Camp program july 2015 (2)

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July 20 – 24


camp mustang 馬禮遜美國學校夏令營


Camp Mustang Overview 馬禮遜美國學校夏令營 Join Camp Mustang this summer for an exci ng experience filled with learning and adventure! As a fully endorsed Morrison program, our aim is to enhance learning through a variety of fun and educa onal adventures. At the same me, we place a high value on character development and personal growth. We invite your children to spend part of their summer at Camp Mustang learning, connec ng with their friends, and having a great me. We’ve brought together a dedicated, dynamic, and highly skilled staff to offer an extraordinary experiences in sports, academics, technology, visual arts, performing arts, recreaon, language learning, and character building. 快來參加馬禮遜美國學校充滿快樂學習和冒險精神的夏令營!這是馬禮遜認證的夏令營,目標是 提供給社區內的孩子有更多的學習機會和趣味,以及知識性的探險活動。 我們邀請您的孩子利用暑假的一些時間參加馬 禮遜美國學校夏令營,在這裡他們可以學到很 多東西、交朋友、也得到極大的樂趣。我們的 師資來自各個領域,陣容堅強,活動內容包含 運動、學科、科技、視覺藝術、表演藝術、娛 樂、語言學習及品格教育。


GRADES 7-10年級 Public Speaking and Interviewing Skills

SAT Critical Reading Brain Training and Cognition

—— 公眾演講與面試技巧 ——

—— SAT 閱讀技巧 —— —— 大腦訓練 ——

9 - 11:30



12:30 -3


GRADES K-6 幼稚園到6年級 Academic and Social Readiness Camps 學業及建立人際關係

9 A.M.-3 P.M.

上午9點. –下午3點

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS Supervised Lunch: 11:30-12:30 午餐 1 choice entree + salad bar, fruit, dessert 500NT / Week Before-care: 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. 課前安親

(上午8點– 上午9點)

After-care: 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. 課後安親 (下午3點–下午4點) 1500nt/week

*Sessions end at 11:30 (a.m.) and 3 (p.m.). Children must be picked up at those times unless they are staying for full day programs and/or after care. 若沒參加課後安親,請在3 點 以前接孩子。 9 - 11:30



All Day


上午班 (9-11:30)


Take advantage of our discounts! 不要錯過現在的折扣喔! PROGRAM FEES

Family Discount 10% off when you sign up an additional child 家庭優惠 第二個小孩報名費用打9折

July 20– 24

Kindergarten—2nd Grade Academic Readiness Camp 學業及建立人際關係 Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 整天(上午9點–下午3點) Cost: 12,000NT Want to get your kids ready to go back to school? Be sure to take advantage of this growth opportunity! Focusing on learning readiness, we will be preparing for success by reviewing how to get along with all our friends, stay organized at school, and maintain healthy rou nes for the school year. Included will be reading me, health and fitness, journaling, and organiza onal tools.

幼兒園-2年級: 想讓您的孩子在開學前做好準備嗎? 千萬不要錯過這個讓他們成長的機會! 我們 將專注於幫助小孩子為下一學年做準備,包括如何尊重別人,如何維持彼此的尊嚴,和如何與人 相處. 當然,也會安排大量的時間在閱讀能力的養成,基本的數學觀念和體育活動!


July 20– 24

3rd—4th Grade Sharpening Skills 磨練技巧 Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 整天(上午9點–下午3點) Cost: 12,000NT Join us for a great opportunity to prepare for a successful start to the school year. Focused on learning readiness, this camp will prepare students by reviewing healthy rou nes, daily reading strategies, valuable character lessons, and build social skills through regular team building exercises. Students will also explore health and nutri on as they plant and cul vate their own garden and study the science of ecological stewardship. Along with a reading strategy a day, we will also spend plenty of me on brain training, wri ng, working on gradeappropriate math concepts, and lots of physical ac vity!

3-4年級: 敬請把握這個讓您的孩子在開學前做好準備的成長機會! 我們將透過以下課程來幫助孩 子們為新學年做好準備, 維持培養整理 與組織能力,建立並維持健康的生活習慣,閱讀技巧,由 團隊活動來學習建立人際關係,我們還會讓學生經由種植照顧植物,學習健康和營養, 科學與生 態管理的相關知識。課程還包括了閱讀時間,腦力訓練,符合各年級的數學概念,和各類體能活 動。


July 20– 24

5th—6th Grade Sharpening Skills 磨練技巧 Session M – F 9:00 – 3:00 整天(上午9點–下午3點) Cost: 12,000NT

For our 5th-6th grade campers, this will be a valuable me of focusing on organiza on skills, reading, wri ng, public speaking, and vocabulary building. Students will also explore health and nutri on as they study the science of ecological stewardship. STEM will be the focus of our a ernoons. MS concepts from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math will be the brought to life as we conduct experiments with classroom concepts. Along with daily reading strategies, students will spend plenty of me on grade appropriate study skills and lots of physical ac vity.

我們的課程幫助五六年級的學員們維持培養整理 與組織能力、閱讀、寫作、公眾演講還有字彙 的建立。學習科學,科技,數學,及工程學是我們下午時段的重點,學員會在老師的指導之下及 安全的環境中操作創意實驗,目的是把在教室裡學的觀念帶到日常生活中。另外,我們的老師每 一天都會介紹一種閱讀的技巧給學員,並會花時間在腦力訓練、寫作、學習適合學員年紀的數學 觀念、還有好玩的體能活動!

July 20– 24

7th-10th Grade Public Speaking and Interviewing Skills 公眾演講與面試技巧 Morning Session M-F 9:00 – 11:30 周一至週五 上午 9:00 – 11:30 Cost費用: 10,000NT With the growing importance of face-to-face interviews in college entrance, students are needing to develop the necessary skills to speak with confidence. Join Mr. Bradburn and learn to handle formal presenta ons as well as impromptu mee ngs, interviews, discussions, challenges, nego a ons, and informal inquiries. Focused on the analysis of our twelve basic verbal skills, Mr. Bradburn plans to introduce the public speaking rubric that the HS teachers have adopted for the grading of all public speaking next year. 因應現在高中生大學申請需要面談的重要性,學生需要 發展必要的談話技能與信心。加入Mr. Bradburn的課 程,學生將學習演講以及會議,採訪,討論,挑戰,談 判,回應查詢。重點是,我們將帶入十二個基本的口頭 表達能力的分析,Mr. Bradburn老師計劃強力推動高中 教師明年都採用,讓學生公開演講。

July 20– 24

7th-10th Grade Reading and Writing Skills for the SAT SAT 閱讀寫作技巧 A ernoon Session M – F 12:30-3:00 周一至週五下午 12:30 – 3:00 Cost費用: 10,000NT This course introduces students to the core principles that are tested in the reading and wri ng sec ons of the SAT. Students will spend me working to master the skills needed for higher achievement on this exam. The program is taught in smaller classes to ensure that students receive individual a en on. At the start and the end of each session, students complete a full diagnos c test with ques ons typical of the actual SAT exams. 本課程向學生介紹在SAT閱讀及寫作的核心原則。學生將會花時間掌握考高分的技巧。課程以小班教學,以確保 學生得到個別關注。在課程開始和結束時,我們會給學生會以SAT 常見的題型做模擬考試。

Brain Training, Memory, and Cognition 腦力訓練 A ernoon Session M – F 12:30-3:00 周一至週五下午 12:30 – 3:00 Cost費用: 10,000NT Ever heard of Lumosity, Memrise, Cogmed, Posit Science, Mindfit, or Cognifit? With all of the growing research in brain science, Camp Morrison is excited to announce that we will be offering a July course in Brain Training, Memory, and Cogni on. Taught by Mr. Freeman, this cu ng edge course aims to boost your IQ and help you learn the brain science behind improving our ability to achieve more academically. 根據所有的成長研究腦科學,我們很高興能告訴大家,我們將在七月的課程中提供大腦訓練,記憶與認知等課程 由Mr. Freeman 帶領的這一門課程,旨在提高孩子的智商,並幫助您了解腦科學的背後,究竟如何幫助你達成較 好的學習能力與成果。


CAMP MUSTANG 2015 July 20-24

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