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Try To Buy the Waddesdon Hill Chapel
Try To Buy the Waddesdon Hill Chapel
Shortly after this after I had succeeded from the Bierton chapel and a few of us were meeting in our home at Bierton I was informed the Waddesdon Hill Chapel was up for sale. I thought perhaps this was a way forward and we could use the chapel to meet in and we may be in the position to form a church.
I wrote to the trustee’s explaining my situation. I asked them to forward me a copy of the trust deed as I felt since I had attended the meetings held by the former trustee’s it was quite probable that we would qualify to use the chapel if we fitted the characters of those set out in the trust deed.
I was invited to meet with the committee and put forward my case and during meeting one of the trustees said they wanted some one dynamic to go into Waddesdon village and make an impact. I thought this was not how I saw things. God was well able to do it his way. I replied it sounded as though he wanted the Lord Jesus to go there. I am offered the chapel on unsatisfactory terms
I was offered the chapel on the basis that I form a church using their confession of faith, which was the 1966 Strict Baptist Confession. I said I could not do that because I believed them to be wrong but would be able to do so if they were, as the Gospel Standard Articles, without those added ones. My request and offer was turned down.
I offer to buy the chapel for 1 penny more than the highest bidder Not being prepared to let it go, I offered to buy the chapel and since they were going to sell it I would offer one penny more that the highest bidder. They were not prepared to do this. So I left it.
27 Truth Causes A Division
Luke 2. 51
This section deals with those issues that I would not normally publish. However as a result of the very serious doctrinal errors and practice that I encountered I am fully persuaded that it is right to publish them as a warning for others. The following is an account of an issue that resulted in me withdrawing from the communion, over matters of conscience, due to the unresolved churches issues and departure from the truth and misconduct of the church.
The following sermon notes were made before and after I preached at the weeknight meeting, at the Bierton Strict and Particular Baptist Chapel, on Wednesday the 20th of April 1983. I believe that sermon was the instrument laid at the root of the error, which caused the division, and parting of the