Portfolio David Sierra

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sierra.davidfelipe@gmail.com Cel: +393281878445

DAVID FELIPE SIERRA sierra.davidfelipe@gmail.com s193146@studenti.polito.it

I’m David Felipe Sierra a young architect, interested in the mathematics and physics approaches in the architecture. Thanks to the experience of work on team with people of different cultures, I’ve realized that in a project different points of view can be, not just the merge of ideas, but also complementary in the way to build a project from different perceptions. To come in Italy and became a double degree student is one of the experiences that made me grow the most, not only in my professional knowledge but also personally. Knowing a new countries and cultures gave me the opportunity to explore a new way of living and it allowed me also to exchange my own culture. In my experience the best way to understand a different culture, is to see what is behind their buildings and architecture, as if every detail was a footprint that history has left. At the same time I had the opportunities to travel around the world with vision as a architecture, in particular China and Europe, where I learned with my academic and personal experiences that architecture should be a positive force in re-interpreting cultural traditions and facilitating diversity.


native language






Completed Studies

Degree Awarded Name and type of organization providing meducation and training Degree Awarded Name and type of organization providing education and training

Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Carrera 7 # 40 – 62, Bogotá, Colombia Master in “Architecture Construction and City” Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 . 10129 Turin ,Italy

Current Studies Degree Awarded Name and type of organization providing education and training

Bacherlor’s Degree in Civil Engineering Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Carrera 7 # 40 – 62, Bogotá, Colombia


UNDER THE MARKET Place: Beijing, China Type: Bridge Year: TESIS Politecnico Torino 2014



actual entrance

panjiayuan market

actual market

what for the new panjiayuan market

new main entrance

pedestrian and vehicular circulation

new marke


sculpture garden storage



temporary market

flea market HALL

exhibition - auction halls

public scape high level market

subway ghost market

3th ring road

panjiayuan E rd.

panjiayuan rd.

Under the Market is a requalification and upgrade project of the Panjiayuan Market in Beijing. The original layout of the block creates a sealed off space to the city, our goal is to give back this space to the city connecting it to the surrounding urban tissue. The project is not just a functional upgrade but it wants to return to the city a public space that becomes an important “void� in the dense Beijing. In fact, our main goal is to project something that is not just a building but a social space where tradition in trading antique goods can meet the contemporary society and its needs. A careful study of the needs and of the circulation defined the basic shape of our project: a longitudinal building works like a dividing wall between the pedestrian public space on the north side of the area and the vehicular path on the back of it, on the South side. In this way we solved what in our opinion is the most important issue in circulation design: the separation of the pedestrian flow from the vehicular one. Rising the transverse wings we created a shelter suitable to welcome the flea market, preserving the identity and the social aspect of one of the most important event of the Panjiayuan Market and creating a continuous and extremely permeable public space that alternates gardens and squares.




25 m

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flea market Restaurant

market Mix

Permanent Hall

Auction Offices Hotel

Exhibition Sculpture garden

Facade: The façade of the permanent market is completely involved by vertical wooden slats, affixed to the surface of the wall. The cross section of

the slats is modulated in correspondence with the window strip so that requirements of sight and sun protection are fulfilled, and providing panoramic visuals. The window strips, which run along the edge of the internal corridor and halls, emphasis the visual relationship between outdoor/indoor. Exhibition: The exhibition mall is located in front of the big square, goes along the largest building, and passes through the courtyard. The exhibition building works as a bridge between the market area and the multifunctional buildings, connecting these two functions. The plan should be flexible in order to allow the subdivision of the space in small or medium rooms to expose different art and crafts of the Panjiuyuan market. Furthermore there are two kinds of exhibition:the first one is indoor, which exhibits art and craft, and the second is the sculpture garden located inside the courtyard of the multifunctional building, and work as a private garden.

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Chinese Gardens: The design of green spaces on the courtyards is based on the traditional Chinese garden with a contemporary adaptation. Theseis gardens take design concepts with a new interpretation to recreate a green space with areas of relaxation and to go for a walk. First of all, before explaining the result, is essential to make an introduction of the Famous Chinese garden. There was also an interpretation of the principal elements which distinguish the Chinese garden: water, rocks and mountains. The idea is moving the eyelevel both horizontally and vertically, so that the stroller through the garden saw a constantly changing series of views. For this matter, the green areas are formed as small hills that create the organic passage, and to represent the water, there is some square with shallow steps to create places to relax. Permanent marlet: The concept used to design this area was to create an alternative way of distribution on a shopping mall, and instead of a straight circulation the idea is to propose dynamicity of walkways and the variety of spaces. Also the middle and high-level shops are mergedon the same space, without zoning classification. The result is a block of shops uses as a module that is repeated it over the buildings with halls in between.

new permanent market

actual permanent market

project tipology of market

actual flea market




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URBAN Place: Millesimo, Italy Type: Bridge Year: Academic Project Politecnico Torino 2013

The design of a bridge is the perfect fusion between the architecture and civil engineering in which the esthetic composition is defined by the same structure form formal concepts The urban plan considered four pedestrian bridges as an urban piece to structure the public space around the river. The proposed bridge is beside an existent vehicular bridge. The dialogue of the current bridge is enhanced through the superposition of a new contemporary layer. The main idea was to offer an urban space that generates a place of social and cultural interaction for the citizens instead of a simple crossing path. The result was a “piazza bridge� that offer different spaces to stay and relax and enjoying a nice view.

Detail Knot




-0.95 -0.70











0,03 0,25

Bridge Story, new Layer

1 2 3 4 5


11 6 12



GREEN KNOT Place: Torino, Italy Type: Service and Public Space Year: Master Academic Project Politecnico di Torino 2012

1. Public house and Low pace The goal is the rethinking of a neighborhood in Torino that was originally dedicated to the workers of the nearby FIAT factories but unfortunately, today a lot of the apartments are abandoned. The standard apartment was designed for a family structure that has changed, therefore the apartments 2. Public Space and should adapt to a new kind of population. The approach is Vertical connection to reuse the apartments as residences for students or little families and adequate the rooftop as new spaces required for the new population. 2. Public Space and Vertical connection

2. Public Space and Vertical connection

The strategy is creating roofscapes that should be flexible and appeal to all resident types for various everyday use and activity. To tie the neighborhood, the landscape, the bridge and the rooftop together a span of continuous bands are used to create direct visual connection, through spaces and levels, and landscaping where access points and marked areas are desired.

Roofscapes: new strategies to Urban Projects

Form Concept





Vertical system of green wall


Place: Cuzco, Peru Type: Urbanism Year: Master Academic Project Politecnico Torino 2013

Green Areas

Roads and Flows


Forme del costruito Forme del costruito edifici non residenziali di grande dimensione edifici non edificato residenziali di grande compatto sudimensione lotto edificato compatto lotto / insediamenti informali edificato su sparso edificato sparso / insediamenti informali Sistema della mobilitĂ Sistema della mobilitĂ strade / piazze / slarghi / spazi pubblici pavimentati strade / piazze / slarghi / spazi pubblici pavimentati

From the urban hypothesis that a new system of public transport, tramway, the goal is to place a new urban line of the railway line Cusco Peru. The urban design was proposed to facilitate the mobility in a part of the city giving place to a sequence of new public facilitations around the single stations, integrating with the urban context and green zones. For that was design one of the station, as a complex building, with a mixed program (public/residential), interpreting the contemporany Fenomenologia dello spazio typology of theaperto hybrid, named,KANCHA, that responds to the urban Fenomenologia dello spazio aperto needs and local services.

Tram Railway



Program mix


Connection points

Tram level


Place: Cuzco, Peru Type: Cultural Year: Master Academic Project Politecnico Torino 2013

From the urban hypothesis that a new system of public transport, tramway, the goal is to place a new urban line of the railway line Cusco Peru. The urban design was proposed to facilitate the mobility in a part of the city giving place to a sequence of new public facilitations around the single stations, integrating with the urban context and green zones. For that was design one of the station, as a complex building, with a mixed program (public/ residential), interpreting the contemporany typology of the hybrid, named,KANCHA, that responds to the urban needs and local services.

Auditorium Lybrary

Study Room Exposition

Open Theatre

Render of Aprtments Module

Attaching with Topografy


El saber como un deposito


Integracion social y cutural

El conocimiento no se transmite se estĂĄ construyendo



Intoleran discrimin problem


Place: Bogota, Colombia Type: Education Year: Undergraduate Academic Project PUJ 2011 Starting from the approach of the Master Plan in Tuntjelito’s River with the idea of requalification of the River basin, the purpose was to develope a local Plan in the quarter of Gran Yomasa. The urban strategy is the requalification of the space, the integration of green zones and public spaces through new public services. The goal is to change education paradigms, beginning from the assumptions of current education that was design and conceived for a past age, and it must change according to the social needs of the new century as well as the learning spaces. So, the concept used was OPEN SCHOOL. environments insolate from the exterior


SPACES Student

pasive participation


dominate roll

The current system was designed and conceived for the interest of Industrialization

Schools as well as a Industry SIST. EDUCATIVO ACTUAL

New Global Enviornment

New Models

the relation between students and education spaces limits them own learning

Obsolet System

How educate the Childrens to take their Room divider no relation between place in the economies of inside/outside this century?

the comunities depends of a diversity of talents and cultures


interralition of spaces: superposition / intersection

Relation with Enviornment dynamism and interaction through levels



Open to the comunity


internal interaction

Learning Environments not only classrooms as educational space basic learning addtitional environments for Multiples Intelligences Develope of Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences

Adecuar Espacios formales para desarrollar cada estilo de aprendizaje

+ Mix

Interaction between intelligences

A learning environment from the architectonics qualities point of view must encourage students and teachers to realize activities and social interactions A space mustn’t be just a container, it should be also a tool for facilitate some activities and social interactions. Changeable classrooms for interdisciplinary learning Flexible Connection

Classroom Flexibility:

Expansion of space



Place: Bucaramanga, Colombia Type: Residential Low Cost Year: Undergraduate Academic Project PUJ 2010

The huge cost of soil affects the construction of residences of low cost in the Colombians cities, but the densification could be a strategy as an alternative solution. In the 2010 from the academic concourse “Convive V”, in the quarter Chapinero in Bucaramanga, it was propose a solution of residential densification of low cost as an answer to the city growth, and response to the increase of homelessness. The urban propose is grouping resident’s blocks of different heights to be less evident in the skyline of the zone and supply public or semipublic spaces a different levels.

there are Three typologyes of Apartment for differents familiy’s group. furthermore some apartments are disposed to permit felxibility of use the spaces, form rent one of the rooms or an office.

Perspective Green Roof

COFFEE GARDEN Place: Fusagasuga, Colombia Type: Restoration, Museum Year:

The proposal of the Botanical Garden in Fusagasugá, Colombia, born from the initiative of the Mayor to occupy a batch that used to be a Coffee Farm outside the city. Nonetheless, the project’s main objective was rejecting the idea of batch and replace it with the concept of Interlace all the elements of a Botanical Garden exploiting the essence of the coffee. Once this academic project was finished, the existing faded with the new tissue of buildings, water, different kind of vegetation and a whole new system to produce coffee. The project was known as “Jardín Del Café Almadía”.

Concept of Master Plan Coffe cultives

Coffe cultives







Equilibrio Social, Economico Ambiental


N:Capital Natural H:Capital Humano FI:Capital Financiero F:Capital Fisico S:Capital Social


Urban Analyse




Estado Actual Medios de Vida Sta Rosa Viterbo


Activos que influyen en CONTEXTO VULNERABILIDAD los medios de vida


Place: Sta Rosa Viterbo, Colombia Amenaza por Económica Social Type: Rural Residential Remosión en masa Sistema productivo inestrable, Academic 56 Viviendas riesgo Year: Undergraduate ProjectenPUJ 2011

Produccion Deficitaria en el municipio de Santa Necesidades basicas insatisfechas Rosa As 9.7% an academic response to the problems found in the town of Santa de cultivo autocosumo

Rosa de Viterbo, Colombia, the risk of landslide and the vulnerable families Una vez observada la Técnica who live in threat zone was approach implementing relocation strategies vivienda se evidencia un in order to de improve alto grado deterioro their habitat and economical situation, developing new technologies that could allow them to reach idealistic livelihood.The project is composed by 18 rural houses and a set of communitarian spaces allowing the development of social networks: PPC (Productive ZONA Comunity FERTIL Project ) S


N: Natural capital H: Human Capital N FI:Finance Capital F: Existence capital S:Social Capital




BALANCE between Social, Economic ,Ambient.

Economic Inestrable productive system, Deficient Production Basic needs unmet 9.7% private cropping

The houses evidence a high degree of deterioration



active that influence livelihoods






Fertil Fields


Current livelihoods in Sta Rosa Viterbo



56 Homes at risk in the municipality of Santa Rosa

landslide threat

risk of land

Actual Rural Houses


EXPOPARK Place: Bogota, Colombia Type: Cultural Year: Undergraduate Academic Project PUJ 2009 The proposal of Expopark was born to recuperate all the Parkway in the quarter of Teusaquillo in Bogota and from the necessity of creating an integrative space in a urban context surrounded by several educational institutions. I proposed a Public Expositive center along the park, and the reuse of the park as a public space for the community and not like a parking as it’s now. The other idea was to guarantee a place of educative encounter and the regeneration of a green zone and public spaces at different levels. To mantein the atmosphere of an open park and supplies with new cover services, it was designed with high metalic structures and covered with stretched membrane ceilings.

ETERBOARD HOUSE Place: Bogots, Colombia Type: Residential Low Cost Year: concours 2010

Form Concept

Eterboard Price
The contest developed by Eternit, in which I won the first place Center Zone, called in architecture students from all the universities in the country to design a house that responded to an existing problem.
The project is a group of single-family houses with a chance to build a second floor. The form of these houses is made from the addition of cubes, the cover is wavy to take advantage of the flexibility and versatility the material provides, and most importantly to allow illumination and ventilation of the place. Besides, this curvature facilitates the recollection of rainwater. Module

ACUSTIC PROJECT Type:Technique of Physical Enviornment Year: 2012

The project consists to adequate an auditorium with several architectonics parameters that looking for the ac oustic comfort, it means, physics condition to satisfy acoustic requirements from the user in entertainment environments and at same time the control of the noise. The idea is hybrid auditoriums that permit to develop two uses: as a concert hall of music and as conference room. Since the requirements of each activity are different, the auditorium was design to be flexible and to satisfy both needs. For that the project focuses on the study of materials, ceiling (as acoustics reflectors), sidewalls and Eco’s phenomenon.

Conference room



Eco zone

Reverberation Time

Ceiling: Ovation Reflector Panels

Sidewalls Study

Visibility Curves

Materials Study

Eco Zone


Current Status

Type:Technique of Physical Enviornment Year: 2012

UDI Summer

Daylight Autonomy

Concept of illuminance Project

The project consists in adequating a classroom with several architectonics parameters that look for the luminance comfort, it means, the physic conditions to satisfy visual requirements for the user, avoiding glare in work surfaces. The project is divided first in the analytic study of the room, the project of natural illumination, the project of artificial illumination, and control system. The project of natural illumination is designed for multiple functions, protection from glare, solar shading and redirection. And the artificial illumination is projected to supply the luminance (500 lux) needed to develop an activity of study.

UDI >2000

Reading, Writting search , consulting optimal value Secundary corredor Principal corredor

Daylight Autonomy Max

Natural Illuminance Project

Artificial Illuminance Project

Scree SectionNatural Illuminance Ground Floor Analize DAYSIM selection criteria: Lamp




selection criteria: Devices

indicator photometric High performance enhancing light

Work Surface Analize DAYSIM

Ground Floor Natural Illuminance

UDI> 2000

Low power consumption Good color rendering Average luminous flux High average duration

Daylight Autonomy 2. fluorescent lamp :1 x T16 / 28W, 3000K, Ra 80 Model: ELEA WW di Zumtobel

1. fluorescent lamp :1 x T16 / 28W, 3000K, Ra 80 Model: : ELEA C-D/I di Zumtobel

MODULE 1:1 Place: Bogota, Colombia Type: Construction Year: Workshop “Modul 1:1� 2008

The Workshop (Module scale 1:1) had the goal of making spatial relations and architectonic environments. The concept of the project was the constructivist movement. It had three different functional spaces, an expositive space, a panoramic space, and a space to meditate. The module was made in real scale, during a week with metallic frames and fabrics. It was then exposed in the campus for two weeks.

RAIZ CUADRADA Place: Bogota, Colombia Type: Digital Year: Workshop “Hipofisis Digital” 2011

Starting from the virtual parametric programs (grasshopper of Revit), the goal of the Workshop “Hipofesis digital” was to develop new habitable spaces for the future population, considering as a reference organic elements. As a group we proposed a complex of buildings based on the figure of tree branches. The structure was created with variable parameters that allowed them to be located in any place, depending only from a long path. The workshop is based to learn grasshopper as a new design method but also as a tool to create plastic models in laser Plotters and 3D Plotter.

TORCHIS Place: Bogota, Colombia Type: Costruction Year: Workshop “Autocostruzione in Terra� 2013 As part of a reserch developed by Prof. Simonetta Pagliolico, the workshop intended to explore methods of traditional building tecnologies for the development of sustainable residences in Romanie. In our specific case we used the torchis, an ancient buildig tradition exploring ways of allowding light to penetrate through the heavy earth walls. We used glass bottles filled with water and explored the geometry of pallets to make a window with the minimum material.

Vertical Panel : Window

Horizontal Panel: Bottles




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