Complete List of Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba cigars were and have been the authentic cigars which encompass the great taste of Cuba. The blends of these magnificent cigars were well enjoyed by the Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Although the brand was established in 1966, Fidel Castro was the only one who had the pleasure of tasting the best cigars Cuba offered all thanks to a man called Eduardo Riviera.
The only other way someone else got their hands on a Cohiba Cigar was if Castro himself gifted the cigars to diplomats or foreign leaders. This was the case till the year 1982 when Castro made a decision to let the public have a taste of his brand. This decision was surely the best decision in favor of the company as Cohiba still remains the top selling brand of Cuban cigars.
Cohiba Cigars use the most excellent quality tobacco from Cuba which is the main reason for the unmatched quality and taste. The cigars get their unique flavor due to undergoing the fermentation process thrice. There are four types of cigars from Cohiba. These are listed below. COHIBA LINEA CLASICA There are 6 sizes available under the name of this series, wiz, Panetelas, Corono Especial, Lancero, Robusto, Exquisito and Esplendido. These cigars were part of the classic line and contained the finest leaves grown in the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba.
Panetelas – These cigars have a length of 114 mm.
Corono Especial – These cigars have a length of 152 mm.
Lancero – These cigars have a length of 192 mm.
Robusto – These cigars have a length of 124 mm.
Exquisito – These cigars have a length of 127 mm.
Esplendido - These cigars have a length of 178 mm.
COHIBA LINEA 1492 The Linea 1492 was launched to mark Christopher Colombus’ 500th anniversary of discovering Cuba. Five new cigars were added to the favored list of Cohiba Cigars. These included the Siglo I-V. Another new cigar called the Siglo VI was added to this series in the year 2002. These Siglo cigars are considered to be gentler than the rest made by the brand and are medium in strength.
Siglo I- These cigars have a length of 102 mm.
Siglo II - These cigars have a length of 127 mm.
Siglo III - These cigars have a length of 156 mm.
Siglo IV - These cigars have a length of 143 mm.
Siglo V - These cigars have a length of 171 mm.
Siglo VI - These cigars have a length of 150 mm.
COHIBA MADURO 5 SERIES Cohiba launched its new series of cigars in 2007, which were wrapped in maduro and called it the Maduro 5 series which comprises of three cigars of short sizes wiz, Secretos, Magicos and Genios. The number 5 in the name of this series represents that the leaf which is used for wrapping the tobacco for these cigars has been aged for 5 years. •
Secretos – This cigar has a length of 110 mm.
Magicos – This cigar has a length of 115 mm.
Genios - This cigar has a length of 140 mm.
COHIBA BEHIKE This series was launched by Cohiba in the year 2010. The cigars are available in three different sizes with the number in the name denoting the size of the ring. The Behike 52, Behike 54 and Behike 56 are part of the Cohiba Behike series. The cigars are packed in Cuba’s renowned El Laguito factory and feature a unique pigtail cap. These cigars are packed in limited quantities every year as they are wrapped using the Medio Tiempo Leaf, which is a rare tobacco leaf and is used for its distinctive taste. •
Behike 52 – These cigars have a length of 119 mm.
Behike 54 – These cigars have a length of 145 mm.
Behike 56 – These cigars have a length of 165 mm.
These are the four different series of cigars which are manufactured by Cohiba Cigars. The rich taste of these distinctive cigars is what has made the brand the most popular and demanded for Cuban cigars. Right from being the personal favorites of Fidel Castro, Cohiba Cigars have come a long way in satisfying cigar connoisseurs. The authentic and savory taste of Cohiba blends is sure to captivate you just like it did to all of Cuba.