2 minute read
Contemplations On The Way Of Faith
65 and she asked me if all these men who had written their testimonies were born again. I stated to her that I was not going to judge them but they must stand by what they have written. I stated that I had not changed a word even though Gordon Smith had wanted me to remove from Hectors Maqueda’s testimony his references to TULIP and hard Calvinism, as he called it. He wanted to make the testimony acceptable to all men and not to cause offence. I had to say no to this and maintained we were not to do that as that was changing his testimony. If this happens he wood be like the Pope of Rome seeking to alter things to please men.
Olga told off one of her men helpers who was wearing a hat in her house. She was very curt with him asking what do he think he was doing wearing his hat in her room. I was amused how he obeyed her without question and so I asked Olga did she cover her head when worshipping God. She said NO! And looked at me with a question mark on her face.
The point I was making was that the covering of the head of a man, when in the presence of God in worship, was a dishonour to his head who is the Lord Jesus. This being the Apostle Paul’s argument and case.
However Olga Robertson was taking offence at this man wearing a hat in her house and told him so by saying it dishonoured to her by wearing his hat in her dinning room.
The Apostle Paul goes on to say that if a woman did not cover her head in the presence of God in worship then she dishonours her head (the man). Her defiant No told me a lot.
This situation reminded me of Mrs. Evered in “my book The Bierton Crisis”.
Contemplations On The Way Of Faith
The spiritual man walks the way of faith, depending upon God and the light of His word and Spirit direct him in every situation. It is the way of faith. Our walk must be by faith. The walk of faith goes against the natural man and way of the carnal nature. We often have to reprove (silently) by doing the right thing, at the right time, regardless of what people think. In such a walk the believer is often alone (but not alone as the Lord it with him).
When men find them selves looking over their shoulders, wondering what will this person of that person think of me, if I do or say or do the approved thing, then that is where Satan has got you. If you find your self not doing things which you know are right before God and proper because you feel others may disapprove of you, then that is Satan ensnaring you so that you will become ineffectual in your work for God. We are told to resist the Devil and he will flee from you.