David Cadena Portfolio 2009-2017
1. Kheirourgos Scenography 2. Ecologies of Cheapness.
3. “Tony’s Utopian Dream”.
4. Funerary Building
5. Cali Country Clu
6. Workers’ Wellness Infras
7. Urban Potential stu
8. Sewing the Urban Fa
9. Academic C
y. Venice Biennale, Italy 2016 University of Sydney 2016
”. University of Sydney 2014
g. Bogotá, Colombia
ub. Cali, Colombia
structure. Cesar, Colombia
udy. Cota. Colombia
abric Bogotá. Colombia
1 “Kheirourgos,
An Investigation on the position of huma precarious e
Architectural R University of Sydney/ Th
20 Speculative model fabricated in Sydney and exposed at the
Venice Biennale 2016 “Reporting from the front” in the Collateral Event:
“Time, Space, Existence” at Palazzo Mora’s Zoon Politikon Exhibition
Maria Reiche Observing the Nazca Lines Photo by Bruce Chatwin
1 Scenography”
ans: Between animality and Theodicy, a equilibrium
Research Studio he Venice Biennale, Italy
016 “Zoon Politikon is a joint exhibitiovn by Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and The University of Sydney, Australia comprising a series of architectural models of a speculative nature that take their bearings from the last lectures given by the french philosopher, Jacques Derrida. These lectures “The Beast and the Sovereign concern a definition of the human as a being whose understanding of right or law curiously excludes both animal and god.” “Our concerns are more essentially with the legacies of that sovereign exclusion in the field of architecture - Bio-Political Legacies and implications of the construal of a humanist grounding of architecture precisely at a time of unprecedented turmoil with respect to human settlement, ecological disaster, massive escalation in refugee populations, mass migrations and de-settlements.” Fragment from exhibition’s Mural
Words from The Curator In a press conference the 22nd of February, 2016, Architect Alejandro Aravena (curator), presented the Picture he had chosen for the Biennale. It’s Maria Reiche, German Mathematician and Nazca Lines Researcher pending in precarious equilibrium while studying the Nazca Lines. The image was captured by Nomad – photographer Bruce Chatwin. Aravena explained while pointing at Reiche standing on the aluminium step Ladder: “This is the spirit of the approach we want to provide at this year’s biennale: We want to invite and listen to those who, by climbing up and by reaching a different perspective- from that of us who are on the ground- can give new meaning to something that others consider as senseless information.”
“A war site where exposed bodies are at war with themselves . Lost, foreign architectures in an indeterminate state of decomposition or process of becoming. The exhibition is an irregular pulse of stills of a lost film”. “There are very limited lenses, damaged bodies, parts and tissues, clothes... Remnants of faulty machines, broken topographies, walls... .”
Exhibition Space Arrangement of 20 models in Exhibition space at Palazzo mora. Each model materialised a state of matter under submission of sovereign powers.
Scale Model 1:5
Kheirourgos is greek for “work by hand”, and is the root for the english word “Surgery”. Scenography is the art of creating an environment for preforming and at the same time refers to drawings in perspective used as background. This is a space for engagement, a dynamic background. A set up for intervention and the investigation of division.
Performances 1:1
“A set up for intervention and the investigation of division.”
Reproduce int
This Scenography recreates a moment in continuous re adjustment that testifies and witnesses a moment of fracture, a caesura. The set up waits for the audience to engage with an uncomfortable moment of pendulant balance, an instant before collapsing or maybe seconds previous to a coupling. It’s a moment of shift, an amplification of that state of suspension as the permanent condition of humans. “Nature is no longer “Natural”, the reliable “dense” background of our lives; it now appears as a fragile mechanism which, at any point, can explode in a catastrophic direction.”1 “Once we know the rules of its construction, natural organisms are transformed into objects amenable to manipulation. Nature, human and inhuman is thus “desubstantialized”, deprived of its impenetrable density, of what Heidegger called “earth””. 2
1. Slavoj Zyzek, “Ecology – A New Opium for the Masses” ,Zero Landscape, Unfolding Active Agencies of Landscape, GAM Architecture Magazine 07 (2011): 37; 2. Ibid., 37; 3. Ibid., 40
Staged in a post 9/11 world, a scene that reports views that claim human’s constant subjection to a network of potential forces. An “Ecology of Fear, fear of catastrophe- human made or natural- that may deeply perturb…”3, thick strokes connect to the ground and a landscape of bending wires emerges in a continuous motion track to apparently support while levering and dismembering the subjected body. “To render inoperative the machine that governs our conception of man will therefore mean no longer to seek new- more effective or more authentic- articulations, but rather to show the central emptiness, the hiatus that – within man – separates man and animal, and to risk ourselves in this emptiness: the suspension of the suspension…”4 Simple mechanisms of control: levers, wedges spirals and inclined planes, maintain a difficult oscillating equilibrium. While being dismembered - dissected- the body as fundament of the system, starts revealing a deeper truth, an emancipatory reality. A space “between abandonment and freedom, the two types of Bare Life” 5 .
4. Giorgio Agamben, “20. Outside of Being”, in The Open: Man and Animal, trans. Kevin Attell, ed. Werner Hamacher. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004), 92. 5. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life”, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):20,accessed September 9, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765316
2 Ecologies of Cheapness
An investigation on singularity in a universe of generic production. Explorations in Architectural Theory during the hangover of late Capitalism 2D Printing processes workshop & independent research, University of Sydney. 2016
This chapter corresponds to part of my explorations with mixed media and Proto-Drawings in the intersection with architecture, theory and Field Work.
For Michel de Certeau, author of “The Practice of Everyday Life”, the struggle for meaning and singularity equals the struggle for life.
In particular, this research project was developed as result of on-site explorations while working as a Kitchen Planner in IKEA in the context of the 2d Printing processes workshop at the University of Sydney.
The following drawings are tools to explore the capacities of serially produced objects, in the generation of individual expression; the possibilities of a “Consumer’s Production”1; Resonances of a performed Anti-discipline.
1 In “The Practice of Everyday Life”, refering to what the cultural consumer makes or does. 2. Michel de Certeau, “ The Practice of Everyday Life”(Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988), Accessed March 08 , 2017, https://chisineu.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/certeau-michel-de-the-practice-of-everyday-life.pdf
4x AA [Alkalisk]
Coloured Tape
Warm Led Bulb
Generic Artifacts, Found objects and Colour decompositions on 1960’s carbon paperv “The weak must continually turn to their own ends forces alien to them. This is achieved in the propitious moments when they are able to combine heterogeneous elements. (thus, in the supermarket, the housewife confronts heterogeneous and mobile data—what she has in the refrigerator, the tastes, appetites, and moods of her guests, the best buys and their possible combinations with what she already has on hand at home, etc.);...” 2
Spare disc from kit
Basic Yellow Screen Printed on Recovered Carbon Paper
Mula Truck Ikea Toy 2mm Copper Rod
Evidence Board Mapping of collected material, tracking hidden algorithms
Now that we inhabit, the hangover of neo-liberal capitalism and globalisation, everybody is looking, for the political leaders of redemption, it may be ideal to consider the real capacities for architecture 1
1. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life�, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):15, accessed September 9, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765316
Key Words: -Language suppresion -Color Codes -Uniforms -Shift of Ideologies. -Cyclical Repetitive Realities. -Legal Stimulants
Proto- Drawing A combinatory method to record and associate information, while revealing alternative landscapes
click for utter disclosure of “Naughty Angeline” Pianola roll and Recorded objects
Example below: Carbon prints of pressed specimens on a “word roll”
Alkalisk Batteries AA. (Ikea Generic Energy)
Fragments of Jakob Von Gunten by Robert Walser “Jakob Von Gunten” by Robert Walser
“Beyond urban Development and Architecture, there are other contemporary products that have already become vehicles of political constituencies without having to resort to political ideology or political discourse...”1 “Nobody kisses”
Ikea Male Co-worker T-shirt
USED “LETRASETS” Roll pressed
Roll pressed
“Filled with sweet perfum”
“Everyone kisses a flower”
“One too many”
Intersection of primitive codes capable of sound production
“Some day you’ll break”
“Just for fun”
“You Laugh at romance that Lingers”
“Naughty Angeline”
DUKTIG Ikea toy
“You take a heart, then you break it”
[Photomounted] Inverted Scanography
“Na Ang
” ten Gun r Von lse a b W ko ert “Ja
“Low Cost Fashion and Furniture have been made widely available to emerging urban populations...Yes, perhaps at huge ecological cost, perhaps by exporting the lower classes to developing regions,but revolutions have always had problems...” 2
Old Proponents of Equality
New Proponents of Equality
aughty geline”
“Despite the apparent lack of a politics per se accross their practices m what links such players as Greenspan, Haji Ioannu(easy jet), Ortega (Zara), Kamprad (Ikea), and Gates (Microsoft) is a political program without political office.” 3 “Too many rings on your fingers”
Plastic Bag 250 Grs Ikea Coffee, Dutch Blend “Brygkaffe Mellanrost”
Mastertouch Word Roll AD4461 Naughty Angeline Foxtrot
Carbon paper Roll Pressed print on Pianola Roll “Naughty Angeline” Foxtrot
Notes 1. Alejandro Zaera-Polo, “Cheapness: No Frills and Bare Life”, Log, No. 18 (Winter 2010):16, accessed September 9, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765316 2. Ibid.,16 3. Ibid., 17
3 Tony’s Utopian Dream: “Community Architecture in the Age of Selfishness” Experiments on Urban Place-making and Community Interaction Sustainable Architecture Research Project, University of Sydney City of Rockdale Sydney, Australia, 2014 The brief for the sustainable Research Studio 2014-2 had community design as “ the cornerstone of sustainable architectural practice”. its background was Australia’s prime’s minister, Tony Abbott’s conversion on his recent trip to Damascus, to making the building of community infrastructure and support “the governments number one priority”
and places genuinely connected in both time and place… in a post car world”1
In this context, Rockdale is approached as an operating urban lab. The following, are experimental diagrams that examined the current state of the city and explored the possibilities of urban life production through community interaction and re-empowering existing The workshop constituted an op- landscapes. portunity to “imagine a city con1. Fragment from Studio brief nected with bike paths, trams and public transport at a density that encourages neighbourhood identification and engagement, walking to shops and facilities with people
Diagram: actual relatiosnships between urban components and life- systems fluidity in the neighborhood. A vibrant diverse town centre.
E cO
C4 7.11
Th E U d
In a post- car world, this set of urban instruments represents an ideal scenario for field experiments and simulations that implement tactical interventions that trigger community interaction and strategies for urban place making. The 7.11 corner and an abandoned private park (PP) are chosen as intervention focus.
Death in the backstreets
Rockdale Train Station pumping life through a rythmic pulse of commuters
Landscape precedents
Local Landscape as precedent Ideas for the densification of human interaction and space recovery, originated during walks that revealed a detailed view of landscape precedents in Rockdale. On- field drawings became an absortion medium to understand relationships between urban space and people in a complex environment.
Bus Stops Realities
Graphic showing Inversely proportional Ratio : Population/ open space
Upcycling of gas reservoir tanks Potential Use as Light tubes
Vegetal Life Conservation
Securing 7-11 as 24/7 hot spot of city activity
Open air pool takes advantage of pre-existing underground qualities of the Gas Station
. Urban Section
“Markets Upcycling�
In an omni-present advocates for the ce 7/11 shop that alread manipulations like t qualities and transfo centre..
Zebra Crossing
marketing environment, this urban scale simulation, elebration of commercial landscapes, for instance, a dy works as an effective social hub. Punctual landscape the gasoline tank recycling, would rescue underground orm this hard corner in an urban pool and recreational
Energizing Local Markets through widening of public access ,pedestrian flows and landscape operations
Railways scenary as an urban theatre of mobile architectures
Landscape Operations
Potential over time
16:00 hrs St. Joseph school students finish their day , cross the street to start sessions at a recently re- adapted mobile building, integrated with Exploration platforms, open spaces for experimentation in a “Reggio Emilia” after-hours Childcare Space.
1. an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development, 2. a thing at a rudimentary stage that shows potential for development.
nic g
E.g “a simple commodity economy is merely the embryo of a capitalist economy
Extension of Iron Framework
“Malleability”: Substance Ability to deform under pressure.
long Term
Activities Insertion
Invasion- Collage
“Awakening Slept Ecologies ” Exploration
Integrated Elements
Simulation of the dynamics between time and action in the production of public realm through a planned invasion of a sleeping space: An abandoned private park . A mobile structure with views to the city will become an after- hours Child care facility , a landscape operation aims to connect the ground level with an inhabitable terrace that will serve as observation deck . Over time, activities and living beings will start blending with the landscape and re-activating a currently dormant ecology.
Symbiotic Re lationships
Vegetable Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
18:00 hrs A group of parents walk up the ramp in their way to pick up their children
play is a range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities normally associated with recreational pleasure and enjoyment.
20:00 hrs Night Shift starts. Add Activity__
Symbiosis (from Greek “living together”) 2. is a close and often long-term interaction between two different biological species. 3. In 1879, the German mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as “the living together of unlike organisms
Exploration 1. The Action of Exploring an unfamiliar Area 2. Thorough examination of a subgect
Play is commonly associated with children and juvenile-level activities, but play occurs at any life stage, and among other higher-functioning animals as well, most notably mammals.
Emancipation: Over time, hard work, Collaboration and integration of different entities that inhabit a common ecosystem. A possibility of emancipation emerges. It’s a fragile equilibrium, imbedded in this possibility is acceptance of vulnerability, dangers of surveillance and contemporary anxieties.
4 Funerary Building San Juan de Avila Church Funerary Facilities Competition 1st Prize Camila Gaviria Architects Bogotรก, Colombia 2011 While working under supervision of Lead Architect Camila Gaviria, I developed the design for the Reflection terrace of the funerary services building. Furthermore, I produced visualisations of exterior and interior spaces. The project was awarded 1st place in the competition.
Reflection Terrace The competition consisted of reno足vating, adding visitation rooms and ashes urns space to the Funeral building attached to San Juan de Avila Church, a building listed as ar足chitectural heritage of Bogota. Existing Building
d e Proposed Operations
Resulting Volume
a. b. c. d. e.
Added volume, 3 visitation rooms Original volume, access to the cafe- urban life Memorial garden: Reticular system green roof Vitral art work: Integrated and celebrated in the proposal. Space for Reflection
Urns for as
The proposal comprised a costs by preserv足ing the pr On top of the new Volum proposed as a green ter足ra celebrates urban life; a g according to funerary ne
shes and landscape manipulations of urban ecologies
a new volume on top of the original strucÂture, reducing re-existing building structural and historical qualities. me, a memoÂrial garden, containing the Urns for ashes ace that serves as space for reÂflection, pocket park and grid of concrete prefabricated modules that will evolve eeds of the owners.
Reflection terrace plan
6 pm Starts raining, someone comes to stay for a while at the terrace. Local animals join the scene. In a few years, the urns for ashes will be taken over by vegetation. An ecosystem in permanent mutation.
Cafe & u
Street Sc
Part of my work was prod teriors. I created inhabite the opportunities for publ this proposal
urban life
ducing visualisation of ined scenarios highlighting lic space-animation that l incubated.
9am Morning coffee and reading sessions . The cafe acts as architectural interlude between street life and the funerary program.
5 Cali, Country Club Sports complex Camila Gaviria Architects Cali, Colombia 2011
Worked on Artist Impressions of Multiuse Court
I worked in the development of interior details and imagery for the project for Cali’s country Club. Located in a vast tropical environment, the building is a labyrinth of terraces where wind and birds fly throughout perforated structures . Cali’s 21 degree celsisus average temprature and humid nature during the whole year, allow for the creation of an ecology where plants and topography take over architectures. Over time, a spontaneous layer of camouflage may grow over concrete. Birds will visit more often. Proposed Interior design for bowling room Imagined outdoor terrace views and Landscaping
“16:00 Hrs. “A few visitors watch while a skating training takes place in a sunny afternoon”
Observation terraces & Bowling The character of the space. inspired directionality, the textures on the floor and ceillings voids- lamps, accentuate the geometry to produce a perspective that integrates the bowling, ventilation and illumination systems. Landscape, massive trees and natural elements, essence of this place, get inside the building through voids and light pockets; the spaces are permeable and allow the nature to participate of the interior’s architectural compositions. Brisoleils and other architectural elements work as light filters that ensure optimal conditions of inhabitability.
17:00 Hrs. “A Visitor captures dusk, while birds go back to their nests. Colombia is one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world�
The interior proposal for the bowling room aimed to reinforce the long qualities of the tracks. Lighting in linear frames that fold at its end to become the front-board of the technical room.
Detailed Transverse section of Bowling room
A landscaping proposal was developed as an articulator between the auxiliary buildings and the metallic structures containing the manufacturing machines
6 Workers’ Wellness Infrastructure Palcesar Palm Oil Industries Camila Gaviria Architects Cesar, Colombia
The objective of this intervention was developing a system of auxiliary buildings that would serve the employees and security needs of a pre-existing industrial complex. Palmas del Cesar is a company dedicated to the whole production process of animal and vegetable oils. Its palms plantation and headquarters are located in San Alberto- Cesar, a region with an average temperature of 30 degrees at midday and very humid conditions during the year. As this corporation plays a fundamental role in the development of
its surrounding community, the projects had an important social impact. Our practice aimed to provide high quality inhabitability conditions through the implementation of sustainable and efficient spaces in sinchrony with the field and landscape. The project involved urban design, landscaping and the development of satellite structures composing the employee’s facilities and control rooms. I developed integrally, the Auditorium design under supervision of the lead Architect, produced 3d images and planimetry for the whole complex.
Plan: Auxiliary buildings precinct.
Workers’ Auditorium The small auditorium project, has place for 40 people. The project consists of events room and toilets faciIities. Permeable facades. calculated voids and substractions contribute to optimal comfort conditions of the space. An urban precinct takes shape. allowing for a pedestrian scale of activities. This building grouping, humanises a section of the Oil Plant and celebrates the local feeling and people’s attitude. Animals from the region visit. The landscape operations, allow for a re-connection with wild and domestic life.
The aggrupation of the small buildings creates an urban space into the complex Longitudinal Section .
East Elevation.
West Elevation.
Plan .
Small voids, provide controlled sunlight. The concrete frames block criticall sun rays at specific hours during the day.
COTA, MUNICIPALITY Cota is one of the satellite cities strategically located on the west limits of Bogota. This frame of “Super Towns”. is planned to be essential urban support for Bogota in terms of housing. infrastructure. facilities and ecological systems LOS ANDES UNIVERSITY PLANS The area owned by lthe University of Los Andes (331 Has). is a potential urban centre. The institution plans a project consisting of housing. Technology incubators. Research and sports facilities. commerce and industry. The theatrical character of the ecological infrastructure makes this project an opportunity to create an urban/ land scape landmark that sets the standards for future interventions. MN+A Responsibilities
The practice’s responsibility was to design 3 potential Urban scenarios. I assisted in the production of imagery, 3d modelling, planimetrics and design of scenarios under supervision of Lead Architect and Urban Planner Mario Noriega.
7 Urban Potential Study Los Andes University Expansion Plan MN+A Arch. & Urban Planners Cota, Colombia
Simulation: 2040, the expasion plan has created an urban magnet, in a former rural area.
Scenario 1 Low Density Housing
(331 Hectares) Present Currently, the area owned by Los Andes University houses an event venue in an immense undeveloped area. “El Cerro Majui”, a protected Indigenous and ecological reserve constitutes the vast majority of terrain.
R cal
olo Ec jui
Scenario 3: Synthesis of development including Areas for Public Facilities. technological developments. comerce. industry and Housing The Scenarios are designed to integrate the breath-taking landscape and natural elements lhat converge in the site. The purpose is a sustainable development that celeb1·ates nature and urban life Commerce
Ecological extensions
Connectivity Network
Scenario 2 Industrial Incubators Priority
Scenario 3 Dense Housing- mixed Use
8 Sewing the Urban Fabric Usaquén Railway Station Bachelor Degree project directed by Arch. Daniel Bermúdez Samper Bogotá, Colombia
Urban Conflict: An urban fracture generating critical rup tures specially in the pedestrian system and cycleways. The problem tends to intensify in the near future as the business centre is planned to grow notably in the next 20 yrs. Planned urban interventions include fixing the vehicle roads but leave unsolved the pedestrian circulation in a place with high potential for celebration of urban life Responsibilities Generate an urban layer that integrates the converging infrastructu1·es and cele brates urban life. accordingly to the future needs of Usaquen and its Business centre in development.
Los Molinos Park connection
Usaquen Railway Station Recovery and level crossing
Pedestrian Bridge: :The Water Path”
Continuity in Shopping’s center public grounds
Radisson Hotel Integration
Energy Plant and Acueduct Facilities Upcycling (New Water Museum)
Low Rise Housing
Revitalised Medium Rise Housing Projects
Los Molinos Creek Recovery
A new layer of pedestrian connectivity that celebrates a place where a dense network of urban infrastructure converges.
Usaquen Railway Station Recovery + Landscape operations Office Building Ground Floor Access
Metamorphosis “A vertical Zoo in Buenos Aires” Team Gabriel Acosta David Cadena Sandra Maz
9 Academic Competitions Arquitectum.com Architectural competitions platform International
“...For the “Buenos Aires 2009” com petition, ARQUITECTUM proposed a ‘VERTICAL ZOO”in the middle of the “Costanera Sur”Ecological Reserve, a natural space of “artificial” origin situated on a large area of land reclaimed from the river. After having been used as a deposit of demolition rubble, an ecosystem of grasslands, lakes and wooded areas began to develop spontaneously, until finally the area was declared a Protected Naural Reserve in 1986. The “Vertical zoo” seeks to accentuate he Reserve’s natural character, it should take the form of an identifiable vertical element looking forward to establish itself as a landmark, imposing its presence within the context of the horizon of the reserve. With at least 100 meters high, it should be versctile enough to house a number of distinct functions related to education and recreation, as well functioning as a home for the animals and the admin istrative services associated with the running of a zoo .. .” Source Extract from www.Arquitectum.corn Architecture competition Buenos Aires 2009 Puerto Madero
To bring the reserve a new character and function is to p!ant the seed for the next step in the METAMORPHOSIS process, a subtle interventlon that grows up from nature and insinuates the comrng rel.ations that will appear in the evolution process. This new relations should have an organic character
Moulin Rouge, Dance School Paris, France 2009 Team Gabriel Acosta. Mauricio Berrío, David Cadena, Nathalie Herrera, Marcela Gutierrez, Sandra Maz.
“ ... For its "Paris 2009"Competition, ARQUITECTUM, proposed a reinterpre tation of “the new Moulin Rouge", the most famous cabaret in the world and a symbol of what is an important aspect of Parisian life ...” from the Jury Our proposal aimed to create an urban event, moving the iconic wind Mill to the front boulevard. Public space then penetrates the building through the entrance hall making the building an extension of the vibrant exterior urban life .
As a continuous path of urban life, the building bends in form of ramps and different levels where people are able to see the live performances that take place. Visual interactions, and a mix of public and private activities animate the scene. The mixed use program of the building is an opportunity to create a hub fo cultural interaction that potentialises the value of this Parisian Landmark.
concept sketch