兩小時實作研討會(30 人為限) 2 hour Seminar with hands-on activity
Design Thinking 設計思考 以設計師的思考邏輯與方法來解決問題
背景 Background 東亞地區最具高度需求的訓練領域之一就 是「設計思考」。當 B2B 台灣製造商向外 拓展全球市場之際,同時也衍生出更了解 其 B2C 的消費者需求,企業不再只是專注 於製作商品,更需要具備創意思考與創新 思維來創造出能解決 顧客痛點 的商品與服 務。 即便是嫻熟商業運作的公司也已經重新思考 他們做事的方法並試圖改變策略。製造業生 產一項新商品或運作一間新創公司的舊有傳 統方法,首先是想到一個他人尚未想到的點 子,接著設法取得長期專利,然後運用各種 行銷與廣告方法將商品推銷給消費者,如引 起消費者注意的「中斷法」、重複法與挑釁 廣告等。 當前的世界不只變化越來越快,而且整個地 球是越來越平,全球化企業為了提升領先優 勢同時避免成為未來十年落後者,該企業必 須建立新的公司文化,並以創新為核心。 設計思考幫助大企業保有像創業初期的創意 與靈活性,並以此來適應改變並為未來預做 準備。另一個備受大企業重視的未來趨勢是 有效的全球化溝通,溝通不良可能導致商機 的喪失,因此我們所規劃的設計思考課程, 除保有其原始理念精神與工具模組架構外, 更獨創性地融入跨文化溝通技巧。
One of the most demanded areas of training in East Asia is Design Thinking. As Taiwan moves out of B2B manufacturing and onto the "Global Scene" there has developed a need to better understand B2C customers. Companies are now no longer just manufacturing goods for others, they need to innovate and create products and services that solve the specific "pain" a customer is experiencing. Even those who were once very adept in their business processes have needed to rethink the way they do things. They have had to change their strategies. The old, traditional way of coming up with a product or starting a new company was to first, think of an idea before anyone else, next patent it, guard it with your life, and finally push it out onto to customers using the "interrupt" method of loud, attention grabbing, repetitive, “in your face” marketing and advertising. Today the world is not only changing faster and faster, but it is getting flatter and flatter. In order to take the lead, and avoid being one of the 25% of big companies that will be left behind in the next decade, big companies must establish a new company culture which includes innovation. Design thinking helps big companies think just like creative entrepreneurs in a fast paced startup, enabling them to better adapt, change and prepare for the future. Another critical future trend often overlooked by large companies is effective global communications. Poor communications can mean a loss of business. Therefore, our unique style of design thinking was developed for a flat world by combing cultural specific design that emphasizes effective “Cross Cultural Communications”.
概覽設計思考 Introduction of Design Thinking 美國史丹佛大學所提倡的設計思考是當前備受重視的一套科學方法,該方法植基於一連串 的控制實驗研究成果。此一方法論跟個人尋求最佳可能解決方案的目的異曲同工,只是設 計思考更具創意與創新思維,過程中持續專注以人為核心,藉由有效的提問來了解對象 (消費者)的痛點,接著將痛點轉化為問題論述,接著構思過程或透過腦力激盪、心智地圖 等方式將問題轉化為點子,隨即快速創建一個可行的原型,最後帶著原型走出辦公室,接 觸真實人群,面對面地測試該原型。 Design thinking was developed at Stanford University and is essentially a contemporary, evolved form of what is known as “scientific method” which use controlled experiments. It is similar in that one employs a consistent methodology to arrive at the best possible solution. It is different in that it is more creative, innovative and puts the human at the center of the process, by adding questioning techniques to better understand the customer’s “pain”, then defining that “pain” as a “problem statement”, “ideating” or forming the problem into ideas through “brainstorming”, “mind mapping” and other spontaneous idea generating methods, after that quickly building some type of “prototype” as rapidly as possible, and finally “getting out of the building” to “test” it with real people, face to face.
實作活動 Hands-on Activity 參與學員將在顧問的引導之下,兩人一組以實作的方式體驗設計思考的步驟與過程。兩兩 一組的學員互相訪問彼此最近一次特定活動的痛苦經驗(Pain),同理心地了解對方的痛點 進而形成陳述問題,接著以心智地圖與腦力激盪思索點子,然後用五張草圖呈現設計原型, 互相展示後取得對方的回饋意見,往返修改後完成原型的設計。 Participants will work in pairs and have the opportunity to walk through part of the Design Thinking process together by performing a unique, creative, interview of one another in order to better understand the “pain” that they will want to consider when designing the user experience. Participant A and B will interview each other about the pain they experienced during a particular activity in the past, then “empathizing” with that person and writing a “problem statement” BEFORE beginning their design. Next participants will sketch out 5 drawings of their “prototype”, perform A-B interviews again in order to gain feedback, then return to their sketches to add incremental improvements called “iterations”, improving their design step by step. After that A will return to B with the final sketched gift and illicit final feedback. The idea here is back and forth interaction during each step to make improvements using feedback.
預期目標 Outcome 經由本次講座的實作體驗,學員將保有一個變革的心態,驅使他們使用新工具和新的思考 方式面對與解決問題。透過與美籍顧問的全語文互動,學員可以學習設計思考的原文名詞, 用英文練習設計術語,並在顧問的引導之下,激盪出新的創意火花,進而延伸至運用另一 種新的創新思維來破除日常習慣的框架。在活動過程中,學員將不僅止於交談,還可運用 走動式學習並釋放五感來經歷整個設計思考過程。未來當學員遭逢新的專案挑戰,將可以 融入設計思考的方法,以另一種渠道激發不一樣的思考,順利解決問題。 After this seminar participants will have an altered mindset, regardless of their job, allowing them to approach challenging problems using new tools and new ways of thinking, which they gained through action based learning methods using all their senses. They will learn design thinking terms in English, practice the design “lingo” in English and interact with trainer to gain exposure to new ideas and change to begin framing everything they do in a new, creative way. They will not only “talk the talk” but will also “walk the walk” by physically going through the Design Process and using all their senses Speaking, Listening, Looking for Visual Cues in Body Language, Empathizing with Emotions, Feeling by Sketching, as part of this full, immersion experience. In the future whenever participants encounter a new project challenge they will immediately “frame” it in a new way from the beginning, work through the process, and achieve the best possible outcomes. They will begin to see that working through this design process is much better than the old way of sitting down and brainstorming ideas in isolation.
課程規劃 Session Plans 時間 Time 10 Minutes
活動 Activity
20 Minutes
同理心問卷 Empathy Questionnaire
介紹設計思考與跨文化溝通 Introduction to Design Thinking and Cross-Cultural Communication
工具 Material PPT PPT, Worksheet, Pen
問題論述 Problem Statement 25 Minutes
腦力激盪與心智地圖 Brainstorming, Mind Mapping 構思過程 Ideation Session
PPT, Whiteboard, Post-itnote, pen
5 Minutes
休息片刻 BREAK
30 Minutes
設計草圖與討論 Sketching Designs and Discussion
PPT, Whiteboard, Paper, Pen, Music
15 Minutes
測試、回饋與改善 Test, Gain Feedback, Iterative Improvement
PPT, Whiteboard, Paper, Pen
10 Minutes
發表 Presentation
5 Minutes
結語 Summary/ Q & A
顧問簡介 About the Consultant David A. Hall (霍達葦) ︱Founder of USBCT 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司
Following the completion of 3 years of graduate level studies at Harvard University in Cambridge, David spent 15 years holding management positions with Fortune 500 technology companies and as a serial successful entrepreneur founding and running many software and ICT related startup companies. While living in East Asia for 8 years and providing Training and Coaching services to many industries, David, along with HR/Training professionals in Taiwan, identified a disruptive need and worked together to develop programs that address the global business and Cross Cultural Communication needs of Taiwanese ICT companies.
霍達葦(David A. Hall),現任 USBCT 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司創辦人。於哈佛大學研究 所全心研讀三年後,霍達葦在 Fortune 500 企業擔任管理職位長達 15 年,同時成功地協 助許多軟體和 ICT 相關新創公司之創業與經營。而後在東亞地區生活 8 年,提供企業培訓 和顧問輔導服務, 霍達葦和人力資源培訓專業人士共同制定計畫,並致力於解決台灣 ICT 公司面對全球化商業活動與跨文化溝通交流之迫切需求。
經費預算表 Budget 以新台幣 NTD 元為單位 項目 Item
單位 Unit
課程規劃費 Program Plan
式 Piece
單價 Unit Cost 5,000
數量 Quantity 1
小計 備註說明 Total Cost Note 5,000 智慧與專業的累積難 以量化,僅概約估算一 個可親近的數值
顧問鐘點費 Consultant Hourly Rate
時 hour
行政雜支 Administration Fee
式 Piece
營業稅 Tax of 5%
式 Piece
現場口譯費 Oral Translation Fee
式 Piece
10,000 原價每小時 7,500 1,000 包含 worksheet 印 製費, 郵電費等 800 3,200 若不需要安排,則該項 可刪除 合計則為 16,800
合計 Total
20,000 稅後 付款資訊 Bank Information 戶名 Name:霍達葦訓練企業有限公司 銀行 Bank: 聯邦銀行東湖分行(803) 帳號 Account: 093100000377
聯絡 Contact 廖慧鈴 Fion Liao USBCT 霍達葦訓練企業有限公司 www.usbct.com.tw service@usbct.com.tw 11493 台北市內湖區內湖路一段 66 號 10 樓 10F., NO.66 Sec.1, Neihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493 +886-970-661-912 +886-2-6603-8851 Line ID: huilingliao https://www.facebook.com/USBCT