Camp Mustang 2015

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June 1—5 June 8—12

camp Mustang


Camp Mustang Overview Join Camp Mustang this summer for an exci ng experience ďŹ lled with learning and adventure. As a fully-endorsed Morrison program, our aim this summer is to provide enhancement of learning, fun and enjoyment, and educa onal adventures for the en re Morrison community. We invite your children to spend the beginning of their summer at Camp Mustang learning, connec ng with friends, and having a great me. We have brought together a dedicated, dynamic, and highly skilled sta to bring you an extraordinary experience in sports, academics, visual arts, performing arts, recrea on, language learning, and character building.

Morrison Teachers. Morrison Families. Morrison Philosophy. Morrison Campus. Morrison Values. Located on Morrison’s lush and beau ful campus, we are excited to provide your children an unforge able experience, in a familiar environment, with familiar faces.

Join us for a terrific summer experience!


K-6 Week 1 (June 1-5) Full Day and 1/2 Day Programs Available for K-1 Primary Picasso 1-2 Stories, Books, and Creativity 3-4 Rec, Reading, and Safari 5-6 Middle School Boot Camp and STEM 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

K-6 Week 2 (June 8-12) Full Day and 1/2 Day programs available for K-1 Primary Picasso 1-2 Stories, Books, and Creativity 3-4 Rec, Reading, and Safari 5-6 Middle School Boot Camp and STEM


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

MS/ HS Week 1 (June 1-5) High School Boot Camp

Basketball Camp

Who Are You?

Public Speaking

9 - 11:30


12:30 -3


12:30 -3


MS/HS Week 2 (June 8-12) Promote Yourself Online Reading for Vocabulary SAT Math Prep

SAT Math Skills 9 - 11:30


Basketball Camp Code Breaking with Java

Ask About Our HS Internships


9:00am - 3:00pm


Supervised Lunch: 11:30-12:30 Entree + salad bar + fruit + dessert Game show style lunch with prizes daily


Super Soakers

Slip ‘n’ Slide

Sprinkler Park


Fun in the Sun ever day after lunch!


Take advantage of our discounts! Early Bird Discount 10% off if you pay before 3/31

10% off if you are paying for a second child


Family Discount

June 1 – 5

June 8 - 12

Kindergarten — 1st Primary Picasso Head Teachers: Jenny Freeman Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 Cost: 6,000NT for 1/2 day 12,000 for full day 10% off before 3/31

Mornings Kick off the summer with a fun learning experience focused on promo ng healthy rou nes, having fun with friends, and expressing yourself through art and wri ng. Campers will also learn create planning a planning tool to help them keep healthy habits over the summer. All campers will get to enjoy playing with friends, a me of storytelling, reading and wri ng, a daily gameshow-style lunch, and extended outdoor water play, followed by an a ernoon of crea ve expression through story telling, arts, cra s, and baking. Each week will host a different theme and new ac vi es.

Game show lunch and Fun In The Sun Supervised free play involving swimming, water play, organized games, and snack me. Staff will make sure your child spends a balanced me in at out of the sun, provide sunscreen, and a safe loving environment for a fantas c mid-day break.

Afternoons Would you like to splatter paint like Pollock? Paint like an impressionist such as Monet? Build a mobile like Calder? Create pop art like Warhol? Young artists will enjoy a journey of self-expression through art while experiencing a variety of mediums and art forms, including paint, three-dimensional building, collage, and clay sculpture. Come join the fun! Supporting teachers: Mr. Dave Freeman, Mr. Rex Manu, Mrs. Anne Cagwin, Mr. Jason Roloff, Mr. Andy Wu


June 1 – 5

June 8 - 12

1st — 2nd Stories, Books, and Creativity Head Teachers: Anne Cagwin Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 Cost: 6,000NT for 1/2 day 12,000 for full day 10% off before 3/31

Mornings Campers will develop their knowledge base and reading proficiency by learning and prac cing a variety of strategies to improve comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary. Skills such as finding facts, making inferences, iden fying the main idea, and drawing conclusions will be emphasized.

Gameshow lunch and Fun In The Sun Supervised free play involving swimming, water play, organized games, and snack me. Staff will make sure your child spends a balanced me in at out of the sun, provide sunscreen, and a safe loving environment for a fantas c mid-day break.

Afternoons Designed to spark a young child’s curiosity in reading, crea ve story telling, and encourage a lifelong love of learning, this camp will promote the fun of reading books, making cra s, playing games, and singing songs to connect with literature. We’ll begin every day building skills through fun ac vi es focused on reading, drawing, one-to-one correspondence, and the joy of storytelling. Come join the fun! Supporting teachers: Mr. Dave Freeman, Mr. Rex Manu, Mrs. Jennifer Freeman, Mr. Jason Roloff, Mr. Andy Wu


June 1 – 5

June 8 - 12

3rd — 4th Rec, Reading and Safari Head Teachers: Mr. Jason Roloff Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 Cost: 6,000NT for 1/2 day 12,000 for full day 10% off before 3/31

Supporting Teachers: Mr. Rex Manu Mr. Dave Freeman Mr. Andy Wu Mr. Freddie Wagner

Mornings: Kick off the summer with an exci ng learning experienced focused on promo ng curiosity and crea vity. Campers can expect to experience the follow ac vi es. A me of sports recrea on with a mini Basketball camp to start the day. Mornings will also include a journaling me and daily wri ng ps. Campers will also have a reading me with a focus on vocabulary building. A er a game show style lunch with challenges and prizes daily, campers will hit the outdoors for water ac vi es during our Fun in the Sun hour.

Game show lunch and Fun In The Sun Supervised free play involving swimming, water play, organized games, and snack me. Staff will make sure your child spends a balanced me in at out of the sun, provide sunscreen, and a safe loving environment for a fantas c mid-day break.

Afternoon Scientific Safari ? Campers will have a chance to be a “mad scien st” for a two weeks. Discover what science is all about by performing different experiments each day. Young scien sts learn in the outdoors about the fundamentals of physical science through hands-on ac vi es and create experiments to test their new knowledge. Con nuing our a ernoon STEM focus, campers from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Campers will spend the a ernoon conduc ng experiments aimed at bringing classroom concepts to life. Experiences will include computer programming in our Hour of Coding, water rockets, balloon launching, The Egg Drop Challenge, and much more. Come join the fun!


June 1 – 5

June 8 - 12

5th - 6th Morning MS Boot Camp Head Teacher: Freddie Wagner, Dave Freeman Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 Cost: 6,000NT for 1/2 day 12,000 for full day 10% off before 3/31

Supporting Teachers: Mr. Rex Manu Mr. Jason Roloff Mr. Andy Wu

Sports ‘n Study Skills Prepare for life in Middle School with this academic camp aimed at building the skills you’ll need for success in Middle School. From reading and wri ng, to organiza onal management techniques, this camp is perfect for anyone entering into the next stage of learning. Mornings will start with a mini Basketball camp hosted by Coach Manu followed by Middle School Boot Camp with Mr. Freddie Wagner. This will be a valuable me of focusing on organiza on skills, reading and wri ng, public speaking, and vocabulary development, followed by lunch and Fun in the Sun.

Afternoon STEM Camp STEM Camp will be hosted in the afternoon. MS concepts from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math will be the focus of this block of time. Campers will spend the afternoon conducting experiments aimed at bringing classroom concepts to life. Focused on Creativity and Innovation, campers will be guided by teachers in a safe environment to combine principles found in subjects like Physics, Math, Chemistry, and Earth Science. Time will also be spent on:

Math of basic computer programming Newton’s Laws / Force and Motion The Scientific Method and Creativity Chemistry behind Everyday Life.



Week I

June 1 – 5

MS/HS HS Boot Camp

Head Teacher: Mr. Clive Hsu Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: 10,000NT Develop the study skills and organiza onal management strategies cri cal to succeeding in High School. Join HS counselor, Mr. Clive Hsu, for a week of skills training and planning exercises aimed at preparing you for an effec ve and successful High School experience.

Who Are You? Head Teacher: Mr. Tim Dwight Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: 10,000NT Developing a stronger, clearer voice in your wri ng. This session is focused on autobiographical wri ng and making a more persuasive, interes ng, and ar culate presenta on of YOURSELF.

Basketball Camp

Head Teachers: Coach Rex Manu Morning Session M – F 12:30—3:00 Cost: 6,000NT This camp will guide basketball players of all levels to become confident ball handlers, accurate shooters, and crea ve passers with strong finishing moves to the basket. The format of this camp will include compe on games that focus on court vision and teamwork.

Public Speaking Head Teachers: Mr. Josh Bush Morning Session M – F 12:30—3:00 Cost: 10,000NT Learn how to communicate your thoughts, connect with your audience, and enjoy speaking in public through this course. Students will spend me working on projec on and dic on, the use of pauses, volume, pacing, and eye-contact to connect with their audience, and wri ng an effec ve speech.

June 2 – 6

Upper Elementary Swim Lessons Head Teacher: Ronda Sheppard Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: Suitable for: Those entering Kindergarten or 1st grade. Swim lessons descrip on etc.

Mix It Up Head Teacher: Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: Ac ve sports such as rugby, football, boxing, wrestling, tumbling. ___________________________________________________________

Fun In The Sun Head Teacher: Beth Turner A ernoon Session M – F 12:30 – 3:00 Cost: Water play, supervised swim, sunscreen, snack, etc. Pool admission.

Afternoon Delight Head Teacher: Jennifer Freeman A ernoon Session M – F 12:30 – 3:00 Cost: Knap, snack, movie, organized games,


Session I

Week II

June 8 -12

MS/HS Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30

Promote Yourself Head Teacher: Mr. Andy Wu Cost: 10,000NT Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype Interviews, etc. Learn how to promote yourself online in the most effec ve way. Learn to develop a posi ve digital footprint through effec ve social networking, digital por olios, and inten onally controlling your online presence.

Reading for Vocabulary Head Teacher: Mr. Tim Dwight Cost: 10,000NT This is a workshop focusing on mo va onal (fun) and cri cal (challenging) reading as well as developing a stronger vocabulary.

SAT Math Skills Head Teachers: Mr. Josh Bush Cost: 10,000NT Master the skills needed to be successful on the math por on of the SAT. Spend me analyzing the approach used on this test and learn the core principles needed to succeed on the SAT. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

A ernoon Session M – F 12:30—3:00

Basketball Camp

Head Teachers: Coach Rex Manu Cost: 6,000NT This camp will guide basketball players of all levels to become confident ball handlers, accurate shooters, and crea ve passers with strong finishing moves to the basket. The format of this camp will include compe on games that focus on court vision and teamwork.

Code Breaking with Java Head Teachers: Mr. Josh Bush Cost: 10,000NT People have used codes for centuries to send messages to each other. Learn about some ciphers and how to break the code! Basic programming techniques using the Java programming language will be taught in order to break the codes. Students will spend me learning some basics of coding (loops, input/output, basic mathema cs opera ons), some common ciphers, and developing techniques to break the codes.

June 2 – 6

Upper Elementary Swim Lessons Head Teacher: Ronda Sheppard Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: Suitable for: Those entering Kindergarten or 1st grade. Swim lessons descrip on etc.

Mix It Up Head Teacher: Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: Ac ve sports such as rugby, football, boxing, wrestling, tumbling. ___________________________________________________________

Fun In The Sun Head Teacher: Beth Turner A ernoon Session M – F 12:30 – 3:00 Cost: Water play, supervised swim, sunscreen, snack, etc. Pool admission.

Afternoon Delight Head Teacher: Jennifer Freeman A ernoon Session M – F 12:30 – 3:00 Cost: Knap, snack, movie, organized games,


Session I

High School

Internships Work to Learn Contact: Mr. Dave Freeman Morning Session M – F 9:00 – 11:30 Cost: 3,000 (This fee is waived if you par cipate in a paid Internship at Camp Mustang)

Throughout the summer

Both paid and unpaid internships are available this summer through Camp Mustang. More opportuni es will be added as we near summer If you are interested in working an internship, Please contact Mr. Freeman directly to have you name added to our applicant pool.


CAMP MUSTANG 2015 June 1-12

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