USBCT Startup Design > Plan > Pitch Program

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Design Plan Pitch Program Who needs it?  

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You are now working, know you need to make a change, but don't know where to start. You are an early stage startup that feels you're not moving fast enough. You get distracted by the fast change of pace and can't seem to focus on one product or service. You're great at design and engineering, but suck at sales and marketing. You've been working on your startup here in Taiwan only, and feel you must expand globally. You know everything about startups, but just want to be able to express your idea in English.

Why it is important? The world is changing faster and faster and becoming flatter and flatter. Gartner Research predicts that 1 in 3 jobs will be eliminated within jus the next 10 years. It is now the best time in Taiwan to become an entrepreneur and build your own global startup company. Technology has “leveled the playing field” making it easier for the “little guy” to develop disruptive technologies that can compete with the largest companies, in just a very short time. The global market environment is conducive to success for startups that follow this methodology, perfect their pitches and plan in English, understand the power of Cross Cultural Communications, and time their market entry appropriately. That’s the good news, the bad news however is that half of all startups fail within five years. In order to be sustainable and prepare for future market competition, startups need to develop a global mindset, large scale, long term thinking, employ creative design approaches, have a clear ideation, testing, and improvement plan. The old, traditional way of doing things was just come up with an idea, work on it for years then force it on the public.

© 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司

11493 台北市內湖區內湖路一段 66 號 10 樓


What it is?




DESIGN THINKING Employing the framework of the Stanford "D School" and IDEO "Design Thinking" methodology, we'll work together to Empathize about your Customer's pain, Brainstorm and "Ideate" the best solutions, then decide on a MVP (Minimum Viable Product - The basic product or service without features that you could take out and show somebody immediately). Then we "get out of the building" and test it, in the real marketplace, with our real customers. PLAN We'll work through the "Business Model Canvas" to ensure we have a workable "blueprint" for our product or service. We will drill down deep to discover why we do what we do, what problem do we solve in the market, who are our customers and how do we make money doing what we do. After completing the canvas we're ready to write our business plan that includes the founder's background, what our product or service is, who will use it, how big is the market, who our competition is, how will we make money and when, how we will sell and market, and how we'll actually run the company. PITCH We'll dig deep to bring out clear, concise and wholehearted stories that will pique the attention of your audience of investors, partners or customers. Knowing how to deliver your message in English to a multicultural, global audience is one of the most important things you'll do in this process, and one that needs to be done right. We'll write it down, practice speaking techniques, tones, body language and gestures. You'll rehearse, revise and deliver, while we critique and coach you along until you get it right and are able to dazzle your audience.

© 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司

11493 台北市內湖區內湖路一段 66 號 10 樓


How it works?  

One on one Consultant Step by step: Design Thinking →Business Plan →Pitch

Combine with Intensive sessions in two weeks & Weekly sessions in three months. Design Thinking: 6 sessions in two weeks (12 hours) Business Plan: 6 weekly sessions (12 hours) Pitch: 6 weekly sessions (12 hours)

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Duration: 4 months(18 sessions, 36 hours) Learning via doing Venue: USBCT office


How much it is? NTD. 36,000(Excluded 5% Tax)

Who the Consultant is? David A. Hall helped to build ten startups (GetConnected, HubData, EchoMail, QuickMortgage, OpenBox, ShanxInvestments, TSL IT, CampusMarketing, ChiefNetworkingOfficers - CNO Parnters, Relationship Networking Industry Assocation - RNIA) in the US and E. Asia over the past 20 years. He brings with him experience from those success and learning from those failures. David stays up to date by attending numerous startup events, speaking to other experts, reading hundreds of books, articles and blogs, participating in angel and crowd-sourced funding sites, and staying up to date with advice from veterans and top entrepreneurs like Guy Kawasaki, Stanford Professor Steve Blank and countless others.

If you are interested in learning more about the program, please feel free to contact Fion Liao via

© 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司

11493 台北市內湖區內湖路一段 66 號 10 樓


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