Prophetic Vision, Spring 2015, #75

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David Hathaway No 75 Spring 2015

I always enjoy talking about miracles, because they are the evidence of who Jesus is. I grew up in the days of spiritual revival. My father, converted in the Welsh Revival, was General Superintendent of the Elim Churches and worked with healing evangelist George Jeffreys. He also pastored what was in those days a small church of between 500 to 1000 people; my earliest memory is of standing in the church – worshipping the Lord – and as a 5 year old, stepping out of the pew into the aisle and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit, and being surrounded with a cloud of power and glory that I didn’t understand… It’s a memory that has never left me because, for me, church is a coming together in order to receive the power to go out. That is the sense that I had, that I was there, but I was receiving something… Church is not just ‘home and we stay here’. It’s a home and a family that we come back to, for restoration, healing and encouragement – to get the strength to go out… It costs me a lot to bring the message that I do. The first time that I was called to speak to the Russian Holocaust survivors in Israel, I thought, how can I speak to these people who had gone into the slave camps, the furnaces, because of their God? They had prayed, but God had not answered them. They watched their loved ones die. How could I bring to them a message of a God of love and forgiveness? But they turned to me, ‘David, we only listen to you, because of the miracles – and because you were in one of our Russian prisons.’ – Then I understood. You see, the message of Jesus is that God had to send Him to live amongst us in order to understand the pressures and the pain of our sin and our lives. In the same way my ministry to these people is based on my relationship with them, my personal experience of something of what they have gone through – it has given me a unique ministry which is at its strongest and most powerful amongst the survivors of communism and the Holocaust. And the importance of Jesus is – that He came, lived here, saw our pain and our suffering! God is not ‘removed’ from our suffering. The challenge to Jesus on the cross was, ‘If You are the Son of God, save Yourself!!! Why don’t You come down from the cross?!!’ He could have called legions of angels to rescue Him, but He didn’t, He had to go through the suffering – in order to deliver us!


My most precious memory, in all the emotion of my time in prison, was of the last service I had been in, the Sunday before I left home. I wasn’t the preacher, I was just sitting at the back. In the months that were to come, every bit of that service, every word spoken, every song sung, was so precious. In the prison I used to sing those songs to myself. Church is the home, where we are surrounded, the place of comfort – for us to go out and get on with the job! Church is the place of ‘sending out’. I grew up in revival, in an atmosphere of miracles. It was part of my life, even before I came into ministry… so I always expected to see miracles when I preached Christ. When I was preaching live on TV in Poland in September – to the whole nation, nothing cut out – conscious that I was speaking to Catholics who had grown up with formality and ceremony, but with no real knowledge of God – I was trying to present the reality that I know… And God worked miracles live on TV to confirm it! Why doesn’t the world know God? Because they don’t see any evidence of His existence. In the schools today you are not allowed to teach Creation because – if you believe it – Creation IS the evidence of God! Church is my ‘home’, but I’m working in the world, with sinners – that’s where our mission field is. Church, you know God, you experience Him – but the world out there doesn’t know Him, all they have is a distorted image of who our God is! Someone once said, ‘The ONLY evidence of the existence of God is in the miraculous.’ There is no other evidence. You can’t see Him, can’t touch Him. You may say He’s in Heaven – but He’s everywhere, He’s here, through the Holy Spirit… But the ONLY evidence is in the miraculous! Those Holocaust survivors ONLY agreed to listen to me because I had lived through something of their experience and understood them. ‘But’ – they said – ‘if this Jesus you talk about is the Messiah, the ONLY way we will believe is if He works miracles!’ The ONLY evidence that Jesus was the Son of God was the miraculous! Every time before I preach to sinners, I pray one simple prayer, ‘Holy Spirit, You are the only one who understands totally who Jesus is – show me how to explain to the people who the real Jesus is!’ – Because the Holy Spirit is part of God,

He was in Christ, motivating and empowering Him! John 2 tells us that there was a marriage in Cana to which the mother of Jesus, the disciples and Jesus were invited. When the wine ran out, Mary said to her son, ‘They have no wine.’ He replied, ‘What have I to do with you? My time has not yet come.’ – Jesus had not yet begun His ministry. Until that moment He was the son of Mary, the son of a carpenter, worked in the workshop. But Mary totally ignores His rebuke! She goes to the servants and says, ‘Whatever my son says to you, DO IT!’ But Jesus had just said, ‘I am not ready to work a miracle.’ He had rebuked His mother! But His mother, who had never seen a miracle worked by her son (the Bible clearly says that this was to be His first miracle), had always treasured the message of the Angel in her heart; she went straight to the servants and says in effect: ‘My son will shortly come to you and tell you to do something stupid – BUT DO IT!’ Without Mary’s preparation, there probably would have been no miracle that day! It was stupid! Now Jesus goes to the servants and says: ‘There’s no wine – give them water!!!’ Because He KNEW that if they OBEYED Him, the miracle would happen! But, if they didn’t obey Him, there would be no miracle! You see, Jesus wasn’t working the miracle alone. He couldn’t do it without cooperation. Firstly His mother – that act of faith! The anticipation! Scripture says, this was the first miracle! Until that moment, Jesus was just like anybody else. Then when He says to the servants, ‘Do something stupid and fill the wine pots with water’ – it became the best wine! – The miracle could only happen because of Mary’s anticipation and the servants’ obedience. Look how human her action was in preparing the ground for a miracle! And this miracle was to launch the ministry of Jesus! John 2:11 says, ‘This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth His glory – AND HIS DISCIPLES BELIEVED ON HIM’! So up till that point, even the disciples themselves were not convinced of the difference with Jesus – UNTIL THEY SAW THE MIRACLE! The reason so many people don’t recognise ‘my Jesus’ is because they don’t recognise the miraculous. I’ve heard so many people, including my

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In the Beginning CREATED the heavens and the earth.

religious education teacher in school, dismiss the miracles: ‘Oh yes, the story is there, but it wasn’t actually miraculous…’ The teacher said that the waters of the Red Sea were very shallow, it didn’t take a miracle for the Israelites to cross over. But if it was so shallow, how did it drown the Egyptians?! My job in that class was to confront the teacher every time he denied the Word of God. We never finished the curriculum, but at the end of one year, the master found Christ! We stopped fighting and had a proper Bible study and prayer meeting every week! Two of my classmates went on to become preachers of the Gospel! The evidence of God IS in the miraculous! To me, the biggest miracle of turning the water into wine – was Mary’s faith! Without her faith, no miracle! The miracle took place because Mary had said to the servants, ‘When my son tells you to do something incredibly stupid – DO IT!’ And this miracle manifested His glory! It revealed who He was! And then the disciples believed on Him! This miracle convinced them! In John 9, the disciples are again quizzing Jesus, ‘Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ What an accusation! One of my key workers was thrown out of his church in Russia because his daughter was born a cripple. The accusation: ‘You’ve sinned, this is God’s punishment on you.’ But today I wouldn’t run the crusades that I do without that man. I respect him because of who and what he is, I don’t reject him! One of the biggest miracles I have seen in Russia was Anton, 22 years old, a backslider – the church told me, ‘Don’t pray for him! God is punishing him for his sin, let him die.’ But God is not like that, and when I stood in faith, God healed him! Healed him of gangrene in his leg, HIV-Aids! Now he’s married with two lovely children – and he’s an evangelist and preacher of the Gospel in Israel! The outcast, the reject! God uses the rejects! In John 9, Jesus replied to His disciples, ‘Neither has this man sinned nor his parents.’ This is the stupidity of religion – if he was born blind, how could he have sinned before he was born?! – Jesus said, ‘No, this happened only that the works of God should be made manifest in him!’ What is interesting here from a spiritual point of view, is that again, the disciples could only trust Jesus AFTER He had revealed Himself to them through the miracle! If we are going to

be the testimony of Jesus to the world, it can only happen if Jesus has FIRST revealed Himself to us! The Moslems will tell you they believe in Jesus, they’ll say He was a prophet (lesser than Mohammed) – they don’t recognise Him as the Son of God! The Jews also say, yes, historically there was this Jesus – but they don’t recognise Him as the Son of God! The power of my experience is the power of what He has revealed to me. The weakness in the Church is when the Church doesn’t have that revelation of who Jesus is! When the Church doesn’t accept the miraculous – and it often doesn’t – all the evidence of God has gone! After my big evangelism in Poland, somebody accused me in writing that I don’t know Jesus. He said he knows Jesus better than I do – but he certainly doesn’t know my Jesus! The invisible, unknowable God has revealed Himself in flesh – because Jesus said, ‘Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father!’ There is no division in God, you have the revelation of God in Jesus! And when you have THIS revelation, you become the revelation to your friends, your neighbours, the world – to all those who don’t know Jesus. Unbelievers don’t see the miraculous in the Bible – and once you deny the miraculous, you deny the very evidence of who God is. My testimony is so powerful because it is miracle after miracle after miracle. How I got out of the communist prison was a miracle! Why should God work a miracle to get me out? I knew some of the Christians who died in those communist prisons. And I also knew that the accusation in the communist countries, that if you got out of the prison before the end of your sentence, the church would say to the wife, you can no longer sleep with your husband because he has denied Christ! – To deny Christ was the only way to get out of prison!!! They told me, if I denied Christ I could go out. But how could I? He’s my life, my breath, my everything! It made me all the more determined to say to God, ‘I need a miracle! Here I am in this prison talking about Jesus, preaching the Gospel – but they cannot know You Jesus,

who You are, unless You work a miracle and get me out!’ I said, ‘If You could get Paul and Silas out of prison, am I any different?’ No, we’re not any different! And I said, ‘If You could get Peter out of prison…’ This story is a condemnation of the Church, because when Peter got out and knocked on the door of the house where they were praying for his release, the servant girl was so scared, she ran back in to the others crying, ‘It can’t be Peter, It’s a ghost!’ If the early Church had so much doubt… But I was saying, ‘Oh God You haven’t changed!’ He got me out! I often say God gets more wonderful every day – but no, He doesn’t change, I do! The reason God becomes more powerful, more glorious every day is because He reveals Himself to me more and more and more – and every revelation shows the reality of who He is. We need a revelation! A revolution! The preacher cannot live in a cocoon, you have to live in the real world. That’s why all those years ago in 1964, God said to me as a preacher, ‘Shut up! Go out and do all those things you talk about.’ The purpose of my ministry is to do what I used to preach! I’ve got to prove that it works, that Jesus is real! We need to have those miracles! If you want revival it will come when the miraculous is restored in the Church. That is the only evidence. Tell me from the Bible, is there any other evidence of the existence and power of God, other than the miraculous?!! So it is interesting that the disciples would only put their trust in Jesus AFTER He had revealed Himself to them through the miraculous. Faith is an


experiment that has to be put into practice! Faith is NOT the natural way. Faith is an unnatural, supernatural way of living. – That’s why it’s so difficult even for some Christians to understand. I am more criticised for my faith than for any other thing in my life! People cannot comprehend what I say and do. Walking by faith is like walking on water – it’s impossible! But that’s what faith is! When Jesus walked on the sea towards the disciples in the boat, they were in panic, because you don’t walk on water! So it had to be a ghost! (Matthew 14:25ff.) They cried out in fear in the darkness, ‘Who are you?!’ But Peter recognised Jesus’ voice and jumped out of the boat to walk on water! He didn’t succeed! Suddenly he saw the waves and felt the wind and realised what he had done – and began to sink! Only then did he cry out, ‘Lord, help me!’ My most common prayer – the prayer which I pray day after day – is, ‘Oh God, help me!’ Peter is now dependent on a miracle, because if it isn’t Jesus, he’s going to drown – fishermen are not renowned for walking on water!!! Peter was incredibly stupid! Again, stupidity! In human eyes, he was incredibly stupid, jumping out of the boat! Peter cried out, ‘Jesus, if it really is You, help me’ – immediately Jesus was there, and in the next instant they are both back in the boat! No lifeboat, no helicopter! The reality was in the miraculous! EVERY time I am searching to find out who Jesus is and praying, ‘Holy Spirit, reveal who this Jesus is’, EVERY time it comes back to the miraculous. EVERY time I’m wanting miracles in my life. They have got to get bigger and bigger and bigger! My first car was the smallest I could get, a 1934 baby Austin 7, a ‘box with wheels on’, and the joke was it was ‘too big’ – because it was too big to fit in the kitchen sink to wash it! But then you want a bigger car… In the same way we have got to see the miracles get bigger. Some years ago I was travelling with some of my staff across Germany. We were talking about miracles and the power of God, and I said something incredibly stupid, ‘I’m tired of talking about my healing from throat cancer and my release from prison. I need a new and bigger miracle!’

Immediately I said it, I knew if I wanted a miracle, I had to have a problem first. All my miracles have been in my problems! So if I’m asking for a bigger miracle, I’m asking for a bigger problem – and I got it – I got lung cancer!!! My God is so much bigger every day. He’s bigger after September in Poland than He was before! The fact that the meetings were broadcast live on State TV to the whole nation – that’s never been done before, it’s a new level in my ministry! It was so incredible that they did it! And the miracles will go on getting bigger! I’m going to have to walk on water – because only when you step out of the boat on the water does God help! One reason God doesn’t help is, so often you are afraid to get out of the boat! The Church is the boat, and we opt for the security of what we know and of where we are – so we stay in the boat and we don’t get the miracle! Church, we’ve got to get out of that boat! Faith is NOT the natural way! Many people come up to me questioning the effectiveness of their salvation. But salvation only comes by faith! There is no practical demonstration, nothing that could convince a jury… When I had throat cancer, there was nothing I could do to convince the doctors that I had prayed and was healed – they laughed! Until they saw that it had been cut out with a knife, and they said, ‘Who did it?’ – They saw the evidence! Your salvation is your biggest step of faith – you are only saved by faith. I love the simplicity of the Gospel. Why complicate the issue? I love to say to the sinner, ‘the Bible says, whosoever shall CALL on the Name of the Lord, will be delivered! It doesn’t say you’ve got to do this, and this, and conform to that… No, it says CALL! If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead – your sin is gone!’ You can be the biggest criminal, you can be a murderer, anything – your sin is gone! What’s the evidence? It’s your changed life! But you need faith to accept it! If unbelievers saw the real Jesus, most would repent. But unbelievers won’t see Jesus while the world is tearing the Bible up bit by bit, legalising sin. The Bible says ‘the law (of God) is our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ…’ With salvation there is no logical explanation – it’s a revelation of faith. Anton, the young man dying with the gan-

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In the Beginning CREATED the heavens and the earth.

grenous leg – what did he say? Rejected by the church, he said, ‘David, when you spoke to me, when you prayed, God gave me a gift of faith. And I tore up the consent form for the amputation of my leg. Over the next days I got out of bed, I walked!’ – A gift of faith! Oh that God would give us the gift of faith. In the communist days Pastor Joel Osteen, when he was only 18 years old, used to travel with me in my car all over East Europe, together with his father Pastor John Osteen. John built a church at that time to seat 8000 people. He told me it was a challenge of faith. This was in Houston, Texas when there was a major crisis in the oil and cattle industries – Texas is known for its beef and oil. But Pastor John Osteen had declared that they would build the church debt free. He said, ‘All the time I was doing it, I was under a covering of faith. And we did it! Debt free! – But when it was done, that covering lifted – I couldn’t do it again…’ You see, when you step out of the boat, you can only do it if you are under a covering of faith. But nobody can see that umbrella over you! It’s invisible! You’re the only one that can see it! Other people don’t know what you’re doing, you’re stupid! It comes back to Mary and those servants – it was incredibly stupid! But Mary saw the covering! She believed! What people don’t understand about the call of God on my life is that I face the same challenge Mary did. She said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says, DO IT! The key to my life and ministry is, when God says something to me, I MUST do it! If you try to explain it to other people, they ask, ‘Why? How? It’s impossible!’ But Mary was saying, ‘Don’t ask WHY!!!’ The unbelieving, ungodly servants didn’t say, ‘Why?’ – If they had said why, there would have been NO miracle! If you raise the question ‘WHY’, you won’t see the miracle – you’ve just got to DO IT – by faith! Too many Christians are afraid. Until they get clear revelation of who Jesus is, and find faith in Him, they can’t do it… What God has called me to do is reveal THIS Jesus to the world. The whole burn-

ing desire and passion in my heart is to reveal to the ungodly who the REAL Jesus is! They don’t know. The Church doesn’t show them. We’ve got to reveal who He is – but He’s got to be revealed to us first! What I reveal, is what – over the years – He has shown me! I see Him in His actions. My Jesus is full of power and glory – which the unbelievers must SEE in order to know Him! In Georgia in 2010, I was opposed by the Orthodox Church. The Patriarch commanded the people through the television not to go to the 15,000 seat stadium, cursing me, saying that Christ does not heal or save anyone in a stadium, only in an Orthodox Church. But the whole place was packed out that night! The people wanted to SEE! And why did the government call an emergency meeting for the next morning, Saturday? To defend me, because for the first time they SAW the power and the glory of God that night, they SAW the evidence: people repented, people were healed, miracles happened – all shown live on the State TV! Without the miraculous, there is NO reality! You remember the fig tree in Mark 11:12? Jesus came to the tree and found only leaves and no fruit. What is a tree for? It’s not for leaves, it’s for fruit! He cursed it saying, ‘Let no man eat fruit of you hereafter and for ever.’ – And the disciples heard. They stayed that night in Bethany and next morning, on their way back to the Temple, the saw the fig tree and saw it was dead. Peter remembered and said, ‘Master the tree which You cursed is dead!’ – Disbelief! ‘Why, when You cursed the tree, is it dead?’ Jesus replied, ‘Have faith in God! Whoever will SAY to this mountain (that is the Mount of Olives which they were on), be removed and cast into the Sea (that is the Dead Sea, approximately 3,800 feet down), AND SHALL NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, BUT BELIEVE THAT THOSE THINGS WHICH HE SAYS SHALL COME TO PASS, SHALL HAVE WHATEVER HE SAYS!’ Do you understand? If you can get rid of the doubt, you can speak – AND IT WILL BE DONE! If God tells me, and shows me things I must do, I MUST obey. What is the first thing you teach your children? – OBEDIENCE! What is lacking in our schools today? – Obedience! What is lacking in the Church? – Obedience! Simple! You teach your children. God teaches us. And it all begins with OBEDIENCE. – DO WHAT HE SAYS! Allow me to daydream… Imagine how quickly revival would come, if we did what God says!!! How quickly your life would be changed… How quickly the world would be saved. DO WHAT HE SAYS! Oh God, give me faith. Give me courage to walk on water. And oh God, become bigger each day, and each year that passes, let there be greater and greater manifestations, as evidence of who You are. I pray for the simplicity of my obedience, that the world may see the greatness of who You are! Holy Spirit, go on revealing more and more of Jesus in my life and show me how to reveal Him to others, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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When I speak, I usually begin with the Bible, the Word of God. It is the most up-to-date ‘smartphone’, because it is the only one where you can actually hear God speaking to you! Sometimes I speak from Matthew 8:23 where Jesus entered into a ship and His disciples followed Him. There was such a great storm that the ship was covered with the waves – but Jesus was asleep! The disciples woke Him saying, ‘Save us – we’re dying!’ Jesus said, ‘Why are you so afraid, O you of little faith?!’ Then He rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm. But the men marvelled saying, ‘What kind of man is this that the winds and the waves obey Him?!’ – Even after the healing miracles the disciples still did not recognise the real Jesus – the most incredible man who has ever lived! Once in Germany a businessman came to my meeting. He wanted prayer because he had had an argument with his wife, who had hit him so hard, he was totally blinded in one eye! The doctors couldn’t help him. But God healed him! When he got home that night, he found the miracle was so great, not only could he see, but God had also healed him of a serious stomach problem! For three months he hadn’t eaten any solid food. Now he was so hungry, he ate his way through the refrigerator! His daughter had to beg him to leave her something for breakfast!! Next day, finding out where I was staying, he came and joined me – and ate my breakfast!! He knew I liked sailing, so invited me to sail his yacht with him off the Greek islands. I was so busy with my preaching schedule, I couldn’t go till November – not the best time of the year for sailing! The second day the wind got up and a strong storm came which broke the steering. Christoph had gone down into the cabin, leaving me on deck on my

own! It was a force 9 storm, the boat was difficult to handle. I called out to him, ‘Aren’t you worried? We need to reduce the sails!’ Christoph replied, ‘No. I’ve never sailed in a storm like this – but also I’ve never sailed with an evangelist before!’ Well, we got the sails down and eventually got to a safe harbour. So I know what it’s like to be in a storm. I want to introduce people to the real Jesus: in this Bible story the disciples were with Jesus in the boat. A storm came. I know Galilee and how violent these can be. Even these strong fishermen were afraid! There can come a time when there are storms in all of our lives and we are afraid, life is not easy. Now they were sinking and Jesus was fast asleep in the boat! They called out, ‘Don’t You care?! Help us! Save us!’ With authority, Jesus spoke to the wind, and the sea became calm! The real Jesus reveals Himself through the miracles when He is in the boat with us! Another time I was preaching in an open air stadium in Asbest in Russia. It was Friday night. I could see the storm clouds coming, it began to rain. I took the authority that we have in Christ and I commanded the rain to go – and it did not rain in the stadium, although it rained all around! One Christian woman had brought her unbelieving husband. When next morning he told her that they were going to the dacha in the village to dig potatoes, she was disappointed – they would not be coming to the next meeting... But, in the middle of the afternoon, he told her to get ready to go back to town for the meeting! He said, ‘I’ve heard many preachers, but I have never been in a meeting where the preacher commanded the rain to stop – and it stopped! This was not psychology or mass manipulation! I want to hear that man again!’ And

that night he gave his life to the real Jesus he saw in the miracle! This Jesus changes lives. Every one of us sometimes has to go through storms, including me. I’ve had cancer twice – both times healed by a miracle! The Bible demonstrates that the real Jesus worked miracles. Today, Jesus is alive, not dead! He’s the only one who could die on a cross and come back alive! My job today is to demonstrate that the Jesus of the Bible is alive now! Our God has power and authority to change lives. Every one of us has sinned. We’re born in sin, we can’t escape, we’re surrounded by it. If you were to wear a long white coat or dress in winter, how long before the streets would make it dirty? You cannot go anywhere in the world without being affected by the sin of others. Look at the influence of the internet. There is only one answer – Jesus Christ! Politicians, even religion can’t help. Religion criticises sin, but only Jesus loves and forgives. God so loved you, He sent His Son to die so you can live! You cannot experience real life until you experience Jesus. There is nothing impossible with Jesus. He works miracles, forgives sin and heals broken hearts and lives. HE has touched my life – let Him touch yours! Only Jesus! Those strong fishermen in the boat with Jesus said, ‘What kind of man is this?!’ – because they saw His power, not only to heal, but work miracles! Do YOU know how powerful Jesus is and what He can do?! Put Him to the test, ask Him to change YOUR life! You NEED Jesus in the boat with you when you go through life’s storms – or we drown!


If you are sick, I want to help you to pray. But first let me explain something unusual: it is easier to see miracles with the unbeliever than with the believer! Why? – Because there is too much teaching ‘against’ healing in the church! I had a blind woman in her 20s, totally blind. I said, ‘Jesus will heal you.’ But she cried – because the church had condemned her, saying she was blind because she had sinned. They brought me a little boy born blind – but the pastor of this church had condemned the mother, his own daughter, saying the child was blind because she had married an unbeliever! This is why it’s sometimes difficult to see Christians healed. But you tell the unbelievers the Word of God – that the sick will be healed if you believe – then they believe it without question! If you want healing, you’ve got to take it by faith! I’m not a healer, not a healing evan-

Father I pray for every sick person, send Your Holy Spirit, give a gift of faith – teach these people how to FIGHT for what they want on Your Word! Let them FIGHT on the promises of God! Stand! You weak-kneed cripples, jump up and down! Stand on the Word of God like I do! The Word says, ‘I am the Lord your God who heals you!’, ‘By His stripes we are healed!’ Father give them the faith to believe,


gelist – I cannot heal anybody – only Jesus can! That’s what I tell unbelievers. So they don’t say, ‘David heal me!’ And when they get healed they don’t say ‘David healed me.’ – They say, ‘I prayed, I called upon Jesus – and He worked the miracle!’ – Jesus gets the glory! I only want to talk about Jesus! Why did God allow me to have cancer twice? – To teach me faith! So that I would BATTLE like you have to, so that I would learn to DEFEAT sickness with the Word of God, like you have to. Where did my healing come from? – The Word of God! Where did my faith come from? – The Word of God! Why did God heal me of throat cancer in 1964, and lung cancer 11 years ago? I didn’t go to a healing evangelist. I FOUGHT in prayer like you have to! Today there’s nothing wrong with my voice or my throat! A GP told me throat cancer is the hardest cancer to

teach these Christians how to FIGHT! NOW! Let’s DEFEAT the devil in Jesus’ Name! If you want healing, put your hand where the sickness is and say this prayer with me: I know Jesus is alive, I believe the Bible, God cannot lie! Your Word says Jesus took my sickness and healed me

deal with! – But Jesus cut it out with a knife! The doctors who were going to operate saw the scar and asked me angrily, ‘Who did it?’ The reason I have the voice I have today is because God touched my throat! Do you want God to touch you? Well, FIGHT for your healing!! FIGHT for it!! COME ON!! We don’t take things lying down if we want things!! Where did Jacob get his power with God? – He WRESTLED with God! And when he won, God touched his thigh and said, ‘As a prince you have power with God!’ Most people want power from God – but I have power with God! Do you understand me? Yes?! Then FIGHT for your healing! Stand up and FIGHT! FIGHT the old devil! Where did sickness come from? If there were no devil, there would be no sickness! If there were no devil, you’d live for more than a 1000 years! FIGHT him!

– and I take my healing by faith. And in Jesus’ Name I will FIGHT in prayer and in the Word of God until I am healed! I COMMAND you devil, get out of my body! – My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, devil get out of my life, my home, my family – and in Jesus’ Name I DEFEAT you devil! And I will live in VICTORY until Jesus comes! Amen!

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Church wake up! We’re sleepwalking into disaster! God has a timing in everything. The steps of a righteous man are ordered, planned by the Lord – Psalm 37:23. At my age, looking back on my life, I see order, direction, planning and purpose, His perfect timing. People criticise me, but I want to do it God’s way. I know how strongly God speaks, and how strongly He leads! Right from the beginning God had a plan. Calvinism says we are predestined to be saved or lost – no choice. My father was a great man of God, converted in the Welsh revival, and when I was a boy we used to discuss predestination whilst washing up the dishes together after supper! My father put it like this: God in His foreknowledge doesn’t predestine that we are lost. It’s like a parent who sees his child running after a ball that’s going over the cliff – the parent rushes, not to stop the ball, but to save his child from falling off the cliff. That’s God. He sees, He knows in advance. We’re all born in sin, but Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world, and before sin, salvation came! God in His foreknowledge didn’t predestine that we would sin, but predestined a way of escape, of salvation! This is what encourages me: God has seen the end from the beginning! Katie, who edits this magazine, always reminds me how God spoke to me from Deuteronomy 4:32 in revelation about Europe and Israel, many years ago in 1993 – that God is about to do the greatest thing ever seen from the beginning of time until now! My whole ministry today is based on this. She reminds me that when I was preaching, I used the illustration that a


prophet normally is speaking on ‘Saturday’, looking at the following week, the future, prophesying what is going to happen. But as God gave me the vision for Europe, He did something very unusual. It was as if God put me on ‘Wednesday’, looking back on what had actually happened on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! The revelation was so clear, it was as if, in advance, I had seen it happen! This is how it is with God: He has seen the end from the beginning! God foresees. Before sin, our salvation was prepared! Bible prophecy is not a vague prediction, but a looking back from the future. God shows the direction the world is going in, and then calls you and me to fulfil it. Church wake up! We’re sleepwalking into disaster! ‘Revival’ is an awakening – but the Church is asleep! The Archbishop of Canterbury has said, if something doesn’t happen, the Anglican Church in Britain will disappear in less than 20 years! It will be replaced by Islam! Islam is following a prescribed pattern from the Koran: they intend to take Britain and Europe. The Caliphate that ISIS is declaring in Syria and Iraq is only a beginning. Lurking behind ISIS, Turkey does not forget the loss in 1917 of the last Caliphate (which was Turkish), and is determined to restore it. But the Church in the West is asleep – and it’s not dreaming about the return of Christ! Some Christians tell me that’s not going to happen for hundreds of years…! Islam is more aware of a return of a ‘Messiah’ than the Church! They’re looking for the 12th Mahdi to come to Jerusalem, and they also believe Jesus will return and become a Moslem! The Church should be on fire preaching forgiveness in Jesus’ Name! You can now see what Islam really is, openly in the media – they

cut your head off! Someone forwarded me an email from a missionary in Iraq. He said ISIS had just entered the town, that they had gone into the houses and targeted the children. They asked them to deny Christ and become Moslem. Not one child turned away from Jesus. In front of their parents ISIS cut off the children’s heads. The missionary said, ‘I cannot leave these people, I will probably be the next, this will be my last message.’ What are we doing? Wake up! Get on your knees, cry out to God, evangelise! The churches in Egypt have said, ‘Thank God for ISIS!’ Why? Because the people can now clearly see the difference between Islam and Christ! Jesus came with a message of love and forgiveness. Not hatred. Islam is a religion of fear, you live in bondage. From the time you get up in the morning till you go to bed at night, Islam dictates what you do, when you pray, what you eat, what you wear, the position your toilet faces – everything! Shariah law will cut off your hand, chop off your head. A religion of fear is now spreading faster than Christianity – but the message of the Cross is forgiveness, love. We should be on the streets everywhere sharing this hope! God so loved the world He sent His only Son that we might be set free! What a message, what a deliverance, what a glory! And the Church is asleep! The challenge between Islam and Christ is so great, churches should be growing everywhere, expanding, preaching the Gospel, bringing hope! Read the story Jesus told in Matthew 25 of the 5 wise and the 5 foolish virgins – the church! Why did Jesus say that when He, the bridegroom comes, the church will be asleep?! Half with no oil in their lamps! Why did Jesus say that

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by the time they go to the store to buy oil, then get back, THE DOOR IS SHUT?! Wake up! Jesus said the door is shut in the face of half the church! ‘Revival’ is ‘waking up’ to the truth of what’s going on! Revival is burning in my soul. I’m passionate. I have a passion for God and His Word! But the Church is asleep! I remember watching the news bulletin in 2003 when the British and American troops crossed the river Euphrates on their way to Baghdad. It was as if God suddenly opened up Revelation 9:14-15 to me – I wrote about it in this magazine at the time – I saw that the four demons, bound in the river for an hour, a day, a month and a year, were released – to slay the third part of men. It’s the only place in the Bible which specifies such an exactly precise time. Look back! Since 2003 there has been a complete disaster in the whole of the Middle East. What was unleashed in 2003 will not end until a third part of men are killed. We’re seeing it. In the Moslem countries every single day people are being killed, Moslem against Moslem, and against Christian. What has been unleashed is a war that has been going on for 1400 years between the Shia and Sunni followers of Mohammed. As much as they want to kill us, they want to kill each other. So we have a terrible war in the Moslem countries which will involve us. I believe we’re in the Tribulation now. How would I describe Tribulation? War is terrible, I lived through World War II. But in a normal war, you’ve got two armies fighting each other, recognisable enemies. What we have now is the fulfilment of what Jesus described as people so terrified, they’ll hide and cry out for the rocks and mountains to cover them from a terror – which today is in your own country! – Luke 23:30. Today

our security services are looking for terrorists whose job is to decapitate you! It’s limited at the moment, but even now they reckon there could be as many as 20,000 potential jihadists in Britain. Some of them are white converts! In Britain, more people are being converted to Islam than converted to Christ – because the Church is asleep! At what point will the Christian be delivered out of this terror? In many parts of the Moslem world there are hardly any Christians left. In the whole of the Middle East, Christian populations have been decimated – every country where this terror has broken out, the Christians are fleeing! Even under Saddam Hussein, Iraq used to be open to Christians – no more. Lebanon, Syria – used to be open to Christians – no more. Nigeria. We’re in a phenomenal battle. The slaughter of Christians could be another Holocaust! It troubles me that the Church in the West is asleep – and sleepwalking. But no! Don’t despair! Don’t be terrified! The answer to Islam is not in politics, not in dropping bombs – it’s in the Gospel! Romans 1:16 – the Gospel is the power of God! Pray! Get out there and win people for Christ! Do something! I believe that’s why God has raised me up for this time, for this purpose, in Europe, in Israel. My reaction is – get out there and evangelise! Jesus tells the story of the Wedding Feast. It’s ready and they send out for the invited guests, but everyone makes an excuse why they can’t come! So Jesus said, just get out there on the streets and bring anybody in – the poor, the deprived, the lame – until the house is full! The invited guests are the Church today – they will not turn up! These are the words of Jesus!

It burns into my soul! I want to be in the Kingdom! We’re not even the guests, we’re supposed to be the Bride of Christ! And the Church is sleepwalking… Wake your churches up! Pray! I can’t do anything without prayer. Before I went to my big outreach in Poland I was walking round a lake in Austria, discussing my problems with the Lord, how can I do these things, preach the Gospel, reach Catholics, heal the sick…? How did Jesus do it? He said to you and me, ‘Look at what I’m doing – you will do the same and greater!’ It was as if the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘When Jesus came to the earth, He did not come with power as a ‘divine being’ – HE LEFT EVERYTHING!’ He was called ‘Son of Man’. Yes, He was Son of God through His conception by the Holy Spirit, but when He came, He divested Himself of all heavenly power and authority – He was nothing more than you and me! So how did He work the miracles? Every time, before He preached or healed the sick, where did He go? To the mountain to talk to His Father! The power that He had was given to Him through His baptism in the Holy Spirit, through His temptations – and what Jesus had, every one of us can have! – His power came through His relationship with His Father through the Holy Spirit! Pray! Every single one of us can have the same power and the same relationship! Wow! If you KNEW this, you would be on fire! We’re in a spiritual battle! Fight it on your knees – God will answer you, we’ll never be defeated. If the Gates of Hell come against us, the power of God is stronger! Get on your knees! Read the Book! Stand up – believe and preach Christ! Do you want power? It’s in the Gospel!


When and how is the Lord coming back? Joel 3:14 says, ‘The day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision (Valley of Jehosophat).’ To me, Israel is in that Valley of Decision now and all the nations that are involved and touching Israel are in the Valley of Decision. And, to bring it into your life, many of us personally are in the Valley of Decision. That’s where I am, today. Zechariah 12:2-3 says, ‘Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people round about, when they shall be in siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All that involve themselves with it shall be cut in pieces.’ This is an incredible statement today! The whole battle in the Middle East, the Arab nations, centres on the question of Israel. It is being clearly said that the only stumbling block to peace in the Middle East and with the Moslem countries is – Israel. Whether it is America, Britain, the European Union or the United Nations – in every case they regard Israel as the stumbling block. Israel is being asked to give up the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the socalled ‘occupied territories’ they took in 1967. I know Israel. I’ve been going there since 1961, my tourist buses were regularly shot at! I was in Jerusalem in 1967 when the Six Day War broke out! Israel cannot give back the West Bank! If they give back those lands and withdraw from them, Israel will cease to exist. The narrow corridor between the international airport and Jerusalem is only 20 km wide; with the rockets and missiles the Arabs have, there is no way you could use the airport! During the rocket war in July last year, they had to close the airport to international flights for 36 hours! Since Israel gave up the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 11,000 rockets into Israel; over 5 million Israelis live under threat of rocket attacks; and more than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Most


rockets launched from Gaza into Israel are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest cities, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Hamas’ rockets threaten the majority of Israel’s population. America, Britain, the European Union and the United Nations all say that the only solution is two states – Israel living alongside Hamas. Obama in America no longer supports Israel. The EU actively supports Hamas with our tax payers’ money! And on 13 October last year, the British Parliament passed a (fortunately) non-binding motion, 274 votes to 12, to recognise Palestine as a State – now – without further peace negotiations! But Hamas doesn’t accept the existence of Israel! The constitution on which Hamas is based is committed to the destruction of Israel by jihad! That is the consensus of Moslems in the whole of the Middle East – get rid of Israel. What is Israel today? It’s a secular state. Tel Aviv is one of the most secular cities in the world. It has been targeted by the gay groups until it has become a world centre for homosexuality! Whilst we were there evangelising in 2013, they had their gay parade, the whole city was covered with their rainbow flags. The government is secular too, but within that you have every kind of group – Arabs, Orthodox Jews… But the Ultra Orthodox Jew doesn’t accept the existence of Israel as a state! They say Israel cannot become a nation state until Messiah comes! When you see all these divisions, you can understand the battle that’s going on! In November one of the key campaigners for the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount (which is not allowed by the Moslems) was shot in the streets, and the Arab who attempted this was killed, triggering another intifada within Israel’s borders. Who are the Palestinians? As a people, they don’t exist! ‘Palestine’ was simply a term of derision applied to the land by the Romans in AD70 after the fall of Jerusalem (‘Palestine’ being a name derived from Israel’s historic enemies

the Philistines)! Until 1948 Jews and Arabs (both Moslem and Christian), were living together in what the Romans had called Palestine and which Christians of every denomination historically also called Palestine or the Holy Land (see your Bible maps!!!). In the Middle East it was never known as Palestine. Under the Ottoman Caliphate (from 1516 until 1917) this small piece of their territory was just part of Greater Syria. Only because of church tradition was the name ‘Palestine’ officially given to this parcel of land when it became a British Mandate after World War I. All Jews and Arabs, by virtue of being born there or living there, were ‘Palestinians’ – that’s what their passports said!!! Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, all the Israeli heroes of those days – were Palestinian! Under the Ottomans, Jerusalem was not a centre for any group. Today Jerusalem is only a reason and a cause to get rid of Israel. Historically ‘Palestinians’ don’t have a claim. ‘Palestine’ is a 20th century British myth! In the Church, ‘replacement theology’ claims we have replaced Israel in God’s plan. Three months after the 1967 Six Day War, as a tour operator I was flown back into Israel by the government to demonstrate that they had peace. I was in a group of Christians, almost all of whom were against Israel! I was shocked at the anti-Israel, antiJewish spirit. Even some of the charismatic churches today are turning against Israel. But the Bible says the land will be restored to the Jews! And Zechariah 12 prophesies that in the last days, God says, ‘I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.’ That is exactly what is happening now! There is a great controversy over the return of Christ. Most people think that the battle preceding the return of Christ is Armageddon. The Valley of Megiddo is bordered by Mount Carmel and the hills of Nazareth – a vast area which would accommodate the armies of 200 million spoken of in the

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Bible. But this cannot be the return of Christ! The Bible says Jesus comes back to Jerusalem to establish a Kingdom and rule the world. Zechariah 12:8-9 says , ‘In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem… and in that day I shall seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.’ And v10, ‘I will pour upon the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication. They shall look on Me whom they pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son.’ That is, there will be mourning and repentance in Jerusalem. ‘In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and uncleanness.’ This clearly speaks of the redemption of the Jew. In the Gospels, Jesus said (Matt 24:14, Luke 21:24), the Gospel will be preached to the Gentiles until the ending of the times of the Gentiles, then Israel shall be saved. Romans 11:25-26 – ‘I would not that you be ignorant… that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved.’ This brings us to a great challenge – the preaching of the Gospel comes to an end!! Jesus said, there will be a time of darkness when no man can work – John 9:4. I hear people saying they are praying for revival, but they’re not doing anything, they’re waiting. But revival is here. I have revival. And if we don’t use what we have now whilst we’ve got it, it will be taken away!! People question me why I spend time and money to preach in certain areas? – It’s because God tells me the time to work in that place, and then the door closes!! Russia – God gave me the years to work there – now it’s closed. Ukraine – worked there – closing. Even the rest of Europe – closing. But the interesting thing is this: the door in Israel is wide open!! I’ve been working with the Holocaust survivors who accept me only because I’ve been

imprisoned in one of their prisons. Now, because of this, many other groups are opening up and want to hear. Why? Because God is working miracles as in the days of Jesus. Two thousand years ago only one thing convinced the people – the miracles! And the power and authority by which He spoke! How many converts did He make? When He died, how many were left? 120. Yet the seed was planted. And I believe that seed in Israel is ready now. On one of my last visits the taxi driver who took me to the airport turned to me and said, ‘Why did we kill Him – Yeshua? The whole of Israel is talking about Him. He was a good man, He worked miracles, He did nothing bad – why did we kill Him? Was He the Messiah?’ This is exactly what Scripture says, there will come a time when they will recognise He is the Messiah and will cry out for forgiveness – and God will hear them! – Zechariah 13:9. But, if we believe what Jesus said, the preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles will end when Israel is saved!! And if Israel is getting saved now, we’d better get in the Kingdom now, the door is closing! Let’s get on with the job while the door is still open!

critics say… Are we waiting for Armageddon? No. Thessalonians says, in the twinkling of an eye… Jesus speaks of the suddenness of His return. ‘Two in a field, one taken, the other left… Two in a bed…’ Sudden. Without warning. As a thief in the night... If it’s Armageddon, the whole world will know and be ready! Zechariah 14:1-4 says, ‘Behold a day of the Lord is coming… I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be taken.’ Jerusalem WILL be captured. – That’s the way it’s going! If the Americans withdraw their support from Israel, Israel WILL be defeated. The Bible is absolutely clear, the ONLY rescue for Jerusalem is when the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations – AND THEN HIS FEET SHALL STAND ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES! Outside Jerusalem. Not Armageddon! Zechariah 14:9,16: And the Lord shall be King over all the earth, and Jerusalem will be the capital of the world.

My ministry began in Israel in 1961. It changed everything. That’s the reason I gave up my church. All those years ago God was saying to me, ‘You have begun in Jerusalem, you will go into Russia, and you will end in Jerusalem!’ And suddenly, from 2011, God opened the door to effective evangelism in Israel. I believe this year, 2015, God will allow us to hold the biggest meeting ever in 2000 years. People oppose me because of the cost… But there is no cheap way. We have to get permission from the government, security will cost an enormous amount because we will be attacked – the government insist on security – then to get all the systems put in place, bring the people in (in Poland last year we paid for 603 buses to bring people from all over Poland and neighbouring countries – can you imagine what that cost us?!). But I believe God is wanting us to do it! And I am determined to do it, whatever the


The greatest gift that Jesus died to give us is – eternal life – with Him! The greatest curse we bear – came through Adam and Eve because of the devil – a truncated, troubled life – and eternal separation from God. If it is the loss of a child just conceived 10 weeks in the womb – the loss to the mother is a whole lifetime, a whole future. If it is the death of a sinner – the tragedy is that they died in sin. If it the loss of a beloved, revered parent, grandparent in their nineties – this is still a vacuum for those left behind. Death was not God’s will for us. His will from the beginning of time is eternal life with Him.

When my mother was preparing to die 15 years ago, I wept over her suffering and my anticipated loss. I was away on crusade in Russia, and crossing Moscow that day; we had network coverage on our mobile phones (unusual in those days). I called home, my mother had just passed away. For a moment I wondered how I would react – would I cry again? But I opened my Bible and read: ‘I would not have you be ignorant, concerning them that are asleep, that you sorrow not, as others do who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him… For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ will rise first: then we which


are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words… For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. Wherefore comfort yourselves.’ – 1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Thess 5:9-11. From that moment I never again grieved as I had done before my mother’s death – I was comforted. My father recently passed away at the great age of 97. He had spent the whole year preparing for his death and we had some precious times together in this shared knowledge. He lived at home, according to his wishes, right up until the very end of his strength. He was admitted to hospital the day that we flew out to Poland for our great evangelism there in September. I prayed he would not die without my seeing him one last time. The day I returned, my son drove me 5 hours down and 5 hours back – just to visit him in the hospital! He could still speak a little, not much. He managed to say to me, “I’m wondering when to give up?” I visited him in the hospital again the next and last weekend before he died. By this time it was almost impossible for him to speak – but he made a strong effort to find the words to say this precious thing, that he wanted to kneel at the feet

of Jesus. A few days later he finally did that. When I got the news from my sister who was at his bedside holding his still warm hand, my Bible opened at Daniel 7, and my eyes read where it says the thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days, Almighty God, took His seat, surrounded by millions of angels and hundreds of millions of saved souls! The next day I was in a large meeting in the UK where David was the preacher. The hall was packed, the singing of the Gospel songs was heartfelt – but in my heart I knew that even as we sang, my father was kneeling at Jesus’ feet together with the hundreds of millions of souls saved, singing from a knowledge and thankfulness that we cannot yet possibly imagine… I have never before had such an intense personal experience and reassurance of life ‘the other side of Jordan’ in the real Promised Land! Let us never forget our focus. God’s best gift to us – it’s not prosperity and blessing now, welcome as this is. Yes, I have resolved to obtain every blessing God has for me to possess by faith in this world – because we have a job to do for the Lord down here, and I will do it! But there is a day of RESURRECTION when those of us still alive and those souls asleep in Christ will be raised TOGETHER and be clothed with our heavenly INCORRUPTIBLE bodies for EVER! This is God’s highest and best will for us!


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PROPHETIC VISION© is published by Eurovision Publications Tel: + 44 (0)1924 453693 Fax: + 44 (0)1924 465326 email: This is a prophetic ministry of David Hathaway Editorial Director: David Hathaway Editor: Katie Morris Designed by Carl Varley ISSN 1358–698X Twitter: @DavidGHathaway

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