October Newsletter

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October 2014 My Dear Friends Since returning from Poland a new and powerful anointing is increasing God’s blessing on our ministry. For this reason I want to send you a report I received only one week ago – an amazing, independent, confirmation of what God has done – and will do in Israel! We now have the possibility to hold a massive outreach next year – but we need to put ALL our resources into it – it will require both massive faith and finance – but could impact Israel and confound the sceptics. From: Ingeborg, Mombasa, Kenya Dear David Hathaway, I have been reading your magazine through missionary friends in Sweden my homeland. I love to read about your ministry in Russia and the prophetic Word about Israel and the End Times. Since 1987 I have been working as a missionary in Mombasa, Kenya and have even used your material in the Bible Schools. After spending most of my time in Kenya, I now started to spend some time in Israel. So in the autumn of 2011 I was there in Galilee. Suddenly people started to say: “David Hathaway is coming to Israel!” I was very excited and wanted to attend a meeting! But nobody was interested and I didn’t know where the meetings were to take place and nobody would help me find out. So I went on the internet and found your page and a notice about Melech Hamlachim in November at 14.00. I realized what it meant! That’s “King of Kings” on Jaffa Road. I know where it is, I used to pray there. I arranged to go to Jerusalem and visit the meeting, to be there one hour early to pray and that nobody would send me away! I came to an empty hall, but soon people started to enter. They came with drinks and sandwiches, greeting one another with loud voices, I didn´t understand what kind of a meeting this would be. The hall became completely full, the meeting started. A pastor spoke in Russian, there were Russian songs, then a lady started to speak on behalf of Holocaust survivors in southern Israel. Now I was even more excited, because for many years I have had a burden to pray for their salvation and healing. We have a few in Sweden, but many in Israel. Then David Hathaway was introduced, with the notice that “here we accept ALL religions!” I understood what she meant; I know how our beloved Jewish brothers look at Christianity and the Christians. Now, I have been in many meetings in Israel, but NONE like this!!!! Always before either it’s people from abroad or it’s a Messianic congregation that hears the Gospel. But these were people, not saved... not conversant with the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah! I have NEVER heard the Gospel so clearly preached to a Jewish audience. I was wondering: “Is this really true? Is this reality or do I dream?”

When finally the altar call came, I thought “Maybe 5-10 people will respond...” I looked... everywhere people raised their hands until almost everybody had done it. “Stand up!” you said. I also stood up, to support the others... But amazingly, they all rose to their feet and joined you in a prayer, that Yeshua would come into their lives and help them forgive as they also forgave those, that had hurt them and treated them in such an inhuman way… Then you also prayed for the sick and some testified that they were healed. It was amazing!!! Going out among the people, I felt that they felt so happy. I couldn’t follow exactly what they said, but it was a spirit of joy among them. On Prophet Street where I was staying, were all the buses they came in. I said good bye to them in my heart and thanked God for what He had accomplished! Since then, I have told many people about this amazing meeting and I have not stopped to pray for the ones who received salvation and healing that day. Next day I met Pastor Israel Pochtar from Ashdod. He told me about the meetings in Haifa and that even more people came to the Lord in those meetings. All the time since I have been thinking to write to you, but didn’t. Now I decided to act. Sorry that it took so long! I am happy to be part of the family in Christ and the ministry and burden the Lord has given you! I will stand with you in prayer for the vision to be fulfilled and for revival in Europe as well as in Israel. From Ingeborg I’m always pleading for God to give me the gift of faith! Having recently returned from Poland – the biggest and most successful evangelism of my life – I am facing the biggest challenge of my life! I’m being told, “David, you cannot live by faith anymore! It was all right when your mission was small. But it’s too big now to run by faith! You have to have substance, not faith.” But Hebrews 11 says faith IS the substance! Either faith is the substance – or money is. If money is the substance then I must limit what I do. But God has called me to live by faith to prove that faith IS the substance! But look at my past – twice healed from cancer, my miraculous deliverance from a communist prison and a thousand other things. For 53 years I have lived by faith and God has never failed me once!!! The Bible says, the just shall live by faith, and, without faith it is impossible to please God. The success of my ministry is not because of any ‘spirituality’ or power on my part but only because my faith has been tested and tried for over 50 years – and it works! God honours faith and can only work through faith – not money or human wisdom. If I give up faith, my ministry would lose is purpose, its motivation and its power. Please pray for me because my faith has to continue to grow big enough to fulfil the greater ministry that still lies before me. My faith is only the ‘mustard seed’ – the ‘tree’ is still to come! Thank you for all your emails and generous support

God has given us so many promises, it is not presumptuous to accept them by faith, then go and take them. Too many sit and wait, asking and never receiving. We must have a determined positive attitude, believing with God all things are possible! I want to encourage you: with God, your health will be restored, your family saved, burdens removed. So long as you keep believing, God is still working on your behalf. I am so grateful for your support – we regularly pray for you believing God will answer all your prayers. Remember, God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask think or imagine. To make a gift to support this vision click here

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