2 minute read
Does it mean that 1 A woman’s salvation can be achieved through childbirth?
What if a woman does not marry 2 Or does not have children, does it mean that she cannot be saved? 3 Does it mean that a woman will be kept safe through childbirth? . What of those thousands of women who die during childbirth?
If it is number three then the Word of God is untrue!
If it is either of the first two where is the place of the cross in the salvation process?
To exercise good exegesis we need to read Chp.2: 9-l5). as a complete unit.
D.M. Scholer says that there was a problem in the church in that some women were despising their roles within marriage. This could be due to the local cults. (Chp. 1:9-1 I deals with women’s dress and demeanor.
As we look at our section (2:9-l 5) this does appear to speaking about the marriage situation
Verse 12 Authority over a man (Gk. Andros). This verse, coupled with the rest of the section appears to be addressing marriage; Christian marriage. A women (Gr. Gune) can also mean a wife; there is no difference in Greek, just as andros can mean man or husband.
Paul then goes on to use the example of Adam and Eve, as France puts it; the paradigm married couple (vs. 13-14). Our section of the text concludes “with the commendation of childbearing, which is the most distinctive “wifely role”. In the context of marriage it is the safest role if it functions within God’s plan for the family (France p.61)
Vs. 13-15: The Explanation for these verses is often taken back to the creation principle. We read in Gen. 1 26-27 humankind, both male and female are given joint authority. This is a creation principle that human beings have authority. Authority is not based upon gender but upon who they are in relationship to their creator. Both male and female are created in the image of God and He delegated, or entrusted, authority to them. lf we say that Adam, the male, was created first, then men have authority over women Then we have to conclude that priority in creation order would mean that humankind must be subject to the authority of the animal kingdom, which is nonsense. In Gen. chps.2 & 3 Adam was created first but Eve was first to get tempted. If the woman is responsible for sin’s entry into the world why does Paul tell us that it was Adam (Rom.5)? (France p.67)