2 minute read

Gods Trials Have A Purpose


And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thy heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no”.


As God lead them in the way to prove them and humble them to know what was in their heart so he will try us today. And He is doing so in just the same way.

Gods Trials Have A Purpose

God wishes us to be faithful to Him in everything. God will try us to see if we will be faithful to his word. His word is a lamp unto our feet.

It seems to me that the trial presented to us at the moment is the issue about women elders. This is a trial sent of God. It is to try us to know what is in our hearts. To see if we will keep His word or no.

I have spoken to the elders about the issue. I am told we are the Elders I should be subject to their authority. I am not questioning their authority but their wisdom.

I feel the Lord would have me speak about this issue openly . I am responsible to speak what the Lord has taught me

I have put together, in these papers, several scriptures pointing out Gods word to us on the issue about women elders. It is very clear. An Elder is to be a man, the husband of one wife, with his children in all subjection. Not a women.

I would ask you to read these scriptures on the subject and make you own minds up. I would exhort you to act according to the word of God.

We are told by the Lord Him self he will try us in issues like this

Deut. 13

If there Arise among you a prophet or dreamer of dreams and giveth you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass , whereof he spoke unto thee saying, let us go after other gods , which thou has not known , and let us serve them :

Thou shalt not harken unto that prophet , or that dreamer of dreams : for the Lord you God proveth you to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

What Are We Going To Do - God Is Trying Us Today

It is my privilege to encourage you in the Lord your God. I have not been called hear to no purpose And is my delight to see Jesus honoured and gloried in our midst.

My desire is you prove true to the Lord in this trial and act the way the Lord wants you too.

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