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This revoking of the Deed of Gift took place subsequently to the formulating of the Articles in the G. S. wrapper, p. xi, of June issue, 1878.
In July issue of G. S., 1379, on page xi, Mr. Gadsby says 1 “When I gave up the Gospel Standard to our Societies, I had quite intended that the gift should be permanent : and I think it was a great pity that power was reserved to me to take it back, as it subjected me to continual temptations from myself and others, so to do. However, I was led to see my error ; and I now, in accordance with my promise at the meeting on June 6th, unreservedly withdraw all charges of error as made against Mr. Hazlerigg. J. G.”
In face of these statements there cannot be the slightest doubt that these Articles were a compromise under threat, and our Churches and ministers were thus brought into a peculiar position, amounting almost to bondage, for the sake not merely of peace but to retain the “ DEED OF GIFT.” No wonder strife continued.
Another point to note is that these “ Articles of Faith,” destitute of any Scriptural proof were enrolled as Fundamental Articles! One feels staggered, and the more deeply we have gone into these matters in our historical research the less we have wondered at the subsequent stumbling, confusion695 and frequent controversies which have been occasioned by them. The Societies are not the denomination. The denomination as Churches existed long before these Societies have been planted in the soil so these Societies have been planted in the soil of our denomination, and are dependent more or lass on the Churches, and not the churches on them.
From this recorded history and observations it can be seen that errors in doctrine or miss worded articles of religion can cause havoc among believers. Wisdom is necessary to deal with this kind of problem and for this reason we present our articles of religion, written not to bind men to them but rather as a means of teaching the gospel of our lord Jesus Christs. It is with a view to educate in the area of Eschatology to recommend the book The Parousia696, by James Stuart Russell to help ones understanding.
The Bierton Crisis, by David Clarke, Chapter 19 Bierton a Gospel Standard Cause; And Letter to Mr Role’s of Luton, ISBN-13: 978-1508465959 http://www.biertonparticularbaptists.co.uk/resources/Bierton%20Crisis%2001/content. htm#bookmark279 696 See Further Publications