Mailbag... Thank you Bro. Martin for having me on the mailing list. Enclosed is a small contribution. I am a layman, a member of a Southern Baptist Church, and a believer of the “Fulfilled Prophecy” point of view. I do enjoy the articles in the magazine. With best wishes, L.J., AR
when I say we want to keep reading it for many years to come. Rachel, TX Your magazine is a life-line to me, as I have no one here in Australia to talk to with preterist views of the Bible! Joan, Australia
So appreciate your magazine, glad Love your publication and enjoy to hear you are taking care of your every copy! health. I think I speak for many Tracy, FL if we are not actively walking by the Spirit we are passively performing the lusts of the flesh (Gal 5:16). Turning to this issue, Jerel Kratt is beginning a three-part series on the resurrection. A former Corporate Body View (CBV) advocate, Jerel has concluded that the CBV has some shortcomings, and discusses these in his series. Jerel sees both individual and corporate aspects to the resurrection, much as Charles Meek did in his online article a couple years ago. The nature of the resurrection, along with its sundry details, is perhaps the greatest point of division within preterism. I am encouraged to see dialog emerging which acknowledges the strengths to two often polarizing views. My hope is that, regardless which particular view you may hold, you don’t dig in your heels but rather welcome the insights of Jerel and others, allowing them to sharpen your theology. It is refreshing to have another objection overruled by Don Preston, whose hectic schedule has prevented him from contributing to the last couple of issues. I have noted in the past that my wife and I produce this magazine in our spare time. Unfortunately, another aspect of the modern, western lifestyle seems to be an ever-increasingly hectic schedule. Lord willing, I will retire in about two years, at which time I can devote quality time to the magazine and other aspects of FCG. Until then my intent is to maintain a quarterly publishing schedule, but I can make no guarantees. We are appreciative of your prayers in these matters, and also want to express our gratitude to those who have been praying for Kayla since becoming aware of her health issues. Thanks also for your continued financial support, especially since I haven’t produced anything for more than half a year. Blessings,
Your magazine is a life-line to me. . .