painted about 700 pictures of these 3,000 are In existence "
Sir John Pope-Hennessey's curt dismissal of Certificates of authenticity as letters that rnake pictures more saleable Is of no help to the purchaser either. The eminent Sir John, distinguished scholar and past director of The British Museum as well as The Victoria and Albert. and present chairman of the Metropolitan's Department for European Paintings, made some chtlhng points in hls treatise on "The Forging of ltaUan Renaissance Sculpture " Much to the dismay of everybody In the art world. he Indicated that even the most prominent collections. all of them vouched for by great expert5 (among them the Samuel H . Kress Collection at The National Gallery) , are not entirely free of skillful forgeries and updated attributions The Keating case. st!ll under Investigation, brought forth the admission frorn forger Keating that 28 works owned by London's prestigious Redfern Gallery were P,illnted by him, a "Renoir" and various German expressionists" among them, will send any banker running for cover. Notable efforts In art financing for collectors have been Introduced by New York's Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co In addition. Finance America Corporation . a subsidiary of Bank America. and the International Art Registry Limited have started on a program of making credit ava1lable to collectors through their dpproved dealers Finance America requires a down-payment of 50 percent on a Work of art The term for loans varies between six months to five years It intends lo charge interest rates from 13.62 to 16.41 Percent Computerized " flngerprlnUng" of lhe work of art for purposes of identiflcatton Is regarded as standard procedure at this Institution. Although Washington banks are not Participating in systematic art financing , t.ielvin L. Chrisman, senior vice president of Riggs National Bank, points oul that the e>ctension of credit In the form of personal loans, based on the borrower's credit Worthiness rather than the art object as collateral. is not unheard of in our ilrt路rninded capital Fortunately, many of Washington' s most reputable an dealers will work out financial arrangements with their customers on an Individual basis. Instead of Impressing the reluctant banker With social arguments about the civillzlng Influence of art. prospective borrowers should encourage him with monetary fact. Amalgamated and Commonwealth, who started their profitable art lending programs as public relations ideas, have reportedly attracted a special clientele and substantial new business. IN By filling this gap In the credit market, ashington's bankers would not just Perform a public service They finally would Ciltch up with Chicago, New York City. and
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signed and dA.ted 1949
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There's Sparkle In Those Crown Jewels Yet By RAISA SCRIABINE There are few surv1vors among the many who shared the He of Nicholas and Alexandra One that • remains is Princess Lillie Gagarin. whose late husband taught the techniques of the lmperlal Cavalry In Rock Creek Park Then, you'll find Prince and Pnncess Nicolai Galitzlne off Foxhall Road and Princess JuUa Cantacuzene. granddaughter of Ulysses S . Grant Princess Julia was probably the only Russian pnncess born In the White House •
She Ulc::Jrtlt:U on c::Jiue·de comp tu Nlt.hulc::J!> II
Princess Lillie Gagarln shares an elegant Georgetown home with Mary Woevodsky , surrounded by Faberge frames , a portrait of the Emperor among the Icons and porcej.,ln Easter eggs with Imperial lnltials Mary Woevodsky remembers the key figures of the royal court She has a particular love for the mother of the Czar, found Alexandra a bit "cold" and Rasputin to have had truly a spedal hypnollc power that "peasants In Russia were known to possess " she savs At the Galitzme s there are French • ogarettes Dom Pengnon chocolates and pate on spectal dehvery • from Georgetown's French Market Prln· cess Olga Galltzlne Is wtth the French Embassy Under the watchful eyes of hts 2 6 DOSSIER
From Russia with laue ... Many who came to A merica fro m Mother Russia made Washington their home Titled nobility ... Imperial G uard officers .. . Inm ates of the Gulag .. . Be aring with them their culture and their tradition as their gift to W ashington.
Galitzme attributes the loss to the Reds to indeoslve leadership There were also "Interesting" times tor Galitline. as a Paris taxi driver and as .iJ poultry farmer in Normandy. Now. 1t 5 retirement from teaching and a new interest In ornithology. Prince Nicolai doesn't u~~ his ti tle observing. "We're American now. But he'll let you read (in French or Russia"\ a hand-written history of ancestora GalitzJne-ry There's an English verslon for the plebeian few who don't speok the tongues of the Motherland. •
poruaJted ancestors. Prince Nico lai recalls the good-old-days and the not-so-good-old-days He remembers the October Revolution "It was October 26th, 1917 The Bolsheviks were on rooftops firing on the passers-by I could hear the shots Volunteers were gathenng at the Aleksandrovsky M1htary academy on Arhat Street in Moscow to ftght them I was gtven only 15 cartridges. We had so httle ammumtion The Reds had It all we lost " Of the Civil War. Galitzine remembers. " A hand grenade exploded right next to me I was stand.Jng behmd a horse This protected me But both my legs were wounded "
Washington wouldn't be the sarne Without its own Baltic Baron Constcmtine de Stackelberg who IS • known to hts friends as 'Steno' arrived on our shores In 1940, at which hme renewed a friendship with Mrs Sarllh Delano Roosevelt who he had met '" london The handsome. blue-eyed man whose estates WI!Te In Estonia. is very proud to b<' an Amencan and likes his job at thi? Department of Commerce where he Is with
Prince Nicolai and Prlncue 019 11 Gallulne conjure up an lmpenal mood as theY pouse be/ore a youthful portrait of the Princess in the living room of their Northwest Washington residence.
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the Economic Development Administration. As a young man after the Russian Revolution. he was Imprisoned In Siberia by the Bolsheviks During the time of the Estonian War of Liberation. 1919-1920. he was decorated with the St George's Cross for conspicuous bravery. What's it like to be the son of the Master of Ceremonies at the Russian Imperial Court? As an ll ·year-old. he remembers watching the ballet in the court box at the Marinsky He spoke Theatre in St. Petersburg. German with his lather. French with his mother. English with his Governess. Estonian with the coachman. and Russian with the butler. Since then. he's picked up Spanish and Italian There's more to the chronicle of the family Stackelberg. Because his grandmother and the grandmother of Lord Louis Mountbatten were sisters, 'Steno' is related to the late Queen Louise of Sweden and the late Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain. who was godmother to the Stackelberg son. There's a bit of beauty in every Baron's life. 'Steno' met lecturer-writer Garnett Gardiner at the British Embassy in Washington and they were married in 1945 Garnett who was a native of Oregon and a S tate College beauty queen there, lived in Shanghai. China before coming to the capital She was in Shanghai when Jt fell to the Japanese and was evacuated on the Gripsholm The Stackelberg's son Charles ·sandy' Alexander, who now lives in Connecticut. was voted by Town and Cou ntry as one of the nation's fifty most eligible bachelors. For 30 years the Stackelberg apartment on Columbia Road has been the gathering place lor diplomats and friends they have known in different parts of the world, from Princess Alice of Greece (Mountbatlen's sister) to cellist Msoslav Rostropovich ~ Never say no to an Invitation to • dine in the luxurious Cleveland Park home of Vladimir To ls toy • Mllos lavs ky and his beautiful hall-Tahitian wife, S uzanne You'U love the icons, the Ilya Schenker original the rock garden and the conversation. That is. if you're in the diplomatic corps or Ia creme de Ia creme of the commumty Russiandom. A generation down the noble ladder are names known to Mother Russia but faces more familiar to the Washington scene. Related to Count Leo Tolstoy through his mother, Princess Helene Wolko ns ky, Vladimir will tell you about the "Emmy" he won for teaching Russion on WTOP or about a certain debate in Moscow when he Interpreted for a certain ex-President and a certain ex-Premier. Curious about the ways and means of the Russian Orthodox religion? Ask Vladimir . "Theology ls one of the neglected facets of Russian studies." he says. "To understand the people well. you have to study the religious thought." Vladimir's done just that, at Paris Theological Seminary. Is now before classes at the U.S. NavaJ Academy a t Annapolis.
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There's been an Americanization of Prince David C havc hava d ze · Washington's only Romanoff.Jnresidence. But that's on his mother's side only "I'm 100 percent American In cavic " duties." the retired Soviet operations 5pecialist for the C IA says. "But the soul? Ahh That's still Russian. You must understand that. You can't break Mother Russia's spell even If you come to the States at age three In 1927 ." And the Motherland remembers the Romanoff On his first trip to the Soviet Union In May. David discovered that the Muscovite on the street had a deep respect for hastorlc names and titles Of his princely title. David says. "I'm 52. so I'm used to at " The casual prince lives IIIith George Washington University Prof· l!ssor Yurl Olkhovs k y and his wife, Zhe nla Washington society is discovering their soirees for Russian intellectuals and artists. Th~ vodka Oows as do songs from Mother Russia as the melancholy gypsy serenades the assembled group, ac· companymg himself on guitar .
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Whether you call him " Mr " or "Prince." when you talk to the • State Department's princely A lex· e l Obole n s k y, you're talking to a direct descendant of Ghengis Khan and Rurik Alexei and his American-born wafe. Sele n e . are among a number of "The Washington's noble Obolenskys. nobility are the carriers and creators of culture." says Prince Alexei. who feels "exiled'' In "provincial Washington ." Keeping the culture Is a princely pleasure and a princely debt which Obolensky has been taking care of since coming to the States. from Italy, in 1959
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Amertcon though they be. the ateesome Russian Eagle 1$ neuer far from the mmds of P r in ce Dootd C hooch ocod u , Nalc lto Romanoff Orad P rin ce A le:~Cel O b o len•kv They 're shown lwre ot the annual Russ1an Chanty &II
1800 HocL.•ille l'il.t", ~1 un .-Fri. 10 -9, ~11 1 . l Q.(, 881-8800 7 126 Wi8C:on•in AH•.. Daily 10 -6, ~1 on . an ti " '"""· J0.\1. fl52-7900
Like the Russian Church (Washington has the Russian cultural and socilll orgllnlllltions In the e~~pital are the community's sustaining centers. And Selene Obolensky. from an eighth generation Alabama army farnUy , runs most of them ul may not have Russian blood. but I do have a Russian soul," says the Prine~: whom friends call 'Your Selene Highness. There's a defin1te Obolensky hand in the area's annual Russian Charity Ball .. proceeds from which support 20 Russian veterans and widows of World War I. and second and third generation Russian children abroad. two).
Among the younger set of nobill Russians Is Prince Oleg Vol· konsky who. at 37. Is the bachelor prince about town Oleg is an artist and an Oxford Scholar who is at home in French. German and Russian . Volkonsky wants to ' ~ Involved In hl!>tory. And he is, Prince Volkonsky tells it like it is weekly In Russian on Voice of Amerlca Of love and ladies? Prince Oleg pauses. Intense black eyes smiling. "As La Rochefoucauld said. 'There is only one type of love, but there are a thousand copies of it I have been agonizingly close to the ong1nal ' " Oleg will be happy to tell you about his days w1th the BBC or Radio Uberty In Munich But you'U have to find him at F Scott's. his favorite Georgetown haunt where he takes in the atmosphere -mcogmto
Mother Russia has certainly left 1ts lmpnnt on Washington St • Nicholas Church on Massachusetts Avenue conducts services in both Slavic and English "The number of Americans in the congregation Is increasing. ·• a church official notes A definite "da" this year is the midnight Easter candlelight procession around the church April 10. The tradition is beauuful. but so Is the company. as you mingle with members of the lmpen<~l Reg1ments uf Emperor Nicholas. The capual\ wamor!> include· Vladimir Gudlm Levkowlch , 'r'url K.vonMayer
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Nicholas Dobryshlne A face from the unwnthm Who s Who that should be a household name to Slavophiles is Vaslll Touto rsky Toutorsky knew the Rachmanlnoffs of the Moscow Conserva· torv Now he teaches at the Toutorskv Music Academy on 16th Street Then there's the Slate Department contingent whoc;e members mclude Miss Ellen Gavrichev. Dr. George Mlshtowt Ac;,lc;tant Under(ecretary Vladimir Leho· vlch of NATO and Poht!Cal Affairs. and Cyril Muromcew of Language Services Still very much Russians at heart wa,hington's aristocrats-in exile lead private lives and retain personcll recollect10ns that are a grand reminder of il Russia they love ll! J 1 1 '
By CANDACE JOHNSON 0 Justice Abe Fortas assembles his string QUartet every Sunday night . Senator Robert Byrd woos constituents In a musical mode. Ann Richardson sings The "Docs of Dtxieland" blast. Luxembourg Ambassador Adrien Meisch makes love to those eighty eights. And Congress serenades St Patrick on his day. Washington amateur musicians all. they reflect a joyful spirit ·- the real kick to be derived from "music for 11 while." Washington's musical underground rail· roads the executive, judldal and legislative branches and the business, science and ITledicaJ professions as well From Saturday night to Sunday morning, Washington's ITlusical lawyers, pollllclans and doctors Contemplate thelr one shared problem. "How the devil are we going to get together and rehearse?" For the last 20 yc<~rs, Justice Abe Fortas has solved that problem by regularly 5elting aside Sunday evenings to rehearse With his string quartet For the man who Isaac Stern says plays "Judiciously well." the Justice defines music as "Ide and living" It Provides him the quintessential challenge, the energies to fuel the National Symphony Board and the Ma rlboro Music Festival ('You know, Rudl Serkln's summer gig "). and the drive to pursue a high-powered law career "I started Wrestling with the violin when I was eight-years-old. Thus far. II h11s completely defeated me." Wall-to-wall photos cover 88th Congres slonal R e presentative Bob Leggett's 2263 Rayburn Office Bob Leggett as Chairman of the Fisheries Comml11ee with
Northern California fishermen Leggett as Chaarman of the Defense Task Force .,urrounded by 9'?nerals. Leggett blowmg hh horn HIS trumpet accompamed him through Berkeley. Naval ROTC traanang. and numerous campaigns Two year~ 1190. during his defense tnp to Vienna. he brought it as an mtemahonal goodwill gesture "MUSIC helps you relate to people You ~rap with Republicans and Conservatives and then unify in a musical tune • it's kand of fun" Other 88th members with whom Leggett enjoys playing are pianist Senato r Frank Churc h . reed player Richardso n Pryo r . Hawaiian singer Sparky Matsunaga and harmonica playing Congreesmen Jake Pickle and Claude Pepper From behind a desk pUed high with documents and reports, Leggett's h ead barely
and he says. "Please understand. we don't have quite as much time to practice as we'd like." Fellow congressman and clannetJst sax· ophonast Richardson Pryor ls quiCk to agree that ''Our playing ls more insptratiOnal than disciplined practice " Pr>or, who ptawd h1s clarim:t aD the way through Prmccton and u,ho now plays in the 8Rth Congres!.' 'Barrel Ho use Band." demon!>trates a vaned an depth knowledge of Ameracan Jazl Has admtration of dannettsts Bamtl? B1gard and Pee Wee Russell and fellow Nonh Carolaman saxophomst J o hn Co ltrane md1cates Pryo r's preferenc~>s fo r th~> Nl'\4 Orlean~ trc~diuonal and modern )au k:llum!o Prvor draws an antereSJang analog~· bet~A·een '>tructumd and free form )au when h11
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applies Robert Frost's "Free verse is like playing tennis with the net down'' to America's most Indigenous music form . Florida Congressman Claude Pepper displays the same zest as Pryor when he talks about music. Representative Pepper underscores his love for symphonic music in a soft Southern accent. "Great music Inspires people. it lifts them up to the appreciation of beautiful sentiments." Armed with his harmonica and dad in green tie, coat and top hat. Pepper joyfully joins his congressional colleagues every March 17th when they conjure up St. Pat with a lively Irish Jig. Not to be outdone, however, the Senate wiU surely send over pianist Senator Charle s P e rcy and West VIrginia fiddler Sena tor Robe rt Byrd to woo classical plano and country music fan Rosa lynn Carte r . Much of the JOyful music emanating from our capital merry-go-round can be attributed to Washington's "Docs of Dixieland." Directed by Dr. Joseph Be lla ntt, Chief of Pediatrics and Director of Immunology at Georgetown University Hospital, the "Docs and DDs" formed their musical aggregation In 1965 upon the premise that "ambulances accelerate ten times faster to their favorite tune up call." Racing on rounds by day, the "Docs" play circles around each other by night and are in regular demand for parties and balls year 'round. They donate the entirety of their professional feed to the National Kldney Foundation and Georgetown Unlvenlty, to name a few. Resourceful, well-known psychiatrist VIncent Ke lly has to admit he causes more than a few raised eyebrows when. because of his busy schedule . he does his vocal exerdses behind the doors of his car. Alto Ann Ric hardson would empathize with Dr Kelly's desire to sing. She started singing three years ago when husband Elliott accepted the ambassadorship to England. A resurgence of the choral tradition in America has made her count her Monday evening Oratorio Society rehearsals a must. For accomplished amateur musldans Blll Cook and attorneys AI Felge n and Ed Mag uire , the satisfaction and peace of music remain first and foremost in their Bill Cook's Merrill Lynch minds. Connecticut Avenue office twitters With the kinetic energy of the world's stock market. The hum of the business machines, the clack of the typewriters and the beep of the electric switchboard might very welt be a new composition by American avant·garde composer John Cage. A gifted pianist, Cook is up at 6 a .m. practising the romantic composers he Ukes best -- Rachmaninoff and Chopin. This discipUne of many years pays off in the joy of music-making for friends at the White House and playing double piano concertos With Van C Uburn and dear friend. Artur Rubins te in . AI Feigen played with those professionals for years when he was a young aspiring musician In Chicago Felgen Is so good , he
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is on call nightly at friend David Lloyd Kreeger's house, Justice Fortas' musicales and the Woodmont Club, of which he is currently president. Feigen's planistic complement in the legal profession is Harvard educated. Cole Corette and Bradneld attorney Ed Maguire Maguire is never far from the piano at night, when he devotes any spare ume to the high-browed study of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven and to the delights of playing chamber music with his friend , Assistant Secretary of the Air Force and trumpeter Everett Keech . Washington claims a pianists' monopoi,Y with the residence of Luxembourg 5 Ambassador Adrlen Meisch Com· mitted to establishing music as the o!flclll language of the diplomatic corps. Ambassador Meisch has previously taken the chill off Russian winters by regularly playing chamber music with Rostro· povlch and performing with the Chamber Orchestra of Moscow In a benefit concert When he embarked upon his Bicentennial piano concert tour of Chicago, New York and Philadelphia last spring, the Ambas· sador endeared himself not only to the Washington diplomatic community but to the entire United States as well Here in Washington . he has been featured soloiSt at the Philips and the elite concert series at Dumbarton Oaks. Pianist Meisch, who has played with the Julllard String Quartet Zlnd the Tokyo String Quartet, owns a StelnwaY and a professional pianist's dream .. a Bosendorfer. A devoted chamber music player, he enjoys reading through Bach sonatas with another member of the diplomatic corps, German Minister Niels Hanse n Minister Hansen practices his flute nightly. on weekends, and "anytime I can." he says. 'Papa' Hansen, who has a concert cominS up soon, hopes to set a good example for hiS music students by impressing them with the discipline of a regualr practice session (and by getting his pieces learned as well!) . Children are of prime concern to jaZZ clarinetist Halg Kafaflan . His goal as president of the Cybernetics Research Institute is to help ph~oslcally handicapped children communicate with their environ ment In this endeavor, Kafafian uses Zlll kinds of music to stimulate the work patterns of his patients and to relate to them In anY way possible. A prime proponent himself. Kafafian will often close his office doors, t~rn on a tape recording of the Dave Brubeck Quartet and with a blissful look of secret indulgence, wail In the best jazz style of Benny Goodman The surfZice of Washington's muslclll underground has barely been scratched The capit11l music connection assembles leaders from every field and every country. Be they former professionals or dedicated amateurs, classically trained or jazz Inspired these "musicians at heart" are Inspiring O[l( indlvidualsall.
Produced By: Lee Kirstein Photographed By: Fred Ward/ Black Star Text By: Suzanne Wille MCPiodv GIIâ&#x20AC;˘CPv: Foshron drrectron b~ Ruth Leu;rs of Elrzobeth Arden. Jewelry by Boone and Sons Inc Jewelers. Specral Effects by Mrguel Vega SpeaaJ !honks to the OAS
Jinx Cutu : Fashion drrecrron by Janet Wallach and Gerry Kendall of Gorfrndcels and Mary Chrstolrni of Woodward and Lothrop Jeu;elry by Edward E Ayre Jewele~. Inc , Accessory silk flower by Lrllrane and fresh flowers bs; Floral Aru, Inc , Speaal Effects bv Chuck Bemstern of The Kite S11e. Make up bv Anno Moron of Flcuhbock Speool thanks to the Corcoran Gallery of Art
Claudia Rayford: Fashion drreetiOn by Gerry Nettleton of Lord and Taylor and George Bigor of the Georgetown Unluersrty Shop, Make up by lnge Guen of The Make Up Center Special thanks to Chrldren 's Hospital and D C. Medical Society A wclliary
Melody Gilsey 0 Long after this year's Washington Performing Arts Society Ball is symbolized by a souvenir program and some great candid shots stuffed Into a manila envelope, memories of its chairman will endure In \'iv1d color Terrific dance mus1c notwithstMding, the most harmonious aspect of this year's ball was Chairman Melody Gilsey. whose w1t and carbonation made the challenge of putting all those puzzle pieces together look like child's play The best laid plans of m1ce and men oft time~ go a~tray That's why Melody ~tarted hatch10g her plans for this year's W P A S ball last ,June-· a full e1ght months beforl the first dance was danced "I remember we were at the beach and u was the middle of the night "'hen I hnally hu upon ·camaval" a:. the theme for the ball Peter wasn' t a!; enthusiastic about the theme as I hoped he'd be at three In the morning .. Though Morpheus might have tempered Peter's initial sleepy response to his wife's bright Idea. he was one of her staunchest allies In helping to make the W P A S ~II a singing success. With a note of rehef and appreciation In her voice, Melody observed that a lot of husbands would have b\!en angry if their wives had entered mto a marriage contract With a ball hoiA.ever
[Continued on page 421 Iabove I For plannmg by doy. Melody tokes o bright and btouttful position In Holston's white ultra sutde dre.$$ and trouser ootfit set off u·1th o sprightly u•h1tl' felt fedora by Frank Oliuler Washmgton lmpresono and W P A S mainstay Patnck Hayes. loolung smart in a soft tan su11, prouides o fashionable COmplement toMs Gilsey In one of h1s fouonte crouaresfrom Israel Holston outfit ot Elizabeth Arden. Mr. Hayes suit aua1lable at Gorfmckels latleftl W1th the amb1ence of the Woshmgton Performmg AriS "Camaual" Boll Sill/ in the a1r, the fashiOn spotlight focuses on the Irregular hem/me and Prouocauue sill of this Bill Blass strapless gown of white chiffon bound in nouy Silk A many splendored flower msplred thb creation which b shown to 1ts best aduontoge by W P A S boll chairman Melody Gllsey at the OAS Husband Pl!ter, who is W.P A S Men's Committee Chairman, also sets a sartorial tone In his tuxedo He and gu1tarbt Miguel Vega agree that Melody knows how to throw "one temflc party." Gown ouoiloble at Eltzabeth Arden Mr G1lsey's euenlng att:re from Garfmckels Diamond cuff bracelet at Boone and Sam Inc Jeuelers
• " •• • • fP ..• ..• • • fP" .•• ..• " II
Corcoran ball chairman Jinx Cutts looked to duigner Julio for the prettiest gown she could find for the spedol night of April 15th With American artist Richard Diebenkom 's work providmgfocus /or Marcia Sandground's flying k1te motif, Jimc will be able to trip the light fantastic to the tune of three different bonds. And she 'II be able to do it in this satin sashed green and wh1te creollon of pure silk by JuUo. Imperial jade and diamond earrings with a matching bracelet/rom Edward E. Ayre Jewelers Inc add the crowning touch to what's certain to be a memorable night. Gown /rom Garfinckels. Make up by Anna Moron of Flashback. (opposite poge} Some of the nicest surprises for Corcoran ballgoers hove been hatched in the Gallery's French Room Gallery Director Roy Slade selects o Bill Bloss blazer su1t to see him through his planning meeting. Creative planner More/a Sandground calls on Anne Klein to brighten her day with o fuschia button down skin In pure silk and a white blouse. Bnnging everyone's good Ideas together, chairman Jmx is a harbinger of Spring's balmy days in a white /lbranne jacket and pearl grey skm by Joan Leslie for Kaspar. Silk violets by LJ/Iiane provide JUst the nght touch for her lavender blouse. To highlight Jinx's springtime look, make up artist Anno Martin of Flashback applied verde eyeshodow, orange pearl blush and poppyl1pstick. For Marda, she used bright green eyecolor. mauve blush and l1p gloss. JmJC's and Marda's outfits at Garfinckels. Mr Slade's swt at Woodward and Lothrop.
• • .. • •" "' I
.. If
Jinx Cutts
0 Can a lady who bps the scales at seven stones •. one who has to stand on eternal tiptoe to watch parades ·· take the command position and get one of Washington's most presllgious annual balls off the drawing boards and onto the dance Hoor? Indeed she can Indeed she will When the doors of the Corcoran Gallery of Art open and reveal a tastefully decorated dancer's paradise on April 15th. its ball chairman will have earned an especially glittery diadem in her crown And the crown will be especially becoming to Sonia Cutts One can only hazard a guess as to why a woman with the historically resonant name of Mrs James Madison Cutts was dubbed
With the moniker 'Jinx: She certainly embodies more qualities of the lady well-born than the tiny vixens of mayhem that the name impUes Perhaps it's the lrTepressible sense of mischief that hide:. behind the pert face -· a sense of impendmg adventure that goes hand in white glove w1th even titanic tasks like orgaruzing the Corcoran Ball Ball Chatrrnan Cutts readily volunteers that the gauntlet would have been almo5t Impossible to pick up were it not fo r the t?nthusiastlc o,ervices of her Corcoran Co Cha1rman Mrs. John Tabor and the crt>at1ve energies of Marcia Sandground . (Contrnued on page 421
Claudia Rayford 0 The notations In the black appointment book are sufficiently numerous to keep any three women well occupied . Yet th e owner of the book and the keeper of all those appointments Is not three persons but one. Her name Is Claudia Rayford and she's a woman whom family and friends have learned never ever to underestimate. Ever known for her aptitudes as a trailblazer . Claudia earned her Ph.d. in Physiology at a time when most young women were defining their horizons in terms of 'appropriate' professions like nursing and teaching H aving overcome generic obstacles to success, Claudia Rayford then stepped in where angels had feared to tread •• she became the first black woman ever to join the Medical Society Auxiliary of the District of Columbia. Because excellence will always seek its own level, the woman who began her affiliation with the D C. Medical Society Auxiliary a conspicuous minority, Is now its (Continued on page 44] (or right) Watch Claudio Royford sparkle when she tokes you on o tour of the new Children's Hospital facility. Designed by Gamut. Claudio's beige row silk double· breasted jacket with front pleated skirt and m01chmg shirtwaist strike a colorful balance In her fauorlte room which is, mats noturellement. the playroom Claudio Is confident that the worke~ in the background will meet rheir deodlrnes and thoJ the room wiD soon be /lllw wtth fun and games ond children. A brown KOr/ by Brll Bloss wraps up her stunmng daytime look Outfit ouollable ot Lord and Taylor Solon . Moke up by the Make Up Center (at left] With a lrttle help from Moe Toe of Paris, Claudio bnghtened up the recent DIStrict MediCal Soctery Art Auction which benefitted the Society's medrcol scholo~hrp fund Art enthusiasts agreed that aoudla's holrer·neck block floral pnnt gown wos o uerltoble show stopper Showing o clear Inclination for o/1 things beautiful, Dr Linwood Rayford turned o few heads hrmsel/ in his tropical weight pinstripe suit and silk printed lie. Dress /rom Lord and Toy/or Solon Dr Rayford's outfit ouotloble ot Georgetown Uniue~iry Shop.
Melody Gilsey Urom page 37]
worthy. "Not Peter. He was the Inspiration." With past and present board affiliation with the W.P A.S, National Symphony. YMCA, Christ Church and the Audubon Society, neither Peter Ladd nor Melody are strangers to the arena of civic involvement. And because the Gilseys have always tried to involve their 17-year-old daughter Renee In their community projects. their fruit will not fall far from the tree. When queried about those civic Instincts which often make for missed dinners and weekend-less weeks, Melody responded, "We're all one big family of friends and acquaintances who live, work and raise our families In this Capital community. If we who live here really expect to improve the character around us, we must. as Eleanot Roosevelt said, 'Light a candle rather than curse the darkness.' That's exactly what we are all about." As any veteran will tell you, chairing one of Washington's major balls can be a twelve-hour-a-day job, especially in those last weeks when the hour hand advances at supersonic speed. So how does Melody Gilsey maintain that eternal look of having been freshly dipped in peaches and milk? "I always try to take naps before we go out, but the most important thing Is the hot bath followed by the cold shower." Yoga and modem dance with Renee keep Melody enviably svelte enough to do stunning justice to the couture of Halston and Anne Klein. her favorite designers. A savvy lady with a heightened sense of what's fashionably right for her. Melody votes for moderation rather than volume in her clothing purchases and cleverly rejuvenates an oft-worn outfit with 000 lots of dramatic accessories.
Jinx Cutts Urom page 391
Nor are her roses reserved solely for the aforementioned . As a Corcoran docent for several years, Jinx feels particularly well qualified to render certain opinions about the kind or women who do volunteer work at Washington's oldest gallery. "I think that the women in the Corcoran volunteer force are pretty special In that there is no elitism, no dile ttantism . These aren't women who are trying to pass hours between shopping trips and bridge games. And many of them couldn't give a hoot about social standing. They are simply dedicated to doing what they can to help the Corcoran continue its long-standing commitment to the genius of American art." Because she's the type of lady who had a terrific time at her own wedding. Jinx will probably succeed In having the time of her life at her own big party In April . She attributes at least some of her equanimity to an arachnid named 'Scorpio ~ ' "When things 42 / 00SSJER
SEE YOURSElF VERY MUCH A LADY ... IN SHIRT SI .EEVES Everyth ing's shirt-shaped fo r you with Nipon Bou tique's contemporary d ifference of
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get crazy. the Scorpio has the presence to step away from the vexation and take a refresher until he is rested and can deal appropriately with the situation." In addition to help from Scorpio, Jinx also credits peace and cooperation on the homefront as valuable supports during her tenure as ball chairman. "My husband and daughter have been most conspicuous non-complainers and real boosters when I've needed them most." Standing a tad under live feet presents a tall shopping problem for the lady who admits to a fondness for fabric that ts soft and sensual and who has a trunk full of same to prove 1t. As a result. Jinx is no stranger to her sewing machine, where she spends a great deal of time 'sizing down' her store-bought size two's and four's. Diminutive though she may be, Jinx Cutts DOD packs a whammy punch .
Claudia Rayford 8K Yellow Gold· Pt.llnum Emerald Cut Emerald and Diamond Ring Era Wt 1.22 ct&. 2 Shield Diamond• 65 ct& . $4 %0 on
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a special collection of fine lithographs, silksoreens, water colours, etchings and oils of establis hed Israeli artists
(from page 41)
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President. The same drive that propelled her to the upper rungs of achievement also energizes her to meet Auxiliary objectives, which Include the Implementation of health career programs for high school students, the Meals on Wheels program and activities to promote enriched relationships between parents and children . The striking wife of Washington surgeon Dr. Linwood Rayford and the mother of two, Marla, aged 14, and Linwood Ill, aged 19, has an oh·so-tender spot in her heart for children -- anybody's chlldren . This love. coupled with the fact that some years ago her own daughter's life was saved from aspirin poisoning has led her to Children's Hospital, where she is a docent. II you care to catch a first-hand look at someone with the Incandescence of 1,000 kilowatts, take a tour with Claudia around the new Children's Hospital facllity at 111 Michigan Ave., N. W. For Claudia. daylight doesn't contain within its perimeters enough time for quiet thinking and keeping current with correspondence. Ergo· the light in her study pops on from 3 a.m. to 4 :30 a m. each day for those thinking and writing tasks that require her uninterrupted attention. Yet with those peculiar hours and that hurried existence, Claud1a manages to make her husband very proud of her good looks when she's on his arm . Regular exercise, which indudes tennis, bowling. swimming and a little Ballet Russe with Sonia Peterson, keeps Claudia In fine fettle for the couture of favorites Anne Klein, Pierre Cardin, Pauline Trlgere, Oscar de Ia Renta and Chloe. A warm bath, lots of family love and, if she's lucky. a quick nap, keep Claudia Rayford on those upper rungs of personal success from sunrise well beyond ODD sunset
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"Alive Food" The Au Nature! Way To Diet
Marlsa Berenson
Clorls Leachman
By Emily Wilkens 0 What. aside from fame and fortune. do an all-time top model. one of the world's
lllost celebrated film stars. TV's Phyllis, an Australian chanteuse and the granddaughters of Hemingway and Schlaparelli have in common? Their fascination with "natural" food.
Maud Adams . So phia Loren , Clorls Leachman , Lana Cantrell, Pttargaux H emingway and Marlsa Berenson are super careful about what
they eat. Like so many others who are in the nutrltutlon know, they follow the "alive fOOd" diet. "Alive food" Is for real food What It lacks is what makes it healthful 路- no additives, no Preservatives, no chemical coloring "Alive fOOd" Is not sterilized or pasteurized It's not frozen , canned, or processed in any way It is fabulously fresh It Is in the most natural state possible 路- chockful of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Perfect Produce : The fruit of the season
Is yours to enjoy -- not canned, but fresh
Emily Wilkens Is a worldwide syndiCated health-ond-beoury co/umnrsl for King Feorurts. Coty Award winner, founder and trustee of New York's Fashion lnstrrutc of Technology, ond author of "Secrets from the Super Spas"
from tree or vine. Depending on where or when, help yourself to pineapple, peach, pear, plum, apple, orange, apricot, fig, grapefruit, banana, grapes, melon, papaya, strawberries and cherries. Try the sun-dried too: raisins, currants, apricots. prunes. dates and figs. As for vegetables, zero In on those tha t can be eaten raw: all members of the lettuce family. escarole. spinach. endive. tomato, cucumber, onion. celery, carrot, and radishes. If cook vegetables you must, steam briefly In as little water as posSible. That's what Australian songbird Lana Cantrell does Her main meal of the day is a dinner that features five steamed vegetables. She travels with a steamer. plugging it into an outlet in her hotel room Vegetables can also be stir-fried tn safflower or sesame oil Use a large fry pan if you don't have a Chinese wok And don't overcook. They're done when the color is still vivid and they're crisp-tender. which Is a notch after raw
Dairy Delights: Enjoy natural unflavored yogurt and its country cousins, keflr and buttermilk. Eggs-actly Right: ''Fertile路路 Is the magic word for eggs and for hanky panky In the OO~iER ~S
Your entrance way is shared by everyone - family, friends, strangers... It sets the mood for your home and expresses your family's personati1y and care for the beau1y of your neighbomaoo. A creative an1 functional entrara way adds to the value of your home. Call us today and let us create a pleasing. unique and satisfying entrance way for your home. And you can put your best front forward.
hen house. When rooster and hen mate. what's in it for you? A healthier and more delicious egg, replete with Vitamin E. Cheese·lt: The world's most wonderful cheeses are a "natural" and they include Switzerland's Swiss (Emmentaler) and Gruyere. Danish blue, Roquefort. Camem· bert. Brie, Gorgonzola, Parmesan and Cheddar. Processed cheeses? Put them on your "no-no" list. Be tter Butter: Why Is sweet butter best? Because "salted" butter is not dreamy. creamy or as fresh Even better for you than sweet butter is unsalted and unsaturated safflower or soy margarine. Seeds of Satisfaction: Among the super snacks and great garnishes you can enjoy on this diet are sunflower. sesame and pumpkin seeds. Nuts To You: Eat nuts raw or fresh from the shell, but shun them salted. dry-roasted or processed in any way.
Breakfast Brew: Hooray for the high cost of coffee, because It's forced people to consider tea . Tea is deliciously comforting and makes the inner man or woman feel pampered . It's also lower in caffeine. My own herbal favorites are peppermint, camomile. lemon verbena and rose hips. Hot Stuff: When it's Icy cold, or even damp, enjoy a bouillon break, Sip what savvy Swiss skiers sip ·• piping hot vegetable bouillon topped with a sprinkling of grated Switzerland Swiss. Anyone for Juice: An electric juicer Is a healthful Investment that will pay vitalizing dividends. Use It to turn vegetables and fruit into delicious drinks. Experiment with combinations and seasonings. What WiU You Have To Drink: Whether you want to quench thirst or order a cocktail, tell the waiter: "Perrter or Evlan with a wedge of lemon or lime, please.'' Both are favorite drinks of the world's "most beautiful woman," Marisa Berenson .
Full Grained Goodness: White bread Is a habit, and a bad one. Break it. Enjoy the healthful goodness of dark whole-grained bread plus unprocessed bran, fresh wheat germ. buckwheat, millet. bulgur. barley and brown rice. (Brown rice contains the nutrients which are removed from white tice during the milling and polishing processes.)
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Great new four-part "wardrobe'' .... One of the best fashion Ideas in years .. .. Beautifully shaped and tailored jackets, pants, skirt and blouse. All with exciting details to make four rew looks. White. Green, Black, Belge.... $260. 8300 WlSOONSIN AVE., BETHESDA. MD. m14 ~5146 664-5002 IN RAMADA GOVERNOR'S HOUSE
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Oils: Safflower oil ·· also com, soy. sunflower, peanut, or pure virgin olive oil -are the ones to use for cooking, seasoning or dressing a salad. In selecting spices beware of "special spices." They often combine flavors and contain flavor enhancers or preservatives. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER You have the Ingredients for the "Alive Food" diet. Here are menus that suggest
how to combine them for three healthful meals a day plus a snack.
MORNlNG MENU Begin the day with freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. Make a meal of natural yogurt sweetened with two teaspoons of raw honey. Add to it your choice of fresh fruit ln season. raw nuts, You might also seeds or dried fruit. breakfast on coddled, poached or soft-boiled eggs, two slices of whole grain bread with sweet butter and your favorite herbal tea. One of the most famous models of all time, Maud Adams, breakfasts on natural yogurt, organic honey and fresh fruit. This appetizing dish is sprinkled with sunflower and toasted sesame seeds. It's a sweet treat that's good enough to double for dessert and an energy-giving combination that gives Maud get·up·and·go for a day before the cameras.
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NOURISHMENT AT NOON Forget the greasy hamburger. the soggy sandwich and the pizza Instead. tantalize taste buds with the natural goodness of the super salad that cover g1rl and actress Margaux Hemingway loves And Margaux. who is taller {5 ft 12 in ) and a trifle plumper than most (an absolute asset with her he1ght). Is radiant and ravishmg. What a deligh to see this exuberant beauty lunch on a huge salad replete with a vast variety of fresh raw vegetables, chunks of green gold called avocado. topped with a sprinkling of herbs and "dressed" with olive and safflower oil and pure lemon juice
MiD-AFTERNOON MINI MEAL At many of the famous spas I have visited, the favorite mld-aftemoon snack is a hot cup of Potassium Broth . Other allowables for mid-afternoon include freshly made fruit and vegetable juice, raw vegetables, seeds and dried or fresh fruit.
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Start your evening meal with a salad bowl. Then decide on your main dish: poached or broiled fish ; fresh seafood; broiled or roast chicken: steak tartare; fresh beef cooked to rare; or opt for a vegetarian meal. If you have fish, poultry or red meat, add steamed vegetables to it plus a baked potato or a baked potato skin. Pro of Positive: Does the "Alive Food'' diet really pay dividends ln renewed vitality and radiant appearance? Here are two for mstances· When Audrey Hepbum returned to the screen In "Robin and Marian," critics hailed not JUSt her acting but her appeara nce Audrey ts an "Alive Food" fan At her Swiss villa. she cooks up a gourmet storm. Said Audrey, " I long ago made up my mind that, although 1 love to eat, the only way I can look and feel well Is to make every mouthful count. I ask mvseif. 'WiU it
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be good for my skin , hair or nails? Bad for my hips? Will It make my eyes sparkle?' " Or consider Sophia Loren. It's not just motherhood that has made her more beautiful. It's also the diet she follows. She began it to insure perfect pregnancies, something doctors were unsure she could carry through. To be dose to her medkal experts. Sophia passed her confinement in the penthouse suite of a Swiss hotel famed for fabulous cuisine. But she never sampled the meals tourists traveled miles to savor. At dawning, 1 would see Sophia's secretary, basket in hMd, hurrying off to market for that day's fresh-from-the·farm fruit and vegetables. and to the fishery to buy the catch right out of the net. What's the "Alive Food" diet all about? Clons Leachman. lV's Phyllis. sums up her reaction to this natural way of eating, " I never get depressed or down," she says, "and that's not because I'm some Pollyanna who's a goodie-goodie. It's because o f what I eat. I'm being nourished. Repeat. that word Is nourtshed!"
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Supe r Salad: In a wooden salad bowl, which has been rubbed with a clove of cut garlic. combine any of the following: lettuce, c hicory, watercress, spinach, endive, romaine. Add four or more of these raw vegetables: chopped scallions, chives. red or Bermuda onions. sliced cucumber, wedges of tomato, diced green pepper, sliced celery, shredded cabbage. red or white radishes and sliced mushrooms. Crumble Roquefort or Bleu cheese over the top. or finely diced Swiss. Gruyere or grated Parmesan. Toss with a dressing made by combining one-third pure olive oil. one-third safflower, the juice of one lemon plus a generous dash of water. Season with favorite herbs such as dill, thyme, basil, oregano plus freshly ground pepper and sea salt.
Pota s sium Bro th : The vegetables for this potent broth are cooked unpeeled, so scrub well before sltcing them for the soup pot. In a heavy kettle. place one bunch carrots. 6 parsnips, 4 medium potatoes, 2 large peeled yellow onions, 1 hunch parsley. 3 leeks. several ribs of celery. 4 tomatoes and 2 cloves of garlic. Add water to cover. Bring to a boil Lower heal and simmer three hours Season to taste -- naturally If desired. puree Store balance in refrigerator for up to two davs Serve hot or cold cold. Potato Skin Baked : Bake a large potato. then scoop out the pulp. Brush skJn with margarine or com oil. Place on cookie sheet and bake at 350 F. for ten minutes or until skin is extra crisp. Heap cottage cheese topped with yogun into skin. 00 0
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Do Something Nice For Your Favorite Person
By ADRIENNE ANTILES 0 It Is nice to know that you're not the only one to be in the doldrums. We all are occasionally. Who wouldn't be in a high-powered place like Washington where the HEAT is always on (despite the energy crisis) ...and where Georgetown parties resemble a reunion for Nobel Prize laureates and entries in Who 's Who . Ours is a clty where people are constantly on the move -路 be it up and down the business ladder, in and out of The Green Book, or to and from a home district or native country. But sometimes the pressure gets to be too rnuch, and doctors agree it often happens <~bout now. The reasons? The letdown after the busy Christmas season, followed by the Prospect of endless weeks of bleak winter
mysteries, whUe I enjoy historical novels and biographies. We also both love horseback riding -- and even though she just recovered from a fall. Liz is ready to get back in the saddle again . Bardyl Tirana , Attorney and CoChairman of the Inaugural Committee- I am not ashamed to say that when I am blue. I cry...it must be my Albanian-Russian background. I also find that exercise keeps me feeling physically and mentally fit so I usually jog four miles along the C & 0 Canal. and play squash as well. Nina H yde, Washington Post Fashion Editor - The way I cheer myself up Is by spending extra time with my children, Andrea, aged 12. and Jennifer, aged 15. But I make sure that I fit into their schedules
ot optimists) . And lo and behold, we encounter the very exotic malady known In esoteric circles as the WINTER BLAHS. Call it what you may ... it is something to be reckoned with. We consulted some Washingtonians who seem to have a handle on coping with the blahs, and here is what they counselled:
They're less enthusiastic than I am. but It's good for me, The LAST thing I think of Is going shopping.. .for me, that's work Jody Powell. White House Press Secretary - During the campaign, the best way I found to escape the heavy pressures was to play tennis or touch footbaU (However, his assistant confided that the new Press Secretary often was heard "cussing a lot.") Countess Wachbne lste r . Wife of the Swedish Ambassador 路 Being myself and having a balanced life Is my formula for happiness. I keep active with the people and politics of Washington. My more private moments are spent painting and jogging in my garden Sonny Jurgensen , WTOP Sports-
Weather (enough to deject the most hopeful
W . Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury 路Adjusting to the hectic pace of the White House hasn't given me much time to feel down. But when I need to relax. I intend to play lots of tennis. John Warner . Former Chairman of the Bicentennial Commission - Uz and I unwind by taking long walks ln the Virginia countryside, and by reading. She prefers
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caster - I have found Transcendental Meditation to be an extremely good way to make myself feel the best. My wife and I have been meditating for one year, and really love it! Another way I avoid the blues is by staying close to my family , and playing golf and tennis. Ed Hoffman , President of Woodward and Lothrop - When I get the winter blues, I try to get away from it all and fly down with my wife to an undiscovered paradise on John's Island , off the coast of Vero Beach, Florida. where we play golf. How do I play? Pretty well for a retailer. Father GUbert Hartke, O .P ., Head of Catholic University Drama Department If there is a momentary period of sadness, I find I get solace returning to spiritual reading which rejuvenates my sense of inner peace. Confessions of St. Augustine, Imitation of Christ and the Companion to the Summa are especially meaningful. I also regain peace by read1ng the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Shakespeare's sonnets Jack Watson, Secretary to the Cabinet and Assistant to the President - There are at least ten things l would do to escape the blues, but truthfully, I haven't had the time to do them. I'm too busy. VIcki Bag ley , Realtor - My husband and 1 play chess to unwind. Before we were married, I used to win a lot. But now, he does. 1still do not know whether he let me win, or whether he just has grown smarter! Shirley Wilson , Wife of California Congressman Charles Wflson -When I wake up feeling blue, I roll over and stay in bed longer, a reallu>Cury. But the main way I relax is by making decoupage room dividers. I am c urrently working on a door done in red, white and blue, which will be given away at a fund raiser, as what else -- a door prize! Maurice Sid lin . Resident Conductor of the National Symphony - I elude the blues by immersing myself in my greatest pleasure. my work. I try to hear aU the different orchestras which visit the Kennedy Center, and also listen to jazz either at Blues Alley or on the Felix Grant show. I'm also a closet movie addict and , if I could, I would see fo ur films a day. Susan Brinkley , Wife of T.V. Broadcaster David Brinkley - When I have had a rough day, the way I relax is In the kitchen -- cooking. 1 presently am studying the art of Chinese cooking with Virginia Lee m Manhattan . In the past, I have taken classes with Craig Claiborne and Julia Childs. Judith Vlorst, Author- Movies are my ultimate form of relaxation because I can lose myself on the screen, and leave my personal and professional problems In the lobby Senator Birch Bayh , of Indiana - I play tennis, and eat lee cream. (Must make it hard to serve, Senator!)
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The Silver Screen, A Blooming Washington Institution
0 Washington went Hollywood again last
rnonth with a massive invasion of stars, rnovie producers and flack.s who flew into toWn to herald the opening of "Twilight's
Last Gleaming." a message movie dealing with a fictional President. nuclear blackmail and other odd1ments. The two-day marathon was kicked off with a black tie: extravaganza hosted by the Smith Bagle !~S , stellar socialite .stars of the Carter Administration. at the International Club for a mme 200. The right people.
natch. turned out to savor atl that pomp and glamour at a sit-down dinner with danCing. Among those who gleamed at the event were He len and Arthur Burns. the
Pakistani Ambassador Yaqub路Khan. the Israeli Ambassador Slmcha Dinitz and their wive.s, the Chuck Percys . the Austin Klplingers and the
[upper left] Some people at the party after 'Twilight's Last Gleaming~ In the Kennedy Center Atrium wondered whether General Motors heir Stmoart Mott might convert the Center to an automobile showroom. l.lnda Webb knew better. [upper center) An almost unrecognizable Burt Lancalfter has a private moment with actor Roscoe Lee Brown at the Kennedy Center party in the Atrium following the "Twilfgh1'' pmuiew. [upper right) Allied Artists Board Chairman Manny Wolfe gathers
PCJiitlcal reaction to the movie from film buffs Senator Ge:orge McGovern and his wife, Eleanor (lower left] Germain e Ahou~r . wife of the Ivory Coast Ambassador, actor Paul Winfield and Ina Glnsrburg Were among the several hundred people who crowded into the International Club prior to the p revrew of "Twilight." Hostess lVIcky Bagley [standing) appears to be scouring the terrain fo r dinner seats which that night were scarcer than hen's tuth. [lower right) For Representative J ohn Brademas, G.W.U. student Mary 1拢1/en Briggs was euery bit as fascinating as the movie they'd just seen In the Eisenhower Theatre.
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Coast contingent including dapper flick producer Merv Adelson , Emanuel L Wolfe , President of Allied Artists, and stars Joseph Cotten, Roscoe Lee Brown. Charles Durning , Richard Wldmark. Paul Winfie ld and Bur1 Young . The night of the Benefit-Premier at the !Kennedy Center Opera House featured a Jpre-showing party hosted by Austin H !Kiplinger. who was General Chairman of th~ IBeneflt. Proceeds went to the Nationa :Press Foundation. By that time. the Jpicture's super-star Burt Lancaster ts howed up in full beard direct from the Virgin Islands. After the show. the Atrium •was filled to capacity with an enormoUS •crowd who imbibed at the endless buffet and lb.1r displays and danced the night away. :Since the entire audience was invited, it was lhard to pick out the regular Washington :social crowd, but with diligence one spotted !Steve Martindale. Frankie Welch • ,John Brademas . the George McGov· 1erns . the C laiborne Pelts a11d Mexican Apparently. the group had a great time. !Nobody walked out on the movie The daY :after the event it was panned by the 'Washington reviewers. but by that time the )producers, distributors. flacks and stars had lleft town. --CLYDE WOLFE
An Affair of the Heart •w ith Two Regrets IJ Woodward and Lothrop shelled out $150 l!ach for 34 models, expended $4,000 on new runway carpeting, $3,000 for a felt chandelier and rewarded New York choreographer David Carter with " handsome $1 ,500 stipend to make Washington's most heartfelt fashion show really move Designers John Anthony . Gil Aimbez, Donald Brooks , Kasper. IHchard Assatly and Bill Tice all came down from New York so they could be c:ounted among those present at the annual E!Vent Mrs . Tom Paro and Mrs. Edwin Hoffman were the chairman and the \ rice-chairman of this affaire de coeur and E!ve ryone's cup would truly have runneth over were It not for the conspicuous absence c>f both Mrs. Jimmy Carter and Mrs . Walter Mondale . More than gr-umbling. t'here seemed to be a pervasive feeling of regret thai both the first and second ladles had chosen to break with a Heart Luncheon nradition begun as far back as Mamie Eisenhower . The new administration was sll'aciously represented by Mrs . Bert l.ance . wife of the Budget Oireclor and Mrs . Brock Adams , wife of the Transportation Secretary, but an imprimatur ~rom number one and tor number two would really have made it a blue ribbon day ()ne woman observed, "Mrs. Carter should r'econsider the slant against backing charities here In Washington. This is now her community." The Kings of Seventh Avenue presented
[above] Currently "soloing" aboUI town, Tandy Dickinson chars wirh Ken Croâ&#x20AC;˘by at Saeed Ghobash's farewell party. [be/ow) Susan Goldwater and United Arab Emirates Ambassador Saeed Ghobash bid each other a heartfelt adieu or Ghobash's fmal party fling be/ore his rerum to his homeland.
[abouel With a spectacular parade of warm weather fashion and a touch of fresh flowers, the Vema/ Equinox seemed but a breath away at the Heart Luncheon fashion show. [lower left) Mrâ&#x20AC;˘. Marlon Smoak shares o moment of jubilation with Mrs. Kenneth Towsey, wife of the Director of the
Rhodesian In/ormation Office, who won a centerpiece at the Heart Luncheon. [lower right] Woodies' Prexy Edwin Hoffman , who was one of the moving forces behind this year's luncheon, trades quips with new Carterite Mrs. Bert Lance at the luncheon.
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Elegant needlepornt rn line French srlk or wool lrmrted cdrtron desrgns 5101 Wrsconsrn Aâ&#x20AC;˘enue . N W Washrngton, D.C. 20016 (202) 244-8550
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[Immediate left) Mr. and Mrs . Eugen e Smith compare notes with eminent French Oenologist Mme. Lalou Blze Lerov on a Mont.racher '73 at a recent luncheon. [immedJote right) Despite their diminishing numbers in Washington, Conseruotlues remain undaunted. More than 200. Including Senator Orrin Hatch [center]. showed up/or Dick and Elaine Vlguerle's party in their McLean home. (lower) These cofl/i!tllons were appreciated by Mrs. Tommenoms Bakker. Mrs. Jake Warren [wiues of the Ambassadors from the Netherlands and Canada) and Mrs . Albert Beuerldge Ill ot o Netherlands Embassy kick-off teo for the Corcoran Boll
[extreme upper left] Boll Chairman Mrs. Roland Gallev and N. Va. Heart Association Chairman Mrs. Winston Crlckenberger accorded the Northern Virginia Heart Boll a four-sta r solute. [upper center) The man who's worked miracles for Campbell's Soup was royally feted during a recent showing of his work at the Pyramid Gallery. One of Warhol's hosts was Arduhlr Zahedl shown here with fashion doyenne Diana Vreeland. [left! The April 16th American Cancer Society benefit dinner donee recently received a rousing send-off or the Chinese Embassy. Pete Wvsockl, Phvlll• Klllnger, WRC Manager Frank Scott and Boll Chairman Joel Me13el were among those present. [right] Canadian Ambassador Jake Warren , Dillon Rlplev and Laughton Phillips were among those charmed by uiuoclous Mrs. Pierre Trudeau during her Washington uisit for the art premier of u 14 Canadians: A Critic's Choice" at the Hlrshhom. [lower left] Oratorio Society President Amy Antonelli, Music Director Bob Shafe r and Boord Member Knight Kiplinger greet honored guest Cardinal Richard Bourn of St. Matthew's Cathedral at the "Musical Offenng" sponsored by German Ambas.sador and Mr.s. Berndt 11on Staden . [lower right] Donee doyenne Martha Graham was the featured speaker ot Wolftrop's "February With The Arts " ledurel luncheon series. Among those moued by her speech and by her company were Mrs. Dimick , President Corter's doughter·ln ·low Caron and Wolftrap founder Kov Shouse
Washington's royalty with fashion that spanned the continuum from Richard Assatly's mini dress for evening to ultra-skinny pants and tunics by Gil Aimbez to a tropical dress a Ia Dorothy Lamour by Bill nee. Heart Sunday Chairman Mrs . Jean Sisco , Women's Heart Board Chairman Mrs . John Sumter . Dr. Benetta Washington , Mrs. Warren Burger , Francie Smoak, Tunisian Ambassadorial wife Mrs. All Hedda . Jane Muskle, Michele Provenzano . Peggy LeBaron and Farldeh Ardalan were among the 1200 mi nus two who put their hearts behind the efforts of the American Hearl Association . . -SONIA ADLER
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0 Mexico arrived at the OAS with all the warmth of an Acapulco sunset In the person of Senora Lopez Portlllo , wife of the Mexican President. One of the most visible celebrities at the Carter Inaugural. Madame Portillo was feted at an exquisite luncheon reception that filled the Grand Ballroom of the OAS. Argentinian filet of beef, fruits de
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[above) U.S Academy of Sciences President 1 Handler, former Senator William Fulbrlg~ 0 Treasury Secreto ry and Mrs . Blumenlh among the prominent people who wrned out to thetr warm wishes 10 Carmen Portillo, wtfe President of Mexico. [be/owl Former US . Mexico John Joseph Joua jind5 himself Impressed by Chilean Ambassador to the Marla Eugenia Oyarzun. One can scarcely
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[rtghr) Senora Lopez Pornllo recetued
mer and gateau St. Honore were among the foodstuffs that comprised this feast merveilleux. Mr. and Mrs . Walter Cronkite , Treasury Secretary and MJS. Michael Blumenthal , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cafrltz and the Ambassadors of France, Japan, Israel and Belgium were among Madame Portillo's well wishers. OAS Secretary General Alejandro Orflla rose to a touching level of eloquence when. in his toast to Madame Portillo, he credited her With being "the living representation of her homeland, not through formal titles but through her roots and ancestry." In addition to a very politic luncheon stop at the American Jewish Council, Madame Portillo was also feted by Nancy Kiss inger in the State Department Reception Rooms. Shirley Maclalne , Elizabeth Taylor Warner. Mrs . McCullough Darlington, Mrs. Averill liarriman , Mrs . Sol Linowitz and Congresswoman Shirley Pettis were among those to help Mrs. "K" give Mexico's first lady a rousing North American welcome. ..GARNE1T STACKELBERG
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Suburban Stars in Olde Town 0 Some outstanding eateries have begun to shine In Alexandria, like little jewels one can see across the river from Haines Point. We'd like to tell you about several places The Educated Palate sampled in the little old city steeped In history _
King's Landing can be found right across the street from Dockside. It Is decorated in Early American wood and brick, but the cuisine is definitely French. Theii Ulustrious appetizer Bouchee Regence convinced us of the continental opportunities.. Generous chunks of chicken. sweetbreads and mushrooms Me mated in chicken broth and wine-based sauce and enclosed in a puff pastry shell with a veil of hollandaise on top. It was a crowning beginning As a main dlsh, the Turbot Poche did not meet eMiler expectations. To be sure, it was a fine and generous serving, but somehow the fish was too fragile. The accompanying hollandaise helped, but the taste of the fish was too weak to hold Its own . Nevertheless, a Chablis Vaillons 1974 went welL Nolsettes d'Agneau was more successful. Little discs of tender lamb were wrapped ln bacon and grilled to perfection. A St. Emilion 1973 was eMiy-maturing and delightful. lies flortantes was our choice for dessert. Feathery meringue was dappled with cocoa sauce and floated in an ethereal vanilla-laced sauce -- marvelous. The cafe au lait elegance of Pellicano lured us next. Franco Landini Is at the helm of one of the most handsome restaurants we've seen -- the buff decor is brightened by both real and painted spots of leafy greenery. Mussels Neopolitano sta rted us off; the mollusks were Immersed in a red garlic sauce . Tortellini In cream succeeded -homemade diaphanous pasta in little rings enclosing a meat miXture of veal, pork, chicken and cheese. We'll be back for seconds! Any dish bearing the owner/ chefs name Is usually a winner, and Veal Landini was no exception. Pounded white veal, mushrooms and asparagus were covered by a subtle sauce and mozzarella, then browned under the broiler. The special, Valdostana, didn't quite measure up to the other's
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greatness. Veal, fontina and prosciutto were enclosed in a batter and deep-fried; the end result was doughy, and retained too much grease. But a 1972 ltaUan Ruffino Orvleto was appropriately full-bodied and dry. The salad Pellicano Is deserving of praise, with radishes. mushrooms. and aragula among its salad staples. Zuccotta was our dessert. The closest thing we can compare It to is an Italian-English trifle sponge cake, zabaglione, coffee-whipped cream , almonds, chocolate and Amoretto make up this frozen delight. La Bergerie is just three months old ln its new location on Lee Street. We delighted in the Auberge atmosphere of brick highlighted by touches of teal, and .started with Oysters Rockefeller and Plperade Basquaise The oysters were covered with fresh puree of spinach and cheese. Happily enough, they were not swimming in either buner or sauce ·· hooray for lighter beginnings' The Piperade is a Basque specia.lty -- pureed eggs. green pepper and tomato topped by curls of country ham ·· and it is truly unique with rich country taste. The Snapper Oboure was outstanding. Fresh snapper was joined by a mixture of mushrooms, mussels and baby shrimp (and a touch of Piperade) in a definitive sauce Dieppoise. A Chateau Carbonnleux's dryness (1973) balanced the richer dish, Cotes d'Agneau Grilles Navaraise. our other entree, was moist rack lamb chops with a cream sauce. A Cotes de Beaune Villages, 1972. was in perfect Burgundian harmony. The superb salad was a spring bouquet, with tomatoes, mushrooms, watercress, endive, hearts of palm and romaine all arranged artfully on the plate. The vinaigrette was mild and tasty. The real espresso served at La Bergerle is a pleasure to find ·· so many restaurants mix th~ rich roast With their regular coffee. The Gallette de Basques, baked almond-rum custard in a feathery crust. was a light ending to a perfect meal. Taverna Cretekou was our neKt stop . Slightly off the beaten track, the restaurant is on King Street, further in town, but the whitewashed brick walls and colorful decorations immediately take one back to sunny Crete, !man Baildi, eggplant stuffed with tomatoes and onion , was an excellent start. The spicy olive oil dressing melded the flavo rs beautifully. Taramsalata, a salmon caviar whipped with olives and lemon , made a uniquely piquant pate . The Spanakotiropita -- spinach and feta cheese enclosed in an airy filo turnover, should definitely not be missed either. We chose Retsina, the resin-flavored folk wine of Greece . to join our meal. although the restaurant offers ten other Greek wines as well . Our entrees Included Kalamarakiu Tiganlta -- fried squld In light batter, Pastitslo and Tashkebab Smyrna The squid was delicious. Pastitslo is basically ground beef
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lind noodles flavored with cinnamon and cloves for a wonderful flavor. Tashkebab was a favorite too; marinated pieces of lamb are served in a spicy Mediterranean sauce As we sipped Greek coffee, we sampled Galakloboureko. a custard fragrant with lemon rind, cinnamon, and nutmeg, topped with filo and honey. The service was friendly and exuberant -· a great place to share with friends Cafe Lafayette enjoys an engagingly traditional ambience. The cuisine Is predominantly Continental, with American specialities too. Rlssoles was an enthralling beginning. Caviar, cream cheese, onions, and spiCeS were encased In a diaphanous pastry crust and deep-fried .. truly special, with sour cream for dipping The house onion soup, laden with Gruyere cheese. had a beefy broth to ItS credit. Sauteed morsels of lobster. crabmeat. shrimp and scallops were artfully p repared In c delicate cream sauce with crumb topping. and Prime Strip Sirloin Steak, a choice cui was served with a capping of sauteed mushrooms. Accompllnying vegetables bespoke earlier times ·· sweet cinnamon carrots and baby potatoes, and the house wine, Bordeaux Blanc, was excellent. An artful spinach and mushroom salad swathed in sour cream dressing, and a square of onion and green pepper pan bread - fresh baked daily ·· accompany the entrees. The Praline Cheesecake was extra ordinary, and so rtch , we wonder If memories are fattening! From the English gold-rimmed China to the different character of three dining rooms. Cafe Lafayette has been wrought with a great deal of care it IS reflected in the food as "'ell. And we offer yet another al ternative to unique eating ·· Old VIc , a charming tiny English tea room The decor is a cross between an English granny's parlor and eclectic chic! Don't go to conquer hunger. go for delicate soups like curried cheddar cheese or the dainty finger sandwiches · minced ham. crunchy with onions. cucumber with pimento and raisin bread with cream cheese The offerings change every day. The "sweets" are inspired .. English Trifle, Blueberry poundcake, and Cheddar bread The star. of course. ts the tea, which Is steeped in tradition (!) A few are headlined daily but other brews are available for the asking. All In all. the quality, service and ambience we discovered in Old Towne will bring us back across the river again and again Food lovers will quickly learn there Is mo re than antiques In Old Towne Alexandria BEITE ACKERMAN
Stat1dclrLi of Pisces of th•! Year: Charles Kirbo 0 Breezing through the twelve signs of the lOdlac, here in The Dossier during the past months, I have illustrated the quirks and :diosyncracies of each by listing a lot of the ively people who epltomize them. Inadvertently, I have overiQoked some of the liveliest .. such as cu'te Sagittarian l<aren Kramer. the Barry 4~eVans , both of whom are Leos (she is a do1.1ble one, he is a triple, please!), Moon Child Ann Howard. and Tinker's restaurant proprie· tors Carlos "Gemini" Cortinas and Gino "Capricorn" Uguccioni. Add NBC's Washington chief Frank Scott, <1 Libra, and his wife Jlean . a Leo ·· iust like Jimmy and Rosahrnn Carter ·· Capricorn world traveler Nell Mac· Cracken ; TV (twin -sign) food oracle Marian Burros : and the nility piano team we've loved for years (dating: back to their days at the Silver Fox) Aquarian Helen Myers and Gemini Burris Williams. who now alternate at the C:arlton Hotel's Stein way for Sunday Brunch. Also on the missed list are Cancerian Tab Hunter oul m Virginia twrse country, Mervin Garretson . the "~;winging Leo" President of the National Ass1ociatlon of the Deaf, my Scorpio neighbor Genevieve Basttde , and some of my f;worite Virgos. such as the Virginias Pag1e and (Mrs.
Ali his Washington fr£ends soy thcrt rhe percepUve qualities of Pisces fit attorney Leo nord Marlu to a "T , ·• M arks [I ) is pictured here enJoying a lively dro/ogue with former Tronsporllo tion Secrt>lory
William Coleman .
John) Daly, society photographer Albert, Becky (Mrs . Paul) Rogers . Dominican Republic Ambassador Horaclo Vlcloso-Soto and well. I'm sure you get the message. This year, I had hoped to drift away from astrology in this column , and dwell on something a little more -- er -- creditable. Not a chancel Dossier readers have given me to understand In no uncertain terms that they want more astrological trivia. So be it. You must know by know that I am a huncher. not an astrologer. I have no idea how to compose a chart. I don't have much faith in the planets, and Heaven knows I think horoscope columns are almost as unreliable as lhe predictions of our professional "psychics," poor dears .. although I do read Carroll Righter In The Washington Post and Sydney Oman in The Washington Star. Faithfully. Getting acquainted with the ingredients of the twelve recipes that The Almighty uses to create us can be an entertaining way to penetrate the silly facades that people tend to fashion for themselves. And I suppose having our fortunes told or our destinies charted by an astrologer are harmless diversions, as long as we bear In mind that those who perform these dazzling feats are erring humans such as we. In plotting my own future, I prefer to tum to trusted loved ones and the Lord for enhghtenment. The way Jimmy Carter does lt. He has one friend in particular, back home In Georgia. whose brain he has been picking for at least ten vears. He is Charles Klrbo . a perceptive Pisces who was born on the fifth of March. the same as leonard Marks , Rep . Helen Meyner . Rex Harrison , Sam· antha Eggar . the late Jack Cassidy. Rep . Delbert latta and DoS$Ier editor Sonia Adler Klrbo told journalist Henry MItch ell that he Is "a plain man of reasonable good sense, with no political ambition whatever, wishing merely to practice law in Atlanta" and take care of his farm. He has been described as Carter's alter-ego; a man with a flair lor sifting facts from fantasy; "the grey eminence of the President's world view." U.S. News & World Report recently referred to him as a man with "a southern drawl that masks a bright and cunning mind."
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Most Pisceans (born Feb. 19 through March 20) can be uncannily intuitive and objective in assessing the problems of others (it's a pity we aren't as adroit with ow own dilemmas) . The President may or may not be aware of this. but I have a hunch he knows he can count on Klrbo's observations, and will continue to use him as a sounding board for at least four more years. Kirbo once turned down an appointment to the U.S. Senate, and he probably could have had any post he coveted in the new administration, including the Vice Presidency (instead, he personally selected Walter Mondale for the job). You won't see his name in print often if he can help it-路 remember. I've been telling you that Pisces would rather be the power behind the throne (the logic behind my ten-year-old hunch that Ted Kennedy has no mtention of ever running for the Presidency) 路- but I have a hunch Charles Kirbo is now the most powerful Pisces in the land . Thus, he gets my nod as ''Pisces of the Year." Running a close second is Elizabe th Taylor . whose marital proximity to the Nation's Capital was no whim of Cupid's. John Warner is the ideal husband for her; the marriage affords her access to a new kind of personal power. I have a hunch she'll use it wisely. Lucky fellow , that Aquarian . Third In line is the debonalr Secretary General of the Organization of American States. Alejandro Orflla , who has survived the hazards of enterprising single ladies (and a few not so single), the mosl gossipy press corps In the world, and a battalion of competitive diplomats with diverse notions about how the western hemisphere should be manipulated. I have a hunch Alejandro is going to avoid marriage this year, and his international power is going to expand. Kirbo, Taylor and Orfila should be hopeful symbols to the sundry Pisces people whose presences are felt here. You know some of them: Louisiana Congresslady Lindy Boggs, Gilbert Gude, who can have the Governor's mansion in Annapolis -- if he can survive the vicious gossip that's whirling around him at the moment -- our new Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young , Former Ford Counsellor Philip Buc hen , Lynda Robb , whose Pisces power is going to be the decisive factor in Chuck's political ambitions, and Jamie Auchincloss , who was named one of America's most eligible bachelors in a recent issue of The Natrona/ Enquirer. If you happen to be one of those rare creatures who seethe With an Insatiable craving for fame , fortune and ultimate immortality, I have a hunch you'd better look around for a Pisces confidante. They'll keep your secrets, listen to your woes, and give your ego that necessary nudge. Probably gratis -- we are the Patsys of the zodiac, you know. . HAL GOULD
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,, publisher seeks manuscripts of all .oo. non-fiction, poetry, scholarly and works, etc. New authors welcomed. For ete information, send for free booklet Vantage Press 516 W. 34 St.. NY 1CXX>1 .
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Wallpapering: Let me beautify your home with wallpapel'. Work guaranteed. Free Estimates· Qlll: Jim Parker 341·9154.
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SCULPTURED FINGERNAILS The finest and most natural looking sculptured fingernails In this area. Created to your desired tengt!'l and style. Appointments made at your convenience. THE FINGERNAIL FACTORY n20 WISCONSIN AVE. SUITE 201 BETHESDA, MD.
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JEWELRY-If you have old beads or semi-precious stones such as tapis, cornelian ~ ivory, bring lt to us. VVe will redesign it lnl~k oow exciting piece of Jewelry. ZOnn~:~S!:,· 1512 Wisconsin Ave. NW ~·
VENTRILOQUIST-a performance suited for all occasions. Children and adult shows. Audience participation. Arty Freda 439-5352.
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Would like to book my band-for churches,. parties, night clubs and dances. Call 322-5897., Ms. Evans.
Potomac Village Estate-Between PolO~ VIllage and Congressional Country Club.~ acres-minutes from the White House-5 Bedr rt solid brick beautiful rambler. Tennis oou Ji stables, riding ring, tack room & adjoining f~h apartment. Heated swimming pool WI r cabanas. Sauna. Excellent featur~ ,.,~ appointment call Mrs. Sorenson ~_::::
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7103 Plant tlon Lane. Ro vllle -E.L Greene lo Howard Aprll-$ 105,000. SOOt Sunflower Drlve. -J.J. Cachlanes to Lewis A. Coveler·$10 ,000. 7011 Armat Drive,, Betbe1da -M. K. Seger to
Thomas Bateman-$132 000 . 7735 Arrowood Court. Bethe da-R.E Sanders
to Robert Peabody- 17'0,000. 5632 Bradley Boulevard, .B etheada-N. Vega to Tomas Van Tienhoven-$1 10,000. 6113 Clecnwood R.oad, Bethesda-A. L Rosentha l to Edward Lederberg-$216,000 . 5300 Dor et Avenue, Bethe d -C.W. Martin, Jr · to Francisco Ravecca-$147 ,000. 4613 Dru,mmond Avenu·e . Chevy Ch e -R.B. AUen to Steven Bernstein-$120.000. 7203 Lenhart Drive. Chevy Ch e -J.W
co /;
11000 Candlelight lane. Potomac-D.M. Wells to William Stasior-$1 0 ,000. 8829 Cold Spr.l ng Road, Potom e -M.C. Baker to Donald B. Fogel-$129,500 . 8400 fo·x. Run. Potoma·c -H. J. Home to Francis li. Cloudman.-$102,500. t 1932 Ga.l n borough Road, Potom c-E. Granville-Smith to Volkmar Goette- 140,000 . 96 2 Pinkney Court, Potomac-P.W. Hadler to Joachim aal- 144,000. 11033 Powder Horn Drive, Potom c -E. Forshay to Philip Witorsch· · 107 ,500. 9320 VIers Drive, Rockwllle-A.M. Thomas. Jr. to C.M. Hale- 203,000. 9016 Ahon Parkway . Sliver Sprlng-J .B. Brady to Melvin Williams-$ 112,500. 1101 Spr·l ng Street. Sliver Sprlng-L A. Elserer to Marvin Preis-$190,000. 6610 Dr eburn P rkway~ . Betbe d .J 0 . Eisinger to E. Del Lamiman-$117,000 . 5814 Cromwell Drive, Bethe d. -E.G. Campbell to Alex Nelchvolodoff· 114,440. 5304 'L ocu. t Avenue. Betbe da -T.A. Hanson to Haik z Nader· 100,000. 5205 M .a chusetts Avenue Bethead -G DeZendegul to Richard L. Barnes- 165,000. 5219 Oakland Road, Ch vy Chas -J M.R. Morton, J r. to Jas McKenna- 171,775. 391 0 Underwood Street. Chevy Ch e -E.
' fJI Fl.\, .
. ./ .
Li rrl
.. .1J I h >pping Iafl ) I angam rc: R a · hi gr >n, . 7 ) )J
Underwood to Herbert Callihan- $1 40,000 . 7819 Overhlll Road, Bethesda-R. Landfield to Jas. G Tucker, Jr .- 112,500. 6205 Sword Way, Bethe da -J.O. Quick ro Joseph Kurmas-$ 116,000. 11109 Broadgreeo Drive, Potomac -J. R. · Burton to Allan Cohen-$100,000.
(30 1) _2 -19 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. . .J
. .. . .
· 1
I 1
: 1
. ; i
I 1
Ostroff lo Malcolm Garfink-$1 68,500.
6003 Wilson Lane, Bethe d -Z. F. Stone to
Claudia Jo hnsen-$121,934. 3210 Woodbine St:re t, Chevy Chas -K.R. Rankin to Frands L due- 147,500 -8 900 Brlcky rei Ro d, Potom c-M.I Andrea to Eric Rudd-$ 102,000 . 8208 Co ch Street. Potom c -T H G1ske to Daniel Kingsley- 160,000 . I 0 J 08 Don g I Court, Po1o -B L Sara han to Amo Luehman-$142,000. 1·0 8'17 Pebble Brook L o • Potomac-S.A Miul r to tewart A. Block-$127 ,000. P r lmmon Tree Ro d, P·o tom c -J .A M cMartln to WUIIam Hapl y· 12 ,000. 1908 R ph I Court, P·o·tom c -R. All n to Ja . Jord n 127,950 .
-It's the No. 1 Residential Real Estate Organiza tion in the country! -It has over 11 00 member offices in the U.S.A. and Canada! -It has sales of over 5 Billion Dollars a Year! -It is advertised on National Network T.V. and National Magazines! -It helps relocate thousands of families- Each week! It's ...
And your Gallery Realtor Is:
Jo~N B. CAlia ANd AssociATES, INC. McLean Gallery 6827 Tennyson Dr
For comphm<!ntary c:o~
of "Glimpses," Ovr National Magaz1ne of Home Phoios and
Fa1rfax Gallery
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f'rl<es. C...ll either
of our Gallen<!>
Picture Yourself an this Magnificent Home ... with all the amenities of the great Homeste~d Resort available to you •.. and, onl~ within
a few minutes walk ... yet, secluded and enJoying complete privacy. This nrteen room French
Renaissance country house, surrounded by terraces, is perfectly scaled. Elegant main rooms and marble terr~ce lend themselves 10 gracious entertaining, dining and dancing. lovely in· teriors feature marble sills, deco~tl~e brass nnin~. boisserle walls, handsome moldings and beautifully carved marble nreplace 111intels. The exquisite master bedroom suite occupies the em ire East wing .tnd opens to a private enclosed terrace. Well-planned and compact •crvice area. The three•and-one·quaner lands,aped acres with flower gardens also include an C)(telll\nl greenhouse and J three-car garage with an atrached JP.Htment. This home in Hot Springs leaves nothing to be desired. Illustrated brochure TC·1113l a•~ilable on reque~t.
Previews inc.
1054 31st Sr., N.W., Wa shington, D.C. 10007 Phone: (202) 338-3511
Pft'll/l'ws 1976/77 Gulclt tn Flm· Rea/l:statt tJL'Oilablt ut $6.00 66 I OOSSIER
9701 Sotweed Drive. Potomac-A. Lang IO Arnold Danoff.-&124,000 1110 Pipestem Place , RockviUe ·J .M Bndg~s!O John Koch·$108.000 8623 Burdette Road, Betheeda,K.M Funkhouser to Thomas Rb<ey-$100,500. 23 Hesketh Stteet, Chewy Chase-V E. West to S1ephen E McGaughey-Sl22,500 5829 Mldbtll Street, Bethesda·A. Grozbean IO Anthony LOOf)t'n·$133.000 6216 Perthahlre Drive. Bethesda·J A Moore 10 Bru~e Dlill- $ 112.000 3102 Rolling Road, Chevy Chue-R.AC Sharon to RIChard W Gallher·S 149,000 8004 Springer Road . Betheeda FA MurrAY· Jr to Frank Tun)·$105,000 12005 Ambluldf' Drive. Potoma c-J F Jordafl lo John Kem.$106,000 9113 Belmart Road , Potomac-J .l. M~ndenhall to Fredenck Fearing-S260 ,0!Xl 12600 Lamp P oet Lane , Potomac·R G Thompson to Wadle Elalmy-$102.000 10220 Sorre l I\ venue , Potoma c-J B Bodgan ro Jorge Sakamoto-$249.000 4112 Beverly Road, Rockvllle -T F TI11ker IO Kennelh Wlnfleki-S129.950 14141 Fallamead Way, Roclnlllle·W A Smith Ill to Michael Helmberg·S108.000. 9307 Overlea Drive, Rockvtlle-C.H Hammermeister to David N Gershberg·$120.000. 122 Gibbon StJeet, Aleundrla ·H N. Slater 10 Saul UMman -$150,000. Ill Queen Street , Alexandrla ·T.E. Jodwio 10 Kho~row MaUnl ·S 113.000. 123 Queen S tr eet , Alexandrla -G F Sle<rg to Anhur Flemmlng-$1 15.000 723 St. Asaph Street N. Alexandrla ·M Bostetter, Jr to Truman BoylllS-$153.000 t 107 Oakwood Road S . Arltngton .J M. And~oon to Richard Smith-$129.500. 3153 Quincy Stree t N. Arllng t oo ·J .C . Olsen Jr. 10 Jos Bode-$103,000 2542 Wakefield Court N, Arllngton ·T.F Oflut 10 E.m<l$1 C . Leung-$120.000 3712 Woodrow S tuet N . Arllngton-J L. Muckenthaler to Muiam Salklnql-$105,()()() 1507 22nd S tre e t S , Arlington P.A Karl to Fnmklin Engdhardt·$109.500 4551 25th Road N . ArUngton ·E M Johnson to John GhJzzonl-$121.200 4 572 25 tb Road N. Arllnglon ·T J Oflut IO Julian Kulskt-SlZ7,500 686 1 Melroee Drive , Mcl.eao -C.E Reid. J r IO Harry L Gastley-$104,950 6875 Churchill Road , Mctean-C.E Re1d , Jr. 10 Harry l Parm~e-$103,475 1222 Merchant Lane. Mcl.ea o·T F Bristol 10 John C A1k111son-S 120.000 11 1Columbuo Stree t S. Alexan d r la-S E Wilhite iO Davis Elkin~>-5200,000. 33 1 Pitt Street N. Aleltandrla -J B Fallon to Allen Atwood Jr $\36.000 4 624 27th StJeel N, Arllng ton ·W E Culver 10 Roy G Spauldtng $118.775 1622 Albermarle Stree.t, Mc:Lean-R W Kenny to H1190 Seven-SI38.000 1210 lo a Lane, Mclean-A B Burkhardt to Jas Cotr~gan-$1 22.000 3222 Brooldngl Court. Fatrfax·R W Jones to Chtttor Snn~vasan·$104 .500 9339 Boothe S tteet. Alexandrla ·E P Forrester to William Roper-$127,500 510 Falrfu Sbut S , Alexandrla ·R A. Shalfer 10 William Rountre<t , Jr.-$195.000. 510 Quee.n S tuet, Aleaandrla ·J W Blackburn to D1pak Mazumdar·$1 18.000 3063 Odord Stre.et N, Arling ton D 0 Nochol~ to Vtncent Tramonte-$100.000 1607 23rd Stnet S . Arllngton-P F Bratm lo John McCahlll-5150,000 61 19 Woodmont Road , Aleundrla -R.C Franlus to Robert Jones $130.000 1025 D ead Run Drive. Mc:Lean ·l B lAuronson to A~rto Llberman·SIOO,OOO. 5838 Hllldon StJut , Mcleao ,P HeymAn to M<lgdllskander-SI 65,000 2011 Lorraine Avenue , Mcl.ean-F ,J EA5111 brook to Ronnie M Canara S180.000
Money• when We like to make sure it's there you need it. So that no one
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BUY your new h me through us. The same EQUITY AOV ANCE PROGRAM is you rs if we list t e house you're leaving. Again, if you see something you like-no waiting on the first sale to wrap up the second .
MONEY. We're not professionalltmders. But our 5 50 experienced agents have a way with money that keeps your movt? moving. Our EQUITY We're big, AOV ANCE PROGRAM is a kind of 'c!hain reaction' that because can work to your benefit . .. if you let us work for you It's one of the many ways we keep we Care ·
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Salver Spnns; Wh raton Rodc.volle North Rt>o. l..vollt" South p,,ll•n~<n G.utht'r~burg Olne\ L.lnh.am 0 '< on Holl Ann.1poh• Arl onston Mcl ean Ann.a nd~ le O.akt,•n Sprons:l wiJ Alt'~.anJr"' \'\l.a,hon)( h•n, IJ C
B~t h~..d .a
Come See What We've Done To Our Georges We've redone the famed "Four
G eurl{c~<".
One uf our Geurgt.';; b now
tht• clm;:-~ ie~< t :<;tloon in town,
with a :<tanclup lwr and min·ut·ed rlnun• If our; I he :<e4.'ond GeurJ!C iH nn F~n~lbh puu. The thi •·ll (;cul'l{C is cf t•J!:IIltly Contiueutal, auclyoul'an \1 ile away the night in the Just c:eurge li~<lcning to I he mustl' nf ~1el ('lenwul. Ltttwh~uu. l'llektnils. dinner. and after. Champngne Brunch Suntla.r. F'rel• \':1l.-t PnrkinJ,!.
Collins, Bird, your host
t:u u \\ •~rnnsm A venue,:-.;.\\ . \\'ashin~tton.
French Bistro Dinner
Mixed Green Salad
Bourguignon .:ripetender chunks of beef prepared In wine sauce
Crepe Ratatouillefresh zucchini. tomatoes. eggplant and other vegetables simmered togelher and folded In a crt1pe.
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How to Open a Swiss Bank Account
James Kelder Thomas Crowell and Co $9 95
0 Switzerland. The best skl slopes, chocolate and jewelry to be found In Western Europe. the home of secret numbered bank accounts, in fact and fiction linked with the Mafia, tax evasion and international intrigue. In his informative. well-researched and excellently written manual on Swiss banking, Kelder tells his readers. not how to become part of that time-worn cliche but rather. in practical terms the nows and whys of opening a Swiss bank account. In the first place, Kelder says, inflation , and what it is doing to the American dollar. Is the real reason any United States citizen should open a Swiss bank account, and deposit as much money as possible before government restrictions are imposed. Clifford Irving and the "Howard Hughes hoax" notwithstanding, Swiss banks really aren't all that mysterious. As Kelder notes. bank accounts in foreign countries are legal for Americans, and numbered accounts are available In Panama, the Bahamas, Singapore. Uruguay and Hong Kong. "Even Communist Hungary now offers secret tax-free savings accounts to residents of the Wesh:rru World." But none of the5e nations have been able to match Switzerland's 700-year-old tradition of political neutrality and economic stability ·- a tradition that has caused Switzerland to evolve into one of the great financial centers of the world at the geographic crossroads of the European continent. lt is this predse tradition of stability that makes the fretful American dollar more desirable as a bank deposit in Swiss francs . The author is careful not to advocate any financial hanky·panky for those who might contemplate a secret Swiss bank account and is quick to note such an account does not have to be secret But as he says. "A Swiss account IS not secret if the owner brags about it to his acquaintances. If a divorce is
a possibility. or a spouse Is simply talkative, wisdom suggests that he or she not be told that a Swiss account even exists. If taxes are evaded. prudence prohibits letting one's accountant know; the IRS pays informers well for information on tax evaders. Above all, if a Swiss account is maintained as a 5ecret account, common sense rules out accumulating a file of letters and statements from a Swiss bank; records provide evidence, and evidence convicts.'' But as he says. if you're planning to keep your accounl a secret from U.S. tax authorities, don't be naive enough, or foolish enough, to make your deposits In money orders that can and will be traced . Kelder is indeed a cautious man. and advises his readers to be the same Above all, know what you're doing before you do it, he suggests. He offers practical information on how to open an account. conducting banking business by overseas mail in French or German and suggests that a personal trip to Swit2erland may only be necessary for extremely large deposits (over $50.000) or for peace of mind. While he does believe in Swiss bank accounts as a hedge against lhe erosion of the dollar . Kelder is by no means a doomsayer of the American economy, and in fact says, "There is a good chance that the US . economy will remain the world's largest and strongest " He ends on a cautionary note: ''There seems to be a growing awareness that overgovernment and overspending will ruin us all; a recognition that liberals and conservatives. Kansas farmers and San Francisco porno czars, Harlem hustlers and Houston oil equipment distributors. Florida retirees and Wisconsin graduate students are all in the same economic boat ... As a result of having written this book ... ! would not be surprised il the Internal Revenue Service called me in for a retaliatory audit every year --BA RBARA STARR from now on."
Laughing Last. Alger Hiss Tony Hiss
Houghton Mifflin Co $8 95 J In what is probably the most telling title ever for a Washington genre book, Tony
---------- ---------------Have a permanent memento of your part tn the Wa.>hrngton scene We have recetved so many requests that we have started this new service Please ftll out the form belo\.v and send a check or money order of 510 00 for each picture ordered Name Address
Phone I have enclosed$ __ tor __ B W Prtnts I am expec ting delivery \1\tthin 2weeks .
PAINTS& WALLCOVERINGS CO.,INC 1453-35 P Street NW Wa.shtngton. D C. 20005
Free Dehvery Phone 483-7745
Open Ma n 路 Frl 7 am to 5 pm Sat 7amtolpm
Hiss, Alger's journalist son. at last rescues !he family name from the slime of distorted history. Alger. you will remember. was that seemingly somber fellow whose brillianl career was smashed by a perjury trial and conviction when Whittaker Chambers accused him of being part of a communist cell in Washington, which Alger denied. 1\ made Richard Nixon. one of his prlndpa ~ccusers famous, and put the words ''Pumpkin Papers" in the lexicon of weird Washington folklore. A lot has happened to Alger since those unfortunate times. He went to the cooler. He got a job as a printing salesman . He divorced his wife He was reinstated as a lawyer. II turns out, according to son TonY路 that Alger is a happy man today, happy as hell. He IJves with a lady friend tn Manhattan. likes good wine and Italian food路 loves hls son. laughs a lot and practices a little law. While a sweaty palmed Nixon frets 111 exile. and Whittaker Chambers pushes uP daisies and the memory of Joe McCarthY seems a bad Joke. Alger has survived it all. laughing last. Son Tony. in a witty breezy style draws 3 graphic family tree, from the days the first Hiss arrived from Germany, through Alger's salad days, growing up ln a matriarchal household in Baltimore, through a brilliant college career at Johns Hopkins. then Harvard. clerking for Chief Justice HolmeSf then the State Department. the triumph o running the San Francisco convention that wrote the United Nations charter, days at the Carnegie Peace Foundation, then the fall from grace. jail. heartbreak and triumph. It's all a kind of white man's Roots and TonY describes it with dash and not one drop of self路pily_ It's like that turkey of a pulp plot where the hero gets dumped on until things get unbearable. Then the worm turns and the hero emerges triumphant. No matter. It makes you feel good when you ftnish it. Seeing Alger and Tony's smiling faces on the cover. one cannot help thinking that Alger was also the victim of lousy publiC relations He never smi.led for the cameras. which always caught him uptight and gloomy His wife. as well. Of course, they had good reason to be mad. but if they could have JUSt shown more teeth in those days. they might have looked Innocent. Lots of public figures do thai nowadays. But. then, Alger never went for contrivances We think that everyone involved in the Washington hustle should read thls book. It's a lot more honest than the corn rolling off the pens of the good guys and bad guys of the Watergate debacle. Too bad Alger couldn't have made a pile out of his misfortune But then, in those days. they weren't paying as much for paperback rights. Besides. Alger had more class. So has his son Tony
No other portrait anywhere has excited so much admiration and curiosity as this painting of a Florentine ltuly. Art critics praise the soft roundness of the hands and face, and the exceUence of the misty background landscape. But the ordinary obseroer is likely to notice the lady's smile. The smile has been called "mysteriou"'," "mocking," "questioning," "ironical," and a great many other things, all expressing qualities very different from mere kindness and good nature. But about MoM Lisa herselfnot much is known except that she Wa$ the third wife of a certain Zanobi del Giocondo. Hence, the picture is often called "La Gioconda." The picture shows La Gioconda seated on a bakony. Behind her is a dreamlike landscape of brown and blue mountai118 forming a remarkably satisfying background/or the portrait itulf. The lady is simply but n路chly dreued. Her hands have been described as the most perfectly drawn hands in Italian art. The face is so full of feeling and intelligence that its expression seems to change from moment to moment like the face of a living perscm.
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