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The Doctrines of the Gospel
136 about half the speed of the hymns sung at other churches and the words of the hymns were wonderful and glorifying to God. The stile of meeting was generally Hymn, reading from the scripture (Authorized version King James), Hymn, Prayer, hymn, Sermon, finally hymn and then a closing prayer. A short while after I began to attend on a regular basis I was asked by Mr. King if I would engage in prayer when asked too. It was the custom for men to pray the women would keep silent.
I did engage in prayer and after the meeting Mr King asked me kindly to pray in future in reverent language and address God in terms of thee and thou rather then you and your because it could offend people. That was there custom.
I went away feeling offended thinking all kinds of thoughts. I was upset thinking what difference does the language make etc. but I bowed to their request and adopted their form of speech in order not to offend. I now find it difficult, to day, to break from that habit of using thee and thou. I.e. Reverent language when addressing God.
Bierton Baptist Chapel
Bierton Strict and Particular Baptist Chapel. The Church was founded in 1831
The Doctrines of the Gospel
I was convinced the Word of God was infallible and the only rule of conduct and religious practice. I believed the scripture taught us of a sovereign true and living God. That though God be one God, the only self existent being, one in essence and nature, there subsists in the divine essence three divine persons; The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I believed that person were truly and properly God by nature and that from all eternity. I believed that the divine nature was not divided but one in essence and each divine person possessing the whole of the divine essence.
I believed the scripture taught the Lord Jesus Christ is that only begotten