Architecture Portfolio - Selected Work 2019

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Davide Di Dio




After finishing University in March 2017 with a degree in Architecture at the Università of Palermo, I decided to continue my studies in Rome, where I took part in an Executive Master about real estate regulation and project management. I started working soon as an architect, improving my proficiencies in interior design and construction processes of residential buildings, producing 3D models and renders for clients. After this experience, I decided to come back to Sicily for sharing my architectural knowledge at Farm Cultural Park. My role was to educate 6-13 years old children in urban, architecture and design processes. In January 2019, I decided to move to England, where I’m actually working as a 3D artist for RedandGray ltd. My job is to create visual storytellings for the clients, modelling new spaces and 3d objects. All these different experiences improved both my design and visualization skills and shaped my vision on how to work as part of a team as well as independently, learning from people of every age and working under demanding deadlines.


technical skills

Certificate in BIM, Autodesk Revit 2016 - 181968722 Photoshop CS6 Certificate, Adobe - ADB195384 ECDL Informatic Certificate, ECDL Fondation - IT1512536 Erasmus + Online Linguistic Support, Spanish - Level C1

Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk Revit Corona Renderer Mental Ray Renderer V-Ray Renderer Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Hand Sketching Model Construction

languages italiano spagnolo inglese

| native | C1 | B2

awards | 05.2018 | TOURISM INTO TRADITION 1st Prize at the National Design Competition “Tourism into Tradition” organised by European Union Delegation of Tirana, with the project title

working experiences | 01.2019 - present | 3D VISUALIZER Red and Gray Limited, Birmingham Creating 3d Visuals, Lifestyle images and E-commerce for some of the biggest furniture brands in UK, such as Bensons for Beds, Harveys, B&Q, CDA; | 09.2018 - 12.2018 | TUTOR School of architecture for children of Farm Cultural Park, Favara Educating children 6-13 years old in urban planning, architecture, community building but also art, design, urban agriculture and food education; | 02.2018 - 07.2018 | ARCHITECT Studio Benito Luchetti, Rome Participated in all the phases of design and construction processes on interior architecture projects; taking care of the study models, 3D modeling and rendering;

education | 06.2018 - 09.2018 | ARCHITECTURE LICENSE University of Palermo - Department of Architecture passying the qualifying exams to practice Architecture | 08.2017 - 12.2017 | EXECUTIVE MASTER GCE Sapienza Università and Sogeea spa, Rome advanced level of master’s degree for the management of buildings not in line with planning laws; | 09.2011 - 03.2017 | MASTER’S DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE University of Palermo - Department of architecture Final mark: 110/110 with honours Thesis: Hong Kong. Building on the Reclaimed Land; || 09.2016 - 06.2016 | ERASMUS+ PROJECT Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spagna Exchange Student for 10 months at UPV; | 09.2006 - 06.2011 | DIPLOMA AS SURVEYOR I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa, Mazzarino (CL) Final mark: 95/100 Thesis: Environmental sustainability and biomaterials uses;

PROFESSIONAL RED AND GRAY ltd, Birmingham some examples of lifestyle images produced for some furniture companies

STUDIO BENITO LUCHETTI, Rome renovation of a house in the historic center of Rome

AWARDS TOURISM INTO TRADITION 1° Prize at the National Design Competition organised by European Union Delegation of Tirana

DIGITAL ART some of my works of art that best explify my digital passion

ACADEMIC BUILDING WITH X-LAM PANELS new commercial permises in the port of call of Siracuse

LOOKING BEYOND THE EMERGENCY sustainability and self-building against housing emergency in Ethiopia

A PUBBLIC LIBRARY FOR THE PERIPHERAL CITY an interactive space developed in the urban fabric of Palermo

HONG KONG: BUILDING ON THE RECLAIMED LAND a mixed-use building in the high density city of HK

ART SCENIC SCHOOL an opportunity to bring back to life an old “barrio” in Valencia

HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY a pure volume surrounded by sicilian landscape

BETWEEN LIMEN AND LIMES esequial spaces in the ancient quarries of Marsala


Red and Gray LTD January 2019 | present


As a 3d artist, I have been working in the creation of lifestyle images for numerous furniture specialists and architectural companies in the UK. My role is to focus on the 3d modelling of furnishing accessories and architectural elements, as well as in the creation of textures and in the use of scripts for creating E-commerce images and animations. The following images have been rendered using 3ds Max with V-ray and Corona Renderer.

Studio Benito Luchetti February 2018 | August 2018


The following project showcases the restyling for the interior space of an apartment located near the historic centre of Rome. The client request was to renovate some spaces on the first floor. The works, still in progress, provide for the realization of a new partition between the living room and the staircases as well as the creation of custom-made furnitures. In my position, I have collaborated in the brainstorming and design process, carrying out historical researches, producing architectural drawings, making study models and rendering images that could have an emotional value for the client.


#1st Prize

EU to Albania National Design Competition May 2018


“The design approach seeks to encapsulate the distinctive vernacular architectural heritage and landscape of the city of Berat (Albania) by delivering a tourist accommodation building�

The idea is to realize an informal tourist accommodation building characterized as compact structure, composed by numerous modules and inspired by settlement principles of old quarters. Each module represent an apartment unit with entrances directly on the narrow stone streets.

1. living room (oda e miqeve) 2. kitchen 3. staircase 4. bathroom 5. bedroom

1 2

2nd level

4 3

1st level



BUILDING WITH X-LAM PANELS The design of new commercial spaces in Syracuse seaport is carried out keeping particular attention to the material aspect of the complex. Through the use of x-lam wood panels, the focus is on obtaining low energy consumption and high quality living comfort.

Guaina impermeabilizzante Guaina bituminosa impermeabile Perlinato in abete sp. 3cm

Giunto di tenuta

Orditura di listelli 6x5 cm Camera di ventilazione Sughero autoespanso sp.5mm Barriera al vapore Perlinato di tavole in abete Sp. 25 mm

Dettaglio B Scala 1:20 Dettaglio A Scala 1:20

Copertura in rame Giunto in CaucciĂš

Profilato per l'ancoraggio B

Lamierino di copertura

Guaina di protezione Hold Down

Pannello X-lam

Banchina in legno per primo appoggio Travetto in legno lamellare

Getto di sottofondo

Prospetto Ovest

Pacchetto di copertura Scala 1:20 Dettaglio Carrello Scala 1:20

Prospetto Est

Attacco a terra Pannello X-LAM Scala 1:20


Piastra in acciaio

Prospetto Nord

Intonaco silossanico Cappotto isolante Pannello X-Lam Lana minerale (sp=5cm) Cartongesso 2x 12,5 mm Pavimentazione Getto di completamento Lamiera grecata 12,5 mm

Prospetto Sud

Rete elettrosaldata Ă˜8/15/15

Bocchetta di areazione

Particolare attacco travi IPE

Sezione AA' Scala 1:20

Angolare in acciaio


The economic and social changes that have affected the Somali region of Afder have led to a general impoverishment of the area and the creation of war conflicts with Somalia. The change induced by wars, combined with the need to build new houses quickly and economically, has led to the use of industry standardized products and by-products. Thus, traditional techniques have quickly adapted to the use of new materials, as long as they are practical (sheet metal or container). The goal is to mix traditions and construction technologies for economic housing.

“The construction of a series of emergency housing in Afder, Ethiopia has allowed to deepen the system of self-construction and the sustainable use of resources that characterize the Ethiopian region�

The soil stabilized with cement, is used to produce bricks. It is compressed by hand or mechanically together with sawdust of wood, plastic fibers and vegetable waste.

A PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR THE PERIPHERAL CITY The project area, located in a peripheral part of the city of Palermo, is characterized by a basic building with poor quality and high population density. These area is detached from the most important road axes of the city, failing to define urban fabric. The building is generated using the architectural facts, rules, alignments and urban systems present in the context, trying to bring out the best from a place with a low architectural quality.

“A project that involved the improvement of the peripheral city of Palermo through the strong power of the culture�

The idea is to realize a comb-shaped layout where the main block follows the allignment of closed buildings while the two volumes, in the empty space behind, are different in form and function.

LEGEND 1. entrance hall 2. information desk 3. wardrobe 4. offices 5. book deposit 6. book acquisition area 7. catalogue room 8. restroom 9. media room 10. group study room 11. children area 12. tecnical area 13. bar 14. relax area 15. carrels 16. reading room



16 6 7




Level 02

Level 01

Level 00

HONG KONG: BUILDING ON RECLAIMED LAND An indefinable charm surrounds the city of Hong Kong, an urban oxymoron where old and new, rich and poor, tradition and future, communism and capitalism are able to mingle and coexist in the same place. Once called “Fragrant Harbour� due to the overwhelming presence of incense, spices and silks that characterized its streets and markets, it has today changed its vocation and its inebriating fragrance seems to come from money and power. The urban mix of the city seems justified by the need to place a large population in a predominantly mountainous territory that, in a few decades, has undergone strong economic and social expansion. This sudden growth has caused rapid expansion along the coasts, densifying the urban fabric and favoring vertical development.

The area choosed for the project is North Point, the first real expansion area of the city, builted on reclaimed land from ocean.

“In a very high density urban fabric, the building refuses to pursue the vertical growth that characterizes the city, imposing itself as a manifestation of the urban “emptiness”

It has been identified a possible starting point for the project from the recognition of the types of the blocks and their relationships with the streets. The project, in order to detach itself from the high-density building logics, it was thought as an interruption of the urban continuum; an opposite process in which it is the “lack� to assume a uniqueness character.

1. site plan

2. relation with the context

3. discontinuity

4. connection

5. structure

6. external elements

PLAN LEGEND 2. restroom 3. staircases and elevators 4. shops 5. library 6. media library 7. exposition place 8. auditorium

A SCENIC ARTS SCHOOL IN VALENCIA Although the urban structure of the city center of Valencia appears compact and defined, some part of it, for distinct reasons, appear detached by the rest. The choice to work in solares, empty urban areas abandoned over the years and very often used as public landfills, is interesting in order to revitalize the district. In an attempt to start a new cycle for the barrio, the essential element of the concept turns out to be the road, a collective and aggregation space, used in this case as a fil rouge that holds together the different functions of the centre.

“The aim of the project is to turn the barrio into a social center where the variety of the program and a series of spaces open to the public are related to the revitalisation of the district�



The concrete parallelepiped that hosts the exhibition spaces has been elevated for two reasons: to preserve the archaeological ruins below its massive volume and to realize a new public space. The administrative building is surrounded by a metal-like envelope that allows the light to enter gradually, letting see what is happening inside.

HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY Generated with the precise desire to fit into the complex agricultural mosaic that characterizes the Sicilian countryside, this house is positioned on the edge of a steep slope that divide the olive grove and the valley. The idea is to realize a control element of the entire area, transforming the limitation imposed by the topographic character into exceptional condition for the place. The house is designed as a white parallelepiped aligned in the maximum slope direction. The interiors are divided on two levels, with the aim of separing the most intimate areas, on the upper floor, from the living area. The main facades offer different ways to enjoy the landscape. Arriving from the street, a suspended volume is marked by narrow and long windows, framing the olive grove that acts as a filter between the entrance and the house. On the other side, large windows frame the valley and the pool, positioned at the lower level.

“The marks of the Sicilian agricultural landscape and its particular topographical conditions have become the founding elements of the architectural project�

site plan

front elevation



second level 6 1 7


2 7


first level 4

PLAN LEGEND 1. entrance 2. living room 3. kitchen 4. bathroom 5. sleeping room 6. studio 7. pantry 8. relax area

BETWEEN LIMEN AND LIMES The idea is to create, inside an ancient quarry, a place where it is possible to celebrate the manifestations and rites of death; a place where the people can express their grief and recognize themselves in the forms of sacral architecture. Because of the irregular and jagged morphological characteristics, it was decided to respect the site, not modifing the perimeters of the quarry and developing a strong relation beetween new and old. This choice has a dual purpose: on the one hand, it carries on a “dialectic of opposites� where the relation between a human sign and the rocky perimeter try to remember the relationship between life and death. On the other hand, it allows to define, with the built volumes, unique perspectives and views.

“In Marsala, the point of connection between the world of the living and the dead is defined by the cemetery extension within one of the ancient quarry of the city. The goal of the project is to emphasize the tension between limen and limes that characterizes the project area�


These artworks have been produced through photo-collage and digital painting, dealing with themes such as Dreams and Nightmares, Time, Surrealism and Self-Discovery. The artworks are created through a complex, costly and time-consuming process, each work can take several days or even months to complete. visit to see the entire collection of my digital works

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