2 minute read
A Call to Preach The Gospel
I am so stunned by the suddenness of it all (the death of Mr Hills Wife) so please forgive my short note, but I felt I must answer your enquiry immediately to set mind at rest.
Mr Dix is wrong, but I fell it shows the enmity, which there is to the Gospel Standard causes.
Your articles are almost identical and if you can subscribe to the one set, you can subscribe to the others also I am sure that those godly men who drew them up, would in these days ally themselves to the Gospel Standard denomination, because as a body they are the only people I know who contend for the same things. Further, most of the trustees, I think all of them belong to Gospel Standard churches. However just to instance a case the late Mr Raven who was the chairman of the Gospel Standard committee and Pastor of Small fields, told me himself that his church had their own articles of faith, but fully subscribed as a people to the Gospel Standard articles; it was a position just like yours.
I hope this note will put your mind at rest.
Please ring me when you have had the church meeting re: your exercise and have the sanction of the church preach, for I want you to come to Ebenezer. (Mr Hill did ask me to keep this matter private at that time)
Now my very warm love to Irene and yourself and dear little children’
The enclosed is something for them. Yours in gospel affection,
James Hill
A Call to Preach The Gospel
I believed that God puts the desire to preach and speak His Word into the hearts of them whom he calls. This desire was placed in my heart the day Jesus called me to hear him and believe in him. We I informed the church of my wish a meeting was arranged for me to meet with Mr Hill and Mr Hope ministers of the Gospel They were both Gospel Standard ministers and they invited me to share with them my calling.
Questioned about the Law of Moses
Mr Hill questioned my belief regarding the Law of Moses and both he and Mr Hope listened. I expressed my understating of the believers relationship to the Law of Moses and concluded that the Law of Moses did not make the Lord Jesus righteous as he was always righteous.. He had an essential righteousness intendant of the Law. He did not have to fulfil the Law to become righteous. He always was righteous. Had he been judged according to the law he would have been declared righteous and so he was.