A Straw Man Argument Against The Chrisitan Doctrine Of Predestination

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by God. What will Stephen Fry say to him/her or it. ‘‘I will basically notice the Odyssey, I think I say bone cancer and children what’s that about how dare you how dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault it’s not right it’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious mean minded stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain. That’s what I would say. ‘‘And you think you’re going to get in know that’’ said the interviewer. But I wouldn’t want to, I wouldn’t want to get in on his terms. They’re wrong. Now if I died and it was Pluto Hades and if it was the twelve Greek gods then I would have more truck with it because the Greeks were they didn’t pretend not to be human in their appetites and in their capriciousness and in their unreasonableness They didn’t present themselves as being all seeing, all wise all kind, or beneficent because the God who created this universe, if it was created by God, is quite clearly a maniac, utter maniac, totally selfish totally, we have to spend our life on our livest thanking you. What kind of God would do that. Yes the world is very splendid but it also has in it insects whose whole life cycle is to burrow into the eyes of children and make them blind they eat outwards from the eyes. Why, why did you do that to us. You could easily have made a creation in which that didn’t exist. It is simply not acceptable so you know atheism isn’t not just about not believing there is, it is not believing there’s a God but on the assumption there is one what kind of God is it it’s perfectly apparent these monstrous, utterly monstrous, and deserves no respect whatsoever. The moment you banished him then life becomes simpler, pure clean more living. I am sure is the longest answer to that question I ever got in this entire series. I shudder to hear the response Steven Fry make and would not like to fall into the hand of the living God with that attitude. Determinism Heresy Lance goes on, double predestination and determinism have been determined for centuries to be heresies. Predestination is a singular plan and is more about the plan and not the man. The man can get on the plan or not. It is their choice to choose God or not. The purpose of the Incarnation of God the Son, when the divine plan reached its culmination, was to make God known to man (John 1:18), so that man might attain the stature of Christ, the likeness of God (Eph 4:13) and transform his body, “that it may be fashioned like unto the glorious body of Christ”, the God-Man (Phil 3:21 – symmorphon – may be fashioned into). It’s not hard to go read St. Justin Martyr on Free Will which can be found in

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