Washington Dossier June 1980

Page 1

Portrait of a President World·Renowned Skin· Care Authoflly - m 7980

This is the story of a 5'2" bundle of energy

-the daughter of a world-famous Plastic Surgeon -who defied all the rules of the COSmetics field -with a single creme -

to become the leader of the prestige Skin-care field throughout the world!

F ~hion coordin.ttion for .th Fifth :\\t'., :'\c'' York, a theatre ~tint. then rommce and m;lrriage.md two livel> '>On' ... Tim ;tnd hip-occupied the ne\ t 17 year., hut the thoul-{ht of hrinhring out her father\ beneficial fonnul,u~ mu\t h;l\'e been lying dormant in the l>.tck of her mind. t becune a re.tli!) "he n lrn1.1 'horell joirwd tll.lt ~'Oup of women in their mid- ' who de'u"'-d to retain th •ir ~outhfi.ol appeamnce. Follo"ing the birth of her )'Ounge't \On, ,he '><.'<.'lrred ;md l>eg•Ul U'>ing the formulation that her f.tther ~:1\l' p.ttienh po,t-oper;~th ly to help ket•p the contour' firm and aid ";th the t'Oior and torw of the ,kin.


l11e re~ulh were e\cellent! !f er hu.,b,md remarked how ~'()ung-looking. fre,h-looking her ~kin .tppe•u't'<l ... \Oon her fi·iend, notict.od the change. They hewm to <L'k for \Ome of 'her creme'. Wh ·n they e.\1 rienced the !><I me heneftci.tl re.,u)L,, ~he dctennincd to omke her father' fonnula avail4 able to the millions who mi~1t he helped h it J.\ ~h was.


ow many 54 yea r old women admi t their ill-{·. lrma Shore ll does! he was 54 yea rs old o n April 27 .. . two days bef01 her youngc~ t . Stacey, w.1s 14 .

~re are really 2 reasons she doesn't mind admitng er age- the fir t i · th reaction ·he gel~ bobody believes he r! he is petite , she hru. laughing 1:~n eyes, a pixi face and a beau tiful, youthfuiOth g well-kept compl xion. That compl ' ion is the M er reason Mis Shorell enjoys admitting h rage. ofost WOmen who are 54 years old don't ha\ e the J..; nd COmplexion she does. ti

horell i in the BUT ~ i cosm tic bU5iness and h r Etee i her fortun . he i pre~;d nt of he r own multi-million dollar corporation, l nna horell, Inc. h w-.15 lit rail born in to the world of beauty. He r late fitther, Dr. l. Daniel horell , was one of th e pioneers in cosme tic ofllcial doct plastic surgery. He was not only amon . or for the Ziegfield Follies, but numbered mem~ hiS patients the notables of ~tage, screen, and rs of the Inte rnational and D iplomatic teven royalty.

~~ve~~tions about skin changes,

kin care and hom edM beauty secrets" were commonplace at h r fum e. any of the world's great beauti s - the camou: and th~ w althy- were peopl l nna horell 'Yeare ~ kno~ 111 he r teens. Uttle did she know that meds te r thiS constant expo ure to medical t nns, ~ca1 people and a fonnulation of he r father' thew, cast her in the role of" kin-Care Champion for oman over 30."

" I ,u,ked the 0 •tor countle) que~tion\ about hb fonnula." '>he relate . " What could it do, who could use it, could it he made for general dbtrihution?" 'he purchru.ed all avail.tble night cremes on the market - much to the clhmay of her hu;,band - .mel finding none as elfecthe-decicled to challenge the giants oft he co~rnetic indu tr)\ he tartcd her mpan in 1961 with 1500her one creme • 0 R/35" - her ht&band and hi hu;in • ., a oci.1te 1-larr teinfi lei - and boundle>'> detennin<~tion . he W'.!S detennined to create skm<are products that could flll long-eXJsting needs! Each product as natural as a baby' skin -pure of all honnone , ~teroicl , trogeru. he travell d the country vhitinl-{ each ;tore ~lling h r product to show them the re ul~! Her "Look at me if you want to know if it worb" brought her the respect of !>il.l • women <IS well as cu~torner~ . time wen t on he added additional item to her " line of 1 item" -each to fulfill a need, ~u has her FORM LA for LE I G whi h i a I lion bru.ed on her father' urgical scrub with the harsh~ rerno\ed. It i a th a ted b ' .tter. 'There is no ub ·titute for water," Miss horell believe .



od . o~. 19 yea!'\ l1ter the . re are



0'\olO R/35, FOR~1 L\ lor LEAr\ lNG . . . U, E.' mvE that .tll'>Oiut I) pre' ent burning, .ll1d a rer:n.ui:able m the lin · -

di,t'<>,er~ called DER~IABRa E / 35 that help re fine pore , , eliminate 'kin blem1 he uch h),, khe.td~ and "hitehead .

He r l1te t ffurts ha\e been to .tid the plight of stC\\"W ~ "ho e comple\iom are .1ged h) thed~n ofthejetaJrplme. ller pre,enti\e "YO TH 25 ~ loi,turizn~ Creme" >towed fine ~ fonmng .u-ound their e) mouth- ga' e ll health) n.~tural - ~"' " heen to the kin lt\ the - -.... -. nr.t ,;,oi>turizer and treatment in one. Her :"-.10 1 T RE /35 worh mimcle with dry ,kin ... remarkable action hegins immediately. Not gr ·a'y or oily - univer;all hailed .IS t.he world\ fine't ... it PROTECT • FlR:"-.i • ~ 1 0 1 'T RIZE ! Incidentally, lnna herself iru;ists that she


l~~ a product for 6 montm before placing it on sale. he fe 1, you ~hould ~ for yourself h bene6cul

her products can be. \ "LSit any on of her I ed. franchised tores- han~ .111 lnna horell kin-Care peciali5t dbcms the e~ , !Teeth ..., ~linut Reg:tmen" pecifically for )'OU I l1le will gi\ e you sample to use .It ·~ home ince lnn.1 borell trul , _ ,, . SJ>orel on f feel her great t sal~ men are 972 1 Sean•• ,.,••...,., her remarkable productJ..

• lnna horell' products are in 550 of this countr) ' finest stores like Beigdorf Cooclman, Bonwit Teller,

Macy5- .Y, FlahS, LLBerger,McCuni>' ,M. hwartz, Gamnckel', Haddad' , Julius Lewis, Castner Knott, Regen eins, Rackes, Byck', Jordan 1arsh-Fla. , Jeane St ven , Ki hers, Weis Goldring, Don' Codchaux5,The 1aster' , Gus 1ayers-Btr, \ nnser'. Marshall Field, Halle Bro ., McAlpin' , Jaoobsons, Jackson Gmve , DeJong' , Gidcl.ing Jenny, Carol', im:Ul Marcus, Frost Bro . , li Jackson', Henry· , Drydens, Parker', R.E. Coxs, Dillard', -Ark-La., Hovland wan~. M.M. Cohn, Hart Albin, 'eusteter1, Robinson$, Joseph fagnin, 1acys-Cal., Uvingstons, ordstrom and aks Fifth Avenue. For the store neare t )OU wnte. Irma horell, Inc 515 Modi n A•enue,

ew York.

Y. 1


Sou and Cor

Fine line leather gifts from Christian Dior Two toned browns, handcrafted and finished for the Dod with polish. From our collection of jewelry and small leather goods. Men's Accessories: selected stores











T ...

!_able of Contents

Vol. 6 No. 1 J une 1980

FEATURES 18 The First Five Years of Do ier A human comedy of our times 27 The Anniversary Party By Patty Cavin Celebrating the art of survival

Ardeshir Zahedi and


T~ylor quickly became great

fnends when Liz discovered Washington.


Allison LaLand' Party Tip By Dorothy Marks An expen tells how to do it


Do ier' .Recommended Party Services A checklist for the party giver

DEPARTMENTS 5 AnnabeU's File 7 Art and Artists By Viola Drath The An of Portrait Photography 10 Design for Uving by Kathleen Bums The Andrew Jackson Somerville's at home 13

South African Ambassador ~nd Ann Wallick at the orcora n Ball

Curtain Going Up By Anne Denton Blair A New First for an Ebullient lrnpresario Manin Feinstein takes on new chores for culture


Along Party Lines Somalian farewell, White House Preservation, Cary at the Cancer Ball


First aas.s Travel by Susan Goldman Going in style by plane, boat, train and limousine

49 The Educated Palate By Bette Taylor Summery collations, cheaper by the dozen 62

Books by Neighbors


Real &tate Transactions


Social Calendar By Maggie Wimsatt


Fashion Calendar

COVER A sampling of Dossier covers panning five years of publication. The Dossier, which began in June, 1975, was originally published as hown. (Left.) II switched to a full color format in September, 1976 featuring Germaine Ahoua, wife of the Amba sador from the Ivory Coast. Covers shown were hot for Do sier by Fred Ward (Liz Taylor, Pre idem Ford, Mrs. Can er, The lirezas, Elizabeth Do le, Zahedi a nd Sill , Tandy Dickinson, the Orfilas, Roger Ste ens): Peter Garfield (Austin Kiplinger and incent Burke) and Diane Walker ( ally Quinn). The W hi11jton Dossier i pubb hed monthly by Adler I lnternauonaJ Ltd. JJOJ ew Mexico Avenue. W hiogton . D.C. 20016. Controlled corculataon paid at Richmond. Virgmia 23261 and Wa htn ton. D.C. Copyn&ht 1980 e Adler lntemauonal Ltd.

INVESTMENT Your purchase of a fine Oriental rug from the collection at


offers more than meets the eye. It is a superbly wise investmen at an unus• Jolly attractive price. Oriental rugs increase 1n value as they mature. Offering you a lifetime of reward as you reap the p leasures of their beau Our rugs are of unequalled quality and excellence Examine them for their craftsmanship Fascinating desig n. Intricate hand woven detail. These are touchstones to quality of beautiful Oriental rugs. We invite you to our gallery o select a fine rug from our collection.

ADD AN ORIENTAL RUG TO YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Hecht's Tysons Corner Oriental Rug Gallery 8100 Leesburg Pike, Mclean, Virginia For Information About Our Investment Quality Rugs Call (703) 893-3003 Do ier/ June 19 0/ J

Publisher David Adler Editor Sonia Adler Assista.nt 10 the Editor Lee Kirstein General Manager Jean Tolson Design Consultant Susan R. Eason Art Director Lianne Uyeda Chief Photographer John Whitman Contributing Editors Viola Drath, Beue Taylor. Maggie Wimsall, Anne Demon Blair, Kathleen Burns, Dorothy Marks Typography Julia Young, Mar ha Barren Van Da hner Advertising Production Bonnie Down Production Assistants Carol Wydra, Donna Omara

why have banquet in a hotel


when you can have it in a legend. For more than half a century, The Mayflower ha helped Wa hingtonians mark special occasions in the grand manner. With the only complete gold service in Wa hington. Glittering crystal. And the white gloves and parl<ling silver of French service. For arrangements plea e ca11347-3000, and ask for our catering director.

4/June 1980/Dossier

Orculalion Walter Duncan Advertising ales Director Jon Adler Account Executives Deanna Gould, Melanie Kickert Catherine McCabe ational Account Representatives Arnie Green, Molly Lockwood Martha Moscow, Susan Ludlow Cataly I Communication 260 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 (212) 578-4 30 an Francisco Representative The Shepherd Co. 218 State Street San Francisco, Calif. 94 114 (415) 864-5005 dvenising and editorial offices located at 3301 ew Mexico Ave., Washington, DC 20016, General Telephone (202) 362-5894. For ocial Covernge: Please send all invitations to Social Secretary, The Washington Dossier, 3301 ew Mexico Ave., Washington, DC 20016 (Please send invitations as early as possible to schedule coverage; only a limited number of events can be covered.) For Subscriptions: Please send all subscription inquiries, applications and changes of address to The Washington Dossier Subscription Department, PO Box 948, Farmingdale, NY 11737. Prices are $12 for I year; $22.50 for 2 years. Overseas $24 per year. Canada $14 per year. Photographs for commercial and non-commercial use are available for sale.

The Washington Dossier is published monthly by Adler International, Ltd. David Adler. President; Jon Adler. Vice President; Sonia Adler, SecretaryTreasurer. To be audited by



c f



PEEPLING: In a town full of people wh~ also write, the most impressive ProJect in the works is the one being PUrsued by the Library of Congre ~aniel Boorstin. Every morning before e trips off to the bookstacks, he puts away a few pages on a " History of the World" making him the odds out winner of the heavy duty copy stakes . .. ~aughlin Phillips of the Gallery people ad a brush with a peanut in the Big ~PPI_e. . .had to be rushed to the ° SP•tal to open up the old air tract. .. 0f n a recent N.Y.-D.C. air huttle ride ormer SecTreas Bill Simon tood up most of the way. Those new airbu ~eats, . especially the center , are too harn hght anyway ... Liv Biddle getting onored by Drexel U. in Ph illy, a town ~ell-known for its Biddle . . . Frank arden of the radio duo trimming down at the C.C. Health Club ... real :state scouts for exprez Nixon scour•~g the Cape Cod area for a summer Pace, maybe even Martha's Vineyard w~ere Washington pundits, orne of om helped bring him down, hold dorth . . . Speaking of ironies, Arnaud Ne Borchgrave, whiz correspondent for B ewsweek, who originally hired Ben .. ~dlee f~r that mag got hi new book Wh ~e Sp1ke" panned in the Post, is ~~h a lso owns New week. Fair A me folks, but there are limits D SIDEMS: Sen. Robert i ole playing catch- up in his bid to tay bn th~ Senate. . .Sans Souci getting mack •n the celeb swim ... latest capital w Y_stery: Where have all the Duke' \Valte~s gone?. . .big con tingent of 1 ashmgtonians will meet unexpectedY at the Ascot ''Queens Day" thi month · rn m England. The Mandy Ouristhans, .the Jim Meers, the Ray Howar R e D1ck Kirstein ... all are in the a~Jal Enclosure, natch ... Kitty Kelley b husband Mike renting her Dumw~~on Str~et pad for a stint in N.Y . Li re he 1s penning her book about to~- · .Sce~t companies getting ready srne~~nch _b•g new campaign on object Wo s, With exotic cents on hanger , Od Product , rug , and knickknack


. . . Herman Wouk finishing hi 12 hour opus on Wind of War which has been sold to TV. The original teleplay writer died and Herman, to protect his work, undertook the ta k. The producer are ec tatic with the cript. .. Mrs. Wouk, incidentally, ho agents her husband' work i taking on other client a well. . .Bruce and Joy Sundlun' reception for the Trinity Square troupe from his Pro idence home-town doing "Sea Mark ' at the KenCen wa authentically moi t. Guests kept falling into the pool, till covered by an elastic top, which meant getting wet only to the hin . Only?. Pierre Franz C hapou back in D.C ... OTHER THING : Mobil Oil credibility slipped below zero minus with their illy protest on "Death of a Prince ". Is Mobil still an American company? ... That AMTRAK food operation on the Metroliner eems a Mickey Mou e operation . Snack ellers u e passenger eats as a counter and storage space ... Pollster worried that voter indecision and up urge in political interest making their polltaking matrix inaccurate.. .The Ayatollah is deathly ill de pite occassional appearances. His death expected to et off cataclysmic eruptions in Iran making what is happening now a slow waltz. . .Jordan's recently departed Amba ador alah off to Switzerland for new post. . . Friends of popular for m er Mauritanian Ambas ador Amedou Abdallah di tre sed by his arre t in hi home country for "political reason ". We hope the authoritie will recon ider. .Max Rabb, former ecretary to Ei enhower cabinet and father of heila Weidenfeld now important N .Y. figure in Reagan campaign enli ting on-in-la\ Ed Weidenfeld in the cau e . . . Hermen a nd Monica Greenberg getting into very big thoroughbred racing with an eye on the country' bigge t pur e competition ... Much talk about the Giant supermarket chain elling to foreign ine tor . . . Whatever the price, Arab takeover of Financial General till a doubtful pro pect.


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Dossier/ June /98015

Designed exclusively for W&J Sloane by Parisian artisans, this exquisitely ornamented cabinet/bar conceals a television in a manner befitting the grandest of decors. Just part of Sloane's renowned home furnishings collection and interior design service.





hen the French painter Louis Jacques Daguerre invented his little black box in 1838, everyone who ever wanted his portrait done breathed a sigh of relief. At long last there was a sure-fire way to attain an objective likeness. No longer did the sitter have to submit himself to the Vagaries of subj ective impressions and t~e unpredictable brushwork of the artist. The camera obscura put the traditional portrait painter out of work. When the highly successful American Portraitist Erastus Salisbury Field became acquainted with Daguerre's revolutionary invention through a friend Who had returned from Paris, he soon SWitched from portrait painting to big exotic landscapes with biblical connotations. He understood that the smaller anct cheaper images would become the future permanent record of society. Portrait painters who survive in our technological age are precious few. Those ~hat remain are, indeed, exceptional. And It is an open question whether the Titians and Tintorettos, the Rembrandts and Rubens would have blossomed forth the way they did had the magic box been

For Harry Lunn, Etienne Carjat's photo image of the poet Baudelaire exemplifies the perfect psychological aspect of a successful portrait.

invented before their time. The eye of the camera is anything but objective. It can distort and alter a shape, a line, a face by an infinitesimal tilt and the slightest variation of light. Once more we have come to recognize the human factor; the mastermind behind the camera.

Pred Maroon's portrait of Egypt's leading architect, Hassan Fathi,from his book "The Egypt

Story" won first prize in the personality class in this year's White House Photographer's contest.

Dossier/June 19 017

Grand Opening

What makes a photographic portrait rr an esthetic experience? The man who at has lo?k~d at.• bought and sold more F. por traJts to thd1s tdown than anyone else, N co 11 ector an ealer Harry Lunn, fr answers: "Psychological content.'' w Lunn contends, however, that a striking 01 photographic likeness communicating a ti, certain insight into character can onlY hi emerge if the subject is interesting. "If lo the vessel is empty-there is nothing to th discover.'' tu Interestingly, the interplay between tiJ the subject and his photographer, is je, cited by most of the renowned portrait a photographers as the chief secret of cc their success. In his effort to capture ca some aspect of his sitters' personality, in Fred Ward gets so wrapped up in con· re; versations with them that his wife and an partner feels like an intruder during those intimate sessions and stays awaY for fear of spo iling his concentration· UJ Ward, who has photographed AmericaJl A presidents and their familjes from JohJl ce Kennedy to Mrs. Carter is outright w1 curious about his subjects. Whether it's an Fidel Castro or Liz Taylor, he studiel ar them from all angles, adjust- th, background, lights and colors to catclt Pe and reveal their strong points. Ph For George de Vincent, technical sit rn, skill, although essential, is secondarY· In order to bring out the uniqueness of cal his subjects' inner life, he also en· ou courages them in conversation. "I get involved with that individual and aim to rnt get a reaction, theirs and mjne," he ex· Yo· plains. l A former pajnter, who occasionall) tio exchanges his camera for his brushes, rna Vincent approaches his s u bj ectl rna without any preconceived notions. For him the creativity of the photo8' ~t rap her is the key to great photos. "As s he painter approaches his subject with s ~Stl personal bias, so does the man with thl es! camera. His own personality enters a' much into his work as the painter's.'' ~~c "I am a mirror," says Earl Gold· th < stein, owner of the studio that wal 0 e established by the talented Mada~ hne Glogau in 1935. "Every new face is ' Pa~ 0 challenge." IJ ''The camera room is a make-belie"' ~hi world where the attitude is all impor .?~ tant. I tell the women to dress and act~: t\.t if they are going on a date, it lifts thell a a, spirits." Cte Goldstein has photographe t '' American Presidents since Eisenhowe' C• and regards photography as much as ~~~ ~ semi-science as art. He uses natur9 'Wiff light and takes his subjects into natur1 ho when possible.


What makes Bracley Park one of the most

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Dramatic spaces:

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As d ist1nctrve as the all-wood entrance bndges As soaring as he co hedrol ceilings and skylights As expansive as the floor-to-ceiling replaces. Even as proct1col as he custom des1gned greenhouses featured in most kitchens.

In addition to Iorge living and dining rooms. Bradley Polk offers a finished living area on the lower level and a Iorge polio deck outside For more inhmate occos1ons. two fireplacesone upstairs and one down -provide o friendly warmth efficiently conserved by supenor insulation throughout.

A Potomac, Maryland location: EnJOy all the prestigious luxury, the wooded beauty and quiet stability of Potomac in this select 19-unlt townhome community. Located off Bradley Boulevard. with easy access to the Beltway, Bradley Polk offers one of the most convenient 1ocot1ons 1n Potomac. And one of the finest townhome buys 1n the ent1re area

More space to live in: A generous 2.600 sq fl. of living space IS creotrvety apportioned among three spacious levels. Room for three full baths. plus o powder room. and three Iorge bedrooms w1 h oddillonol space foro fourth oro den-a yourophon.

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Directions: Beltway (495) to River Rood ex1t 16 east Toke first left onto Burdette Rood. left onto Bradley Blvd to project on right.


AVAilABLE HOURS: Open Daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHONE: 656-1323



A pint venture of Panache Bu1lders Inc and The Berger Berman Group

8/ June 1980/D ossier

rail fho ore lse,

~~: Jng



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•eetl ·, is



lity, ;on·


rin8 .war .ion. icatl ·ohll ·igbt r it'S 1die5 ust S

"I like to suggest a person's environment, a symbol of who the individual is and what he or she does", comments F red Maroon. Starting as an architect, Maroon has photographed everybody from Richard Nixon to Pablo Cassals With his cello. He strongly disapproves ~f theatrical lighting and romanticizat1on. Using existing light instead of highlights, he avoids making "people look plastic," and robbing them of their warmth and emotion. "Such pict~res lack poetry. They are not intlmate." Maroon also makes his subjects feel at home by drawing them into a conversation that frees them of selfconsciousness. "An approaching camera can instill terror in the hearts of industrial giants", he relates. "For that reason I try not to get too close and use an appropriate lens."

Gerd Sander of Sander Gallery grew up with photography. Grandfather August Sander belongs among the celebrated classic photographers whose Work nowadays fills museum walls here and abroad. Sander points out that the an of photography requires a lot more than craftsmanship. "The magic hap:atc~ Pens between the personality of the ~hotographer and the personality of the lical Sitter. It takes the right blend to achieve a larY· masterpiece. The photographer has to ss 0 [ capture what is beyond the visualle el." , en· "The best portraits reflect our time, I get our concerns. As in literature, a portrait im tO must reveal more about a person than ,e e)(· You already know," Sander says . . Marvin Sadik, director of the Nanalll honal Portrait Gallery, has fought shes. many a battle in Congress to start his j ect5 magnificent collection of photo images of great Americans a few years ago. otog· While the historical dimension plays in •As the museum's extraordinary collection, •ith ~Sthetic criteria are by no means of :h tbl esser importance. !rs a' "The best portrait of Lincoln in exist's.'' ence is not a painting, but a compelling Gold ihhotograph in our possession. We have . wa! e Only image of Thoreau, a powerful ~dall' ~ne; otherwise there is just a sketch. We e is a~e a painting of Edwin Booth", Sadik Pomts out "but it is the daguerreotype elie"' ~hich encapsulates his charisma." Sadik npor 0 ks for images-whether they are of act a! Mother Jones" or Halsman's famous ; thei: tvlarilyn Monroe-that sum up the character not just the looks of the subject. phet t ''It takes intelligence and sensitivity howe' 0 come up with such an image. Technih as ~~I ski ll is not enough. The camera sees atur9 •fferently. Ultimately, it is the person natur' Who makes the photo."


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Doss1er/June 1980/9


I. Tucked away in the nearby Maryland suburbs is the French chateau Candy and Jack Somerville call home. Instead of a staid drawing room, Mrs. Somerville likes a living room that measures up to its name. In the foreground is an arrangement of tulips, az.aleas and gerbers, with a painted version captured in an 18th Century still-life of lillies behind her. Amidst her Francophile furnishings, she injects a bit of diversion with a chrome and glass coffee table covered with tiny objects d'art and thick pictorial essays. Filmy and feminine, her red chiffon Holston from SaksJandel is set off with diamond drop earrings and bracelet designed by her husband. 2. The allurement of mauve, toned with grey, keynotes the living room with drapes of irridescent silk. The color was picked with the help of Interior Designer, Vada Morrell, to compliment two 18th century chinoiserie paintings on either side of the white marble mantle piece. At the far end of the room is a hand-carvedfruitwood etagere from the south of France, where apoleon mementoes rest along with rare books. In the center are two overstuffed sofas with rounded arms in a silk corded fabric that picks up the hint of pink. The mirror over the mantle is etched Venetian glass. In the foreground, Chinese porcelain antiques are grouped on a Louis XV writing table. Under foot is a rug designed by Mrs. Somerville with a border of pale lavender ribbons and musical instruments, based on historical motifs.

andy Somerville made the first major transition of her life at age seven when she switched first names. And again as a junior in college when she left behind budding career plans, got married and began raising a family of three sons instead. Her third major transition got under way last month as she launched a new business and traded in 20 years of charity work. Born Julia Elizabeth Crittendon, the Bethesda housewife turned entrepreneur, was the 11th generation to bear the family name as she grew up along Chicago's suburban Lake Shore . But neither she nor her parents thought the moniker fit, so the name was switched to Candace on her seventh birthday after the family patriarch died. Raised in the Chicago and New York area, she studied architecture at the University of Virginia before meeting Andrew Jackson (Jack) Somerville, a young swain who promptly proposed. The two were married and Jack was drafted during the Korean War. After his tour of duty, he resumed his studies at night school and took the helm of the family business. One of the old-line families in the Washington area, Somerville proudly relates how his relatives fled France in 1066 during the Norman conquest and settled in Scotland. His kin came to Baltimore and Washington around 1800,



with his great grandfather starting the family wholesale plumbing business in 1891. "We were married at a time when it was not fashionable to work," Mrs. Somer ille explains, seated in the French-style home she helped to design and decorate. "I wanted a career in television and I had a wonderful opportunity," says the still-stylishly coiffed ash blond grandmother. But she chose raising a family instead. Mrs. Somerville radiates with joy

3. Dinner is served in splendor in the Frenchinspired dining room. Guests sup from golden etched goblets at the fruit wood Regency refectory table with chairs in a Louis XV style with~ cane and a grey moire insert on the backs. Her antique commode and corner settee were part a five-piece salon set, with bisque figures of htl favorites, Napoleon and Josephine, resting on top (left side). The antique candlesticks of bront.e and marble with ormolu mounts highlight another of Mrs. Somerville's collectitd passions, tiny cherubs. The tinkling crystal chandelier, along with another in the circular stairwell, were purchased in France. Above tht antique provincial mantle, the Louis XV mirr01 sparkles in the light .


.............................................................---. f'Lo.,.

10/ June 1980/Dossier


The Somerville's pose in the den near an 18th century French lacquer pedestal desk with chinoiserie motif. The chair is hand-carved 18th century rosewood. The restful room features bleached oak wood paneling, sandy beige moire draperies and neutral plush carpeting. Flowers in the foreground are sun-gold lilies and bold rust red gerbers ore in a woven str_aw pitcher. 5. Bright and airy, the garden room of antique whitewashed Victorian w1cker is m bloom year-round, regardless of what's happening outside. A visually tactile room, it abounds in a variety of surfaces, with a grey slate floor skirted with a woven straw rug and bare brick walls. Pictures on the wall are Haitian and impressionistic selections, with an old-fashioned propeller fan ready to whirl overhead. The geranium pillows on the sofa were "finds" at the Valentino showroom in Rome. Floral pieces enhance the springtime feeling embodied by the timeless room. ~'Low



Dossier/ June 19 0/ J/


when she speaks of her sons. Andy, 27, is described as the family's financial ~ wizard and is currently involved in com· mercia! real estate in Washington . Chuck, 24, declares advertising his vocation and cartooning his avoca· tion-with an eye towards a syndicated column. Scott, 21, is a student at the University of Maryland this semester. Like their dad, who first hopped into the championship ring of Madison Square Garden at age five, the Somer· ville sons all took to the saddle in their ~ youth. "I used to ride with my boys . 19




she Wil Sp~



Ce1 ing Yea clai ton den


The Somervilles in their den.

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\_~_ _ _P._O.BOX 10212 11/June 1980/Dossrer




when they were young and it was grea fun," their mother says. "But bof seem to lose interest in horses once the~ discover girls ." Their dad admits the same shift in in terest, noting that he hasn't been on • horse in 20 years. But his interest still re mains strong. In 1968, he got the bll! for racing horses and started a stabl· which eventually claimed 17 steed Their Buckridge Farm is now a breed in! farm for such horses . The Somerville home reflect s t~· family' s fondne ss for horses will trophies abundantly displayed in t~· den, along with various sculptures an• paintings of horses and jockeys prom in ently displayed throughout. But the filly that still demands pri~ attention is the 12th generation Jub Elizabeth, daughter of son Chuck, w~1 wa born last September. " After th!

Continued on Page 1 ......

~ Curtain Going Up






on er路 eir



hen the biography of Martin Feinstein is written (as it surely )ys must be one day), the year 1979 will stand out as a kind of watershed for the ebullient impresario. As he Will be the first to tell you, 1979 was spectacular in two ways: spectacularly bad and spectacularly good. Feinstein began that year as Kennedy ~enter's executive director of performIng ans, the post he had held for eight Years filled with exciting "firsts" and acclaim for his contributions to Washington's cultural life. In September, sudd~nly he was demoted to being simply director of opera and ballet. Word was

out that the "executive" post would not be refil1ed for "fiscal" reasons. There were gasps, sighs and plenty of speculation . While the town buzzed with rumors and counter-rumors, by year 's end, Manin Feinstein had been named general director of the Washington Opera and by mid-January, 1980, he had also been appointed president of the National Symphony Orchestra. Some say Feinstein couldn't get along with Roger Stevens-that even the enormous KenCen complex wasn't roomy enough for two stars of such magnitude. Chairman of the Board Stevens came to Washington in 1961 at the invitation of

Martin Feinstein and his two "bosses" pose in the KenCen's Hall of ations. Austin Kiplinger, Chairman of the Board for NSO and David Lloyd Kreeger, V.P. of the Washington Opera.

Dossier/ Jun e 19 0/IJ

It's right below the horse·s hoof. The artist who designed ··The Aying Horse·· during the Han Dynasty (206 & -220 AD) put it there to symbolize the horse·s great speed. Our reproduction is 7-3/ 4'' high. and comes tn a satin-lined brocade presentation box. $135 includes shipping anywhere in the United States. Also available. one-of-a-kind antique-panel Chtnese tapestries. tncludtng manywtth the " forbidden stitch:· $300. Both. from our Oriental collection.


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Rare period English Queen Anne chest on chest in burl walnut, original bracket feet and brasses; circa 1740. $8,400. 6826 Wisconsin Avenue 14/ June 1980/Dossier

Chevy Chase, MD 20015

President Kennedy to plan a nationa ~~ cultural center and worked against near _I ly insuperable odds to make tha PI"' Camelot dream come true. So it wa un: Stevens who at long last got the Ken ned co 1 Center together when the momentu( ~u after the President's assassination swer It~ plans along to achieve the center in hi c < memory. ~< Others will tell you that Martin Fei~ ~ 0 stein's remarkable accomplishments i: In~ bringing such stellar attractions to to~ :~e 1 were merely succes d'estime and n e good box office such as the Berlin an• ~ Y La Scala Operas, the Bolshoi and Stull 0 1 gart Ballets and festivals like Paris: T/i abE Romantic Epoch (which presented nc a c only the Paris Opera and Ballet but th end renowned Comedie Francaise, too, a (~; in one glorious package). ' 1 Feinstein garnered $6 million in sur co 1 port from foreign governments to prl gas~ sent their music, dance and theater, bl' at. 0 despite SRO signs night after night, t~ r" Kennedy Center's bank account was 1 h the red. an For whatever reason within that bri: ~e' span of three months, Martin FeinsteJ n uc lost his job at the center and became, i P~g, effect, its most prestigious client. Aftt \V~n all, both the National Symphony 0: th 0 chestra and the Washington Opera hoi 1. e Iong-term contracts to use the center orIes 1 facilities. ~r The son of Russian immigrant bu t Feinstein grew up in the Williamsbuf fr 1 I section of Brooklyn, attended publ rn en 1 school there, and after working his ws rn or: through CCNY, went on to achieve a coe MAin music from Wayne Universitlnoun Ever the perfectionist, he studied tt du 1 violin as a teenager, but only until t p ttr realized he had no talent for the instrl tr~ce ment. He absorbed music wherever a~ l~P.t whenever he could, though as a "libr lh llr to boy" at the Met, he revelled in lister ~rn ing to operas, and through an adr 8 e reciprocal agreement with CarneS bchec Hall, the ushers allowed him to atte~ (t~t tl lots of concerts. fo ey Martin Feinstein's credentials in t lor tt world of performing arts are imp 1; s;s cable. He reached the pinnacle on t 10e s 1 o, I O wn . \Vh' After Army duty, Feinstein return. thelc~ to New York in 1946 and became assr l~ tant director of publicity for Sol Hur• ~ 1 and rose to become vice president n~llc Hurok concerts, staying with t jllb~st famous impresario until he joined tt~ tla Kennedy Center in 1972. bi~str, The Feinstein ' rambling two-st O~h as hou se on a Virginia hillside boast taest.r, creek that runs through the garden abo Y. provides a complete getaway from t asts


na h~rly-burly of their hectic schedules. ~at ~ts wife, Bernice, an accomplished


ha wa ed: tur fer hi

Ptanist, has a Ph.D. in music from ColUmbia. She often lectures at the preconcert talks for the NSO and teaches ~usic at George Washington UniversIty .. The couple discusses repertory chotces for upcoming performances and Martin boasts that Bernice knows 'ein ~ore of the whys but he's better versed s i In ~he whats. The three grown-up FeinD"· stem children are John, 24, working for n the Washington Post; Mary, 21, taking an· ~Year off from Wesleyan to study in tull ome; and Robert, 18, at Duke. Th Entertaining for the Feinsteins is just nr about impossible since operas, plays 1 tt. anct concerts dot the calendar almost 1, a ~ry ~i~ht of the year. Linda Reynolds artm s secretary ever since he came sur to the center) says they mostly throw prl cast ~artie , or small, impromptu bt' &athenngs for old friends like "Slava" .' tt or "Isaac" (no last names needed!). ·~s i h "No, it won't be more difficult to andle both the orchestra and the bril opera," he predicts . " In fact, it will be 1stei much easier than when I was having to 1 e, i negotiate contracts, make contacts , Aftl Plan complicated festivals and import r 0: ~hole opera and ballet companies for hoi t. e Kennedy Center . M y responsibilirtter ttes were unbelievably tax ing, with a lot Of travelling thrown in!" ·ant b Feinstein will still do some travelling , sbuf f Ut he's relieved it won't be at such a )ubi renetic pace. "There were always early .s w morning and late night planes rushing :ve e :e from city to city, and sometimes !rsitl 0 Untry to country, " he notes, "with :d 1t ~ot~ing but dovetailing appointments ttil t Urtng the daytime hours.' ' Now his nstrt P~ce is more leisurely , like last month's er aot•P.to Tokyo with the orchestra and the Jibre thalln American tour he'll take with Jiste em in mid-summer . adr Feins tein notes th a t the heav ier rneg ~Chedule is planned for the orchestra, atter ( Ut they will offer more opera next year tthey would offer still more if it weren t in tt or the fact tha t the o pera pro erbially 1 imp Bses money on every performance). on ~ e's excited about the T errace Thea ter, 1 ~o.' because it 's the kind of setting for t urn thhtch smaller opera were written, a nd e as i ey can be performed a t a sm aller cost. Hurl Feinstein predicts he will m a ke the lent fi ational Sy mph o n y Orc he t ra t he th ttj~~~st in the country. "And ," he sta tes led t ~ tlantly, "I can promise you that b.0 Stropo vich is no t leavi ng. H e' every o-sto c tt as anxiou as I a m to m ake the oroastS ~estra truly great , a nd he wa nts to len a bay· " " Yo u know, o u r o rche t ra" he o m t oasts, " ha a great a p peal to a con-

JZol~ert Druce W i lli-'.-tns




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~r maks anp rxca:sim an af!Car to rememkr. Let the feasting begin! Now, match the magic of the moment with festive paper plates that look like fine china, silvered plastic cutlery with the glow of real silver, and plastic stemware that's party perfect. Choose from the area's largest selection of unique and attractive designs, patterns, and solids. Bulk quantities available. ROCKVILLE/770-7110 Congressional Plaza, Rockville Pike. Next to Magruders. BETHESDAJ986-8422 7845 Old Georgetown Rd. Free parking behind Merchant Tire WASHINGTON/322-3375 613 Massachusetts Ave. .W. Free parking in front of store

ductor because it really is national. DE Where else could you get the exposure you get here? And next season, when Co Slava has to be away, we will have a superb guest conductor-Fruhbeck De sor. Burgos." ing Music is Feinstein's business, and he 1 frankly admits to boredom when he des doesn't have a part in it. "You know, I her probably have more butterflies on arc opening njght than the performers," he esp says "because I've been involved in the Pur whole production, shared all the aggra· Pal vations and weathered every crisiS· hor That means each success is an enor· out mous satisfaction and thrill." The important tools for a modern· da} day impresario, according to Feinstein. Th; are imagination, taste, knowledge, and thu experience, in just about that order. tha1 Next, he recommends understanding, F compassion, and direction, a talent ht trar describes as the ability to walk the tight Cat rope between art and box office. Iller "And, oh yes," he remembers tC the add, "an impresario has to recognizt flor that his own personal dislikes may bt her just what someone else likes best. Takt star me, for example. I just can't listen tr " the Venusberg music, that second act hel~ for instance. But there are plenty ol Vest others who long to hear it. I try to keef "M in mind that we can't be expected tC love please nearly 3000 people every night in tl and that there has to be a balanced s( repertory to balance the budget." in c But the most important tool of all fol bills an impresario? Without a moment'! Son hesitation, Martin Feinstein has thl sptu answer. "Money." eye -ANNE DENTON BLAIF anti 1 Ill en COUt




sists. ''Yo Olney Theater's 28th season has opened: to C< until June 22, A Murder is Announced the t (Agatha Christie, of course) .. . the~ L( Ayckbourn's hilarious Bedroom Farce, lows June 24 - July 13 . . . Joseph & Tbf tie b. Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat plaf. Peen through July 13 at Ford's Theater . · VilJe and at the Hartke Theater, CU's Sui11' Partr mer Opera Theater Co: Madame out· ''J terfly, June 25, 27, 29, July 2, 4, 6,. · · futa 1 Lebar's Merry Widow, July 16, 18, zo, hous 23, 25, 27. In the Eisenhower, June 1 neect -July 20, Who's Life is it Anyway? . · &ets , June 30 in the Opera House, 42nd Street· You 1 At Wolf Trap, American DanceTheatet• "C June 16; PDQ Bach with Prof. Peter like C tie ~· Schickele and the NSO, June 20.

notes 16/ June 1980/Dossier


ue ,en Continued from Page 12

:a De

~ons, we can't believe it!" says a beam-

tng grandma Somerville. he Her brick Norman home which she he designed took two years to plan, reflects ,, 1 her fascination with French furniture, on architecture and historical figures, he especially Napoleon. Pinks, taupes, the PUrples and luxurious greens are the ra· Palette with which she paints her ;iS· home-and every inch of it, inside and or· out, is splashed with flowers. "I love flowers. On the gloomiest rn· days I will run out and buy anemones . :ill· That brightens up life," she says entnd thusiastically. It was this special love leT· that motivated her new business venture. ng. Five years ago she met Bill Lego, a hi transplanted Ohioan who had rooted in ghl California and bloomed as an environmental florist. Mrs . Somerville admired tC the man's use of natural themes in his tiZI ~oral arrangements. Earlier this year, bC e moved to Washington with plans for akt starting his own shop. 1 tC "H e was looking for an 'angel' to act help him and I was looking for an inol ~.estment," Mrs . Somerville recounts . eer Myhusband said, 'Allyourlifeyou' e I tC 1.oved flowers. If you want to back Bill rghl tn this venture, it' s your decision . ' " .ced . So the two launched Nature' s fouch ~~Chevy Chase last month. "My florist for stlis Were like the war debt," says Mrs. nt! Omerville of her previou s floral thl Splurges. Now she s turned her trained eye. to accessorizing the store, buying AIF anttques for it and rustling up custolllers. She has no plans to man the ~?Unter from 9 to 5 or for trading in her Hie of traveling wife for working ~oman. Jack still comes first, she in__.., ~~sts, but she loves her new venture. ted· t You'd better believe it' s like going inteed t~ combat," she stresses as she tells of .her e horrors of starting a store . rce• 1 Lego works with twigs, pussy wilTbt 1fWs? dried pods, cones and delicate litI a)'I pe btrds that would fool their chirping v~ers. His best showcase is the Somer1 urtl' P le home where the artistry of the two IJUI' a~~ners merge. f Jack and I like things bright, cheerhut and light," says Candy. It is a famil y ~ J9 ouse, certainly much greater than we need at this po int in our lives. As o ne older and the children are grown reel· &ets ~ f ' ~ tnd you are less fo rmal. ' ttet• i'k Our home reflects a quietness. We •etel e to get away from the bustle and hu e of Washington life," she calmly notes. - KAT H L BUR



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c t;

Dossier/June 19 0117

Shirley Temple Black, barely remembering her days as America's favorite little girl, was a popular Chief of Protocol during the Ford administration.

n retrospect the world seemed almost serene. Jerry Ford was in the White House. Inflation was descending from double digits. The hangover of the sixties was facling and the last echo of Watergate was clisintegrating into a whimper. It was June, 1975, and the Washington Dossier had burst on the Washington scene with a ringing manifesto that it was to be "A New Kind of Alternative Mectia." "Let the other media overindulge itself on misery, gorge on disaster.", the front page editorial read. "Our world is the Washington scene that operates quite independently from the End of era symbols abound in Washington. This one seemed to ring down the curtain on the Watergate trauma with Tip O'Neill embracing Judge John Sirica and House Judiciary Chairman Peter Rodino.

18/June 1980/Dossier

bureaucratic malaise. Our heroes and heroines are not the power figures of the moment, tomorrow's political ghosts, but the Princes and Princesses of a far more enduring milieu, half fantasy, half reality, but never boring. Above all, never boring." In a city where doomsayers are as endemic as air pollution, few gave us more than six路 months to live. We passed that milestone, but not without a struggle. Not only that, we survived the decade and it looks as though we could survive the century. So much for pessimists. We pride ourselves on being the chronicle of social life in the nation's capital,

a human comedy of our times in picture and text. We see ourselves as reporting a kind of side-bar to history and envision scholars of the future pouring over micro-filmed issues to find out how' people in the Capital really lived whell the world was half-mad. Indeed, we hadn't expected the Dossier to become a collector's item and are perpetually amazed when people tell u that they have saved every one of our first sixty issues. We've saved them as well and here路 with present a kind of cursory, overvie\1 of what each Washington year was all about in the pages of the Dossier.

The relentless march of time is reflected by this trio of nice guys who made a profound impact on America 's political life. (L ro R) Rogers Morton, elson Rockefeller and Hubert Humphrey, all of blessed memory.

Washington's social world had its special symbols as well. Tandy Dickinson and Tongsun Park were a high flying duo on the local scene before Tongsun was to make international waves. Dossier/ June /980119

Looking every inch the Argentinian gaucho, Alejandro Orfila postures on a horse at Washington's annual Horseshow. The irrepressible Argentinian, now married, and Secretary General of the OAS still cuts a wide swath in town.

ancy Collins (left) took on the near impossible assignment of writing a hard gossip column for the Washington Post. Here she gets advice from Sally Quinn, now Mrs. Ben 8radlee. Nancy's with the Star now.

They were the undiSputed her06 of our town's hostage taking of 8 'na1 8 'rith by Hanafi terrorists. (L toR) Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal, still posted here; Pakistani Yaqub Kahn, back in Pakistan and Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi, now in European exile.

10/ June 19 0/Dossier

Washingron always went wild over British rt:Jyalry. Here Queen Elizaberh greets the late Alice Roosevelr Longworth, a kind of Washingron royalty herself ar a receprion line during a Stare dinner at the White House.

A bemedaled John Warner and a bejeweled Lil Taylor became the premier couple of Washington where Lit became a political wife and John became an excellent Senator, I hereby merging rhe rwo branches of rhe ac_ _ _ __..L:....;!:...__ _ _ _ _ _ _...J ling profession.

Ardeshir Zahedi was the undisputed entertainment king of Wa hington. Tong un Park was a clo e second. George AU en was coa h of the Redskins. Alejandro Orfila, then the Argentine Ambassador v as a single social lion. The Mandell Ouri man's were on every hostesses list. They till are. E a Gabor with husband Frank Jamison wa popping in and out of tO\ n and Marion Ja its had temporarily redisco ered Washington. Patrick Daly was shepherding foreign dignitaries around the country and Shirley Temple Black was Chief of Protocol. Stuan S_ mington, then single, was seen dancing with Chri tina Ford, then married, at the Iranian Emba . Su an Ford " as getting poor mark at the Mount emon School. partments at Foxhall were elling for a low a 122,500 and it was till po ible to get a hou e in a great neighborhood for about 150,000. Henr Ki inger v a getting fat. Peter Malate ta v a op ning Pi e . Warner Dossier/ June 19 0121

Nobody knows what they're really thinking but here three ex-Secretaries of State (Vance was still in office) share an affably diplomatic chat. (L to R) Vance, Rogers, Kissinger.

The undisputed Peck's bad boy of the Carter administration, Hamilton Jordan, had troubles gelling used to wearing a black tie.

Walter Washington, was Mayor during tough times. Here he's shown with Sterling Tucker, who, inexplicably, also wanted the job which, ironically, Marion Barry holds now. Gov. Marvin Mandel and wife Jean, joined friends at Laurel during happier times. The Governor, convicted of irregularities will be spending the next year or so in stir.

11/June 1980/Dossier

Wolf was appearing in fashion show . Rose Marie Bogley looked smashing. She still does. Brooke Farland wa the toast of the single set. Steven Martindale was throwing parties. As wa Allison LaLand. Howard Devron and hi orchestra were playing at the White Hou e. Hubert Humphrey spoke everywhere. Long Day's Journey was appearing at Arena Stage. Barbara Howar' inside book on Washington was just out in paperback. Alex Comfort had published "The Joy of Sex". Eugene Cowan wa dancing the Highland Fling in Scotland. Page Lee Hufty was doing the town. Jack Kauffmann and Walter Hodge were charming everybody. Nelson and Happy warmed up the Vice Presidential mansion. Julie and David were just step路 ping out again. Mike O'Harro opened Tramp . Scooter and Dale Miller were busy organizing charity events. Esther Coopersmith wa raising money for pols . Congre sman Goodloe Byron was jogging. Gil and Jane Gude were cycling.

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Andy Warhol popped into town for a party at Peter Malatesta's. Rog Morton was Secretary of Commerce. Ed Brooke went to a Halloween party as Fu Manchu. Larry Pressler was a Congressman. Jennifer Crowley married Ari Molean. Bob Dole married Elizabeth Hanford. Helen Burns was writing poetry. Paul DeLisle was still at Sans Souci. Joe Allbritton bought The Star. The Jack Kauffmanns went up in a balloon. Pearl Bailey was the toast of the White Hou e. Ed van Kloberg was Dean of Admission at AU . Jackie 0 came to town a the date of Alex Or fila. Kay Shouse was planning a great season at Wolf Trap. Ken Crosby was everywhere. Woodies began in-store benefits with a Soviet exhibition. Handsome UAE Ambassador Saeed Ghobash was the town's new heartthrob. Harry Alexander was still a Judge. The Zlotnicks were entertaining. Collins Bird was still married to the Georgetown Inn. Liz Taylor came to town to visit Arde hir Zahedi.

Everything was still buddy-buddy with the Shah and the President on the Shah's fast visit. Washington is stiff reefing from Iran's going down the drain.

The down home gathering on the White House lawn was the favorite entertainment of the Carters. This priceless picture gives some idea of what a thriff it was for the kids who mugged it up for rhe camera.

Dossier/June 1980/l _f

W, up

La Sti1

Rostropovich, after defection has become the darling of Washington musical society, conducting the National Symphony and becoming a popular figure in town. Here he is with his constant companion and inspiration, Pooks.

fre (8,


John Warner, Bicentennial Administrator was invited to the British Embassy. Liz Taylor was his blind date. The Travelers Aid Ball was held in the newly built Visitor's Center at Union Station. Popular Mauritanian Ambassador Ahmedou Abdallah left Washington. Spiro Agnew's novel came out. Preston Jones' "Texas Trilogy" was produced by Arena Stage. Houses in good neighborhoods were edging toward $200,000. Paul McCartney was thinking of buying a house in Great Falls. The Danish Queen and Spanish King came to visit. Robert Mitchum came to dinner at the Cyprus Ambassador's residence. Leonard Bernstein and Marta Istomin met at the OAS. Lola Sarnoff showed off her fiber optic sculptures. Queen Elizabeth came to visit. Joe Danzansky declared wife Ethel his favorite tennis singles partner. House Speaker Carl Albert resigned. Dossier ran first color cover in September with Madame Timothee

Often misunderstood路 sometimes brilliant one abrasive, and, filled with higl Polish spirit Zbigniew Brzezinsk is sure to give photographers good example of earth! playfulness during a night on th1


When the Chinese Vice Premier came to town Richard Nixon returned to the White Housefo 1 a State Dinner. Winning incredibly high marks for durabi/1' ty and tenacity, Nixon, after hiS Watergate disgrace, seems to bt making his 2/4th comeback.

Ahoua featured. La Scala came to Washington . Mrs. Birch Bayh and her

Amy has changed schools artd has managed to lead a pleasant/!

Senator husband visited the Iranian Embassy. Sixty Washington diplomats attended the National political conventions. Howard de Franceaux talked of

norma/life as the nation's Jir5J child. She's growing up now afl time will tell if she mightleP0 even a more anonymous life 1 ~ thejuturl

14/June /980/ Dossier

With their late husbands undoubtedly raising up a political storm in the great beyond, Lady Bird Johnson and Muriel Humphrey stilt dart back and forth across America with frequent nesting in the Washington area. (Below)

Abe Pol/in holds up the World Championship Trophy for his beloved Bullets. By sheer will Abe had created the Capital Centre and retrieved sports for this area.

the glories of his Cuisinart machine. Tongsun Park was being investigated for alJeged bribery of congressmen. Hubert Humphrey was back in tO\ n after a bout with urgery. Shirley Wilson, wife of Congressman Bob, laid the keel of sub "La Jolla". Nixon sold the rights to his book. Dossier picked the ten most eligible bachelors. (Fifty percent are now married.) F.B.I. Director Clarence KelJey took a new bride. John Warner married Elizabeth Taylor. Diana McLellan took over "Ear" after co-partner Louise Lague left for N.Y. Tandy stuck by Tongsun. Jimm Carter was elected President. A crowd of nearly 2000 filled the Iranian Embassy for birthday of the Shah. Greer Garson came to town. Joe Sisco was formally sworn in as President of American University. Jerry Ford posed for the cover of Dossier as friends sent notes of farewell. Carter promised no more "Hail to the Chief". Mrs. Mike Blumenthal looked for a house with a tennis court. Larry I rael left Washington Post. Rex Harrison was guest at True Da is' house. Henry Ford threw a party at the F Street club. Nancy Collins began go ip column for the Wa hington Post. Pat Mit hell" a ne'' Panorama ho t. Bloomie opened it first Wa hington area tore. Alex Or fila married hi beautiful Helga. Liv Ullman i ited, met old flame Henry Ki inger, now married to an y. Doss1er/ June 19 0/15

Liz Taylor posed for cover. New Carter faces on Washington scene. They kept to themselves and were rarely seen at social events. Liz Ray went religious. Joan Kennedy bad personal problems. Tongsun Park had left town. Deena Clark interviewed Arthur Burns. Former Ambassador John Jova took over at Meridian House. William Sa fire published Full Disclosure. Victor Lasky wrote ''It Didn't Start with Watergate''. Houses in good neighborhoods were going for well over $200,000. Burt Lance was getting shaky as Budget Director. Ham Jordan wa making waves. Zahedi was rumored to be going back to Iran. The Tra elers Aid Ball was held in the International Monetary Fund BuHding. Princess Anne came to town. The Italian AmbassaJor threw his first parry at newly purcha ed Firenze House. Sen. Hayaka\ a showed his dancing prowess. Esther Coopersmith threw a party for Steve Bell, ABC Good Morning America man. Henry Kissinger wa still talking to Zbig Brzezinski. The Panama Canal treaty was signed. Ham Jordan struck up beer guzzling friendship with General Torrijos. Peter Jay was appointed new British Ambassador. Egyptian Ambas ador Ashraf Ghorbal was making many friends. Sally Quinn was on the cover of Dossier. Kay Shou e and Roger tevens planned more theater space in their respecti e institutions. Claudia Rayford was the first black woman to head D.C. wives Auxiliary. John Mitchell wa serving time but applied to get out for hip operation. Jim Bellows left as editor of Star to join Hear t in L.A. Hubert Humphrey was looking weaker. George Allen was fired as Red skin coach. Francois de Laboulaye wa appointed the new French Ambassador. John Brademas married his Mary Ellen. Carter's idea of a down home White House fell by the wayside with fir t elegant party in the executi e manse. Barbara Walter came to town frequently with date Alan Green span. Ambassador of icaragua Guillermo Se illa-Saca a, dean of the Diplomatic Corp went to hi s 300th party of the year. 26/June 1980/ Dossier


Ardeshir Zahedi reported that 7,000 guests were entertained at the Embassy last year, including 2,000 Iranians. Liz Taylor was Chairman of the Wolf Trap Gala. Dr. Victoria Schuck became the sixth Pre ident of Mount Vernon College. Liv Biddle was appointed to head the National Endowment for the Arts. Betty Ford astonished Washington by revealing drug and alcohol problems. Olivia de Havilland came to town. John McGoff held a party on his yacht Global Star on the Potomac. A house in a good Washington neighborhood was now heading past $250,000 and rising fast. Carter vowed to fight inflation. OPEC began new round of price rises. Peter Bourne resigned over false prescription. Leo Ryan started planning to visit Jonestown. Gwen Cafritz threw first party in five years. Time Inc. bought the Washington Star. Planning for new Convention Center moved one step closer. Peoples Drug stores moved up under dynamic President Bud Fantle. Moroccan Ambassador Ali Bengelloun started to entertain frequently. Amy Carter's class visited the Spanish Embassy. White Flint opened. Carol Channing entertained at I. Magnin. The African Museum showed Art from Zaire. True Davis headed the Horse Show. Carterites finally discovered Dukes. Kitty Kelley's "Jackie 0" book was an instant smash. Myles Ambrose married Joan Fitzpatrick. Department stores threw open their doors for big benefit galas. Da id Chambers took over from Zelda Fichandler at Arena while she took sabbatical. Ben Bradlee married Sally Quinn. Marvella Bayh was failing. Superman flick had a major promo in town. New Irish Ambassador Sean Donlon came to town. Larry Pressler elected Senator. Roots II was pre iewed at the KenCen. Carter was sinking in polls. Congressional wives threw third annual Chili cook-off. Sonny Werblin bought the Washington Dips.

Houses were running between $300,000 and up, way up, in our town's best neighborhood . Alice Longworth Roosevelt had died ... Jimmy Carter hadn't gotten inflation under control. The prime rate had passed 20% and the real estate business had quieted down, although prices were still high. The ec hostages were taken. Zahedi had long of gone. The Iranian Embassy was in the o hands of arrogant monsters. Tongsun Park had returned to Washington. so Martin Feinstein had resigned a be: KenCen Executive Director for Opera sp and Symphony post. ewton Steer be married Gabriele and will run again for th1 Congress. A tribute to Walter Hodge Ill( was held at the Ford's Theater. Soviet ste Ambassador Do bryn in replaced Sevilla· ve1 Sacasa as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. 111 e Henry Kissinger published hi memoir bu and got thinner. Richard Valeriani mar· an ried. The Pope came to visit. Washing-co; ton theater expanded. Cece and Ed Zor·ge in ky were busy on the social scene. ~ New hotels opened in town. The George·th~ town Inn was sold. Ed Williams boughlthe the Baltimore Orioles. Shirley Wilso!l''at launched "La Jolla". Former Iranial1t 0 I Embassy official Ali Tabatabai formedget. an anti-Khomeini group. Ted Kennedltion challenged Carter. Reagan was th noct GOP front-runner. Budget cuts ha hat begun to worry arts groups. Jake Javit. 0 announced he would run again. Ford lhe Theater produced the smash hit "Mr Lincoln". Vance quit. Carter movCI out of the Rose Garden.


Too much has happened in thi Ia half decade for us to ab orb and under stand. It seems, at the moment, that th' optimism of the mid-seventies ha dissolved into a cold creeping pe simism that shakes our faith an dampens our pirit. But there are peak and valleys in al human endea or , and, we believe ir our hearts that 'This, too, hall pa ,. We at the Dossier refuse to yield t j gloom and doom, and will continue t hold our miling eye on the Wa hingto cene, which, no matter what, bur t with energy and activity, truly a huma~ comedy. And i rarely boring. L



en n's rth ter ol. the

~~; Anyone who has survived, with, · g eclat, and a sense of humor, a marriage ~~e of 5 to 15 to 50 years certainly n DESERVES a celebration. ;u Th ere are no fail -safe formula or et )O· so lution for planning an Anniver ary a bash. The late popular protocol 3 er Speciali t arolyn Hagne r haw, in her :~rr book on Modern Manner publi hed in ~ the 1950's, advise against invnmg :iel mere acquaintance , and uggests inlla· stead. including only close family and ·ps. very mtim a te friend . he a t o recom:>ir ~ends ending engraved invitations, tar· Ut. warn again t announcing it's an ng· ann ,ver ary, in case recipi ent feel .or· 0 rnpell ed to end gift ... which i still ' generall y a socia l "no no! ' ·ne. S ' e· haw' s Modern Manners also notes r:htt~at. such celebrations are usually on 1 o!l~• e tnformal side ranging from being ~an at home" in the afternoon or evening 11 e~o buffet suppers, or just an evening ~dlt'et-together. Supper dances and recepth . tons of a more formal sort also get the ha ~oct ... along with the gentle reminder . , at "it's really up to you." ·rd\n Obviou ly thin gs ha e changed in Mr e 20th Century NOW . Jean Shaw >


SURVIVAL By Patty Cavin

Murra y, " allie' ' daughter and publisher of the 'Green Book " founded by her grandmother Helen Ray Hagner, hun corner utting but doe admit that anni er ary partie hould be caled to the celebrant comfort le el. Not painful," he ay , ' but fun." Don't feel that you have to do it like

the Jone es. she aution . "If you don't have a big hou e or belong to a club, u e your O\! n urrounding and keep the party mall." Jean and her husband Tom celebrated their own 25th with a summer cocktail buffet in their Ken ingtan garden put on b their five hildren who handled all detail from preparing the food (Jean remembers lobster alad) to calling the gue t . The bride and groom atop their anni er ary cake ' a the arne bride and groom from their wedding. If you ti k to the the old-fashioned formula of family and ju t clo e friend , "The Anni ersary Party" is the ea ie t kind to give. Take for intance Scooter and Dale Miller' 25th Bazoo. LBJ and Ladybird John on' close Te as friend planned a mall informal cocktail dinner party to tart in their apartment, ' hich was then at the Mayflower Hotel. The Pre ident and his Lady plu the Miller married daughter Marta (who wa born three year after they aid I do") were among the twel e couple who attend-

Continued on Page 64


Ia' der t thl ha pe an

Dossier/June /9 0127


c (



c A 3;

a 0 54

c< More parties are given in Washington, D.C. than in any city of its size in the world, says social historian Hope Ridings Miller, and most people rarely turn a party down. This makes it a perfect town for creative hostesses like AlHson LaLand who bas made a career of giving parties. LaLand was one of Perle Mesta's protegees. She learned her party-giving skills at Mesta's tea table and is just as organized and perfection-oriented. A friend says: "Allison doesn't just give parties. She stages and produces them like plays." Five years ago LaLand launched herself on the lecture circuit speaking to small groups of women on the subject "Parties as an Art Form." Today she has graduated to a place on the Town Hall Celebrity Series talking with the Hkes of George PHmpton and Olivia de Havilland to audiences of up to 1,500 persons. She now gives about 20 lectures a year on the subject: "The Impact of White House Entertaining from the Washingtons to the Carters." She likes to remind listeners that President John Adams, hardly a frivolous man, once remarked: "One dinner is worth a hundred meetings." Guests still talk about the GeorgiaBrought-to-Maryland Hunt Breakfast, Allison staged at Cremona, a Patuxent River plantation she borrowed for a party saluting Chief of Protocol Marion 281June /9801 Dossier

Smoak and his wife Francie in 1974. Guests were feted with milk punches, garlic cheese grits, pheasant on hominy, scalloped oysters, beaten biscuits with smoked ham and fresh Georgia peach ice cream. All this was long before Carter. Allison, too, is a Georgian. Others remember fondly the southernstyle dinner dance she produced for then Attorney General Griffin Bell and his wife Mary at the City Tavern. Wearing a specially designed Scarlett O'Hara -like gown, LaLand Jed her guests to a dining room decorated with salmonclothed tables, and fan-shaped napkins exuding the sweet scent of gardenia. On the tables five-branch candelabra were circled with massed camellias and green smilax. For placecards, guests names were lettered in gold on real magnolia leaves. Allison is particularly proud of the parties she has staged in historic homes like Anchorage House in Alexandria or Dumbarton in Georgetown. At the latter, she put together a George-and-MarthaWashington dinner, complete with harpist to fete former Attorney General William Saxbe and his wife Dolly before he left to become Ambassador to India. On another occasion she divided the Federal City Club room into two with a garlanded white trellis for a garden dance. Tubs of shaved ice with readyContinued on Page 54


PMTIES ASANMTFORM My Top Ten How-To's by Allison LaLand I. Have a creative theme. Develop it with invitations, food, music and decorations. 2. Search out new places for your par· ties-your rec room, garage, swimming pool-or move the party to a restaurant or club. 3. Envision your party as a whole, com· plete work of art with a beginning, mid· die and planned ending. Don't let your party run down to nothingness. 4. Establish a rhythm. Move from room to room, table to table. 5. Plan the timing of each segment of the party so that it ends at its peak. Keep the party moving from one high point to another. 6. Use lighting to create a mood. Use fair· ly bright lights for cocktails and dim them progressively as the evening unfolds. 7. Add to the excitement of the party bY having an exchange of toasts. 8. Plan music even if it's just a record player. Position it where it can be heard. 9. Test your menu in advance . Have rehearsals with those serving even if they're your own children. 10. Once the party's started, give your guests your full attention. L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

33 Cc

'ft 42Co CCI 7~


'fb 546 Co1 Cat 546· Cor

The 347-

Con She1 638-: Coni

She• 328-; Cont

Rya1 737-1 ConL

Hay 638-2 Cont1

Capli 393-ll Conta


483-3( Conta


Dossiers Recommended

Ridgewells 652-1515

Contact: Bruce Ellis, Jeff Ellis


Party Services


Contact: Marge Guarasci

Paris Caterers 530-5402

A Checl\list for the Party Giver

Contact: Bill Paris

Avignone Freres Here you will find a list of those businesses that provide, in our judgment, the most efficient services available in the area. This does not mean that there aren't others we have missed who provide equal services to those on this recommended list. Our judgments are made on the basis of past experiences and observations and are, admittedly, subjective.


Contact: John Orcino

B&B Caterers 829-8640

Contact: Mr. Longley

Lucks Caterers 949-5558

Contact: Mrs. Lucks

Braun's 559-2400

Contact: W. William Marsh Ill

itll ns.

Schupp's Bakery 966-7012

Contact: Loretta Espey

Watergate Pastry 965-5250

Contact: lnga Schneider, Gina Bailey

Table Decorations DoUy Kay Design Ltd. 966-0925

Contact: Dolly Kay

The Paper Store 770-7110

Contact: Judy Berman

Karen's Table Thing 549-6262

Contact: Karen Kraemer

Gifts Sterling GaUery 244-1031

Contact: Leila Lopez

W&J Sloane

Capitol Hill Caterers

Madison Hotel

Nature's Touch




Contact: Lucy King

Contact: The Smith Family

Contact: Stevan Werlinich

Contact: Bill Lego

American Cafe

Fairfax Hotel

Flower Gallery

Rainbow Gifts Ltd.






Contact: Lynn Segal

Contact: Valerie Gift

Contact: Jackie Godman-Irvine

Contact: Tom Powell

Watergate Hotel


Dell of Capitol Hill

The Flower Designer Inc.





Contact: Sharon Langford

Contact: Charles Solmon Eagle Wine & Cheese

Contact: John Attus, Nancy Hurst

Contact: George Skelton

Camaller & Buckley




Embassy Row


Contact: Lisa Zimmerman

Contact: Barbara Day


The Elegant Gourmet

Contact: Haleta Ferris

Contact: David Elsworth, Terry Smith


Contact: Lucie Khachadourian

The Madison Shop


Loew's L'Enfant Plaza

Friendship Flower Shop

Contact: Mr. Freed



Corniche Gourmet Gallery

Contact: Ann Brody

Contact: Ken Holden



Contact: Barbara Thomas

764-FOOD Contact: Jeanne Fleming, Susie Fischer



Haymarket Mendelsohn Gallerie:

Contact: Bill Dove


Contact: Laurence Lomax

The Broker

Copenhaver Inc.







Contact: Bill Holman

Contact: George Ponce

Contact: Bob Smith


Contact: Stanley Krupsaw

ant m-

Capitol Hill Wine and Cheese


Mark Turner Flowers Ltd.




Contact: John Rusnak

Contact: Chester Richardson

Contact: Mark Turner



Hotels om the the tO

Watergate Collection 338-8626

Contact: Carol Bloom





Contact: Judy Shavin

Mole Hole 333-3222


Gene Donati - Morgan Baer

Contact: Elizabeth Mize




Contact: Dorethe Whitehead

Contact: Eugene Donati

Gift Horse

Contact: Virginia Washburn

Woodward & Lothrop

Washington Talent Agency

Contact: Bourne Garner

Sheraton Carlton




Contact: Fred Minger

Contact: Michael Farearo

Creative Parties

Group: The Sixpence Contact: Jeff Rubin

The Gazebo

Sheraton Park


Howard Devron

Contact: Arlene Esterman Watergate Fine & Fancy



The Mayflower

Contact : Rita Bloom


Contact: Gary Budge


Hyatt Regency


Shoreham Hotel Contact: Howard Devron

Contact: Phyliss Sheftell, Dorothy Schikevitz


y bY 737-1234 Contact: Lynn Spence ~ord Hay Adams ard. 638-2260 Contact: Donna Tyree, -lave Danielle Mosse :n if Capital Hilton


your Contact: Mohammed lhsen Washington Hilton 483-3000

Contact: Paul Limbert

Angelo Bonita Custom Florist


Contact: Cherie Blumenthal All Major Department tores


Discotheque International Contact: Leo Paraskevas



A-1 Rental Center 941-3520

Looney Toones

Contact: Don Berger

Disco, Big Band, Golden Oldies et al.

Taylor Rental Center

533-3277 or 225-2513


Contact: Ty Brooke


Contact: Angelo Bonita


Floral Arts of Chevy Chase

HDO Productions (tents, dance floors)


Clements Pastry Shop


Contact: Barbara Rudoph, Michael Bonnet


Contact: Susan Garner, Linda Armsey

Contact: Elise Bray

Dossier/June 1980129

in our tender shirtdress with a Slveatervest Evelyn de Jonge's challis sprigged with pink and lavender flowers on o field of block rayon. And lavender sweotervested in downy lombswool-ongoro-nylon. For sizes 4 to 14, 100.00 Lord & Taylor, Washington-Chevy Chose call 362-9600; Falls Church-col/ 536-5000 : White Flint-col/ 770 -9000 .



A CORCORAN ANNIVERSARY ALL THAT GLITTERS: South Africa had nothing on the Corcoran Gallery on the night of the Twenty Fifth Annual Corcoran Ball sponsored by the Trustees anct the Women's Committee. Everything was gold - mylar tablecloths, gold streamers on the marble columns, gold flowers and fans . ..Over 1200 art-loving contributors lOined the Belgian Ambassador and

Mrs. Schoumaker, David Lloyd Kreeger and wife Carmen, and Director Peter Marzio to wine, dine and dance to three orchestras and a string trio. Armand Hammer flew in by private plane. Rose Marie Bogley, came fresh from Jamaica with the toastiest tan in town. Dottie Kidder on the arm of husband Randy, wore a wowey cluster of big gold leaves designed in Paris that totally framed her face. Trustee Gilbert H. Kinney shared a table with fellow Trustee Ray Sherer and Barbara, and Betsy and Michael Rea. The Elliott Richardsons and the Wy-

nant Vanderpools danced downstairs. Spotted in the golden crush were Mandy and Betty Ourisman, Senator Claiborne Pelt, the Lee Folgers, Ducky and Arnie Block, the George Denbys, George and Nancy Ferris, Stanley and Lolo arnoff, and the Ken Crosbys. Former Amba sador Jo eph John Jova prowled thru the special Vantongerloo exhibit with pretty wife Pam, as did blonde Betty Tarr and escort Hal Crowell. Former Amba sador Luciu Battle summed up the gala when he said, "this is always THE BEST party in town! ' -ARAMINTA

) [.1


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~ogo Kiplinger and Rose Marie Bog ley view e action In the great hall.

South African Ambassador Donald Bell Sole The indomitable Gwen Cal ritz arrives on the and Ann Wallick swing on the dance floor. arm of Corcoran Director Peter Marzio.

J Dossier/June 19 0/J/

DESIGNING FOR CHMil Y The gala black-tie preview party which opened the 1980 ASID show house, Boxwood, dazzled guests and left them full of bright new ideas to design. Created by 35 members of the Potomac chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers, Boxwood was designed specifically for the family who actually lives in the Chevy Chase home, the Paul Anthonys. The benefit showing was sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Montgomery County Unit. r. -

2. Setting an eclectic and formal mood , Reginald Wolfe and Jo Dee Gonzalez furnished a small breakfast room In chocolate brown, _ with an antique armoire, French chairs, a contem路 porary table, balloon shades and white tulips. 3 . ASID Boxwood co chairman Constance Mercer Is seated in the Georg ian style dining room by John Peters Irelan. A mixture of French and English anti路 ques, the room was design路 ed to accommodate eight to forty people for dinner. 4. Taking advantage of the dormer ceiling, Milo Hoots and Marty Cathcart created a softly lit futurist ic entertainment room in the attic. "I 'll never come out of this room, once I walk ln . " remarked Paul Anthony.

32/ June /980/Dossier

Despite the differences in specialties, taste and techniques of the participating designers, they worked this year (unlike other showhouses) to keep all areas of house compatible with one another. Co-chairing the preview gala were Mrs. James Meers, Stephen Jeffery and Mrs. Daniel Melnick, advisor. Executive chairmen were Mrs. Edwin Semans, Jr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer, Jr., American Cancer Society; and Constance Mercer and G. Daniel Harben, Jr., ASID. Guests were rewarded with a choice buffet after a 30 room/area tour of Boxwood. -JEANNE RYAN

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CMv STARS AT Bf'iL As proper ladies squealed with delight Upon their first vision of idol Cary Grant, some husbands turned away and shook their heads begrudgingly. Others Were as thrilled as their wives with a handshake, a few words or a simple smile from the legendary movie prince. "Cary's as cheerful as he is handsome," remarked designer Howard 8aylin, in spite of the fact that he personally greeted over 1500 guests at this Year's American Cancer Society Ball. Elephants and monkeys dangled in tnid-air over vendors hawking popcorn and cotton candy to guests. A midnight breakfast followed a lavish evening buffet featuring Beef Wellington, mussels ~rovencal, lobster thermidor and arbecued ribs. This year, the ball netted $200,000, more than any single event the cancer society has raised anywhere in the country. Among the elegantly attired guests Were Rep. and Mrs. AI Ullman, the Am~assador of New Zealand and Mrs. NortJ~h (they were patrons), Mr. and Mrs. ~chard Barry (he's the executive v.p. of aberge), Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rappa~~rt, chairmen, Joel Meisel, the Gary ramsons and Sylvan Gershowitz. )) Tw~rling to the sounds of the Peter R Uchm orchestra were Bob and Marion F: osenthal, the George Adams', the Mel Mtrins, the Herbert Hafts and Dr. and Neil Ramo, Senior Vice President of Lord & Bonnie Slotkln and Lynn Barry wore the rs. Cyril Schulman. Taylor admires his wife, Marilyn, In her corn row hairstyle popularized by Bo Derek -JEANNE RYAN

Richilene gown.

In " 10".

Dossier/ June 19 0133

PRESERVING W H11E HOUSE Claire Dratch cordially invites you to attend a preview showing of the entire autumn collection by

Geoffrey Beene. We are proud to be able to bring it to Washington. Mr. Henry Ginsberg will be with us to assist you.

Thursday, June 5th and Friday, June 6th AT

Antiques, not diamonds took precedence with Carol Channing, when the actress and her husband Charles Lowe zipped into town to helP Rosalynn Carter launch a 25 million dollar fund drive for the White House Preservation Fund. The First LadY founded the Fund last October to refur路 bish the White House with permanenl antiques, since much of the current col路 lection is on temporary loan. Channing met the press to announce that San Francisco tycoon Walter Shorenstein, Chairman of the Fund, M had donated $100,000, as had AmbaS路 w sador and Mrs. Walter Annenberg, and S1 Mrs. Lamant DuPont Copeland of Greenville, Del. Henry Ford had given fifty thou, she said, while Janet Hooker of New York and PaJm Beach (Waltef Annenberg's sister) had given 25 thou TWICE! Even Averell Harriman's Pam had ante-ed up 10 K, while some 350 others paid $125 (a head) to becorne "Friends" of the Fund and guests at the evening kick-off reception held at the Fund's home-base on Jackson Place. Come party time Mrs. Carter made the scene while the President stayed home. She circled the sumptuous buffel on the arms of White House Curator Clem Conger and Shorenstein. Then she awarded Carol a plaque for her help and greeted sponsors.


Jihan Sadat greets Helen Strauss, whose husband was Middle East negotiator. En路 joying the byplay Is Esther Coopers mith at a tea given by Senator Johnston 's wife , Mary.

34/ June 1980/Dossier


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International Cui ine All of our meal ar pr pared \\ith the fine, ingredJ nts in the old world tradJUon.




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Breakfll§t Luueb Dinner n·cd in th dinlng room from 8:30 am to :30 pm .

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Sumptuous Brnneb aturdav & umlav from 8:30 ~ to 4:30-pm

Full Bar Serviee TI1c fin . t selection of Imported \\ine and splrlts .

Famous Desserts Cakes, wrtcs and pastcrlcs famous in Wa hington ~!nee 191 Icc cream mad da!lv on ll1c premises \\ith ll1c hlghcst butterfat content poSblblc .

1777 CoiU.Dlbla Rd .. S.W. Among th hose R) Mrs We many guests were this unusual assembly of wives of Supreme Court justices (L to . En· Henry ·Bi arren Burger, Mrs. Lewis Powell, Mrs. Potter Stewart, Mrs. Thurgood Marshall, Mrs. 1ith Sadat 0 ackmun and Mrs. Byron White . A highlight of the event was the presentation to Mrs. Sadat ]~k~~~lephone In the shape of a pyramid. "I'll be able to call Esther everyday now," Mrs.

Washington, D.C. 265-0332



Dossier/June 19 0135

JOSEPH AND HIS A L-l()CAL DREAMCOAT Catholic University's theatrical production spin-offs have been making theater history for years, and it was no coincidence that Hugh Leonard's "Da" was playing the Kennedy Center boards at the same time as

Estrin, a young dynamo with a yen for theatrical production and began the complicated process of putting the show together. Written by Tim Rice and Andrew Weber, who later wrote

芦Joseph and His A mazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" was making

seemed to Estrin a perfect vehicle for Washington's spring and summer season. With a strong "spiritual" assist from the incomparable Father Gilbert Hartke and the marvelous directorial talent of James Waring, "Joseph" is now playing to packed houses at Ford's. Well-wishers, the cast and friends jammed Pisces on opening night to celebrate the all-local production, along with Broadway Producer Jerry Schlossberg, who is scouting for broadway. Bill Graham, the talented head of CU's Drama Department, beamed at the crowds: "Who says we're not a theater town?", he commented proudly looking into the sea of theater lovers. -SONIA ADLER

its debut at Ford's Theater. Both, in their own way, are CU production originals. "Da" is just completing its National tour and "Joseph" is, hopefully, just beginning. What makes the "Joseph" production unique is that it is almost totally local in its backers, its producers, its players and its director, all of whom are related to the CU gang. After smashing successes in the Hartke Theater and Olney under James Waring's direction, two young recent graduates of Maryland University, Sue Rose and Gail Berman decided to produce it and go for the big time, debuting at Ford's Theater. They enlisted the support of Mel

Jesus Christ Superstar, "Joseph"


Eric Pierpoint (above) belts out " One More Angel in Heaven" for Jim Waring and the staff as he auditioned for one of the brothers in " Joseph ." He got the part. (Below) Hopefully Broadway bound , the principals who made " Joseph" possible chat with Broadway pro路 ducer Jerry Shlossberg , co路producers Melvin Estrin, Susan Rose and Director Waring . 36 / June /980/Dossier




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Dapper Don Kennedy, former Food and Drug Commissioner, now Vice President and Provost of Stanford (and rumoured to be the next Prez) sailed into town for National Academy of Science meetings which signaled a slew of diningout among the local Stanford alumni. The World Bank's retiring J. Burke knapp and wife Iris hosted a buffet dinner which drew the Columbia Ambassador and Mrs. Barco (Carolina is the Stanford grad), Andrea and Tom Cor~ran Jr., the Tom Coughrans (he's the orld Bank's former U.S. Executive Director), Mount Vernon College Prez Dr. Victoria Schuck (a 3 degree Stanford grad), the Perry Seifferts, Stanford Research Institute's Leon Sloss with wife Ginny, and junior John RoUinses. The following day Kennedy was toasted again by Ambassador and Mrs. Barco at luncheon at the Columbian Embassy. Among the "old school ties" ~at turned up were former Ambassador ed Achilles, Anna Chennault (a Stan~Ord Parent), Betty Battle, Ellen Marcus, fob Sayler of Covington & Burling, and ormer Cabinet Secretary Carla Hill ;ho's back in law practice with husband od, also a Stanford man. .~ennedy commented that the 1980s wa I be THE decade when Stanford and ~ther Universities will focus on the n?~rgraduate . Harvard's major comPe_tatton for students now is Stanford, he sa.ct, and Stanford does better than Yale or Princeton. Viva the old "Big Red!"

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u Jackie Bengelloun cooked up her for the donors and sponsors 0ba~u~t estorm Goodwill Industries Guild Emssy Tour at the Moroccan embassy. am<?uests nibbled goodies fit for a king w· ~dst three wandering minstrels along Gat a string of Washington celebs Hke Mo~on Barnes, Marion Burros, Diana c ellan and Gail Perkins. D Other honored guests included Dor?thy Mickler, reception chairman, ~~~~~d Becker, president of Goodwill, G a McCullum, president of the aJO~dwiU Guild, the Tom Cahills, the La~ ard Conroys, Col. and Mrs. John M d, and Col. and Mrs. Edmund ~1auckus. a /e tour was held at the embassies of d~ntvi~, Cyprus, Equador, Egypt, InRe esaa_, New Zealand and the People's PUbhc of China.

Est. MPG'

® 1980 American Honda Motor Co. Inc.


The above Information Is provided In settlement with Montgomery County Office of Consumer Affairs to correct previous ads In error.


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Dossier/June 1980137

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8435 Lee Highway , ~ Fairfax, Virginia • " 560-2500 ; , ,.. Hours: Monday-Friday 8-5 ; ';~

Wednesday 8-9. Saturday 8-1 -"', ..>:: VISA MC CC r ; '~

Co-chairmen Mrs. George Schweitzer and Mrs. Scott Paseltlner (right), take time out In the Mayflower's Ballroom after greeting 200 guests attending the Fountain of Flowers Ball benefitt ing the Florence Crlt· tendon Home. (Above) A smiling trio prepare to enter Philip Robertson's English Country fantasy In the main ballroom (I tor) Mrs. George Huguely, Mrs. John Manfuso and MrsRobert Lowe while Mr. and Mrs. Ken· neth Bigelow place their bids for th6 silent auction. The Home has aided 23,000 disadvantaged youths since opening In 1891.







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sraeli nand s wife are greeted by the prime movers of the event to benefit the Weizmann Institute, Israel's MIT. (L toR) John Mason, Co-chairman of the dinner, Stuart Bernstein and Alma Gilden horn, Co-chairman .


Famous for characterizing the individuality of women and children as well as the personality of men.



381June 1980/Dossier

Henry Kissinger makes a point Offering a i oast to the resounding success of the dinner to Prof. Michael Sela, President are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ochsman and Mr. and Mrs. LeO of the Institute. Bernstein , longtime supporters of the Institute.


.zer ht),

lr's sts ers :rit· trio

My daughter Genie and I invite you to select from our spectacular Spring fashions and from my latest ULTRASUEDE • designs!

Frankie Welch

Joanne Jacob on, Manager 305 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Va. 22314




Genie \ el h Robens, /\ tanager .W., Washington, D.C. 2

1702 G. St.,

Mon.-Fri. 10: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 to 5:30, Thurs. 'til 7:30 1ajor Credit Cards Accepted

to 6:

WiSDOM FOR WEIZMANN an~h: m~ghty Henry Kissinger lent vigor ann VItah~y to the Weizmann Institute's w Ual dmner in a moving speech on ~ld ~olitics to some 300 guests . l< he dtnner, held in the atrium of the G~~edy Center, was planned by Alma ch . enhorn and John Mason, coSt <tlrmen of the founders committee and \V~~·t Bernstein, chairman of the tngton chapter. Wet\mong the dinner' s special guests \V r.e Lord Marcus Sieff, chairman of the noeizmann Institute' s board of goverMrs and chairman of the board of the st~rks a.nd Spencer chain of department Mi r;s In Great Britain; Professor mac ael Sela, president of the Weizlea~f ln~titute and one of the world's ba ng Immunologists and the Am~ador of Israel and Mr . Evron. furt~er $1.00,~ was raised as a result to "' er Scientific research done at Weiz... ann. tn~t~er special guests included the Northe nM: ernstei~ , the Lawrence Brandts, ~ob el Estrms, the Ted Gindes, the Kogods, the Leonard Melrods, the \V· Orton Wilners and the Bruce •nstons .


F I N(

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1625 Connecticut A 2:l2-1200 Dossier/June 1980/39


§Jmne~ 0 ?

~ud.n .~l. The simply elegant ambience. The exquisite cuis1ne . The heavenly music of the harp. The cheek-to-cheek nostalgia of Saturday evening dancing. This is The Carlton Room . Reservations , 638-2626. Complimentary Valet Parking.

Washington's pre mil'r hot el


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Diplomats by the dozens flocked to bid farewell to the beloved Ambassador of Somalia and Mrs. Addou, leaving after 10 years residence to become Somalia's Minister of Finance. One of the most memorable of these goodbye gatherings was hosted by Orner Eissa, the Sudanese Ambassador and his wife, Muna, at their Sudanese residence on Woodland Drive. Any gathering of Africans is filled with lighthearted humor and hospitality and, as a sign of affection, Muna anointed each guest with a dab of Sandalwood, which is apparently the sensual national scent of the Sudan. Coincidentally, President Carter was entertaining one of the Sudan's neighbors, Anwar Sadat on the same evening in the White House. After countless farewell celebrations the Addous threw their own goodbye bash for friends at the Hyatt Regency ballroom.



The guest of honor, Austrian Ambassador Karl Schober, an inveterate pipe smoker, got a glass pipe gift. You don't smoke it. You drink brandy from it. The gift was just one of the creative aspects of the elegant dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cerami at the F Street Club. The foreign affairs editor of Kiplinger Publications and his wife, Lisa brought together a stellar group seldom seen out-

A FLOR~ W ELCOME 40/June 1980/Dossier

side the diplomatic circuit; Treasury Secretary Bill Miller and Ariadne, Sen. and Mrs. Charles Percy, Ambassador and Mrs. John Tzounis of Greece, retired Lt. General and Mrs. Wallace Robinson, Bob and Peggy LeBaron, among others. The Ceramis seated attractive redhead Christina Clark, of Birch Bayh's Alcofuel Commission next to the guest of honor, which piqued everyone's curiosity. Sen . Frank Church's Idaho senatorial opponent Rep. Steven Symms and his wife were also among the guests. The congressman was reporting that his campaign was going well with recent polls showing him winning at this point. "We're going to topple him," he said. Robert LeBaron, who served Presidents from Wilson to Eisenhower was gloomy about the current state of affairs, although it did not dampen his 89 year old energy and spirit. In his toast, Cerami was glowing in his praise for the skilled Austrian diplomat, comparing him to another legendary Austrian figure, Metternich. As in most Washington parties these days, the criticism of the President's handling of foreign affairs was not muted.


It was billed as a party in honor of Alejandro and Helga Orfila, black tie, in Randolph Rouse's remarkable estate

which sits incredibly close to Washington on Virginia's Leesburg Pike. Actually, according to Randy, the

David Ellsworth opened his new shop "Flowers" with gourmet food, a swinging band and many friends. (L to R) Ellsworth, Mrs. Peter Jay and Judy Mclennan.



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party was a tongue in cheek tribute for "Alex's keeping to his own territory when he was single." . Once, like Rouse, a popular Washmgton bachelor, OAS Secretary General Orfila was considered among our town's most eligible personalities. Since his marriage to the beautiful Helga that life is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, the tribute brought out Washington's social establishment Which included the Bill Middendorfs, the Charlie Camaliers, True Davis, Judy Lewis, Diane Norris and Redskins owner, Jack Kent Cook, who, from the looks of his attentions to an attractive blonde lady, appeared to be in the throes of a new romance. Guests learned that the host is also a sw.ing era buff as he accompanied Glenn ~tiler and Benny Goodman recordings With his saxophone while others danced to . the velvety strains of his fantastic SWtng collection. An ebullient Deena ~lark showed her prowess at the 1-Iula," just as she did when she and Randy were on the USO circuit entertaining American servicemen. As the last guest toddled off at a late hour, the strains of Randy's irrepressi?le saxophone could still be heard long Into the night. -So lA ADLER


together! Come see how beautifully we blend:

• Ceiling Fans - Hunter. the foremost name in ceiling fans s1nce 1886. The largest display and stock m the Washington area. From $179.95 • Tile- Country Floors. the top line of imported hand made wall and floor tile 1n the Umted States. Exclusively ours. • Decorative accessories - Donald Robinson lamps. DeSimone pottery. collector-quality baskets. The best of both ... now displayed in 4.000 square feet of dramatic new showrooms!


ADEMAS 546·6400 721 8th STREET. S.E. On capitol Hill's Barracks Row

: of tie, tate tO IUfg

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#1 PARTY SUPPLIER One Call Rents It All Tents • Canopies • Marquees • Dance Floors • Bridal Arches • Platforms • Candelabras • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Skirt ing • Ch ina • Glassware • Silverware • Coffee Urns • Chafing Dishes • Punch Bowls • Champagne Fountains Oakley Hunter, head of Fannie Mae smiles approvingly below a portra it of himself painted by Trudy Davis (left) at a Party he gave to unveil his picture.

A-1 RENTAL CENTER established 1968 Annandale, Va. Vienna, Va.


281-0883 D ossier /June 1980141

...... Diva Jud ith Belgen looking fresh after her performance chats with her husband Maestro Nicola Rescigno and Mary Neel, new Chairman of the Met's Mid-Atlantic Committee.

MET O PENS AT KENC EN Romantic strains of six strolling violins and the haunting scent of a new fragrance, Ciaro, greeted several hundred guests (still euphoric from 'L 'Elisir d' Amore- with I~uciano Pavarotti and Judith Belgen) at the after-the-opera party hosted in the Atrium by KenCen Chairman Roger Stevens and Frank Johnson, President of the Revlon Foundation. The evening's undisputed star,



The exquisite Turkish embassy (which boasts its own panelled music room!) was the scene of a Gala Musicale; a benefit for the Summer Opera Theatre Company whose 2nd season will bring Madam Butterfly in June and The Merry Widow in July to the Hartke Theater. Ambassador Elekdag and his pretty wife warmly welcomed guests along with the Gala's Chairman, Mrs.

Pavarotti, did not appear . .. pleading fatigue-understandableaftertheariafilled opera which had marked the Metropolitan Opera's first appearance at the Center. Petite diva Belgen looked ravishing and completely refreshed as she enjoyed a midnight supper with her husband, who is the concert-master of the Met, and was the conductor for the evening, Maestro Nicola Rescigno. Mary Belin, Mary Neel, Senator Howard Baker, and the John Hechingers, were among the guests. Rose Marie Spivacke, Elaine R. Walter, the Theatre's Executive Director, CU President Pelegrino and Fr. Maurice T. Fox. An hour of some of opera's finer moments was presented for guests by six of the young and very talented singers from the company who will be performing this summer. And-after delectable arias, everyone went into the highceilinged dining room for champagne and all manner of Turkish delicacies. -ANNEBLAJR

After a stellar performance of the Summer Opera Company, guests enjoyed a repast at the Turkish Embassy. (L to R) Singer Myra Merritt, Mrs. Sukru Elekdag and the Ambassador of Turkey, Edith Shubert, Board Chairman, Elaine Walter, Executive Director and Glen Cunningham.

Capttol Htll 227 Mass A e



ttl 2am Sun - Thur 3amFn &Sat

41/June 1980/Dossier

Georgetown 121 Wtsc Ave 337 3600

ttl 3am Sun - Thur 4amFn &Sat

Travel1ime t



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ncreasingly, first class on anything that moves from point A to point B is becoming the domain of the ~We-fully RICH . If you still think "getting there is half the fun," be prepared to pay up to twice the price . . We recently surveyed first class serv~ces. of r:nore than 20 domestic and ore1gn a1r carriers . Most airlines maint~in special check-in counters for first c ass passengers and special in-flight compartments for their luggage. . Many airlines feature private lounges ~~ departure airports offering free libaJons, "munchies", telephone, conference facilities and attendants for the Pte-flight pamper. h After the madding crowds in coach f ave been installed, first classers are led rfom their airport aerie to the primacy 0 the first class cabin where roomier seats await. ChWhile the pilot is still perfecting his PI arlt?n Heston voice and before your N~ne IS even out of the city limits , a h '~gara of free spirits is unleashed to e P You fly with or without the benefit

Reigning Queen of the sea is still the Q.E. II for the first class traveller.

of an airplane. Most airlines commence the first class trip with champagne and hors d'oeuvres which span the taste spectrum from caviar to cold lobster to pate. In a truly noble effort to free itself from dependence on Iranian caviar, TWA serves American caviar. As you listen to the mournful sounds of people in that other section eating and drinking from plastic thing , the clink, ping and tinkle of solid china, glassware and heavy silver reassures

you that standards are still honored in your part of the world. Most airlines serve a e en cour e main meal and, especially on Foreign carriers, place a real emphasis on the ceremonial aspects of presentation. As the elect near the end of the dinner ritual and are washing down a tasty slab of ripe Camembert with delicate sips of port, the underprivileged in aft have long finished their meal from a plastic tray and are fumbling and groping for

The stretch cadillac ~hown here is one of Dav-E/'s most popular models.

Dossier/June /980143

Summer Clearance of Solid Brass Andiron• and Fire Toole from Virginia Metalcraften •

20% off on available stock!

iKrupsaw' s ®1~ 1\utiqur lffousr SINCE 1884 817 Penn•ylvanla Avenue, N.W. Wa•hlngton, D .C. 20004 (202)628-5699 or 628-5640 ·virginia Metalcrafters are the authorized manufacturers of Williamsburg Reproductions


~\ZERS "\)

Beat the curtain call and enhance the finale with a meal from one of Wa hington's finest steak hou es. Danker's is conveniently located near the ational, Ford and Warner Theatres. Open Monday-Saturday 11 am-midnight. Moderate prices. - - - - --

- - - MAJOR CREDIT CARDS H O N O R E D - - - - - - - - -

Dan ker 's 1209 ESt.. N.W. 628-2330 I Danker's West 6th & D Sts., S.W. 554-7856

44 / June 1980 Dossier

the correct change to rent a head set . You, on the other hand, have donned • your complimentary sleep mask, slipped your feet into complimentary booties adjusted your roomier seat to a com for· tably recumbent position and are about to drift off to a Beethoven String Quartet transmitted to you via your 2( complimentary head set. 2 For those of you with an unlimited F tolerance for first class treatment and , to the wherewithal to pay for it, travel bY Q cruise ship would seem to be the answer. 11 Royal Viking, Holland America and ab Cunard all offer a Heinz variety of f1 cruises and fly/cruise trips to almost 1 every point on the navigable globe. But aij the trip for those with an infinite capa· an city for being pleasured is the trip that ac 1 circumnavigates the world. ing Royal Viking brings democracy to 1 the seas with it s "World Class'' Po< philosophy. The owners of the line ave~ ~oi that their ships (The Star, The Sky an ''8 The Sea) are all first class. While ac· ~it 1 comodations differ in size, location and ~e€ ambience, the most and the least expen· '~'h 1 sive fares share the dining and all oth~rl ~e, facilities. The Royal Viking "Sky" wtl lbo commence its annual 88 day cruise lon around the world in January '81 ef11· l barking from Ft. Lauderdale for Zl Pen 1 ports. ~e Beside the traditional shipboard ac· Den 1 tivities, Royal Viking featu res all ~en enrichment program for passengers Ve which includes lectures by author ' 'Oor filmmakers, astronauts and painterS· ~ar The $32,296 per person fare include a suite with twin beds, sitting room and private bath, meals and entertainment· Tipping is extra. Departing New York on January 10 '81, Holland America's S .S. Rotterdarll will fulfill your wanderlust for 90 daY with visits to 22 port cities including Shanghai and Peking in the PeopleS Republic of China, Bali and Sri Lanka· In addition to the predictable plea· sure of living afloat, the S.S. Rotterdarll features a daily midnight buffet, sl0 1 machines, blackjack tables and the ultra posh Ritz Carlton night club. Li~e the friendly competition at Royal Vi~· ing, Holland America does not honor 4 , class distinction by sequesteri ng the lti st divinely rich in their own dining roorn · 2s~ A $36,450 per person rate provide an ~st 1 outside double deluxe room featuring S an extra large bedroom with sittillg 0 d~ alcove, sepa rate wardrobe roof11• rr shower, bath and refrigerator. le · ~ Cunard Lines still offers both firS 1 ~class and transatlantic class modes. of r t~ travel. The Q .E. II is 13 stories h1SP 1





~ith 900 rooms, 4 restaurant

, 12 public , four swimming pools, a golf d~ving range, a fully equipped hosp Ita), a miniature golf course, large th_opping arcade and a wine cellar con~Jning 20,000 bottles of recent and rare I lntage. TheQ.E.ll(depart N.Y. Jan. ~th '81) can travel around the world to ~Ports on 6 continents in only 80 day . First class pas age admits the passenger to the private clubby atmosphere of the ~ueen' s Grille on the signal deck. •nose Q. E. II staterooms mo t com parable to the be t on Royal Viking and ~olland America cost approximately ,000 per person for the 80 day trip. It also serve up cerebral entertainment and classes covering everything from ~cupuncture to yoga to memory trainlng to p laywriting. Por those with mucho money but Poco time, Cunard offers a two week ~Oiiday package to London. Called the 'Best of Britain", the tour commences 'ith a Concorde !light to London and a eeks stay at the London Ritz Hotel here a chauffeured limousine and :neatre tickets await. A first class return ihoard the Q.E. II will get you back \orne for a modest $3,499 per person. l'he most extravagant, deluxe and exPensive accomodations on any ship in ~e world are Q.E. ll's two split-level Penthouse suites. Each penthouse apart~ent has 2 bedrooms including a split Vel bedroom/sitting room, 2 bath·Ooms, private outdoor patios, walk-in ~ardrobes, bar and stereo units. '-Ocated on the highest level of Q.E. ll 1he signal deck) your penthouse bill at he end of your 80 day cruise will add up 0 approximately $225,000. Even those first classers with the 1ighest tolerance for pleasure would ave to admit to a near surfeit after :ruising the waters of the world for 80 lays or more. Perhaps this would be a 1 ne time to get your feet back on the !tound-to feel the sway and vibration hat comes from riding the rails. First lass train travel via Amtrak and most Jther U.S. railroads usually offers a nice Jarlor car, more room to spread out, a .Omfy swivel chair and free coffee. But 's face it, if you're among the financial 1tistocracy who've just forked out ~50,000 for a world cruise, free coffee Ust won't cut it. So what's a poor millio~aire lik~ you o do? Rent your own pn ate railway r! According to Amtrak over 150 peole own their own railway cars with over willing to let their cars for hire. Most f these private cars ~re one-of-a-kind 0om




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oav·EI Umouslnes. The Department of

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You are invited to join us on a Royal Viking Cruise aboard the Royal Viking Sea visiting Upper Europe, August, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty

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Jack Katyal, Propreitor of Tandoor Restaurant, proudly introduces to Washington

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Our master chefs can make the world of difference in the preparation of Napalese specialties .

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1800 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington , D.C . (V2 block from The Washington Hilton Hotel.)

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Contmued on Page 48 Dossier/June 19801./5

hand-crocheted in natural wh 1te cotton . 534 .

Custom Picture Framing

lmaginattve SophiStica ted Fr ee Expert Des igner Advice

JOHN JAMES AUDUBON Original Hand Coloured Engravings from the Royal Octavo Edition. Ci rca 1840

Seven Corners Shoppmg Center 6201 Arlington Blvd. Fa lls Church , VA 23044 538-4322

Large soloctlon of okJ engravings and new prints Restoration of oil paintings ana rrames

PERLMUTTER From Our Old Town Gallery An exceptional Hepplewhite cherry and bird's eye maple chest of drawers, New England, circa 1780- 1790 with bowed front and scalloped skirt terminating in French feet.

bouquet of flowers

nuevo mundo

313' cameron street old town alexandria, 549-0040 master charge, central charge , visa These graceful o;l lamps of hand blown glass are a patented design by Joh Wollard. Filled with a quality lamp oil, the lamps are odorless and will burn for hours. Available in four sizes and Individually priced. They make Ideal gifts.

215 South Union Street Old Town Alexandria


Lawrence Perlmutter, Inc. Period American Furniture and Furnishings

Iberian Imports

Cross and Cannon Street Chestertown, Maryland


Ou 14K gold JeNelry collecllon holds the g1 she 1S dreomng of Come 1n and see these mognrflcent and d istlrcllve g1fts she Will always remember



in1port ·fgi It s l1op bath shop kitcllt n hop p<uty sho p

n o\\' four g rea t s h ops in one SMALL MALL 118 King Street, Alexandria Washington 836-1434 Annapolis 659-4300 (301)263-3737

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B. $190

C. $250

~sscll~ld Jewe lers Crilley Warehouse Mall 218 North Lee Street Alexandria , Virginia 223 14 • (703)548-390 1



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designer fabrics f or rhe discriminaring sewer

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lee stre~t o ld town 548-7709

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able hings NAPKINS PlACEfv\ATS TABLE ACCESSORIES J09-C Cameron Srreer O lde TO'-NneAJexondno Vo



Bec~r Interiors • Wallpapers


Furmture and Accessories 323 South Washingto n SLreet Alexandria, irginia 22314 (703) 683 -5700

:Jraclilionaf 0/o/hing

for Women


Lancome, Redken & Nexus 423 South Wash ington Street Alexandna, Virg inia


1RA\IEL Continued from Page 45

models and are used for purposes of business and recreation . Some cars feature drawing rooms, a lounge or of· fice and shower facilities. Others have up to 12 beds. Although the cost of renting a private car will vary from owner to owner, an approximate figure would be around $800 per day. The charge for its move· menton Amtrak trains, from Washing· ton to Boston, for instance, is estab· lished at 20 one way fares for the Washjngton to Boston run with a $!25 "switching" fee. If your European vacation plans caii for train trave l, first class is rarelY crowded. The Trans Europe Express, high on the aristocratic Hst as the best train extant, services major cities in Ger· many, Switzerland, France, Austria. Spain, Italy and Holland and carrieS only first class. Expect to pay approx· imately one third more for first class rail travel in Europe. It's Tuesday and both the 450SL and the Rolls have been avoidedly detained at the repair shop. You can go to your analyst and decry today's lack of stan· dards or you can solve your problem bY renting a limousine. A number of rental agencies are available in Washington including AJ11" bassador and Watergate Limousine. The most recently arrived limo service i!l Washington is Dav-E! Livery whose fleet of luxury automobiles includes stretcll Lincoln Continentals, traditional Cadillac limousines a nd the Lincoln Town Car . A mobile phone system, ba! (stocked upon request), stereo syster!l and moon roof are standard on all limoS· Dav-E! chauffeurs receive first class training on every aspect of service fror!l lessons on unobtrusiv~ness to personal grooming. "Think of your driver as your valet" urges Dav-E! president David Klein whose company has offices in S U .S. cities and affiliates in London, Florence, Rome and Paris. Dav-E! cars span the luxury price range from $22 tO $32 per hour. First class travel, as we said earlier, via any conveyance that moves from point A to point B is increasingly becoming domain of the awe-fully rich. Care to join me for a nice walking trip down the Appalachian Trail?


-SUSAN GOLDMArl 481June 19801D ossier


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~mmer festivities mean outdoor Imbibing and larger groups and, therefore, bulk buys. Buying liquor in bulk needn't be a Problem if you follow the advice of ~our friendly liquor store purveyor. ne can usually get a discount on bulk Purchases. "April May and June as w ' beII as September, 'October and Novemer are the big party months in Washington " th ' ~ays Bruce Bassin from MacArthur Ltquors. But summer months, like bl e clothes we wear, mean a lighter ~?d of liquors. a .summertime means vodka, gin and !( ltttle rum," says Manager Dave r Ushner of Magruders, 5618 Connec~CUt~ve., N .W. Butsurprise-Bacardi urn IS outselling Smirnoff Vodka now -though three times as much odka is now sold in the U.S. a Much more wine is being drunk now, . nd less liquor is being sold because of ~: Magruders is now selling as much t lne as liquor . More people are turning 0 red wines as they become more so-


phisticated, Mr. Kushner asserts. He expects the mix of white to red wines to be 65"7o/35% this summer. For a party, Dave Kushner plans on four to five people per fifth, or 20 people per ga ll on of gin, vodka, scotch whiskey and rum. A wedding party usually includes champagne. Bulk champagnes are not recommended; "They're too sweet for such an important event, a name brand means more.'' The French choices of Veuve Cliquot, Moet et Chandan, Piper-Heidsieck or Lanson, or less expensive domestic brands like Korbel, Taylor or Great Western are better bets." For a pool party, the ambience is casual. Jug wines like Inglenook and Souverain are good, and some, including San Martin, are vintage-dated. Italian wines are strong, and Spanish wines are real up-and-comers. White Sangria would be a perky addition to festivities, as well as a beer like Lite or Budweiser, and soft drinks. Magruders specializes in "discount party packages."

are Aft1• The :e iJl fleet retcb anal tcolll ,baf steJl! moS· claSS from

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•MA D ossier/June 1980149

The**** Washington Hilton is more than a luxury hotel. It's also the place for ... Good music , dancing and entertainment, nightly except Sunday. And cocktails, any day from 11 am to 2 am, in the handsome Point Lounge, the cozy, convivial Ashby's Bar and intimately chic Ashby's Club. A soothing session in the sauna. Or on the court. The private membership Racquet Club also has a Pro Shop, jogging course, heated outdoor pool and three Har-Tru tennis courts with night lights. Racquet Club membership information call the club: 483-3000. Private Functions, for as few as 10, as many as 4500. This award-winning hotel has 33 of the nation's finest function facilities , including the stunning , newly decorated International Ballroom. Plus a multilingual staff of professionals dedicated to making your event an outstanding success. Weekends, away from it all , at a beautiful in·town resort hotel ... and at Rainbow Weekend rates that are as pleasing as the luxurious guest rooms and thoughtful , gracious service. Call, write or come by for details about the Rainbow Weekend.

][ The Washington Hilton 1919 Connecticut Avenue Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone: (202) 483·3000 Mobil • • • • Award·Winner

Watergate Wines and Beverages, 2544 Virginia Avenue, N.W., finds itself in the middle of some very interesting parties, and manager, Rip Packman notes that political parties are picking up again. "I always ask if the group is mainly Washington or visitors-Washingtonians stick mainly to scotch and vodka." He recommends liquor in quarts; although the one-half gallon size is cheaper, it is harder to handle. What the customer likes and wants to spend is Mr. Packman's first priority. He is recommending Hann's Cornell California Champagne ($7 .49) for wedding toasts and has had a lot of success with Cavalinho Portugal Rose, especially in the summer-it has nice light body and will go with anything ($3.59 a fifth). But for a sit-down dinner here is one man who would never serve jug wine, "jug wines are for picnics or everyday drinking-but your guests deserve better." Ed Tauber, owner of Continental Liquors, 1100 Vermont Ave., N. W. notes that rum is really picking up, especia1ly as a summer drink. "The rage started with Pina Coladas, but now people drink rum and tonics as well. But vodka is still the number one summer spirit." For a wedding toast, Mr. Tauber would recommend Codorniu, a Spanish Blanc de Blanc Brut Champagne under $7-a good value, and Korbel, the most popular quality California Champagne. For summer parties, the German wines are a little sweeter and taste good in the sun, or the California white jug wines-Mondavi or San Martin, are Ed's favorites. His formula for serving 100 people would be the following two choices for more formal ·or informal gatherings, figuring around two drinks per person:


The Embassy Row Hotel 2016, ffcMsaclm.s-elt.s· , foe. , < 26:.5-1000 f:ee rHt!et jwl'ltr/W





tfiel' 6'Jm

Well-Stocked Bar Set-Ups 2 cases chiUed white wine I case Perrier (23 oz.) 10 quarts of liquors: 3 vodka, 2 gin, I rum, 2 scotch, I blend (V.O.), I bourbon Club Soda, Tonic, Orange Juice, Bloody Mary Mix, Champagne (opt.), Cam pari, Dubonnet, White LilleL Coke, Tab, Fresca Informal Beer and Wine Bash 4 cases chilled white wine 7 cases beer: Heineken Miller Lite Budweiser

Continental gives case discounts. 50/ June 1980/Dossier

[7/eftNYI [O c9raciOf18


ROAD 983-1585

"The Finesti;; Rehoboth',. where yesterday's hospitality is today's reality. llltilillltt Lodgings - accommodations with old world charm surrounded by beautiful gardens

IU !lit It ll Dining in a delightful atmosphere is a joy to your taste! You are cordially invited to enjoy this with us for a day . a week . or forever. Open mid-April to October


MacArthur Beverages, 4877 MacArthur Blvd., N.W. supplies a great deal of liquid refreshment around town, either in tandem with the big catering houses, or individually to customers. Bruce Bassin believes in buying from a liquor store that gives you the best service, or one that will give you liquor on consignment. It's best to be over supplied-if you can get a store to take back the excess. The amount of liquor consumed depends on the hours of the party, and the younger the crowd, the more "white" the liquor will be, Bruce says. The more established the group, the more scotch will be consumed. Knowing that MacArthur's will take back the extra, Bruce would recommend as much as eight quarts of scotch, six vodka, and five quarts of bourbon for a party of I 00, as well as other liquors. He notes a lot of theme parties are being given at galleries, and recommends Guasti Chablis ($2.30) as a good white wine. The champagne he'd choose is Jacques Bonat ($3.49) or Moet et Chandan ($17 .99) for a special wedding. Eagle Wine and Cheese, 3345 "M" St., N.W. touts its house brands as a way to save money. They will take back any liquor or wine that is unopened. The most important thing to consider is your crowd's preference. Because Manager Barbara Day works closely with the catering division, she offers these hints for accompanying food. Eagle counts on 1/ 4 lb. hors d'oeuvres per person for a two hour party-but not at dinnertime. A predominance of men at your bash will mean more food and drink. Open bars also inspire more hunger than just wine, and if it is a buffet, a careful hostess should count on more than eight ounces of edibles per person. Barbara sends wines at the rate of2/ 1 white to red wines for the parties upon which she's been consulted, and recommends Los Hermanos or Sebastiani ines. She says your mixers will depend on which liquors you order. For diverse types of parties, she offers the following suggestions: a buffet dinner will inspire different choices, like wines, highballs, cocktails and liqueurs. A cocktail party or an after-dinner party will be more specific . But don't forget the sparkling waters for non-drinkers, she ays . She recommends Charles Donay pink or white champagne ($3.49) for weddings, and notes that a summer punch with champagne, brandy, Sauterne and ice will stretch the pocketbook.

Restaurant & Saloon 1 Dupont Circle, . W. Wash ington , D.C. 20036 (202) 659-8820 Ditmer Parking Available


Dossier/ June 1980151

h~1R.-. ofepo.p{tcl hiU,inc. 325 seventh st. se WAShu.,st"n, de



On Capitol Hill

Mon.-Sat. and late on Thurs. 'till 7 pm

t6) Luncheon/Din ner/Cocktai Is

lffttntk ~n' mnur

Continental Cuisine 107 D St. Northeast Washington D.C.

est.1967 329 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. on Capitol Hill 543-3300

Reservations: 546-4488

Our Twentieth Year On the Hill

-Jf~ ~

~~~ On the Hill

~ Complete Dinners (bojor~

and ojt~r th~ theotr~)

Thefinesr French cuisine at moderate prices The most pleasam dinner on rhe patio

Open Monday-Saturday I 1:30-12:00pm Sunday Brunch

139 Massachusetts Ave. 546-9154


Serving Capitol Hill for Over a Quarter of a Century !

231 Penn ylvania Ave., Washington D.C. 543-8337 Major Credit Cards




A Saloon? Never. A Bar? Most Assuredly. A Restaurant? Without A Doubt! Third St. & Massachusetts Ave., N.E. Reservations: 546-5900

Weekend Brunch


Developing Capitol Hill Since 1966

Saturday & Sunday I 1:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m. 410 First Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 543-5005





lli~ ()~LL~ ~of Capitol Hill

Soup & Salad Bar 332 Pennsylvania Avenue., S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 547-8668

Office & Home Catering

~nch &Dinner


.. a refreshingly different America restaurant and bar. Open for lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. and Sunday Brunch 515 2nd Street, N.E.• Washington, D.C.




Continued from Page 28

7)-. ;ptYit:/LauM-

• D. Porthault is pleased to announce Dolly Kay

Designs. Ltd. has been named an exclusive distributor of its new line of wall coverings in its most popular prints. Th e wallpaper, made in the U.S. of the finest quality non-shining vinyl, comes in standard rolls 27" wide and 15' long. and is competitively priced. Our good relationship assures the public of continuing personal service to those who appreciate our elega nt linen, and. now. our new wallpaper in the designs and color of greatest demand.

.II •

For retail and to the trade.

Courtesy Parking at Jennifer Mall


s I L

v E R

d0 II


KO'f designs Ia

.W .. Washington. D.C. 20015 (202) 966-0025

Bonded is Paying Twice as Much This Year As We Old This Time Last Year

BONDED JEWELRY CENTER Baltimore's Oldest and Largest Buyers of Diamonds and Jewelry From The Public - Since 1920 1501 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD

Baltimore Beltway 695 - Exit 20 South '/• Mile. Open Daily 'ti l 5 P.M. • Thursday 'tii B P.M. Safe Place to Your Valuabl

II WE BUY 54/ June 1980/Dossier





w E




made mint juleps greeted guests enter· ing through the Sheraton Carlton's garden. Guests dined and then moved to the other side of the trellis for cabaret and a Dixieland jazz band. Allison believes in never making guests go to another room to dance. She has also used the Women's Na· tiona! Democratic Club for a non· alcoholic salute to her longtime Georgia friend, Emily Dolvin (who happens to be Miz' Lillian's youngest sister) and evangelist Ruth Carter Stapleton. "Parties," says Allison, "chan~e with the changing times." Now she tS giving more serious "round-table discussion" brunches, lunches or din· ners, starring an Ambassador or hiS wife, a Senator or his wife, or an ad· ministration figure. For example, she recently held a round-table brunch for Nebraska Senator Ed Zorinsky and hiS wife Cece at Georgetown's City Tavern Club. Zorinsky heads the Western Hemisphere subcommittee of the Foreign Relations Committee and she had gathered the Ambassadors of the Dominican Republic, Chile, Argentina. Mexico, the John Jovas and Jim Rent· schler of the National Security Council· Guests cocktailed before a blazin8 fire with soft taped music in the background. She had cut seven srnall maps of the state of Nebraska in half and told the men to find their table part· ner by matching up their map-half. She calls this an "ice-breaker." Then she led guests next door to the round dining table seating 14. A1 dessert, she asked the men to move tWO seats to the left for a change of table mates, a trick she says she learned frolfl Perle Mesta. After introducing her guests, Allison brought on her star, asked the first question and threw the floor open for more. It works with the ladies too, says MS· LaLand. She entertained Mrs. Elekda8• wife of the Turkish Ambassador an~ Nouha Alhegelan, wife of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador similarly . Th' ladies batted around the question of draft registration for women. AlthoU8~ less-structured but passionate an serious discussions have always been s part of Washington entertaining wher· ever media heavies or politicians or a~· ministration officials are present, thiS 15 a new departure for Washington's rnosl dedicated and professional hostess . -DOROTHY MARJ(S







Exquisite 3 bedroom 3 bath contemporary ... nestled among one acre of towering shade trees ... total privacy ... picturesque swimming pool with balcony and deck .. .cathedral ceiling living room and dining room with dual $325,000. f1replace. (77386)

OUTHERN ELEGA CE And a gracious lifestyle of another era is recaptured m this magnifi ent GEORGI MANOR HOUSE created on a beautiful natural setting. The interior exudes soft spoken elegance. featuring 5 bedroom • master suite including tudy "ith fllepla e, bath " ith jacuzzi and team miSt . Reception hall "'i th marble floor, library " ith custom cabinetry and "et bar, formal living room, dining room with glass doors v.hi h open onto a large terrace. amity room Mth tone fireplace adja cnt to a fully equipped kitchen and breakfaSI room . Recreation room Mth fireplace, bar, parjo. Wine cellar, 3 car garage. Complete security S) tern. For details telephone Bruce Robinson 530- 330.

GOUJBIN & WARWICK INC. Annapolis 261 ·2626 ( 0 1) 263.{)400



Severna Park 261-2 11 6 (301) 647-6112


261 -2477 (301) 974-0410

10000 Falls Road Potomac, Maryland 20854


I, ~.



e II If t· e

MONTROSE Charles County, Md. This wooded 265-ac re estate with frontage on the Po tomac Rive r is one of the tinesr csrare Properrte on M aryland ' Southern hore. 3 ac res of beautifully landscaped gardens urbound the Georgian- ryle mrun residence. Pool, arn, tenant ho use. 30 minute rom Washington, D .C. 1,500,000. Brochure # WD 17-06.

Enjoy a panoramic view of the Potomac from the 69ft. deck of this custom-built Williamsburg colonial on 3 very private acres in a neighborhood of million dollar homes. Asking $895,000. with owner financing.

Exclusl\'t Repn:senrarrv... Broke r: Addtson uburb.m Re.tlt) Box 309 . Upper !arlboro , !arrland 208"'0 . Tc::l 10L/ 6 27- l655

Sotheby Parke Bernet International Realty 980 Madi o n Avenue, New York 10021, eeL 212/

2-3 65

(301) 983-0200

The Crossroads Realty,Ltd.

Dossier/June /980/55


WATERFORD. Smail farm with <;harming, 18th Century fieldstone house under restoration but liveable now; sturdy bank barn with large stalls; 35 acres with Jots of board fencing, stream, good pond site. A very special property at $235,000, with ample financing. More acreage available. NEAR



Rea l Est ate

UNIQUE BELOW-MARKET TERMS Ask for details about our creative financing arrangements and enjoy an elegant combination of classic traditional detail and exciting, imaginative design. The 24ft. wide plans offer 60ft. vistas, 3 story high open foyers, fireplaces, enclosed courtyards, 2-car detached garages. Right in the center of McLean, at Dolley Madison Blvd. and Chain Bridge Rd . Walk to shopping. A few homes are still available in Section Two, for spring and summer occupancy, from $198,000. Model horne open every day, 12-5. From the Beltway take Dolley Madison Blvd. (Rte. 123) north towards McLean to Madison of McLean entrance on left. Phone 893-7903.

路~ ~ 'MadlSonofMCLea~] ~ I


r.!.'8 ,. .!::::P'

_ J

Developed by Madison-Mclean Associates Laughlin, Realtor Brokers Welcome




Leesburg, Va. 703-777- 2503 Metro Area 471-5400 (no toll)





~ Ri



~'I NILY REALTY INC. a name you can trust 56 / June 1980/ Dossier

ROUTE 50 (P .0. Box 757) EASTON MARYLAND 21601 1-301-822-3290


fll gl


Whitman Area

The Appeal of Washington Mews ....

COUNTRY CHARM combined with in-town elegance, only minutes from Georgetown. Heated ~ool, cul-de-sac lot, 5 bedrooms, 4 Yz aths, paneled den, pecky cypress Paneled family room and rec. room. l2 Yzo/o ASSUMPTION! We have it all! Upper Brackets. Call


Gould at 320-3855








277 South Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Custom-built home in one of Potomac's most sought-after areas. Living room and master bedroom open onto 60ft. deck overlooking trees :n.d pastureland. Large, nght kitchen, 3 Y2 baths, falll.ily room with sliding glass doors to garden. Very flexible living space. Cathy Wojciak 530-5468

GJ3EGG Inc. Realtors

Is found in the quaint courtyards and the quality designs of this new townhome cluster. The meticulous detail of each finely crafted residence is the hallmark here. Featuring one bedroom flats to three bedroom townhouses with amenities like central vacuum , crown moldings, fireplace and garage parking . Visit these exceptional Federal reproductions priced from $93,500 to $189,500.




omething extraordinary is happening at the former Rockefeller Estate at 2500 Foxhall Road. We are introducing masterpiece homes in the Palladian mode created for the discerning, priced from $415,000. For your personal appointment to FOXHALL view our plans, call Dagmar CRESCENTS Hewitt Burton at 342-0096. @Builder/Developer: Crowell & Baker t='.:-'i Sales: Lewis &



Dossier/June 19 0/5

Real Estate Properties


EX C LUS IVE. Beau tiful con tem porarY home high on bluff with magnificent vieW down the Occoquan River. Private dock and water of 15 foot dept h, capable of handling largest yachts. House flows into lovelY Japanese garden, covering one acre. Superb entertaining facilities. Two story living room, library, bar, d ining roo m, billiard room, ul tra-modern kitchen. Five bedrooms and baths. Bomb proof shelter beneath house· Thirty minutes from downtown Washington. Upper brackets. CaJI Eric Rendle for appointment. 965-3530 or 298-5949.



WASH/ GTON IA I N ALEXANDRIA, VA Behind walls that have heard Washington's best kept secrets are the tangible secrets of a most unusual

residence. In breathtaking contrast to a contemporary facade of anistic simplicity is a vinual museum of interior detail drawn from two continents and our arion's Capital: rare black walnut paneling and Oooring from Andrew Mellon's Lafayette Square offJCe, antique brass from Athens and hardware from Truman's White House, a Tiffany light fooure from the Cosmos Oub, 18th century French tile from a Baltimore church and an exquisite ftreplace wall of carved Elizabethan English oak. Each room of this spacious 5 bedroom home is a masterpiece of ingenuity, including the bathrooms and kitchens which have been featured in major interior design publications. 2 Y, acres of wooded seclusion. S450,<XX>. Call Ann KeUogg, 549-2434.



Fr b(J l'el

GOWBIN & WARWICK INC. 109 South Royal St., Alexandria Va. 22314

Finallv '.J

FRENCH CHATEAU Quality built custom home in prestigious area. Owner financing $260,000.



A lexandria Office 548-3111 58/June 1980/Dossier

Bethesda has a• • condOITIInium to match • f•


Its mest

Custom homes

li1 ATE

With all the cus tom feat ures th t make Bethesda the mo t excl usive place to live. ine superb designs, includ ing 2-story d uplexes. W ith fireplaces, step-down li vi ng roo ms, priva te dens, forma l dini ng rooms, ove rsize d balconic and te rraces, top of th e line kitchen applianc s, ga.rage. parking, t~nni swtmm1ng. In a pnva te, wooded co mmunity, all withi n wa lking d istance o f White Flint and Metro. And all priced from $1 18,000 to $166,000. Spoil yourself with a fine custom home in Be th esda, at Old Geo rgetown • Vi llage. From th e Beltway (495) no rth o n Ol d Geo rge town Rd., righ t o n N icho lso n Lane to Exhibit Center an d Sa les ~= Office on left. Phone 770-2644 . fOUAI HOt.-.


Developed by Old Georgetown Associates a member or the Rtchmarr GrO'Up Sales by Phinney & Assoc.


s frorn t lhe he


colon I

and d1 franc~


From your ideas, to our drawing board, we'D take care of all of your remodeling and renovation needs -from original designs by Jack Greenspan, to the last construction detan. Call today for a fresh start at the same address.

2 to 5 acre wooded estates

18 minutes from



lrorn ~~~ling on S. Lee with winter view of the river the h 5 charming, private, as new townhouse in Chic reart of Old Town., Walk to a wide selection of COion~s~aurants and boutiques along streets rich In and ~a history. The home features 3 bedrooms Irene~"路 2% baths and a private patio through econo doors off living room . Functional , m1cal space with owner financing.

Very elegant new homes in the best part of Potomac. Georgian manor architecture, oak hardwood floors, libraries, magnificently appointed kitchens, custom-style finishing throughout. ~ Up to 5 bedrooms. Priced from $325,000 with financing available. River Rd. EIIJAIIOJSIIG HOW to Falls Rd. Left on Falls Rd. to OPPIJ!l\JNITY ~-Brickyard Rd., left to Mazza. (US路 HOme ) Phone 983-9050.

1.::.1 """"'

Dossier/June /980159

Real Estate Properties

Prime Bethesda

Wear pleased to offer one of Wa hingto n's mo t disting ui hed residences. Appointed in meticul o u detail. thi home will delight the mo t di cerning individual with embassy ized rooms perfectly uited for formal entertaining o r private gathering . The enchanting patio i he ltc red by p lendid landsca pe plantings a nd fea ture a free form pool and caba na. Other amenitie incl ude a stunning garden room , a una, and staff quarter . For an a ppoin tment call Mr. Ste phen Stein, (202) 667-8300 o r (301) 469-6261.


The Essence of Elegance



POTOMAC ESTATE Owner presenting to purchaser a new Mercedes Diesel 8000KINGSGATE ROAD

October 1980

The Washington Dossier Features Fall Real Estate


Nestled on almost four acres In the heart of Potomac. A unique woodland setting with flowing stream surrounds this custorTl built home filled with amenities to delight those wishing elegance and privacy combined with convenience. Spacious recaP' tlon areas with 10 ' ceilings. Huge countrY kitchen, family room leading to decK overlooking the beautiful landscape. 51~ bedrooms plus customized lower level. For those Interested, call Mimi Amorosi, 299-9426

W .C and A.N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 4701 Sangamore Road., Sumner 229-4016

Call 362-5894 GEORGETOWN

VOLTA PLACE Luxury Townhouses Designed To Perfection Frnancing A vailable


' 244-32 17

L ouise Sullivan

GBEGGinc. REAL!DRS 5101 Wisconsin Ave., NW • Chevy Chase, DC

686·9556 60/ June 1980/Dossier

Unique Contemporary Rambler on one acre Cul-de-sac street for the essence of luxury and privacy. Over 4000 square feet of exciting living space on one floor, with full walk out basement to be fmished as you desire! From the sensational Foyer you can enter the two story living room or the fantastic dining room! The dramatic two story stone fireplace highlights the family room, next to the Haute Cuisine kitchen with absolutely everything! A separate room for the Bar adjoins the family room and Den for the ultimate entertaining. Four bedrooms and three full baths, plus two half baths are also included. So many more features that this home must be seen to be believed! Realistically priced at $339,950. Please caiJ for an appointment to view tbis fabulous borne·

Construction Group, Inc. 652-4722



Potomac's Next Great Lifestyle!

SORRY! We are not a mass media. But if you wish to attract the tnost affluent WASHINGTON AREA REAL ESTATE BUYER, then advertise within these pages*

Come out this weekend and see the most spectacular new homes in all of Montgomery County at ELBERON, a new community of 52 home sites on 52 gently rolling acres. Not just one style, one builder, one architect . . . but a marvelous variety, including romantic tudors and skyllt contemporaries, sprawling ramblers and majestic colonials. Our unique site plan, with no thru streets, offer security, privacy and safety, In a prime location just off Falls Rd. on Glen. Half of the 10 homes under construction and almost half of the home sites at Elberon are already sold even though we don't have anything completely finished yet. So drive out today while there is still time to make personal selections. Homes from $329,500. sites from$76,950.

Sales pavilion 424-5391 Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 P.M. Wednesday 1 to 4 P.M.

Call Jon Adler The Washington Dossier 362-5894 For further information or appointment Call Maxine, Donna, or Ray at SNIDER BROTHERS, INC • 983¡1200


652-4722 *Only homes over $150,000 accepted

Dossier /June 1980/61

Luxury Office Townhouses

Falls Church t__ -





The Old Brick House ~as built in the late 1850's and provides a historic basis for the Old Brick House Square. Here, adjacent to the original structure, eleven buildings are under construction and will form a delightful courtyard effect. Construction consists of all brick and masonry exterior walls with concrete and steel floors . Strictly traditional and in keeping with the Old Brick House, the design includes balconies, bay windows, fireplaces, wet bar, showers, and skylights. Unusual attention has been given to landscaping, with brick planters being used throughout the project. Centrally situated between two Metro stops, the project offers a superb location, as well as historc flavor with modern comfort. Call for an appointment to discuss sale or lease and why the Old Brick House Square will enhance your professional image as well as being an excellent investment with 2So/o down, II Y2% permanent financing.



I U'atcq;atc i.~illlt'usil1t Strvkc Washington's Only Telephone Equipped Service • Weddings and Social Functions· Diplomatic and Business Functions· (;onv,en~enJ~.J to the Kennedy Cultural Center and other points of interest • Transportation to and from Airports. Uniformed Chauffeurs for a Short Local Trip or a Long Distance one. [2021399-0983

Call Jack L. Griffin

Long and Foster R.E., Inc. 79o-199o

By Carol Cutler. 204 pp. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Cutler has painstakingly put almost 200 favorite recipes through her miraculous wringer to pare out excess fats and sugar. Now instead of 265 calories per serving, ethereal Grand Marnier souffle can be enjoyed for 82. The about-face in calories is accomplished by clever use of various substitu· tions; no egg yolks are found in the melange, and skim milk, orange juice and cornstarch are included. A serving of her chocolate souffle is only 81 calories! And Cutler doesn't add one speck of anything artificial. Only natural sugars are employed in her creations, no adulterates, no additives. Additionally, all recipes come with calorie counts of every ingredient, as well as the totals of the whole dish. The recipes span the world. Viennese crescents cozy up to French Clafouti aux Peches, and the Pumpkin Surprise-a seeded whole pumpkin baked with fruits inside and served with its pulp-is truly ingenious. This kind of imagination makes for a bounty of dessert ideas that one doesn't have to pay for the next day.

scr Let key llo

Exq lnv1





Eie 1









COMING IN JUNE Of Kennedys and Kings: The Sixties. By Harris Wofford. (Farrar, Straus). The Very First Lady. By Steve Dunleavy. (Simon & Schuster). Playing Politics For Keeps. By Jeff Greenfield. (Simon & Schuster). Jack: The Struggles of JFK. By Herbert Parmet. (Dial) .' Assassination on Embassy Row. By Dinges/ Landau . (Pantheon) Words, Words, Words. (A Dictionory for Journalists). By John Bremner. (Columbia UniversitY Press). This is the FBI. By Andrew Tully. (McGraw-Hill). Palace Politics: The Ford Presidency. By Robert Hartmann. (McGraw-Hill). Murder in the White House. By Margaret Truman . (Arbor). 0

62/June 1980/Dossier




far Vic




·The Gold Page

Limousine Service




tost her :ess 265


82. >m·


the lice ing 81

me tral no lly, of of




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ra n't





Antiques restored in your home. °fl1Piete refinishing services; stains, chips, 8 lcratches, burns, water & heat spots, etc. ket us find those beveled mirrors, handles, eYholes, etc. Pebblebrook Antique Restore11 ~ Chevy Chase. 951-0646.



b IScover THE BOOK CELLAR for out-of-print ° 0 ks to read & collect. All subjects & 1 ~nguages. 8227 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, ~4-1898. Open 7 days, 11 -5.

:---__ ~xqulsitely


hand-lettered announcements, ;~latio ns, dinner party menus. Fortune 500 tate Dept. Clientele. Prof., reas. 836-1737 0 r 370-8173.



Elegant fabrics from designer cutting rooms. xclus ive imports, Ultra-Suede® in 32 col~rs1 . FABRICS UNLIMITED 5015 Col. Pike, ~ 22204 671 -0324. Oriental Rugs li9 ought-Sold-Appraised-Cleaned-Repaired . V&deed Oriental Rug Emporium, 1504 Mt. ~nAve., Alexandria, Va. 549-0991 .


:---_ HELP WANTED ~al esperson - Experienced in

English and v Uropean antiques. Perm. full -time. Paid ~ hospit. Call 628-5640. ~XPerienced cook wanted . One In-family, 1ve In-Staff. Must be willing to travel. Cali 63 8-2057.




~EWMAN'S. Let us design and build a unique


;ity II) .

•ert rel







Got tub environment at your home. Cali ~e Newman 972-8500.


REJl.J.. ESTATE BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT 19th Century Southern Mansion situated on 24 acres of beautifully landscaped property. Former home of two U.S. Generals and a U.S. Ambassador. Four miles from Camp David. Breathtaking view . $215,000. PAT PADDACK · REALTOR Hagerstown (301) 790-2700. OCEAN FRONT · 110 Seawatch, 115 St. , Ocean City. All rooms open to 90 ' balcony across ocean front. 45 ' Living-Dining-Lanai, 3 baths, custom kitchen. Never been occupied-$125,000 unfurnished . Furniture on order. 986-6550 or 299-8968. THE JOHN B. SHARKEY COMPANY REAL TORS ON CAPITOL HILL Call us to discuss your needs and goals with an eye toward tax planning shelter, income vs. equity grow, return vs. risk. 202-398-1200.



COOLFONT'S HEALTH HAPPENINGS: Bounce into fitness at 1200-acre mountain spa for men and women. Professional in~ructions with Carol Spilman and Diet Orkshop instructor, aerobics, dance, hikes, massages, 1200 calorie or regular ~let. Lodging, meals and training as low as M49.50/day. Sessions 3rd Sunday-Friday arch through November. Coolfont Re +Creation. Berkeley Springs, W.VA ~- Dial direct from D.C. area 424-1232 . fortuga l Algarve/Estoril. Luxury villa ren~y sea, golf, maid . (301)656-4151 Eves.


PERSONJl.J..IZED ATIIRE Sandy's Shirt Works - transfers , embroideries, monograms on finest quality tees, sweatshirts, T-dresses, rainwear. SHIRT PARTIES. 299-6444.


;svcHOTHERAPY-Individuai group and v~fllily. Licensed clinical social worker. SerC~es covered by most health insurance. evy Chase . Betty Ann Weinstein. 65 2-0282.

LINDA LICHTENBERG KAPLAN 20th Century American Fine Art Appraisals


30 1-654-484 7


ANN H. BISSELL Art Installations and Framing

202-363-2867 DINNER PARTY CATERING Let an Imaginative chef prepare and serve a superb six course dinner party in your own home. Exciting delicious menus by Jonas Allyn . 649-1701 after 6 p.m. MIKE'S RECONDITION CENTER STOP WAXING YOUR CAR-poiycoat itl We add luxurious gleam to the Interior & exterior of fine cars. Professional service. Appointment only 340-6070. Couple from Phillips Collection and Brookings lnstit. seek summer house sitting . Exper. w/gardens, horses, Avail. lmmed. - Sept. Call (W)797-6020, (H)667-6344. Respon. couple wishes to housesit JuneAug. Refs. Exp. In yard care and home repair. 522-4213.

Regular Run From Chevy Chase to Ocean City and return. A remarkable new luxury Service via limousine, a comfortable no-hassle ride. Round trip on a regular basis Friday, Saturday and Sunday. By Reservation Only. One way $30. Round Trip $60. Group Discounts Available. Information and Reservations


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THE MT OF SURVIV,Al Continued from Page 27


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ed. Come toa t time the inimitable Presidential advi or, author and bon vivant Liz Carpenter, ro e to her feet with the ton gue-in-cheek comment, "to Scooter and Dale on their 25th and to their 26-year-old daughter Marta. " That toa t brought down the house. Another memorable 25th was "Jack" and Carey Miller's cocktail dinner dance at their handsome home in Potomac. (He is the lawyer who prosecuted Jimmy Hoffa .) Guests were asked to wear their wedding clothes, which brought out a variety of vintage couture including Mrs. Harvey Young in her mother-of-the-bride gown. Bazy Miller Tankersly, (former Vice President of the now defunct Times-Herald) turned up in her long antique ivory wedding gown, while Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kiplinger (of Newsletter fame) wore their wartime wedding suits. Kip's was a khaki aviator uniform complete with military cap, while Gogo wore a classic wide shouldered Adrian design. One feminine guest whose girth had grown fore and aft, arrived in her wedding nightgown. The current trend in 25th, 30th, 40th and 50th Anniversaries i a party taged by the couple' children. Old-guard Washingtonian Jack Neviu s, a lawyer who was formerly hairman of the D.C. City Council, and hi wife Sally Bet spent three month s planning a Winston-Salem pectacular for her parents, the Wilson Cuningham on their 50th. The cover of their sepia invitation, sent to 225 gue ts, bore the pictures of the bride and groom when they were first married, while the inside bid to dinner and dancing at Winston' Old Town lub was done in limerick. Guests signed in on a huge po ter picture of Libby uningham in wedding gown flanked by an accompanying blow-up of their wedding story as it appeared in the April 5th i ue of the 1930 Winston-Salem Journal. Jack Neviu s was Toa t Master. then all three Neviae led the orchestra and g ue t in serenading the Honoree with a Jack and Sally parody of "Old Gray Bonnet" which went: " Put on your new blue bonnet with the rosey posies on it, and we'll dance 'til break of day. Social Security might drop us, but there's nothin' gonna stop us on our Golden Wedding Day." Veteran party goer agree with socie-

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Ann eac ce(e



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ty orche tra leader Howard Oevron ' that mu ic makes the big difference between a good annniver ary party and a GREAT Occa ion. Dev reports that he orchestrates more 25th and 40th an01Ver arie than any other kind. "The y Anniver ary Song" waltz i SOP at each, he says, and the anniver ary Celebrant are traditionally the first >P and the last on the dance noor. • '' Anniver ary dance s , lik e er Debutante Ball , died out about the ns 1irne of the Viet Nam war," not es Devron, who feels they both are back 1 '' With a vengeance with the accent on 'ry, ne ' danceable big band sound . The busy haste faced with a major t'S anniversary party hould and can call (C. the caterer once he's set the date. The ise clever party-giver will collaborate with ily this caterer from cocktail to wedding cake fini sh. With the Cost of Living Inue dex rising, which affect not only d. engraving but food prices, many hos tes ses are wary of outside assistance. This i a snare and a delusion, as most caterers are happy to Work within the budget earmarked for Party food. The handsome brunette widow of iournalist Gladstone Williams per~onally prefers black tie dance beginn1rtg at 10 p.m. because dancing symbolizes anniversaries, "guests look lllore handsome and thu have more fun ... and parking is so much easier at night. 1 have cut cocktail partie off my list. .. to me, they are si mply taboo," She say . Music is a "mu t" say the indomitable Helene, plus a mixing of age &roups when planning th e ideal anniversary party. The most valuable infor &red ient of all, however, was summed ~p by Sally Neviu ... who feel the be t 1rtsurance for a suces ful event is "a Strong hu band who will back you to 0 lhe hilt. '


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3114 Dumbarton Street, N.W.. J. Bryant to Mary W. Russell · $269,500. 4439 MacArthur Boulevard, N.W. · D.E· • Farmer to Edwin E. Tritch, Sr. · $200,000. 3214 Reservoir Road, N.W. - G.Mc· Coulahan to Edith H. Merrill· $275,000. 4320 Westover Place, N.W. - Kettler Brothers to Milton E. Kettler· $208,800. 3067 Whitehaven Street, N.W. - M.H· Brandon to Joseph W. Henderson . $635,000. 2003 23rd Street, N.W. · J. Field to Christopher H. Wege, Michael C. Dim ick & Jeffrey H. Evans - $536,000. 1835 California Street, N.W. - w.D· Calomiris to Walden Development CorP· . $300,000. 3554 Appleton Street, N.W. - J. R. Reider to Galen 0 . Powers - $242,250. 3306 Cleveland Avenue, N.W. - K.W. Ken· dall to Bruce W. Sanford- $215,000. 3501 Davis Street, N.W. - C.K. von Schrader to DavidS. Mundel- $212,000. 4447 Hawthorne Street, N.W.- G.A. Bell to David J. Hensler- $320,000. 4576 Indian Rock Trail, N.W. . CIH Development Corp. to John 0 . Goldsmittl . $315,000. 4822 MacArthur Boulevard, N.W. - G.A· Spencer to Anna V. Weatherly - $233,800. 5401 MacArthur Boulevard, N.W. · p, Bulle to 5401 MacArthur Boulevard co. . $240,000. 2034 0 Street, N.W. · Quadriad Associates to Andrew M. Werth - $300,6603043 P Street, N.W. . 3043 P Street Associates to Hazel R. Rolli ns & John F. O'Leary - $375,000. 1446 Swann Street, N.W. · A.D. Barefoot to Dan J. Bradley- $215,000. 4334 Westover Place, N.W. - Kettler Brothers to David A Bomgaars - $210,000. 1626 44th Street, N.W.. E. B. Gray to Anne Pail le- $240,000. 429 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. . J.F. McGuirl to Janet D. Saxon • $200,000. 4308 Forest Lane, N.W.. G.A. Wilkin son to A.D. Whitaker - $525,000. 2124 Kalorama Road; N.W.- W. Marlowe to Polygon Cp · $200.000.













De ~e

De •$



Yo ·$


28 West Irving Street, Chevy Chase. T.H. , Mullen to Gregory K. Ingram - $210,000. ta, 8115 Split Oak Drive, Bethesda. Cowan & Hodgkin Construction Company, inc. to ~"i r Norman S. Levy · $235,000. f.Ia 13204 Lantern Hollow Drive, Gaithers· burg - C.E. Hilton & Associates to Jerry L. Na Peek - $200,000. , 7809 Masters Drive, Potomac · A.M. La Parent to John C. Rose, Jr. - $226,600. · :t 11000 Spring House Court, Potomac · J .A. Bitonti to Joh n C. Young · $275,000. de 10909 Roundtable Court, Rockville ·Herl· 1 t age Walk Associat es to Roy H. lgershei· _......·4.1!


Last chance to own a . S253,7QQ. H 6b313 Windermere Circle, Rockville . J.C. e erl lg to Angelo H. Magafan · $232,QQQ. 8 7509 Glennon Drive, Bethesda · Berger~2rman Builders to Joseph E. Murray . .. 01 ,5QQ. 7000 Greentree Road, Bethesda . Brke 0r1 ve Associates to Tso L. Yeh · $276,5QQ. D r008 Greentree Road, Bethesda · Brke ryant Associates to Teng s. Wu . $28Q,5QQ. o.E.• o·1 527 Hampden Lane, Bethesda · P.S. Ckson to George W. Vest, Jr. · $239,QQQ. oo. R 6808 Persimmon Tree Road, Bethesda. S. ~ . Me0rla to Dan iel J.W. Wagn er. $2QQ,QQO. l. p 402 Trent Street, Chevy Chase · E.C. ettler 0feroy to Joseph Magyar · $218,QQQ. ). C 5211 Oak Drive, Damascus . I.H . M.H. hesney to Ja Laur Corp · $262,8QQ. r son S 24020 Old Hundred Road, Dickerson -G .E. Pates to Robert F. Ellsworth . $235,QQO. ld tO ick & &. ~909 Cleveland Street, Kensington ·Witte ohen, Inc. to John DeConcinl · $239,QQO. l• 9216 Bentridge Avenue, Potomac · C·ll ·~ 1tchell & Best Company to Allen P. Zweig CorP· ... 01 ,969. Pi 9400 Falls Bridge Lane, Potomac . E.F. eider egza to DavidS. Ross · $21Q,QQQ. Ken· S 9805 Hall Road, Potomac . L. Datlow to amuel N. Kiewans . $35Q,QQQ. von 'N 11008 Homeplace Lane, Potomac · W.W. Oif to Stanley Schoengold · $27Q,QQQ. Q. 6105 Kennedy Drive, Bethesda · M. Hurt .ell to 1o Milton H. Shapiro . $275,QQQ.





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the beautiful wooded setting Economical gas heat included. Priced from the $190,000's. Our final section of fast-selling From the Beltway take 1-270 to contemporaries in the trees is Montrose Rd. West on Montrose now open, with 10}{.% interest~ to Seven Locks Rd. only financing for three years. Right on Seven Don't miss Locks. about 1 out on our ~ block to Poloprizewinning 1•1n P: ! :=• mac Springs. Open weekends designs, with • ~ 11-7. weekdays cathedral cei lings, 2-story rooms, galleries, decks. and an 12-7, closed Thursdays. Phone 279-7575. openness that lets you enjoy








. p.

I Co-

.9800 Spring Ridge Lane, VIenna · A.N.

~rlier Development Company to Duane B .

"dams . $21Q,348. 109 Tollgate Way, Falls Church. Tollgate, lr iad 1nc. to Daniel F. Logan . $2Q6,721. 1,660731Q Hooking Road, Mclean · Ridg e itreel ~evelopment Corporation to Dale A. Brun1n F. er · $249,8QQ. 7317 Hooking Road, Mclean · Ridg e etoot D$evelopment Corporation to Paul F. Knott er . 253,77Q. ettler 8921 Colesbury Place, Fairfax· F.L. Fried· )QQ. 111 an to Frederick C. Turner · $213,75Q. Anne 3901 Bentwood Court, Fairfax · M. Racoosl n to William R. Barton · $230,QOQ. J.F. 3910 Bentwood Court, Fairfax . M. Racoosi n to Thomas A. Lallas · $2QQ,8Q2. nson 'r 1079 Rocky Run Road, McLean. Boehly· oung Partnership to John R. Tuttle ·lowe · $33Q,QQQ. ' S 1306 Timberly Lane, Mclean · Tlmberly _____. o LP to Thomas M. Dyer · $232,QQQ. B 2781 Quebec Street, N. Arlington · W.W. to Robert C. Clements · $255,QQQ. _____. rackett 1529 King Street, Alexandria · J.R. Harris, 1nc. to James R. Harris . $43Q,QQQ. T.H. • 1179 Ballantrae Lane, Mclean· S.S. Mur). ray to Paul W. Paker . $314,QQQ. an & 1953 Limb Tree Lane, Vienna · Keystone :. tO ~lnance & Servi ce Corporation to Donald A. ,ayes . $2Q5,QQO. 1ers· .., 78Q7 Willowbrook Road, Clifton · A.C. ry L. ,all to Joseph R. Magnone · $225,QOO. 65Q7 Ursllne Court, Mclean · Machlcote A.M. l and Company t o Ro bert G. Taylor "$225,QOQ. . J.A. 8464 Portland Place, Mclean · R.G. Kl ein· deinst to Guy Cane · $235,QOQ. Heri· 945 Barton Street, N. Arlington · M.G. 1ei· 1 A.iikanlan to E. Bruce Harrison · $425,QOQ.


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f you're planning an event, please call Mrs. Wimsatt at 652-7574 at least six weeks in advance. We regret that not every item can be published for reasons of space. However, private parties will be placed on a special list that will not appear in this column.

JUNE June 1: Tunisia- National Day. June 2: Ital y- Anniversary of the Republi c. June 3: Wolf Trap 's Tenth Anniversary Gal a Evening at Wolf Trap Farm for the Performing Arts- by reservation - coc kta il s, 6:30- dinner 8:30 - black ti e- tickets $235, $160, $50- Chairman, Elizabeth T aylor Warner - Dinner Cha irm en, Mrs . Jam es Benton , Mrs. Francis W . Brown, Mrs. Cornelius B. Kenned y. June 3: Fifteenth Annual Old Fas hioned Barbecue benefit of Children's Speech and Hearing Center- Em bas y of Italy residence- 6:30p.m. - by invitat ion- $75 each- casual dress- Honorary Chairman, Mr s. Thoma s P. O'Neill, Jr . - Chairmen, Mrs. William T . Finley, Jr., Mrs. William G . McMurtrie. June 6: "Un Bal d'Ete" under the patronage of

the Ambassador of France and Mrs. de Labou laye- to benefit the Washington Opera - a t the embassy of France - 10:30 p.m. - preceded by embassy dinners- black tie - by invitation - $160 eac h -Cha irman , Mrs. Henry A. Kissin ge r. June 10: Mental Health Ass ociation Gala honoring Rosalynn Ca rter. Dinner-dan ce with Peter Duchin' s mu sic. Shoreham Hotel. Recept.ion 6:30, Dinner, 7:30pm- bl ac k tie optionalreservation - ticket $250 and $ 150. Honorary Chairperson, Joan Mondale - Chairmen, Governor a nd Mrs. Averell Harrima n. June 12: Philippines- Independence Day. June 13: Celebration of VISTA' s Fifteenth Anni versary - Award Ceremony at Kennedy Center Concert Hall -8:30p.m .- by rese rvation - Master of Ceremonies, Sarge nt Shr iver - Honorary Chairman, Mrs . Rosa lynn Carter. June 13: Performance of " Madame Butterny" at Wolf Tra p Farm for th e Performing Arts - benefit of Bryn Mawr College schola rship fund - by invitation - Co-chairmen, Mrs. Betsy Pinckney Brown, Mrs. Alfred Friendly, Jr. June 14: Flag Day. June 15: Fa ther' s Day. June 17: Iceland- Anni versa ry of the establishment of the Republi c.


June 18: "Cruise for a Cause" - benefit of Rosemount Day Care Center - sponsored by the Ladies Board, Hou se of Mercy - on board the " Diplomat" - 8 to 11 p.m. - by invitation - $35 each - cruise wear - Chairman, Mrs. Milo G. Coerper. June 20: Start of Newport- Bermuda Yacht Races- off Brenton Reef Light, Newport, R. I. June 21: Summer begins. June 22: Annual Fundraising Garden PartY benefit of Montgomery County Historical SocietY - Beall-Dawson House, 103 West MontgomerY Ave., Rockville, Md. - 5 to 7 p.m. - proceeds for restoration of Bea ll -Dawso n House - by reserva路 tion - Chairman, Mrs. Austin H. Kiplinger. June 23: Luxembourg- National Day. June 26: Democratic Republic of Madagascar - Independence Day. June 26: "Bal des Rosenkavalier" - Palais Schwarzenberg, Vienna, Austria- (Formerly Ball of the Silver Rose) - by invitation - Chairman. Mrs. RobertS. Williams, Jr. June 27: Annual Dinner Dance benefit of Travelers Aid Society of Washington - penthouse of Hubert Humphrey Building- black tie- by in路 vitation - Chairmen, Mrs. Harri so n Brand III, Mrs. Alfred M. Osgood, Mrs. John E. Pnieger.

Fashion Calendar JUNE 3,4-St. John's knits. Informal modeling. 11-3. 3rdjloor. Garjinckel's. F St. 3,5-lnformal modeling. 12-3 Frankie Welch. 219 Restaurant. Each Tuesday and Thursday of the month. 5-Van Teal Inc. acryUc sculptures. Opening night reception. 7:30-9:30. Gift gallery. I. Magnin. 5-Revillon fur fashion show. Saks Fifth A venue. State of Israel Bonds Women's Division. Home of Mrs. Herbert Haft. 11,12-Agnona informal modeling. 11-3. 3rd floor. Garflnckel's. F St. 14-Rose Williams luncheon and fashion show. Women's Auxiliary for Howard University. 12 noon. Hyatt Regency. 15-17-Trunk showing of Lanvin. Informal modeling. Saks Jande/. 0 3. Lynn Fain in a Holston and Marion Rosen路 thai in an Oscar de Ia Renta at the Cancer Ba/1. I. Sue/len Estrin wore a Jean Louis Scherrer and Randi Meisel wore a Mary McFadden at the Cancer Ball. 2.

Mrs. Jim Shepley at the Corcoran Ball.

68/June 1980/Dossier

4. At the Smithsonian's Portrait Ball were Penni Alison in a Mary McFadden, Val Cook in an Oscar de Ia Renta and Laurie Firestone iff a Chloe.

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