Top 5 yoga asanas for seniors converted

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Top 5 Yoga asanas for seniors

Yoga is that one thing that can be safely said that it has no age bar and no age limit. No matter what age group you are in, you can always have the habit of doing yoga. It is just that you have to keep changing the asanas depending upon your body, age, needs, and other things. Even you are over 60 or 70 or 80 years of age, you can still do yoga and be fit with it. In the senior age, yoga is useful to maintain the balance of the body, to be flexible, to keep the muscles and the bones healthy, and to also keep up with the mental stress of the old age. In the senior age, one’s body gets prone to a lot of body issues and all of them can be dealt with yoga alone. Here are some of the easiest and the top recommended yoga asanas for the seniors. 1. Tadasana It is also called as the Mountain Pose and it gives the stability, improves focus and determination. It improves the posture of the elders and helps in strengthening the ankles and thighs of the elders. The back pain, digestion problems, and blood circulation also gets easier. Process: Stand in the simplest but a bit tight position. Keep your heels a bit apart and hang your arms right beside your torso. Gently lift your toes up and bring them down like doing tip toe from the ankle. Try to balance your body while doing this. 2. Vriskshasana This one is also popularly called as the tree pose. It helps in balancing the weight of the body on one foot, strengthens the legs and back in the senior age. The arms, legs, and the spine gets stronger with this asana daily. Process: You have to stand on one foot of yours in this pose with the other leg up on your things as in the picture. Stretch your arms above your page from the sides of the shoulder and

stand in this position while balancing yourself. Make sure your palms are joined with each other. Exhale and inhale continuously with a straight spine. 3. Adho Mukho Svanasana This one is the the Downward Dog Pose which can be quite difficult for the seniors because it involves extreme bending downwards. With this asana, there is a better flow of the blood to the brain, makes mind sharper, and also regulates flexibility in the body. Process: Stand straight with the legs apart, tilt a bit forward, and bend down with resting the palm on the ground and the touch the ground with your head. 4. Baddha Konasana The butterfly pose is already quite popular amongst the senior citizens. It is best to do in the mornings in empty stomach as it cleans the bowel movements, improves digestion and acidity, stimulates the bladder and kidneys, and removes fatigue issues. Process: Sit down in the ground and fold your legs making sure that both the feet touch each other as shown in picture. Hold your feet with your hand and keep moving the legs just up and down like a butterfly in the same position. Inhale and exhale throughout. 5. Savasana This is the epic corpse pose that is often neglected because it just involves sleeping in the ground. But, this one is a wonder for everyone and especially for the beginners and the seniors. In the seniors, it cures insomnia, chronic problems, and improves concentration. Process: Simply lie down in the supine position and close your eyes. Relax and chill completely without any thoughts going on in your mind. Lie down lifeless with your entire body being loose. Do it for some time and end your tough yoga asanas with this one. Conclusion We made sure with this blog that there are not very strenuous and tough yoga asanas included so that it becomes easier for the senior citizens to try it out. Doing these asanas regularly and consistently would be a surety for the seniors that a lot of their body and mental issues will be solved without taking medicines and they would have a healthier life. The yoga asanas have that ability to treat even the tough problems of the body post the age of 60s as well.

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