1 minute read
The Fareham Registry Office
Dave’s Ball and Chain
He said he has not ruled out the possibility of a honeymoon in a tent he lives in this summer in the garden of his home.
38 My Marriage and 11 Hayling Close
With my future so uncertain I decided to buy a house of my own and had hoped it would become our marital home, if ever we finally go it together. This proved to be a good move, as I needed a retreat whenever Nurse Ratchet and I had a disagreement. Never the less I tried ever so hard to work on our relationship.
The Fareham Registry Office
We had always planned to get legally married as soon as I was free. However until that time I felt it a good thing to buy a house so that we could start our married life in a new home. I was able to complete the purchase of number 11 Hayling Close in January 1997 and move in straight away. By this time we had arranged our legal marriage at the Registry Office, which took place on 21st February 1997, with a reception at the Oast and Squire. On this occasion I had to rearrange my teaching schedule that Friday afternoon for many of my students attended and after this we had our honeymoon in Bournemouth.
I know I was definitely on a manic high on that day as I took with me, in