Washington Dossier August 1980

Page 1


A magnificent melange of silk taffeta and black velvet, threaded with gold From our Givenchy Boutique.

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Vol. 6 No. 3 August 1980


What Ever Happened to the Family Jewels? By Nan Randall How precious gems are passed down, reset or sold The Librarian of Congress By Anne Blair An inside view of Daniel J . Boorstin Fiction: Playing tbe Game By Warren Adler Painful travails of Washington's upwardly mobile The Dossier's Indispensable Guide to Area Restaurants An Index of the Area's Finest Restaurants The Protocol of Dining By Donald Dresden A famous authority tells us how to entertain out Restaurants Then and Now By Bette Taylor The evolution of Washington restaurants


Annabell's File


Books by

69 Along Party Lines

Art and Artists By Viola Drath EXhibiting art in restaurants and banks


Real Estate Transactions

hail to the Chief


SociaJ Calendar By Maggie Wimsatt

Neighbors Color Me Beautiful, The Spike and How Washington Works

A. candid view of White House doings

Fashion Calendar Scott and Zelda, a Dominican evening, a Canadian garden party

COVER Although seven year old Bevin McManus, o ur cover girl, will never wear the full Marjorie Merriweather Post collection to her senior prom, perhaps she will be lucky enough to receive o ne heirloom piece for a special moment in her life. Here she is shown wearing Mrs. Post's jewels, given to the Smithsonian Institution gem collection at the Museum of Natural History, seated on a Jacobean chai r provided by Mendelsohn Galleries from their 18th and 19th century collection . Miss McManus' hai r is styled by Mahine of Saks Fifth Avenue. Her lace gown by Lion's Paw was provided by Saks Fifth Avenue. Famed photographer Fred Maroon took the picture for Dossier on the Smithsonian premises.


Your purchase of a fine Oriental rug from the collection at


offers more than meets the eye. It is a superbly wise investment a t an unusually attractive p rice. Oriental rugs increase in value as they mature. Offering you a lifetime of reward as you reap th e p leasures of their beauty. Our rugs are of unequa ll ed quality a nd excellence Examine them for their craftsmanship. Fascinating design. Intricate hand woven detail. These are touchstones to quality of beautiful Oriental rugs. We invite you to our gallery to select a fine rug from our collection.

ADD AN ORIENTAL RUG TO YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Hecht's Tysons Corner Oriental Rug Gallery 81 00 Leesburg Pike, Mclean, Virginia For Information About Our Investment Quality Rugs Call (703) 893-3003 Dossier /A ugust 1980/J

s Publisher David Adler Editor Sonia Adler Assistant to the Editor Lee Kirstein General Manager Jean Tolson Design Consultant Susan R. Eason Art Director Lianne Uyeda Chief Photographer John Whitman Contributing Editors Viola Drath. Belle Taylor, Maggie Wimsatt. Anne Denton Blair, David Hubler, Dorothy Mark Typography Julia Young, Marsha Barrell Van Dashner Advertising Production Bonnie Down Production Assistants Carol Wydra Rhonda Sucher, Peter Lincoln Dunnigan Circulation Walter Duncan Advertising Sales Director Jon Adler Account Executives Deanna Gould, Donna Korman Catherine McCabe ational Account Representatives Arnie Green, Molly Lockwood Manha Moscow, Susan Ludlow Catalyst Communications 260 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 (212) 578-4830 an Francisco Representative The Shepherd o . 218 State Street San Francisco, Calif. 94114


(415) 864-5005

--- why

have your reception in a hotel when you can have it in a legend. For mor than half a century, The Mayflower has help d Washingtonians mark special occasions in the grand manner. With the only complete gold service in Wa hington. Glittering crystal. And the whit gloves and sparkling silv r of French service. For arra ng ments pleas call 347-3000 and ask for our catering director. The Mayflow r, 1127 Conn cticut Avenue N.W.



4/A ugust 1980/Dossier


Advenising and editorial offices located at 3301_, New Mexico Ave., Washington, D 20016, Gener"' Telephone (202) 362-5894. For Social Coverage: Please send all invitation tO Social Secretary, The Washington Dossier, 3301 New Mexico Ave. , Washington, D 20016 (Please send invitations as early as pos ible to schedule coverage; only a limited number of events can be covered .) For ubscriptions: Please send all subscription inquiries, application and changes of address to The Washington Dossier ubscription Depanrnent. PO Box 948, Fanningdale, NY I 1737. Prices are S I2 for I year; $22.50 for 2 years. Overseas $24 per year. Canada $ 14 per year. Photographs for commercial and non-commercial usc arc available for sale. The Washington Dossier is published monthly bY Adler International , Ltd. David Adler, President; Jon Adler, Vice President; nia Adler, SecretarY· Treasurer. Controlled circulation paid at Richmond , Virginia 23261 and Washington, D. ISS # 0149-7936 opyright 1980 © Adler International Ltd. To be audited by


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Annabell's File



Pl:h~ special State Department <lin nehft of 90 diplomats (40 of them Venb~ssa.dors) to the Republican ConSilk hon tn Detroit went off smoooth as Ch: Special kudos go to the Protocol fo tef Lalo Valdez and his seven aides v{pPlanning a full day of sightseeing, anct ~ospitality and convention-going half ShU getting back to Andrews a full 1'-hour ahead of schedule. fe hough their numbers overall were RWer than went to the Bicentennial C~PUblication Convention in Kansas ~ in 1976, this time there were more lain bassadors from countries Hke Briet ' France, Germany, Italy, Japan, c~· l'he Soviets sent Counselor Sergey fe etverikov, posted here on three difp~~~~t occasions and no stranger to sp tttcaJ conventions. Minister Lin, who Peeaks English fluently, represented the ~Pies RepubHc of China. Ia orne brought back souvenirs like the {&e Bush-Reagan banner Australia's l) r Nicholas Parkinson carried. 0 h 1llinican Ambassador Enriqulllo del t\Osa · to rto was amused with the lapel butlslns Worn by delegates from the Virgin an~s. "Try a Virgin." li ~ntted Technologies President AI a~tg and the Clark MacGregors, at ong others, were hosts to the group th a~ al-fresco buffet in the gardens of Rie anoogian mansion on the Detroit lit ver, now the home of Mayor Coleai~n Young who was on hand with his WJoyce Garrett to greet one and all. sh hen Nancy Reagan dropped in to ki:ke everyone's hand, it was hugs and Whses for protocol aide Patrick Daly Re 0 had been the escort officer for the t\uagan. family on a trip they made to .;~alta and indonesia years ago. Oth e ~ashington group joined 30 Ob er ~tplomats who were in Detroit de servmg the entire Convention. Why, frornanded a young political officer rn Malaysia, were there 7 V2 media

M stu

people for every delegate and alternate present? Why, another student of our history, wanted to know, did we not adopt a constitutional amendment giving former presidents a non-voting seat in the Senate instead of trying to bring them back as vice presidents? Armed with press kits of Reagan speeches, the diplomats were given an afternoon "very general" foreign policy briefing by Reagan advisors Richard Allen, Dr. Fred lkle and Dr. William Van Cleave. A half-dozen African Ambassadors had come prepared with searching questions about Reagan's priorities in Africa and the future of economic aid there. At Pepsico President Don Kendall's dinner on the 36th floor of the Renaissance Club, Chuck Percy caused a mini-sensation when he admonished the diplomats to "forget what the platform says, nobody but nobody pays any attention to the platform." GOP heavies John Warner, Don Rumsfeld, table-hopping Larry Pressler, Maryland's Mac Mathias and Arlene Crane mingled. Longtime Republican activist Margaret Hodges brought up her friend Ambassador Anne Armstrong, who was hosting a party on the floor below, to meet some old friends . Once at the 2,000-seat Joe Loui Arena, many of the diplomats abandoned their seats high in the gallery ("if I go any higher, my nose will tart to bleed") for the delegates lounge with its TV monitors and wide-angle views of the hall. There they ran into Washingtonian like D.C. delegates Jan Evans and Rockwood Foster, former A istant Agriculture Secretary John Damgard, bella the Max Rabbs, Ed and Weidenfeld, the John McLaughUn and GOP moneyman Myles Ambrose. They all returned, however for Ronald Reagan's acceptance speech . - DoROTHY MARKS


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The diamond oval Piaget. Simplicity with elegance. Diamonds surround the oval 'bark' textured dial. The bracelet, also textured, is subtly contrasting. Both in solid 18K gold. Made entirely by hand in Switzerland, $9,260.

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Marisa Christina's Beautiful Entries Anticipating Fall 80's first annual fortethe great sweater. Sweet. Soft. Pure wool. And much more ... he re, now, in your Headquarters for HandKnits.

Sweet peplumed tweed. bursting with hints of grey, paprika. rose. cream, peridot and amber. Also in a magical mix of aquamarines. S-M -L. 118.00. Brown sugar pullover, bibbed with a small garden of sweetheart rosebuds. Also in raspberry. S-M -L, 98.00. On 2. Tysons Corner; On 3. White Flint.


Sutton Sweaters 8路

biGDmingdole S 1



Books by Neighbors COLOR, SPIKE & WASHINGTON



rtWash·mgton, D.C.: cropofis Books, Ltd. $14.95 a "The Question: What one thing can 11 Y Woman do to look better? su "The Clue: Diet, exercise and pia tic tgery are not involved. c "The Answer: Choose clothes and IV~rnetics in becoming colors-which is at Color Me Beautiful is all about. l'o •. "'face

The Catch: This relatively painle way of improving one' appearance i , alas, denied mo t of u for the imple rea on that, naturally drawn to tho e hues that suit u be t, we do o a lready . Should you, however be le than certain as to which colors are "yours," a sprint to the book tore may be in order. With respect to color, seeing i believing, and the genero u election of photographic portrait in Color Me demonstrates that color can make the difference between blah and beautiful: a pale brunette, mou ey in beige, sparkle in deep blue; and only after eeing a blonde radiant in rosy pink do we realize that her delicate beauty had been chilled by wearing ice white. Jackson discusses four kind of coloring, which he designate after the sea ons, and present color palette complementary to each. olori tically speaking, she i ble ed with perfect pitch. Her book, with chart and quizzes to be completed by the reader, replicates her cla se for women in "how to put them elv e together," originally given in Sca rsda le a nd now also in New York a nd W a hin gton, D.C. Most likely to benefit from thi book are women cursed with mi taken notions of what su it them, perhap a legacy of being dres ed during the formative year by mother in olors right for themselve but all wrong for their daughter . All however, can profit from thi tip: eek out sale \ omen or hopping partner who e co loring i imilar to your own. When they ay a dre i "you," it wi ll be- becau e it i right for them! - AN KNIGHT

THE SPIKE. By Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss


New York: Crown Publishers, In c. 374 pp. $12.95 When thi reviewer wa tationed at SHAPE in the ea rly 1960 , Arnaud de Borchgrave wa erving a the Pari -

1 :-;on: l.llY

Arnaud d Borchgra¥ Rob rtMo. .1~


ba ed chief foreign corre pondent for Newsweek. He w known for hi glo sy manner , white teeth and a perf ct unburn that eemed undi turbed by hi co urageou coverage of many littl e war . He wa a member of the upreme commander's inner g roup of reporter , a man whom we tru ted impli.citly and met in ompletely off-the-record briefings. Now, in co llaboration with Briti h repo rter Robert Moss, de Borchgrave ha written a thriller which, adequate enough a entertainme nt but not a ll that thrilling, may yet be ne of the mo t important book of the year. The rea on lie apart from an fi tiona! irtu or their Ia k. No bo k that ha been pub li hed up to now, v hether fiction r nonfiction ha made the central point that The pike make nearly o well: by preading di information through agent wilting or unwitting, the o iet are corr ding our capabi lity to gather the kind f intelligen e that we mu t have to ur i e. Th plot n whi h thi premi e i f the u pended begin in the Pari 1960 , zo m to M ow, t N cw York, Hamburg and R me f the ne t decade a nd end in Wa hington 'in th e ncar future. ' he future i o near that th e pre id en t a n wer to th e n m f

Do ier/Augu t 198017

Billy Connors and hails from Flats, Mississippi! Protagonist of the story, Robert Hockney, is a crusading journalist whose investigative reporting catapults him to the top of his profession. When his Jane Fonda-like girl friend is brainwashed by the enemy and finally destroyed, Hockney turns sharp right. Instead of seeking to expose the CIA and all its works, he tracks down Soviet methods of infiltration. In so doing he incurs the displeasure of the liberal constituency which had once praised him to the skies. Hackney's probing leads to Billy Connors' vice president and also to the assistant director of the CIA. But his editor puts his series of articles exposing them "on the spike"-i.e., kills it, and Hackney is left in isolation and near disgrace with the hottest story of the year. How he resolves his dilemma will not be revealed here. When the novel turns to Soviet methodology it comes to harsh and vivid life. We find out the KGB favors three kinds of agents : consciously recruited principal agents who provide vital secrets; trusted and politically reliable persons not formally recruited by the KGB; and unconscious sources who serve Soviet interests without realizing it. Watching all three types in action gives perspective on our own intelligence system. We come to understand why the system-imperfect like so much else in a democracy-is nevertheless indispensable and ill-served by the . whining, disaffected minority who advantage only the enemy by their assaults and exposures. -BURKE WILKINSON

Novelist and biographer Burke Wilkinson served as public affairs advisor at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe from 1958 to 1962.


Reading, Mass.: Addison- Wesley Publishing Co. $5.95 EXECUTIVES GUIDE TO GOVERNMENT: HOW WASHINGTON WORKS. A. Lee Fritschler & Bernard Ross, editors

Cambridge, Mass . : Publishers, Inc.


How Washington Really Works

tells longtime Washingtonians what 8/August 1980/Dossier

they have always suspected: W ton doesn't really work at all. Lobbyists and consultants run country. Most of what passes government is make-believe, and bloated bureaucracy (,including our military officer corps, foreign and legislators in and .outside WashinSd ton) is interested only in survival aned incumbency. The largely spoon-f press which covers this octopus has alsO become part of the make-believe. A onetime lawyer-legislator and J F. Kennedy's man in West Virgi 1 Peters was lured to Washington in 196 where he spent the next eight years director of evaluation for the Corps before becoming editor of the prestigious Washington home of investigative journalism. His is not a completely cynical notwithstanding. He is an idealist really cares about making work. Although he devastatingly often humorously, tells how the s is designed to protect those with rather than to serve us poor sl outside, Peters shares with W Churchill the view that our wor democracy is terrible only until alternatives are considered. Peters' solutions may amaze appear simplistic to others. He restore patronage to the president, the power to hire and fire ... ~,... ,~. Patronage would be shared with gress on appointments within sional districts, thereby making accountable for the perform their nominees . The Foreign which appears to be more interested "being" (a minister or than "doing," would be cut. moralized military would be with an officer corps recruited frorn ranks. Peters believes that the age system, kept within bounds course, would help rebuild the political parties and doom single politics. The only thing the Executives to Government has in common Peters' book is the similarity of the tie. It is a fact-crammed, comp sive desk reference with the mission demystifying the complex processes government decision-making and lation. Dr. A. Lee Fritschler, a f American University professor of ernment and public adminis now chairman of the U .S. Postal Commission and Dr . Bernard Ross co-director of American Uni urban affairs program. -DOROTHY

I W & J Sloane takes pride in being greater Washington 's foremost Oriental rug dealer. We offer the largest selection of fine rugs from all the leading weaving centers of the world . At Sloane you will discover one-of-a-kind treasures , all hand woven in districts famed for centuries for their skills. All are rich in trad ition and are of superb heirloom quality. Typical of the quality rug we offer is the genuine Chindia rug shown below. This is a superior quality hand woven India rug available in the following sizes: 2 x 3, 2x4, 3x5, 4x6, 6x9, 8x10, 9x12, 10x14, 10x16, 11 x18, 12x15 and 12x20. Select from five other color combinations.






Pia lair

路 Art &Artists THE ART BOOM :


l , v i t h artworks virtually bursting the seams of n . museums and galleries, alterative space for showing contemporary "'orks has cropped up in such unlikely ~1~ces as banks and restaurants. CeramJy not spots for quiet contemplation. "'~evertheless, the noble spirit with ehlch these trailblazing enthusiasts and i ntrepreneursapproached their ventures ~to the art world was often exemplary. na~ong banking institutions, the Interw路honal Monetary Fund was a pioneer d It~ exhibitions in its spacious premises eah.ng back to 1962. Quite simply, the ~h 1 bitions were generated by the love r an and artists of the IMF's interna.~onal officials and staff members. s Our exhibition program started as a hort of hobby," explains Hans Gerlll~rct, current chairman of the art comd'lltee, a German, who is assistant /ector in the exchange and trade relaa'Ons department. "Our people travel / 0Und the world a lot. They spot arilSts Who usually are unknown in Wash811&lon and would not stand a chance at ~~curing a gallery showing. Besides, p ere is a lot of talent among our own f:op ]e, their families and their ~lencts." The gifted abstract expres路 orSlo Dlst Ute Conrad-Parnemann, wife e one of the officials, who works in name!, is but one of them. c.1'he exhibitions enjoy modest finan...~al support from the IMF which prorides printing of invitations and the efreshments for the official openings. n路1'hese events have lad their artistic /&hand low points. Yet over the years, qs S~lectivity replaced random choice, thahty has continually improved. Ale 0 Ugh the IMF occasionally has 8h~sen to work with the cultural counOrs. of foreign governments- as S' en 1t staged the German expres10 i nists show and displayed Finnish ;o~s which were later circulated by the brn 1thsonian-it has carefully avoided 8ecoming a tool of governments in earch of cultural propaganda outlets. St ~oreover, the art committee tries to tlke a balance between home-grown



Senator Ted Kennedy speaks at a fundraiser for Senator George McGovern at Tiberio. Behind him is a valuable Aubusson tapestry by Alexander Calder commemorating the Bicentennial.

talent, like Bert Schmutzhart or Richard Savini of Catholic University, and Egyptian folklorists, Yugoslavian surrealists and other artistic imports from around the world. Needless to say, the example set by IMF caught on. Happily, banks featuring artworks are far too plentiful to list. Among Washington' many restau-



William Calfee sho ws Joan Mondale !tis cast iron sculpture "Summer" which tands in Charlie 's Plum Gallery II. It is valued at $6,000.

rants that rate art highly enough to di play it for it own sake- or the artists - i Georgetown' posh Rive Gauche. Originally owned by a Corican, the management decided some twenty year ago to introduce the art of orsican painter Jose Fabri-Canti to Washington's upper crust. While a bank like IMF with its glorious marble space lend a certain cachet, a restaurant al o ha distinct advantages . The work can be studied at lei ure. In contrast to a visit at a gallery where the nervou novice i likely to fall under the influence of an art dealer anxious to close a sale, a re taurant affords contemplation without pre ure. Rive Gauche had the good sense to leave the hanging and changing of the deftly painted Mediterranean land ape and eleganlly fini hed portrait to the artist. Although the re taurant doe not sell them, potential cu tomers are provided with the arti t's addre . (The expo ure certainly helped abri- anti to acquire a reputation as a fir t-ra te land cap arti t and portraiti t. Among hi famous ubjects : Nancy Ki inger and Art Buchwald.) Tiberio is another restaurant where art, mot of it contemporary, ca n bead-

Dossier/ Augu t 1980/ 11

W~t ~tnrgttnwn

In Washington's most prestigious neighborh , this newly opened retirement residence is convenient to Georgetown's various shops and the downtown clubs. • Pri va te suit es . m a int a in ed by a st a ff o f ho use kee pin g a nd nur in g a ides. • E xcellent m ea ls se rve d in th e dinin g roo m o r in suit es. upo n requ es t. • Nursin g se rvi e~ ava il ab le 24 ho urs d a ily. • Ch a uffere d lim o u ~ in e a t yo ur d i ~ p o s a l. • o entry o r fo un de r" s fees . Cull

t l u • f)t rec tfl r fu r U/ 1 UI'/W i lltll ll'll t

IDltt ~tnrgttnwn 2512 Q Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20007 • Telephone 338-6111

mired over veal tiberio and wine. cur· I rently, a tapestry by Alexander Calder is the main attraction among a doze~ artworks which can be sold right offth walls. At the Da Vinci Ristorante, ToOl 'if:R Serra has developed another concept Every now and then fine reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci's famous paint· ings and drawings, all of them imported from Rome, get competition from e~· hibitions by talented newcomers. . . "Usually these works are by arustl who are rather well known at home, bUt totally anonymous in Washington, l~k.~ the Roman painter Mirella Virgih, Serra comments. Guided by his frien~ 5r' artist Yanke! Ginzburg and his W1e Pnina, the art expert in charge of thee~· cellent, but short-lived Janus GallerY• Serra sponsors these shows primarilY 35 a launching of the artist among wash· ington' s art circles, gallery owners, other artists and collectors. Last but not least, there are red taurants attached to galleries an galleries attached to restaurants. Thl 1 Washington World Gallery on M Street. V~lu~ which also houses the Cafe de Artist~1 ' Pres! uses its cafe as an extension. Tom D10. ~rs. neen's stunning charcoal drawingS· dalh which belong to the owners' private co~ o 0 ~f lection, dominate the main wall. Ot_ll J. rh spaces are enlivened by the beauufU Hoss abstract tapestries done by Howaru ~ anc Em by, which are priced between $1 ,2~ •. ~: and $I ,600, and the splendid cere- to th monial Egyptian themes by the Cub3° llrst painter Agustin Blazquez which rut betot from $200 to $I ,050. .._ 1 The latest, and perhaps most glamor· ous, newcomer to this ever expandinf scene is Charlie's. This Georgetown bD and supper club has transformed at otherwise awkward foyer into an at tractive gallery space. Managed b: Paula Locker of Bethesda's Plu~ Gallery, it functions as Plum II. Will its inaugural show of Hilda Thorpe' giant color field canvases, "Re' Horizon" and "Blue Horizon" whi · sell for $3,500 and $6,000 respective!) her intriguing three-dimensional wor~ of handmade paper and William 0 1 fee's expressive figurative acrylics o: paper, the effort was off to an impr~ sive start. The interest of art feeds on the inter est of art. The trend of art in alternati' spaces will no doubt continue to gath momentum. After all, it's a perfect!. satisfactory arrangement-the arti , gets exposure, and the host benefit . from the arty atmosphere that attract 1 new customers.

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At first blush ... ... she'll see only the rubies. But there are sparkling diamonds as well in this stunning "slide" necklace and matching ring. Both feature the exclusive snag-free Gemlok™ Setting in 18 kt. gold. Necklace, 5,150; Ring, 2,000.

1213 Conn .. Ave., Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5; closed Sat., 628-6305 Mazza Gallerie, Wisconsin and Western Aves., 363-6305 Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Mon., Thurs., and Fri. 'til 9. The Homestead, Hot Springs, Va. Foremost Purchasers of Estate Jewelry


12/August 1980/Dossier

::~ Hail tv the Chief ff t h~

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rs. Averell Harriman leads the applause. Mrs. Carter join In the obligatory first House lawn during the Informal an· Otller 3Uai get-together for members of Congress. ( fO ~ lhe President and Mrs. Carter offer greetings to King .u 1 d 1Usseln of Jordan and his wife, Queen Noor, at the en· ,war : ance to the White House as the royal couple arrived to 1 21J. 41tend a state dinner in their honor. c'ert 1·Secretary of State Muskie and Mrs. Muskie lead V!Ps In· , bar 1~ the state dinner for King Hussein. It was Mr. Muskie's .u t ~rst state dinner as Secretary. "I 've tried to get here 1 rll uetore, " he qu ipped. "I 've made it by a different route."

iinSS• d.2lhe President and te col· nance on the White

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The fabulous tartan kilt , in misted Bordeaux-goldand-green wool-polyester, 65 .00 Velvet Spencer iacket in Bordeaux cotton , 105.00 And tenderly-tucked ivory blouse in polyester crepe de Chine , bowed in black, 41 .00 All in sizes 6 to 14 . From our Liz Claiborne collection , Lord & Taylor, Washington-Chevy Chase call 392 -9600; Falls Church - call 536-5000; White Flint - call 770 -9000.

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路Fashion Calendar A. GUIDE TO AREA SHOWS

~UGUST fi....Frank Masandrea. Informal modeling, I Jam3Pm, 3rd floor at Garfincke/'s F St. :l-13-Myles Sportswear. Informal modeling, lam-3pm, at Garfinckel's F St. 13-0pening benefit for Historic Annapolis, Inc. 6路8 pm, by invitation only at Garfinckel's in An~apo/is Mall. 14-0pening Day at Annapolis Mall. 16-Gear up for school. PreTeens fashion show, %Woodward & Lothrop, l -3pm, Tysons Corner, ontgomery Mall. 18-Arthur Chadwick. J/am-3pm, 3rd floor at GarJinckel's F St. !9路21-Adolfo. Informal modeling, 1lam-4pm, nd floor at Saks Fifth A venue. 10-Richard Assatly fashions . Informal modelIng, 1lam-3pm, 3rd floor at Garfinckel's F St.

21-Armani Trunk Show. Informal modeling at Bloomingdales, White Flint. 1 lam-3pm. 21-0pening Day at Fair Oaks. Garfinckel's. 21-Jamie Mirel. Informal modeling, I Jam -3pm at Garfinckel's F St. 21-Rlchard Assatly. Informal modeling, llam3pm, Garfinckel's Spring Valley. 22-Missoni fashion shows. Place Elegante in Bloomingdales' White Flint and Tysons Corner. 22-23-Halston Sportswear. Informal modeling, 1/am -3pm at Garfinckel's F Street. 27-lmport collection fashion show & brunch. /Jam. For reseryations call 657-9000, Ext. 233. 2nd floor, Saks Fifth A venue. 28-Chanel. Informal modeling, I Jam-3pm, 3rd floor at Garfinckel's F Street. 30-Ciassic Fashion Show. 2pm, Woodward & Lothrop, Tysons Corner and Chevy Chase. 30-Frankie Welch. Informal modeling every Tuesday & Thursday at /2 noon-2pm, 219 King St., Alex., Va.

SEP1EMBER 2-Ralph Lauren. Informal modeling, 12 noon3pm, 8/oomingdales, Tysons Corner. 2-3-Adele Simpson. Informal modeling, ll am 3pm, 3rd floor at Garfinckel's F Street. 3-Ralph Lauren. Informal modeling, 12 noon3pm, Bloomingdales, White Flint. 3-Mary McFadden Benefit Gala and Fashion Show in honor of The Museum of African Art. By invitation only. Saks Fifth A venue. 3-Ann Klein. Informal modeling, 1Jam-3pm, 3rd floor at Garfinckel's F Street. 4-Perry Ellis personal appearance. Bloomingdale's Place Elegante, White Flint and Tyson's Corner. 4-Evan Picone fashion show & box lunch. I 2:30pm, tickets, $3.50, 4th floor at Garfinckel's F Street.

Fashion Parade: 0) B. A. Bentsen, Jean Louis gown (2) Evelyn Brandt, handembroidered Chloe; Carol Towe, cotton voile (3) Rosalynn Carter, Gentil/isse gown (4) Secretary of H.E. W. Patricia Harris, Masaka gown (5) Marilyn Funderburk, Oscar de Ia Renta (6) Katharine Graham, Classic printed silk (7) Fine jewelry shown at the Polo Club (L to R) Mineral Kingdom, Bliss Upstairs, Boone and Sons.

Dossier/August 1980/15

Bevin McManus, 7!11 years old, models a priceless collection of jewelry given to the Smithsonian Gemological Collection by Marjorie Merriweather Post. On her head she wears a 19th century European diamond tiara with matching brooch, one of a pair. Of the two rings on her left hand, one is Empress Eugenie's 31 carat blue diamond ring surrounded with diamonds; the other is Maximillian's 21 carat emerald ring. At her neck is the Napoleon necklace consisting of 172 Indian or Brazilian diamonds weighing 275 carats. She carries a gem and pearl studded evening bag with Post's name engraved on the inside, in case it was lost. Bevin would have worn Marie Antoinelte's earrings, but they hurt.

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hen it comes to heirloom jewelry, some families have th all the luck. Those close to e crown jewels of England may use a ~U~ber of crowns-they like to use two runng coronations-innumerable t~aras •. countless fabulous necklaces, we. b1?gest diamond in the world, hlch IS nestled in the scepter, not to rne · r" nt1on all the earrings, bracelets and lngs of impeccable background. f 1 ~ the recent past, the Iranian roya l arnlly was equally bejeweled. For his ;~travaganza coronation, the former t ah unveiled the spoils of an 18th cenaury conquest of Delhi, India. To make r crown for the Empress-the Shah alleacty ra . had one from his father-the fl ~tans hired Van Cleef and Arpels of al~rls to toy around with a carved emerc Of 91.32 carats and a supporting s~ft Of rubi~s, diamonds, pearls and red r nels. Th1s barely put a dent in the boYal treasury which was also used to pa~k up the nation's currency-jewel t~lces . are perhaps more predictable soan 11. The Shah and his jewels were re on _Part~d, but his private collection rnams w1th him proving that in these Unsetti ed times, · ' the portability of




jewels is a handsome asset. Here at home, a few wealthy Americans have assembled legendary co llections of jewelry to pass onto their heirs. If they couldn't come by crowns by birth, they could with cash. Luckily, royalty have been enthusiastic sellers as well as buyers. Queen of the American collectors was Marjorie Merriweather Post who turned Post Toasties into a collection of jewelry that included a diamond necklace which once belonged to Marie Louise of France, a varied assortment of tiaras, a 31 -carat blue diamond from the Empress Eugenic and Marie Antoinette's diamond pendant earring . A few years and a revolution made the passage from let them eat cake to let them eat cereal. Post gave most of the royal collection to the Smithsonian, but after an acerbic battle with the Post Foundation, the Institution was forced to let part of the collection remain at Hillwood, the Post estate. Reportedly, a few choice and wearable pieces have stayed with the heirs for private use. More recently, the estate of VicePresident Nelson Rockefeller sold a nice

little set of emerald jewelry at auction for a total of $665,000. Rumor has it that the Rockefeller brothers showed a predilection for substantial jewelry but that their wives, in general, preferred simple pearls and discreet earring . Here in Washington, the estate of CIA Director Stansfield Turner's mother sold briskly at We hsler' auction . The collection was "of the very best quality and taste with a number of pieces from the 1910s and 1920s."


o tofus,ofcour e,don' thave a co ll ection of heirloom jewelry that merit a di play vault at the Smith onian. But a lmo t every family has something-an aunt' engagement ring, gra ndfather' shirt studs-that ha both monetary and entimental value. Rec ntly, the value of heirloom has oared; more and more people are buying and elling; and old family jewel are making up a larger egment of the jewelry market. • Sotheby Parke-Bernet, Inc., report that sales of antique, art nouveau and art deco jewelry were up more than 200 percent in the pa t year. • Pampillonia' now feature copies of

Do ier iA II!i iiSI 1980117

Below: Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in her Easter gown at the White House, 1936.

Right: Mrs. Davielle Hill wore her favorite tiara with matching diamond necklace and earrings at the Loyola Ball at the Embassy of Spain.

the art deco pieces that the firm made in the 1930s. They have also opened an estate jewelry case in the downtown store to complement those at the Chevy Chase store. • Christie's is opening an antique and estate jewelry department to handle the increased sales. • Boone and Sons has run newspaper ads to attract sellers of old pieces. Although he is only interested in genuine gold or platinum and fine gemstones, French Boone reports, "There is a buyer for every old piece of jewelry, if you are willing to wait long enough." • The Mineral Kingdom in Georgetown, a store with a distinctly modern flavor, reworks older pieces into more casual, contemporary designs. Owner Jacqueline Martin-Hutman's engagement ring features an estate diamond, still in its original platinum prongs, set between two modern gold bands. "Old jewelry has a depth, a feeling, a personality," says Hutman. • Vogue magazine, arbiter of feminine style, has declared old jewelry "in." People are selling family jewelry for 18/August /980/Dossier

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Right: Evelyn Walsh McLean wore the 45 ~ carat Hope diamond to which she al/ached the Star of the East diamond weighing 94.8 carats.

Left: Janet Annenberg Hooker presented her 75 carat emerald brooch to the Smithsonian Gem Collection on Oct. 18, 1977.

many reasons, but two simple ones underlie many of the sales: the economic squeeze and the soaring price of gold, silver and gems. Those buying old jewelry feel that it is a good buy and will probably hold or increase its value even in inflation. Old jewelry is less expensive than comparable modern pieces in size and quality of gem or weight of gold, particularly if the old piece is picked up at auction. And, because the quantities of fine materials are severely limited, values must go up. Edward Ayer, Jr., of Edward Ayer Jewelers notes that it is virtually impossible to obtain true Kashmir sapphires or Burmese rubies. He points out that, as an example, a really fine \12 carat emerald could be worth $5,000 to $6,000, while a mediocre full carat might only bring $500 or $600. So what should you do with your family jewels? Everyone agrees that if you have a use for your old pieces, if you wear them and enjoy them and perhaps look forward to passing them on to future generations, you should keep

them. A piece from a family collection. be it ever so modest, has far greater sen· timental, emotional value than its twill bought new in a shiny box. "It doesn't breathe with the vibrations of tne former wearer," insists Jackie Hutman· Paul Desautels, curator of gems for the Smithsonian Institution estimateS that the Eugenie Blue diamond-worn by our seven-year-old cover girl-mig111 fetch a couple million in the market place, just as a diamond. "But how call you put a value on the fact that it waS worn by the Empress and then became part of the Post collection . What price is the history of the jewel?" Yotlr grandmother's garnet earrings not onlY represent nice little jewels, but an et: pression of love and continuity . Although insurance has become cost· ly, reputable companies will still isstle policies that are in accord with manY people's needs, according to Ed Ayer· "In many cases you pay a basic pre~; ium for jewels locked in a safe depost box and then an extra fee when yoll take them out to wear. But you would not believe the number of people wl1°

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Below: Marjorie Merriweather Post had Cartier make 5 pieces from a long emerald necklace she purchased in 1928 from an Indian Majarajah. They can be seen at Hillwood.

Below: Nancy Leiter lagetr at the United Nations Ball in 1944 with James Wimsau: She wore a diamond rose with apphire center surrounded by a semicircle of diamonds and apphires.


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Left: At a recent benefit Mrs. A vere/1 Harriman wore a classic combination of jewelry: pearls and sapphires, Above: Mrs. F. Lamont Belin posed for this picture in 1930 wearing a simple strand of pearls and diamond brooch to set off her ermine trimmed coat.

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don't carry insurance. They figure, if they are lost, so what. They didn't pay anything for them."


ut if you find that your jewelry does not fit in with your lifestyle- if it is too formal, too complicated to store in a vault- then sell or rework it. Pieces that are well design~d should not be broken up for sale. f ollect?rs of older jewelry are looking l?r destgns by Tiffany, Lalique or Carter, true antiques and the current rage, art deco diamonds. d' ~t Sotheby Parke-Bernet, jewelry is . IVtded into three groupings: Fine h~Welry, fine pieces with no particular tstoric value but with good stones and Precious settings; antique, art nouveau anct art deco jewelry, pieces that have ~erhap~ less valuable stones but often d a~ntftcent workmanship and striking i estgns. By definition, antique jewelry ~hmore than one hundred years old. d' e art deco pieces, utilizing many wtamond~ in sleek geometric forms, ere destgned at about the time that l 0 reI'te Lee was extolling those gems as

a woman's best home companion. Art Nouveau, of course, was the height of organic, flowing design often using unusual stones and materials. The third category in the Parke-Bernet sales, magnificent jewelry, speaks for itself. There isn't much around, it fetches high prices and, as history has proved, there isn't much like it to give one class. (Jewelry, up to the Industrial Revolution, was largely confined to the upper, upper crust.) "People who want old jewelry are looking for a kind of nostalgia,'' according to Robert Pampillonia. "They are looking for a beauty that was and never will be again. When I get a fine piece, I can't break it apart. It would be wrong." His father, Harry, has on consignment a diamond and star-ruby bracelet of the art deco period that his father fashioned years ago. The current owner can no longer use it, but Pampillonia insists on selling it intact. However, a good deal of jewelry sells slowly because the style and formality no longer fit today's fashion. "The large, heavy 1940s and 1950s pieces sell

very slowly,'' according to Charles Schwartz. ''Usually we suggest that they be reworked or that they be sold for the value of the stones." Jewelry is one of the most recyclable products. The gold in your wedding band might be from centuries old Egyptian gold or the melted down charm bracelet of a bucktoothed teenager. BlytheKupferberg, goldsmith for Theodore Nye, has been melting down odds and ends of gold into "gold nuggets." "The pitting and irregularity you get from the melting looks contemporary as a pendant, and you can even insert a tiny diamond chip in one of the crevices," she says. She has also turned necklaces into earrings and reset a wash of small emeralds into a single, more important piece. Scott Handler, goldsmith of Creative Goldsmiths in White Flint, has reset many old gems and created copies when an old work could not be salvaged. He recreated a family crest ring that had a secret key to open an attache case. It was to be used during travel with im(Continued on Page 88)

Dossier/ August 1980119

Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin stands on the terrace outside his office in the new James Madison Building which overlooks the original library. The new building will house 4()()(} members of the library's staff and at least 12 million books.


Daniel J. Boorstin Makes it an Even Dozen

CONGRESS By Anne Denton Blair




ver a narrow inconspicuous doorway on the busy main floor level of the Library of Congress, a simple but elegant sign reads: The Librarian. Guests from congressional pages to chiefs of state, must pass through this unprepossessing entrance and the tiny reception room beyond (once a closet!) to reach the office of the librarian of Congress. Official pro路 tocol places him down there somewher~ between former U.S. ambassadors an ministers of foreign powers not ac路 credited to the United States, but Academe put s him hi g h on it 5 worldwide li sts of scholars and philosophers.




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1-Iis office, too, is small, book-lined and路 路 Q Inhmate. Overhead, those lissome shreek maidens, the Muses, adorn the allow white stucco dome while be~eath, at a massive Victorian carved t ak desk, sits Daniel J. Boorstin, the librarian of Congress in the 11~elfth r~ry's 178-year history. Smce the present building was com1 eted in 1887, six of his predecessors Bave presided over this historic desk P~t~ even ~s he caresses the hallowed Ina lovmgly he knows he will soon spe d ' Off~ '?Ore and more time in another c ce, JUst across the street in the newly 0 ~~le~ed James Madison Building. e hbrary had become so cramped,


it had exhausted even the extra space in its commodious Jefferson Annex and properties and personnel were scattered in locations all over town. lt was James Madison who, even before he became our fourth president, proposed Congress have its own library . The new building which so appropriately bears his name will be able to house 4000 members of the library's large staff and at least 12 million of the books from its collections which proliferate at the rate of two every minute. Before Dan Boorstin came to his present post, he had acquired a prestigious array of degrees from Harvard, Yale and Oxford, where he was a Rhodes scholar. He became a member of both the English and Massachusetts bars, taught history, literature and English at several colleges and universities, and finally joined the faculty of the University of Chicago in 1944 for what turned out to be a very happy 25-year stint as a professor of history, with temporary assignments to the Sorbonne, Cambridge and the University of Rome. In 1969, he came to Washington to become director of the Smithsonian's Museum of History and Technology, and, later, its senior historian advising the secretary on all Smithsonian projects. It's impossible to describe the life and times of Daniel Boorstin without dividing the honors with Ruth Boorstin, the petite, dark-eyed lady who has been part of his decision-making process as well as his editor and wife for almost 40 years. When President Ford, in 1975, asked Boorstin to consider becoming librarian of Congress, Boorstin asked for a month to reflect on the momentous decision. He and Ruth immersed themselves in "a lot of walking and talking" just as they had at every other crossroad in their married life. He had never given much thought to leaving the Smithsonian. He enjoyed his work and the people with whom he was working and was high in his profession as an historian, but on one of their walks a display at the library convinced them the answer should be yes . lt was an exchange of letters between President Franklin Roosevelt and his long-time friend and mentor, Justice Felix Frankfurter. It concerned the choice of another librarian of Congress, the poet Archibald MacLeish. "The person to direct the national library of a great nation," wrote Frankfurter, " should not

be a professional librarian. In tead, he should be someone who 'reads book , makes books, loves book ! '" Well, MacLeish, the poet, had been nominated and became a great librarian-and the Boorstin decided that Dan, an historian who had taught, studied, and written books, and dearly loved them, should accept the invitation. Among the numerous books by Boorstin is The Democratic Experience, third in his trilogy "The Americans." lt won the Pulitzer Prize for history in 1973 and also caused some ripples in the Smithsonian's usually untroubled intellectual sea. Had the eminent historian, Dr. Boors tin, been justified in using M H & T staff members' time and institutional facilities to research a personal project? Even later, during confirmation hearings for the librarianship, several senators raised the question again. Happily, the author's propriety was established, once artd for all, by his Smithsonian colleagues who testified that the practice was absolutely in keeping with traditional freedoms afforded scholars at any other institution of learning. Be that as it may, since he has been librarian, no personal research or writing takes place at the office, though a prodigious amount has been and is still going on. "We have a 'mom 'n pop' literary shop," says Dr. Boors tin, and its headquarters are the very modern Boorstin home on Ordway Street, N. W. One enters through a high brick-walled atrium, presided over by a statue of George Washington. Once inside, an open stairway connects four levels, affording plenty of space for both Dan's self-contained study on the sunny top floor and for Ruth's equally commodious work space. (Ruth not only edits everything her husband writes but is a poet as well . Many of her poems have been published in the Wall Street Journal.) There's also a comfortable living room where friends and family enjoy some of the most stimulating conversation in town and a great deal of music, flutes and recorders preferred. There is plenty of room, too, to welcome the three Boorstin sons and their wives and one adored granddaughter whenever they come to town. In various ways, the Boorstin boys are successfully following in their family's intellectual footsteps. Paul, the eldest, and his wife Sharon are a writing team like his parents, with a second Dossier/ August 1980121

Library of Congress Highlights -the world's largest music library, with original scores and manuscripts from Beethoven to Richard Rogers. -the largest collection of Chinese books outside Asia; of Russian books outside the Soviet Union. -more than 8 million photographs, a pictorial record of American history; posters from all over the world. -the personal papers of 23 Presidents of the United States. -the contents of President Lincoln's pockets on the night he died. Mary Todd Lincoln's pearl necklace and bracelets. -the world's largest law library, with experts on the laws of the countries of Europe, Asia, and Latin America. -an acoustically perfect auditorium, where chamber music concerts are played every week during the season. -one of the three perfect copies on vellum of the Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed with movable type in the western world. Here in three buildings on Capitol Hill you find all these and many more treasures. Founded in 1800 as a reference library for the Congress, it has grown to contain 76 million items, collected around the globe for more than 150 years. From one room in the Capitol it has come to occupy the landmark Thomas Jefferson Building, completed in 1897, the John Adams Building, built in the 1930s, and the James Madison Building, dedicated this year. Unlike other national libraries, the Library of Congress is open to everyone. Thousands use its reading rooms and millions visit its exhibitions every year. Tours are given every hour, beginning at 9 a.m. Monday through Friday, and "America's Library," a slide/sound show is presented in the orientation theatre every hour daily beginning at 8:45a .m. For a monthly Calendar of Events, call287-5108.


novel, Savage, just published . They are the parents of two-year-old Julia. Jonathan and Lynnie live in Los Angeles where he, having been a successful moviemaker, is now with a classical music radio station. David and Molly, his British wife, live in New York while he pursues a career as a playwright. As a disciplined writer and an inveterate early riser, Daniel Boorstin gets through most of his daily writing chores in the morning hours before he leaves for the library, or on weekends, many of which are now spent at a recently acquired 25-acre farm in Virginia, barely that many minutes away from the library. It is immediately across the Potomac from Mount Vernon on land once doomed to become a disposal plant site, but saved in the nick of time by the late Congresswoman Frances Bolton of Ohio to "preserve George Washington's view." "We can even have a horse now," beams the librarian, "and, of course, it's a wonderful place for our granddaughter Julia to play!" "Writing is one of the most unnecessary things," he confides . "I'm glad I have never had to write for a living!" However, ready for publication by Ginn and Company this summer, is a one-volume "History of the United States" for young people coauthored with another distinguished historian, Dr. Brooks Matthew Kelley. The editorial associate, as usual, is Ruth Frankel Boorstin . The Boorstins insisted on a good book designer, and got what they wanted, a book that looks as fascinating as they have made the accompanying text and illustrations. ''Any textbook on American history must be up-beat-full of the wonder and promise,'' Dan Boors tin feels, "and it must be honest, interpretive and lively. No skimmed milk." For a dozen years, the Boorstins have also been working on a one-volume "History of the World" which is nearing completion. The approximately 2,000 pages will be edited down to 1,000 pages. As for the world's future, "I'm optimistic about the human race," Dan Boors tin says. He makes a great distinction between being a Librarian of Congress (which he is not) and a Librarian of Congress (which he is). The latter means he has, at last count, 535 bosses who use the library's facilities more and more every day. Computers in congressional offices pick up information for staff members instantly, while researchers at

the library are on the ready to locate or identify important facts, opinions and/or policies for use in hearing rooms, on the floors of both houses, in speeches, articles and books. This vital congressional research operation con路 ducted within the library has some 800 employees, and is watched over bY Gilbert Gude, an experienced former member of Congress. . "We have amassed here all the ,nformation possible, but it has to be ac路 cessible if it's to be useful," says or. Boorstin. "For example, when t~e Soviets overran Afghanistan th 15 spring, we had the only street plan. 0 Kabul in existence, and we could ftn it!" He is deeply concerned with and committed to making the library's vast and vastly complex collections more ac路






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cessible, not only to scholars, but to the &eneral public. B In h!s nearly five years as librarian, . Oorstm has already made the building Itself more accessible and friendly by Op . enmg the long-locked huge street 1eve! front doors so that visitors can wa~k right in. Currently he's planning ~~ mdex for the main reading room, the 1 rary's heart, that will help readers 1 t~cate .fi.lms, maps and music as well as e wntmgs on these subjects. To help more Washingtonians be~orne familiar with the library and its Utnan side, Ruth Boorstin has initi~t~d w~at has become a highly success2U senes of "Safaris" to which about /Prominent women are invited several ~~es a year. They're greeted by Dan in iS Office, and "indoctrinated" about th e co I' rnp Icated duties and pleasures of

the operation. They are then taken on guided tours of various sections of the buildings and finally entertained at luncheon with Dan and Ruth with top-level staff on hand to answer questions. The objective is to spread the word about this magnificent facility and to reach out to opinion makers and publicists . The "reaching out" aspect which Dr. Boorstin wants to enhance is exemplified by the small, rather exquisite, Library of the Performing Arts atop the Kennedy Center. This miniscule branch of the parent organization contains not only books but up-to-theminute facilities to study and research material on microfilm which may be ordered from the library . Very soon, Boorstin hopes to establish a 15-member council of scholars who, supported by private funds, will

meet at the library each year to evaluate services and collections. He also hopes to "share" the library's wealth more and more with less fortunate smaller libraries by expanding inter-library loans. At 65, Daniel Boorstin looks at least ten years younger. Warm, genial and lively, he speaks softly but with authority, as perfectly formed phrases tumble out easily and eloquently. Somehow, on this jaunty historian, the bow tie he habitually wears seems right and proper. Most of his predecessors had long terms as librarian. One remained for 40 years. But if Daniel Boorstin were to opt, with Ruth's advice, of course, for a shorter term, he would still leave a definable, personalized and indelible mark on the Library of Congress. D Dossier/August /980113



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Her husband told her to play the Washington Game. She did it with a vengeance.


it watched her face in the mirror with keen frustration. Her eyebrows . needed tweezing. Her lipstick was Ineptly applied and all those bases, creams and Powders that the girl in the department ~tore had instructed her about were a odgepodge of failure. As for her hair, now swathed in hot curlers, it represented a formidable challenge ~nd she dreaded the moment when she would e forced to free the badly wrapped strands. Sh.e felt she could literally hear Cooper Poutmg in the living room, tapping his new Patent leather evening shoe on the oriental rug. He would by now be eething with exasperation, terrorized by his own fear that, ~~lllehow, she would let him down. Knowing f at only added to her misery, diminishing ~~her that much touted sense of self-worth w sch, so far, had been illu ive. th he was, of course, absolutely convinced tieat .she would be a disaster at this posh black . dtnner party at the Tarkington's. Just gettlng th . . . N0 1 e tnvttatton, with its fancy engraved ... th : ·· .elegantly understated invitation with h elr names written in a bold, sure, arrogant c~nd eemed a validation of Cooper's sue5 in · Cooper could delude himself into thinkb g .t hat all that frenetic butt-kissing and owmg and scraping before the great God

Frorn· a collection or Washington short sto 'J .1 Ties. Warren Adler is the author of e g~t novels with a ninth scheduled for spnng Publication.

By Warren Adler Cochran had paid off. Actually the invitation had come only three days before. Apparently they were, in cruel ocial parlance, fill-ins . As for herself, he knew he was merely holding on to Cooper' horse' tail, dodging the falling pat . It wasn't that she was simply feeling orry for herself. That wa a condition of her life. But a formal dinner required . . . he earched for word , Adequacy. Per onality. Aggressive charm. Cooper could handle it with ease. Cooper was brilliant. Everybody aid o. Even she. He had clawed hi way, as he had characterized it, to the number three slot on the commi ion. All tho e bureaucrats talked in term of lot , reducing it all to a game of Chinese checkers. And now that the number two lot was opening because of Gordon's retirement, ochran, in the number one lot, had the power of God to fill the now gaping hole, or lot, with another marble. Naturally, ooper hoped that that marble would be him elf. Kit suppo ed he hoped o as well. If only he could do it without her help. Wasn't her role kids and kitchen? The woman behind the man. Like Moslems! How simple just to hide her elf in a veil and eat after the men were served. I like being a cliche, she told her elf, feel-

ing a touch of panic. I like being boring. I like being ooper's little Didie doll that wet , cries and copulates. A smoldering anger seemed to team up the mirror, making it difficult to untangle the intricacy of the pia tic hot curlers. "You can't beg off on this one, Kit," Cooper had ordered, brandi hing the invitation like a gold ingot. " It's Mrs. Tarkington. Coup of coup . A farewell dinner for the ambassador from Pakistan. That alone i enough . Not to mention that ochran will be there watching how well we handle ourself." She noted that he had said "ourself," not "ourselve . " But it was pointless to be argumentative at that tage. She wa not ignorant of the rituals of getting ahead. 'The great God ochran," he had muttered. "Well he did arrange for u to go." He had tried to be gentle. " pare me. We're afterthought . Probably arranged by hi wife." ' Well it how that they want us to move up." "You're hi lackey. It a payoff," he ' hi pered, knowing he would not hear her. There wa imply no room for debate. Dopey, boring, unintere ting Kit would have to drag her elf to the fray. Lo king at her e lf now in the teamy mirror, he wondered if there wa till time f r death to intervene. " or crying out loud Ki1." It wa opcr, narlin g and lookin g at hi · Dossier/A ugusl 1980115

wristwatch. He seemed to favor these little illustrations of his wrath. Like sticking his fingers in his ears when the noise of the kids became unbearable, or pinching his nose when he was unfavorably disposed to contrary opinions. It wasn't that he was meanminded or even cruel. She was tempted to call it consumed by ambition. But that would ignore what she preferred to think of as his good side. Like the McDonald's commercial, he was doing it all for you, dummy. For you and the kids. For this house. Those private schools. The cars in the garage. Things. Comforts. Vacations. Also for respect: a father's example. A role model of success. That's what came of having sons only. If their offspring were daughters, she would have had to provide the example. He didn't beat her. He was gentle .

"They're only people," he said, searching the tonal scale for soothing sounds. He must have seen how she was crumbling inside. "They're not. They're a jury." "Now you're being self-indulgent, Kit." He paused, came closer and patted her back as if she were an unburped baby. "You're an attractive intelligent woman , as good as any of them. It' s only a dinner party." "Well then, go without me. Tell someone else to eat mine." He backed away as if her skin had singed him. She turned and saw his eyes. Indignation, like mucus oozed from them. "You're being a rat, Kit." Again, he checked himself. "It's time ... " "Grow-up time. I know." She waved the brush and attacked the hair again. "I'm not built for success, Coop."


It ,s time you started to play the Washington game and stop walking around like a tongue-tied cripple

Sometimes quite loving. And he was selfsacrificing. Only four suits in the closet. The tuxedo was a luxury, along with the patent leather shoes. In his new fantasy of power, she reasoned, a black tie uniform was essential, the garb of success. She had had to buy a new gown . Actually, she had to send three back before they had decided on the ''one,'' now hanging regally limp on the closet ledge waiting for her body. With only three days notice, it seemed almost a kind of achievement. "In a minute Coop," she whined, unable to hide the tightened vocal chords, the congealing panic. He must have sensed it, calculating, as he always had, that he had better not stir it up. "They said eight," he said quietly. In the mirror, she could see the controlled grimace of displeasure, wondering whether it was offered to illustrate her lateness or the condition of her face. "We'll be fashionably late," she murmured, attacking the heat curled hair with her brush, feeling the pores under her armpit oozing. "They can be fashionably late. We can only be neglectfully tardy." He was, she knew, recycling his anger into sarcasm. "I'm doing my damnedest," she said. Errant strands resisted the weapon of her brush. She turned toward him. "I look like Harpo." "You're being ridiculous." His tone was somewhere between placation and rebuke. "Do I have to?" she pleaded. "I'm not up for it." 16/August /980/Dossier

''I'm beginning to think so," he sighed, a captain observing his ship sinking under him. "You owe me this, Kit." "Owe you?" The question was purely rhetorical. She knew what he meant. That she had not kept pace. That she had not grown with him. ''Think of it as a game,'' he said, reaching into his quiver, selecting the arrow of kindness . "I hate games," she replied. She didn't mean simply sports and cards. Everything. "Well I want to be a player. Not a spectator. And part of the big game are things like this. Plays. And this is an important play." "Don't be so damned allegorical," she snapped, knowing she had gone too far. She turned toward him and showed him the flats of both palms. "Alright. Alright." There was little more she could do with her hair. She was, she knew, torturing him. She slid into her gown and let him zip it up. "You'll be fine," he said . "Just fine." She wondered if she enjoyed seeing him teeter on the plank. He needed her now, really needed her. "You look smashing," he said, having edged back from the plank. Actually, the dress was flattering, the bust line well defined. Somehow, through it all, she had kept her figure, although her early pride in it had dimini shed along with her se lf-esteem, whatever that was. She had forgotten. "Just be a good sport, Kit," he said as they edged into the car. The ritual goodbye with the boys had been perfunctory, with

the usual admonishments. In a few years even that crutch would be gone. "Good old Kit," she mumbled, trying to swallow her anger. Where was she under all this attire? What had happened to her real persona?"Such questions were getting her into dangerous marshes and she repressed them . "Just keep cool. Follow my lead." His lead? Where had he led her? She watched his profile as he concentrated on the driving, wondering about his thoughts. The shadowed view made his face seem skeletal, although that was only illusion, since his face had fleshed in the 15 years she had known hirn. Yet there was a hint of his boyish lines, when his face had been the treasure of her life, when his ambition seemed a virtue. "You start with the first fork," he said suddenly, confessing his thoughts. Hi s nerve was beginning to crack. "Basic common sense. The first dish with the first fork." "Or watch the hostess," he said with some deprecation. "Follow the leader." In the darkness, she wondered if he sensed her smirk. "And try to keep the conversation lively," he said, the completion of a sentence that began inside his head. "Like at the PTA." "Don't start again, Kit. Let's at least go in calm." He was showing his fright once more. "I don't want to let Cochran down," he said. "Heaven forbid." He gunned the accelerator and the car shot forward to illustrate his anger, a brief tantrum. A red light brought the car to a halt. "Cochran has been damned good to us.'' "To you." "And he'll be even better. If we don't blow it. He' s arranged this deal tonight.'' "Fill-ins," she said, taunting him. "Well nobody knows that." "Except the hostess." "Well you don't expect her to go around telling the other guests." "They'll know. One look at me and they'll know." He pulled the car over to the curb and tapped the wheel, the fingerblows a tattoo t 0 preview his temper. "You never stop, do you?" He turned to face her, an image of futility and rage. she knew the look. Her knees began to shake路 She braced herself for the figurative Iashd "Listen Kit, it's time to stop being a damne bitch. Cochran has us in his grip. our future. So far he's helped us. He's gotten us invited to this dinner party to give us a leg up. He's got big ideas himself and he haP' pens to think I'm a comer. It's time you started to play the Washington game and stop walking around like a tongue-tied criP' pie. It's time that you started to keep uP with me. Now listen." He poked a finger at the tip of her nose. She resisted crossing her eyes. "We go in there and you act like sorne路 body. You understand? You act like the



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Wife of a man on the way up. You talk. You lf11ile. You perform." "You mean butt kis . " lt seemed her final act of courage for the evening. "Loud and clear." . The hard guy lecture spent him. Sometimes, after one of his episodes, he had fits Of contrition. At first she had believed the real Cooper was the guilty one. Now she Wasn't sure. ''Just drive please," she said. His word had snapped something inside of her. She wb~sn't surprised. Everything inside her was tittle. When they arrived at the Tarkington's Massachusetts Avenue house, he started to nose the car into the driveway to drop her Off While he parked. ''No," she said . "I'll go with you." l-Ie laughed now, superior to her fear . ApParen tly his tongue lashing had reinforced :~111ething within himself. He had to drive ree blocks to find a parking space. They W~lked through the darkened streets in ~1• ence, watching the big black limos l'IScharge their occupants in front of the arkington's house. p !~side, a black-tied servan t, standing imenously in a marble-floored vestibule ~reeted them and called their attention to a ~ctangu lar display of the seating arranges;nts. A table for twenty was illustrated. n e saw her name on a slip of cardboard aext to one marked Cochran on one side and ta ll1an named Brackett on the other. Hesin ntiy, she reached out for the cardboard a111e card ''J . w . Ust for position," the servant said, a of his nose-tip displaying his amused arrrtnkle tabl0 &ance. "There are nameplates on the e. '• Cooper smiled . It was too broad for 111 a ere tolerance. The servant stepped aside ~d Pointed to the heavily carpeted taircase tw er Which a rock crystal chandelier hung 0 stories deep. i(i~haken by her first gaffe of the evening, th fol_lowed him up the wide steps. From ll1i~· Sl!ffness of his carriage, shoulders wa tt~ry, as if his mother's stand-up straight he ~ntng still rang in his ears, she cou ld see lan/d mustered all of his resources. On the wou:ng _he stopped and waited for her. It host d stmply not do for him to greet the hin-. and ho tess and their honored guests by ··•Self · o f a woman st Mrs · .Tar k'mgton, at h'm wtsp



fraild beside her husband, of equal physical dresty. They seemed like two tiny overi(it Sed Puppets, held tense by taut trings. slac~OUld imagine them with their strings but '_two soft dolls, supine, limbs askew, sll1il:~~ll poised in their painted enigmatic

inv~et somehow the newspaper writers had aurasted their dinner parties with a special 111ov' das only words cou ld do. Something Pres:· them to awe, far beyond the unimhostetve Physical aspects of the host and Was ~s. An invitation to the Tarkingtons ed at Uch Prized. How that had been arrivalread was now immaterial since it had Y become part of the amalgam of

Washington folklore. The Tarkingtons, the lore decreed, threw an "A" party. "So good of you to come," Mrs. Tarkington sa id, greeting them with a thin dentist-buttre ed smile and limp, birdlike wisp of a handshake. "Welcome," Mr. Tarkington aid, offering an equally limp hand. Then, turning to a thin ascetic-faced man with brocaded dinner jacket and matching slippers, Mr. Tarkington extended an arm which, de pite it hortness, eemed to engulf his gue t. "These are the Whitestones, Mr. Ambassador. Kit and Cooper." He had their names perfectly. Kit felt her heart pound. The man seemed Ghandi-esque, dramatically mystical in his craggy face and long aquiline nose that rose out of his face like an angled fountain plume. Be ide him stood a tall full-bodied lovely dark-haired woman in

wa n't concerned with the cl the or haird or makeup. In that ategory, ·he wa urpri ed to note, he wa rea onably c mpetitive. omehow it had to do with the quality of her mind, he decided. A waiter offered a ilver tray, carrying an a ortment of drink , from which he took a gla s of white wine, dribbling some drops on her fingers as he lifted it. he couldn't imagine what to do now. Coop took a catch and tried to look nonchalant. He wa al oat a lo for direction. Thankfully, ochran' familiar flu hed face intruded, re cuing them. "Hey Coop. Meet the folk . " He led them around in his ea y downhome style, introducing them to the a embled guests, who shifted drink from hand to hand anq touched her icy flesh. She heard their voice but barely understood


she discovered at that moment that she had been secretly hoping that Cooper wouldn't get the job

a blue sari, greeting them with a full-faced smile. "Ah," the ambassador began as if the principal greeting of the evening would be theirs. "What a pleasure." The air of effusiveness seemed misplaced to their station. "Play the game," she caught herself thinking, warmed by the guests of honor and their well-practiced diplomacy. Their theatricality was compelling and their air of humility convincing. From a corner of her eye, she caught the brief ge tures of palmwiping that preceded Cooper's hand offering. It was his one nervous habit she had never invaded with criticism. Her own hand was icy and dry. Some others had come up behind them. The faces in the receiving line turned away from them and toward the new people. The performance was repetitive, as if a film had been rerun. The movement was abrupt but subtle, having the effect of a ignpost that pointed them toward a large parlor where other guests had gathered, sipping drinks. As she moved, she caught the ambassador's "Ah" again, in perfect replication . In the sudden jumble of faces, she saw some that were vaguely familiar, a if they had just walked out of the television screen. There was Hammerstein, the secretary of the treasury and Billings, the president's special counsel and Horton, the editor of the Post. She also recognized Polly Brackett, the society writer, whose younger face still peered from her column. She was as ailed by the sense of her own tackiness. She

their word , as if her span of concentration had uddenly deteriorated. A ide from those whom he recognized, the other name were barely remembered. "Coop's with me at the commi ion," Cochran repeated, displaying hi pro prietor hip. 'You look lovely Kit," Mrs. ochran said. Actually it was Mrs. Cochran, more than her husband, who provided the entree to this set. With her blonde hair and cool deep- et, predatory blue eyes, she looked the part of the waspy blue blood that she played with deprecating authenticity. After all, her family name did grace a Washington mu eum. oop could barely mention her without appending thi label, as if the relation hip with her husband inve ted him with some of the glory as well. "Here' Senator Banks," Mrs. ochran said sudden ly, her eyes shifting to the senator, past Kit's cheek. Then she hurried off with a gliding regal step to allow the senator to engulf her in a warm embrace. The pecked cheek seemed the only authentic ritual of greeting, an act her ob curit y denied. The guests had broken up into little conver ational groups. oop followed ochran to where the ecretary of the trea ury was standing and they eemed to be engaged in animated talk. She knew Coop was wallowing in this like a pig in a sty, an image which annoyed her, since it deprecated everyone. Actually they had all been e pecially pleasant. Even Mr . Cochran, who e air of elfimportance wa part of her demeanor, had Dossier/August 1980127



sells for next to nothing. Every item is Status II priced. Below markdowns. Below "end-of-season" clearance. Below reason. Of course, that's just what you'd expect. Because Status II always has the world's top designer fashions at better than sale prices. Even if they aren't from next season, you'll wear these timeless styles for years. Shop now. While our se!ection is its best. For the least you'd ever expect it to cost.

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28/August 1980/Dossier

treated Kit better than on previous occasions. It was herself, she knew, who could not seem to jump into the water like the other fish . Or the sty. Even her metaphors were mixed. The hard part had finally arrived, finding something to say. These people were ap· parently used to being part of the shoW· They knew their roles. How easily they per· formed. How smoothly they found engag· ing words to say to each other. She sipped her wine, but would not part with the glass, as if holding it bonded her, somehow with the group. "Delightful fellow the ambassador, so dashing. He looks like an Indian prince." ~t was Senator Bank's wife with her ingratl· , atingly political smile. Realizing that sh~ had not yet met Kit, she held out her han firmly and pumped it hard, her bright eyes shining directly into Kit's. It seemed a con· test and, as a symbol of her self-effacementf Kit's eyes broke first and she found hersel looking down at the blurring patterns of an oriental rug. Senator Banks' wife passed on to the others. Kit envied her, her coolness, her effl· ciency. She wondered if she could ever be like that, a true helpmate. She could see the bare bones of her "teamwork," which onlY exacerbated her own feelings of inferioritY· Perhaps sensing her inadequacy, Cochran came over. "It looks like we're going to share each other for the evening, Kit,'' he said . She fell his eyes wash over her, as if the blatant t1al· tery was essential to his rescue mission. "Swell," she said, trying to feign en· thusiasm . She would much rather have been seated next to a perfect stranger. "I'm so happy I could arrange this," ne said . "Coop's going places. It's time yo~ guys were shown off." He looked aroun the room. "A good group . The Tarkingto115 always have a good group. The best." "So I see," she said. Her tongue seemed dry, tangled. Worse, her mind was blank· "Can I get you another drink?" Cochran offered . ''A lovely idea,'' she said, thankful again• yet wondering how much of her inner tur· moil she had given away. Cochran's sudden absence left her standing alone and she tried to concentrate on the various paintings o~ the wall. She had no interest in them an could barely concentrate on what her eyed appeared to be seeing. Turning towar Cooper, she caught his attention briefly, ab· sorbed the quick squint of displeasure, thell• as if in response, she moved to the edge oP group, hoping that by seeming to join thefl1 she would appear less conspicuous. Having greeted their last arriving gues15' Mr. and Mrs. Tarkington came into tb~ room with the ambassador and his wife art dutifully made the rounds again, interr~P; ting various conversations, stimulati 0• small talk with the ambassador and his wif~d "Here's your drink Kit," Cochran sal holding the glass by its bowl so that sl1~ could grasp the stem. She nodded he gratefulness, and stood fo r a moment sipP'

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ing the wine, continuing to look at him, &roping for words. The people in the room seemed to be talking simultaneously. She earched in the empty caverns of her mind for a thought to articulate. ''Your wife looks lovely," she said final ly. But he did not have time to acknowledge What both knew was an empty compliment. lrnperious, perhaps. Lovely? No. The arnbassador's wife had come closer emitting a singu larly exotic scent, like peaches. "I will miss my friends. But one must exP_e~ience everything. Moscow will be exCllJng." Her words had the quality of being spoken before. Her accent was clipped, ~0 0d school British. She appeared to carry er own 'charm, independent of her husband, who stood at the other end of the room, lionized by a small group. ''If only she had that kind of self~surance, Kit thought env~ously, tempted l"okr the first time to speak. "How did you get 1 e that?" she wanted to ask. So self~Onfident. "What is your secret?" Indeed, :~Was what she wanted to ask everyone in . e room. Cooper, of course, would conSider it gauche. b "Dinner is served," the servant who had een downstairs now whispered to the &Uests, ushering the way into the dining ~oom. On the way in, Cooper caught up to er. Two rouge-like spots mantled his cheeks, betraying his excitement. IC\ •v•aking points?" she whispered, mstanuy sorry for her sudden bitchiness. ''M ake conversation," he hissed through ~1enched teeth, poised in a tight smile. So he act been judging her. h The dining room was dominated by a t ~ge crystal chandelier, under which a long ca le stretched out to its full length. A b~nterpiece of elaborate flowers, carefully orended into the room's colors, composed various shades of blue accented by 111 a auves and reds. Crystal glasses gleamed, anct the shiny plates reflected the chandelier i;d the colors of the centerpiece. Mrs. Tark0 &ton's gown, a pastiche of the room's coli~s, Was contrived to provide a kind of movceg sculpture which might have been sucSsfu] on a more imposing woman. th;he ~en stooped and held out chairs for &r ladies in a tableau that seemed choreoaphect. ~n such a setting, it seemed natural to be ·n l t•m· Oth Jdated and she wondered if any of the Set er ~uests felt that way. It was like a stage PI ' WJth the performers now taking their C:~ces. She felt like an extra, although ch ~hran's attentiveness in pulling out her PI alr bespoke a far better part. Cooper was anacect next to the senator's wife and re]Other lady, a dowager type, who seemed "oa. tect to an older man whose name and 1 ' Slt" 'W Ion had escaped her. do hen the women were seated, the men sat \\lawn . Cochran was on her right. On her left 1-te\a bald man with a pleasant jowly face. ,, elct out a pudgy hand to her. her~?? Brackett," he said, bending close to as I m the husband of Polly." His eyes, eacons, pointed to his reedy wife across

Boker accents to start or complete the room

of true quality . .. tastefully executed with the help of the experts from our Studio of Interior Design.




Dossier I August 1980119

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the table. "I belong to her. She's the brain in the family." It seemed necessary for him to continue, as if his presence needed some explanation. She knew he was inviting hers. "And why are you here?" his pause implied. "I'm Kit Whitestone. I belong to him." She actually pointed a bent finger in Cooper's direction, rebuking herself for what she decided might be a breaC~· Cooper, in mid-sentence, looked up at her 1n a half-scowl. White-gloved waiters in formal regalia began serving the various dishes and pouring the wine. Out of nervousness and not quite knowing how to proceed she sippe? her wine only to discover that whatever liquid was consumed was quickly replaced. Mustn't do too much, she warned herself, remembering an old scene at a New Year's Eve party when she had vomited on her hostess' rug. Actually the thought prompted a whole chain of past embarrassments, visible clurn· siness, wrong reactions, uncontrolled utterings. She watched the hostess pick up her first utensil in the orchestrated ritual. Others followed suit. The buzz of conversation rose and ebbed. She was not sure exactly hoW to direct her attention. "The Tarkingtons run a helluva table,'' Bob Brackett said, making much ado about the food. "This vichyssoise is absolutelY marvelous.'' He went on about various other foods. Obviously this was his method of social intercourse, carrying him throu~h many a meal. Also, like her, he was obhg· atory baggage and was carrying it off with good humor. In his family, Polly and h:r pen was the star. Well accepted in th 15 group, it was obvious that Polly merelY recorded and was never mean . . "Wonderful," she replied to most of hiS assertions about the food. She really wanted to ask him how he coped. But in this at· mosphere she feared any confidences. In· stead, she unconsciously sipped the wineWhen Cochran turned toward her, she felt he was simply doing the expected turn · The lady on his left was obviously more irn· portant , the wife of Horton, the editt 1r, whO giggled a great deal. She imagined that Cochran felt himself very witty. She wondered if he might try to make her laugh. determined that she would respond on cue· "You know I'm seriously considering Coop for the number two slot," he said with disarming simplicity. It's political and I'm getting lots of flack from the Hill and the White House to put in a patronage type. It'S tough to resist." Did he bring us here to tell me that? she wondered, feeling a new wave of agitation· Actually, she discovered at that momen: that she had been secretly hoping th 3 Cooper would not get the job. Now she fe!~ guilty for the extent of her malevolence, as 1 his career defeat would be her victorY· "We're a team," Cooper had intoned, the sense of which she had not understood corn· pletely at the time. Earlier, she had absohJl;;

(Continued on Page 8

30/August /980/Dossier


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Indispensable Guide to Area Restaurants

Fall/Wrnter 1980 We are pleased to present in this issue the Washington Dossier's first semi~nnual "Indispensable Guide to WashIngton Area Restaurants." Included in the guide are more than one hundred of the areas finest restaurants. Unlike Other guides you may have seen, the "Indispensable" is categorized by types of cuisine. We have found that ~eople who dine out invariably think ftrst of the type of food they wish as Alexander's Three Penthouse Restaurant '\lpenhof Alpine American Cafe Americus Apana Apple of Eve Ashby's Avignon Freres Barley Mow Beef Exchange Big Cheese Bistro Francais Bread Oven Broker Bultfeathers Cagney's Candelas Carvery Casa di Firenze Chardas Charlie's Georgetown Chez Andree Chez Grand Mere China Inn Claude's Company Inkwell Crisfield's Dankers DaVinci Diamondhead Dominique's E!Caribe Eskimo Nell's Evans Farm Inn Flagship

47 58 60 42 42 58 47 48 59 50 42 59 50 50 68 42 43 60 48

60 58 43 51 51 46

51 51


43 61


52 64

67 43 67

well as location. In conjunction with this issue, which we hope you will save and use as a reference, the Dossier is publishing a pocket-sized companion guide designed for easy reference and transportation featuring the same restaurants. These "Indispensable" pocket-sized guides will be available in September at your favorite newsstand for the nominal sum of 50 cents, an incredible bargain. Naturally, discounts G & G Italian Villa Geranio Germaine's Hamburger Hamlet Henry Africa Hugo' s Hunan on Capitol Hill Hunter's Inn Intrigue Restaurant Iron Skillet Jacqueline's Japan Inn Jason's Jean Louis Jean Pierre Joe&Mo's Jonah's Oyster Kitchen Jour et Nuit Kathmandu King's Landing La Bergerie La Brasserie La Chaumiere La Guingette La Maree La Miche La Mirabelle La Sorbonne Le Danielle Le Jardin Le Premier Le Provencal Les Ambassadeurs Les Champs Luigi's Maison Blanche Mamma Regina

61 61 45



48 46

59 48 52 52 63 49 66



67 53 45 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 49 66

61 56 62

will be available through the Dossier for bulk orders. We hope you use this guide frequently. It will increase your pleasure in dining out. Also, you can be sure, that those restaurants featured in the guide are both reliable and outstanding in terms of food and service. Below is an index of those restaurants contained in the "Indispensable" guide. Man in the Green Hat Marco Polo Market Inn Maxine's Monocle on Capitol Hill Montpelier Room Nathan's O ' Donnell's Peking Penthouse Restaurant Piccolo Mondo Ponte Vecchio Porto fino Rive Gauche Rudy's Restaurant Sans Souci Scotland Yard Serbian Crown


Szechuan East Szechuan Garden Tandoor Taverna Cretekou Tiberio Top of the Town Trader Vic's Trudie Ball's Empress Viet Chateau Watergate Complex Watergate Dining Room Watergate Pastry Shop


62 67 49 45 57 62 68 46

49 62 63 63 57 64

57 68 66

57 46

47 59 58 63 50 60

47 45

66 66 66

MISCELLANEOUS Meredyth Vineyards Metro Map Old World Market

68 41 64


rillat Savarin once sWd, "To invite someone for dinner is to take care of his happiness [while] in your home." This also applies to guests when you entertain them at a restaurant. Those hosts who comply with some simple useful rules and customs-a certain protocol, if you will-get not only the table reservations they want but that meticulous attention and good service they wish for themselves and their guests. These customs are not matters of who sits above or below the salt-indeed, at functions of gastronomical societies no salt is on the table. They are not immutable or chiseled in stone but rather are commonplace and commonsense behavior. If you are planning a party at a restaurant, it is important to make all your arrangements in advance so the maitre d'hotel and his staff know exactly what you want. Remember, a guest should not be concerned about anything nor ever have to ask for anything. If a napkin slips off his lap, an alert waiter should replace it without being prompted. Ideally, the wise host will entertain in a restaurant where he is known and feels comfortable. There are times, however, when this


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is not possible. Providing a host arrives on time at the restaurant, in most cases a telephone reservation will be honored. However, if the establishment is especially popular and the party-giver not well-known, it is worth his time and trouble to meet with the maitre d'hotel personally before the date of his lunch or dinner. To assure a good relationship, please don't ever call the maitre d'hotel, "maitre d'." The late Ted Bernstein, undisputed arbiter of English usage for the New York Times called this desecration of an honorable title "Catskillese." A leading author held his nose when hearing or seeing it in print and asked: "Would you address the skipper of the QEII as 'Cap'?" Assume you are planning a party for eight people, the ideal number . You should see the space that the maitre d 'hotel suggests and if there are choices, try to be as distantly removed as possible from the bar, the kitchen entrance and doors to the restrooms. Most good restaurants will rearrange tables, and some provide room dividers so that you and your guests can be partiaJly cut off from the rest of the place. Decide on the menu beforehand with the maitre d'hotel. To have eight or ten

SOl people ordering is to invite chaos. gu, Would you ask dinner guests at your home what they wanted you to serve or as! if a certain dish would be acceptable路路路 if t unless it were something like haggis? no If you want a souffle, be sure to tell prj the maitre d'hotel, and remind your waiter as soon as you are seated so the Of! sta chef can prepare the egg yolk mixture ab: well in advance. Then, at the last minute, he will beat the egg whites and ' un Wil fold them into the yolk mixture just tie before putting the souffle in a preWiJ heated oven. Depending on the size of the souffle, the oven time will be 20 to I Oft tas 35 minutes. Fe1 It is true that when gastronomical YOI societies as prestigious as the Wine and tai Food Society book a dinner at a resnu taurant (usually in a private roo~), ap1 they ask for and get a rock bottom pnce that is not available to the public. The I d'l eatery is glad to comply. Not only does dri the dinner provide publicity, it alsO cer demonstrates the skill of the establish路 ser ment's kitchen to gastronomical gurus ful whose taste buds are constantly being ou cosseted. lea The societies usually have a test d.inh d'l ner in advance of the real event, wh1C hir is impractical for an individual. wa However, you could have a meal with


some of the dishes that you and your guests will be served. If After the food decisions are made ~sk the maitre d'hotel (or the sommelie; tf there is one) to recommend wines. Do II n~t be bashful about naming your top If Pnce. No restaurant of merit will palm e 0 ff an inferior wine. Moreover, ine stances abound where a highly palat;I able import bought by the restaurant d ' Under unusually favorable conditions ;t Will sell for less than an American bot:tl~. But don't shy away from domestic If Wmes. They improve all the time and 0 Often beat European vintages in blind tastings. Ask for a kir in some of the il Federal City's best restaurants, and d You'll get as its base Sebastiani Mouni路 tai~ chablis from California and geI, nume French cassis. It is a first-rate e aperitif. e Be sure to agree with the maitre 路s d'?otel on the total price for food, 0 drmk and the gratuity of 15 to 20 perI路 cent to be distributed to those who s ser~e you. It would be especially cong fusmg at the end of the dinner to sort ~ut the amount and whom to tip as you 1eave. When you thank the maitre h ~:hotel, it would be quite proper to slip tm a ten dollar bill or two if the dinner h Was really fine, and if you plan to If

return to the restaurant. Arrange to have the bill mailed to you. Or, you may wish to open an account with the establishment so you may pay monthly. Book the dinner in your name to avoid confusion for your gue ts. You don't necessarily need a menu including wines with each course, but even handwritten ones are a help, especially if you are serving something such as petits coulibiacs de poulet a Ia Russe, which is cubed, boneless chicken breast and other ingredients in a puff pastry. For a business group, seating can be tricky. I recommend just using common sense and putling those with mutual interests either beside each other or directly across the table from each other. Of course, at a social luncheon or dinner for official or diplomatic guests, seating should be according to protocol, but generally a sitdown affair for friends poses no problems since you know who gets along with whom. Even with only four people it is wise to order for everyone in advance, so that no guest will be inhibited in ordering because of price. Some restaurants provide menus with no prices for guests. Moreover, the host will know what the total bill will be.

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When you make your re ervation, don't be too timid to a k the maitre d'hotel for a pecific waiter who ha served you well before. Keep in mind that you are the customer, and mo t of the time your good manner and appreciation of polite service will be reciprocated. Remember that throughout the lunch or dinner, you are the take-charge person: you are the one to object if the service i low. Allow about 20 to 30 minutes each for cocktail and the fir t course. Three-quarters of an hour should be about right for the main course and the salad that follows. Cheese and fruit or dessert should take another 20 minutes. Coffee and liqueurs deserve about half an hour. Be sure no one is rushed. You are the one to give the nod to the waiter who is serving you, so be sure to finish at the same time as your slowest eating guest. Above all, as Washington's own Perle Mesta used to say, "Relax and enjoy your own party.'' 0 Donald Dresden has long and wide experience in dining out and reporting on food. He holds a diploma from /'Ecole Cordon Bleu Academie de Cuisine de Paris and for seven years wrote a weekly column of restaurant criticism for the Washington Post.


The Cnrrect Way to Entertain Out

By Donald Dresden

A quarter of a century ago, Washington was not known as a luminescent exciting world capital. It wasn't called a sleepy southern town for nothing. "Public dowdiness" was the way one wri~er put it. After all, not long before, all It had taken to make Harry Truman feel elegant was a white cloth napkin! The chic people didn't move far beyond their homes and clubs, yet a feW restaurants did manage to make a social impact. We are not talking about the A. V. 's, the Chez Odettes, Blackies or Arbaughs-they were around then and now-and their very existence for o lo~g is a testament that they must be domg something right. In 1955, the Colony Restaurant, located on DeSales Street was going strong as a place to be seen. The elegant



The Monocle Restaurant 20 years ago. Harvey's "Miller" greeted guests for over 30 years.

Evans Farm Inn in /956.


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red banquettes and French service were something relatively new to Washingtonians. But Perle Mesta and other socialites flocked there for the continental ~ishes like sole bonne femme or duckhng . Alex Stuart owned both the Colony and Harvey's. Harvey's was located next to the Mayflower Hotel. Its marble floor, dark wood and the seafaring pictures

adorning the walls made a relaxed but elegant backdrop to seafood and steak specialties. It was the daily dinner place for J. Edgar Hoover. Richard Nixon ate there as vice president. Another seafood spot going strong was Jack Hunt's, on Pennsylvania Avenue between 18th and 19th Streets, N. W. It was a lovely and plush restaurant with red decor. Owner Jack

Mayflower Coffee Shop, 1956. Insert: Selections from the Presidential Dining Room Menu.


Monday, May 26, 1941


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Shrimp Cocktail. ...... . .... $ Onion Soup Au Gratin..... Beluga Caviar.............. Clams Casino. ............ Broiled Lobster.......... . . Salmon Steak...... ........ Rack of Spring Lamb....... Grilled Small Steak. . . . . . . . . Half Guinea Hen. .. . .. .. ... Prime Ribs of Beef . . ....... Cold Rice Pudding. . . . . . . . . Carmel Custard. . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Strawberries. . . . . . . . . Honey Dew Melon. . . . . . . . . Frozen Daiquiri. . . . . . . . . . . Martini..... ...... .. .....


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The Silver Fox Restaurant was hosted by Chris Petropoulos.

Historical Occidental Restaurant awaits renovation.

Hunt took great care with this special place-he owned a farm in Maryland where he raised most of the vegetables served to the 200 or so customers every night. It was the favorite lobster place for many senators and congressmen during the 1950s. Place Vendome was very French and very chic. Opened by the tempestuous Blaise Gherardi (who later opened the Rive Gauche in the early '50s), it stood near the corner of 17th Street, N. W., and Pennsylvania Avenue. Murals of the Place Vendome in Paris adorned the cream walls; crystal chandeliers glimmered; it was intimate and small with wood banquettes and elegant bistro. Chateaubriand and carre d' Agneau were popular entrees. The late Claude Bouchet was the first chef, and Jeannine Cusson, the first hostess. Jacques Scarella (Le Bagatelle) and Paul deLisle were waiters there in 1955. Jacques Scarella remembers Place Vendome well; it was his first place of work in Washington. Space was at a premium at the restaurant; there was no basement, and the hallways to the restrooms were the only places waiters could change. Many a society lady was shocked to find the waiters in their briefs on her way to freshen up. Le Salle du Bois, also owned by Alex Stuart, was vying for continental ambiance. It was located at 18th and M Streets, N. W., with high ceilings, chandeliers and a cream and blue decor-there was even a balcony for

Trader Vic's opened its doors 19 years ago at the Statler Hotel.

private dinner parties. A specialty of the house was chiffon souffle-patestuffed breast of chicken en croute. Flambeed entrees were also served, but nothing like the fireworks that went on the day Gwen Cafritz and Perle Mesta, bitterly feuding, both arrived with their guests for lunch. The thoughtful maitre d'hotel put them on opposite sides of the dining room! Around the mid-fifties, Fan and Bill's, a downtown steak and chops place, was sold. The owners, ever possessive, forbade their names or the same type of cuisine be used to open the next restaurant. What they didn't count

on was their manager, a fellow name_d Duke Zeibert, who learned from theJr mistakes and opened his own famous eatery! . The Occidental on Pennsylvanta Avenue was a popular restaurant. Th~ white, plain decor with dark wood ha f walls covered with photographs 0 famous statesmen and other notables. The food was, well, less notable, b~t Supreme Court justices, like Feh_.x Frankfurter, and senators wended thetr way there just the same. . In 1957, the Rive Gauche opened 10 Georgetown. Jeannine Cusson became the manager. Many of the present


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Chef and owner Jacques Blanc at the Le Provencal.



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Ermanno Prati's Rotunda Restaurant was part of our city's colorful history.

owners of Washington's fine French coming of Kennedy's "New Frontier." restaurants like Jean Pierre Goyenvalle Can we forget that Jacqueline Kennedy (chef owner of Lion D'or) Gherardi's put a French chef in the White House chef for 11 years, and Jean-Michel Farand was not afraid to flaunt her French ret (owner of Jean Pierre) learned the originals? Le Bistro also grew very popular at ropes there. The restaurant became Popular, especially at night, as the most 1838 M Street, N. W. Cuisine hourelegant and sumptuous dining spot in geoisie was taking hold. Exotic tete de Georgetown. The beige damask walls veau and couscous made their presence and maroon banquettes regularly housknown to diners like Pierre Salinger ed notables like Marjorie Merriweather and Ted Sorenson. Brick walls, antiPost and Joseph Alsop. ques and red and white-checked .~ith the advent of the Kennedy adtablecloths celebrated informality. rntmstration, things definitely began to The Monocle opened on the Hill in change. Suddenly an energetic, new 1960, catering to the Congress with Worldliness swept Washington with the good food and hefty drinks. Connie 'Yo~ng French chef, Jean Pierre Goyenvalle prepared specialties at the Rive Gauche, then owned by

BfalSe Gherardi.

Valanos still remembers the folks who laughed when he opened. He just celebrated his 20th anniversary. In 1962, Collins Bird opened the Georgetown Inn in Georgetown, along with the Four Georges restaurant. The specialties of the restaurant mimicked the likes of the English kings; George I liked chops, George II seafood, George Ill preferred continental preparations and George IV was a drunk, so the brown bar was named after him! John Glenn was a frequent guest. Stan Musial and Hubert Humphrey loved to dine there. Beef Wellington was a specialty of the house. Then, more and more place Washingtonians now frequent opened-Sans Souci, Le Provencal, La Nicoise- o many in fact, Washington would never be called a sleepy southern town again. And how have the restauranteurs seen it change? Robert, maitre d'hotel of Harvey' s, says service is not what it used to be, and price-wise, the food is "out of sight." Produce, whether fresh or exotic, is much more available the e days. The restaurant explosion ha expanded to all nationalities and cui ine . Chefs, besides cooking lighter di hes, experiment more and are more creative. On the whole, things are far more sop histicated, although Jacques Scarella, owner of Le Bagatelle, will never forget the senator who called him over several year ago demanding a nutcracker for his snails l - BETIE TAYLOR

Your Choice of Washington's Finest Restaurants Is Only Minutes and 50¢ Away By Metrorail Try French at Farragut West, Vietnamese at Clarendon, Italian at Dupont Circle or Chinese at Gallery Place. Many of Washington's best restaurants are within easy walking distance of a Metrorail station. Best of all, with Metrorail's non-rush hour 50¢ fares, you'll save money on gas a nd parking. And you'll have plenty of time to enjoy your meal because the last train leaves at midnight. So plan a Metrorail meal soon. And enjoy.

The Metrorail Dining Circuit


Silver Spnng Takoma




Fort Totten

Mon-Fri- 6 am to Midnight Saturday-a am to Midnight Sunday-10 am to 6 pm

Brookland-CUA Rhode Island Ave

Dupont Circle Farragut North

New Carrol~on

National Airport

BLUE LINE National Airport - Opposite North Terminal Cr~stal City - 18th St. bet. Clark St. & Jefferson P avts H~. &~~~\~~ lty -Hayes St. bet. Army-Navy Dr. Pentagon - At Bus Island On Concourse ArJIIngton Cemetery - Memorial Dr. East of efferson Davis R~~~~n - N . Moore St. bet. 19th & Wilson Blvd. Fog ' yer Dr. bet. 19th & Wilson Blvd. F gy Bottom - 23rd & Eye Sis. NW Marragut West-17th & 18th Sts at Eye NW ~~thhe&rsEon Square-Vermont Ave & Eye St. NW ye St. NW M~~~ ~eFnter - 11th , 12th. 13th Sts. at G NW F Sts. NW efve::.IJ~angle - 12th St. bet. Pa. & Cons!.

S~iWths&oJnlan - 12th St. at Independence Ave . efferson Dr. SW

L'Enfant Plaza -L'Enfant Plaza at D St. SW DOT Courtyard bet. 6th & 7th St. SW 7th & C Sts. SW on Mall Federal Center, SW -3rd & D Sts. SW Capitol South - 1st St. bet. C & D Sts. SE Eastern Market - 7th & Pa. Ave. SE Potomac Avenue -14th St. bet G St. & Potomac AveSE Stadium-Armory -19th St. at C & Burke Sts. SE


Silver Sprlng -Colesvtlle Road at East-West Hwy Takoma - Cedar St. NW at Carroll Ave. Fort Totten -Galloway St. NE Extended Brookland -Michigan Ave. & Monroe St. NE Rhode Island Avenue - Rhode Island Ave . & 8th St. NE Union Station-Visitor Center - 1st St. & Mass. Ave. NE West Portico of Visitor Center Amtrak Terminal (Union Station) Judiciary Square -F St. bet. 4th & 5th NW 4th St. bet. D and E NW

Gallery Place -7th and 9th Sts. at G NW Metro Center - 11th. 12th. 13th Sts. at G NW 12th & F Sis. NW Farragut North -Land K Sts. at Conn. Ave NW Dupont Circle -Conn. Ave. & Q St. NW 19th & Conn. Ave . NW


Baliston - Fatrfax Dr. & N. Stuart St. Virg inia Square -Fatrfax Dr. & N. Monroe St. Clarendon -Wtlson Blvd. & N. Htghland St. Courthouse - Wtlson Blvd. & N. Uhle St. Minnesota Avenue - Mtnnesota Ave. at Grant St. NE Deanwood -48th St. NE & Polk St. NE at Penn Central Railroad Cheverly - Columbia Park Rd . at Penn Central Railroad Landover - Landover Rd . (At. 202) at Penn Central Railroad New Carrollton - John Hanson Hwy (U .S. At. 50) at Penn Central Railroad


The American Cafe

Americus Restaurant

Selected by Washingtonian readers for the city's best soup and sandwiches. The menu also features special entrees, meal-size salads, ice-cream crepes, and home-baked desserts. Open seven days a week; complete menu served until 2AM weekdays and 3AM weekendsone hour later in Georgetown. Reservations not required. V MC GEORGETOWN: 1211 Wise. Ave., NW 337-3600 CAPITOL HILL: 227 Mass. Ave., NE 547-8200 Open FaD '80: HARBORPLACE, Light Street Pavillion, Baltimore. (301) 962-8400

The latest edition of The Fannie Farmer Cook Book stands as a testament to the worthiness of traditional and modern American food. And so does the Sheraton Washington's Americus, with its tasteful modern decor and American menu. Regional dishes are specialties of the house; the wine list is strictly the cream of the domestic crop. A pianist plays nightly. AE, MC, V, CB. 2660 Woodley Rd., NW, Washington. 338-2000. Open daiJy for lunch and dinner.

Nearest Metro Stop: Union Station



Beef Exchange Prime beef and steaks, served in a room that's a refreshing blend of upholstered chairs, green plants, and ornate cut-glass panels. There's a carefully-selected wine list, as well. The Amaretto cheese cake is memorable, satisfying to the spirit as well as the body. Banquet facilities for up to 50 available. Entrees $7.50-$14.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 101 Union St.(above the Com Exchange Restaurant), Old Town, Alexandria 549-8440 Dinner 5-11 PM




Bullfeathers Definitely Capitol Hill's "in" spot (says the Star's "Ear"). Weekends feature a NY Times/ Louisiana style brunch; Saturday nights, try the Maine lobster stuffed with crab. Desserts include sour cream apple pie or Haagen Dazs ice cream. The bar plays '50's music; there's also a sidewalk cafe. Free parking from 6:30. Lunch $3.75-$7.95. Dinner $5.95-$10.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 410 First St., SE Washington. 543-5005. Open daily 11:30 AM till 2 AM

Nearest Metro Stop: Capitol Hill Soutb


Indispensable Restaurant Guide



Cagney's The freshest seafood, the exceptional decor (paneled private booths, tables tucked away behind greenery and brass) and the compliments are making Cagney's the American restaurant in Washington. Eat lightly on the freshest swordfish or trout, or dine handsomely on cioppino or scallops provencale, beautifully prepared and presented. Sunday buffet brunch features champagne; parking at brunch and dinner. Major credit cards. 1 Dupont Circle, NW, Washington. (South of Dupont Circle on New Hampshire Ave.) 659-8820 Continuous dining Monday-Thursday 11-11, Friday 11-Midnight, Satunlay Noon-Midnight, Sunday 11-3 Nearest Metro Stop: Dupont Circle


Charlie's Georgetown A sophisticated restaurant/nightclub featuring fine American food and premier names in jazz. For dinner, try the prime beef or fresh seafood, and do have the chocolate walnut torte for dessert. Noted guitarist/owner Charlie Byrd highlights the main room's entertainment; there's also a piano bar, and big band music nightly in the back room. Valet parking available, Dinner $9-$16. AE, MC, V, CB. 3223 K St., NW (in the Waterfront Center), Washington. 298-5985 Open Daily 11:30 AM till 2 AM Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


Evans Farm Inn

Near the National, Warner, and Ford theatres, this is the place for American steaks, chops, and fresh seafood; served in cozy paneled rooms with beamed ceilings. Dave, the bartender, has been on the scene for 42 years and makes the best martini in town! Coat and tie. Lunch from $2.95; Dinner from $4.95. AE,MC, V, CB. 1209 ESt . , NW, Washington. 628-2330 DANKER'S WEST: 6th & School Sts., SW (between D & E Sts.) Washington. 554-7856

Gracious country dining, in an atmosphere that recalls 18th-century Virginia. The food is an award-winner; try the spoonbread, Smithfield ham, roast duckling, or prime rib, followed by a home-made dessert. Or, try the Sitting Duck Pub, for lunch, dinner, or Sunday brunch. There are also banquet facilities, a Country Store, and free parking. AE, MC, V, DC. 1696 Chain Bridge Road (at DoUy Ma~n Boulevard), McLean, Virginia. 356-8000 Lunch 11:30-2:30; Dinner 5-11, Sunday J.2..9. Sitting Duck Pub Mon.-Thurs. 5-11, Fri.-Sat. 5-12, Sunday Brunch 11-2; Entertainment Friday-Saturday

Nearest Metro Stop: Metro Center

Indispensable Restaurant Guide



Dossier!August /980143


Hamburger Hamlet Judged continously as Washingtonian's favorite place to go for hamburgers, The Lewis' Hamburger Hamlets are the places to bring family and friends. Their famous dishes include Lobster Bisque, Onion Soup Fondue. Zucchini Zircles, and Chicken Wings. Add a soft complement of taped music and exquisite surroundings to delectable food and drink, and you'll surely please everyone. AE, V. DC Washington: 5125 Wisconsin Ave., NW Bethesda: 10400 Old Georgetown Rd. 144-1037 Mon.-Sat. 11:30-11:00; Fri.-Sat. till Midnight Sunday (DC) 11:30; (MD) Noon-9:30 AM-9

Joe and Mo's American food served in a sophisticated setting with a friendly, casual attitude. Prime aged beef, fresh seafood, milk-fed veal, steamed lobster, and potato pancakes are some of the specialities. There's a varied list of wines to accompany them. The chocolate cream cheese pie and chocolate mousse are not to be missed. There's valet parking after 6:30. Expensive. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. U11 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington. 659-U11 Open Monday-Saturday 11:30 AM till11 PM Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North/Dupont Circle AM-10

Put Washington's Finest &taumnts In Your Rxket The Man in the Green Hat Proud of his well established reputation after just two years, the "Man's" offerings range from burgers, chili, homemade breads and desserts through delightful dinner entrees including Chicken Francais and fresh seafood. Praised by Washington's food critics, the "Man" is also famous for personable and friendly service, all in three dining areas featuring a fifty-two foot bar with a two-story wine rack. AE, MC, V, DC, CB. 301 Massachusetts Ave., NE,Washington. ~5900 Luncb Mon-Fri. ll:J0..1:30;Dinner Mon.-Thur. 5:30-11:00; Fri.-Sat. 5:30-1:00 AM; Sunday 5-10; Brunch Sat.-Sun. 11-3 Ntarest Metro Stop: Union StatJon

#/August 1980 Dossier

The Indispensable Guide will be available at your favorite news outlets in September. It is available by bulk order for associations and conventions. For further information call 362-5894


Indispensable Restaurant Guide



The Monocle on Capitol Hill


Congress and the media gather at the Monocle on Capitol Hill, attracted by the American and Continental cuisine (including crab Imperial, and Caesar salad prepared at the table) and the intimate, elegant setting. There's a selection of French and Californian wines, plus a home-made rum pie or hazelnut cake for dessert. The cocktail hour features complimentary hors d'oeuvres; private party facilities are available. Moderate. AE. MC, V, CB. 107 D Street, NE, Washington, 546-4488 Open Monday through Friday, 11:30-1AM; closed Sundays

Dick and Germaine Swanson serve memorable PanAsian dishes in a restaurant where the subtle earthtone decor is accented by skylights and banana trees. The seafood and charcoal-grilled dishes are specialties. The wine list is French and American, chosen for the spicy foods; the ginger and lycheeflavored ice creams are rare treats. Moderate to expensive. AE, MC, V, DC. 2400 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington. 965-1185. Lunch Mon.-Fri. 12-2:30; Dinner Sun .Thurs. 6-10; Fri.-Sat. 6-11

Nearest Metro Stop: Union Station





Viet Chateau

Only in Washington could you find a restaurant like Kathmandu: a small, intimate place with absolutely authentic Nepalese and Kashmiri food. (The decor is also Nepalese.) Try biriani, a saffroned rice dish with peas, cashews, and lamb, chicken, or shrimp, and finish with the rice pudding. There's a carefully-chosen wine list, too. Moderate. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1800 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington (Yz block from Washington Hilton Hotel) 483-6470 Lunch Mon-Fri. 11:30-2:30; Dinner Mon.-Sat. 5:30- 11, Sunday 5-10:30

The gourmet mecca for lovers of Vietnamese "Cuisine Minceur". The low-calorie and delicious dishes of Hanoi and Saigon are mild. Minh, the owner/chef has devoted one-third of his menu to the fiery cuisine of Hue, a joy for any lover of hot spicy food. Daily features include Flame-Seared Beef, Salt-Fried Shrimp, Friendship Firepot, Spring Rolls and Chicken Lemon Grass. Entertainment nightly and a large dance floor. Lunch $4.75-$5.75; Dinner $6.75-$9.75. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 2637 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington. 23~ Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-3; Dinner daily 6-11

Nearest Metro Stop: Dupont Circle

Indispensable Restaurant Guide




Dossier/August 1980/45


Hunan on Capitol Hill

China Inn Careful preparation of authentic Chinese dishes has made China Inn a frequent dining award winner during its 40-year history. The Chinese embroidery on the walls sets the stage for Pelican Nest, smoked crabs, or Lemon Chicken; there are also daily specials. Winner of '78, '79, and '80 Washingtonian Restaurant Award. Do try the fried bananas for dessert. Lunch from $4.50; Dinner from $5.75. AE, MC, V. 631 H Street, NW, Washington. 842-0909/0910 Open Monday-Thursday 11AM-3AM; FridaySaturday 11AM-4AM, Sunday HAM-1:30AM Nearest Metro Stop: Gallery Place


An elegant new Hunan/Szechuan restaurant, noted for its serenity by the Post's Phyllis Richman. Try the fried meat dumplings, Tung Ting shrimp, and tea-smoked duck, and don't miss the brilliant flavor interplay of the Hunan lamb and beef. The whole fish dishes will be plenty for your palate. There's a relaxing cocktail lounge that serves wonderful tropical drinks, plus banquet, catering, and carry-out facilities. Lunch from $4, dinner $5-$9. AE, MC, V. 201 D St., NE (2 blocks from Union Station) Washington. ~102. Sunday-Thursday 11:30AM10PM; Friday and Satunlay till llPM Nearest Metro Stop: Union Stadon


Szechuan East

Peking Restaurant One of Washington's oldest Chinese restaurants, Peking serves both Mandarin and Szechuan food in an elegant, red-and-gold setting. Try the crisp Peking duck, sharkfin soup, or chicken velvet, with fermented rice or rice pudding for dessert. Moderate. AE, MC, V, DC. DOWNTOWN: 823 15th St., NW 737-4540 UPPER NW: 5522 Connecticut Ave., NW 966-8079 Both open daily, llAM -10PM

In a prime location just two blocks from the White House, Schezuan East serves fiery Szechuan specialties, in an environment where grass cloth and green plants provide visually cooling touches. Shanghai shrimp, chicken in black bean sauce, Cleopatra chicken and cheng-chiang beef are among the specialties; fresh fruit makes a delightful dessert. AE, MC, V, DC. 1805 H St., NW Washington. 296-3588 Open Monday-Thursday 11:30 AM-10 PM, FridaySaturday 11:30 AM- 11 PM. Closed Sunday

Nearest Metro Stop: McPherson Square

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West

46/August 1980/Dossier



Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Szechuan Garden Restaurant Washington's original Szechuan/Hunan restaurant (it opened in 1973), and still one of the best. The General Gaus duckling and Szechuan crispy fish are specialties, and there's also complete bar service for before and after dinner. Lunch $2.25-$3 .75; Dinner $4.50-$8. AE, MC, V, DC. ROCKVILLE: 7945 Tuckerman Lane. 299-3525 BETIIFSDA: 7800 Wisconsin Ave. 652-1700 Both branches open daily 11:30AM-10:30PM CH-20

Trudie Ball's Empress Elegant, intimate, and newly redecorated, Trudie Ball's is one of Washington's oldest Chinese restaurants, as well as one of the few where you may have Peking duck without advance notice. Or, if you prefer, try the shrimp with hot garlic sauce, or sample the rest of the Mandarin and Szechuan menu: you can't go wrong. Banquet facilities for 200 available. Lunch $4-$5; Dinner $6-$12. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1018 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington. 737-2324 Lunch Monday- Saturday 11:30-3; Dinner MondaySaturday 5-11. Open noon-11 Sunday Nearest Metro Stop: McPherson Square



Alexander's Three Penthouse A rooftop for all occasions. The contemporary main dining room offers such specialties as Veal Francais and Beef Wellington-both large and small portions for different prices. All wines and cocktails are served in hugh goblets. After the theater, there is a light cafe menu, piano bar and dancing to big band music. Lunch $4-$8. Dinner $8-15. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1500 Wilson Blvd. Rosslyn, Arlington. 527-0100 Malo dining room: Open Mon. - Thurs. 11:30 a.m. -10:30 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 11:30 -2 a.m. Goblet Room: Mon. - Sat. 11:30 - 2 a.m. Free dinner parking In the building. Nearest Metro Stop: Rosslyn

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


The Apple of Eve Here, you'll find Continental cuisine, plus correct, thoughtful service and a unique, handsome decor. Fresh seafood and prime beef are the specialties, and there's also an extensive wine list. The Flaming Apple of Eve ends dinner with a flourish. Live music at cocktails; dancing after 9:30. Entrees $8.50-$14. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. In Leow's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel L'Enfant Plaza, Washington, D.C. 484-1000. Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner daily 6-11:30, cocktails from 5 daily. Nearest Metro Stop: L'Enfant Plaza


Dossier/August 1980147


Ashby's In the Washington Hilton, Ashby's features Continental cuisine in a setting of late Victorian elegance. A delectably juicy prime rib and calf's liver with gammon are the specialties of the house; there's also an extensive wine list. For dessert, try Ashby's Surprise. There's dancing and entertainment Monday-Saturday 9-1. AE; MC, V, CB, DC. 1919 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington. 483-3000 Lunch daily 12-2:30; Dinner daily 6-11:30

Nearest Metro Stop: Dupont Circle


The Carvery Part of the Mayflower Hotel, this is the classic good restaurant: Continental cuisine, with beef and veal the specialities, served in a private, elegant atmosphere. The wine list leans towards the French and American; the desserts, including crepes Suzette, flambe, and cheese cakes, are inspired. $6.75-$15.50; AE,MC, C, CB. 1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW (between Land M), Washington. 347-3400 Open 6:30 AM-11:30 PM

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North



The Intrigue

In the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Hugo's serves Continental cuisine for discriminating palates in a sophisticated room with a view of the Capitol. The turbot with oysters, lobster, mushrooms, and sauce nantua is memorable; the sommelier can help you select a wine. The dessert souffles are puffy perfection. A pianist plays during cocktails and dinner. Entrees $13.25-$18.75. AE, MC, V, CB. 400 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington. 737-1234 Dinner Sunday-Thursday 6-11, Friday-Saturday 6-midnight; Brunch Sunday 11-3

Barbara and Peter Laricos have given Foggy Bottom what it's always needed: an intimate, elegant Continental restaurant that's close to the Kennedy Center. The Intrigue features tenderloin Mediterranean, broiled rockfish au beurre, and veau a Ia Suisse, plus a rich rum pecan pie for dessert. French, American, and Italian wines com1Jlement it all. Perfect for after-theater dining. Moderate. AE, MC, V. 824 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington. 333-2266. Lunch 11:30-2:30; Dinner 5:30-12:30.

Nearest Metro Stop: Union Station

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

48/August 1980/Dossier



Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Jason In the Sheraton Potomac Hotel, Jason's feaures the kind of continental food Americans love, in a contemporary room where tableside telephones provide the last word in elegance. Try the veal Oscar, prime rib, or stuffed flounder; for dessert have anything wih the always-fresh strawberries. There's a list of domestic and imported wines, plus music in the Atrium lounge. Lunch $2-$6; Dinner$9-$15. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1-270 and Shady Grove Rd., Rockville Md. 840-0200 Lunch 11:30-2; Dinner 6-10; Sunday brunch 10:30-2:30 C0-28

Maxine's Restaurant An airy, casually elegant restaurant, where the eclectic blend of Victorian and contemporary furnishings sets the stage for remarkable Continental food prepared by a team of Swiss chefs. Try the interesting renditions of cuisine ranging from veal to seafood; as far as the desserts, anythings chocolate goes! Sip a pre-dinner drink at the mezzanine bar which is open till closing. Dinner for two with wine, $45-$55. AE, MC, V, CB. 2519 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington. 659-8220 Lunch Monday-Saturday U-2:30; Dinner Monday-Saturday 6-11 Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Les Ambassadeurs

In the Georgetown Inn, Les Ambassadeurs offers classic Continental cuisine in a unique, elegant setting of Chippendale with a touch of Chinese influence. Steak Diane and Veal Con Funghi are featured, along with a wine list that combines French, Italian, and American vintages. Moderately expensive. AE, MC., V, CB, DC. 1310 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington. 333-8900 Open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 7AM till 10:30PM; Sunday Champagne Brunch 11AM till 3PM

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


The Penthouse Restaurant

In the Quality Inn Pentagon City, this fme restaurant has both a spectacular view of the DC skyline, and Continental food good enough to draw your eyes from the windows. Try the stuffed filet of red snapper or prime rib, with a bottle of domestic or imported wine, and a Snow Cap for dessert. There's a pianist Sunday through Thursday and a guitarist Friday and Saturday evening; the skydome revolving lounge is one floor above. Entrees $9.90-$13 .95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 300 Anny-Navy Dr., Arlington, VA 8924100, x1454 Lunch dally 11:30-2; Dinner weekdays 6-11, weekends 6-midnight Nearest Metro Stop: Crystal City

C0-31 Dossier/August 1980/49



Top 0' Tbe Town

Barley Mow

Even the glass elevator ride can't prepare you for Top 0' The Town's breathtaking view of the Mall. When you look to the menu, there's Continental and American food, with the accent on veal, seafood and beef, plus a reasonably-priced wine list. There's dancing nightly, a singer and pianist on weeknights, and a DJ Saturdays. Lunch $3.50-$8; Dinner $10-$14; Brunch $7 .50. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 14th and N Oaks Sts., Arlington, Va 525-9200. Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sunday-Thursday &.10; Weekends &.11; Sunday brunch 11:30-2:30.

An exquisite olde English atmosphere and fine fare await you here. Thickly-cut Prime Rib, Beefe Devonshire and Filet Mignon are highlighted, as well as Lamb, Veal and Roast Long Island Duckling. Fresh seafood delicacies vary from the Baked Stuffed Trout to Australian Lobster Tail. Prices are reasonable, portions are generous. The desserts including Lady Windemere Trifle, are award-winners. Banquet facilities, non-smoking sections available. V, MC, AE. 700 Water St., SW (off Maine Ave.), Washington. 554-7320. Lunch served Mon.-Fri. 11-3; Dinner 510. Open for Dinner Sat. 5-11 & Sun. 4-10.

Nearest Metro Stop: Rosslyn


Nearest Metro Stop: L'Enfant Plaza



Tbe Bread Oven

Bistro Francais Known for its excellent French cuisine, as well as its raffishly elegant stained-glass-and-mahogany decor. Be sure to try the chicken en rotisserie or scallops en brochette. There's also an extensive list of French wines, plus home made desserts. And Sunday brunch features all-you-can-drink champagne. Early bird dinner Monday-Friday for $8.95 and a complimentary glass of wine. Lunch $4-$6.50; Dinner $9-$12. AE, MC, V, DC. 3124-28 M St., NW Washington. 338-3830 Open 11AM-3AM Sunday-Thursday; 11AM-4AM Friday and Saturday

It's "cuisine de farnille," at very reasonable prices. On Saturdays, enjoy our "Frunch" (a French Brunch). On weekdays relax over homemade pates, pastries or dozens of teas, coffees and cappuccinos. Dine to the delightful aroma of hot loaves and croissants pulled steaming from the oven. You can also take it all home with you. There are delicious reasons to stop by The Bread Oven. Even if it's not for bread. Most entrees $5.95 lunch; $6.95 dinner (includes salad). UlO 19th Street, NW, Washington. 466-4264 Serving breakf~N SAM; Ooses 10PM Monday-Satunlay; Dinner 6-10PM. Oosed Sunday. Major credit cards

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Nearest Metro Stop: Dupont Circle

50/August 1980/Dossier



Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Chez Grand-Mere

Chez Andree A relaxed, informal restaurant where the prompt, courteous service, French Provincial decor, and excellent French cuisine make you feel instantly at home. The Coquilles St. Jacques and Ris de Veau are specialities; there's also a comprehensive, wellchosen wine list. The Coupe aux Marrons is a delightful choice for dessert. Lunch $4.95-$8.75, Dinner $9.25-$16.75; AE, MC,V, CB, DC, CC. 10 E. Glebe Road (US 1 south past Crystal City to right on E. Glebe), Alexandria, Virginia. 836-1404 Lunch Monday-Friday 11-2:30; Dinner Monday-Saturday 5-10 FR-36

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


The Company Inkwell

Claude's Newly opened in Gaithersburg, Claude's features elegant dining in a relaxed atmosphere. The food served will rival any downtown Washington restaurant and will please the most discriminating P~ate: Specialties of the chef change daily. A spec1al B1stro menu is offered for those who would like a light snack anytime. AE, MC, V. 9021 Gaither Rd., Gaithersburg, Md. (Shady Grove Shopping Center). 258-0405 Lunch Monday- Friday. Dinner every night. Dancing begins at 10 PM. FR-38 I nd'lspensable Restaurant Guide

Enjoy the warm atmosphere of a small, elegant country French Inn, situated in the heart of Georgetown. A new chef exquisitely prepares superior French cuisine ... delightful food you would expect to find only at more expensive French restaurants. You'll love the hospitable service highlighted by the graciousness of Paola Blanc. Moderate. Major credit cards accepted. 3057 M Street, NW, Washington. 337-2436 Open for Lunch and Dinner and all day Sunday. Closed Monday. Perfect for before or after theatre dining

During its 10 years in the Washington area, The Company Inkwell has been proclaimed by critics as one of the area's top French restaurants. With intimate surroundings, you will enjoy such specialities as Pacific Salmon, flown in fresh daily, prepared with many classical presentations. Veal dishes are all made with p~ernium Plume de Veau; the duckling, beef, and lamb dishes are also expertly prepared. After dinner, ask for the house speciality, flaming Coffee Inkwell. 4109 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia. 525-4243 Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30-2:30; Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 6:00-10:30; Friday and Saturday 6-11; Qosed Sunday I

Nearest Metro Stop: Ballston


Dossier/August 1980151



Henry Africa

A restaurant no guide could be complete without. Dominique's serves classic French food, plus rarities like rattlesnake. The wine list is extensive; the chocolate Grand Marnier souffle is so good it's sinful. A $200 per couple special includes a limousine and a 7-course meal. Other dinners are $8.25-$18.95; the prix fixe theatre menu is $8.95. AE,MC,V,CB. 1900 Penn. Ave., NW, Washington. 452-1126. Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2; Dinner Monday-Friday 5:30-12; Saturday 5:30-1. Theatre menu not available 7-10:30

A totally unique restaurant, where an onyx and mahogany bar, handpainted murals, and a French parlor create an aura of turn-of-the-century elegance. The French menu changes seasonally and there are daily specials; so ingredients are always fresh. Accordingly, the wine list is extremely varied. Desserts are home-made and tempting. Moderate. AE, MC, V. 607 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 549-4010 Lunch Tuesday-Saturday 11:30-2:30; Dinner Tuesday-Thursday 6-10:30; Friday-Saturday 6-11; Sunday brunch 11-3, Sunday dinner 5-9

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West



Iron Skillet Award-winning French cuisine, served in an intimate, European-feeling room that's decorated with antique oil paintings. Start with the Clams Casino, then move on to the Scampi a Ia Firenze (with Danish lobster) or the Chateaubriand. There's peach melba with merringue or Coupe aux Marrons for dessert, as well as a select wine list. Lunch $4.25-$9; Dinner $7.50-$16. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 5838 Columbia Pike (BaiJey's Crossroads Shopping Center), Falls Church, Virginia. 820-3332 Monday-Saturday tlAM-lOPM; Sunday 10AM-9PM FR-42

51/August 1980/Dossier

Jacqueline's Restaurant Jacqueline Rodier has created not a French restaurant, but a Paris one that seems miraculously transported to M Street, with the antiques and memorabilia intact. Try the tournedos au poivre a Ia Parisienne or carre d'agneau roti aux herbes de Provence, with a bottle of French or American wine. For dessert, there's Ia poire Jacqueline. Lunch $6-$8.95; dinner $9.95-$15. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1990 M St., NW, Washington. 785-8877 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner Monday-Saturday 6-10:45. Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North


Indispensable Restaurant Guide



fLn u .•

0 7s~URANT


Jour et Nuit

Jean-Pierre If French restaurants can be measured by the eminence of their maitres d'hotel, then Jean-Michel Farret's association with Jean-Pierre speaks volumes about the importance of this sophisticated restaurant. Feui//ete de St. Jacques au safran is a specialty, as is the fresh fruit dessert souffle; the wine list is extensive and well-chosen. Expensive. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1835 K Street, NW, Washington. 466-2022 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2; Dinner Monday-Saturday 6-10. Closed Sunday Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut Nortb


Located in a 200-year-old Georgetown townhouse. Jour et Nuit is an elegant, intimate setting for superb French cuisine. You can venture anywhere on the menu with assurance; try the famous Trout Wellington; there is also an extensive wine list, and a full line of French desserts. A local magazine calls Jour et Nuit's brunch Washington's best; the private party facilities are also among the finest in the city. Expensive. AE, MC, V. 3003 M St., NW, Washington. 333-1033 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner SundayFriday 6-10:30; Saturday 6-11. Sunday brunch -11-2:30 Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


King's Landing

La Bergerie

5 beautiful rooms and excellent French food highlight this riverview restaurant. Try the Tournedos King's Landing, and select from the 90-bottle list. Or, go up to King's Loft for light fare served till closing. Tony Matarrese is at the piano; there's also a room for private parties. Lunch $4.25-$9.95; Dinner $9.95-$15.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 121 S. Union St., Alexandria, Va. 836-7010 Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30-2:15; Dinner Mon.-Sat. 6:30-10:15; Sunday 5:30-8:45; Weekend Brunch 12-2:45; King's Loft open Mon.-Sat. till 2 AM, till 11:30 PM on Sunday

A French restaurant that specializes in Basque cuisine, La Bergerie has soft lighting and comfortable round banquettes that create a feeling of intimacy. Try the Conjit de Canard or Pari/lade des Pecheurs, with a bottle of wine from the good, moderately-priced list. There's Galette basque for dessert, plus a pianist in the Biarritz Lounge. Lunch from $8, Dinner from $20. AE, MC, V. 220 North Lee Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 683-1007 Lunch Monday-Saturday 11:30-2:30; Dinner daily 6-10:30; closed Sundays June through August



Indispensable Restaurant Guide

Dossier/August 1980/53


La Chaumiere

La Brasserie Owners Gary Aubouth and Raymond Campet have created a charmingly casual French restaurant in their Capitol Hill location. Upholstered cushions and tiled floors set the tone for an ever-changing menu of daily specials. For seafood lovers, try the sea scallops or the crab curry. Homemade soups shouldn't be overlooked. The creme brulee is a standout for dessert. Lunch $6-$8; dinner $12-$18. AE, MC, V, SaveSystem. 239 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Washington 546-6066 Open Monday-Friday 11:30AM-midnight; Saturday 11:30AM-midnight; Sunday 11:30AM-10PM Nearest Metro Stop: Union Station


This country French restaurant is packed for both lunch and dinner for obvious reasons: the liver, quiche, couscous, blood sausage, and daily specials are just a few of the menu highlights. There's also an extensive, moderately priced wine list, and wonderful home-made pastries. On a cold night, get a table by the free-standing stone fireplace and have a warming Cafe Chaumiere. Two hours free parking at dinner. Moderate/expensive. AE, MC, V, DC. 2813 M Street, NW, Washington. 338-1784 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner MondayThursday 5:30-11, Friday-Saturday 5:30-12 Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


La Guinguette

La Maree

With an atmosphere reminiscent of a tea garden, La Guinguette offers superb French food and service. Add in the live entertainment, and you have the makings for a night on the town, without going downtown. Banquet facilities. ~$60 per couple. AE, MC, V, DC, CB. Gallows Road & Lee Highway (in the Merrifield Plaza), Falls Church, Virginia. 569-6323 Open dally for lunch and dinner. The owners are proud to announce the opening of the new Regency Restaurant, specializing in French cuisine. 6805 Springfield Plaza, Springfield, VA. 589-0099

The archetypical quiet, romantic French restaurant, complete to the mahogany furnishings and velvet banquettes, La Maree offers extensive seafood, lobster, veal, and duck dishes; the resident pastry chef's works of art are just that. .. Expensive. AE, V, MC. 1919 Eye Street, NW, Washington. 659-4447 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner MondayThursday 6-10:30; Friday-Saturday 6-11


54/August 1980/Dossier

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West


Indispensable Restaurant Guide

French Fine French Restaurant

La Miche

La Mirabelle

"There is that certain something we bring to our patrons. Be it the most delicate sauces, 路 the concerned attention of our waiters, the experience that is truly known as country French. We are a very personal restaurant and our greatest joy is having our guests leave La Miche smiling, because the food was so good." Christian Domergue, Owner V,MC 7905 Norfolk Avenue, Bethesda MD. 986-0707 Lunch Tue.-Fri. 11:30-2:30. Dinner Mon.-Sat. 6-10. Sunday S-9.

A small, romantic French restaurant where the devotion to freshness is so fanatic, the menu has been known to change daily. So choose whatever is recommended the day you visit, and accompany it with a wine from the list of over 100 international vintages. There are both table d'hote and a Ia cart menus, from about $9-$16. AE, MC, V. 6645 Old Dominion Drive (In McLean Square Center off Chain Bridge Road), McLean, Virginia 893-8484 Luncb Monday-Friday 11:30-3; Dinnner Monday-Saturday 5:30-10


La Sorbonne



Le Danielle

As the name suggests, La Sorbonne can be an education in haute cuisine. Try Chef Chaban's casserole aux fruits de mer or steak Diane in the relaxing, fire-lit room accented by brick, tiled floors, and green plants. At dessert time, try one of the baked-on-the-premises pastries. Moderate. AE, MC, V, CB. 2507 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington. 223-2507 Open Monday-Saturday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; open for Sunday brunch 11-4

Le Danielle is the essence of France, from its crystal chandeliers and European tablecloths to its haute cuisine menu. The chef takes special pride in the fish dishes, and there's an excellent cellar of French and the best American wines. For dessert, have fresh berries with sauce Sabayon or one of the home-made French pastries. Lunch about $10; Dinner $14-$15. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 800 16th Street., NW, Washington. 638-2260 Lunch 11:45-2:30; Dinner 6-11 daily; Sunday brunch 11路3

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Nearest Metro Stop: McPherson Square

Indispensable Restaurant Guide



Dossier/August 1980155

French An

intimate rendezvous on the West End.

Le Jardin

Le Premier

Relax in this cheerful, skylit California-style re.taurant with a fresh fruit daiquiri. Then move on to a choice of fresh food. Try the fish du jour (usually two choices) or avocado stuffed with fresh crabmeat or light french fare such as quiche, crepes, or omelettes. Fresh veal and a variety of hearty steaks are available. Lunch $3 .95-$7 .95; Dinner $5.95-$11.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1113 23rd Street, NW, Washington. 457-0057 Open 7 days a week, 11:30AM to Midnight and Sunday 10:45AM to Midnight

French haute cuisine with all the stops pulled out is what you'll find at Le Premier. The turbot and sole are flown in daily from Paris for Chef Roland Bouryat; the Art Deco, multi-level restaurant was custom-designed. There's a list of the best French, German, and American wines; desserts include souffles, floating island, and home-made pastries. Moderate. AE, MC, V,CM, DC. 1140 19th Street, NW, Washington 293-3220 Open Mon.-Sat. Lunch 11:30-3; Dinner 6:30-11

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North


Maison Blanche Le Provencal Skillful, uniformed waiters, an elegant room, and founder/chef Jacques Blanc's award-winning Provencal cuisine make for memorable dining here. The bouilJabaisse is legendary, and there are also daily specials, plus fresh fruit tarts for dessert. The wine list is international, including of course, many from Provence. You can have special requests on 24-48 hours' notice; there are also banquet facilities, and free parking at dinner. Lunch $6-$8; Dinner $12-16. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1134 lOth Street.,NW, Washington. 223-2420 Open for lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West

56/August 1980/Dossier


The success of Maison Blanche is reflected in its excellent exciting French menu and its elegant old world dining room. Located next to the White House it attracts famous legislators, foreign dignitaries, and other celebrities looking for the best in French cuisine. Maitre d'Hotel recomends the Mousseline des Trouis Soeurs. As a special treat with 24 hours notice you can dessert on Ananes Voile. Valet Parking in evenings. Reservations suggested. Dinner $25. Lunch $15. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1725 F Street, NW, Wasblngton. 842-0070

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West


Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Rive Gauche

The Montpelier Restaurant In The Madison Hotel, a restaurant renowned for the elegance of its appointments, old world service and spare-no expense attitude towards haute cuisine. Chefs of many nationalities skillfully combine superb ingredients with unique facilities which include authentic hickory pits and charcoal grills. Extensive choice of vintage wines. An elaborate Sunday Brunch. Lunch from $13.50; Dinner from $18; AE, MC, V, CB. 15th & M Streets, NW (In The Madison Hotel), Washington. 862-1600 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2:30; Dinner MondaySaturday 6-10:30; Sunday 6-10

A classic French Restaurant known for its standard of excellence since the first day it opened, receiving consistent praise from Washington critics and customers. Rive Gauche is recognized throughout the world, attracting the fmest international clientele. Specialties of the house include Cote de Veau Aux Morilles. And don't forget Lassiette De Sonbets Aux Fruits de Saison for dessert. Dinner $25. Lunch $11. AE, MC, V, CB 3200 M Street NW, Washington 3~. Open daily & Sat., Lunch 12-2:30, Dinner 6-10:30 Sunday Dinner 6-10:30 Free Valet Parking

Nearest Metro Stop: Fouy Bottom Nearest Metro Stop: McPherson Square

Sans "Souci Nationally known, thanks to the celebrities who frequent it, Sans Souci ranks with Washington's best French restaurants. In this 19thcentury setting, you can enjoy fresh Maine lobster, beef, or veal, plus a bottle of wine from the extremely extensive wine list. The dessert souffles are feather-light and utterly wonderful. Lunch $12-$13; Dinner $25-$28. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 726 17th Street, NW, Washington. 298-7425 Lunch Monday-saturday 12-2:30; Dinner Monday-saturday 6-10:30. Closed Sunday Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West

Indispensable Restaurant Guide



1789 Delectable French cuisine, served in an authentic Federal-period atmosphere that is at once historic, romantic, and formal. The Tournedos Black and White are a specialty; the wine list covers both domestic and imported, and ranks among the city's largest. Don't miss the strawberries Grand Marnier for dessert. Dinner $11.50-$16.50. AE, MC, V, CB. 1226 36th Street, NW (In Georgetown), Washington. 965-1789 Dinner Monday-Thursday 6-11, Friday- aturday 6-midnight. Cocktails from 5 PM. Free Valet Parking for Dinner Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


Dossier/August 1980157



Taverna Cretekou

AI penhof Welcome to the wonderful world of hearty GermanAmerican cuisine. Ample portions are served by a multi-lingual staff in a ski lodge atmosphere. Jaegerschnitzel, Schlachtplatte and Weiner Schnitzel are offered daily. A suckling pig is roasted each weekend in the frreplace. Try the homemade Black Forest cake, Appelstruddel, and Sachertorte for dessert. Live entertainment on Thur., Fri., and Saturdays. Moderate. Major credit cards. 1243 20th St., NW, Washington. 223-3794 Luncb Mon.-Fri. 11:30-2:30; Dlnner 6-11 Mon.Sat.; Sunday Bruncb 11:30-2:30; Dinner 5-11 Nearest Metro Stop: Dupoat Clrcle





Chard as In Crystal City one can find European romance at the Otardas Restaurant, with stuccoed walls, candlelight, and live gypsy violin music. Try Austro-Hungarian delights such as Oticken Paprikash, Wiener Schnitzel, and char-broiled double-thick pork chops "Tzigane". Accompany your meal with a bottle of Bull's Blood auf Eger wine and a Dobosh torte (a bittersweet 7-layer chocolate cake with a burnt sugar carmel topping). Dinner entrees $8.25-$15.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 523 South 23rd Street, Arlington, Virginia. 920-7892 Off Jefferson-Davis Higbway near National Airport Dinner only Monday-Saturday 5-lOPM. <losed Sundays Nearest Metro Stop: Crystal City

58/August 1980/Dossier

A bright, charming restaurant where the whitewashed walls and Cretan memorabilia give the feeling of being in the Greek Isles. Try the Ami Stannas, spring lamb with fresh artichokes topped with casseri; or the Exohikon, spring lamb with vegetables wrapped in f!lo, unique to the DC area. Recorded Greek music adds to the authentic atmosphere, and you will enjoy summer evenings dining in a romantic outdoor garden. 818 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 548-8688 Lunch Tuesday-Friday 11:30-2:30, Dinner TuesdayFriday 5-10:30. Open Saturday noon-11. Sunday brunch 11-3, Sunday dinner 5-9:30


Apana Restaurant Indian cooking has suffered several misconceptions. One thinks of Indian dishes spiced beyond comfort or that they're all curry dishes. Yet, the Indian kitchen is as versatile and diverse as any culinary art. Tithar, mildly seasoned Cornish hen makes a delicate, palatable meal. On the other hand, Bhuna Mutton is a savory dish of robustly spiced lamb. Khumbi Bhaji, a delicious vegetable platter, and Trout Kurlleachi give the traditional Indian menu depth and variety. 3066 M Street, NW, Washington. 965-3040 Dinner served 'til 11:30 on weekdays., ll on weekends -7 days a week. Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


Indispensable Restaurant Guide



Tan door Located in the heart of Georgetown, Tandoor takes its name from the charcoal-fired clay ovens used in路 many of its Indian dishes. Sample the Tandoori chicken, lamb filet, or shrimp, and by all means have Rusmali for dessert. There's a wine list, plus Indian beer. Indian music plays to add to this absolutely authentic dining experience. Moderate. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 3316 M St., NW, Washington . 333-3376 Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30-2:30; Dinner Mon.-Thur. 5:30-11; Fri.-Sat. 5:30-midnight; Sun. 5-10:30; brunch Sat. and Sun. 12-3. Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Avignone Freres Washington's oldest, most respected caterers are even more of a delight in their informal Adams-Morgan restaurant. Stop in for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and enjoy an endless variety of international specialities. The sinfully rich pastries, baked on the premises, are not to be missed. Moderate. AE, MC, V, CB. 1777 Columbia Rd., NW. 265-0332/7273. Open daily 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM; Sundays 8:30 AM - 4 PM.




The Big Cheese Proprietor Barbara Witt has created a place devoted to a food that knows no culinary bounds: cheese. You'll find it -in the Norwegian fritters, the Continental entrees, and the ricotta cheese cake with fresh fruit topping. She's also selected a fine medium-price wine list, and designed a casual art-filled environment. Lunch $6.50; Dinner entrees $11.50-$15 including appetizer or dessert. AE, MC, V. 3139 M St., NW, Washington. 338-3314. Lunch Mon.-Sat. 12-3, Dinner Mon.-Sat. 6:15-11:30, Sun.- Noon-10. Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Hunter's Inn Continental food, served in a skylit room with plants and paisley chairs. Try the fresh curried lamb, fresh fish, and aged steaks, along with a bottle of wine from the international list. And don't miss the chocolate mousse. Lunch $4-$6; Dinner $8-$13. AE, MC, V, CB. POTOMAC: 9812 FaDs Road. 299-4066 GREAT FALLS: 9835 Georgetown Pike. 759-9507 Lunch Monday-Saturday 11-3; Dinner MondaySaturday 6-10:30, Sunday 6-9; Sunday brunch 12-3


Dossier/August 1980159




Trader Vic's Pass through the East Island Tiki doors to the world of Trader Vic's, for years the name in Polynesian/Continental cuisine. Start with one of the reknowned rum drinks, and continue with ChoCho, butterfly steak, or roast suckling pig cooked in the unique Chinese ovens. There's an extensive wine list, plus Trader Vic's special rum ice cream with praline sauce for dessert. Dinner $6.95-$16.75. AE, MC, V, CB. 16th & K Streets, NW (in the Capital Hilton), Washington. 393-1000. Lunch 11:30-2:30, Dinner 5:30-11 daily Nearest Metro Stop: McPherson Square


Here is a restaurant that is true to its name. The atmosphere is rustic and alpine in character with exposed beams and a large frreplace inside, and a big, beautiful, charming Italian garden outside. With Italian food predominating, pasta and several veal dishes are specialties. Its popularity makes calling ahead for reservations a good idea. Lunch $3-17. Dinner $7-$11. 4770 Lee Highway at Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia. 528-7600. Open for Lunch and Dinner from 11:30 to midnight seven days a week. Free parking. Nearest Metro Stop: Ballston




Casa di Firenze

It's hard to say which is more attractive: the beautiful Northern Italian food (Ostrica di Vitello is a specialty) or the romantic, candle-lit atmosphere. The wine list is well-chosen (and the staff is especially personable and knowledgeable); the chocolate mocha torte is ample justification for breaking any diet. Two hours free parking. Entrees $6.95-$9.95. AE, MC, V, CB. 3280 M Street, NW, Washington. 338-0900 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-3; Dinner SundayThursday 5:30-11; Friday-Saturday till 12

Located just off upper Wisconsin Avenue, Casa di Firenze serves lovely Italian food in rooms where the stucco walls help set the casual, relaxed tone. Try the home-made pasta, pizza, milk-fed veal, steaks and seafood. For dessert, try the home-made cannoli and tortoni. And after dinner, head downstairs to the pub for live entertainment. Lunch $2-$5.95; Dinner $4.75-$8.95. AE, MC, V, CB. 3709 Macomb Street, NW, Washington. 244-8852 Open daily from 11 till .•.

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

60/August 1980/Dossier



Indispensable Restaurant Guide


G & G Italian Villa

DaVinci A favorite for Italian food, especially the Northern variety, served in a warm, open setting. Owner Tony Serra takes justifiable pride in the home-made pasta, veal dishes, and especially seafood, as well as the wine cellar. Don't miss the cappucino pie or zabaglione for dessert. Valet parking at dinner; facilities for small private parties available. Entrees $9.50-$13. AE, MC, V, CB. 2514 L Street, NW, Washington. 965-2209 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2:30; Dinner MondayThursday 6-11; Friday-Saturday 6-12 Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom

Try this relaxed, causal place for terrific Italian food (especially lasagna and manicotti), plus lobster and charcoaled steaks--but start with one of the generous drinks first! There's a selection of Italian and American wines, plus authenic rum cake and spumoni for dessert. Lunch from $4, Dinner from $7. AE, MC. V, DC. SOl Morse St., NE, Washington. 544-3767 Open Monday-Thursday 11 AM - 10 PM; Friday 11 AM - Midnight; Saturday 5 PM - Midnight



\... U \ G I' Ristorante Geranio Consistently excellent Northern Italian cuisine, served in a delightful renovated Alexandria townhouse. Start, by all means, with the Mozzarella in Carrozza, then move on to one of the subtly delicious veal dishes or boneless sauteed rainbow trout. The dessert tray is an embarrassment of riches, featuring cannoli, Black Forest cake, strawberry tart, and more. Lunch $4.25-$6.95; Dinner $8.95-$13.50. AE, MC, V. 724 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 548-0088 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner Monday-Saturday 6-10. Closed Sunday IT-78


Indispensable Restaurant Guide

Luigi's This famous family-style Italian restaurant, family-owned and in the same location since 1943, has become famous for the best pizza in town. Everything at Luigi's is home-made, including the pasta. Moderate. AE, MC, V, CB. 113219th Street, NW, Washington. 331-7574 4919 Fairmont Ave., Bethesda, MD 656-5882 6723 Richmond Hwy., Alexandria, VA 765-5900 Open Monday-Saturday 11AM-2AM, Sunday 2PM-midnight

Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North


Dossier/ August /980/61


Cn i1bl1shed 1911

Mamma Regina's Restaurant

Marco Polo

Those who are purists about their Italian food flock to Mamma Regina's for the absolutely fresh, home-made Northern Italian specialities, served in an intimate, relaxing atmosphere. The pastas, veal dishes, and seafood specialities are all home-made; the wine list, as befits a purists's restaurant, is strictly Italian. Desserts, too, are made on the premises. Lunch $4-$8; Dinner $7-$11.50. MC, V. 8727 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD. 585-1040 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner Monday-Friday 6-10:30; Saturday 5:30-10:30

Intimate dining with a Ventian touch. Start with the baked stuffed mushrooms or Mussels Marinara. Then choose one of the delicately. seasoned milk-fed veal or seafood dishes, accompanied by a bottle of Italian wine. For dessert, such delights as Zucotto and Mousse d'Orange au Grand Marnier. After dining, walk upstairs to the lounge and dance to the music of a fivepiece band, playing nightly. Inquire about their complete catering service. Dinner Entrees $6.50-$14.00. AE, MC, V, DC. 245 Maple Ave. West (Rt. 123) Vienna, VA. 281-3922 Open Mon.-Sat. 11:30 AM-11:00 PM. Ample Parking

Nearest Metro Stop: Silver Spring




Piccolo Mondo

A Georgetown restaurant of mellow charm, responsive service, and superb Northern Italian cuisine. Try the home-made pasta, veal, and seafood, accompanied by a selection from the wide-ranging wine list. For dessert, there's Nathan's own Irish Coffee or the simplicity of a cheese and fruit platter. There's local artists' work on the walls, and nightly dancing. Start or end your evening with a drink in one of Georgetown's most popular bars. Moderate/expensive. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. Comer of W1SC. & M Sts, NW, Washington. 338-2000 Lunch daily 11:30-3; Dinner Sunday-Wednesday 6-11; Thursday-Saturday 6-12; bar till2 or JAM

A place of elegance and charm with a superb cuisine. Fettuccini alfredo, veal or seafood are highlighted. A cart of tempting desserts welcomes you at the entrance. A superbly deco-designed Italian restaurant. Chrome and crystal make the bar and lounge area a visual delight. There is also a pianist for your dining pleasure. Valet parking. Moderate/ expensive. AE, MC, V, DC. 1835 K Street, NW, Washington. 223-6661 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Dinner 5:30-11:30; Saturday 5:30-11:30; Closed Sundays

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom



Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut North


Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Ponte Vecchio


Northern Italian cuisine reaches the level of an art in this elegant restaurant. Linguine with caviar, veal with truffles, and salmon in champagne sauce are among the specialties; white chocolate mousse, kiwi tart, and crepes Suzette head the dessert list. There's an extensive list of Italian, American, and French wines, plus a pianist during dinner. Lunch moderate; Dinner expensive. AE, MC, V. 2555 M Street, NW, Washington. 466-3883 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2:30; Dinner Monday-Saturday 5:30-11:30

Excellent Italian food and warm, friendly service, in a sophisticated setting with touches of greenery. The tortellini alia panna and scaloppini Sorrento are specialties; the weekend specials are chosen from the cuisine of a different Northern Italian region each month. The wine list is strictly Italian; the torta Italiani at rum is a masterpiece. Lunch $5.25-$7.50; Dinner $7-$12.95. AE, MC, V, DC. 526 S. 23rd Street, Arlington, VA 979-8200 Lunch Monday-Friday 11-2; Dinner Monday-Sunday 5-10

Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom



Nearest Metro Stop: Crystal City



Tiberio Giulio Santillo has created a warm, homey restaurant with fresh roses and beautiful paintings. Tiberio serves perfectly lovely Italian food. The agnolotti and fresh sole are house specialities, and definitely worth trying; there's also a monumental wine list that boasts over 300 bottles. For dessert, have fresh raspberries or zuppainglese. Dinner from $35-$40. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 1915 K Street, NW, Washington. 452-1915 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2:30; Dinner MondayFriday 6-11, Saturday 5:30-11:30. Closed Sunday Nearest Metro Stop: Farragut West

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Japan Inn A Japanese restaurant where the selections vary with the rooms. One is devoted to tempura, served at a bar. Another has hibachi tables where the specialty is teppan-yaki. In the third, try sukiyaki or shabu-shabu, served at low tables. Whichever you try, there's sake wine and ice cream with green tea liqueur. Lunch from $4.50; dinner from $8.75. AE, V, DC. 1715 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington. 337-3400 Lunch Monday-Friday 12-2; dinner Monday-Thursday 6-10, Friday-Saturday 6-10:30. JA-87

Dossier/August 1980163


Latin American

Diamondhead Restaurant

El Caribe Two intimate, friendly restaurants, with some of the best Spanish and Latin American cuisine you'll find around. Try the paella Valenciana or Marinera, with Spanish or Chilean wine, or maybe a pitcher of margaritas. Two hours free parking. Entrees $6.95-$10.50. AE, MC, V, CB. ADAMS-MORGAN: 1828 Columbia Road, NW, Washington. 234-6969 GEORGETOWN: 3288 M Street, NW, Washington. 338-3121 Open 11:30AM-11PM; till 11:30 Friday-Saturday Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


The Hawaiian atmosphere and delectable Szechuan Hunan,and Mandarin dishes make for an evening that's a delightful change from run-of-the-mill dining. Sample the Peking duck or Mahi Mahi, and the Mandarin Combination or the Triple Delight. Crystal bananas make an unusual dessert. Banquets and catering available. Lunch from $3.50; dinner $6-$11. AE, MC, V. 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW (in the Waterfront Center), Washington. 333-3940. Lunch Tues.-Fri. 11:30-2:30; Dinner Tues.-Sat. 5:30-10;Sun. 3-9; dancing Fri. and Saturday nights 10-3. Qosed Mondays Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom


Gourmet Foods


'bY Rudy's Restaurant Amidst a decor that combines different cultures, one can order dishes from all over the world. Specialties include veal sweetbreads and Steak Tartare, lightly seasoned and broiled. Along with the extensive menu that Rudy has compiled during his lO years in McLean, he will cook to order. (Call one day in advance for special dishes.) Desserts include such specialties as Bird's Nest and Chocolate Mousse. Ample free parking. Complete lunch $8.00-$10.00, Complete dinner $15.00-$20.00. AE, MC, V, CB. 6813 Redmond Drive, McLean, Virginia. 893-5023 Lunch 11:30AM-2:30PM; Dinner 5:30PM-10:30PM; PE-90

64/August 1980/Dossier

Old World Market Located just one block from American University, this unique gourmet shop features one of the area's largest selections of regional specialty foods from Italy, France, England, and Germany. There are 120 varieties of cheese, imported and domestic German meat products, both canned and fresh pates, foi gras, truffles, and caviar. The selection of wines is superb, with a large variety of wines from California vineyards as well as a multitude of imported wines, including fine vintage ports. 3301 New Mexico Avenue, NW, Washington. 363-3220 Monday-Saturday 10 AM-9 PM G0-105

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


setting so elegant, you'll know you've chosen one of the city's finest restaurants. Service so per onal ... and food so delicious ... you'll return again and again .

800 ixteenrh trecr at L.1fayern: Square Washingron, D.C. 20006 For reservations , phone 6)8-2260, exc. 276 or 283.

Serving luncheon and dinner daily, brunch on unday. !)

J<JHII, l.t l>.uudlt路

Personalized BANQUET, CONFERENCE AND PRIVATE DINING ROOMS: Over-looking the Potomac River. Facilities for 12 to 500 people. Specialized personnel to handle all requirements. 965-5252.

At Les Champs and In the Mall LES CHAMPS RESTAURANT: An informal bistro. The meeting place for Kennedy Center patrons. 338-3901 . PEACOCK LOUNGE AND GARDEN: Your theatre bar and favorite al fresco terrace. ESPRESSO BAR: Perfect for a fast snack.

The Watergate Complex WATERGATE DINING ROOM AND TERRACE: Elegant dining room and bright covered terrace for all day dining. Breakfast Buffet, Seafood Bar, intimate dining and dancing. For reservations, call 965-5252 (New facilities to open late 1980). JEAN LOUIS AT WATERGATE: A unique, exclusive restaurant featuring Nouvelle Cuisine, 12 tables only. Reservations required at 337-7750. WATERGATE BAR: The sophisticated meeting place. (New facilities to open September, 1980). POTOMAC LOUNGE: Afternoon Teas and Cocktails, piano music daily.

THE GOURMET SHOP: A gourmet food store with an old-fashioned soda-fountain. Take-home specialties from our three kitchens. Pates, cheeses, hors d'oeuvres, salads, etc. 965-5257. WATERGATE PASTRY SHOP: European Pastries, Wedding Cakes, Homemade Truffles and

Jhe)V짜'~ompkx @

2650 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington. Main phone number: 965-2300 Nearest Metro Stop: Foggy Bottom




Crisfield Seafood Restaurants

Serbian Crown A find: superb Russian food in an atmosphere reminiscent of a Serbian country inn. Try the bliny with caviar, kulebiaka (salmon in pastry), or veal Orloff, along with a wine from the 167 varieties list, or one of 28 varieties of frozen domestic and imported vodka. For dessert, there's Charlotte Russe, strawberries Romanoff, apple strudel, and dozens of other delightful confections. Entrees $12-$14.95. AE, MC, V, CB, DC. 4529 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington. 966..(i787 Open for dinner 6-11 daily RU-96

66/August 1980/Dossier

Every food critic in town gives it rave reviews, and you won't fmd a seafood lover around who doesn't speak of Crisfield's in tones of reverence. Sit at the raw bar, or take a table and savor baked stuffed shrimp, baked stuffed flounder, or crab Imperial in informal surroundings. There are American wines and imported beers, plus cheesecake for dessert. Entrees $7.50-$19.50. No credit cards. Ml12 Georpa Avenue, SUver Spring, Maryland. 589-1306 Open Tuesday-Thursday 11-9:30, Friday-Saturday 11-10:30, Sunday Noon-9:.00. Oosed Monday

Nearest Metro Stop: Sliver Spring


Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Esliimo Nell's Eskimo Nell's

The Flagship

Across from the Parkington Shopping Center in Arlington, Eskimo Nell's is a restaurant of the old time Alaskan style, complete with a saloon. The house specialty, Pompano in the Bag, is a seafood lover's dream-filet of Pompano stuffed with oysters, shrimp, and crabmeat. Along with the regular fare of seafood and steak, they feature an all-you<an eat Alaskan King Crab leg special on Monday and Tuesday, a prime rib special. Live entertainment nightly. Lunch $2.50-$6.95. Dinner $5.75-$24.95. AE, MC, V. 815 North Stafford St., Arlington, Virginia. 528-4300 Mon.-Fri. 11:30AM-2am. Sat. 6PM-2am. Free Parking

Featuring a gorgeous view of the Washington Channel waterfront, The Flagship serves seafood in a nautical setting. Crab Imperial, oysters Rockefeller, and a Mariner's Platter are specialties; there's a list of domestic and imported wines, plus fabulous rum buns for dessert. You can dance nightly on the Bridge Deck, or outdoors on the dock. Banquet facilities, children's menu available. Moderate. AE, CB, V. 900 Water St. SW , Washington. Reservations: 488-8515. Banquet: 488-8566. Lunch menu Mon.-Fri. 11-3; main menu Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 AM-10 PM; . Fri.-Sat. til 11 PM.

Nearest Metro Stop: Ballston

Nearest Metro Stop: L'Enfant Plaza



Jonah's Oyster Kitchen

The Market Inn

In the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Jonah's takes its name from both its menu and its open, European style kitchen. If you're not in the mood for seafood, there's a limited selection of Continental food, including rotisseried duck at dinner. The wine list leans to California whites, with some imports. And desserts run from KoKo-LoCo pie to profiteroles. Lunch $4.95-$8.95; Dinner $9.50-$14. AE, MC, V, CB. 400 New Jersey Ave., NW Washington. 737-1234 Lunch Monday-Friday 11:30-2:30; Oyster bar MondayFriday 2:30-6; Dinner daily 6-11

A 20-year-old landmark serving seafood at its best, with over 85 seafood and beef entrees. The dark, clubby atmosphere seems properly conducive to executive dining. For theatre goers, Market Inn is a must. The full menu is served till J AM Mon.-Sat., Midnight on Sundays. Live entertainment prevails from noon till closing 7 days a week. Free valet parking. Moderate. 200 ESt., SW, Washington Reservations: 554-2100

Nearest Metro Stop: Union Station

Indispensable Restaurant Guide


Nearest Metro Stop: Federal Center, SW


Dossier/ August 1980167





Scotland Yard

Beloved by generations of Washingtonians and knowledgeable visitors, O'Donnell's has been famous for beautifully-prepared seafood and extraordinary hospitality since 1922. Specialties include shellfish sauteed in butter Norfolk-style; perfectly-prepared vegetables and salads, and legendary rum buns, all served in a warm, relaxed setting. Free parking adjacent to restaurant. AE, MC, V, CB, DC, CC. 8301 Wi<lconsin A\'enue, Bethesda, Maryland. 656-(i200 Monday-Thursday 11:30AM-10PM; Friday-Saturday 11:30AM-11PM; Sunday 11:30AM-9:30PM

Capture a breath of the Highlands at Scotland Yard. Dine in a Victorian atmosphere of ornate woodwork, bevelled glass, flickering candlelight and colorful tartans. Bonnie kilted lasses will pamper you with such culinary delights as Finnan Haddie, Royal Stuart Quail with Drambuie Peaches, Aberdeen Short Ribs, Salmon Steaks, Scotch Eggs and Sausage Rolls. Traditional Scottish drinks, liqueurs, and coffee with freshly whipped cream will complement your evening. MC, V. 728 King St., Old Town Alexandria, VIrginia. 683-1742 Open Tuesday-Saturday 11AM-10PM, Sunday 11AM-3PM. Closed Monday SC-103







Jll ~.~!.~~ y t11

Requests the Pleasure of Your Company f,ltt 1~\ \. l'lllltli tIll~'*' 114 Jill ttl K\ 'l.tiiiiU\ hl\t'l't\111 ... \\tllllllrllk< \II<• " ' ' \l!ll•l(l I M\\11\1 \II

The Broker The Swiss flavor is deliciously different. The ambience is both elegant and comfortable. And the food, whether you sample it at lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch, or Sunday dinner, is quite simply unforgettable. If you're on Capitol Hill, The Broker is around the corner; if you're not, it's worth the drive--there's free dinner valet parking. Moderate to expensive. AE, MC, V. 713 8th St., SE, Washington. 546-8300 Open for lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat.; for brunch and dinner on Sunday

... for interesting and infonnatil•e tours of Meredyth Vineyards and wine~)' fo llowed by tasting ofit medal-ll'inning wines. Enjoy the beautiful counllyside as you drive to historic Middleburg in Northern Virginia. Then, jive miles beyond is a most specwcular view oft he Meredyth Vineyards and the rolling hills where the leading eswte bottled wines are ai'Qilable by the case or bottle at the winen•. At the Middleburg blinker lighttiu·n south on 776 for 2'12 1niles to 628 thence right 2V2 miles to the entrance of. .. MEREDYTH VI £YARDS, Middleburg. Va. 22 I I 7 Phone: 703-687-6612, 687-6277 Ui~

Nearest Metro Stop: Eastern Market

68/ August 1980/ Dossier



Remember . .. Virginia is for ;1 lo vers


Indispensable Restaurant Guide





Looking very much like a steely-eyed stag-line at New York's old Astor Ballroom , ~re Michael Barnes, Dale Dulaney and David Ellsworth in proper formal attire or opening night.

Washington, the Hollywood East,

~as a perfect setting for "Zelda and / 0 tt,"

the perfectly forgettable exhibiNon_ of Fitzgerald memorabilia at the at•onal Portrait Gallery. Some of the ~~ltists took the subject seriously and a r_ew themselves into the proper flapper tttre for the formal opening. l'he Fitzgeralds, the beautiful people

Nan Socolow, Mary Yeats and Frank Van Riper view some of the Fitzgerald memorabilia being proudly displayed by the Portrait Gallery.

of the Jazz Age, would have fitted here, their showiness making them the toast of the town and swelling the society columns with their latest madcap silliness. How beautiful, how talented and daring they were is a matter of definition. At best, you feel sorry for them, for their wasted passions, promise and potential. Unfortunately, the numerous portraits, photographs, manuscripts, notebooks and other memorabilia do not provide any special insights into

their mystifying lives and souls. Nevertheless, the jazz band and the buffet were terrific. The crowd of uninhibited youngsters, not touched by sentimentality or reverence, smartly repaired to the rotunda, danced and had the best of times. Zelda and Scott would have adored being with them. One wonders, how the Fitzgeralds' only daughter, who was at the opening with her daughter in tow, felt about the evening. -VIOLA DRATH

Dossier/August 1980/69



"It absolutely killed me to have to say 'no'" sighed Evelyn DiBona, chairman of the Opera Society's hard-working Women's Committee. Their "Bat d'Ete" sold out at $160 per ticket and more than 200 would-be patrons had to be turned away. The nearly 700 who did make it to the French Embassy for the Committee's annual fundraiser (this year's take was around $140,000.) were warmly welcomed by French Ambassador and Mme. de Laboulaye, Washington Opera Society director Martin Feinstein, and Henry Kissinger (lion of the evening by all odds), escorting his wife Nancy who was making her debut as a ball chairman. Chairman of the Opera Society's Board of Trustees, Mrs. William T. Hunter, wore a 150-year-old family heirloom of creamy satin with tatted lace inserts. Gwen Cafritz, once one of the city's hostesses with the mostest watched from the sidelines, swathed in a pale blue Mollie Parnis. Platters of French cheeses and mounds of strawberries were everywhere ... while the finest French champagne flowed, its bubbles echoed in the imaginative clusters of pale yellow balloons adorning each tent post - all part of "Bloomie's" elegantly understated decor. 70/August /9801Dossier

Ulla Wachtmelster, wife of the Swedish Ambassador, headed toward the dance floor with Treasury Secretary G. William Miller.

The Guy Martins were among more than 70째 celebrants at the Opera Ball.

Henry the K answered politically- until long past one o'clock. "l think 1 oriented questions "No, I'm not know why everybody danced so mucll wondering about coming back to Foggy and so long," said Evelyn DiBonaBottom as Ronald Reagan's secretary " We purposely didn't have quite of state, (because he hasn 't asked me, enough seats at the tables for every?ne A.rnb to sit down!" The formula certainlY ltadc but I'll support him!)." crow Music was still wafting through the worked. - AN E B Ll~ 1~ "'----.:. usually staid Kalorama neighborhood

If! ./

A.rnbass d llado a or of Spain and Mrs. Jose Making a rare appearance at a charity ball , Rep. Sid Former CIA director Dick Helms and Crowd ~anaged to tango despite the Yates admired his wife's expertise on the dance Edwina Charyk respond to the evening ' s hi0 dancers in the huge ten t. floor. larity . Dossier/August /980171



Although not many people know it, altar-bound couples in Congress now enjoy a "perk" no taxpayer can object to. Since August 26, 1972 when Representative AI Ullman of Oregon wed his Audrey there, the tiny, intimate Prayer Room in the Capitol, once used only for meditation and prayer, has become a favorite marrying place. The Prayer Room-turned-marriage c.hapel is a P7rfect pla~e for a small, int1mate weddmg at whtch the House or Senate Chaplain officiates. Outside the wedding party, there is room for only eight persons seated, or the bridal couple may opt to have 30 standees instead. The Ullmans were the first of only eight couples who have been married there by then House Chaplain Edward Latch. In our picture they recall their




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permission to be married in the Prayer Room," jokes Ullman. "Then Speaker Carl Albert was a stickler for rules. Bul after I spoke to the House Parliamen· tarian and the House Chaplain, he said


the • (to tl O.K." contt l5 ~ Audrey Ullman had worked for tWO lhe y ~ other congressmen before she went to Sa ~ work for the powerful chairman of the bet f House Ways and Means Committee· I ero ~ "We had become good friends Ion& lhe t ~ before we dated," she says. She band ~ thought she knew everything there was :~~ f lJ to know about Capitol Hill but was 'YI]s, it The Prayer Room in the Capitol on the amazed to discover the rigors and dere< shared experience with Rep. Bob frustrations of campaigning in 21 coun· hairc Wilson of California and Shirley who ties (three-qu arters of the state of ed h1 exchanged vows there on May 16, 1974 Oregon) for her husband, who for the by t~ ~ ~

and Alabama Representative Bill first time has formidable opposition Dickinson who wed Barbara Hunter this fall. A bouncy outgoing blonde with 3 there on March 10, 1977. It was a seclovely singing voice, Audrey's serioUS ond marriage for all six. "Nobody ever said it was easy to get outside commitment is to the Multiple

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At Rep. AI Ullman and Audrey's party honoring retired House Chaplain Edward Latch are Shirley and Rep. Bob Wilson and Barbara and Rep. Bill Dickinson. All three couples were wed by Latc h in the Prayer Room.

711August /980/Dossier

Gerti him;




tyer Sclerosis Society whose coveted Hope tker Chest Award will be presented to her in But August. Last year her chairmanship of 1en路 the ociety's first Ambassadors' Ball 5aid Ito thank the Diplomatic Corps for its contributions to local charities through tWO the Years) netted $111,000 for MS. t to San Diegan Shirley Wilson had never the let foot in Washington until the day tee- before her wedding, but now she hates ong the thought of leaving when her husSht band retires this year after 14 terms on was th~ Bill. A divorcee, she met Rep Bob was Wtlson, also divorced, when he wanand dered into the men's area of one of the .un路 hairdressing salons she owned and askof ect her advice on what to do about his the by then unstylish crew cut. tioO . One thing Shirley Wilson won't miss 18 campaigning. "It is degrading, de3 h illora)izing and shocking to have a man ous Who has served his district well for 28 iple Years have to shake hands in superillarkets and parking lots. Old pros Shouldn't have to do it." Shirley Wilson has made a mark on Washington with her annual chili Cookoffs run for the Congressional Club with ambassadors judging (and ~ati~g) the results, while her. St. hatnck's Day parties at the Wtlson 0 tne here have become an eagerly awaited annual event. The Wilsons will s~ay on in Washington until they build 1 . eir dream house in San Diego and in~tte their Washington friends out for 0 Use parties. WBarbara Hunter had been working in ashington several years, but was a Stranger to Congress when she married ~ePublican Bill Dickinson in the Prayer 0 om three years ago. "Are you sure Yo_u really want to go through with lhts?" Dr. Latch teased her before the Service in the tiny chapel. S Now, her entire lifestyle is different. he loves campaigning, plans to cover 13 b counties in her husband's district Detween September 15 and Election hay路 ~here there is a hand to shake, er fnends joke, Barbara is there to h s ake it. "I'm on a high when 50 people ~day let me know what a good job Bill 18 doing." The wonder of it all is that She still manages to hold down a job as Sales coordinator for a local insurance company.

1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, N .W. In Georgetown, Washington, D.C. 20007 (202) 338-2500

b And here's a hopeful tidbit for you achelor girls out there. The DickinSons met at a blind date dinner party ar~ng~d for them by a mutual friend, h.ertte McLaughlin . Even so, it took trn a month and a half to get around to Calling her for a date. -SONIA ADLER Dossier/August 1980173


1. Rep. Don Bonker shows Mount St. Helen ' s eruption to we ~ tial Assistant Alonzo McDonald and Ambassador Peter TO ner 2. Bob Strauss and Secretary Charles Duncan conserve e ~ sill 0IV 1 3. Frank Moore and DNC Chairman John White were pen ~elllt 4. Even Stu Eisenstat (right), here with Deputy Treasury secre Wash Robert Carswell , crawled out for the evening. ~ack 5. Sen. Chuck Percy and Justice Potter Stewart got serious gou~· P•' 6. Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus congratulates the Ro Yal ~al ad ian Mounted Pollee Band , flown here from Canada for the lr01l1 1 '~~as t Obser Peter

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Builder-realtor Jerome Kaplan and his wife Deena, (far right) co-chairmen of the Israeli In- Suellen Estrin, who has worked on severa 9 llPe 11 dependence Ball , greet Ambassador and Mrs. Evron and special honoree Gene Kelly at one Independence Balls, takes to the floor tor ~ of Wash ington 's largest balls. with developer-banker Leo Bernstein.

74/ August/980/Dossier

Charter Your Own DreamYacht

pres A ·rowe'\



often do you have at one gathering top

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secre' f./embers of the Carter administration,

ashington State Representatives McCor· Banker exhibiting ashes from the i0~ 5 111lount St. Helen's volcanic eruption and offer0yal·j ~Pictures of the event and, as a bonus, the the f fr al Canadian Mounted Police Band flown In '11om Canada especially for the occasion. Such as the comment of Francie Smoak as she the scene at Canadian Ambassador Towe and his wife Carol's garden party. ga hundred lucky guests graced the beautiful E/den~ in the crystalline summer weather. Duen With a call for a vote on the Hill, Senators retrenberger and Percy barely missed a beat, 'l\gurning quickly to enjoy the rest of the evenCo· Secretary of the Navy Hidalgo was being Or~gratulated on all sides for his stand on the Pr I. Barbara Blum, deputy head of EPA and lh:~idential Assistant Frank Moore revealed for l~ey had both been making mental plans So QOing back to Georgia after the election. entundary problems, pollution, energy and drug thoOrcement were topics of conversation as lhe~e dealing with these decisions got off on ag ; own to discuss the issues, proving once ro~ n that a Washington party is more than Is the eye.

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Luxurious bareboat yacht charters , hourly (m in. 4 hours) , and daily on the Ch esapeake Bay from Annapolis . ... Especially for corporate entertaining, any and all special occasions. For information on getting away from it all, call ...

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ISRAEL'S 32ND lhe 1

3<nd sraef.llndependence Ball to celebrate the Of 1 anniversary of the creation of the state t~a~rael ~ame some two months after the acbau ann1versary, but the more than 1,100 fllln~oers (most of whom had bought a did ~um of $3,500 In Israel bonds In 1980) basn t seem to mind. It was, said Israeli Am'Na s~~or Evron, the second largest ball in ~P~ lngton history. Builder-realtor Jerry spec?n and wife Deena, co-chairmen, greeted Civu'a 1• guests Attorney General Benjamin A.rth ettl, Virginia Lt. Gov. Chuck Robb, Dr. Sen~t Burns, Bernard Kalb, and their wives. Stor or H~yakawa and his date danced up a arr,b~' While Rep. Millicent Fenwick and the rnostlssadors of a dozen other countries Winney Watched. This year's special honorees, suPer~~ of the Israeli Friendship awards, were lime f . ars Ann Miller and Gene Kelly, long· nends of Israel.

Dossier/August 1980175

--~t.___Those who know Washington say it has many great restaurants. Those who know great restaurants say it has only one.

Haute cuisine in the EUiopean tradition of service. In the Madison Hotel 15th and M Sts., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Reservations suggested (202) 862-1600 Free interior parking :Jarshall B. Coyne, Proprietor

Manufacturers of Quality Architectural Woodwork Since 1950

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Ever since they held their first ball !~ 1963, the Board o f the Travelers N Society has prided itself on searchinl out unusual locales, most of them a~ propriately travel-oriented, for the'~ annual fundraisers- Dulles Airpor (with cocktails inside the first 747 jet to land there), Union Station, the Na· tiona! Zoo, the Wax Museum, tht Dalecarlia waterworks to name a fe11 ' Their 1980 event was the first-eve! charity ball to be held in the handson~~ penthouse atop the new Hubert Hurn~ 1 rey Building (Joe Califano, while chte HEW honcho staged an inhouse square dance but that doesn't count) . Guests cocktaiJjng in the large tobb; under the newly-hung portraits of P~5 1 HEW secretaries learned to their diS' t Altr1 may that the bureaucrats were rnor~ ~~ P than obeying President Carter's rult,~~~ about keeping government buildings 3 a low of 78 degrees. Once topside, hO~'· ever, they forgot the heat while adrntr' ing the spectacular views from the pen~: house windows of the Capitol, was ington Monument and the Lincoln Ment· orial bathed in moonlight. Travelers Aid has a loyal foUowin8 Betty Osgood and Jan Brand, c~: chairmen for the evening, headed se era! other ball committees in the past· Mary Munroe, food chairman, an r Betty Lou Ourisman, flower arrange extraordinaire, were back this year· The party brought out former Secreta~~ of State Bill Rogers and his wife, t Potter Stewarts (she's on the boa~1l· Judge Bill Drennen and his Wl '; longtime supporters Harold Fangbo11~1 Jan , and Jean, the John Firestones, 1r· Paul~ Walker Lewises, and that happy fo~ some, the Paul Rogers and their go 1 friends the Taz Shepards. ForJll', Transportation Secretary Brock Adll~ was being congratulated on the c?, scientious job his wife Betty was dottl! as vice-chairman of the board. a The crowd was smaller this ye~· (under 300) but went first class all 1d way, including Mike Carney's bal1 8 Jack Logan showed the young waiter~~ his table how to pour wine frorn t , bottle without spilling it and Nail'; Shipley, Pat Munroe and Anne Bra"ee man helped the staff flambe the bat1e nas-with-ice-cream at the buffet tabl 0 The Ball Committee even turned 0~, attractive travel logs for guests to tll 'trner , on their vacations this summer. /e - D OROTHY M~.....__






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Joan Mondale's Gloria Sach's costuf11 contrasts sharply with designer perrY Ellis' "American spirit" look.

No 1\Nrs PLEASE There were no ants in sight as the Weavers, the Henry Winstons, author Carol Cutler and Walter with Alice De Angelo tasted lobster and terrines of pigeon, duck and rabbit IGthe Nick Salgos' anything-but-rustle plc~d颅 The idea was to usher in summer, a Ia able thought. Also present to check the ceedings were Chief of Protocol ValdeZ his wife Margarita and Moroccan bassador All Bengelloun. (Right), Forrest, Mrs. Robert Barry and N with Chef Klaus Helmln (right) sam picnic for "The Cloob" members at Louis In the Watergate. Said Maggie salt as she sipped a klr, "I'm for g basketeerlng."

One stop consignment ( for better quality men's, women's and children's clothing & accessories 337-3072

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428 N. Columbus Old Town路Aiex

Meredith Homet, Ann Hand and on wa itress Kathy Douglas helped serve

~ASHION AT KIDDIES M USEUM Joan Mondale was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Ernie and Henry Marx to announce a Perry Ellis fash ion Show on September 14th sponsored by Saks-Jandel to benefit the Ch ildren 's Museum. Among the guests were lllernbers of the Saks-Jandel Fashion Board.

C HflRLIE'S BACK Jazz lovers from the White House, Capitol Hill and the media were among 700 well-w ishers who thronged to the Georgetown waterfront to ring in Charlie Byrd's newest emporium. Local celebs acted as waiters, waitresses and helpers to launch the Indefat igable jazz guitarist's latest venture In dining, dancing, and jazz. The club has a host of investors and limited partners including Robert Martin, John Safer, Barrett Linde, Ron Nessen, and Bess Abell.

Dossier/A ugust / 980179

Ge cy


bo Wi rni h



(Above) Charlie Camalier enjoys a quiet mo路 ment with Argie Dudley, a native Dominican. (Right) Dominican Ambassador Enriqu illo del Rosario dances with Carmen Kreeger to the strains of a Latin gu itarist.

"RICKY" ENTERTAINS The lovely old mansion which has been home to ambassadors of the Dominican Republic for years was thrown open by "Ricky" del Rosario for an evening with friends. The Ambassador, resplendent in fire engine red jacket and plaid pants, greeted his hundred guests to what he billed as a "buffet and disco.'' He delivered both-an indigenous Dominican table of native culinary art in the large dining room and a Latin disco in the nightclub-sized clubroom.

Guests were eclectic in dress: Scooter dancing. Senator Ed Zorinsky was passionate Miller in a gingham sundress, Louisa Biddle in a white crepe Mary MacFad- about his campaign against dual lan路 den and Betty Hayes in a spectacular guage schools. ''American English is blue silk, setting off her deep tan. "He told me to wear my wildest outfit," said Jennifer Moleon in a formfitting bright jersey that opened to the thigh as she tangoed with husband, Ari. Lloyd Cutler, who counseled del Rosario when he was a 32-year-old ambassador on his first tour here, sat out the

our language," he told a number of Hispanics present. Trudy Davis was congratulated on having sold so many of her oils at a recent showing. One of the guests, the former Washington TV personalitY Carol Smith, nee Clark, was in frorn her home in Key West.


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ate Ul•


of on

rehe itY

Toni Hatfield threw open her home in Georgetown and introduced sedate Nancy Reagan to Washington's own brand of woman power and distaff influence. A crowd of senators' wives from b~th sides of the aisle and congressional Wtves of the GOP persuasion only commiserated with the lady who might be heading toward an in-town ranch on Pennsylvania A venue. Looking cool in an Adolpha, her ~avorite designer, Nancy was whisked tnto the Hatfield's library. Reporters then got a chance to fire away at an imjtomptu press conference where they earned that Nancy would rather answer questions than make speeches. She admitted that she is more conservative than her husband and ducked questions about how she would entertain at the White House. Most felt that Nancy's qujet charm Would carry her far and her warmth ~~me over well when she brought out a trthday cake from Toni's kitchen in honor of Mrs. Charles Cooke, Toni's aunt, a resident of Fresno and a Reagan supporter. Naturally, there was much

That's the irrepressible Betty Beale watching and directing through Toni Hatfield 's door as Nancy Reynolds, Nancy Reagan, Toni and Carol Laxalt pose for pictures.

political speculation. Mrs. Gaylord Nelson, just back from Wisconsin, found a large body of blue collar workers, normally Democrats, favoring Reagan. Nancy confessed that she normally allows some of Ron' s old ties and cufflinks to be auctioned off for fundraisers, but sometimes she is overen-

thusiastic and her husband becomes frustrated when searc hing for the favorite tie or cufflinks set she has donated to the cause. She bristled when reporters asked her if her husband lacked compassion. "He's the softest touch around," she said.

Dossier/August 1980181

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81/August 1980/Dossier



A surprised Bob Waldron greets Barbara and Howard de Franceaux bearing gifts.

To gourmet chefs, the culinary art a deadly serious game. Howard . Franceaux, one of the most disll~· re guished private gourmet chefs in thtS~diet · art on1a · area, has long donated his culmarY for the cause of the National SymphonY u.ni and other charities. For years he haS ~ hn; allowed the Symphony to auction off lvt~ his formal dinner masterpieces, alo~~ 1 ~er~ with the services of prominent was tn &c 1 ingtonians as waiters or waitresses. A lot. ao · many of these dinners Bob Waldron, ~, 1t well-known interior designer, hasJunc·lgou tioned as head waiter. arct~ When Bob auctioned his own " gour· .1 tr Nc met" dinner for the symphony's beneft ' 0 d1 the act prompted this allegedly tongue· re. ca 1 in-cheek response. ~


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Enjoying the ultimate putdown to a gourmet are Austin Kiplinger, Barbara Burris, Barba.ra Franceaux, Bob Waldron, Howard de Franceaux, Gogo Kiplinger and Howard Burns- '-_


earlier this year my dear friend Bob alctron donated a "gourmet" dinner agift premium for the National Sym0 ~ny Orchestra's Annual Radiothon. \ ve known Bob for many years and ,ave been a frequent guest in his home. ,; as unaware of the fact that he caners himself to be a "gourmet chef." ~Overcome by curiosity, I anonyl 0Usly purchased his dinner . I a lso ~~Pt the guest list secret. It was ''Kp~~ed _wi_th special care; Gogo and 1 P Kiplinger because as chairman the symphony, Kip is interested in that premiums offered b.y the thon are on the level; Barbara art is Boward Burris because her fa t her d de the governor of Texas, Bob's home . (n- ns and she is interested in protecting ·s,~iS~d[eputation; and Sonia and Warren rl ~r because as editor of Dossier, ~;y un 1 ~ has a responsibility to the com, haS ~l'nlty to expose fraud, even of a .rr~ lnary sort. z oJJ My ·f ng t WI e_ Barbara and I are naturally 1 l!erested m preserving the integrity of . Al ~otgourmets whether they are chefs or ·· a !o :We felt that it was our duty to see ~n~c- 'g It that any dinner adverti sed a s u ~a~~~met" came up to gourmet stan-


our· Not . Ptoct certam that Bob would actua lly


ue· Pre uc~


a gourmet meal , I took the ~igCMtJon of supplying my guests with ll acs and french fries, just in case. ·iveob_was thunderstruck to see us arlie With our McDona ld's bags , which let ~romptly deposited on his superbly :an•tbl~. The fact is, Bob Waldron y boll water without burning it. are ou see, Bob has many friends who to p~Utstanding cooks . His technique is corn ~ne one of them and say "I a m nhotnltted to this dinner for the symllle ny and I can ' t cook. Will you help for Out by preparing one of the courses \ 01 me?" After he get s the fi rs t ably ~nteer, " the rest is easy. He probson earned this from Lyndon JohnYea; for whom he worked for many


orJe~ ~ell °

the truth, I a m jealous . In have t or me to compete with Bo b , I en 0 spend ma ny hours in the kitchVer a h meal ot stove. The fact that his llo th· Was actuall y outstanding has d€ Jeat0 ~~g.1 to do . ~it? m y a ttitud e . ~ Y ~ a debthta tmg a ffli ctio n. ,. - H OWARD de FRANCEAUX

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'Continued from Page 30) ~concluded that they weren't a team at all.

ow he wasn't o sure. P"I'm going to try to resist it, Kit. That I 0 / 111ise." His flushed face was close to her 1nd she could see his gold fillings and the ~uod . mashing in his mouth as he talked. 1 In tnmg away, she looked at Cooper across e table. Her gaze eemed to hook into hi lnd she imagined she could see the ambilon · -ndden anxiety. Once she had loved ~ ' ~ man. Now she could barely remember ~ e reeling. Somewhere along the line love act become obligation. Romance had dis11~P~ared. A thing called family responsibil,, ad emerged. orr That guy of yours has worked his butt ft0 ror me and I don't intend to walk away ~ 111 that. Not enough people understand Yalty in this damned town." hlie emptied his glass and turned back to i e editor's wife, who had already begun to ~~le. For the moment Kit was unattended. nedat Cochran had said left her mildly stun8r and she was thankful for the respite. 10 ackett was deeply absorbed in describing 1n\lady on his right some meal he had had 101:. e American Embassy in Morocco, exPi ~ng the merits of its French chef. Kit Ob ed . at her little medallions of meat, ~~'o~e~v1ng Cooper's animation. He was II' kmg hard. She knew his palms must be ~ating profusely. illak00 P_ had always told her he wanted to tepee_ ~Is mark. It was, it seemed now, the tatve theme of his life. It had always .. ~rnect such a masculine thing. Ambition. ha~wa~t them to know that I was here," he lti satd. Long ago she had actually been Pt;rect. by the idea of it. Was Cochran fo Panng her for Coop's letdown? She de~esaw how terrible Coop would be in his houeat. Perhaps it would bring down the 1se of cards that was her life, the family. &Ia t Was when she reached again for her 1\•it~s that she felt Cochran' s leg. She Pro dr~w her hand, a gesture of selfbei tect1on. He was till heavily engaged in Pa~g the charming and witty dinner com100 tho to the editor's wife. At fir t she he ~&htth_e movement was inadvertent a if She ad mistaken the table leg. Discreetly, 1Uit moved hers away. His followed, in purillo · She felt her body stiffen, and at that .~ent Brackett turned toward her. t 0 You know we've been all over the world. tho every damned country. But it's only in tha~e countries with a French orientation dro You get a decent meal. ... " Hi voice fro ned on, but her nerve ends were reeling unctrn Cochran's obvious physical assault one er ~he table. She looked around her. No her Patd any attention. His leg now caressed ti 0 ~· She wanted to scream out her indigna~as~ Instead she r~ached again f?r her wine 'nn Th_ey had shifted to a red wme and she srne~J~d 1ts robust fruitiness as if it were log salts.

1 'I )






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Dossier/A ugust 1980/85

She wondered if she had turned while The editor's wife continued to giggle. Then she felt someth ing against he~ upper t~igedh. My God it's his hand, she reahzed, pamck . ~ now. The hand moved, at first, aga1nst I d outside of her thigh, then grew bolder an reached into her inner thigh. She felt a sense of paralysis below her waist, the consequence of what logic told her was her phY · ical entrapment. It would, she realized, bl impossible to simply get up from the tabid Such a blatant confession of a natural nee_ seemed an obscenity in the middle of thl~ ritual. And she could reach down an remove his hand, and risk a potentially enJ· barrassing scene. . 1 Replacing her glass on the table 1t ~a­ quickly refilled and she reached for it agat~ gulping its contents. Finally, Cochran turn er toward her. An observer would have nev 1 been able to discern from his expression tha his hand was now feverishly active_. She al~: tually wondered if it belonged to h1m at a Even his conversation appeared to be corn· ing from some distant place, hardly con· nected with that active hand. he "l was just telling her the one about 1. e 1 cat and the canary.'' He repressed a P 0 ~ 1 0 laugh while his eyes searched her fa~e 9 some reaction. The pupils, dark aga1nst_ d In· steel blue field seemed to be focused e_ep he side of her. What did they see? How d1d 5 appear to him that he could dare abu e, assault, intimidate her in this way? . n By sayi ng nothing, showing no reacll~n: she knew she had emboldened him, c_ sented to this naked act of aggressJO 111 5 against her person. Whatever this ritual wa designed to accomplish, it had quite_sudd~~; 1 ly revealed its meaning to her. She hfted f 0 glass to him and drank a silent toa t simulated admiration. her Allowing his hand to remain between . ' 1 legs, she reached down and lifted her sklr k above her knees. He had turned ba~it toward the editor's wife again. Now en· turned toward Brackett forcing her att tion on him. h " Have the Tarkingtons got a Frenc d chef?" she asked, smiling. He bent over an ( whispered in her ear. . d "Catered. Everything in town is catere · ousse· Ten to one the dessert will be a m r Chocolate." He looked beyond he· "There · " b nd She helped herself to the mou e_ at watched as Brackett tasted it tentanve Y• sluiced it around his taste buds and pro· claimed it excellent. ·d ( "You really know your food," she a',; to feeling the disembodied hand grow mfer 1 frenetic. For some reason, Coop turned 1~ way and she flashed a broad smile. See hO d comfortable l am about all this, she wan~e ~ the smile to say. While your boss is abu_ ~~ me, she added malevolently to the 51 retort. eA waiter came and poured champagn d The tinkle of silver against crystal arreste . ~ the guests attention and Mr. Tarkington; wa manipulated by the unseen puppeteer . a pulled up to his full height, a mechantC







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gnome in a full drc s uit two ize too big. His voice wa high-pitched, and oddly ingsong. Kit heard the rhythm of the word , but her intelligence wa concentrated now in her left hand. Cunning fingers had reached out to repay Cochran in kind. Her fingers were caressing, manipulating. It brought back memories of her high school days. She felt an odd elation. No sensual pleasure. Rather, the pleasure of thi special perver ity, so incongruou to the event taking place. All eye were on Mr. Tarkington, droning on, obviously enjoying hi prerogative as host, caught in the beam of his wife's admiring glance. Kit kept her eyes on the speaker, feigning, with the other , rapt attention, but her thoughts washed inward to that whirlpool at the core of her. Caught in the vortex of it, she felt, was here ence, the bedrock of her womanhood, demanding assertion. She seemed determined to press on to that point of utter humiliation for Cochran, the person that wa terrorizing her life. Under her touch, Cochran quirmed, as the reality of his situation emerged. He grabbed her wrist, but she was tenacious. Mr. Tarkington's toast was winding down. Soon it appeared that the guest were to be asked to stand and raise their glasses in tribute to the departing ambassador, who, eyes lowered in humility, suffered the pungent flatteries with practiced diplomatic dignity. But beneath the table the confrontation continued, her hand in an iron grip, the slender feminine wrist defying his panicked strength . Not a sound could be heard, except Mr. Tarkington's sing-songy voice. Not a visible muscle moved in the faces of the assembled guests frozen now in this adoring tableau. She could not tell whether it was her en e of victory or his sense of surrender that moved her. Only that she felt for the fir t time in years, the power of herself, a triumph of her will. Hers alone. The guests were obliged to stand. Releasing him finally, none too soon, she aw him quickly cover himself with a napkin. The glass shook in his free hand. A thin film of perspiration had gathered on his upper lip, tightly drawn in its unmistakable attitude of defeat. He did not rise, conspicuous in his embarrassment, humiliated in his inability to conform. The others had risen. As she stood, glass in hand, to respond to Mr. Tarkington's tribute to the Ambassador, Kit's eyes earched for Cooper's. He seemed poised in ecstacy, surrounded, actually part of, this magnificent spectacle of imagined peers, part of something that he wanted more than anything in his life. The glory of it had made him euphoric. Briefly, her stare penetrated hi attention and he looked toward her. It was then that she tipped her glass to him. "Play the game the man said. That's exactly what I'm doing." When she drank the champagne it felt good on her palate, cooled just right. 0

Van Slycke & Reeside Travel Associates are proud to announce the establishment of their Executive Accounts Department catering to the particular requirements of the Business Traveler •international and domestic capability •computerized resetvation system •four full-time, experienced agents • free ticket and document delivery within the greater Washington area •convention and incentive travel planning For further information, contact Mr. Frank Robinson at 244-1400

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Dossier/August 1980187

FAMILY JEVvELS (Continued from Page 19) portant documents. He created a poison ring, one with a small secret compartment suitable for the Borgias, to house Sammy Davis, Jr.'s false eye. As a rule, gems cut before the 1920s should probably be recut-unless they have some major historic or sentimental value. Before then, stonecutters did not follow scientific principles of Hght refraction to place the facets. Today's cut is far more brilliant. Because some 20 percent of a stone is lost in recutting, it should be close to a carat to start.


heirlooms begin and Y<'U r trea ure hunt for the truly un1que 1n JCWL'lry end s. crvmg Metropolitan Wa~h1ngwn for ove r 60 yea rs

1130 Connecticut Ave in the \\' &.J Sloane Bid~.

62S-2122 628-3232

88/August /980/Dossier

f you have jewelry to sell, you have several avenues to follow . The simplest is to sell or trade with your jeweler. This gives you the least hassle. Another choice is to give your pieces to the jeweler or to an auction house on consignment. At the auction house you may realize more money, but you may have to wait before there is a sale and there is the uncertainty about what the piece might go for. For an important piece, an auction house or broker does have contacts with big buyers. Before everything, you must have an appraisal, preferably several appraisals . Jewelry values, particularly old jewels, are to some extent in the eye of the beholder, so appraisers will vary in their judgments. After you know what you have and what you want out of it-you can decide about selling jewelry. Many people are very reticent about selling jewelry. As Desautels of the Smithsonian points out, "Most people sell when they have a cash flow problem, and many don't want other people to know about it." Many people consider jewelry a possession far more personal than a car or a piece of property. They feel guilty when they sell-unless they are collectors who wheel and deal in the field . "The sale of jewelry often is the result of some tragedy," according to Robert Pampillonia. "It comes from death, or divorce, or financial reverses. These are not happy stories." Appraisers at auction houses find that jewelry carries the name of the former owner less frequently than other pieces. "We never ask about where a piece came from or why it is being sold. You can tell that it is a very emotional time," says Alison Bradshaw of Christie's . Of course, if the appraisal shows that you have a collection worthy of the Smithsonian, you can donate it and


take a nice tax write-off. In the old daY you could borrow it back for big occa· sions like the Opera Ball. But now once you give it up, you give it up. IRS decided it was a loophole, so if it's realh nice, you could get a display and a little _ credit line for your generosity .



hat should you do if yoo would like to invest or set. up? your own heirloom collectJOI1;, "Diamonds, it has to be diamonds, says French Boone. ,, lAS "Good stones are good investments, says Dan Diener of Diener JacJanaD 'o~; Jewelers. ·o 64oa 1 "You'll get more for your mone~ 'o will an auction, and antique jewelry pnc~ 4330 10 are going up and up," says Jackie FaY 0 ;oh 51 Sotheby Parke-Bernet. 0 'o ~ Like any other investment, you ca 1 ~ 3~~ find one expert who will support al111°~ 'o rh~ 1 any opinion. Investing for the future ~ , 38 4 ~ tricky, but the blue chip investmen ·O Tho does seem to be the good quality, cle~~ q 0~8k2: 1 stone of one carat or more. on ,~60 ~ other hand, that is probably not ~s 381 1 much fun as checking out the esta e ~etvtr jewelry cases at your local jeweler or ,J0507i . h sep auctiOn ouse. · S1s 111 On one point, all appear to be d to Ha agreement. A void the gimmickY a~e 8431 the trendy . Classic jewelry, from t 5 ~roth 18th, 19th and 20th centuries alw~Y 1 °~;n works. Paul Desautels points out t a 8r01 ~ Egyptian jewelry is still popula~~ 42c 1 "Jewelry that does not deform tl Cevel body holds its popularity . And after a ' Qett • h . ou can ~7~ t ere are JUSt so many places Y Inc. \ comfortably put jewelry." t 801 "The more simply the stones are 5 ~~ Inc. 1 the less metalwork around them, .t e te120 more 'classic' as I define it, the P1ecd A.s~ 0 is," says Blythe Kupferberg. "0° 4~ stones never go out of style." . 10 llrotJ So is all the family jewelry g01ng y t0 16 1 disappear in the overheated jewe ~- J~ market? Has the best already gone? Ebe ~~c~ perts contend that Mrs. Post woul~ c· hard put to assemble a similar col ~IY tion today. The history of a fam:lY jewel, once it is moved on is genera shrouded in mystery. '( Let us hope that heirlooms don e 31 disappear entirely. Jewels that a~o Coil passed from mother to daughter. 8 ~11, granddaughter have a special qu.all~r; ln~i Being allowed to try on and then f1na 1. 9 to wear your grandmother's necklace , nt 81 a genuine graduation, a rite of p~s~a~- 1 to adulthood. The years of antlCIP 1 ~~r~ 0 tion, of staring longingly into. Y ~ 1 Sp~ mother's jewelry box and dreammgt1Jt the future, are as much a part of C jewel as its intrinsic value.



:Real Estate ea~f; Lrarzsactions once






up ion? t





·~~Oss .Chestnut Street, N.W. · J.F. Miller, Ill dwm J. Nichols . $220,000.

ey in ,0 6~?3·05 Chillum Place, N.W .. H.S. Howell



tlllam J. Kardash . $200,000.

ay of io }30 Forest Lane, N.W. · R.G. Alexander

n io 8li 51

~hn W. Franklin, Jr. · $330,000.

1 ca


re iS


Parkside Lane, N.W. · J.T.R. Pierson ~ enry s. Millon. $218,100. lor~15 Tracy Place, N.W. · Fritz·Aian Korth omas M. Roberts . $465,000. 3 •0 ~45 Suitland Road, S.E .. G.A.C. Schinke W. Browner . $230,000. 38 ~ masFordham ~ock Place, N.W. . G.A. , efeller to Ernest C. Barrett , Ill


menl deaf he t t 260.ooo. 1t as 38 state ~e :4 Kiingle Place, N.W.. J.M . Hatch to ·r or 5 ~ n A. Moskowitz · $280,000. · Jos 70 Lowell Street, N.W. · F. Hollis to . 5 ~Ph I. Goldstein . $250,000. •e 111 lo li 52 Manning Place, N.W .. P.G. Hammer and arold R. Millie . $229,500. 43 the 8r ~0 Westover Place, N.W. · Kettler a"s ~or ers to Robert B. Ourisman & Dan iel L. v' engol d · $214 920 hat 431 • · t Sro 5 Westover Place, N.W. · Kettler Jaf· ~hers to David w. Broome. $222,000. the Dev 02 48th Place, N.W. · W.C. & A.N. Miller .all, oe11610 Pment Company to Leonard B. Dog· ll ( . $254,500 ca Inc Devon~hire Place, N.W. #520 · CBS 8·0 Elizabeth Paradis · $290,000. set, Inc ~ 25th Street, N.W. #503 · Int er-North, the ~ 0 Susan L. Drescher . $270,000. ieee lein 15 Columbia Road, N.W .. L.M. Bernsod ~ss 1 ? ~015 Columbia Road Cooperat ive :l Ctatton · $279,300. 43 8r ~9 Westover Place, N.W. . Kettler :tO 16 ers to Jud ith V. Moore . $217,500. :l!Y lo 1h00 20th Street, N.W.. 1600 20th Street Et· <a 1eodore F. Mariani . $700,000. e ~lch 2 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #111 . s. b ner to Sayid H. Aiatas . $207,500. lee·




Elegant spacious 6 bedroom Georgian colonial offering the ultimate country kitchen, library plus large first floor family room . A most desirable property.

Call Welene Goller, 320-5064

MGMB inc. Realtors 3408 WISCONSI



. 20016

We sell investments to live in .


?7° °

0 01



911 K - .- b- - - - - - - - - n't Black •m erwicke Road, Mclean . G.J. 1 re a817 David. E. S~ms, Jr. · $210,000. 1 Constr F~rt Htll Dnve, Alexandria . Levin 10 s~lla uctton Company to Wayne M. Man· tY· 12; $243,595 . .JIY Inc. 10T~llgate Way, Falls Church. Tollgate, :iS 9ss 1 alter J. Pittman · $208,100. ,ge nJsky 1 Fri~ge Tree Road, Fairfax. M.J. Ter· 1800 Mtchael L. Zimmerman . $295,000. ,a· ~irkm Old Meadow Drive, Mclean . J.E. •UI a 43 ~n to Kanawat Investments -$225,000. ol Spa.ngJ Columbia Pike S., Arlington . E.B. bl er to Joseph H. Simpson . $250,000.




Dossier/Aug11st 1980/89



Chatsworth, the mast important thing that we have to sell is ..f"""'tthe luxury townhome More and more luxury townhome ads are selling Georgetown, fine restaw-ants, quaint shopping, and everything else. Except the luxury townhome Consider Chatsworth. ~ believe that a luxury townhome should provide its residents with spacious living areas and optimal use of natural lighting. Ow- 3,000 sq. {t. Victorian model has a width of 26 feet (as compared to townhouses in Georgetown promising 2,400 sq. {t. with a width of only 20 feet). Ow- Georgian model is a spectacular 4,000 sq. {t. with a width of 36 feet. (as compared to the 3,000 sq. {t. alternative with a width of 25 feet). When you compare ow- standard features of one car garages, 12 foot ceilings, oak paneled libraries, spacious brick enclosed terraces, along with an average cast of $78 per foot, you begin to wonder if the smaller Georgetown homes are worth the substantially higher prices. All ow- locations offer private wooded vieuJS from the main living areas (and do not overlook parking lots, or other townhouses). While other townhomes may ask you to live in the {uture, at Chatsworth we offer immediate occupancy ....,,.====== and only 15 minutes {rom Conn. & K MQUEB YGOMPARISON


r .£'

6643 Madison-Mclean Drive, McLea; -Madison Mclean Associates to Joseph Roach · $235,000. 2101 Twin Mill Lane, Oakton · JJ -..........: Johnson to Homequitz, Inc. · $214,500. 11 6924 Little River Turnpike, Annanda~s -1Q . Evergreen Associates toW . Howard Roo · $221 ,619. G 3835 Tazewell Street N., Arlington · 1 Cooley Partnership to George A. Be -$254,950. PIC" 10910 Shadow Lane, Fairfax Station· 11 gressive Development Corporat ion to oa W. Rowe · $200,000. 1g 1705 Burlwood Court, Vienna · Rosen be0 Development Corporation to John P. Ka vGl nar · $209,318. 8300 Bernane Forest Court, Fairfax· ()() Associates to B. William Basheer -$315,0 80 1034 Broad Branch Court, McLe A ·Douglass Drive Joint Venture to Edwin . 5 Cherry · $229,000. 1307 Timberly Lane, Mclean· T1 mberl~y. Limited Partnership to William J. Kolas IY 5 Jr. · $253,650. 1311 Timberly Lane, Mclean· Timb~r 18 Limited Partnership to Vincent T. Slko ·$262,000. nn 8440 Brook Road, Mclean· N.T. Tiema to Robert G. Weeks · $287,500. rc~ 107 North Virginia Avenue, Fall~ ChU Jr. ·W.H. Condon to James H. Stallings, ·$398,000. LeBO 6764 Old Mclean Village Drive, Me Hill ·VGC Associates to Prosper N. -$205,000.



--------------------------~ hesd l

Priced from $228,500. Aoor plans available 3, 4, 5 bedrooms. Our Sales Office is open Saturday through Thursdaij 1 PM- 6 PM, or by appointment Broker participation invited. Call 537-1100 90/ August 1980/Dossier

5103 Cape Cod Court, Bet ld M· · Douglass Drive Joint Venture to Dona MacArthur · $485,000. Glover. 5235 Duvall Drive, Bethesda · C.C. Ill to Robert F. Vanvoorhees · $260,00°·J E. 5512 Goldsboro Road, Chevy Chase· · Keller to J. David Pollard · $220,000. E~· 11 Esworthy Terrace, Gaithersburg ~ 00 . calibar, Inc. to Harry T. Marren · $217.J J.F· 12504 Northline Court, Potomac · 00 . Corrigan to Stratton M. Liapis · $2_00,0oa~s 10608 Norton Road, Potomac· R1ver Farm , Inc. to Robert Blitz· $255,000. VV p... 5410 Blackistone Drive, Bethesda · · Graves to William J. Grealis · $217,500~n & 8112 Split Oak Drive, Bethes~a ·CoW ker · Hodgkin Construction to Marvin A. sec $240,000. R H· 12800 Esworthy Road, Potomac · · 00 Stevenson, Jr. to L. Feldman · $208~ Mano 10700 Stanmore Drive, Potomac· · to David C. Dressler· $385,000. hesd' 5712 Bradley Boulevard, Bet r 111 ·P.N.G. Schwartz to Joseph A. Turne ' · $209,500. RD 8503 Burning Tree Road, Bethesda~ 0Qo. Lewis to Robert W. McMeekin, Jr. -$2~ ' . ~ 7000 Carmichael Avenue, Bathes 8 Bloom to Richard J. Dante · $290,000. 0 ~ 6946 Greentree Road, Bethesda · :~~rze Drive Associates to Harvey G. · $296,000. H.J 6737 Newbold Drive, Bethesda · Krauser to Richard C. Levy · $209,900. VV 7 Oxford Street, Chevy Chase · · Triplett to Robert W. Wilson · $225,000.


ph K

. JJ

J. lndsll ~oo~ 5

, •G eel


. pr~

, oale



• vGl 5,~


;t kors

Lovely Estate ... over 3 acres in beautiful St. Margaret's in Annapolis .. . Fantastic Georgian home ... superb craftsmanship ... so many luxuries ... free form pool.. .bath house ... Convenient location . (80538) $325,000. Call (301) 974-0410 or 261-2477.

1 urc~


iln A

ariY 5 askY·

~ riY 5

s, Jr.

-~Better I


I .,..

261 -2626 (30 1) 263.{)400

HQ! ~!.Ye~®

Severna Park

26 1-2 116 (301) 647-6112


261 -2477 (301) 974-0410

r.tANARIN ODLE and RECTOR, Realtors-- - - --,

0 ver, I.

. J.E· .






Potomac Falls

Representing the finest new townhome groupings for purchase in Old Town

Canal Way Old To\trn StatioR SHAD ROW

Eliza.beth Ca.deU , 6roker (301) 983·0200

10200 R ovcrRu..\ d , Putuma. Md.



CIRCA 1789 This distinguished clapboard townhouse has been handsomely restored to preserve the ageless craftsmanship of a bygone era and to enh~~ce its al?peal with contemporary amen1t1es. Class1c architectural features dominate the entrance hall double parlors, each with fireplace i'ntimate library, and dining room. Go urmet kitchen with breakfast bay overlooks enchanting terrace. Front and rear staircases lead up to second floor featuring three bedroom and two modern baths. hildren s quarters on third floor include two bedroom and ba th . A truly distinctive residence in a prized location! Priced at $325,000 .

WashingtortMews A home for every lasle, every lifestyle, every budget.



277 S. Washington St. Alexandria, VA



t .~ l'rm' t·

""'""'"' •


\ h·\,mdn<~


Dossier/August 1980191





I. Magnificent in town estate offers an excellent location and the spaciousness for spectacular indoor and outdoor entertaining with sweeping terraces and paddle tennis court. A true combination of old world charm and a flair of Eureopean flavor. The living quarters provide eight bedrooms or five family bedrooms and two for staff, all with accompanying baths. A house with great architectural interest.


Inspection by appointment Mrs. Hersman 363-0623



REALTORS Foxhall Square 330 I New Mexico Ave. N.W. iiiil-lllliiiii Washington. D. C.

362 -9702



"Chilton" is a private country estate in prestigious hunt country. Lovely stone manor house with slate roof on 67 acres in secluded forest setting complemented by flowering shrubs and plantings. The manor house has an intriguing secret passage, tap room and wine cellar. Offers spacious living with six bedrooms and baths, guest quarters, indoor heated swimming pool, cottage and pastoral views. Price upon request.


Middleburg, Virginia 22117 (703-687-5553)



GBEGG,Inc. A magruficent palace-Like residence offering an experience in graceful and splendid living. Designed and Built with a special eye towards perfection in the smallest detail. Upper brackets.

Shown by Appointment only. Mrs. Fioretti 652-7108




986-1900 92/August 1980/Dossier

Charmlna New Enaland ranch nestled amonast the tlftl of this five acre estate wltb 500 feet of waterfront, beautiful pool, stocked pond, dellahtful auest bouse and total privacy. An Ideal retreat-retirement home. $495,000. Evenlnas call E.H. Buag- 979-3333

MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE Exceptional 72 acre (waterfront) horse breeding farm, easy drive to major tracks in adjacent states. Modern 15 stall horse barn, pastures, paddocks, approximately 8000 ft. treated oak fencing. French Provincial brick manor house, 4 bedrooms, 3 Vz baths, 2 fireplaces. Over 2200 ft. on broad Island Creek, dock, deep sailboat water. $700,000. Contact Jack Bossert, Shoreline Realty, Box 1371, Easton Md. 21601, Tel. (301) 822-7556 or nights (301) 745-9714.

REALTORS 683-3600

The Washington Dossier Average Family Income,


Average Home Value


.路路SometimesYfJ!J have to lose the city tOfind the dty.

Hillandale at e rgetown. Life here i a brisk ten minutes' walk fr m the delight of eorget wn ...yet gentl remove I from the onfu ion. n forty-two a r 路 of rolling,' ooded ountryside across the street from corgctown ni e ity Medical enter, gra ious three and C ur story townh mes and wooded homcsitcs arc nc w being offered f r ale by a1 pointment on ly. Won't y u all irginia . Kr:1u or Barbara . B wer at 202/33 -6600 to ee, at our lei urc, the country ide of c ity life ? Brokers ar ' d ome.

HILLANOALE a! gorrjlOWII Dossier/AugrJSI J98019J

OAKTON HUNTERS VALE Magnificent custom homes . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , o f elegance offered by the craftsmen of Dickey !1. Dickey. For those ":h0 demand the finest in design and construction on beautiful wooded, 2 ac~e Jots, suitable for pool, tenniS and horses. Please call for appointmen1·


~ I

Directions: Vienna, South on 123; right on Hunter Mill; left on Vale; right on Mare to open signs.

.--J Manor

Please Call CLAIRE MAYER 281-0663







Homes LD Virginia



Rehoboth-By-The-Sea A palatial residence fronting on the Atlantic Ocean overlooking two swim-ming pools, the surf and the sand. All rooms are extremely spacious, especially the living and dining rooms which provide a warm and welcome openness. A delightful kitchen, jour large bedrooms, jour and a half baths, plus 3744 square feet of recreational room at the lower level. Central heat and air, second floor balcony, terraces, irrigated formal gardens, garden house, shower rooms, tennis court, tennis house the list goes on and on. In addition to the main residence there is a studio apartment over the jour car garage. Completing the package is a year round, jour bedroom guest cottage of Cape Cod design. This 2. 76 acre estate is unparalleled in beauty and invites endless hours of persona/luxury and comfort. Offered exclusively for the discerning buyer by appointment only.

I Yc

BUYING YOUR NEXT HOME We will size up the Washington area real estate market for your next move, whether you're ... • moving up to that riverfront condo, • moving up to a country estate • moving up to a Georgetown rowhouse • moving up to that duplex apartment

ADVERTISING DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 4, 1980 PLUS: A look at Florida real estate coming in January 198 1· AND: Dossier's annual spring real estate issue corning in April 1981.

Jack (jjlgo realtor.


92 Rehoboth Avenue,302-227-3883 Rehoboth Beach Delaware 94/ August 1980/Dossier

3301 New Mexico Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20016 (202) 362-5894

:~ The Gold Page jgn








Antiques restored in your home. ~~~lete refinishing services; stains, ch ips, ,.... ~I ch~s, burns, water & heat spots, etc. , f~ Us f1nd those beveled mirrors, handles, !..---"' llo~holes, etc. Pebblebrook Antique Restora~evy Chase. 951-0646. Co

~BARTENDI NG SERVICES W~Chesney's Bartenders Pa~1hlngton's finest specializing in

Private Cau ~~· Weddings and Embassy funct ions. ~hesney (202) 544-7571 .




Now Is the time to think about Your new 1980 Chris Craft or one lJ Of our many fine used boats.

'ed Boats From $3500 To $63,000 ltV DOOR-OUTDOOR DISPLAy

7 0 ~214 Swan Point Rd., Woodbridge, Va. -- 494-7161

Everyday 9-5





la~Qus to read & collect. All subjects & ~d a~~es. 8227 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, ~898. Open 7 days, 11-5.


~~ever THE BOOK CELLAR for out-of-print



~~VIta~ltely ~and-lettered announcements,

~Stat ons, dmner party menus. Fortune 500

~~t. Clientele. Prof., reas. 836-1737


COOLFONT'S HEALTH HAPPENINGS Bounce into fitness at 1200-acre mountain spa for men and women . Professional Instruction with Carol Spilman and Diet Workshop inst ructor, aerobics , dance, hikes, massages, 1200 calorie or regular diet. Lodging , meals and training as low as $49.50/day. Sessions 3rd Sunday-Friday, March through November. Coolfont Re + Creation . Berkeley Springs, W. VA. 25411. Dial direct f rom D.C. area 424-1232.


Would you like to serve mouth-watering Turkish dishes prepared by Chef Sercan Bolkan? For the recipes, send $1 and a selfaddressed stamped envelope to Eagle Station , P.O. Box 211 , Wash ., D.C. 20016.


Bought-Sold-Appraised-Cleaned-Repaired. Hadeed Oriental Rug Emporium. 1504 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Va. 549-0991.


WATERFRONT- Manokin R., 3 bed ., 2 bath, fishing, gardening , year-round living . Suitable for retired . Central heat. Caretaker nearby. Mrs . Stadler, call collect (301) 651-2006 or 3316. Georgetown area, private street, 9 rm. Contemp. home, 50-foot deck, wooded setting , fireplace. 966-3966. For lease-McLean home, 11 rms., off Georgetown Pike inside beltway. Brand new 40-foot pool. $1 ,400. 893-8944.


DIVORCE ADJUSTMENT PROBLEMS , psychologists specializing In individual or group counseling. Call anytime for appt. 965-4759.


~A.E!RI~e Imports, Ultra-Suede® in 32 colors.

~04 R~:UNLIMITED 5015 Col.

Pike, Arl. VA ~.~·0324. eautif f~-:-.---------­ ~aticnsu abncs at sensible prices. Basics , Street for dressmaking. Threadneedle ~2 ~,.;,~tomac Promenade (inside mall) ~Rd. Potomac. 299-3370 ;-;1



'tli or _artles. !703) 573-1309.

FEDERAL JAZZ COMMISSION. I111ClasslcE 6,.. New Orleans Jazz to make your party ~·•orabiR ~0~· A.C. Webber 588-6119. lN~ CLASSIFIED DISPLAy RATE

l) ORMATION, CONTACT THE ........_-OssmR OFFICES 362- 5894


30 1-654-484 7



Art Installations and Framing

202-363-2867 MIKE'S RECONDITION CENTER STOP WAXING YOUR CAR-polycoat It! We add luxurious gleem to the Interior & exterior of fine cars. Professional service. Ap· pointment only 340-6070. Photo inventory your valuables, antiques, furnishings, etc. for Insurance or other documentation purposes. 474-6919. RELATIONSHIP, DIVORCE, AND CUSTODY PROBLEMS. Individual or group counseling. Green Associates, P.C., psychologists. Call 333-1049. PROTECTIVE INVENTORY SERVICE Your treasured possessions can be recorded visually for insurance purposes. For this prompt professional photographic service call Charlotte Golln for an appointment (301) 565-2139


Klskadee Yacht Charters feature dinner sails for six in Chesapeake Bay. 484-3787.


CORDLESS TELEPHONE SYSTEM NEVER miss another phone call. ANSWERS on the first ring. INDOOR or OUT up to 400 feet. SMALL-fits Into a pocket or clips on belt. EASY to Install Call 703·573·6545 phone orders accepted Ma.stercharge VIsa

~c~~~11 fabrics from designer cutting rooms.


LINDA LICHTENBERG KAPLAN 20th Century American Fine Art Appraisals

HOME & TRAVEL NANNIES. Small private agency will find well-qualified child care help with verified references to fill any type of need. Travel nannies also available. Hire the nanny your child will love. 244-6310. Housesitter. Refined resp. prof. sks. housesit 6 mo-1 yr. Care for home, pets, refs. 362-0179.


DISCOVER COOLFONT! A mountain delight for week or weekend, 2 hours from D.C. Cozy lodge, chalets, low density campsites. Lakes, riding, tennis, restaurant In treetops, peace and privacy. Coolfont Re + Creation. Berkeley Springs, W. VA. 25411. From D.C. area, dial free 424-1232 or call 304-258·4500

/ ~~....................................................... ---.______::

Dossier/August 1980195



f you're planning an event, please call Mrs. Wimsatt at 652-7574 at/east six weeks in advance. We regret that not every item can be published for reasons of space. However, private parties will be placed on a special list that will not appear in thi~ column.

AUGUST August 1 through August 24: Annual Meeting - Saratoga Race Course, Saratoga Springs, New York - post time I :30 p .m. August I through August 9: New York Yacht Club Annual Cruise- rendezvous, Newport, R.I. August 4: Annual Ball benefit of National Museum of Racing - by invitation - Saratoga Springs, ew York. August 9: Redskins vs. Colts - Pre-Season Game, 8 p.m. - Baltimore, Md. August 9 and August 10: Rehoboth Art League Outdoor Fine Arts Show - Art League Grounds- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Co-chairmen, Mrs. Fritz Hessemer, Mrs. Lewis M. Purnell, Mr. William Holman. August 9: Singapore - National Holiday. August 10: Ecuador · Independence Day. Augu t II - 14: Democratic National Convention - Madison Square Garden, New York City. Chairman, The Hon. Thomas P. 0' eill, Jr. Augu t 1S: Korea- Independence Day. Augus t 16: The America's Cup Ball- dance -at The Breakers, Newport, R.I. -black tie- by invitation - sponsored by The Preservation Society of Newport County and The New York Yacht Club - Co-chairmen, Mrs. John G. Winslow, Mrs . W. Mahlo~Dickerson. August 17: lnaonesia- Independence Day. August 18: Redskins vs. Browns - Pre-Season Game- 8 p.m. - RFK Stadi um. August 23: Romania- Liberation Day. A ugust 23: Redskins vs. Raiders Pre-Season Game -7:30p.m. - RFK Stadium . A ugust 25: Uruguay- Independence Day. A ugust 29: Redskins vs . Buccaneers PreSeason Game- 7 p.m. -Tampa, Florida. A ugust 31: Malaysia - National Day. August 3 1: Trinidad and Tobago - Independence Day.

SEPTEMBER eplember 1: Labor Day. eptember 3: Qatar - ational Holiday. eptembe r 4: Fairfax Hunt Club Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show - at the Club - 12 noon- by invitation- Ch. Mrs. StuartS. Bailey. September 7: Brazil - Independence Day. September 8: Season Opener - The Washington Redskins put their perfect (untied/ unbeaten) NFL Monday Night Game record on the line

96/August /980/Dossier

against the Dallas Cowboys - 9 p.m. at RFK Stadium. September 9: Bulgaria- Revolution Day. eptember 9- II : Twentieth-annual Antiques Show and Sale sponsored by The Woman's Club of Chevy Chase, Md., Inc. -at the Club House, -admission $2 each (with this notice, $1.50) -Chairman, Mrs. Elaine Ka rr - C lub President, Mrs. E lizabeth Stant. Septem ber II : Rosh Hasha nah .

September 16: Start of America' Cup - Rhode ewport, Rhode Island. e Qa) · September 16: Mexico - Independenc d penSeptember 16: Papua New G uinea u - In e dence Day. ncheOo September 17: Sevent h A nnu al Fa ll Lu Cit · a nd Fas hi o n Show - Rehoboth A rt L ea gueHcnr' chairmen , Mrs. Ma lco lm Ha rri s a nd Mrs. Lowde n. Da Y· Septembe r 18: C hil e - Ind epend ence he trl Sept ember 18: Na ti o na l Sy mph o ny O~ear of Gala beg in ning t he Fiftieth A n111 ve rsa ry 11 r 1 1 the Orchest ra - sta r-studded per form ance ?vide> Kennedy Center Co ncert Ha ll a nd o ther_actl - Chairman, Mrs. Leo na rd L. Si lverstein . eptember 20: Yom Kippur. . AWaY• I epte mber 21: Redskins vs. Raidersp.m. eptember 22: Ma li - Repub lic Da~ -. . n . b. ftca ttO eptember 23: Saud i Ara ta - 111


the Kingdom. Iu b September 23: Ca pi ta l Speakers Wa hington, D.C. opening tea for a ll - 2 to 4 p.m. a t the home o f ~rs. Bet Straus J r. 89 14 Clewe rwa ll Dn ve , M ' r · Md . - ' by invitation - Clu b p rest'd e nt '

Madame Addou, wife of the fo rmer Somalian ambassador, bids farewell to Doris Haley and her friends at a lunch given by Claudia Rayford.

thur M. Becker. . HolidaY· September 26· Yemen - Nauona 1 d . N I o n Gol en ept ember 27: Age of apo e . Ball benefit of The Beet hoven Soct ~tY . . · Cha trm a n, Hilton Hote l - by m vtta u o n Cla rence Mi lton Fis her. hawksSe ptember 28: Redsk ins vs. Sea 4 p.m. d nd cncc September 30: Bo tswa na - In epe

September 12: Guineau -Bissau - Natio na l Day. Septem ber 12: The HOPE Ball- annua l dinner dance benefit of Project HOPE - Internationa l Ballroom - Washington Hilton Hotel - music by Lester Lanin- reception 7:30, dinner 8:30- black tie - by invitation - $125 each - Co-chairmen, Mrs. Guy T. Steuart II and Mr . Lewis F. Powell, Jr. eptember 13: The Wolf Trap Associates Tenth Anniversa ry Ball - "T l "th ight - dinner dance on stage at Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts- reception 7:30, dinner 8:30 -black tie- by invitation - Honorary Chairman, Mr . Warren E. Burger - Chairman, Mrs. Marion Edwyn Harri on. eptember 14: Red kin vs. Giants- Away, 4 p.m. eptember 14: Brunch and Perry Ellis Fashion Show to benefit The Capital Children's Mu eum - pon ored by Sak -Jande! - at The Museum, 800 Third Street, .E. - 12:30 p.m . - by invitation - tickets $40 each (Junior , $25) - Honorary Chairperson, Joan Mondale. Septem ber IS: Costa Rica- Independence Day. September 1S: El Salvador- Independence Day. September IS: Guatemala- Independence Day. Septe mber IS: Honduras- Independence Day.

Curtain Going!£ No

A ugust a nd September · · · more a summer cul tural drought · · · · e or space tractio ns tha n we have t1m u h t s At Olney, . . . bu t here a re t e op · d (AUS· til A ug. 24, Joe Egg, fo~low,e drarn!l· 26-Sept. 14) by Arthur MJiler s Donald Th e Price. A t Wolf Trap , zl G ramm in Verdi 's Falstaff (Aug. (9


Free Lance

and 23). Sousa 's . e n Reardotl• musica l spoof!) wJth J~h with the ) pre· (Aug. 25, 26, 27) . Papillon 30 Houston Ballet (Aug . 28 , 29 ·) lat er 5 B'way Brigadoon, (Sept. 3 • d' l tl1' r nal a n aoper9 10 tow ning at the N a . KenCen , the fabulous _Pekl~;Richard (Sept. 2-14). Michael MonartY Hill ChOf' II (Sept. 24, 28.) and the Pa~honal Cofl' ale's season-opener, AntJPan & Bra5l cert for Multiple Chorrs, Org BLAI~ ANNE DENTON on Sept. 20. d



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