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陳昕瑋 2013 - 2020

陳昕瑋 XINWEI CHEN, DAVID 華南理工大學 城鄉規劃 學士 B. ENG in Urban Planning, SCUT

2013 - 2018

加州大學伯克利 建築學 碩士 M. ARCH, UC Berkeley

2018 - 2021

[ORDER] 秩序 Order, as a state describing the appropriation of components in a whole, is established by the repetition of architectural elements. Through the clarity as well as comprehensibility of order, the essence of a building can be presented. The read of order in architecture is the translation of the intent and function into physical reality. The development of mass production for efficiency has been taking over the world, resulting in the fact standardized and simplified products — spaces included — are dominating our everyday lives. Such spaces in modern architecture bring users to a dilemma that it’s difficult to conceive the spaces when users perceive them as the extremes of abstraction and simplification. A step must be taken back from the extreme of the simplification and abstraction of orders in architecture, bringing the “unnecessary” complexity while chaotically clarity back so that it helps to better define spaces, and construct a more comprehensive and expressive architecture.

秩序,為壹種描述部分與整體關系的狀態,建立於建築元素的重復之上。通過可讀的秩序,建築的 概念、意圖得以被物質化表達,從而被使用者所理解。然而,現代化的大規模生產將壹切都作為了可 復制的商品——建築、空間乃至秩序亦包括在內,且這種極致的抽象與簡化將空間變得無法再被閱讀 與理解。因此,重新思考並將空間與秩序從完全的抽象簡化中回歸至“無用”的復雜和“混亂”的有 序,能夠將空間更好地定義,構建更有意義與內涵、豐富的建築環境。

CONTENTS 目錄 01 Station to Station A community center for reactivating the vitality of a historic site in Oakland, CA

02 Poetic Water Mechanism A vertical community for living with water in Hong Kong

03 A Market is not (just) a Market A market as a public gathering space in Oakland, CA

04 A Lonely Water Tower A tree house in no-man’s land in Rocky Mountain, Canada

05 Convergence A proposed Icon for retrieving significance of San Jose, CA

06 Intersection An elementary school in Dogpatch, San Francisco

07 Flow A library, park and recreational space in South San Francisco, CA

08 Efficiency Renovation A Renovation of a historic market in Guangzhou, China

09 Hall of Origin An ancestral hall for commemorating the past and the present in Qingyuan, China

10 Appendix: Other Projects Projects for explaining tools that have been applied for design

01 Station to Station Integrated Studio at CED, UC Berkeley Instructor: Dan Spiegel Teamwork with Maple Lin Fall 2020 /// Drawings are modified individually ///

The 16th St Train Station is located at the edge of West Oakland. Though long passed its most vital time, the site, with its historic significance, along with its proximity to the neighborhood, is to become again a focal point that, not only commemorates its political, social, and technological participation, but also converges local residents, the youths, and the musicians. The new building is a multifaceted community center that supports educational, musical as well as various communal activities, and simultaneously presents to the community its retrieved vitality.

奧克蘭十六街火車站位於奧克蘭西面的邊緣地帶。經歷過繁榮與破敗,此場地不僅擁有著重要的歷 史重要性,它更成為了壹個需要重新發展以成為能服務於附近居民的壹個公共空間,以在承載重現歷 史、政治、社會意義的同時,成為壹個能吸引並聚集社區的社區中心。此新建項目將成為壹個多功能 社區活動中心,服務於區域內的音樂產業、社區教育以及社區活動,同時將活力重新帶回場地。

[Forgotten corner] The site is located at the border between residential area and freeways, with numerous schools, music studios, public facilities such as library and churches in proximity. The former station no longer plays a central role in the neighborhood.

[Axes Intersection] The site of new building relates to its surrounding in such a way that each edge of the site corresponds to a different contextual condition. Thus the new building response to context via two sets of axes, generated by historic structure, streets, and visual access.

01 Station to Station

[A Multifaceted Center] The complexity of the site brings into the concept of a multifaceted center - different faces of the building would vary in the activities that project out to the surrounding.

01 Station to Station

[Solid-void & Frame] A formal study focuses on a specific portion of the train station, where the track steel structure and masonry thick walls intersect. The result is a set of spaces defined by thin structures, by solid chunks, or by both.

[Building System] The structural elements read as a series of directional frames are exposed and responding to the form given by the analysis and study. Load-bearing concrete walls are in between, bringing a contrasted spatial experience when walking inside the building. Displacement ventilation is applied serving for less disturbance of the reading of grid.

01 Station to Station

[Solid Corridor] Solid corridor separating event space and program- here reading area- help guide users to approach all spaces, also the exit to platform at the end leads people to walk from the new building to the historic one.

01 Station to Station

[Layers of Activities] Multiple types of activities can be perceived through visual openings.

01 Station to Station

[Site Plan] A public plaza located in front of the historic building provide spaces for gatherings and leisure activities. Multiple paths lead visitors from streets into the plaza and finally to both the historic main hall and the community center. At the northwest edge is a grove of small redwoods that shields the site from freeway noise and dust.

[Second Floor Plan] on the upper floor, small spaces are organized around corridors that wrap around the central space. An elevated platform extends from the new building and connect users to the historic train track, where an urban farm is located.

01 Station to Station

01 Station to Station

[Ground Floor Plan] The circulatory corridors formed by the pairs of concrete walls organize spaces with two-story multifunctional event space in the center. Smaller cuts through the pairs of walls at the event space create visual connection between the layered space inside the building. 01 Station to Station

[Transparency] Two-layer faรงade system, with U profile frosted glass panels on the outside, is applied but differentiates at various locations.

[Variation] Air cavity on the south side provide better thermal performance of faรงade system. On the north side structural elements stands out to reveal the rhythm of the building.

01 Station to Station

[Projection of Tranquility] Dropped off from vehicles, the building invites visitors in through the change of transparency of faรงade, activities can be perceived and then attract them in.

[Projection of Vitality] Walking inside the plaza, the landscape is guiding views towards the building where activities happen and presented through the semi-transparent facade.

01 Station to Station

[Solid Corridor] Solid corridor separating event space and program- here reading area- help guide users to approach all spaces, also the exit to platform at the end leads people to walk from the new building to the historic one.

01 Station to Station

[Street View]

[Urban Farm] The abandoned track platform now becomes the urban farm, connecting the historic building and the new community center.

01 Station to Station

01 Station to Station

01 Station to Station

02 Poetic Water Mechanism Option Studio at CED, UC Berkeley Instructor: Renee Y. Chow, Tomas McKay Individual Design Work Spring 2020 /// Level of Excellence, SARA ///

Water has always been shaping the city as well as architectures, overhangs for pedestrians, courtyards with water well, pitch roof, canals, etc. This project is trying to have water reshape high-rise in Hong Kong, embracing water more tightly to reconnect and reactivate a community and to have people live with water, the nature. In this project, water system becomes the dominant system to shape the building. With the skin collecting rain water, the waterfalls filtering gray water and conveying clean water downward, the terrace containing water for users, the whole building functions as a machine to provide and reuse water. Moreover, all these components create more activated public spaces for people to experience. ​Housing with different type of units, workspaces, commercial spaces are included in this vertical community. A daycare center and a community center and a gym are inserted in this community. Water flows in between, guiding people to walk out from their private spaces and gather on the terraces. Eventually water goes to the “snake” as well as the connectors, forming a larger-scale water system in Kennedy Town.

水壹直在影響著城市和建築的形態。該方案試圖以水來重塑香港超高層社區,將水與生活作更緊密 的聯系,從而將堅尼地城重新激活。在此方案中,水系統成為主導建築形態的首要元素——建築表皮 收集雨水、空中花園儲存生活用水、特別設計的瀑布景觀以過濾灰水與雨水......整個建築成為壹個循環 用水的機器,與更大範圍的水系統連接。

Belcher Bay

Cadogan st Temporary Garden

Kennedy Town

Ka Wai Man Rd Garden

Selected Site Kennedy Town Metro Station Forbes st Pitches

Mount Davis

[In between Nature and Dense Built Environment] This project is an exploration of an exposed water system as the most dominant element to shape this selected vertical community, surrounded by both the dense built environment (the kennedy town) as well as the nature.

02 Poetic Water Mechanism

Average water consumption 1,500cu m Predicted water consumption

1,000cu m Gray water quantity

500cu m

Sea water consumption

Building roof rainwater collection 0cu m













[Water Usage] Based on the number of residence living here and the surface area, the on-site water consumption and collection can be calculated out, showing that there is a large gap between usage and demand of water.

[Exploded Axon] Facade - Support - Stairs for exploration and circulation - Water mechanism - Structure

02 Poetic Water Mechanism

[Water Collector & Filter] Rainwater is collected by the skin to the terraces on multiple levels. Gray water is filtered first by the mechanicals in the terrace, and then cleaned by the bio filter in the waterfall. Both the cleaned gray water and rainwater flow down through the waterfall to the bottom water storage, or to the urban water system through the podium.

[Distributed Water System] Water system is distributed into multiple levels for minimization of the dimension as well as gravity loads, and maximization of the efficiency.

02 Poetic Water Mechanism

[Section] Water falls, vertical gardens, as well as pools not only function as water filter and storage, but form the atmosphere of public space in this vertical community as well.

02 Poetic Water Mechanism

[Section] Water falls, vertical gardens, as well as pools not only function as water filter and storage, but form the atmosphere of public space in this vertical community as well.

02 Poetic Water Mechanism

[Climbing Up and Viewing Out] The in-between space is a public , gray area for the residence to experience both the nature and the vertical community with artificial water system. Offices, public vertical gardens, commercial spaces, shared kitchen, can be connected by the cantilevered stair, providing another artificial while poetic pathway for the people who live here to appreciate the mountain view outside the rain skin. At the same time, waterfalls, vertical water ponds and gardens can be accessed by everyone, the water process can be sensed by all the members of this community.

[Plan] Water falls, vertical gardens, as well as pools not only function as water filter and storage, but form the atmosphere of public space in this vertical community as well.

02 Poetic Water Mechanism




02 Poetic Water Mechanism




02 Poetic Water Mechanism

03 A Market is not (just) a Market Urbanism and Architecture Studio at CED, UC Berkeley Instructor: Eric Reeder Individual Design Work Fall 2019

A market is always an active urban space for citizens to not just purchase goods, but gather together and have more activities. The project explores the whole fish products producing chain, trying to understand how fish are processed before arriving to the market. By overlapping and even blurring different scales into one market, a new market space with fish products factory on top is created for people to explore. Coming to this market is more than just buying fish - the place becomes a more public space for people to experience, gather, and enjoy.

市場自古以來便是最有活力的城市空間之壹,其功能不僅僅為提供購買食物的場地,而更是作為市 民聚集的場所。該方案探索了灣區魚類的生產、倉儲、物流、零售的整個流程。壹個新的市場因此而 誕生——將生產線與零售整合,將生產和零售的空間界限模糊,以提供壹個不僅僅是魚類販賣的市場 空間,而更是居民聚集、觀賞、發生活動的場所。

[Exploring Scales] Understanding how market is working is the most important thing - as a fish market, the food process from the beginning to a market eventually, which is the process of producing, processing, storage, distribution, retailing, help to construct the market spaces - scales representing different approaches to fish are analyzed so that they can be the references for organizing market spaces. Is a market possible to be not just a market, but a place for people to explore, to understand how fish is produced and transported to a food exchange space? The whole fish producing and selling process can be shown in just the market. Scales can be mixed and even blurred into one market space and some interesting moments and experience would be created.

03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Overlaying of Scales] A Diagram showing how different scales are occupying the market. An evenly distributed grid is functioned as space of fish retailing, emphasizing the scale of exchange activities. Several enclosed spaces which are mostly fish processing with machines are penetrating to the retail space so that the factory space becomes spectacles for customers to see. A conveyor is connecting two factory spaces and it’s sometimes exposed to the public as a guidance of the public terrace in between the retail space and the factory, where is a public space for citizens to gather and experience the market.

03 A Market is not (just) a Market



3 4 5 6

[Physical Model] 1. Site Surface Model - Presenting Scale boundaries 3. Section Model 5. Concept Model

2. Scale Overlapping Model

4. Volume Model - Function overlapping 6. Section Model - Scale and Structure Shifting

03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Ground Floor]


03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Second Floor]


03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Third Floor]


03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Entrance] Retail space is 24-hour open to the public, with fish product assembly line weaving in the structural grid.

03 A Market is not (just) a Market

[Retail Space] Retail dimension defines the structural grid, the shift of grid size implies change of programs.

[Structure] An exaggerated structural element is applied at where for visitors’ gathering, presenting the mix of manufacturing activities and retail activities.

03 A Market is not (just) a Market

04 A Lonely Watch Tower Introducing Architecture Studio at CED, UC Berkeley Instructor: Ronald Rael Individual Design Work Fall 2018

What is the meaning of home, for people? What is the relationship between the client and his/her residence? A house as the home for a certain person is the container of his/ her memories, and also, the representative of what the client dreaming of. A residence for a client should also be based on his/her own narrative, showing the attitude of him/ her towards life, other people, or even the society.

家對於壹個人的意義是什麽?家與住在其中的人的關系是什麽?壹個能被稱為家的房子,是其記憶 的容器,是其夢想的具象表達。該方案從建築的敘事性以及元素拼貼出發,將文字與二維的拼貼轉化 為三維的空間,來將壹個人的故事具象化,成為其個人的私密住宅。

[Ideogram] Ideogram for plan transformation and interpretation - a collage with different elements.

04 A Lonely Watch Tower

[First Floor Plan]

[Second Floor Plan]

04 A Lonely Watch Tower

[Ideogram] Ideogram for section transformation and interpretation - a collage with different elements.

04 A Lonely Watch Tower



04 A Lonely Watch Tower

05 Convergence Urban Confluence Competition, CCP Recommended Submission Teamwork with Bowen Li, Muran Yang Summer 2020 /// Drawings are modified individually ///

Imagine the ripples spreading out from a falling droplet in a pond, creating a bouncing peak at the drop point with an ever-spreading wave around. The wonderful power hidden in this process is a metaphor for the role that Silicon Valley acts in our world. We try to both stand in the past and future to envision this important landmark for today’s world. We believe concise and classic geometry would convey the spirit of Silicon Valley and we try to express the power of “converging”, “vibrating” and “spreading” by a holistic structure above this area. In this idea, a new landmark would arise in the center of San Jose showing the human will and hope in this age.

壹滴水珠落入水池,漣漪會逐漸從水珠下落的地方分散開去,這種美妙的效應如同矽谷之於世界, 點滴的技術革新逐漸改變了全世界。該方案試圖將此情景具象化,以簡單而經典的幾何形體構成壹個 既能成為讓矽谷市民活動與探索場地豐富自然生態的場所,同時為矽谷提供壹個具有代表性的標誌。


05 Convergence

[Aerial View] A new icon situating on top of the meeting point of two rivers.

[A New Landscape] Multiple solar energy collectors are placed with minimum impact to the nature while achieving net zero goal.

05 Convergence

06 Intersection Arch 200B Studio at CED, UC Berkeley Instructor: Rudabeh Pakravan Individual Design Work Spring 2019

This project starts with a case study, trying to use a single method to manipulate and organize spaces. Volumes are intersecting with different angles and grids and in response to the site context. Wall becomes an element to guide, to separate and to emphasize special spatial characteristics. With the method applied, irregular public spaces are created and “mislead” people, yet the functional spaces remain regular. It’s a balance between irregularity and regularity.

本方案始於對案例的研究,通過以單壹手法來操作和整合空間。 體塊以不同的角度交叉來回應場 地。在此建築中,墻成為了引導、區分、強調的空間元素。異形空間由此形成,給以人“誤讀”的遐 想。因此,規則性與不規則性空間之間的平衡於此形成。

[Diagraming spaces] This project starts with a case study. Through simple, Montessori Elementary School designed by Marlon Blackwell Architects is a site-based project with two volumes intersecting in a specific angle. Two grids are created to responded the triangular-shape site. Seeing from inside to the inner garden, one may have a sense that the space is not parallel to the surroundings. Turning to face the other window, however, one may has a misreading that the building becomes parallel to the site edge.

06 Intersection

[Diagram] Intersecting creates misreading.

06 Intersection


06 Intersection

06 Intersection

07 Flow SSF City Center, Done by SmithGroup SF Office Work Sample Summer 2019

How can we imagine a city’s library, park and recreational center in the bay area? How can we design a large-scale project yet balance between creation and realisitc constraints? This project situates at the corner of two main transportation corridors: El Camino Real. and Chestnut Ave, with it’s “nest” council chamber facing to the intersection, and a uniformed facade with frit pattern responding to the environment wrapping up the whole building. Eventually, a welcoming, transparent public space will serve the whole city with high quality spaces and high standard environmental performance.

我們該如何構思壹個服務於城市的圖書館與活動中心?我們該如何設計壹個大尺度項目並在創造力與 現實條件限制下平衡?該項目位於城市主幹道埃爾卡米諾大道切斯諾大道的交叉路口,以壹個鳥巢般 的議會廳面對公眾,並以回應環境的立面環繞整個建築。最終,壹個通透的、吸引人的場所給人提供 了高質量的活動空間與高標準的環境績效。

[Facade Design] During working at SmithGroup San Francisco office, I participated in both exterior design and interior design of several projects, and South San Francisco Library Park and Rec building is one of the projects that I mainly worked on. Through producing physical models and diagrams for studying and presenting, also working with grasshopper and solar analysis, I helped with generating iterations of facade frit pattern, city hall exterior as well as materials.

07 Flow

[Physical Model Image] Entrance from plaza.

[Physical Model Image] Frit pattern.

07 Flow

08 Efficiency Renovation 2017 Spring Design Studio at SCUT Individual Design Work Spring 2017

Renminnan is one of the most energetic place as a world-famous area called Shisanhang which was used to be the only business zone in the Qing dynasty. With area of market expanding and leaving negative influence, residents living in Renminnan complain a lot. Instead of moving the wholesale market to outside the old town, the project aims to balance the needs of various groups of people. Through a progressive revitalization with a skyscraper reconstruction as the beginning, the entire wholesale market will become an internal system in Shisanhang district, and efficiency of the wholesale market will be improved, making the district a more energetic place.

人民南作為清朝時期中國唯壹對外工商口岸,曾經是世界上最有活力的區域之壹。隨著社會發展,該 工商口岸失去了曾經的政治、歷史、社會地位與意義,留下了許多消極的空間與社會因素。該方案試 圖以內部重構而非異地重構來解決人民南區域的問題:以對其中爛尾樓的改造重新置入更多商業空 間,對現存商業空間與道路進行重新梳理,實現在有限空間內的效率最大化,避免對整個區域的產業 進行過大的沖擊的同時,對區域進行優化升級。

Yudaihao Resident District Yangrenxi Resident District

Zhuangyuanfang Costume Factory (handmade costumes for canton opera)

Yangrenan Resident District

Datong Wholesale Building (wholesale market from 1st floor to 9th floor)

Logistics Center

Guangyang Wholesale Market (wholesale market)

Shisanhang District (wholesale and retail)

Hongbiantian Wholesale Market (clothes wholesale market from 1st floor to 7th floor)

Children Park (underground storage)

New China Building (wholesale center in Shisanhang area)

Anyeli District (storage and residence)

wholesale buildings or areas

bus stop

resident area


sphere of wholesale activity

main area of wholesale

service area of public transportation

storage area of wholesale market

retail area

service sphere of New China building

[Wholesale and Living in Old Town] Renminnan district, a historical old town in Guangzhou with a wholesale market inside, is a place full of paradoxes. On one hand, unlike other certain historical districts in Guangzhou, it is energetic that a sheer magnitude of people working and living here. On the other hand, area of wholesale market is expanding because of low rent in old town, leaving negative influence on residents and historical area. Apart from it, situation of transportation system is not able to support the need of wholesale market. In the center of wholesale market, half of a 50-floor skyscraper is abandoned, which is a waste of space in a high- density district. Instead of expanding out of control, refilling the skyscraper is a better opportunity to reconstruct the area.

08 Efficiency Renovation

sphere of clothes retail activity





Main route for logistics Traffic jam in old town

Main street of market

Old buildings of market


Park axis

Residence around

Wholesale center

Logistics center

Logistics center

Carrier of market

Truck for logistics

Inside the market

08 Efficiency Renovation



Clothes retail centers are built for shoppers. Taking up space as less as possible,

Around a public square in the center of Shisanhang area, a clothes factory and

clothes retail centers control functions and structure of certain blocks, providing

a clothes exhibition center are built in supplementary of functions of wholesale

more ways for architectures around to upgrade or reconstruct.

market, and such present space for activities related to clothes which attracts more consumers to the market.

06 Intersection



With unloading center upgraded, it is more efficient for both wholesale owners and

The stage is reconstructed into a double-layer theater including an indoor theater

consumers to transfer goods. Also, more space for trucks to park reduces chance of

and a outdoor one, allowing more types of activities to be held to satisfy needs of

traffic jam in old town.

residents, tourists as well as clothes practitioners.

06 Intersection

09 Hall of Origin 2017 Spring Design Studio at SCUT Individual Design Work Winter 2016

Foresighted thoughts of the future of rural area is the essence of the search for rural architecture. Rapid urbanization has been undermining the vitality of rural areas. The consistent loss of young residents makes it perplexed for the future of countryside. As the bond of rural areas, family spirit is dying as rural areas become dilapidated. Urban citizens lack their motivation of returning to countryside mainly because they lack a rural life to engage. Therefore, reviving historical rural life spirit is of great significance. The question then leads to how people can recall the memories as well as traditional rites and activities. Carrying forward the traditional rites makes it recognized more widely, and that is how we restore and trace the rural life mode. An ancestral hall, the unique and core architecture which serves a rural clan, is what the project focus on. Ancestral halls are the spiritual sustenance of rural residents. One should not lose his “origin”, and thus the city becomes the home of his body while the countryside becomes the home of his soul. Reconstructing memorial space of the ancestral hall, retrieving cohesion of the clan, optimizing public space, returning people the rural life, and constructing a sense of belonging, are the possibilities of future rural life and architecture.

對鄉村未來的構想是對鄉村建築設計的基礎。由於年輕村民的流失,中國在快速城市化的進程同時破 壞了鄉村的活力。在鄉村中,家族精神是維系外出打工的村民與鄉村唯壹的紐帶,同時也是促使外出 村民歸來探親居住的最重要的因素。因此,如何將此精神紐帶以建築強化即是鄉村建築設計的關鍵。 祠堂,作為獨特的、服務於鄉村家族的公共建築,是此項目關註的重點。

FUTAN Village

Deck Entrance

Public Square

Entrance of Village N





[Ground Floor Plan]



6 1

7 4

8 9


[Plan -1.50m]

[Plan +2.50m]

09 Hall of Origin

[Plan +5.00m]

09 Hall of Origin

Concrete Panel Roof Sheathing

Metal Rafter

Roof Interior Finishing Panel

Aluminum Louvers(Non-load Bearing)

Concrete Bearing Wall

StPl- 16 (Load Bearing) Coating Structural Steel

Concrete Panel Roof Sheathing

Concrete Bearing Wall Concrete Bearing Wall Metal Beam

Subflooring Panel

Floor Joists & Footing

[Construction Layer]

09 Hall of Origin














15 13






6 7

4 2



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Gravel t=130 Polyethylene film t=0.2 Damp-proof course concrete cushion t=60 Reinforced concrete foundation t=140 Concrete base beam 400*800 Gravel t=350 Pre-formed concrete apron Styrofoam t=60 Wooden joists

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wooden floor Expansion bolts L-shaped steel component Steel bolt Aluminum alloy plate 80*1.5 Ointment for caulking U-shaped steel component St PL-16 SOP structural steel plate 120*5 Horizontal light steel frame

09 Hall of Origin

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

L-shaped steel components Steel beam 120*30 U-shaped steel component Pre-formed concrete roof plate 1000*1000*50 Calcium silicate board t=10 Celling: hanging concrete plate upper steel frame Roof waterproof layer

[Appendix A: Physical Modeling] Multiple model skills are applied for academic purposes and practice, including 3d-printing, laser cutting as well as rubber skin making, plaster making and wood works. Concept model, architectural model for presentation, large scale section models were produced. 3d打印、激光切割、橡膠倒模、石膏、木工等方法運用到了多個尺度的模型當中,包括概念模型、建築表達模型、大尺 度的局部模型等。

10. Appendix: Other Projects

[Appendix B: Environmental Analysis] Environmental analysis with softwares and plugins including DIVA, Rhino CFD, Climate Consultant, Ecotect for better building environmental performance. 環境績效分析運用了多種軟件與插件,對采光、通風、氣候等進行分析,以提高建築的綠色節能表現。

10. Appendix: Other Projects

[Appendix C: Structural Analysis] Grasshopper Kangaroo, Karamba 3D and RhinoVault 3D are used for structural analysis and optimization, including cross section optimization, form finding, etc.


10. Appendix: Other Projects

[Appendix C: Structural Analysis] Grasshopper Kangaroo, Karamba 3D and RhinoVault 3D are used for structural analysis and optimization, including cross section optimization, form finding, etc.


10. Appendix: Other Projects

Working City - Maze

Working City - Basin

[Appendix D: Drawing as a tool for criticizing] Drawings for explanation/criticizing/expressing/manifesting.


10. Appendix: Other Projects

Working City - Virtual Public

Working City - Skyscraper of Hierarchy

[Appendix D: Drawing as a tool for criticizing] Drawings for explanation/criticizing/expressing/manifesting.


10. Appendix: Other Projects



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