1 minute read
A Visitor James from Scotland
146 of William Huntington’s book entitled the Everlasting Love of God towards His Elect. On reading this it became very clear that the Arminians were in the dark and I felt if only I could talk to them then the opposition that I had experienced from those that I had met at Lowestoft would surely disappear and the news be received with gladness. Mr Groom commented on my reading the book expressing he felt it very deep reading. I can recommend this to any one to read.
Before Mr Frank L. Gosden was the pastor of Gilead church in Brighton Mr J K Popham (1847 to 1947) was their pastor who was the former editor of the Gospel Standard.
For 55 years pastor of Gilead Chapel Brighton. Editor of the Gospel Standard from 1905 -1937. Besides being a minister of the gospel he was a gifted writer and theologian. He was called upon to deal with many controversial issues of the times. His booklet Spiritual Counsel to the Young is still in print as are many of his sermons. A book on the life of letters of J.K. Popham was written by J.H. Gosden
Under the title ‘Valiant For Truth’
James Kidwell Popham 1847-1937
A Visitor James from Scotland
On one of these occasions we had a visitor from the group meeting at the Bethlehem Meeting hall, at Penn, where John Metcalfe, was their Pastor. I learned one or two things from our visitor, who was called James. He was a former Scotts Presbyterian and I think from the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland whom I learned were renowned Calvinists. These I learned and opposed the Gospel Standard views of the none-offer of the Gospel and also the view that the Law of Moses was not the rule of life for the believer. They held to a view of a free offer of Christ to all men, a view I could not go along with, as Christ died for the elect only. Christ was to be preached to the entire world but He was not on offer.