4 minute read
Notes on the Gospel Standard Articles
As I have already said earlier, it had been better not to include this article (as it stands) since it is not specific, tends to diminish the use of every part of scripture and leaves an uncertain question mark “What is the compiler driving at”? Hence Mr Popham could not affirm that all these men were accurate theologians; are we in any better position today to do so? I think an understanding of how these articles came to be added could shed more light on the subject but that I must leave unless it is important to you.
Yours in the cause, concern and care of truth, with love to the Lord Jesus and his dear people.
David Clarke
The Difficulties Of these Articles Proved
Mr Royce was unable to get a satisfactory explanation for the wording and meaning of these articles of religion just discussed. I had talked them matter through with him but in the end he was still unsure, and as a result he was refused baptism as the minister could not be recommended him to the church as a candidate for baptism and membership.
It is clear that it is an unreasonable situation and going beyond scripture to expect a new believer, seeking the be baptised and join a church, to have to subscribe to articles of religion that have been historically are acknowledged to be uncertain592 .
Notes on the Gospel Standard Articles 1 These articles are comprehensive and treat the subject of duty faith, duty faith and Baxterianism. See 24, 25, 126 and 27 . These are necessary due to those who deny particular redemption. We take note of the added article 32, 33 and 34 and conclude they are very poorly worded and we can understand why these cause so much concern to those involved and a parting of the way of many.
We maintain the gospel is to be preached and Christs is not offered to men. That redemption is particular and the atonement made for the elect only.
These added article need to be rewritten and to corrected to clearly express them points being made.
To help shed light on this matter Dr John Gill makes things clear, There is an external call of sinners in a state of nature and unregeneracy; but then it is not a call to them to regenerate and convert themselves, of which there is no instance; and which is the pure work of the Spirit of God: nor to make their peace with God, which they cannot make by anything they can do; and
3 BIERTON PARTICULAR BAPTISTS ARTICLES OF RELIGION, 1831 103 which is only made by the blood of Christ: nor to get an interest in Christ, which is not got, but given: nor to the exercise of evangelical grace, which they have not, and therefore can never exercise: nor to any spiritual vital acts, which they are incapable of, being natural men, and dead in trespasses and sins. Nor is the gospel ministry an offer of Christ, and of his grace and salvation by him, which are not in the power of the ministers of it to give, nor of carnal men to receive; the gospel is not an offer, but a preaching of Christ crucified, a proclamation of the unsearchable riches of his grace, of peace, pardon, righteousness, and life, and salvation by him. Yet there is something in which the ministry of the word, and the call by it, have to do with unregenerate sinners: they may be, and should be called upon, to perform the natural duties of religion; to a natural faith, to give credit to divine revelation, to believe the external report of the gospel, which not to do, is the sin of the deists; to repent of sin committed, which even the light of nature dictates; and God, in his word, commands all men everywhere to repent: to pray to God for forgiveness, as Simon Magus was directed by the apostle: and to pray to God for daily mercies that are needed, is a natural and moral duty; as well as to give him praise, and return thanks for mercies received, which all men that have breath are under obligation to do. They may, and should be called upon to attend the outward means of grace, and to make use of them; to read the Holy Scriptures, which have been the means of the conversion of some; to hear the word, and wait on the ministry of it, which may be blessed unto them, for the effectual calling of them. Dr John Gill Body of Doctrinal Divinity under heading Effectual Calling. 2 Also they maintain that the Law of Moses is not the rule of life for the believer. See Article 16. Which is correct as the Sabbath day is the last day of the week and kept by the Jews. The first day of the week is not the 7th, or last day of the week. What every Christians call the first day of the week it is not the Sabbath day given by Moses. This article is a good step forward to deal with the subject. See Article 17 of Bierton Particular Baptists 2016 2 This confession sights the resurrection and judgment to be at the end of time rather than at the coming of Christ at day of vengeance and judgment of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The eschatology of this confession is Historicism593 .
Serious Doctrinal Errors Held
By A Strict Baptist Minister (and I think others)
In 2003 I returned from mission work in the Philippines and learned of the death of all the former members of the Bierton Particular Baptists
593 Please see Bierton Particular Baptists Pakistan 2016 Article 26