“Found Material” Found objects, found Drawings, found poetry 2 projects using drawing as research medium to find new life in the abandoned and disperse.
“in creating a “found poem”, the writer must be a seeker, disconvering hidden potential in nonliterary, expository prose.” 1 By David Cadena SID: 440587022
1. Nancy Gorrell, “Let Found Poetry Help Your Students Find Poetry”, The English Journal, Vol. 78, No. 2 (Feb., 1989): 30-34, Accessed: 05 March 2017, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/819126
Analytic Strategies 1.1 Assemblage
1.2 Evidence Board 1.3 Proto-Drawing
Ecologies of Cheapness An investigation on singularity in a universe of generic production. For Michel de Certeau, author of “The Practice of Everyday Life”, the struggle for meaning and singularity equals the struggle for life. The following drawings are tools to explore the capacities of serially produced objects, in the generation of individual expression; the possibilities of a “Consumer’s Production”1; Resonances of a performed Anti-discipline.
Notes: 1 In “The Practice of Everyday Life”, refering to what the cultural consumer makes or does. 2. Michel de Certeau, “ The Practice of Everyday Life”(Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988), Accessed March 08 , 2017, https://chisineu.files.wordpress. com/2012/10/certeau-michel-de-the-practice-of-everyday-life.pdf
4x AA [Alkalisk] Batteries
Coloured Tape Resistance
1.1 Assemblage
Warm Led Bulb
Generic Artifacts, Found objects and Colour decompositions on 1960’s carbon paper
“The weak must continually turn to their own ends forces alien to them. This is achieved in the propitious moments when they are able to combine heterogeneous elements. (thus, in the supermarket, the housewife confronts heterogeneous and mobile data—what she has in the refrigerator, the tastes, appetites, and moodvs of her guests, the best buys and their possible combinations with what she already has on hand at home, etc.);...” 2
Basic Yellow Screen Printed on Recovered CArbon Paper Spare disc from kit
Mula Truck Ikea Toy 2mm Copper Rod
1.2 Evidence Board Mapping of collected material, tracking hidden algorithms.
Now that we inhabit, the hangover of neo-liberal capitalism and globalisation, everybody is looking, for the political leaders of redemption, it may be ideal to consider the real capacities for architecture 1
1. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life�, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):15, accessed September 9, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765316
Key Words: -Language suppresion -Color Codes -Uniforms -Shift of Ideologies. -Cyclical Repetitive Realities. -Legal Stimulants
1.3 Proto-Drawing
click for utter disclosure of “Naughty Angeline” Pianola roll and Recorded objects
A combinatory method to record and associate information, while revealing alternative landscapes
Alkalisk Batteries AA. (Ikea Generic Energy)
Fragments of Jakob Von Gunten by Robert Walser
Example below: Carbon prints of pressed specimens on a “word roll” “Beyond urban Development and Architecture, there are other contemporary products that have already become vehicles of political constituencies without having to resort to political ideology or political discourse...”1 “Nobody kisses”
“Jakob Von Gunten” by Robert Walser
Ikea Male Co-worker T-shirt
USED “LETRASETS” Roll pressed
Roll pressed
“Filled with sweet perfum”
“Everyone kisses a flower”
“One too many”
Intersection of primitive codes capable of sound production
“Some day you’ll break”
“Just for fun”
“You Laugh at romance that Lingers”
“Naughty Angeline”
DUKTIG Ikea toy
“You take a heart, then you break it”
[Photomounted] Inverted Scanography
“Na Ang
” ten Gun n e s r Vo Wal ob k t a r e “J
“Low Cost Fashion and Furniture have been made widely available to emerging urban populations...Yes, perhaps at huge ecological cost, perhaps by exporting the lower classes to developing regions,but revolutions have always had problems...” 2
Old Proponents of Equality
New Proponents of Equality
aughty geline”
“Despite the apparent lack of a politics per se accross their practices m what links such players as Greenspan, Haji Ioannu(easy jet), Ortega (Zara), Kamprad (Ikea), and Gates (Microsoft) is a political program without political office.” 3 “Too many rings on your fingers”
Plastic Bag 250 Grs Ikea Coffee, Dutch Blend “Brygkaffe Mellanrost”
Mastertouch Word Roll AD4461 Naughty Angeline Foxtrot
Carbon paper Roll Pressed print on Pianola Roll “Naughty Angeline” Foxtrot
Notes 1. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life”, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):16, accessed September 9, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765316 2. Ibid.,16 3. Ibid., 17
2.1 Lab- Diagrams [Specimens, Urban Chemistry, Fluidity, Connections and Unplugged pieces]
2 Walked City Fragments of Experiments and Simulations in Rockdale [a post-car world]
Analytic Strategies 2.1 Lab Diagrams 2.2 Tactics Collage 2.3 Crowd simulations 2.4 On field Drawings
Landscape Operations
Potential over time
16:00 hrs St. Joseph school students finish their day , cross the street to start sessions at a recently re- adapted mobile building, integrated with Exploration platforms, open spaces for experimentation in a “Reggio Emilia” after-hours Childcare Space.
1. an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development, 2. a thing at a rudimentary stage that shows potential for development.
nic g
E.g “a simple commodity economy is merely the embryo of a capitalist economy
Extension of Iron Framework
“Malleability”: Substance Ability to deform under pressure.
long Term
Activities Insertion
Integrated Elements
2.2 Tactical Collage Explosions and Quiet Invasions
Symbiotic R elationships
Vegetable Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
18:00 hrs A group of parents walk up the ramp in their way to pick up their children
play is a range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities normally associated with recreational pleasure and enjoyment.
20:00 hrs Night Shift starts. Add Activity__
Symbiosis (from Greek “living together”) 2. is a close and often long-term interaction between two different biological species. 3. In 1879, the German mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as “the living together of unlike organisms
Exploration 1. The Action of Exploring an unfamiliar Area 2. Thorough examination of a subgect
Play is commonly associated with children and juvenile-level activities, but play occurs at any life stage, and among other higher-functioning animals as well, most notably mammals.
Emancipation: Over time, hard work, Collaboration and integration of different entities that inhabit a common ecosystem. A possibility of emancipation emerges. It’s a fragile equilibrium, imbedded in this possibility is acceptance of vulnerability, dangers of surveillance and contemporary anxieties.
Upcycling of gas reservoir tanks Potential Use as Light tubes
Vegetal Life Conservation
Securing 7-11 as 24/7 hot spot of city activity
Open air pool takes advantage of pre-existing underground qualities of the Gas Station
Zebra Crossing
Energizing Local Markets through widening of public access ,pedestrian flows and landscape operations
Crowd Simulations “Reempowering Existing Landscapes� Railways scenary as an urban theatre of mobile architectures
Death in the backstreets
Rockdale Train Station pumping life through a rythmic pulse of commuters
Landscape precedents
On-Field Drawings Walking and Drawing
Bus Stops Realities
Graphic showing Inversely proportional Ratio : Population/ open space
Navigation Chart “Mapping a journey from past destinations to oneiric trips”
Rotterdam 2016
Melbourne 2011
Santiago de Chile 2007 Sydney 2014
Philadelphia 2017
Venice 2016
“there is another ground between abandonment and freedom: the two forms of bare life. It is a rarefied aesthetic, a political engagement- a paradox“*
* 1. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life”, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):20, accessed September 9, 2015. http://www. jstor.org/stable/41765316