1 minute read
The Principals Reply
24 from have recently announced that the elders were unanimous in accepting women may serve as Elders in the church.
This has been very disturbing to me as the scriptures are clear that the qualifications for an elder is to be the husband of one wife and to have his children in all subjection.
There are no examples of women elders in the New Testament. The scripture speak against woman usurping authority over the man.
Peter Jacob, one of our former elders, taught use to speak and believe only what the scripture says. To reject every thing else.
The view held now by the elders is a deviation from scripture and has cause much distress and one family has now left.
In speaking upon the subject I was informed that the bible college shares the same view; that women may serve as elders in a Christian church.
I would be very grateful if you would speak clearly about the bible college position with respect to women elders.
Yours very sincerely
David Clarke.
Please share this with the Dean (visiting preacher) and your staff as I did speak to him briefly about the matter on the 30/1/99.
The Principals Reply
To: Mr D Clarke 11 Hayling Close
P014 3AE
10th February 1999
Dear David
Thank you for your letter dated 8th February and I am pleased you enjoyed your time here at Christ For The Nations Bible Training College.
I note your question about Female Elders and really to clarify the situation I would say that Christ For The Nations does not officially have an opinion or view on this particular subject because we are not a Church and we teach about leadership. This sort of issue really is down to the individual Church Elders and leaders of the various Churches. I have photocopied an article, which Barbara Sambrooks, one of our lecturers here, has written which I think you should find quite helpful.
Also when we look back in history we see that God has very clearly used many women to become leaders and Elders in various denominations who have really been effective in the Body of Christ. I think what we have to do