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FFA Self-Assessment Session Planner Name:

Andrew Holmes 78339595








Link to Video: Match Analysis Details Opponent:

Mitchelton F.C. (V’s Brisbane Roar F.C.)

Competition and Date

Women’s NPL Queensland 24.3.18

Opponents style:

Direct - Possession based

Opponents Formation:


Main Moment:

BPO 1.0 defensive shape to press the Opponent quickly

Key Principle:

Limiting time and space centrally in the attacking third


Pressing too high up the field too early forcing the other team to play long


Attacking players 7,9,10,11


BPO – When opponents are in possession of the ball in their defensive third.


Attacking third.


Pressure applied too early too high up the pitch.


Frame: When the opponent has the ball we want to force them to one side of the park and then close the space by collectively pressing the ball carrier, and limit their options to play the ball forward. We are trying to create 2 V 1 situations where we can out number the opponent and win the ball back. Tonight we are going to work with the 6,8,10/7,9,11/2,5 to ensure we can win the ball as high up the pitch as possible.


Football Problem: When the opponent is in possession of the ball we need to force them to one side of the pitch and limit their options and press them when we have the numbers to do so. Illustrate the football problem below (you may include a screen capture to emphasize the problem or additional slides)


Session Objective: To improve the coordination of 2&5/6,8,10/7,9,11, which limits the opponents ability to play the ball into the middle third in central areas using their 2-3-4-5/6,8,10

For guidance on how to use this Self Assessment Session Plan please refer to page 23 Plan Define


Assessment Guide


Assessment Guide


The 5 W’s have been used to define the Football problem clearly

The 5 W’s have been clearly outlined to define the football problem

The session uses the Game Training components to achieve the Session Objective

There is a clear progression to the Game Training stage to achieve the objective.

The session objective: Establishes a clear expectation of what is trying to be achieved in this session

There is a clear link between each of the GT components The GT element is designed to deliver the objective The Team Task is linked to the Objective The Player Tasks are linked to the Team Task Coaches Cues are evident for each player task

Is a relevant and realistic solution to the football problem

Illustrate your football problem on the template on page 2 Prepare People 20 Players

Please note that a squad of 22 players were in attendance, but several players were asked to join the Women’s Roar team training session, due to senior players representing the Matilda’s

Equipment 20 Balls Cones 6 Poles 2 goals 3 sets of bibs ( Blue, red and yellow) and the players wear orange training bibs

Environment Two-thirds pitch


Conduct Foundation – Passing Practice Organization


½ pitch. 20 balls, cones. Coach feeds the ball in to the player.

Ball starts with coach who plays a player, the player opposite the receiver press the ball carrier quickly. The ball carrier plays one way and moves to the opposite side, the player who is opposite the receiver presses and the cycle continues. Players need to recognise when the ball is played which way the defender is forcing the pass so they can press early. If players pressing get lazy, make 1v1 situation and if the defender is beaten they need to do 5 push-ups/sit-ups before re-entering the cycle.

Assessment Guide


Passing practice The Passing Practice: Allowed the players plenty of opportunities to develop passing and a first touch. Allowed the players to practice passing and first touch related to the session objective. Place the players in their positions relative to the session objective Fulfilled the principles of a Warm Up by: Providing a steady increase in the heart rate of the players Preparing the players for the activity by taking them through a range of dynamic movement Reaching the desired intensity in preparation for the exercise Including Dynamic Flexibility

This practice plants the seed of pressing the ball carrier quickly. Players were given adequate opportunity to work on passing and develop their first touch, while under pressure. Players are always provided with an opportunity to warm up by completing the 11+ prior to any practice. Intensity gradually increased to the point that it was nearly match speed. At this point we progressed onto the positioning game.


Conduct Animation – Passing Practice full pitch view


Conduct Animation – Positioning Game Organization 2(20x15) + 5x15m Zones. 3 teams of 6 GK has individual specialized coaching while Positioning game takes place. Balls played in from the side Defenders swap after 75secs or if they have won the ball 10 times. 18 players, 20 balls, Cones, (+ 2 GK’s individual training) Red bibs, yellow bibs and blue bibs Width area – neutral zone

Explanation/Progression 1. Min three players in the grid trying to win the ball and minimum of one in the middle third stopping the pass forward. 2. When the ball transitions to the other end middle player goes and is supported by two other players from the other grid. 3. Team scores a goal by getting the ball to the other end of the field successfully. 4. Losing team becomes the defending team 5. Increase the intensity.

Script Team Task: Limit the opponents ability to receive a pass facing forward and force the pass to one side of the pitch. Player Actions: BPO players press as a unit Force players to be predictable Force pass one way Close down passing lane – block the passing channel Close the space Ground passes only

Coaching Cues:

Can we show the defender outside. Can we press the defender of the ball. Can we defend ball side Can we block the passing lane Can we communicate effectively to deny the attackers space to turn Can we provide enough space to encourage the player on the ball to attempt the pass but then intercept the pass or tackle player who is to receive.


Conduct Positioning Game – Full pitch view


Conduct Animation – Positioning Game Assessment Guide


Did the Positioning Game: Provide the players opportunities to develop passing and first touch against realistic opposition? Give the players an opportunity to repeatedly position themselves against game-related resistances linked to the Session Objective? Provide a clear link between the Passing Practice and Game Training working towards the Session Objective?

This directly progressed on from the passing practice, which provided players the opportunity to develop their passing skills and first touch while under realistic pressure. Because the session objective was about pressing in the final third, I think it was a good link from the Passing Practice to Game Training, as the front three had to work as a team to press.

CHECKLIST The START to the practice was relevant to the Session Objective and the Moment as identified by the 5W process The practice allowed the main moment/s to evolve naturally The ORGANISATION was linked to the Session Objective The ATTITUDE of the players was managed appropriately The session was adapted to meet the ABILITY of the players The players UNDERSTAND the organization and rules The SHAPE of both teams was established to ensure realism and a clear link to the Session Objective and Football Problem The Coach managed the ‘SELF’ aspect before coaching

The start was quick due to the organization and planning allowing direct transition from the passing practice to the positioning game. The players attitude and ability (elite girls football program) suited the size of the area and the intensity was increased to challenge the players further. Due to the practice being closely related to the passing practice, the defending team worked hard to press as a team and they understood what I was asking of them. I was fully engaged in the session and ensured the intensity was maintained to achieve the objective.

Teaching Process Was a Team Task: - Set and managed throughout? - Observed with appropriate feedback given? Were Player Tasks - Identified from the Team Task? - Set for the key players, as outlined in the Session Plan - Set at appropriate times? - Observed and appropriate feedback given? Was the play stopped at appropriate times? Were pictures and words used well during feedback? Did the players have opportunities to try to do what had been asked ?

The Team Task was able to be kept the same and appropriate interventions allowed me the opportunity to provide player tasks. Player tasks were provide to ensure the players developed the core skill of pressing and help the players prepare for the game training component of the session. I stopped the play in the right moments and used appropriate divergent questioning to allow the players to solve the problem. I limited the interventions to allow coaching on the run and allow the players to solve the problem of pressing as a team.


Conduct Animation – Game Training Organization


Two-thirds Field, 18 players, 2 goals, 1 set of bibs (blue & Roar training shirt), Balls at the main goal

Blues start play from GK (Introduce a time limit of 30 seconds to score if they take too long).

10 V 10 (I would normally have 11 V 11. However, the game was reduced to 10 v 10 due to other players filling in for the Women’s Roar training session while several players representing the Matilda’s) All restarts with GK in main goal

Orange (pressing team) try to win the ball then try to score within 10 seconds of gaining possession.

Script Team Task: Press the ball carrier when they have limited forward options and win the ball high up the pitch Player Tasks: 9– • Deny space and time for 3 & 4 to get comfortable in possession in central areas. • Start a little deeper to invite the first Pass to 3 or 4 rather than allow the GK to launch over the top. • Once passed to 3 or 4, close off the other Centre back while putting pressure on the player with the ball. • Force the play to one side of the pitch – run between two center backs and close off path to 3 or 4, forcing the play to 2 or 5. • When the opponents 6 has the ball, press from behind to steal the ball. • If the ball is passed back to the GK can the 9 get into a position to pressure the pass from GK? • 9/10 need to support the 7/11 when 2 or 5 are in possession • 9/10 can alternate with who presses higher on the 1st BP line to assist recovery

Coach’s Cues:

Can you make play predictable so we have a chance to regain possession? Can you start a little deeper to invite the pass to the center backs? Can you close off the pass to the other Centre back while putting pressure on the player with the ball? Can you force the play to one side of the pitch? Can you force the pass out wide? Can you half the pitch? Can you put pressure on the 6 Can you win it? Can you support the 7/11 when 2 or 5 are in possession? 9/10 can you alternate pressing to assist recovery.


Conduct Animation – Game Training continued Player Tasks: 11 & 7 – • Block passing lanes forward and get in the same line as the 8 & 10, and press the ball carrier to win the ball. • If opponent’s central midfielder has the ball, position yourself where you can block a pass to the wide mid fielder. • Track the opponents 2 or 5 if they move forward and try and create and overload or combine with their wide midfielder. • Position yourself to make opposition play predictable. • Stay on line to force pass to 2 or 5. • Stay on goal side of full back – then close off the forward pass from 2 or 5. • Work with 9 to press as a unit 8 & 10 – • Stop opponents from progressing forward by getting close to each other centrally. • If opponent is on the ball facing own goal, press aggressively and deny opportunity to turn to face forward. • If opponent is on the ball facing forward, block progression initially by limiting passing options further up the park • Track the 6 or 8 that tries to track back to receive a pass from the full back. • 10 to support the 9 in pressing on 3/4, make a 2 v 1 where possible. • 10 to support 11, 9 & 7 to make it 4 v 4 in attacking third

Coach’s Cues: • Can you block the passing lane forward when 2 or 5 have the ball • 11 and 7 show me how you can force the 2 and 5 back inside and prevent ball being played out down the line • If 6 or 8 have the ball can you block the pass to the wide midfielder? • Can you track the opponents 2 or 5 to stop them creating an overload with the 7 or 11 • Can you force the pass to 2 or 5 and block the passing lane forward. • How can you position yourself with the 9 to press as a unit? • 8/10 Can you stay close to each other centrally? • Can you press aggressively to deny opponent the opportunity to face forward? • Can you block the passing lanes forward? • Can you track the 6 or 8 and force the play back? • 10 can you support the 9 and create A 2 V 1? As the ball travels to either the 3 or 4 can you support your 9 by closing opposing central defender • Can you support the front three to press aggressively?

Comments: Due to smaller numbers there was no 4 on BPO team and no 9 (the 10 BP played a dual role) on the BP team (due to the Women’s Roar team utilising players for training while senior players were on tour with the Matilda’s). However, the shape of both teams was still a realistic match. The goals of the BPO team were placed the thirds length of the pitch to focus on pressing and limit forward options in the final third.


Conduct Animation – Game Training continued Player Tasks: 6– • Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught centrally. • When the opponents play with 2 strikers sit deeper between our 3 & 4, be ready to force the pass to the opponents striker backwards, by making them face their own goal. 2 or 5 – • Stay compact and aware of what is outside your line of sight. • When the opponents 7 or 11 have the ball, you need to push higher into the defensive unit, picking up the opponents wide midfielder. • As you shift from side to side, stay aware of opponents 2 & 5 position so that they cannot get behind you easily.

Coach’s Cues: • Can you provide defensive depth so we do not get caught centrally? • Can you sit deeper to deny the strikers space? • 6 and 8 show me how you can cut the passing channels out to BP 6 and 8 as well as balls down line • Can you stay compact and aware what is in your line of sight? • Can you push higher and pick up the wide midfielder? • If the opportunity arises can you push higher onto the full back and create a 2 v 1 with the 7 or 11? • Can you shift from side to side to make the field smaller?


Conduct Animation – Game Training continued Player Tasks: 3 or 4 – • Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught by a long ball to the opponent’s striker. • When the opponents central midfielder has the ball, position yourselves between the half way line and the 18 yard circle. The 6 will drop deeper and be positioned slightly higher. • When the 6 is in position sit slightly deeper to prevent a long ball attack. • If the ball goes to the opponents 2 or 5 stay central and allow our 2 or 5 to adjust to the opponent’s widest player. • If the 2 or 5 press their full back slide over to cover their wide midfield player. 1– • Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught by a long ball to the opponent’s striker. • When the opponent looks to play long be ready to intercept the pass.

Coach’s Cues: Can you provide defensive depth to ensure we do not get caught with the long ball?

Can you stay central and communicate to the 2 or 5 to press high. Can you slide across to cover the wide midfield player?

Can you position yourself, scan the field, communicate to your back center backs and provide defensive depth, and be ready to intercept the long ball



Conduct Animation – Game Training continued Player Tasks:

Coach’s Cues:

All BPO players

All BPO players

• BPO player closest to BP to close space quickly and force play towards BPO team mates • All players how can we prevent the forward pass, force play sideways or backwards • All players shift across the pitch. • Get superior numbers on one side of the pitch to force the play. • Make play predictable and force the pass.

• AS the BP player in possession prepares to pass leave can we enough space to encourage pass to their closest player but be close enough to pressure player as they receive pass. • As the ball travels towards, can we close BP player down quickly who has turned back towards goal to receive pass, do not allow them to turn to play forward • Can we start to move to close down the space when the BP player makes the pass • Players not closest to the BP receiver to move as ball is travelling into position to be ready for next BP pass • Watch the control of the player about to receive ball if they have poor control or need to put their head down – can we sieze the opportunity to close down quickly • Can we create superior numbers on one side of the pitch to press as a unit. • Can we win it?



The Team Task Press the ball carrier when they have limited forward options and win the ball high up the pitch

Player Task 1 - Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught by a long ball to the opponent’s striker. 3 (4)- Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught by a long ball to the opponent’s striker. 2 or 5 - Stay compact and aware of what is outside your line of sight. 6 - Provide defensive depth so we do not get caught centrally. 8 & 10 - Stop opponents from progressing forward by getting close to each other centrally. 9 - Deny space and time for the 3 and 4 to get comfortable in possession in central areas. Force play one way. 11 & 7 - Block passing lanes forward and get in the same line as the 8 & 10 and pressing the ball carrier to win the ball. .

Conduct Animation – Game Training


Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Game Training: Focused on solving the football problem Presented the opportunity to develop the Session Objective Was organised so that the relevant players were involved The Goals for both teams were appropriate to the Session Objective and recreating the key moment/s Established and maintained the realism required to address the problem and Session Objective (as illustrated in the animations on this form)

The session was aimed at solving a football problem and I think the Game Training provided the players with the opportunity of achieving this. I chose to set the practice in 2/3 field because I wanted to focus on the final third, in particular the front three players of the BPO team. There was a repetition of the moment by ensuring all restarts were from the BP Goal Keeper. Yes. Yes the shape was maintained the majority of the time. The #6 of the BPO team retired to the #4 position but this did not effect the session objective or the Team task.

Checklist The START to the practice was relevant to the Session Objective and the Moment identified by the 5W process The practice allowed the main moment/s to develop naturally The ORGANISATION created a problem-solving environment linked to the Session Objective The ATTITUDE of the players was managed appropriately The session was adapted to meet the ABILITY of the players The players’ UNDERSTANDING of the organization and rules was checked The SHAPE of both teams was established to ensure realism and a clear link to the Session Objective and Football Problem The Coach managed the ‘SELF’ aspect before moving on to the Teaching Process element

The session started quickly and all players understood the game when in position. It was organized in such away that the field was realistic to the football problem and how we would want to play in the next game. Players were praised and appeared motivated at all times during the practice. The shape of the team improved as the session progressed. The #6 of the BPO team retired to a #4 position, but I did not worry too much about this as I was initially focusing on the front three players. It also allowed the defense line to slide across when I was coaching full back pressing on full back. I was engaged in the practice and the information I was giving illustrated understanding of the football problem.


Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Teaching Process The Team Task was: - Clearly set - Observed and appropriate feedback provided - Led the Players towards attempting the required Player Tasks

I believe the Team Task was clearly set and I followed the task, observation, intervention process throughout. Players knew the topic as they are sent the weekly over-view on Sunday and know what each days challenge is. Players were able to identify the football problem on the whiteboard (even though I confused my left with their right)

Players Tasks were: - Given to the key players - Given at the appropriate times - Observed, with appropriate feedback given - Used effectively to improve the players ability to undertake the Team Task

Key players were 7, 9, 11 & 6 , 8, 10 & 2, 5 I feel that the was appropriate progressions from working on the front three players (7,9,11) , the midfield players (6&10) to the back line where we progressed on the aggressive pressing with full back on full back. I did not address all of my coaching points in my plan as I believe players were completing tasks without prior intervention.

Coach’s Cues were used to support players in undertaking their tasks

The coaching cues for the front three players influenced the shape of the team and the game. I had to work closely with the #9 (BPO team) until she understood the task of forcing play to one side of the pitch. I focused initially on the front three players pressing and worked back.

Play was stopped at appropriate times

Yes, but I need to continue working on better triggers for players to recognize when to freeze. I introduced a player task each time the moment occurred, but I need to become more consistent in fully replaying the moment. 1st Intervention (6min 20) was effective as I wanted to influence the shape of the BP team and invite them to play out from the GK to the 3 & 4. The 7,9 & 11 were too high and forced the GK to 18 play the long ball, similar to the previous NPL game.

Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Teaching Process Play was stopped at appropriate times

2nd Intervention (7min 43) #11 was too high forcing the BP #3 to sit too deep. I could have been a little clearer in my instruction, but it was a moment for the #11 and #9 to work together and for the #9 to block the pass off to the opposite center back. 3rd intervention (8min 44) Player task provided for #9 to make an arcing run and make play predictable and force play to one side of field. Good intervention and illustrated the problem. The moment was replayed and implemented successfully by the #9. Coaching on the run 4th Intervention (10min 32) #7 (good opportunity to refer to #11 also)- can we position ourselves to see the full back and the center back and to block the passing lanes? The moment was replayed and successfully implemented. Coaching on the run for Bree #7 5th intervention (12 min 49) Team sliding across – #7 no need to worry about opposite fullback, & midfield have blocked the passing lanes. Therefore, can we press collectively as a team. Good intervention to illustrate positioning and pressing as a team.


Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Teaching Process Play was stopped at appropriate times

Intervention 6 (14.40) Had to reinforce to the 7,9, 11 to drop deeper to invite the first pass out, as the GK played long. Good intervention to remind 7,9, & 11 to communicate to each other to press as a unit Reinforced importance of the shape to the pressing team Intervention 7 ( 16 min 18 A generic intervention but I wanted to reinforce how the #9 could force play to one side – illustrating the problem we encountered with the weak full back against Mitchleton F.C. Intervention 8 (17min 20) A good intervention to illustrate the moment of an aggressive press - full back on full back , and where we can create superior numbers on one side of pitch. I should have waited until the ball was played to the #5 before playing live. However, it was a good press and I wanted to let the game flow. Intervention 9 (19min 32) 6 & 8 & 10 blocking the passing lanes. I reinforced the positions of the midfield players, and they understood the position they should have taken. However, I feel that I missed an opportunity to replay the moment.


Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Teaching Process Play was stopped at appropriate times

Coaching on the run Intervention 10 (22min 22) Good intervention to illustrate the moment that the #7 let the space go and needed to reinforce the role of the 7 & 11 is to initially block the passing lane and the ball being played forward, therefore forcing play to one side of the pitch. You can actually hear the players solving the problem and communicating to each other when to press. Intervention 11 (24 min 25) #10 needed to track the BP #6 to ensure she is unable to turn and face forward. Charlie #10 had been successful all game in tracking the BP #6, but stood off on the last two occasions and was a good moment to intervene. Good intervention, successfully replaying the moment.

Feedback was given using pictures and words effectively

Feedback was used appropriately to emphasize the moment. The moment was shown using the picture and the words ‘cues’ were provided to the players in the main freeze play moments.

Freeze replay was used appropriately

Each time I introduced a task or cue I made sure that the play was replayed to check understanding. I initially let the long ball being played by the GK (3min 10) in the first few minutes go to see if it happened again, which it did. I could have improvised better with Intervention 9 in addressing the 6,8 & 10. They did, however, recognize the problem and their correct position.


Conduct Animation – Game Training Assessment Guide


Teaching Process Feedback during natural breaks was used appropriately

I used natural stoppages to talk about the shape and to ensure that if any problems were occurring. I could address these without having to stop the practice every time. If problems or mistakes became trends, this is the time to intervene.

Coaching on the run was used appropriately

There were times that I was able to coach on the run. I’m confident that these will increase with experience.

The interventions were well-timed and effective

Yes, I believe overall the interventions were well timed, effective and influenced the players in the sequence that related to the players actions. I believe Intervention 9 could have been a little sooner, however, I was trying to let the game flow and see if they resolved the problem themselves. The players were trying to achieve the team task as the session progressed.

The coach allowed the players suitable opportunities to try and do what they had been asked

Giving players quick reminders of where they should be, using appropriate questioning and using praise. The teams shape and player actions were influenced by the session and there was a marked difference in the players behaviors and attitude towards pressing as an individual, as combinations and collectively as a team.


Conduct Conclusion – Training Game Organization


10 V 10 2/3 pitch

There are no more time restrictions on the either team.

2 goals

Rule change If the blue team score 4 goals, they turn around and become the attacking team. The orange team then become the team playing out.

Blue bibs v Oranges

Shape must be maintained and transitions occur quickly. Blue team only need to score 1 goal to swap back around.

Assessment Guide


Training Game The Training Game: Maintained the focus on the problem and Session Objective Had the relevant players involved and positioned appropriately Set Goals for both teams which were appropriate and maintained the focus on the Session Objective

I played a 10 v 10 game in the same form as the Game Training. This ensured the shape was realistic and the players were able to carry out actions without any restrictions..

Maintained realism

The BPO continued to press collectively, but with greater intensity. However, I still had to reinforce the player task for #9 to cut off the pass to the opposite center back a little quicker. Yes.

Demonstrated the players understanding and ability to perform the Team Task effectively as coached in the Game Training

Both teams maintained their shape to achieve the session objective.

Allowed the coach to accurately assess the success of the training session and the likely transfer to match performance

The press became much quicker and certainly improved in their next NPL fixture.


Conduct: Press the ball carrier when they have limited forward options and win the ball high up the pitch Conclusion – Training Game


Conduct Conclusion – Training Game Assessment Guide


Application Wrap Up Did the players demonstrate the ability to solve the football problem without the Coach’s intervention? Did the players provide feedback to demonstrate an understanding of their roles in achieving the session objective without being prompted by the coach?

Yes, I believe that the football problem was fixed without coach intervention. Player actions throughout the training game showed me they understood the concept of pressing, forcing play to become predictable and sliding across as a team to create superior numbers in one side of the pitch .

Evaluate Session Objective Achieved

Football Problem Solved

I believe that the session objective was achieved. Players were able to make play predictable, encourage the opposition to play out from the back and to press collectively to win the ball high up the pitch in the final third.

I think the football problem was solved. However, as previously stated, we need to press collectively a little quicker to limit forward options. There was definitely success in forcing the play to one side of the pitch and the team is developing the concept of pressing aggressively with full back on full back.

There are still some points to improve on, such as the #9 pressing the 3 & 4 more quickly once they receive it. However, when the opponent was in possession of the ball she did force them to one side of the pitch and limit their options, and press them when they had the numbers to do so.


Summary I think the session objective was met and the football problem was solved. The shape of the team overall was good. There are still some improvements to be made, however, the players are part of an elite program and are continually developing as players technically and as a team. They pressed much better as a team the following NPL fixture. My apology for the location of the camera, allowing the filming of the Women’s Roar team training to be included on the pitch closest to the camera. Unfortunately, it was the best location for filming that would capture two thirds of the field, and the moments. Guidelines: Please complete this form for your assessment and submit with your video as per the assessment guidelines in your course folder The Assessment Guide and Comment Sections are there to allow you to Self Assess by helping you reflect on some of the key questions. Complete these sections as you see fit and add another slide if more space is required. How to use this form to plan your session: - Use the 5 w’s approach to define your Football Problem and set your Session Objective (page 1) - Try to clearly illustrate your football problem (page 2) - In the oganisation section, set out what you require to undertake this component. E.g. number of players , balls, bibs, grids and grid sizes etc. - In the Explanation/Progression section explain what the activity will be and how it progresses. - Use the animation slides to illustrate your Organisation, Explanation/Progression. You can add as many slides as you like to ‘bring to life’ the Player Tasks / Actions in a variety of scenarios linked to your problem and Session Objective. Repeat this process for each of the Game Training Components You can insert lines to illustrate your areas and make adjustments as you see fit; if you choose to indicate ball or player movement, please follow the Key below:Illustrates ball movement Illustrates Player movement


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