Interactions between ecosystem services and land use management

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Fourth Spring School in Landscape and Territory Agronomy: ‘Interactions between ecosystem services and land use management’ Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy 23- 27 March 2015 Main objective The Fourth Spring School in Landscape and Territory Agronomy entitled ’Interactions between ecosystem services and land use management’ aims to introduce to the participants the main concepts and methods applied in the field of Landscape and Territory Agronomy to analyze and support land use management at territory scale, with special attention to the question how management can affect the Ecosystem Services to and from agriculture. The Landscape and Territory Agronomy presented in this spring school is based on three main concepts: land management practices and systems, environmental and socio-economic processes and land use patterns, that can be considered in different spatial, temporal and social dimensions, and that can interact in terms of management. The spatial and social configurations help to understand and reveal territory dynamics and stakeholders interests. This approach may be useful to analyse synergies or conflicts between stakeholders and farmers at territory level. Some main concepts that will be dealt with during this spring school are 'farm management', 'landscape management', 'farming practices and land use', ‘farm types’, 'multifunctionality', 'dynamics' , 'spatial organisation' and ‘ecosystem services’. Some of the methods introduced are 'farmer's and stakeholder’s interviews', 'local knowledge mapping', 'spatial and landscape modelling', ‘measures of ecosystem services’ , 'land use evolution', ‘relations between farm and landscape management” . The presented concepts and methods will be applied in a case study where students will work autonomously in small groups with the supervision of two tutors. The theme of this year's case study is “The relationships between agricultural systems in Monte Pisano and the Pisa plain, and the services these systems delivered both to agricultural and to society”. The students will participate in a “territory game” with local stakeholders to co-construct with them a share diagnosis of the complementarities and synergies between ecosystem services and land use management in the Mountain area and the Plain. Conflicts and synergies between different functions and management goals will be identified, and both the private (farm) and public (policies) intervention

will be assessed. This analysis is aimed at preparing some evolution scenarios and collective action proposals, to better coordinate institutional, public and private initiatives for territorial based land use management planning aimed at maximising benefits from ecosystem services. The spring school is organised by a mixed French-Italian-Portuguese team and the international and interdisciplinary character of the spring school is able to give an original and stimulating impulse to the postmaster’ students. Evaluation 4 CFU are attributed after participation to the entire week and the presentation and positive evaluation of an individual final report. 2 CFU are attributed for participation to the entire week and 0.5 CFU for following the lectures/seminars on theory and methodology. The Spring School will take place in AULA 6 of the Scuola Sant’Anna, Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33, Pisa.

Main Entrance Scuola Sant’Anna; enter on the left and pass reception: aula 6 is 2nd on your left.

Contacts Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna: Camilla Moonen (; AgroParisTech: Sylvie Lardon (; University of Evora: Teresa Pinto-Correia (; Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais :(; Davide Rizzo ( ).

Programme The programme alternates conceptual and scientific contributions with step by step application in a field case study. - Main points of conceptual and scientific contributions First, an overview of land use and management in northern and southern European countries will be given. Then the Action and Research issues for land use management aimed at optimising the provision of ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Ecosystems services for society, other than crop production, are provided by agricultural activities. At the same time, the semi-natural areas surrounding cultivated fields provide services to agricultural activities and to society. The Landscape and Territory Agronomy approach can help to analyse and design coherent land use management options that are able to fulfil expectation of multiple stakeholders such as private and collective land users and policy makers. Therefore, a conceptual framework positioning the Landscape and Territory Agronomy for the research questions will be presented. The main key-words and concepts of this Landscape and Territory Agronomy will be explained. A preliminary overview of the presented methods will be followed by some more detailed presentations of few of these methods used for characterizing, understanding, evaluating or managing Ecosystem Services provisioning at the landscape level, and that will be useful for the field case study of the spring school. - Case study The case study will take place in the region of Pisa (Central Italy). We will analyse the agricultural land use and semi-natural habitat management in the Monte Pisano area and in the Pisa plain. Participants will assess land use typologies and the services these systems delivered both to agriculture and to society. The case study is organised in five steps: 1. a round table with local stakeholders to understand the issues at stake regarding ecosystem service provisioning in the Pisa region; 2. assessment of land use management through interpretation of provided maps and databases; 3. field trips to make observations in the Pisa region and interview the main actors involved in the land use management; 4. Analysis of the information collected during the case study along with the available database and preparation of the territory game; 5. Play the territory game with local actors such as policy-makers, land use managers and those having benefit from the provided ecosystem services by agriculture and semi-natural habitats.

Details of the programme Lectures theory (5h)  Overview of ecosystem services to and from agriculture (Camilla Moonen/Rudy Rossetto)  Overview SNH typology and management in northern and southern Europe (Camilla Moonen/Teresa Pinto-Correia)  How do policies affect land use management (Teresa Pinto-Correia)  Farmers typologies: understanding behaviour and attitude, conflicts and synergies especially in relation to multi-functionality (Teresa Pinto-Correia)  Background concepts of landscape and territory agronomy (Davide Rizzo)  Governance aspects for Ecosystem Services (Natalia Gusmerotti) Lectures methods (5h)  Spatial Models: Choremes (Sylvie Lardon)  Mapping Local Spatial Knowledge (Elisa Marraccini)  Methods to perform local stakeholders surveys (Elisa Marraccini)  The territory game (Sylvie Lardon)  Methods for analysing ES to and from agriculture (Camilla Moonen/Rudy Rossetto) Case studies (28h)  Land use and ecosystem services in the Pisa Plain and relations to Monte Pisano  Land use and ecosystem services in the Monte Pisano and relations to the Pisa Plain o Presentation case studies (1,5h) o Stakeholder meeting with local farmers and SNH managers on management objectives and difficulties of SNH and cropped areas with special attention to management for optimisation of ecosystem services. (2,5h) o Preparing the field trip and local stakeholders’ surveys (2h) o Landscape observation: visit of case study areas (4h) o Stakeholders interviews in locu (2h) o Students present their analysis of field visit (2h) o Students prepare territory game (2h) o Students prepare analysis table based on two areas and two ways of ES (ESA+S; A  ES) (1,5h) o Territory game: building scenarios (2h) o Territory game; presentation all together, Mountain and Plain groups separately, discussion all together (4h) o Group Exercise : sharing the results of the case study (1h) o Group Exercise: theory application to the case study (1h) o Reflexive discussion on the proposed theories and methods (1h)

MONDAY 23 March; Aula 6 An overview of semi-natural habitat and ecosystem services Welcome, presentations of teachers 9.00 – 9.30 E. Bonari & S. Lardon and students, programme of the Spring School Overview ecosystem services to and Camilla Moonen/Rudy 9.30 – 10.00 Rossetto from agriculture Overview SNH typology and their Camilla Moonen/Teresa 10.00 – 10.30 management in northern and Pinto-Correia southern Europe 10.30 – 11.00 Break How do policies affect land use 11.00 – 11.30 Teresa Pinto-Correia management? Methods for measuring ES to and Camilla Moonen/Rudy 11.30 – 12.30 Rossetto from agriculture 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Case-study presentation of Pisa Plain and Monti Pisani General overview of the case study Elisa Marraccini 14.00 – 14.30 areas Ecosystem services in Pisa Plain and Camilla Moonen/Rudy 14.30 – 15.30 Rossetto Pisa Mountains 15.30 – 16.00 Break Stakeholders meeting on land use Participation of local 16.00 – 18.30 stakeholders/Davide Rizzo management for ES TUESDAY 24 March; Aula 6 Morning – Background concept and methods Farmers typologies: understanding behavior and attitude, conflicts and 8.30 – 9.30 Teresa Pinto-Correia synergies especially in relation to multifunctionality Background concepts in Landscape 9.30 -11.30 Davide Rizzo and Territory Agronomy. 10.15 -10.45 Break 11.30 – 12.30

Governance aspects for Ecosystem Services

Lunch Afternoon – Methods and field trip preparation 14.00 – 15.00 Spatial models: choremes Local stakeholders surveys: an 15.00 – 16.30 overview of methods (including Mapping local spatial knowledge) 16.30 – 17.00 Break Group Exercise (preparing the field 17.00 – 19.00 trip and local stakeholders’ surveys)

Filippo Corsini (MES)

12.30 – 14.00

Sylvie Lardon Elisa Marraccini


WEDNESDAY 25 March - FIELD TRIPS Morning – landscape observation and mapping of ES The 4 case study groups visit the study area and prepare maps and 8.30 – 12.30 Students/Teachers adapt questions for local stakeholders that will be visited in the afternoon 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Afternoon – local stakeholder interview The 4 case study groups visit the local 14.00 – 17.00 Students/Teachers stakeholders they want to interview Students prepare overview of their 17.00 – 19.00 Students/Teachers findings for presentation THURSDAY 26 March; Aula 6 - Field trip analysis 8.30 – 10.00 Sylvie Lardon Territory game: building scenarios Students prepare analysis table based 10.00 – 12.30 Students/Camilla Moonen on two areas and two ways of ES (ESA+S; A  ES) 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Students present their analysis of 14.00 – 16.00 Students/Elisa Marraccini field visit 16.00 – 16.30 Break 16.30 – 18.30 Students/Sylvie Lardon Students prepare territory game FRIDAY 27 March; Aula 6 – Territory Game and reflection Territory game; presentation all Local stakeholders and 8.30 – 13.00 together, Mountain and Plain groups students separately, discussion all together 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch Group Exercise : sharing the results 14.00 – 15.00 Sylvie Lardon/Davide Rizzo of the case study Group Exercise: theory application to 15-00 - 16.00 Sylvie Lardon/Davide Rizzo the case study 16.00 – 16.30 Break Reflexive discussion on the proposed 16.30 – 17.30 Camilla Moonen/Davide Rizzo theories and methods 17.30 – 18.00 Whole teaching team Spring school evaluation

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