Forty Days of Prayer For Our Nation, Our Communities, Our Families, And Christ's Church
April 24 - June 1 2011
FOCAL Read Responsively 2 Peter 1:10 (KJV) Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: Happy Homecoming Day
May 1, 2011
Welcome, Opening Prayer & Announcements
Pastor David
My Jesus, I Love Thee
Bro Hayes
Bro Hayes
Time of Greeting & Fellowship Redeemed, How I Love To Proclaim It! Offering (Ushers Forward) Children's Message
Pastor David
Music Special Message From God's Word: Be Sure! (2 Peter 1:10) Invitation: Come Forward Just As I Am
Pastor David 240
Bro. Simcox
Uniting In Song: Blessed Be The Tie That Binds We invite everyone to the Fellowship Hall for a time of food, fun, and love! Come and enjoy a Homecoming Meal with us following our Morning Worship Services. There will be no Evening Services tonight.
There should be a MAY 2011 Calendar in your bulletin today. Additional calendars are in the Vestibule, near the bulletins.
Church Calendar This Week Wednesday 7:00 PM May 4
Youth Bible Study with light refreshments in Fellowship Hall Adult Study: E.M. Bounds, Essentials of Prayer (Chapter 2). Bro. Terry McFarland facilitating Upcoming Events
May 8
Mother's Day at Good Hope. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Shawn Madden, the Professor of Hebrew Languages from Southeastern.
May 2-9
Pastor & Sister Sherry on vacation to Georgia to see their new grandbaby!
May 10 7:00 PM
Ordained Men's meeting in Pastor's Office. Bro. Steve Hayes will facilitate. The WMU meets in Missions Room, Sunday School annex.
May 15
Quarterly Business Meeting of the Church following Morning Worship. All are invited to attend, but only Active Members may make input to the meeting.
May 28 2 PM
The families of Tabitha Floyd and Randy Hancock invite everyone to participate in their Wedding. Reception follows afterward in our Fellowship Hall.
Speaking of the Business Meeting, Please Be In Prayer .... The following have been asked to serve on the Nominating Committee for this upcoming year. We will need to vote and approve the candidates in our May 15 Quarterly meeting: Mildred Davis, Steve Eccher, Denise Hall, Jeff Myers, Charles Simcox, Joann Simcox This will be a printed ballot election. According to our bylaws,
these six are to be in place by June 1. Once seated, "This committee shall present its nominees for Church Program Directors by the first Wednesday in August. After their election, the Church Program Directors join the committee in seeking leadership for the remaining offices of the church and its organizations. All officers shall have been nominated and elected by the second Sunday in September." (Bylaws, Section 3: Nominating Committee) Also pray for Bobby Hall, Marvin Hagwood, Edna Butler, Kim, the Coffeys, Phyllis Savage, the parents of Doug Murray, and Terry McFarland. Pray for your Pastor, Sherry, & our Church, our Nation, the Prisoners and ShutIns everywhere. Pray that the Mount Carmel Christian Church revival (June 12-15) will bring many to the Lord. Pray for our BACKYARD BIBLE CLASS (June 16-18) in Youngsville. Birthdays In May 1 - Steve Hayes
3 - Michelle Medlin
4 - Chad Hall
7 - Richard Clements
7 - Allison Hall
9 - McKenzie Tingen
17 - Jerry Ward
27 - Jonathan Compton
29 - Grant Yentzer
30 - Stanley Coffey
Anniversaries In May 16 - Bobby & Teresa Hall
20 - Denver & Amy Holliday
20 - Paul & Brenda Butler If your special day is missing, please tell the Pastor! This is for visitors or members. Thank you! Pastor David Buffaloe 919-600-4925