Latin America Global Prayer Tower Press Release
Apostle David Yosef Salazar 1 de 4
Venezuela For the past two weeks, we've been raising a prayer for Venezuela. This nation for the past 15 years has been under a socialist regime, and today the nation is facing a difficult economic situation, bringing lack of basic goods and a high rate of crime. We understood that the nation should reverse the curse that his past President Hugo Chavez when he cursed the nation of Israel publicly (see sidebar) Our mission has been to dismantle the powers of darkness so the light of Yeshua will come upon the nation Also the next December 6th, elections for the Congress of the nation will take place and there are great expectations for a change, since the socialist government keeps most represented in Congress, controlling all systems at will.
Hugo Chavez In His Own Words
We thank all the Global Preyer directors for their commitment and support for the prayer risen for Venezuela. Latin America team has been able to connect many people through its communications platform Ser+ radio ( w w w. s e r m a s r a d i o . o r g ) praying five hours at day live to the nations. The Prophet Jenni Josefina Bravo, has done a tremendous job coordinating from the city of Valencia, Ve n e z u e l a t o a c t i v a t e ministers and leaders to join in prayer. We expect a healthy development of the elections o n D e c e m b e r, a n d w e already we thank you for your support in prayer for the opening process of the Tower or Prayer Center in Venezuela next month of June 2016 with Rabbi Daniel Va r g a s J e s h u r u m a n d Apostle David Yosef Salazar.
The repeated anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views of Hugo Chavez's leadership place Venezuela among the foremost threats to Jews and the State of Israel. The Chavez regime repeatedly demonizes the State of Israel and most recenly a report was leaked that the Venezuelan intelligence agency (SEBIN) is targeting and spying o n t h e Ve n e z u e l a n J e w i s h community as well as on Venezuelan companies and organizations with ties to Israel. Each time there is a conflict in the Middle East, the government's bias gets in the way and uses age-old anti-Semitic stereotypes such as Zionist control of the government, media and finances, claims of Jews as "Christ killers," calls to boycott companies allegedly owned by Jews, and the use of Nazi imagery to describe the Jewish State. For the Chavez regime, it wasn't enough to sever diplomatic relations with the State of Israel in 2009. President Chavez broadcasted on national TV that the Mossad wants to kill him, ranted that the "genocide State of Israel" finances the Venezuelan opposition, and cursed the State of Israel saying, "I want to condemn from the bottom of my soul, from the bottom of my guts: damn you State of Israel! Damn you Terrorists and Assassins!� h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=lvdzDqqSYCs
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Despierta Brasil We invite nations to pray for Brazil. One of the more committed teams to prayer has been Brazil´s team. Under the management of Apostle Sandro Ferreira and his team of leaders of Rara Global Network, we have had great support to pray for the nations with the team of Global Prayer Tower in Latin America. We chose the week of December 7th to 11th, to pray for Brazil and issues that should occupy our attention in the days to come regarding this nation.
Prayer Agenda for Brazil 1 - Pray so that the will of God, unique and sovereign, will met President Dilma in her impeachment process. Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 2 - Intercede against Satan's march, scheduled and organized, to take place next year, on Avenida Paulista, which is the financial center of Sao Paulo, and where the march for Jesus took place, and now gay parade will as well. Satan's march will be one of the largest movements against evangelical and Christian ideology in Brazil. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 3 - Pray for the destruction of the altar, and the stoppage of Mammon operation in Brazil, for the Brazilian economy recovers forces, and Brazil back to growth and development. Jeremiah 29:12-13
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Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 4 - Claiming for an awakening of Brazilian intercessors , and God gives us a troop of 10,000 intercessors in Brazil. Isaiah 62:6-7 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
5 - Claiming Spirit of the Lord by the spill, and the Holy Spirit , come powerfully on Brazil , igniting the fire of revival. Isaiah 61:4 And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Oremos por EspaĂąa Spain , land of revival. During a recent visit to Spain by our Director of Global Tower Latin America, A p o s t l e D a v i d Yo s e f Salazar; in his experience; We understood that this nation is being prepared for a outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord. Certainly Spain is a gateway for Revival in Europe and North Africa, and will be praying for this great event happen. The economic crisis has played an important role in raising awareness of the Spanish people. It is important to pray for the lifting of the Ekklesia in this nation, and his light shine in the darkness for millions to come to the light of Christ and his salvation. Pray also for the Ferradura Pastor Emanuel and his wife Nanci, who have
shown interest in being part of the Team of Nations through the Global Tower. T h e spirit of
conquest and colonization of Spain, will rise on this occasion to mobilize the workers of the final hour through the territory of Europe, Africa and to the ends of the earth. Let´s pray for the Jews of Spain which are a k e y element o f awakening and even in particular the Gypsy people, according to studies by a close friend of the Apostle Yosef, Lizardo
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Cano, the Gypsy people in Spain could be the tribe of Ephraim.
Elections On Sunday December 20, 2015 Parliament elections will be held in Spain.6 They will be the twelfth since the transition to democracy and the first king Philip VI . They serve to renew 558 of the 616 seats that make up the Parliament : 350 of the Congress of Deputies and the 208 directly elected Senate . After these elections will begin xi current Spanish legislature democratic period . They were called by the king , on the proposal of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers , through the issuance of the royal decree of dissolution of the Parliament and call for elections , July 8 entered into force one day after by publication in the O f fi c i a l G a z e t t e , i n accordance with Article 115 of the Constitution.