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Pelagian Heresy CLICK TO VIEW

Pelagianism is a set of beliefs associated with the British monk Pelagius (circa AD 354–420), who taught in Rome in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. Pelagius denied the doctrines of original sin, total depravity, and predestination, believing that the human tendency to sin is a free choice. Following this line of reasoning, there is no need for God’s intervening grace because people only need to make up their minds to do God’s will. Pelagius’ views were fervently opposed by St. Augustine of Hippo and regarded as heresy by the Christian church.


David Clarke


What Is A Straw Man Argument

A Straw Man argument is where one person seeks to prove his point of view by attacking some thing the other person has not said but in fact all his arguments are against something the other person has not said, and so when finished they think they have made their point and established their point of view. In this Straw Man argument against the Christian teaching on predestination my son Isaac and Lance Conley are attacking a Straw Man of their own construction.

Isaac’s Says God Does Not Force Anyone And I don’t argue against the idea God predestined people to be saved or certain actions; however it’s clear he gives men time and does not force them.

My Response To God Does Not Force Here is his straw man. I have never said God forces man do anything but uses intervention to prevent some sin lest they die. Genesis 20:6, But I do say he makes them (the elect) willing in the day of His power. Here you are arguing against some thing I do not teach. A Straw Man.

Isaac’s Response Take The Apostle Paul

36 4 A STRAW MAN ARGUMENT CONTINUED Even if you take Paul, who for a while was so opposed to God he killed Christians and God stept in to change his ways.

My Answer Take The Apostle Paul Paul was a chosen vessel for salvation, elect chosen in Christ, before the world was according to the election of grace. Was a Pharisee, of Pharisee as touching the Law Blameless a persecutor of Christ and his people, as an example to all who should now wish to live ungodly and to other religious people who have never been called by the lord effectually, so that no man however religious or sinner of the deepest dye or condition is not too estranged from God, for God to deliver man from his lost condition. There is no excuse for an man to remain a sinner opposed to God. Repentance is obligatory and is a requirement but granted to the elect to believe and partake of this great salvation. Repentance is a grace gift of God. 2 Timothy 2:25, and given to the whole Israel of God. Galatians 6:16. Paul’s redemption came through the predestined work of Jesus Christ coming into the world whilst he was yet in his sins. Roman 5:8. Jesus died for his sins, worked out a righteousness, in order to make him just before God and so purchasing all the blessings of grace spoken of in Ephesians 1:4-6, and published in the gospel of Christ. That includes all those spiritual blessings believers receive on believing such as adoption, justification, regeneration, sanctification glorification. Romans 8:30, all blessings bought for the elect by the righteous life death, resurrection, glorification and parousia of the lord Jesus Christ. The eternal purpose of God being to bringing all things under his feet that God might be all in all, Glory be to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ephesians 1:6.

Isaac People Predestined to Salvation not every action I’ve no argument against the idea that people are predestined for salvation; however as stated in my response I’ve clearly used scripture to prove your translation that predestination carries over to all actions is in error.

My answer Predestined Purpose Of God Fulfilled You have shown nothing to me, or any one, that denies the Predestination of God is over all things, including your answer to me this day. The reason why Mordecai knew salvation would come from elsewhere if Esther never went before the King to plead their case was because he believed God, according to the revealed will of God that he would save them, as the scripture had informed them. Yes they might die but the predestined purpose of God

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