Members of Folkestone Choral Society, conducted by Grenville Hancox, will be performing an inspiring concert which includes Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem op 45, accompanied by two pianists.
This Requiem is thought to be appropriate for the approaching season of Easter, with emphasis on the living and giving a sense of peace and calm to ultimately soothe. Also performed will be Brahms Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano op 114.
The concert takes place at Holy Trinity Church, Sandgate Road, Folkestone on Saturday 25 March at 3pm.
Tickets £15, £10 for students under 24; there is no charge for under 18s
Great gift only £15.00 including P&P (UK mainland)
Folca is the old name for Folkestone
We celebrate all activities in the Folkestone and Hythe district also known as Shepway
See our comprehensive Directory and Blog pages folca.co.uk
To commission a painting by talented Sandgate residing artist Malcolm Ritchie costs less than you think and provides a valued, timeless and unique gift Malcolm has been painting and drawing for most of his life and works in all mediums and subjects. My subjects, he says, inspire me. You're just a click away from looking at some more of his work and arranging an informa nd
From the cutting-edge London design agency Here Design - writer and poet Philip Cowell, and award-winning designer Caz Hildebrand, author of The Herbarium, this playful, original, beautifully designed book brings to life the punctuation marks we use every day, including: The dashing dashSo-called "quotation marks" The colon: and on and on The shouty exclamation! The three dots of (Not forgetting the brackets) And even more
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Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS) needs your support! Having just announced that 2022 was the busiest year in its 33-year history – the life-saving charity responded to 3,224 incidents last year, with 1,353 call outs in Kent - KSS is urgently seeking to recruit more volunteers in order to help with more events and activities in the coming year.
The charity, which provides world-leading pre-hospital emergency care 24/7, currently has over 150 volunteers who help with a wide range of activities including managing collection boxes, marshalling at events, speaking at community events, office tasks and more. Volunteers offer a few hours on an occasional basis or regular hours each month.
Bridget Pepper, from the KSS Volunteer Development Team said, “Our volunteers are highly valued members of Team KSS, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who donates their time to support us. Over the last year, KSS has benefited from over 4,000 hours of support from volunteers and our volunteers were involved with raising or collecting over £250,000 on our behalf.”
“This year, with demand for our service at an all-time high
and the need to raise even more funds due to the increased costs of operating our service, we need to recruit more volunteers and we have lots of opportunities available to suit people of all ages and abilities.”
“Alongside providing our charity with critical support, volunteers enjoy many benefits from working with us, including meeting new people, attending events and feeling a sense of pride in supporting an incredible charity in their local community.”
“We hope people from across the communities we serve will get in touch with us and find out more about how they can get involved. We really appreciate all the support we receive.”
KSS is an independent charity. It costs £16.6M a year or £45K per day to operate its world leading, lifesaving service. This is a significant increase from the £15.2M required in 2022. 87% of KSS’s total income is raised through the incredible generosity of its supporters and 10% through NHS commissioning funds. If you are interested in finding out more about being a KSS volunteer, please contact volunteering@aakss.org.uk or visit www.aakss.org.uk
European AstroFest is the UK’s premier astronomy conference and exhibition and earlier this month featured 16 talks from leading astronomers and space scientists plus three floors of exhibition space. It took place at Kensington Conference and Events Centre, London. It was frequently attended by Sandgatean, the late Reg Turnill the one time BBC Space Correspondent, so it was appropriate that his son Graham (pictured) should attend and give the other attendees a chance to buy Reg's posthumous memoir Grappling With the Unintelligible which is available on Amazon.
You can now order on-line at: https://www usherswholesale com/box or by telephone on:
07515 529425
We deliver to Folkestone, Cheriton, Hawkinge, Capel, Alkham Valley, Saltwood, Sandgate, Seabrook, Hythe
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I have just been made aware of this very talented singer/ songwriter.
As poet John Rice said:
(Jack Pound is) a highly skilled guitarist and songwriter, his bluesy, often quirky style is particularly appreciated by discerning literary audiences…whilst the rest of us just enjoy the music.
You can buy this album on Spotify, Amazon, iTunes and All Download Sites
You can buy Jack's albums on Spotify, Amazon, iTunes and all download sites.
You can get a taste at his web site at:
We are a small family run business, trading for over 30 years in the heart of Hythe High Street at number 51 (CT21 5AD) and we pride ourselves on customer service and of a range of products with high quality produce We cater for all needs, whether it's a small treat for your pet, tapioca to make your favourite nostalgic pudding, or some of our delicious, local, free range eggs, perfect for cooking, baking and breakfasting!
At U-Weigh we have more than 400 items in store, ranging from cupboard essentials to sweet treats and snacks We have a large selection of herbs, spices and seasonings to take your meal plans to every corner of the world, and to cater for the home bakers and amateur chefs, some cupboard staples; flours, sugars, cake mixes, pastas and rices. As dried food specialists, we all have a wide knowledge and will not hesitate to help with any queries or questions you may have. Take a look at our many products, write your list and pop into the shop We're also doing our bit for the planet by introducing paper bags, and don't forget, if you are trying to be more green, you can bring your own tubs, jars and containers to fill up
Are you concerned about your memory?
Are you living with Dementia?
We can help guide you along your journey
Peer Support
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Protection shop in Hythe is now open: Monday to Saturday 9am5pm.
New measures in place to protect customers and volunteers. Stringent cleaning regime and quarantining system to further protect customers and volunteers and only 2 customers in the shop at any one time. Many bargains from £1.
Contact shop on 01303 264285 and general enquiries on 0345 260 1253
Please support your local Farmers' Markets in 2023
There’s some really good news to share. KCC has been successful in its bid for a Levelling Up project and has been awarded £45m by the Government for access improvement to the Port of Dover. The works are designed to to improve traffic flow with security checks moved further into the port, a doubling of the border control posts, more room created to deal with the freight traffic away from the normal road network and a new exit route. This should help relieve some of the problems caused to the whole of Kent but especially East Kent whenever Operation Brock is in place. The size of the grant is far larger than anything KCC could afford to fund itself and the project is expected to be delivered within the next two years
KCC has now voted through a balanced budget for 2023/24 with a council tax rise of just under 5% which is less than half the rate of inflation that’s had to be met over the last year. We will also be making savings, some of which will impact on our discretionary services. As uncomfortable as this will be the alternative is to have Government commissioners take over, remove even more discretionary services and put council tax up by 15% as is happening in Croydon.
There is help available for individuals and families struggling to pay bills (including council tax) and a useful place to look is on the KCC website under the ‘Kent Together’ banner or ring 03000 41 92 92.
One of the ways KCC will make savings is by reducing the number of buildings from where we run our community services. The consultation on this is open till 23 March and you’ll find it at letstalk.kent.gov.uk/community-services-consultation. Please read what’s proposed and have your say. (If you sign up to letstalkkent you will be advised of all consultations and you can also sign up to the residents’ e-newsletter on www.kent.gov.uk which includes news about when policies and proposals are open for comment )
To finish with some good news about recycling. A national survey by AEG found Kent tops the league for the amount of food waste that’s recycled. Kent’s food waste is sent to Blaise Farm near Maidstone
where it’s turned into biogas or fertiliser. It’s good to be top but we could recycle even more food waste – with everyone’s help. Our audits of household waste show that there’s still a lot of food in the residual waste (green lidded) bins and it’s often still in unopened packaging Reduce, re-use and recycle (in that order) helps our environment and thank you to everyone who uses the right bin for each type of waste as it really makes a difference.
March 5 Benefice Eucharist at Newington
10.00 a.m
March 12 Eucharist 9.00 a.m
March 26 Eucharist 9.00 a.m
Please support your local Farmers' Markets in 2023
All now available in paperback and on Kindle
Set in Folkestone in the heady days of the late 60s.
They say if you can remember it, you weren't there!
Two plays One an imaginary meeting between Dylan Thomas and Brendan Behan in a Fitzrovia pub The other is Caitlin Thomas reminiscing after the untimely death of her husband.
This is the tale of Hana, a young girl who moves from where she was born in London, to the Kent coast. They discover a wonderful area called Prince's Parade which is full of amazing animals, has a beautiful canal and is right next to the sea too! By buying this book you will be helping to protect it. All profits from it will be donated to the Save Prince's Parade campaign which aims to halt plans to develop the area into a housing estate.
Very funny, and surreal story about a man and a woman on their first date: Bolton Brady and Veda, set in London, November 2001. Bolton is forty, not into assets, has never lived with a woman and looked into the future and seen loneliness. So he decides to do something about it. He advertises in a lonely-hearts column, and receives six replies, but after experiencing one disaster after another only Veda remains between him and his sanity As the day unfolds the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred, building to a surreal, yet poignant, conclusion.
All now available in paperback and on Kindle
This walk through the history of Sandgate to the present day was first performed at the Chichester Hall a decade ago on Wednesday, 9th June. It is now available on Kindle or in paperback
Now available on Amazon. Great evocative yarns of worldly travels.
The title of the book hints at how, as a ‘loose cannon’, Folkestone born Ted’s risk-taking got him into trouble on a number of occasions whilst being a considerable advantage in his working life.
As a young journalist, Reg Turnill met most of the prewar political personalities and later became the BBC's space correspondent being the only one in the press room when the historic Houston we have a problem message came from Apollo 11.
All now available in paperback and on Kindle
Janet Holben Paperback Folkestone Cemetery has around 15,000 graves (27,000 people) there are stories of skulduggery and innocence, murder and bravery, grandeur and squalor – but mostly there are stories of everyday people living their lives This account brings some of those stories back to life and will perhaps bring an understanding of how Folkestone was shaped by terrible wars, widespread disease, the unforgiving sea, the new railway and fashionable society – but mostly, by the people who lived, loved, made their livelihood and finally died here
When you run things happen. When you change your environment, things happen. Mostly the details are mundane, but I have been a witness in certain places and moments in time to things that I found interesting, intriguing, amusing, poignant and memorable Through my career in the global sports industry, mainly in athletics, for the best part of thirty years, I have had opportunities to run and race in some interesting places around the World, in the UK, and close to home Those thirty “working” years were a unique time of dramatic growth for global sports with many fundamental changes and I wanted to capture the flavour of living in the goldfish bowl of world sport in a unique period of time I have chosen 160 different locations in which I have run and raced over the years and let them become the framework for the tales that I tell in these pages. I wanted to allow each tale to be a door into memories and associations with a time and place; sometimes quite straight forward, others are more labyrinthine, with connections leading off at tangents I wanted to share them; I hope you enjoy the journey?
Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online!
When you shop at over 6,000 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they'll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for the Chichester Hall!
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Our thanks to the Sandgate Parish Council and the Community Gardeners for allowing us to reproduce this diary page. We hope to make this a monthly feature in the magazine but you can read all the diary entries by clicking on this box.
The snowdrops are out, as are the first of the daffodils and the primroses; all of which can be seen in their glory from the walking paths around Enbrook Park. The weather has continued to be predominately dry, and although chilly it really feels like spring is on the way at last. On walking through the park this week it was interesting to see so many people with cameras on tripods and binoculars, all looking to see if they can catch a rare sighting of a Hume’s warbler. This bird seems to be way off course as apparently it should be spending winter in India, and breeds in the mountains of inner Asia. It certainly caused a kerfuffle for several days as it flitted amongst the trees by the brook Our tool box got a good spring cleaning during one of the sessions this week and is now looking spectacularly tidy – woe betide anyone who messes it up any time soon. With the passing of St Valentine’s Day, it is time to sow the very first seeds of the season to be grown outdoors. Still too cold to sow directly outdoors, seeds are allowed to germinate indoors, then spend their first day or two on a sunny windowsill before being put into a cold frame until the plants are strong enough to be able to cope outside We have sown sweet peas, peas for pea shoots, spring onions, beetroot, spinach, radishes, early cabbages,
cauliflowers, kohlrabi, calabrese, coriander, flat and curled parsley, plus about ten different varieties of lettuce, some French marigolds and thyme. The beds are waiting for them as soon as they are ready! We had to start watering things already. Not anything planted in the ground, but the various pots we have around the garden, plants in waiting, as pots dry out before you know it as soon as the sun starts to shine. We continue to monitor what grows well in the garden and what struggles. We have not had much success with our autumn raspberries, so decided to take up one of the beds and move them to other places to see how they fare there. We are disappointed with the goji berries performance so far, and decided to cut them right back to see what they make of that We have also cut back much of the rosemary and a bit of the fig tree, but will be leaving some plants to start sending out some new shoots before we cut back much else. One plant which has coped well despite the heavy frost has been the Claytonia or winter purslane. With such little leaves, it is hard to believe it grows so well in the cold, and there have been some welcome green salad leaves. Another winter salad leaf, lambs lettuce, is just starting to be big enough to pick but has also managed to survive.
What’s next?
• More seeds to be sown
• Might need to repot some things
• Sort out some of the things in the cold frames
• Keep checking the brassicas for any pigeon damage
New dates for 2023 to be announced soon
Need to hire a hall? There's no need to look any further. Sandgate has a room to suit your needs.
Chichester Memorial Hall
Old Fire Station Reading Room
St Paul's Church Hall
Tower Theatre
The Library
Whether for a party, business meeting, music evening, club meeting or annual general meeting, Sandgate has a room for you with space to accommodate from 10 to 300 To see if there is one to suit your needs, do email the date(s) and number of attendees to david@thesentinel.org.uk.
We'll do the rest.
Please support your local Farmers' Markets in 2023
If you would like to submit an article or letter please email it to me. I will print almost anything as long as it’s not libellous, racist or unkind. Name must be supplied but can be withheld if requested
Please put your articles etc in plain text or Word and images should be in .jpg, .tiff or .png.
My contact details are:
Address: Clyme House, Hillside Street, Hythe, Kent CT21 5DJ
Mobile: 07771 796 446; email: david@thesentinel org uk