1 minute read
Where Does That Leave Us
59 perceptive part of the law for his elect; as it is written, “He will magnify the law, and make it honourable.”
Isa. 42:21
“So by the obedience of one (Jesus Christ) shall many be made righteous.”
Rom. 5:19
As a surety, he was to pay the penal sum of suffering for his elect, by dying in their room and stead; as it is written, “I will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death.”
Hosea 13:24
And thus it behooved Christ to suffer these things, because he had undertaken our cause. And by his precious blood he blotted out our transgressions as a thick cloud from the book of God’s remembrance, agreeably to the following text, “I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.”
Zech. 3:9
“Who then shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect?”
Rom. 8:33
And so from all this what is the sum. The relationship between the man and the woman was designed by God to reflect the eteranl purpose of God in Christ.
Eph. 1.11
Man was created first and had the responsibilty of naming and govering the earth and creatures. Eve was created for a help meet for Adam
Gen. 2.18
Eve was deceived by the serpant and eat the forbiden fruit and gaive it to her husband and he did eat. They both sinned and became guilty before God.
Where Does That Leave Us
Eve became the mother of all living and God made them coats of skin to cover themselves (symbolic of the need and the provision of righteousness that they had in Christ)
The deliverer was promised , the serpant was cursed, multiple sorrow in conception and in childbirth pronounced and the husband was to rule over the wife.
The the church which is described as the body of Christ there are distinctions between the man and the women. They are equal and of equal value before God but we have distict roles. The head of every woman is the man, The elders of churches to be men.
Jesus is our example. The Lord Jesus had a function and role to play. He was coequal with the Farthr and the Spirit and yet he subjected himself to be