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I Decide Against Joining The Church

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Further Good

for a while if you want to go.

I now realize if you are telling me you will still take it I want a separation if I join the Warsash Church, in spite of me telling you otherwise, then you are threatening me. I take it you will forsake me if I join the Warsash Church.


I take it you are threatening me for being a Christian. I believe my Jesus whom I depend on will never forsake me and has spoken to me from His word about this very situation and this is what he says:

Matthew 19 verse 29. Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name’s sake shall receive an hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life.

I love you more than you have ever felt or known and I believe you were given me by God as my hearts desire. I am sorry for all the wrong and hurt I have caused you please forgive me.

You now tell me you will want permanent separation if I follow Jesus in the way he wants me to go. I want to follow Jesus. You have told me I stand to loose you if I follow Him.

You have already said I cannot take Rebekah if I join the Church on Sunday, even though I really want you and her with me. I am sorry this is your attitude and intention but I now know what I must do.

If the Lord will I will be joining the Church at Warsash on Sunday 13th December 1998. I assume you will stick to your word but please ring me and say I can take her. I will talk with your minister friend, R B, D.C. and V F, any one if you think I need help or if you want me too. I am free Friday and Saturday.

I love you, please do not forsake me. We have a lot to look forward too in the Lord.

Love David.

I Decide Against Joining The Church

After careful consideration I decide not to join the church thinking this would help so I explained my situation to B T and his wife and B and I and they said they would speak with us both and help. I wrote the following to Silver Girl.

Dear Silver Girl, 20/12/98

I realize you may not be aware but I did not joint the church at Warsash last Sunday. I was hoping my decision not to join would help our reconciliation as you expressed you were not happy about it. I also took the liberty to ask B and I and B T and his wife to help us by talking through things with us. They all said they would be pleased to help.

I have a Christmas present for Rebekah and would really like it to be to

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