Basic Christian: blog History Study

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Basic Christian: blog History Study Topics

Introduction blog History Study The Days of Noah 1 The Kingdom of Nimrod - Tower of Babel 2 The Kingdom of Egypt 3 The Kingdom of Babylon 4 The Kingdom of Persia 5 The Kingdom of Greece 6 The Kingdom of Rome 7 The Kingdom of Antichrist - The Revised Roman Empire 8 The Kingdom of Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom The Modern Emerging - Revising Roman Empire blog History Study - Complete 11. The 8 Kingdoms of the World 12. Church History Study

Church History Study 1 Church History Era - 0 A.D. - 312 A.D. -- Birth of Jesus and the Early Church Age 2 Church History Era - 313 A.D. - 1521 A.D. -- Birth of Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire 3 Church History Era - 1522 A.D. - 1880 A.D. -- Indigenous Bible Translations and Doctrines Era - The Reformation Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, etc.

4 Church History Era - 1881 - Present (2012) A.D. -- Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities - The modern Emergent [return to occult/paganism] Era - Westcott and Hort (1881), NIV (1972) Zondervan, NKJV (1979) Thomas Nelson Inc., ESV (2001) Crossway, etc.

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