2 minute read
Mr Hills Reply
3 BIERTON PARTICULAR BAPTISTS ARTICLES OF RELIGION, 1831 75 secretary of the Gospel Standard committee, asking for help from whom I obtained some assistance.
I came to this conclusion that since the articles of our church are in no way inconsistent with the articles of the Gospel Standard societies we as a church are free to publicly acknowledge agreement to them and associate as a church with other such churches and so be known as a Gospel Standard cause. This acknowledgement and association in no way contravening any article of religion or rule of practices set our in our trust deed. Hence the rules of our church would be in no way added to or disannulled and any future member could only be required to give assent to those articles set out in the deed of trust.
I would value your judgment in this matter for I often find myself alone in my views realizing my opinions are, or may be, disregarded by some on the grounds I am a novice and inexperienced in matters of this importance. I am persuaded that my position, as described above, is sufficient to answer Mr Dix, but have hesitated to do so since I have not the authority of the church to do so, nor am I certain our position as a church is fully understood by our members for they are now being regulated by the rules of the Gospel Standard articles. Also I believe a prospective new member of the church, would only be asked to subscribed to these articles alone, without reference to those articles set out in the trust deed. Which if Mr Dix were to ask and I confirm this was so it would confirm his opinion and justify his accusations.
Having therefore, I trust, a measure of faith and good hope, through the grace of God, to confess the Lord Jesus Christ before men and the world and being moved by conscience to walk in the church of God, and the world, in all honour thus obeying the gospel rule I Pet. 3 16. ; Could you advice me in the way I should act and the correct course of action, if any that I should take.
Yours in the care and cause of God and truth; may the Lord Jesus comfort, preserve and strengthen you according to His riches in glory especially in this time of bereavement.
David Clarke
23 / 10 / 81.
Mr Hills Reply
Shortly before this time Mr Hill had just lost his wife Beth and so briefly alluded to in his reply.
Letter from Mr. Hill:
Dear David, 27 October 1981