HYMNS SELECTED 95 His radiant throne on high, (Surprising mercy! love unknown!) To suffer, bleed, and die! 3
He took the dying traitor’s place, And suffered in his stead; For man (O miracle of grace!) For man the Saviour bled.
Dear Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood! By this are sinners snatched from hell, And rebels brought to God.
5 What glad return can I impart For favours so divine? O take my all, this worthless heart, And make it wholly thine.
112th J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks
Redemption Found. 2 Cor. 5. 1; 1 Pet. 1. 18-20 1 Now I have found the ground wherein My anchor, hope, shall firm remain, The wounds of Jesus, for my sin Before the world’s foundation slain; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, When heaven and earth are fled away. 2
[O grace, thou bottomless abyss, My sins are swallowed up in thee! Covered is my unrighteousness; From condemnation I am free. For Jesus’ blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, eternal mercy, cries.]