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C.M. Isaac Watts 58
3 Hence all our comforts flow, And balm for every fear; May we by sweet experience know How choice, how rich they are.
87 148th J. Kent
Everlasting Love. Jer. 31. 31-34; 33. 20, 21
With David’s Lord and ours, A covenant once was made, Whose bonds are firm and sure, Whose glories ne’er shall fade! Signed by the sacred Three-in-One, In mutual love, ere time began.
2 Firm as the lasting hills, This covenant shall endure, Whose potent shalls and wills Make every blessing sure: When ruin shakes all nature’s frame, Its jots and tittles stand the same.
3 [Here the vast seas of grace, Love, peace, and mercy flow, That all the blood-bought race Of men, or angels know: O sacred deep, without a shore, Who shall thy limits e’er explore?]
4 Here when thy feet shall fall, Believer, thou shalt see Grace to restore thy soul, And pardon, full and free; Thee with delight shall God behold, A chosen sheep in Zion’s fold. 5 And when through Jordan’s flood Thy God shall bid thee go, His arm shall thee defend, And vanquish every foe; And in this covenant thou shalt view Sufficient strength to bear thee through. JOHN KENT 1803
87A L.M. J. Kent
Eph. 2; Mal. 3. 6
O the mysterious depths of grace! Who shall thy wandering mazes trace? Surpassing human thought to know Where this abyss of love shall flow.
2 ’Twas hid in God’s eternal breast, For all his sons in Jesus blest, Whose mystic members, from of old, Were in the book of life enrolled.
3 [Shall one, as now in thy embrace, Before tomorrow fall from grace; Be doomed to Tophet’s endless flame, Where hope or mercy never came?
4 No! glory to his name we say, He’ll love tomorrow as today. No wrath shall e’er his bosom move Towards an object of his love.]
5 No heights of guilt, nor depths of sin, Where his redeemed have ever been, But sovereign grace was underneath, And love eternal, strong as death.