2 minute read
Other Apostolic Witnesses
26 as to whether a woman could be an elder yet they teach about leadership. I was hoping to hear the Word of God directs them in all issues like this and so we do not teach a women can be elders in Christian church.
He went on to give his personal view that history has dictated to him that it is OK for women to become Elders and they are very effective.
I realized that this was another serious error. We should never look to history for direction when God has spoke directly on the subject in question. If you look at history then look to Eve in the garden of Eden, Gen 3. 16. Do not take Eve as the example to follow suit. History teaches it is foolish to go against what God had spoken about. If we chose to go against what God as commanded we are wrong.
In his opinion the Apostle Paul’s argument against women teaching and ruling was a cultural issue of his day and does not now apply to the churches of today.
This is another serious error. The Apostle argues in Corinth,” if any wish to be contentious (regarding women acting in the church) we have no such custom, neither in the Churches” .
Cor 16
That is in the churches of the New Testament, not just Ephesus.
And again,” Let your women keep silence in the Churches: for they are not permitted to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law
1 Cor14:3-4
That is not just Ephesus.
Other Apostolic Witnesses
And Peter states “ Likewise ye wives be in subjection to you own husbands
1 Pet 3:1
This is Peter and not just Paul.
I have quoted from two Apostle who are witnesses to show that it is not a cultural thing but the way God had ordered things.
Kevin argues that if God anoints anyone to do any work in the church who are we to judge on the basis of sex.
I argue that it is not for me to judge what God orders or does and we are given the scriptures in order for us see the way and to, “try them that say they are apostles and are not”. The church at Ephesus was commended by the Lord Jesus for doing just that.
Rev 2:2
The scriptures forbids women elders (and gives its reasons - these are creational not cultural reasons and the result of the fall) who are we to go