2 minute read
Certain Men
34 sufferings of her mother in childbearing. She now she had become a deity and all men serving in the temple of Diana were castrated. This sounds like a distortion of the historic facts relating to Eve in the garden of Eden.
It is written that God not only cursed the ground for mans sake but spoke to Eve saying because you have done this in pain you shall suffer in Childbearing. That her desire shall be towards he husband however he should rule over her.
In other words as the result of the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden God turned them out of the garden, cursed the ground so Adam would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve would now suffer in childbearing and she would have a natural desire to rule her husband but he would rule over her. This was some thing that God brought about.
Unto the serpent God said he would put enmity between his seed and the seed of the woman and it should brush his head and it should brush his heal. In other words this was a prophecy relating to how redemption would come about namely though the seed of the woman bearing the child, the Son of God, whose heal was bruised at the crucifixion but this was to crush the head of Satan.
So in the Christian community the gospel speaks about the relationship between man and woman, children and parents and man and women’s role in the Church. Children are to be obedient to their parents, the woman was not to rule the man, was not to teach or function as an elder and learn in silence in the church . Also this relationship between man and women is compared to the relationship between Christ and his church. Christ is the head of the church even as the man is head of the women. It is this social conduct that is to be recognized and lived out in the community that is living in the world. Such is the law of Christ .
Certain Men
Barbara now sights a reference to certain men creeping in unawares and the suggestion is that “certain men” could mean men or women. This is a quotation from Jude and not spoken about the Ephesian Church. The words “certain men” in the Greek is “tines anthropoi”. The word “anthropos” is the generic term for man. Barbara’s case does not hold water because both words for “certain men” in Jude 4 are in the masculine gender. In fact, all usages of “anthropos” in the New Testament are in the masculine. So it cannot mean male or female, just male. Dr. Ken Matto Mar 6 at 11:40 PM 2015