2 minute read
32 1 FIRST LONDON PARTICULAR BAPTIST CONFESSION 1646 English speaking world. It enjoyed editions in Britain in 1693, 1699, 1719, 1720, 1791, 1809.
In 1855 C. H. Spurgeon issued a new edition. It was only the second year of his ministry at the New Park Street Chapel.
Spurgeon wrote, “I have thought it right to reprint in a cheap form this excellent list of doctrines, which were subscribed to by the Baptist Ministers in the year 1689. We need a banner because of the truth; it may be that this small volume may aid the cause of the glorious gospel by testifying plainly what are its leading doctrines. May the Lord soon restore unto Zion a pure language, and may her watchmen see eye to eye.” He addressed these remarks to “all the Household of Faith, who rejoice in the glorious doctrines of Free Grace.” 2 LONDON BAPTIST CONFESSION 1689
WE the MINISTERS and MESSENGERS of and concerned for upwards of one hundred baptized congregations in England and Wales (denying Arminianism), being met together in London, from the third of the seventh month to the eleventh of the same, 1689, to consider of some things that might be for the glory of God, and the good of these congregations, have thought meet (for the satisfaction of all other Christians that differ from us in the point of Baptism) to recommend to their perusal the confession of our faith, which confession we own, as containing the doctrine of our faith and practice, and do desire that the members of our churches respectively do furnish themselves therewith,
Hanserd Knollys, William Kiffin, John Harris William Collins, Hercules Collins, Robert Steed, Leonard Harrison, George Barret, Isaac Lamb, Richard Adams, Benjamin Keath, Andrew Gifford, Thomas Vaux, Thomas Winnel, James Hitt, Richard Tidmarsh, William Facey, Samuel Buttel, Christopher Price Daniel Finch John Ball Edmond White William Pritchard Paul Fruin Richard Ring John Tompkins Toby Willes John Carter James Webb Richard Sutton Robert Knight Edward Price William Phipps William Hankins Samuel Ewer Edward Man Charles Archer, Broken Wharf Devonshire-square Joiner’s Hall Petty France Wapping Broken Wharf Limehouse Mile End Green Pennington-street Shad Thames Horse-liedown Bristol, Fryars Broadmead Taunton Dalwood, Oxford City, Reading Plymouth, Abergavenny, Kingsworth, Tiverton Evershall, Blaenau, Warwick, Southampton Abingdon, Bridewater, Steventon ,Devizes, Tring Stukeley, Hereford-City, Exon, Dimmock, Hemstead, Houndsditch, HickNorton, London ,Southwark, Som. & Glouc, Dorset, Osen Berks, Devon, Monmouth, Herts, Devon, Bedford, Monmouth, Warwick, Hants, Berks, Somerset, Bedford, Wilts. Herts, Bucks, Hereford, Devon, Gloucester, Herts,