Prophetic Vision, Autumn 2016, #81

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David Hathaway No 81 Autumn 2016

David Hathaway – Perm, Russia – May 2016

I’m just like you! Two arms, two legs, with emotions and feelings like you. But I want to see the power of God on earth more than anything else in the world! More than money, more than position, more than anything! I WANT TO SEE THE POWER OF GOD! I’m very impatient. I’m not prepared to wait until I die to see the power of God. I want to see the power of God, down here – NOW! That is the whole purpose of my life. I’m determined to see this and I believe, according to Jeremiah 16:14, that God is going to work more miracles in the Russian-speaking territories, in the ‘land of the north’, than anywhere else in the world – until God begins to work even greater miracles in Israel – and Jesus comes back! There is no man in the world who has created so much attention as Jesus! He’s my best friend! Paul wrote in Romans 1:3-4: Jesus Christ, made of the flesh – a descendant of David – but declared to be the Son of God WITH POWER! That’s tremendous! Jesus Christ, declared to be the Son of God with a MASSIVE DEMONSTRATION OF POWER in His ministry here on earth! I love to see the power, the fire of God! The older I get, the more I understand the power God has, the more I realise the glory God has! I have a real ambition! But King David in the Bible also had an ambition, he wanted to build a Temple to show the glory of God! – It had to be the most magnificent building in the world! David set aside more than 3,750 tonnes of gold for it! No building in the world has ever been constructed with so much gold and so much value (about £60 billion in today’s money)! But what was it in David’s heart? He had in his heart to build something that would show the greatness of the glory of God on earth! He wanted to demonstrate that our God is the greatest God, WITH POWER! I’m called David, and all my life I have wanted to do something like this, to show how great our God is! I WANT to show His glory, His power, not in Heaven, but here on earth. This is why I always love to see so many miracles in my ministry – not because of me, but because of God! I want to show the world – without building a literal Temple – the power of God, His


glory! When I was put in that communist prison 44 years ago, threatened I would be there for a minimum of 10 years, I determined I would get out! I said, “Oh God, when Paul and Silas were in chains in the Bible, when they prayed, You had so much power, not just power to forgive sin and heal the sick, but power to change circumstances – You sent an earthquake, broke the chains, broke open the prison doors and set them free!” That was not a normal miracle! Many people don’t believe the miracles of the Bible can happen today. But God’s power doesn’t get less! If God could do it 2000 years ago, He can do it today! So I said, “You can get me out of the prison!” And God got me out by an absolute miracle. Because Romans 1:3-4 says: Jesus came in the flesh as the Son of God to reveal the power of God ON EARTH! God’s power is not just in Heaven, but ON EARTH. God’s power is everywhere – HERE ON EARTH! I determined, I demanded, that God would show His power HERE, on earth, by releasing me from the prison. He did! After only 10 months, He sent the British Prime Minister, who only came in answer to prayer! He told me, “I don’t know why I’ve come!” God sent him! The reason I wanted that miracle was not just to get me out of the prison, but to DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF GOD ON EARTH! If you want to see this power, you have to empty yourself first. Then it’s not you, it’s God, His power, His Holy Spirit in you. All my life I have sought to show who God is, to do the things which are impossible, to demonstrate His power. I challenge you: God wants to do the impossible through YOU! To do the things that others cannot do, that only God can do! When the power of God is in you, NOTHING is impossible. My Bible says that the things which are impossible with men are possible with God! My God is the God of miracles, of the impossible. I came to Russia all those years ago, to the ‘land of the north’, not just as an evangelist, but to find the power of God! I found the power of God, bigger miracles here, than anywhere else – more people healed, every kind of miracle! The power of God is in the land of the north

and I want to see that power released, to see the ‘Temple’ of God – here on earth! Jeremiah 16:14 says, the day will come when the people of Israel will forget their deliverance out of Egypt because the miracles God will work in the land of the north will be so great – and I believe that this means Russia!!! There is a famous English hymn, ‘Was the Holy Lamb of God on England’s pleasant pastures seen? … And was Jerusalem builded here?’ No, it’s not true, it was a dream... But I have a dream, a vision for the land of the north, for Russia – according to Jeremiah 16:14 – to see the power of God released – power so great, that the world will not look at men, but see the glory of God! I will not give up on this dream. I want to see the ‘Temple’ of God, the glory of God, built here... God CAN and WILL do it. I’m passionate to see men repent, to see miracles, so that people can see that God is not just in Heaven, that He’s here, in us, in you! I want to see His power until the whole world will recognise the power of God, here, in the ‘land of the north’, in fulfilment of Scripture! What a dream for an Englishman! There is only one book in the Bible which is not finished, that is still being written today – it’s the Acts of the Apostles. It was never meant to be a finished book. It began by describing the life of the early believers 2000 years ago, but it is intended that the final part of this book should be written by us, today! It was not God’s intention that His power on earth would get weaker and weaker, but that it would increase until Christ finally comes back in triumph! Jesus said concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit, that He, the Spirit, would enable us to do more than He, Jesus, did – that the ‘Revival’, which so many are praying for

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now, would be manifest in us as we are empowered to see GREATER signs, GREATER wonders, GREATER miracles than the early Church did!! How did Jesus work miracles and demonstrate the power of God on earth? Scripture says Jesus left all His power in Heaven to be born as a man, to live like you and me. So where did the power come from?!! Firstly, He could only begin His ministry after He was baptised in the Holy Spirit. And secondly, He spent time on the mountains. Before He worked the miracles, He was in prayer with His Father – He drew His power from God through the Holy Spirit! – And you and I must do the same! We NEED to spend MORE time in prayer! We’ve got to draw power from God, more of the Holy Spirit! I don’t have enough of God’s power, I want MORE. The older I get, the more power, the more strength I need – in order to demonstrate to the whole world who God is! We’ve got to show the fire and glory of God, here, to prove that our God is the greatest power in the world! A God who has power, authority, and still works miracles! We are facing a challenge with Islam. The town where I live in England, just a little over 60,000 people, is controlled by the Moslems. We have the largest training mosque in Europe, and recently we were named in the national newspapers as having the most militant Islamic group in Britain – all the bombers in England were trained here. The first Shariah Court in Britain was established here. But I was in Dewsbury first! And I am determined that from our town we shall see the glory and the power of God, because the God of Islam has no power. My God has ALL power, ALL glory. He’s the God of peace, of healing, not of death and terror. My God sent His Son Jesus into the world to destroy the power of the devil: ‘For this purpose was the Son of God revealed – on earth – to destroy the works of the devil!’ – 1 John 3:8. That’s why Jesus came! He came into this world to bring a Kingdom of love and power and peace – to bring forgiveness, to change lives – a God of miracles, a God of love! And we are called to demonstrate that! That’s why I want to see that power of God all over the world, everywhere I go!

The God of Israel is my strength, my deliverer, my healer! To me He’s my everything! All my hope, my glory is in God. That’s why I’m so determined that all over the world, people will see the power and glory of God – until His Kingdom finally comes on earth. The Bible says that one day, all the kingdoms of this world will be swept on one side, and Jesus Christ is to be King of kings, and Lord over all the earth. The Bible even tells me the end of the European Union... The EU is NOT of God, it’s from the devil, and God will destroy

it when Jesus comes back and sets up His Kingdom on earth. – Daniel 2:44-45. You and I belong to the Kingdom of God – NOW! But your Kingdom, the Kingdom I belong to, is not of this world, it is a Heavenly Kingdom! My life belongs to God NOW, my home is in Heaven, my glory is in Jesus – He’s my Deliverer and my Saviour. But wherever we are, in whichever country or nation we are now, we must show the glory of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His power on earth!

I WANT power with God, I WANT God to answer prayer! This is what God said to Jeremiah in Chapter 33:3 – it’s so strong: “CALL unto Me – and I WILL answer!” If I could teach you one thing, it’s to CALL on God – God WILL answer you! God says, “CALL, and when I answer, I will show you great and mighty things you don’t know!” I pray over this verse all the time! I’m crying out to God! I’m saying, “Oh God, You have PROMISED that You WILL answer me, and WHEN You answer me, You will show me POWERFUL things, BIGGER THAN ANYTHING I CAN DREAM ABOUT!” And God is saying to me, “I’m going to show you something you don’t know, you’re just a man. But I’m going to show you something BEYOND YOUR DREAMS, BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION – something so powerful – I’m going to open up Heaven, I’m going to show you My Glory, My Power – NOW!” I’m calling upon God every day to answer me! We’re going to see His Glory! In reality! Here on earth! POWER BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREAMS! If I could give you a gift, I would give you this verse, Jeremiah 33:3! I’m not giving up on God. In my life I’m going to see things never seen, a power and a fire and a glory! – It’s coming – and it’s coming fast! God’s going to do it! But the power, the glory, the Kingdom – has to begin in our hearts! The Jesus of the Bible lives today, works miracles today. – And YOU – your body – has to be the Temple of God here on earth! If you want the blessing of God, empty the sin out of your life, bring Jesus in! Then your body will be the Temple where Jesus lives – not in Jerusalem, but in your life!


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In May, whilst in Kiev preparing for the National Day of Prayer in Ukraine in June, David also travelled to Russia for ministry in one of the largest Russian churches, speaking to more than 2500 on the one day and seeing many unbelievers come to Christ, and many healed. For over 50 years David has given his life to the Russian-speaking countries: first in the Underground Churches under communism, bringing more than 150,000 Bibles to the persecuted Christians; then condemned to a communist prison in the

hardest years of the Cold War; then, after his miraculous release in 1973, openly evangelising in the communist countries before the Iron Curtain fell and the freedom came! Today there is nothing that can diminish his love for both Russian and Ukrainian people, nor hinder the call of God on his life to serve both these countries. This is why an important part of his ministry is to bring together the believers in both countries which are at war, to pray for peace and forgiveness.

Pain right side so bad she couldn’t sleep – healed!

Headaches, low blood pressure, couldn’t turn her head – healed!

Pain in her elbow, couldn’t move arm – healed!

Had injured her side, couldn’t turn – healed!

Pain in her arm, couldn’t lift it – healed!

Back pain – healed!

Pain in his knees – healed!

Profoundly deaf in left ear – both ears better!


God is moving in tremendous power. We are living in the last days before the return of Christ, in the fulfilment of the last prophecies before His return and His Kingdom here on earth! In Genesis 11 the Bible begins with the building of Babylon – and ends in Revelation 17&18 with the destruction of Babylon! In Genesis 11, Nimrod builds Babylon and the Tower of Babel to escape the judgement of God – rebellion! Later Israel, for her rebellion against God, is taken captive into Babylon. Then, in the last days, in Revelation, John speaks about the ‘Woman on the Beast’, a world power – and about her final destruction. Her name? – ‘Mystery Babylon’!

Daniel, in captivity in Babylon, was taken into the service of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream of an image of a man – which only Daniel was able to explain to him, saying, “There is a God in Heaven that reveals secrets and makes known what will happen in the latter days.” – Daniel 2:28. Significantly, according to Daniel’s interpretation, the image or statue represented successive world empires, kingdoms of this world – ALL descended from the Kingdom of Babylon, the head of gold. The chest and arms of silver represented the MedoPersian Empire which was first to overthrow the Babylonian Empire. Then the belly and thighs of bronze – the Greek Empire. Then the legs of iron – the Roman Empire – which was in existence in the time of Christ. And then, Daniel said, the feet of this last empire would be a mixture of iron and clay and would be destroyed by the ‘stone not made with hands’ when the God of Heaven Himself will set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and shall stand for ever – the Kingdom of Christ on earth! – Daniel 2:31-45. The Babylonian Empire was in fact destroyed by the Medo-Persians – in Babylon. The Medo-Persian Empire was


destroyed by the Greeks – in Babylon. The Greek Empire was destroyed by the Romans – in Babylon. In the time of Christ, the Roman Empire covered most of the known world – North Africa, Israel and the whole of the Middle East, Europe – and even Britain was part. Jesus lived under the Roman Empire! But after Christ, under Emperor Constantine, the power of the Roman Empire entered into the Church! The Church divided into two, the Western Roman Catholic Church based in Rome, and the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church based in Constantinople. With the power of the Roman Empire in the Church, came the corruption. In Germany you had the ‘prince bishops’ – secular men wielding spiritual authority! The Bishop’s Palace in Würzburg, Germany, is the most corrupt, depraved building you could go into – every kind of sin is depicted on its walls! But the last of the Empires that Daniel translated is the feet of iron and clay, the European Union.

more than 50 years I’ve worked in Europe, I’ve studied Europe, I understand Europeans. I sense what the feelings are in Europe. I’ve just come back from Europe, from a big conference in Amsterdam where they asked me specifically to speak on Europe; in Holland amongst the people there is a rebellion against the European Union. When I talk to ordinary people, all across Europe, there is a sense of rebelling against what’s happening. But the politicians, the governments all have a short term view! They have a 4-year view with their eye on being re-elected to power. They don’t see a longer view. But God has given me a prophetic vision – as Christians, we can see, not just the short term, but the longer term, the beginning and the ending. I see the beginning and the ending of the European Union – the Bible is absolutely clear! God called me to Europe, and when He did, He showed me the whole truth behind the European Union.

I love Europe. I have offices in Europe - in Germany, in Estonia, Poland, Switzerland. I have staff in Europe. My ministry is as an evangelist in Europe. I LOVE Europe. From my earliest days when I was seeking God for direction, God made it absolutely clear that my ministry was Europe. For

How did the Continent get its name, Europe? It came from Greek mythology. Remember, when Jesus gave His revelation to John on Patmos, the common language and culture of those days in the whole Eastern part of the Roman Empire was Greek. The New Testament was written in Greek. Greek mythology was well known and understood. One myth, known from ancient times as ‘The Rape of Europe’ tells that the Father of the gods – Zeus – saw a beautiful princess named Europa (Europe) on the shores of what is today Israel and Lebanon, took the form of a bull and raped her! She then was taken up and became the ‘Queen of Heaven’, and the constellation known as Taurus (the bull) was named after Zeus’ part in this myth! The continent we live in is named after this woman, and all down through the centuries the depiction of her rape by the bull has been a symbol of our continent – including on several first century Roman coins! It has been extensively used as one of the key symbols of the European Union from the start. All Europe

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David Hathaway – in Amsterdam and London – May 2016

is filled with images of this woman being raped: on bank notes and coins (including the Greek 2 euro coin – looking just like the 1st century Roman coins), on telephone cards and postage stamps, on the Berlin Wall, as a painting in the European Parliament Building in Strasbourg and as a statue outside the Council of Europe in Brussels, also in the squares of the capital cities of member states! Yet this is the Woman on the Beast Jesus spoke of in Revelation 17 whose name is Mystery Babylon! Do you see how demonic the spirit behind the EU is?!! And there’s more! In 2000 they built a new Parliament Building in Strasbourg. Our German office is just on the other side of the Rhine, so we went there to see for ourselves! The building is constructed as an exact replica of the Tower of Babel (Babylon) as seen in the 16th century painting by Dutch artist Brueghel. I was shocked! I asked the people, “Why have you built the EU Parliament Building as the exact image of Babel?” – In the Bible Babel represents rebellion against God! They built the tower saying, ‘We’ll make a name for ourselves, and if God destroys the world by a flood, we’ll climb up the tower and escape His judgement!’ They wanted to lift themselves up above God Himself! But before they could finish building, God came down in power, scattered all the people and confused the languages so that they could no longer conspire together against Him! So I asked in Strasbourg, “Why did you build your Parliament Building in the exact image of the unfinished Tower of Babel in Brueghel’s painting?” They said, “We built it like this because the European Union will finish what we failed to do three thousand years ago!” The foundation of the EU is rebellion against God! The EU DELIBERATELY identifies itself with Babylon, with the Tower of Babel – and with the Woman on the Beast, Revelation 17, whose name is – MYSTERY BABYLON!!! So the EU is the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream interpreted by Daniel, the final world empire descended from the Head of Gold, the Babylonian Empire – which is always in opposition to God’s Kingdom on earth! What I have been trying to show since I produced my film, ‘The Rape of Europe’ in 2000, is that this same bull, this ‘Father of the gods’ that raped Europe in the

myth – WILL COME INTO EUROPE – and bring destruction! Read how awful that destruction is in Revelation 17&18! Who is this bull? The symbol of Islam is the crescent moon, the symbol of the moon god – who is depicted – as a bull! It shocks me that so many people believe that the Moslems worship the same God that we worship. Even the Pope, in his own video prayer e-send at the beginning of the year, is saying that it is the same God! They are not the same! People can’t see the difference!!! I’ll tell you the difference. The Koran says, and it is written inside the Dome of the Rock, where the Temple once stood, ‘God has no need of a Son’! But OUR God SO LOVED the world, He sent His Son to save the world from sin! There is NO salvation under Islam. Salvation is ONLY in the Name of Jesus! The Bible says, there is NO other Name under Heaven whereby men can be saved! Only the Name of Jesus! We have to stand firm! The Pope was saying in January, all religions are the same, and that there are many ways to find God. The Pope’s desire is to unite every religion and create a ‘World Church’... But the whole purpose of ‘Babylon’ is to destroy the True Church! Not just by killing and by persecution at the hands of Islamic extremism as in Syria and Iraq, but by a compromising Church and secular society weakening our faith! Migration from Moslem countries is not an accident, it is a deliberate policy. Mohammed COMMANDED migration of the whole Moslem community from Medina to Mecca in order that he could take control of Mecca! The Koran is clear: any Moslem who migrates and does NOT assert his religion, but instead assimilates into another culture, is destined for hell; but every Moslem who migrates to promote his religion for the sake of Allah receives greater blessing in paradise! They believe that! And look at Turkey. To help bring the migration problem in Europe under some degree of control, Turkey demanded that from June 2016 the EU would grant Turks visafree travel across Europe! Another 79 million people allowed to come into Europe! Moslems! It’s out of control! Until our leaders come back to God, they are blind and cannot solve the problem! There is a demonic spirit controlling our leaders! And not only in the EU, but in the whole world. NONE of our leaders tell us the truth. ONLY God has the answer!

And God will demonstrate His power when we, as believers, call on Him!!! God says, ‘If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land!’ – 2 Chronicles 7:14. If we want to see God heal our land in Britain, in Europe – we have to pray! And when we pray, God WILL answer! We’re living in the day of miracles. There is coming a time in Israel when I shall see Orthodox Jews, Messianic Jews, Evangelical Christians, Catholics, unbelievers coming together to CRY out to God to deliver them! That’s what the Bible says! The Bible says Jesus ONLY comes back when the WHOLE nation of Israel comes together to cry out to God. And these are the words they will pray: “Oh that You would rend the Heavens and come down, that the mountains might flow down at Your Presence!” – Isaiah 64:1. THIS is the power of God! The Bible says in Daniel 2:34-35, the European Union will be destroyed by the rock which is Christ! God will replace the EU and the whole world Babylonian system – and we will have the Kingdom of God on earth! I’m looking beyond the European Union to the return of Jesus Christ, when He will rule the world for 1000 years, and the Bible says, the government will be on His shoulders! Not on an American President, not a British Prime Minister, not any German Chancellor – the government will be on HIS shoulders! – Isaiah 9:6. Jesus is KING of kings, LORD of lords! A God of power! What will be the end of the EU? – It’s when Jesus comes back in power, in glory, to set up His Kingdom, not in Heaven, but here on earth! I don’t despair! The EU will be destroyed – but not by the Americans or the Russians – by Jesus! He’s coming to rule the world – together with us! It’s the parable of the talents. Jesus said, “Well done, good and faithful servant” – Matt 25:23 – “I will make you rulers over cities.” – Luke 19:1219. How is He going to rule the world? He needs those who give their lives to Him. He wants YOU to surrender YOUR life to Him, because we will be judged and rewarded in the Kingdom on our faithfulness in service now. Give your lives afresh to Christ! And tell others. Preach the Gospel. Jesus IS coming – very soon – sooner than most are anticipating!


UKRAINE 18 JUNE 2016 – NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING – AND GOD IS ANSWERING! On June 18 David called a National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Ukraine. More than 6500 were checked through security into the prestigious National Sport Palace in the centre of Kiev. Because of the crisis – the bitter war that has been waged on East Ukraine territory for the last two years, and still goes on – leaders and members of all different Christian confessions came together for the first time in the history of Ukraine, in unity and humility, to call on God with one voice to restore and deliver their broken and divided nation. The Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine was supported by the ‘Ukrainian Inter Church Council’, representing more than 800 churches. They carried our Pray For Ukraine website as their own Home Page and continued to do so afterwards with followup reports on the event. Also supporting this Day of Prayer was the supreme religious council, ‘All Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organisations’ representing more than 10 million believers in Ukraine. Because of their very high position with the government, government members were informed of the Day of Prayer, including the Minister of Culture, and the promise is that next year even the President himself will be involved. The three-hour event was broadcast live by CNL TV worldwide, by two other European Christian TV channels and one national radio channel reaching Russian-speaking peoples in Ukraine, Russia and in Europe, and live news coverage was taken by 4 State TV channels. Churches gathered together in halls in cities all over the nation to join in the prayer by live uplink.


David lifted the level of faith in the arena when, from the very start, he called on God to remove the tanks from Ukraine territory, stop the fighting and bring peace into every heart. He told how God has always answered his prayers in the crisis – when he was healed of cancer twice, and when he was delivered from a communist prison in the hardest days of the Cold War. Then he told how King George VI called Britain to prayer seven times – in the crisis – in World War II and how God delivered the nation every time by a miracle. David said, “What the politicians can’t do in Ukraine, what the military can’t do – GOD CAN!” Prayer was opened by the President of the Ukraine Bible Society (former President of the Baptist Union), Dr Commendant. Other participants in the public prayer were a representative of the Greek Catholics, Bishops from the Baptist Unions, the two biggest Pentecostal Unions, Charismatic and Independent Unions and the Senior Rabbi of the Messianic Congregation in Ukraine. The Christian leaders of Ukraine understand that their country is beset by three threats. Firstly internally, by the sin of the nation before God, its own corruption. Secondly, by the external military pressures on its Eastern border, resulting in daily bloodshed and acts of extreme violence. Thirdly from the West, by the pressure the EU is imposing on Ukraine (as a candidate for membership of the Club) to demonstrate conformity to ‘European values’ which, by their very nature, deny God and Biblical Christian values. The Church leaders knelt before God to ask for forgiveness for the broken

foundations of their society. They had told us back in January when we began to plan for this day, ‘If we as a nation were right before God, we would not have bloodshed on our soil.’ They called on God to help them rebuild their nation on Biblical principles, in every sphere of life, so that peace can be restored to their land and to the hearts of the people: “Peace and forgiveness is a miracle which only God can work in our hearts – when we turn to Him.” The day concluded with a public commitment to come together as a nation before God every year to thank Him and recommit to Him. Also a public commitment to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of Europe living under the godless system of so-called ‘European values’. And then David led the people in passionate, heart-felt prayer for the Russian nation. Within hours after the finish, the reports were coming in from several other countries who had watched the Prayer Service and were asking David to do the same in their nations, especially in Belarussia, Lithuania and Slovakia – but even possibly in Russia itself. And that same evening, Dr Commendant, President of the Bible Society in Ukraine who followed David’s opening message with the main time of prayer, received exciting information: a phone call from the Greek Catholic representative, who shared that intensive armed fighting in Donetsk had suddenly stopped – just after the prayer in the Sport Palace! God is answering!

Following the Russian annexation of Crimea in March 2014, a bitter war broke out in East Ukraine, when Russianbacked separatists seized control of a number of towns and declared independence. A peace agreement, signed in Minsk in February 2015, only slowed, but did end the war. The killings continued‌



THE IDEA… David conceived the idea of a National Day of Prayer for Ukraine at the end of last year. Having given over 50 years of his life to ministry in Ukraine, he is very concerned about the events that are currently taking place there. For over two years Ukraine has been in a state of military and political crisis. Armed confrontation on the Eastern border, unstable internal economic situation, political conflicts – all these keep the Ukrainian people under constant tension. Many times in his own life, David has seen God’s powerful answers to the desperate prayer of faith. This is why he called on all Ukrainian believers and non-believers to unite in prayer to God that He will change the whole country. Many churches and organisations of every denomination

joined with David in the serious work of preparation, and key Bishops put their names to the Declaration of the Day of Prayer. To publicise the Declaration, we took the whole front page of the widely read and well-respected national newspaper, ‘Facts and Comments’. This was published across the nation just days before the actual event. Then on the day before the event, a Press Conference was held and broadcast by four State TV channels, one national radio channel reaching Russian-speaking peoples in Ukraine, Russia and in Europe, CNL TV worldwide, and by two European Christian TV channels reaching the Russian-speaking diaspora in Europe.

THE DECLARATION… David and the Bishops of Ukraine issued this Declaration for the National Day of Prayer and fasting – published in the major national newspaper, ‘FACTS AND COMMENTS’: WE BELIEVE THAT God wants to see Ukraine united, indivisible, with liberty, peace and justice for everyone; physically and morally healthy; socially fair, lawful and democratic; spiritually, culturally, scientifically, ecologically developed; and economically prosperous.


WE DECLARE THAT The problems in Ukraine will not be solved solely by political, military or diplomatic means – but they will be solved by Almighty and Merciful God, if we together, as one nation, humbly and with faith, ask Him in prayer. 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 ‘If My people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’

THE PRAYERS… The miracle was the unity on the platform as the leaders of every Christian group in Ukraine prayed with extraordinary passion, united by the one declaration of the Power of God as the only hope to deliver the nation and stop the war and the invasion in the East. The Christian leaders of different denominations who had never before in the history of the Ukraine come together in unity, prayed in unity and shared the platform to declare the Power of God to deliver. In a powerful move of the Holy Spirit, they repented of their own sins – and the sins of the nation – and asked for forgiveness. Then at the end, as they gathered on the platform and embraced each other, having honoured David for his initiative in calling for and facilitating this national event, they asked him to make the final prayer – what would he like to pray for in conclusion? He replied, “I would like to pray for Russia!” Everyone joined David in the prayer for Russia, for repentance, forgiveness and healing: those present who had suffered through the war in East Ukraine and those who had joined us from occupied Crimea – all asked God to help us forgive those who have sinned against us. Some wept, others cried out in prayer, lifting their hands throughout the arena as David asked them to pray with him. The thousands present – and those watching online – were amazed as they saw their divided leaders praying together, embracing one another. They wept with the leaders, prayed with them and glorified God as never before. Never since the days of the last war when King George VI called Britain to prayer in the darkest days of that war, has a whole nation responded to such a crisis with such powerful prayer. In the words of the Bishops: “We have never felt so much responsibility for our nation as we feel today. All political,

diplomatic and military efforts have come to nothing. We recognise that everything, whether victory or defeat, happens first in the spiritual realm, then manifests in this life, as when Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses as he cried out from the mountain for his nation on the battlefield below. Today is a spiritual breakthrough in the history of Ukraine. Our people, our land, are bleeding – we are all touched by this pain. The earth, the economy, are crying because of the sin of the people – God is judging us. Oh God our Father, forgive us! We recognise that the only answer is in Christ. We, as the Church, have the responsibility to bring peace into the hearts of the people. We do not do not condemn, we’re asking for grace for the healing of the heart. The Holy Spirit is the only One able to bring this peace, the only One able to penetrate where the pain is. Ukraine, get on your knees! Ask forgiveness for the sin, the corruption, the conflicts in our land. The only answer is Jesus! May the Spirit of Peace be released throughout Ukraine!” When you realise that the metal detectors at the entrance found 56 knives, 4 electric Tasers and 2 guns, you realise that the enemy was at the gates – but did not enter the arena! Not one disturbance – no one ejected – only ourselves in the Holy Presence of God – with such a sense of repentance from every spiritual leader. What more can we say? In David’s own words, whose own father was converted in the Welsh Revival, “I’ve not seen a whole nation so moved since the Welsh Revival, and now I see how God will sweep through this nation as we continue praying – and will not stop – until the guns fall silent, the tanks retreat and the Ukrainian border is restored. Then the world will see the Glory of our God!”

God works miracles – today – here in Europe! With your own eyes you could see it in the meetings David Hathaway held in TOS Church and Ministry Centre, Tübingen, Germany, in April! As a full time evangelist for over 65 years, David shared his amazing life’s experiences and preached the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with fire, humour and great energy. As a result, many gave their lives to Jesus and even more were miraculously healed and experienced the power of God for themselves. In this atmosphere of faith, liver problems disappeared,


knee, ear and eye problems, also problems with arms and shoulders, injuries from accidents – and much, much more! Some diseases that had caused problems for months and even years, disappeared instantly, many more were significantly better. David first met with the people from TOS in 1992. He was holding a crusade in Belarussia, and somehow he had heard of a group from Germany who were walking more than 1,100 miles from Berlin to Moscow on one of their now world-famous prayer and reconciliation walks. Known as the ‘March of Life’, (in contrast to the Death Marches which were the final Nazi attempt to destroy European Jews before Germany itself was defeated by the Russian and Western Allies), these marches are taking place all

over the world to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. As the people of TOS recall, suddenly on this lonely road – in the middle of nowhere in the forests of Belarussia – appeared a British registered car, which stopped, and – out got David! This divine appointment has never been forgotten by TOS, nor the life-changing impact on the church of his ministry of signs and wonders. David has watched the church and its missions grow in faith and power for over 20 years – a whole generation has grown up in this time!!! The spiritually hungry young ones 20 years ago are today the mature leaders in this missionary work – and their babies, their children, have become the hungry young generation, eager to serve God!

Prophetic P rophetic

Ester – neurodermatitis for 18 years – when she prayed, the red patches disappeared!

Judith – eyesight blurred after 25 years wearing contact lenses – “Now I see clearly!”

Couldn’t lift his arm because of the pain – healed!

Pain in shoulder and head – gone!

Severe toothache and tinnitus – better!

Pain in meniscus in knee – gone!

Pain in shoulders – gone!

Eye problems for 10 years, surgery restored sight to 80% – but now it’s 100%!

Pain her left knee – gone!

Pain in her hips – gone!

Couldn’t turn her head after car accident – healed!

Healed of prostate cancer almost 30 years ago in David’s Karlsruhe East/West Conference!


Katie Morris I have a friend in Northern Ireland. Often the Lord takes her outside to look at the migrating swans at the very moment when they fly over her house on their flight path, spring and autumn, to and from Iceland, 800 miles over the ocean. She tells me, it fills her with awe as she hears the loud ‘whoop whoop’ trumpet call of these large flying birds, the whooper swans, flying low in ‘V’ formation as they journey back and forth on their non-stop flight. Each time it impacts her that in life God desperately wants to teach us the unrealised power of flight, where flying represents freedom in the Holy Spirit. Freedom in being the person that God created us to be; an act of faith in believing for a ‘flight path’ in the substance of a way not seen, trusting our Heavenly Father always to deliver us to His promised destination. What appears completely impossible, God makes easy – just as He does for these majestic swans who follow their route with an inbuilt God-given compass to direct them, even in the fiercest of storms and the darkest of nights. This year in the ministry life is too hard and fast – too much travelling, too much office work, too often in public, too little time in private. In service, on duty – it seems round the clock. Family and friends are concerned, can I continue to live like this? – But I want to! So I am seeking God’s help as never before! In Tübingen in April, a member of the


church, when raising an offering, referred to a video clip the congregation had recently seen of migrating birds, and he reminded the people of what Jesus said: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” – Matthew 6:26. I must confess, until that precise moment I had never been much impressed with this saying (even though Jesus said it!), because the image in my mind was of an insignificant bird hopping and darting from tree to grass to tree – a twig for the nest, an insect for food… Not very complicated, nothing special about that... But now, at this very moment of the offering, the Holy Spirit grabbed my attention!!! Those migrating birds my friend was always talking about… How amazing God’s care for them! Yes, that was one of the things that convinced Job of the greatness of God: ‘Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread its wings toward the south?’ – Job 39:26! We don’t have the wisdom – God has it! Ask the birds themselves – they have no idea and couldn’t answer you! But God knows how to get us from here to there in our complicated, uncertain lives! I must admit, if I were a bird, and I knew I was going to have to leave my familiar place of rest and go to a far and

strange country on the other side of the world, I might never agree to fly! I would be panicked by the details and the unknowables and the impossibles!!! The craziness of it! But how extraordinary that the birds know the exact moment when to migrate! How extraordinary that, little as they are, they can fly the most amazing distances, stop at the best feeding places, arrive safely – then do the whole journey in reverse! Just think about the tiny little sand martin that nests in holes in the canal banks near our office in Dewsbury. Every year it flies off to Africa, and every year, returns to its very own nesting place here, in Dewsbury!!! Jesus said, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God! But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows!!!” These are not empty, wishful words with no meaning – they are FACT! Yes, Jesus WANTS us to think about the birds, about God’s care for them. And how much greater His care is for us!!! Peter – remember, he failed the Lord desperately in the Judgement Hall the night before the crucifixion – wrote to us with passion: “Cast ALL your cares upon the Lord, because HE CARES FOR YOU!” – 1 Peter 5:7. THIS is our flight path through life!!!

Kat ie

The Ministry of

David Hathaway



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PROPHETIC VISION© is published by Eurovision Publications Tel: + 44 (0)1924 453693 Fax: + 44 (0)1924 465326 email: This is a prophetic ministry of David Hathaway Editorial Director: David Hathaway Editor: Katie Morris ISSN 1358–698X Twitter: @DavidGHathaway

All intellectual property rights however arising in relation to this publication including its name which may exist in any law throughout the world are vested solely in David Hathaway

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