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I Am Promoted To Service Manager
126 greatly regret that we have to terminate your employment as from today week.
Rest assured this has no adverse reflection on your work or you present unfortunate illness, and will be more than pleased to give you any reference, which may be of help to you.
Should the economic position improve I would be pleased to consider any application you may wish to make at any time, and always pleased to see or help in any way possible.
Yours Sincerely,
C. J. Ward. Enclosed P.45 and N.I. Card.
Please note we have sent off your National Health certificate and have not deducted any money from this on next week’s remuneration.
The following reference was enclosed
To whom it may concern.
Mr. David Clarke has been in our employ since August 1972 and has always proved himself to be industrious, courteous, efficient and reliable worked whom we have been pleased to have on our Staff. Since being with us he has taken advantage of Day College to obtain his City and Guilds endorsement to add to his previous knowledge and certificates. We can thoroughly recommend him for any similar position and wish him well in such. We regret that the present government and country unrest and economic position leaves us with great regret to dispense with his services.
C. J Ward.
18 Working for Granada TV Rentals
It was within two weeks of my redundancy that I had obtained a new job, working for Granada TV Rentals, as a service technician. I started work for Granada TV Ltd. on 25/2/1974 being paid £37.27 per week. This car had a company logo printed on the side of the vehicle so one knew for whom I worked. I say this because this became a point of issue at a later date. I also was granted £3.72 per week as a vehicle allowance.
I Am Promoted To Service Manager
Within 6 months of working at Granada I was promoted to workshop manager and I found the work very challenging and rewarding. I found working for Granada a fresh breath of air and got on real well. The only problem was I worked too hard and was inefficient which led to a real case of depression, which I will relate later.